Re: [RCSE] Signal strength switch?

2005-04-01 Thread Doug McLaren
On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 09:09:27AM -0800, John Erickson wrote:

| I want to thank everyone for their help and advice with our situation.
| Doug, we are in California to answer your question.

It wasn't really a serious question -- but people tend to get annoyed
when you mention the FCC and the AMA, and they're in Europe.

| I've seen many, many instances where the famous "I'm being hit!" gets
| interpreted as interference when in fact it has nothing to do with another
| signal, but has to do with something in the plane or transmitter.
| Tops on the long list include an unseen break in the receiver antennae
| (usually at the solder joint on the circuit board), an unseated crystal,
| poor solder joint on a battery lead, switch problems, unscrewed transmitter
| antennae, a transmitter left on in the pits, and the (in)famous dumb thumbs
| exacerbated by turbulent conditions.

Yes.  Though what I've seen is more usually user error (dead battery,
transmitter in the pits, antenna down, dumb thumb, ignoring
turbulence) than mechanical/electical failure (unseen break, poor
solder joint, unseated crystal.)

| I wasn't at the field during the latest episode, but I was there
| when the first plane went in.  We have an ICOM IC-R2 hand held
| scanner.  The transmitter was shut off but there was still a strong
| signal on channel 16.

The IC-R2 should let you hear the signal.  Did it sound like a RC
signal or did it sound different?  Try both FM and AM -- it could be
either.  (It could also be something else, but the IC-R2 only does FM
and AM, so that's all you've got to work with.)

I've got a Yaesu VR-500 which is somewhat similar, and just because it
picks up a signal on a specific channel, that doesn't mean that
there's a signal on that channel.  General purpose scanners aren't
always good at picking up a signal at only a specific point on the
dial -- often a strong local signal will show up at several
frequencies on the scanner due to the way the internals of the scanner
work.  For example, my scanner picks up the local 93.7 radio station
somewhere in the 72 mHz band, but I know it's not really there.  (the
strong signal is probably bleeding in somewhere where it shouldn't.
And I think there is an intermediate stage at 10.7 mHz, and 93.7 -
10.7 * 2 = 72.3 mHz ...)

| There is a church nearby that uses a wireless microphone set up.

If that's it, it should be obvious. :)

| My original post was just a wish list item.  Using PCM will allow a
| fail safe mode, but sometimes fail safe isn't so safe!  For
| instance, if you're in a spiraling dive and you go into fail safe
| with flaps out, and all other surfaces level, you'll still crash,
| maybe just not as hard.  Second wish list item: Parachute
| deployment?

Some of the new PPM receivers give you the same failsafe functionality
as PCM.  Really, the big advantage of PCM is to let you turn your
engine off -- which isn't so important on a glider, though turning
your spoilers on may be almost as useful.

As for putting the surfaces level and flaps down, if the plane is
stable and has plenty of dihedral, the odds of it making a gentle
landing somewhere are quite good if set up properly.  If it's very
nimble and not stable, no matter how you set it up, if you lose
control, it's probably going to crash hard.

I'm not sure I'd want a parachute.  If you get control again, that
parachute is going to hamper your attempts to bring the plane back.

| I understand that spread spectrum is still a ways off.  It seems
| that there should be a way as Jim B. suggests that each one of us
| could have a "digital signature", that the first signal the receiver
| hears is the only signal it hears and all other interference is shut
| out.  I saw it demonstrated with a Berg receiver and it looked very
| promising.

It sounds nice, but I don't see it as being that useful, and I'll
explain why ...

The `old style' receivers, like the Futaba R127DF, Hitec 555 and many
many others, will send your servos jumping madly if they can't pick up
your transmitter signal anymore, or if it's corrupted somehow (like by
another signal.)  This is bad, as your nimble plane is suddenly out of
control, or your power plane just went to full power and took off
without you telling it to (happened to me once! :)  On the bright side,
the interference is hard to overlook.

PCM only moves the servos if it receives a valid PCM signal.  If there
is no valid PCM esignal, the servos do not move, and if it persists,
they go to their failsafe position if set up to do so.  This is good,
but it can hide interference issues.  PCM does not solve the
interference issue -- it just hides it.

The more modern receivers (FMA M5, many Berg receivers, others) are
still PPM rather than PCM, but they give you most of the PCM ability
to ignore noise.  If a frame comes in that's not valid, they don't
move the servos.  Some even give you failsafe functionality.  They're
not quite as good as PCM, as a valid PPM frame is a lot easier t

[RCSE] "Toledo? The Shadow Knows!"

