Re: Cagliotti and Other Issues

2009-03-23 Thread Alan Hewat
> According to the ccp14 news site the wiki (I guess from apparent lack
> of interest) was recently deactivated after a ccp14 web server upgrade.

In practice, people use whatever is available in the refinement programs
(sometimes blindly :-) The authors of those programs have already spent
considerable effort in writing manuals, and users should be encouraged to
read those as a first step :-)

The Rietveld mailing list
is also a useful source of different opinions on techniques.

Often wikis are well done, but sometimes represent wacky opinions of a few
individuals. Google itself is often a better source of information. And of
course most refereed papers are now available on the WWW, and can readily
be found with google.

BTW Mike Glazer is right that people should be more concerned with
physical-chemical tests of their structure, rather than trying to get the
lowest possible R-factor by refining more parameters.
Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE

Re: Cagliotti and Other Issues

2009-03-23 Thread Vincent Favre-Nicolin

> I wonder if we should, as a community, put some of this stuff on
> wikipedia, or another such place.  In other words, distill the
> community's collective knowledge in a single place that can be updated
> in the future, and also curated for correctness also by the community.
> What are people's thoughts on this?  Rietveldipedia?

   Some time ago I told William Bisson (ccp14 secretary) that it would be 
great to have a CCP14 wiki - which he added quickly (see his message to the 
list on 2007/06/18). Unfortunately this did not get popular (to my great 
shame I must say I did not add any information to that wiki...).

   According to the ccp14 news site the wiki (I guess from apparent lack of 
interest) was recently deactivated after a ccp14 web server upgrade. But I 
guess if there is interest it would be good to have it started again ? CCP14 
seems like a nice place to collect that information, especially as a wiki 
data can be easily duplicated and would not be lost over time.

   The ccp4 project has several wikis which seem to be working quite well: 
- user wiki @
- developper wiki @

Vincent Favre-Nicolin

CEA Grenoble/INAC/SP2M
Univ. Joseph Fourier (Grenoble)

ObjCryst & Fox

Re: Cagliotti and Other Issues

2009-03-23 Thread Leonid Solovyov

Dear Simon,

I think it would be nice to have an open web-resource summarizing good practice 
of full-profile refinement, especially if it is supported by real diffraction 
data for, say, simple widely available standards (quartz, silicon, corundum 
etc.) measured at various diffractometers and fitted using different models.
Comparing data and refinement results might help answering such "intimate" 
questions like:
- How good is the program I use (or going to use)?
- What kind of model and parameters are the best for this or that setup and 
- Is my instrument efficient enough and well aligned?
- Whether the instrument I plan buying or the beamline I think visiting is that 
good as the advertisement suggests?
So, the benefits are evident and the "only" problem is to find a coordinator of 
the movement - is it you, Simon? ;-) 


Leonid A. Solovyov
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

--- On Sun, 3/22/09, Simon Billinge  wrote:

> From: Simon Billinge 
> Subject: Cagliotti and Other Issues
> To: "rietveld_l" 
> Date: Sunday, March 22, 2009, 8:50 PM
> Dear Rietvelders
> What is the most complete and authoritative source for
> issues such as
> profile function definitions, what is their scientific
> basis, and when
> are they appropriate to use, etc.?  I am guessing
> there is not
> one-stop-shop solution (Young's book? GSAS manual? Rietveld
> list
> archive?) but advice on this would be helpful.
> I wonder if we should, as a community, put some of this
> stuff on
> wikipedia, or another such place.  In other words,
> distill the
> community's collective knowledge in a single place that can
> be updated
> in the future, and also curated for correctness also by the
> community.
> What are people's thoughts on this?  Rietveldipedia?
> S


RE: Cagliotti and Other Issues

2009-03-22 Thread Davor Balzar
Dear All:

Indeed, despite some more advanced approaches to modeling diffraction line
shapes, the good, old Cagliotti function is still in use probably for
historical reasons (as it is the case with many other things in sciences).
However, to be fair to (practically all major) Rietveld programs, the
original Cagliotti function (Gaussian term) was a long time ago amended by a
Lorentzian contribution (linear in FWHM as opposed to a quadratic Gaussian
term). This term immensely helps to accurately model high-resolution
measurements, both x-ray and neutron (see, for instance examples of ESRF and
ISIS data in Size-Strain Line-Broadening Analysis of the Ceria Round-Robin
Sample, Journal of Applied Crystallography 37 (2004) 911-924--article and
data available at

As discussed in this thread, the original Cagliotti function often gets into
trouble because of the square root of a negative number. Bill David
described a much better function. Thus, the general approach described by
Bill and in the article cited above is to refine coefficient of a function
used on a pattern obtained from a suitable "standard", such as LaB6, and
then fix them (unfortunately, not always possible for all instruments,
because some instrumental parameters depend on the angle in the same way as
the strain term in the Bragg-Brentano geometry). Moreover, for
high-resolution data it might be helpful to add a Lorentzian FWHM to that
expression and then post it to Wikipedia or perhaps publish a paper... :-)


> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Simon Billinge
> Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 2:50 PM
> To: rietveld_l
> Subject: Cagliotti and Other Issues
> Dear Rietvelders
> What is the most complete and authoritative source for issues such as
> profile function definitions, what is their scientific basis, and when
> are they appropriate to use, etc.?  I am guessing there is not
> one-stop-shop solution (Young's book? GSAS manual? Rietveld list
> archive?) but advice on this would be helpful.
> I wonder if we should, as a community, put some of this stuff on
> wikipedia, or another such place.  In other words, distill the
> community's collective knowledge in a single place that can be updated
> in the future, and also curated for correctness also by the community.
> What are people's thoughts on this?  Rietveldipedia?
> S
> 2009/3/20 May, Frank :
> > Back to basics and First Principles
> >
> > As Alan says, the [use of the Cagliotti function is
> appropriate for the neutron case], "but not really for X-ray
> and other geometries."
> >
> > My recollection is the Cagliotti function was adapted to
> the x-ray case when we had low resolution x-ray instruments
> and slow (or no) computers.  Now that we have high resolution
> instruments and fast computers, why does this inappropriate
> function continue to be used?
> >
> > On another note, the world is venturing into the infinitely
> small realm of "nano-particles."  The classical rules for
> crystallography work very well for ordered structures in the
> macro-world (particles of the order of micron-sizes).  
However, as the particles become smaller, does one not need to > address the
contribution of the "surface" of the particles?  
> The volume of the "surface" becomes much greater relative to
> the volume of the "bulk" of the crystal.  Models today
> account for "stress" and "strain" in the macro-world.  As the
> relative fraction of the "bulk" becomes smaller, both the
> physical structure as well as the mathematics used to
> describe the bulk suffer from termination-of-series effect,
> do they not?  Does any of this make sense?  Any thoughts?
> >
> > Frank May
> > St. Louis, Missouri  U.S.A.
> >
> > 
> >
> > From: Alan Hewat []
> > Sent: Fri 3/20/2009 2:13 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: UVW - how to avoid negative widths?
> >
> >
> >
> > said:
> >> From what I've read of Cagliotti's paper, the V term
> should always be
> >> negative; or am I reading it wrong?
> >
> > That's right. If
> > FWHM^2 = U.tan^2(T) + V.tan(T) + W
> > then the W term is just the Full Width at Half-Maximum
> (FWHM) squared at
> > zero scattering angle (2T). FWHM^2 is then assumed to
> decrease linearly
> > with tan(T) so V is necessarily negative, but at higher
> angles a quadratic
> > term (+ve W) produces a rapid increase with tan^2(T).
> >
> > Cagliotti's formula assumes a minimum in FWHM^2, but if
> that minimum is
> > not well defined, U,V,W will be highly correlated and
> refinement may even
> > give negative FWHM. In that case you can reasonably constrain V by
> > assuming the minimum is at a certain angle 2Tm, which may
> be close to the
> > monochromator angle for some geometries. So setting the
> differential of
> > Cagliotti's equation with respect to tan(T) to zero at that
> minimum giv

RE: Cagliotti and Other Issues

2009-03-22 Thread Matthew.Rowles

-Original Message-
From: May, Frank []  
>My recollection is the Cagliotti function was adapted to the x-ray case when 
>we had low resolution x-ray instruments and slow (or no) computers.  Now that 
>we have high resolution instruments and fast computers, why does this 
>inappropriate function continue to be used?
There's probably a great deal of "it's always been done this way" in why its 
used, in addtion to a lack of education in when it should be used, as well as 
"Let's tick this box and see what happens"... :(

>On another note, the world is venturing into the infinitely small realm of 
>"nano-particles."... As the relative fraction of the "bulk" becomes smaller, 
>both the physical structure as well as the mathematics used to describe the 
>bulk suffer from termination-of-series effect, do they not?  Does any of this 
>make sense?  Any thoughts?
This is talked about by Grey and Wilson*. They show that while you can refine 
diffraction data from nanosize titania particles, the numbers (cell params in 
this case...) that you get out might not represent what is actually there. 
Basically, the assumption that there is an infinite lattice breaks down.

*Titanium vacancy defects in sol-gel prepared anatase
Grey, I; Wilson, N
JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY (0022-4596); Volume: 180; Issue: 2; Date: 
2007; pg. 670-678



Matthew Rowles

CSIRO Minerals
Box 312
Clayton South, Victoria

Ph: +61 3 9545 8892
Fax: +61 3 9562 8919 (site)