Re: speaking of purp...

1998-06-07 Thread Anders Karlsson

On Sat, 6 Jun 1998, Rob Walker wrote:

>I really like it!  I did an 'rpmfind purp', 'wget purp', 'rpm -ihvv
>purp' and am now using it.  

Nice to hear that you like it! It's very nice that people finds Purp
usefull! :-)

>Can I add things to the rpm install command line?  I *need* to add
>' --relocate /usr=/usr/local ' to the command line, and if that does
>not work, I add ' --relocate /usr=/usr/local --badreloc ' to the
>command line.
>If I could do that, or somehow modify what purp uses for it's 'rpm
>command', that would help alot.

Unfortunately there aren't any way to add custom attributes, like the one
you need to add, in this version. Purp doesn't use the command 'rpm' when
managing the packages, Purp uses rpmlib, which is the library that 'rpm'
uses. I have to think about how to implement such a function, but i hope
to be able to implement it in next major release.

For the moment I'm rewriting major parts of Purp from scratch, since the
code is rather quick and dirty in the current releases. For example it's a
mixup between C and C++, which of course isn't very nice to maintain. 

There will soon be a version 0.2.1, which will fix some problems that
emerged after installing RedHat 5.1. More information will be available on
the Purp-homepage, .

Thanks for writing! :-)

With best regards,

 Anders KarlssonE-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Rydsvägen 246 C.36WWW: 
 SWEDEN Lysator academic computer society:
 Phone: +46-13-261010  WWW: 

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speaking of purp...

1998-06-07 Thread Rob Walker

[author of purp has been cc:ed]

I really like it!  I did an 'rpmfind purp', 'wget purp', 'rpm -ihvv
purp' and am now using it.  

However, I have one question.  

Can I add things to the rpm install command line?  I *need* to add
' --relocate /usr=/usr/local ' to the command line, and if that does
not work, I add ' --relocate /usr=/usr/local --badreloc ' to the
command line.

If I could do that, or somehow modify what purp uses for it's 'rpm
command', that would help alot.

have fun,

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