Re: [RCSE] A-symmetric tail on a HLG

2000-03-20 Thread Rcsoar4fun

1) Yes I do own a computer radio, and wouldnt trade it for anything in the 
world.  I was making the point that I have an attack laying around that had 
an rx that would work fine in a HL, without needing a $250 computer radio.  
This is like saying no one should use a foam/glass/wood ship anymore for 
thermal flight when you can purchase a molded ship for $650.  

2)  I am in college, and I know a lot of us that couldnt afford a computer 
radio, esp when a cheaper radio would work.  I happen to know there are at 
least a few students online here that feel the same way.

In a message dated 3/20/00 8:12:43 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< In this day and age you can't afford $250.00 to get  a computer rx.? You 
 get rid of your ?aold? ATTACK. >>
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Re: [RCSE] Movies and models

2000-03-20 Thread Dan deVries

Modeler Dave Platt was a movie studio model builder, I beleive.

Dan deVries
Product Design --+-- Patent/Litigation Graphics
_ |___

>Maybe this thread would prompt Mr. Jolly to recount some his
>in building and flying models for films.  His stories about the explosive
>charges in "Die Hard" and "Midnight Run" are precious.  Also, Larry did a
>good deal of the model flying for the series, "Airwolf".  There was a
>British film that used models for the battle of Britain but I cannot recall
>the name.
>In the early days of movies and R/C models, when the model would blow
>up, one could see the servos go flying.

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Got One!: Re: [RCSE] Spectre 2M in Stock?

2000-03-20 Thread James T Miller

Got one from Tom Broeski

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[RCSE] Trying to email Pavel Brzak

2000-03-20 Thread RBurnoski

Can someone contact Pavel and let him know his email address is not working 
for me. I'm trying to send him an email.   Or,   Maybe he can email me back.  
thanks in advance,  Richard
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RE: [RCSE] Weekend is for Idiots at Coyote

2000-03-20 Thread glide

If you *really* want to get away from it all, buy a plane ticket to Maui and
fly at Camp Maluhia, Kahakuloa or Poli Poli where the winds are consistent
year round (15 to 30 m.p.h. trade wind at the moment)  and landings are just
a breeze.  The grass in the acres of pasture land is like landing on foam,
not to mention the scenery and the locals are great.  This time of year, you
might get distracted by the humpback whales jumping out and making huge
splashes in the water.

"Maui No Ka Oi" (Maui is the best!)

Aloha to all on RCSE,

Al Battad - WH6VE
AMA #506981

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Weekend is for Idiots at Coyote


I agree about Coyote.  It is the people there that make it a bad place to

How about having a whole troupe of boy scouts surround you while you are
flying, and occupying all available landing areas, while constantly talking
and screaming and swinging sticks and throwing rocks. Bad news...

Avoid Coyote and go to the better spots such as 1)  Windy Hill  2)  Pacifica
3)  Sierra Road  4)  Los Banos.  You can't go wrong at these sites.


Rick Powers

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[RCSE] F3J Reply

2000-03-20 Thread Aireze1

 Props to Larry Jolly for taking the time to explain his contest strategy for 
his choices of planes he fly's in F3J. Now if some of the other top ten 
flyers would share. How's about a run down on the planes used at the contest? 
Us wrong coasters can't see quit that far. Thanks, Rich
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Re: [RCSE] Weekend Idiots

2000-03-20 Thread Brett Jaffee

I haven't really seen this kind of outright hostility, but I can see the potential.  I 
think the main thing that's happened in the
last 5 years is a big influx of people flying EPP combat planes with cheap radios.  
The cost of getting into the hobby is pretty low
right now.

Now, don't get me wrong: I have several foamies and I love to do combat.  I also have 
a couple glass lead-sleds that I like to fly.