2005-04-01 Thread GordySoar

I understand that (perhaps in their hurry to refill 
orders) at least one batch of Shadow 3's was shipped with incorrect 
firmware.  The problem was with the silverware!  
Or perhaps not...
Since Barry Kennedy got the first run of the Shadow 3's..and they are here 
at the show..and the Sombra boys are with them, things look pretty firm. 
If you haven't ordered any, don't fret about the rest of us...we manage to 
work through it all, firm or infirm :-)
In any case, as I mentioned before, this ain't the end of the Shadow series 
and you can bet that as things are uncovered, the Sombra team and all of US will 
be better off for it.  They are all about continuing innovation.  Copy 
cats will pop out to try to get some of the sugar from the Shadow developments 
but they'll likely always be a two steps behind this RX.
Firm or infirm, the Shadow is coming ;-)
Lets help our suppliers succeed, if you have constructive information that 
will help Aroosh and his partners improve the Shadow, make sure you contact them 
directly, it will speed up improvements and order fulfillment too 
Wish you were here!

[RCSE] Plane for sale

2005-04-01 Thread Al Scidmore
I have a RTF Sky Hawk for sale for $300 plus shipping. The Sky Hawk is a 
116 inch wingspan competition sailplane using the SD7037 airfoil that 
was designed by Mark Allen. It is RTF with receiver, six servos, and 
battery. If interested, drop me a line and I will send more info. 

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[RCSE] "Toledo? The Shadow Knows!"

2005-04-01 Thread GordySoar

I got to the Kennedy Composite booth late today, long drive from 
Jack I (Mr. Nostalgia) and Mrs Kennedy were in the booth and literally 
swamped with customers.  
They were refilling the table with Shadows by the handfulls.  I'd be 
surprised if everyone in the building hasn't bought one or two so far. I had a 
chance to see one of the new 4 channel Shadows and it is SMALL.  with end 
pin too.
The Sombralab team is here with their own booth, set up for information way Barry Kennedy's team has time to chat about them.  Sombra's 
brain trust consists of three separate brain from Pakistan, 
one from Greece and one from El Salvadore, the Shadow is the result of their 
combined experience.  Nice guys too ;-)  (It was very flattering that 
they all chased me thru the convention floor for my autograph...or was it to get 
me to sign my check?)
Barry also came prepared with a good supply of new Volz Digital Micro Maxx 
(100) and it looks like he is going to run short.
Blasters have a sign up sheet!  Its getting to be like the Icon 
waiting list.  If all you have been doing is 
thinking of getting one or two, keep thinking and it 
will be winter likely before you see one!
More tomorrow!Gordy

Re: [RCSE] Re: Signal Strength - Shadow 3 - additional hearsay evidence

2005-04-01 Thread Simon Van Leeuwen
Your information does point to the idea that the S3 has similar smarts 
to the S&K CRX-M8. The M8 can memorize two same channel signatures, 
hence the ability to operate as master/slave.

The M8 advertises the full compliment of features, I doubt legally one 
way or the other there is a need to keep such an important detail (which 
leads towards safety) would be intentionally left off the spec sheet.

For the record...I unwittingly performed a similar stunt as you 7-8 
years ago. I had landed my G-202 and taxied back to the the pits and 
leaned the TX against the wing LE. I put a propulsion battery in my 
hotliner, walked out to the flightline, and launched.

I had a couple of hits during the flight, which was unusual. After 
landing and walking back to the pits I noticed I left my G-202's TX on 
with the antenna extended.

It was a Stylus, the hotliner was on a Vision, and both are on the same 
frequency. What helped contribute to the lack of an incident was that 
both were communicating using FM/PCM (OEM RX's).

After realizing my good fortune I began analyzing the glitches I had 
encountered. Near as I can figure the flight path to the side of me put 
the offending TX in a physical position to interfere.

Since then I have repeated the same chain of events, but deliberately. 
Suffice to say that you do not require a "smart RX" to allow unfettered 
flight while an offending TX sits idle and operating. In fact, the more 
difference between the two TX's, the easier it is to duplicate this 
seemingly impossible feat...with regular RX's ;^)

However, to give some creedence to the new crop of RX's that utilize 
uprocessor-based algorythms to actively respond only (as best a 
possible) to it's programmed TX, every little bit helps...