Conflicts often seem to happen between groups that do one thing, and not another.  I 
think there are a lot of newer fliers out there
that have flown nothing but EPP.  Now, I'm not saying this about all EPP-only fliers, 
but I think this can lead to a lack of respect
for what kind of damage a plane is capable of doing.  For example, if you never really 
have to worry about cracking up your plane on
landing, you may never develop the skill needed to make a good approach and soft 
landing, simply because you don't need too.

OTOH, you have some people who hate the foamies and fly only scale or lead-sled ships. 
 Those people resent the fact that the
foamies are taking up space on their hill.  I've seen more then one case of a fast 
glass ship being flown low through furball to
intimidate the combat fliers.  Of course, this is incredibly stupid, because if the 
fast plane hits a foamie down low, there's a
good chance that the glass plane will get knocked out of control and lawn dart into 
the ridge.

I suspect that most of us actually fall in the middle, and fly all kinds of planes.  
The problem is when you get one group that
dominates the slope for hours at a time.  IMO, the best and most fun way to go is to 
take turns and fly only one kind of plane at a
time.  Back in the Anabat days of slope combat, we would fly our fomies for a while, 
then everyone would land and we would fly our
fast glass ships for a while, and so on.  It worked very well, but again, that was in 
the days when anyone who flew combat also flew
some other type of glider as well.  I don't know how feasible that would be today.


> I rarely reply to RCSE messages by responding to the entire mailing list, but
> I felt that the issue brought up recently by Paul Klissner was an important
> one.
> Paul is concerned that there is "no concensus or regard or forethought about
> where to stand and land whatsoever" at his local slope site. Paul also went
> on to say that he defines weekends at Coyote Point as "the time when all the
> self-proclaimed experts stand in the landing path talking about wind
> direction and rotor and how if a glider makes noise that means it has drag."
> I have flown at Coyote Point and many other slope sites all over the United
> States, and in the past 5 years I've noticed a big increase in conflicts and
> accidents at slope flying sites. The incidents I have witnessed include the
> following:
> a. one cuncussion
> b. several collisions between lead-ballasted combat planes and spectators
> that have resulted in injury
> c. flyers refusing to keep an area clear so a novice pilot may have a few
> passes at the landing zone.
> d. throwing rocks at glider because someone is mad at the pilot
> e. intentionally turning on a radio that is on the same frequency that is
> being used by another pilot
> f. a fist fight
> I hadn't witnessed any of the problems in the proceeding list untill about 5
> years ago. Rather than discussing what factors are to blame, I'd like to have
> RCSE list members suggest solutions.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions the RCSE group might come up with
> regarding the problem.
> - Steve
> RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
>"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [RCSE] Weekend Idiots

2000-03-20 Thread RCSoaring

I rarely reply to RCSE messages by responding to the entire mailing list, but 
I felt that the issue brought up recently by Paul Klissner was an important 

Paul is concerned that there is "no concensus or regard or forethought about 
where to stand and land whatsoever" at his local slope site. Paul also went 
on to say that he defines weekends at Coyote Point as "the time when all the 
self-proclaimed experts stand in the landing path talking about wind 
direction and rotor and how if a glider makes noise that means it has drag."

I have flown at Coyote Point and many other slope sites all over the United 
States, and in the past 5 years I've noticed a big increase in conflicts and 
accidents at slope flying sites. The incidents I have witnessed include the 
a. one cuncussion
b. several collisions between lead-ballasted combat planes and spectators 
that have resulted in injury
c. flyers refusing to keep an area clear so a novice pilot may have a few 
passes at the landing zone.
d. throwing rocks at glider because someone is mad at the pilot
e. intentionally turning on a radio that is on the same frequency that is 
being used by another pilot
f. a fist fight

I hadn't witnessed any of the problems in the proceeding list untill about 5 
years ago. Rather than discussing what factors are to blame, I'd like to have 
RCSE list members suggest solutions.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions the RCSE group might come up with 
regarding the problem.

- Steve
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"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-03-20 Thread BENCLEVEL

The Orlando Buzzards FSS # 4 was held at the club field with winds gusting to 
18 mph , cloudy skys and forcast rain.
There were only 11 contestants flying 6 rounds in Unlimited, RES, and 
Pat Kvitkacskas edged out Charlie Brecht by only four points when Charlie 
missed hie last landing.
1 Pat Kvitkacskas 1995Molded English glider(ist flight )
2 Charlie Brecht 1991   Skyhawk
3 Mark Atzel   1912 
4 Rick Eckel1865100 Super V\
5Tom Kodey1529  Edge
6 Garnett White  1439  
7  Dick Renskers   13789 

1  Jim Standafer  1483  Viking
2  Jeff Fritz  1412
3  Richard Dow  1182 

1  Jeff Fritz  1720
2 John Spiller  1550Psyko
3  Jim Stansafer  1419
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Re: [RCSE] Vision problem, cell phones and rubber duckies

2000-03-20 Thread James Porter Jr

The caution about cell phones comes out of England.  The problem has been
documented in one or more of the English magazines.  They may use different
cell phone frequencies.  I know their R/C radio frequencies are different
than ours.
These two items may account for nothing happening over here.  Who knows what
happens with 50 mHz though.  I'd just as soon not risk an airplane either

The rubber duckie problem, in my experience, was limited to 50 mHz and one
antenna on a Vision tx.  D O Darnell has used a different brand of rubber
duck for several years on two different Vision transmitters (50 mHz) without
problem.  I have also used a different rubber duck on an Ace Micro Pro tx
(50 mHz) without problems.  None of this was intended to reflect on the
usage of rubber ducks on 72 mHz.  Although I suspect there are situations
where there COULD be problems.

Sorry if I've mislead anyone.

Jim Porter
Bettendorf, Iowa  USA

"Get your facts first,  then you can distort them as you please."
  Mark Twain

From: "Eugene Heggen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have heard this caution before and wonder where it comes from. Myself
> several flyer at our field (Northern Calif) have carried cell phones for
> over a year, while flying and have never experienced any problem. I use a
> Vision with a rubber ducky. One flyer has a Futaba and another a JR. Not
> of us has had a problem. I have answered the phone while flying on several
> occasions. No problem. Maybe it's a European problem.
> Gene
> >
> > Also, as a general precaution, do not operate or even carry cell phones
> when
> > you are flying.  Even though the phone is 'off', it really isn't.  The
> phone
> > must regularly tell the 'tower' where it is in order for the system to
> find
> > it.  There have been several cases in England where this has caused
> crashes.
> >
> > I hope this helps.
> >
> > Jim Porter

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[RCSE] Bozos name in vane!

2000-03-20 Thread Phil

"Yes, it was my Blade that took the beating at Coyote last week.
(Flown this week w/out incident, in spite of the mob of BOZOS,
  me included, see the Idiots at Coyote Park post)."

I must protest "The Bozo was nowhere near "Frisco" last weekend,
but I must admit I might just as well be there...I do love to add to 
the chaos of any event.

Don't forget guys...I need those entry forms for the first ever Hand 
Launch Beer Bash...First Prize $1000 bucks...
Bozo says... "you get the plane you deserve"
Phone 503 551 7030
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[RCSE] Toledo sale!

2000-03-20 Thread Joe Hahn

DJ Aerotech will have a booth again this year-come to the show and visit
us! As usual, we'll have some very good ("Show Special") prices on our
productssorry, you gotta come to the show to get the deal  ;-)
We'll have display models of our latest goodies, including a 2 meter
Spectre, Spectre HL, and probably a Spectre "VR"  There MAY even be
something leaning towards the "larger" size (and I don't mean my typical
winter time waist size increase).
DJ Aerotech

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Re: [RCSE] Weekend is for Idiots at Coyote

2000-03-20 Thread Matt Wyss

It doesn't matter where we stash our gear at Banos.  If a glider is going to
hit something it will hit Bill S. :)

Matt Wyss
Albany, Ca

Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 00:16:04 -0800
From: Rick Wardrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Weekend is for Idiots at Coyote
Message-ID: <00eb01bf9244$899a85a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Not all the "slope-deprived drooling fans of slice & dice" went to Coyote
today.  Some went to the 'Banos BASH where all had a great day.

Wind went from 35 (2pm) to 45 (3pm) to 15 (6:30pm) so most everything was
flyable sometime.  Combat was flown with gusto all day, a challenge with all
that wind.  Everyone seemed to have a clue where to launch (anyplace on a
200yd lip) and where to land (any unoccupied green spot in 1500 acres).  All
the backpacks and equipment stayed where they belong, in the parking lot
100' from the lip.

I don't recall a person all day saying they would rather be anyplace else.
Perhaps next month you could come down and show us the error of our ways?
But then that would leave Coyote totally clueless.


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Re: [RCSE] F3J Contest Results

2000-03-20 Thread LJolly

In F3J the competitor can enter 3 models and change them,or combine them, as 
he choses even in the same round. LJ
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Re: [RCSE] Toledo Show

2000-03-20 Thread Chuck Gadd

Jim Gell wrote:
> Can someone please post the details for the upcoming Toledo show.  I can't
> seem to find anything on the webLooking for days and times.
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[RCSE] Weekend is for Idiots at Coyote

2000-03-20 Thread Paul Klissner

Well, the winds were  H O W L I N G  in the San Fransisco Bay
area today.   I went up to Coyote, along with all the other
slope-deprived drooling fans of slice & dice today (Sunday).
I will remember that Winter 2000 went out with a flurry.

As usual, no one has a @#$*!&%)@*#$ clue where to launch and
land there, except me and my buddies and a few other diehard regulars.
Do you want do know where the landing pattern is at Coyote on the 
weekend?  As my friend Mark says, "Just look where everyone is standing 
lays their backpacks and equipment."  No concensus or regard or 
forethought about where to stand and land whatsoever!

I fly there a lot during the week because I work 10 minutes away.  
All the regulars know where to launch and where runway "28 left" is.
But try landing a glider there on the weekend.  If you don't decapitate
someone, you'll be lucky to find a decent landing strip.  That's
right, no IFR or control tower, and no one knows the rules of the road.

This buffoon consortium was there last weekend, and I damaged a plane 
as a result.  I'm used to be able to land in the obvious and generally
understood place.  I was coming in high, bringing the plane around so I 
could survey the scene without taking my eyes off my sky-squirrel, and 
noticed people standing everywhere I needed to land, so I tried landing 
a little to the left of them (ie. the only open spot).  Of course my glider 
is coming about from 30 ft up, I'm looking up, thinking everything's cool 
for a flap-controlled descent. By the time my line of sight dropped low
enough and I saw the big rock in the glide path on the ground, it was too late, 
and I damaged the glider.   Hit the rock, glazed the wing and snapped the 

So forever screw Coyote on the weekends.   For all the 'expertise' 
out there, sometimes there isn't a brain in sight, starting with me, 
for even thinking Coyote is acceptable on the weekend.  Define weekend
at Coyote as the time when all the self-proclaimed experts all stand in 
the landing path talking about wind direction and rotor and how
if a glider makes noise that means it has drag.

Here's another example of the caliber of individual that graces Coyote
on the weekend:  Today, with wind screaming at 25-35 MPH today, making 
flying pure endurance and little fun, with my glider redefining 
the word "ceiling," some guy comes right up to me and starts blabbering 
right in my face trying to get me to look at him.  He was shocked when 
I explained I couldn't take my eyes off the plane and didn't know who 
he was.  Duh.  Nice to know you, whoever you were, and wherever you went.

Is there some sort of conspiracy I don't know about on weekends where
everyone wants you to crash?

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[RCSE] thanks to all the BASHers

2000-03-20 Thread Jason Werner

Thanks to all involved for a great time.  Finally made it to Cali for some
wind, and boy did it blow!  gusts of over 45mph were recorded with HUGE
lift.  Never seen a boomerang fluttering as it was carried to the slope!
Not even flying just holding it there fluttered the surfaces!  Wow!

Serious dynamic soaring over what was to me a great slope for it, though the
locals seemed to say it was the worst place in town .   Picked it up
ok...thanks to EPP.

Thanks again.  See you next month?

Jason Werner
from MD

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[RCSE] What a Day! (Rippin' in SF, CA)

2000-03-20 Thread Rpvi

Hello all,

Just wanted to report on today's flying.

Windspeed: 35 solid gusting to 50+ mph. From the NW.

Location: Bluffs that overlook the Pacific Ocean from 1200 feet, straight up. 
 It is between Fort Funston and Pacifica, just south of downtown San 
Francisco, positioned to face the NW.

With these extreme conditions, the wind sensing tape strip (tied to a stick 
at the edge of the cliff face) acutally blows UP.  We are talking extreme 
updrafts here.

Airplanes:  Myself, I had one of Mickey Crawley's hollow molded "Velocity" 
ships  (an exquisitely executed designtail cone and all), 64" span V-tail 
jammer, that I had fitted with THREE POUNDS of lead.much over FAI safety 
limits.the lead ingots were purchased from the back of a guy's car's 
trunk$3 per pound.good deal! (I stocked-up).

The Flying:  Well, launch out into this rising column of air (think of a 
reverse waterfall...) and up it goes.  Acheiving 1000+ feet in just a few 
moments, peel off right and dive down, down, down, and at maximum velocity, 
pull out (gently!) and SCREAM across the cliff face, just a few feet from you 
(the operator), then ZOOM back up to 1200 feet.  Maximum speeds?  Didn't have 
a radar gun, but I know fast when I see (feel) it.  We judge speed by the 
sound created.  Something between a howling banshee and a GE jet turbine 
engine best describes the sound.

After repeating "Frequently and Often" until all adrenaline is totaly 
expended, the  landing seems a great relief.  Oh, landing?  Try a from the 
wave-top height downwind run, the UP the cliff for 1200 feet, timed perfectly 
to turn and stall upwind into the nice inviting ice-plant back.  Don't even 
think about the penalties for failure. (Personal or Property Injury the 
nearby houses.)

I survived the day, and just wanted to share, that I have never before flown 
that much lead so fast for so long at such a high speed.  Screaming!

Rippin' is the word!  

The best to everyone.

Rick Powers
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[RCSE] Z bend blues!

2000-03-20 Thread Limbo Limbo

Okay, I've got Z bend pliers, and I've made the bends in the wire going to 
the servo horns.  But now I've got to make bends in wire that goes directly 
to the tailfeather horns -- and that means, once the bends are made, I can't 
adjust, because I'm not using those adjustable cleavises (or whatever 
they're called).  My problems are twofold: can't figure out how to use the 
pliers to get the bend exactly where I want to get it; and b/ how to hold 
the pliers to get the bend to come out in the right direction.  I've tried 
experiments with spare wire but 400 practice bends later, I'm still muddled 
and befuddled.
   Can anyone offer any advice or help?
Get Your Private, Free Email at

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Re: [RCSE] Vision problem

2000-03-20 Thread Eugene Heggen

I have heard this caution before and wonder where it comes from. Myself and
several flyer at our field (Northern Calif) have carried cell phones for
over a year, while flying and have never experienced any problem. I use a
Vision with a rubber ducky. One flyer has a Futaba and another a JR. Not one
of us has had a problem. I have answered the phone while flying on several
occasions. No problem. Maybe it's a European problem.

> Also, as a general precaution, do not operate or even carry cell phones
> you are flying.  Even though the phone is 'off', it really isn't.  The
> must regularly tell the 'tower' where it is in order for the system to
> it.  There have been several cases in England where this has caused
> I hope this helps.
> Jim Porter
> Bettendorf, Iowa  USA
> "Get your facts first,  then you can distort them as you please."
>   Mark Twain
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jim Porter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 6:35 PM
> Subject: [RCSE] Vision problem
> >  I had the following unresolved experience when setting up a new
> > glider on a FOUR MENU GROUP VISION TX.
> > The new glider was on Menu Group 1 and a second glider was on
> Group
> > 4 ( access level 0). The new glider had been basically set-up some days
> > before, with no problem.  Both Tx and Rx batteries were fully charged. I
> was
> > operating PPM6 Rx's on ch 47..
> > I was in the process of fine tuning the aileron differentials
> > all the moveable surfaces started chattering wildly for no apparent
> reason.
> > I switch off.  In order check for a receiver problem  I switched
> to
> > Menu Group 4 and switched on second glider which responded in the same
> crazy
> > manner. So it was obviously a TX problem.
> > When I checked the TX I found that the programmes had changed on
> all
> > four menu groups.
> > Some of the changes were as follows:
> > PPM 6 was changed to PCM8 (I haven't used PCM for many years)
> > V-Tail changed from YES TO NO
> > Surface Adjustment Centres, Mixer Gains all changed to ZERO
> > Presets changed to ZERO except Dual Ratios which stayed at 100%
> > I then reprogrammed Menu Groups 1 & 4 and the systems are all
> working.
> > I spoke to Jack Albreck, Airtronics Technical Support who could
> not
> > account for the happening. He was of the opinion that nothing would go
> wrong
> > while airborne. When I suggested sending the Tx to Airtronics he said
> > problem would be very difficult to diagnose.
> > I have today had the TX and RX for both gliders operating for
> > an hour each without any problems.
> > I would be interested to know if any subscribers can through an
> > light on this unusual event and any solutions  before I get a glider
> airborne.
> >
> > Jim Porter.
> >
> > .
> >
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> >
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Re: [RCSE] BoT details

2000-03-20 Thread jslarkin

Bill--My BOT has the yellow corrugated tube with cable inside.  It has
worked well for 5-6 years.  On the nose---find someone who runs R/C cars
and get a discarded knobby tire and cut a piece out of the center about
1/2-3/4 wide and 4-5 inches long and glue it to the bottom of the fuselage
with  goop.  Works for me.   Great sailplane!!! ---JimAt 01:31 PM 3/19/00
-0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I'm building a Bird of Time, and have acouple of questions:
>For the rudder and elevator control rods the BoT uses .062" wire running
in a plastic housing.  I have a choice of three cable housings: 
>1. The housing supplied by Dynaflite.  A white, corrugated plastic.
Noticably softer and more flexible that the other two.  Presumably by Great
>2. Yellow Sullivan Nyrod.  Corrugated.  I think that Sullivan uses this
with their flexible cable.
>3. Dubro. Translucent plastic. Not corrugated. 
>Are these interchangable, or is any better than the other?  This is the
first time I've used solid wire for controls, and, with the BoT tail
construction, the stabilator linkage will be sealed away.
>Nit-picking details...
>While I'm thinking of it-- my usual flying field is only moderately
developed:  bare spots, volunteer grass.  Not a sod farm by any means.
Landings can be rough on the bottom of the fuse-- I notice a lot of nicks,
scrapes and gouges on the bottom of the GL after a year.  I have put some
clear plastic packing tape on the forward bottom section of the GL to keep
the Monokote from getting shredded.  On the BoT, I wonder if there is a way
to "armor" that bottom forward section for a rough field.  I'm thinking of
laminating some 1/32 ply to the bottom to toughen it, say from the nose
block to the towhook.  And plan to use a McCann smooth skid ahead of the
towhook so it won't land on the towhook.
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Re: [RCSE] How do I attach conventional tail to boom shaft?

2000-03-20 Thread jslarkin

Mike---Use both. JimAt 03:22 PM 3/18/00 -0800, Mike Kovacs wrote:
>I am moving into the realm of pod and boom ships.
>I have a question.
>How do you fasten the tail feathers to the boom shaft?
>I will be using conventional tails.  Do I just use
>epoxy, or do I use a small balsa triangle stock to
>build up a flat surface at the end of the boom?
>Input please!
>Mike Kovacs
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Re: [RCSE] Batteries AGAIN!

2000-03-20 Thread Paul Klissner

Okay, that's NiMH in planes.  I'm using them in my Tx, which has digital
and analog voltage readout, fairly safe, right?

The other question is, how did you charge your NiMh batteries?  Was it
as good as the Sirius charger I'm using?

I've used and charged my Radio Shack 1500 AA NiMH 'transmitter' batteries several
times now, and its all A-ok on the Western Front, and counting.

I promise to let the alias know if and when I have any perceptible problems
whatsoever with these batteries.

I guarantee these are going to get a LOT of use now and throughout the
flying season.   No news is good news as far as these NiMH batteries go.


> About four years ago, when I bought an Audiovox cell phone, I thought I had scored a 
>great deal, because it came with three battery
> packs. NiMH no less. There is a reason, because the NiMH batt's will not last very 
>long. Even had to replace two of the packs. It
> never got better, the life got shorter and the charging became more frequent. I 
>could never consider using this kind of cell in an
> airplane that I have sweated many, many hours over while we still have the relative 
>decent reliability of Ni- Cads.
> Thanks for the soap box.
> GRW wrote:
> > Ok, I have a question and needs some expert advice.  I'm back on the
> > NiMH kick and almost lost a plane because of it.  What are the "Pro's"
> > using for HLG's as far as batteries go?  Are the NiMH really worth the
> > risk to save a bit of wieght and have to buy an expensive charger?
> >
> > Heck, now that i'm asking questions I'll ask an open ended one and I
> > know there's going to be a ton of answers, but what is the most sought
> > after HLG for competition?  I'm flying my climmax and need something
> > lighter, the Spectre?  The Dartar?  Thanks in advance, for the answers.
> >
> > --
> > Glenn R. Whitcomb
> > Elko, NV
> >
> >
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[RCSE] 3 Great Planes for sale

2000-03-20 Thread JMasiello

"Image" - "103 Super V" - "Maple Leaf handlaunch" All in great shape, the wings for 
the image are molded and untouched. Please contact me directly if you are seriously 

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[RCSE] Man-on-Man Rules

2000-03-20 Thread Marc Gellart

Congrats to Arend, Larry, and John.  It sounds like another endorsement of
flying Man-on-Man, (seeded or otherwise).  Man-on-Man still is "the" way to
bring out the best in fliers and the winners.  It is too bad that more
contests cannot use the format.

Marc Gellart, Lima, OH

Watch for details about the premier Labor Day Weekend Man-on-Man contest in
Muncie, IN, the LOFT/OVSS Fall Round Up coming soon.

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[RCSE] Mylar covering film from MRL

2000-03-20 Thread David J. Schat

Anyone have experience with covering sheeted wings with it? Does it stay 
nice and flat or does it bubble and wrinkle over time?

How does the weight compare, to say, two coats of water based varathane?

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[RCSE] PSS Cajone

2000-03-20 Thread Perry Hudson

When was the big air fest again at Cajone?? I lost the post.
Regards, Perry
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Re: [RCSE] Weekend is for Idiots at Coyote

2000-03-20 Thread Rick Wardrop

Not all the "slope-deprived drooling fans of slice & dice" went to Coyote
today.  Some went to the 'Banos BASH where all had a great day.

Wind went from 35 (2pm) to 45 (3pm) to 15 (6:30pm) so most everything was
flyable sometime.  Combat was flown with gusto all day, a challenge with all
that wind.  Everyone seemed to have a clue where to launch (anyplace on a
200yd lip) and where to land (any unoccupied green spot in 1500 acres).  All
the backpacks and equipment stayed where they belong, in the parking lot
100' from the lip.

I don't recall a person all day saying they would rather be anyplace else.
Perhaps next month you could come down and show us the error of our ways?
But then that would leave Coyote totally clueless.


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