In a message dated 3/31/2005 11:19:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

This indicates that it does have the smarts I eluded to, to decipher
unique signature of a specific TX. Do you know for sure? The manual
makes no mention...
I have been using this technology for nearly three years.  Primarily 
in my DGL models where the Berg Postage Stamp 4 fits quite nicely.  Some 
of you may remember a half time demo three years ago where one of my 
models was attempted to be controlled by an interloping transmitter.  I 
admit that the geometry was favorable to the Berg receiver in that 
Arthur was on the field and the rogue transmitter was next to me at the 
scoring tent.  We tried the turn off the primary transmitter trick, but 
the rogue transmitter could not gain control.  Control could only be 
given to the rogue by turning off the receiver and turning it on with 
only the rogue operating.
Now to the S 3.  Similar test were conducted, but on the ground not 
in the air.  The first tests were done with a Vision on CH 31 as the 
primary and a Stylus on channel 31 as the rogue.  A user defined fail 
safe mode that used an exaggerated rudder deflection for easy 
identification.  The results were quite predictable.  When the rogue was 
less distance than the primary, the servos slowed and then at about half 
the range, the receiver shifted to the fail safe more.  With the primary 
transmitter off, the rogue was unable to gain control of the receiver, 
regardless of range.  Turning the primary transmitter on always restored 
control as long as the distance requirement was met.
The tests were repeated with 2 Stylus's and 2 Visions with identical 
results.  Tests were not done using Futaba or JR transmitters because 
this crotchety septuagenarian does not like flight mode switches and 
backward transmitter charging jacks
I would imagine the manufacturer of the S 3 receiver does not 
mention this capability explicitly for liability reasons.  If they even 
mentioned two transmitters on the same frequency, someone would crash 
and the battle would be on.   
Of course your mileage may vary, but the S 3 looks like a solid 
piece of equipment.  And further I have no relationship, other than 
customer, with Kennedy, Sombra or Berg.
Don Richmond
San Diego, CA (Virginia Beach, VA today)
Simon Van Leeuwen
PnP SYSTEMS - The E-Harness of Choice
Cogito Ergo Zooom
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[RCSE] Magazine Subscriptions

2005-04-01 Thread George Voss

I thought I'd pass this Ebay site to others.  I've purchased from this
seller before and the prices are good.  It does take a while for the
subscription to start, but you will get your magazines.  MAN (excellent
color photos, little informational text IMHO) and Flying Models (definitely
right coast oriented but the only mag to cover control line other than MA)
will cost you less than $35 for both.  It's got good prices on other mags
too like Fine Wood Working, Hot Bikes and other rags that might be of

If you ride motorcycles, there are several good mags including Rider for $10
for 2 years!  Check it out.  gv

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RE: [RCSE] Hawaii question

2005-04-01 Thread glide
Nah, there is no soaring on Maui.  There is no slope lift to speak off
because it's all flat here.  So no flying clubs, too.  The power field was
plowed in the other month to make way for a new industrial area.  

BTW, what day is it?

On a serious note check out this website:

Dwayne Asami really set up a good website with links to help you out on the
soaring aspect of Maui.

Al Battad - WH6VE
AMA #506981

-Original Message-
From: Howard Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 7:45 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Hawaii question

Who flys on Maui? I'll bet there's a lot of slope soaring. Are there any
thermal fields? 
Any TD soaring club? Are there power fields?


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[RCSE] Carbon Cloth

2005-04-01 Thread Thomas Finch
I am thinking of offering a carbon wing version of the Vandal and have been
checking sources for the 2.4 oz carbon cloth (39" width).  Found that if I
can order 50 yds I can get a pretty good price.  50 yds is more than I want
to keep around so I am wondering if anyone would be interested in
purchasing 5-10 yards or so.  Price would be $52/yd plus shipping.
Tom Finch

Thomas Finch
EarthLink Revolves Around You.

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Re: [RCSE] Re: Signal Strength - Shadow 3 - additional hearsay evidence

2005-04-01 Thread Hilaunch

In a message dated 3/31/2005 11:19:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
This indicates that it does have the smarts I eluded to, to decipher the unique signature of a specific TX. Do you know for sure? The manual makes no mention...
    I have been using this technology for nearly three years.  Primarily in my DGL models where the Berg Postage Stamp 4 fits quite nicely.  Some of you may remember a half time demo three years ago where one of my models was attempted to be controlled by an interloping transmitter.  I admit that the geometry was favorable to the Berg receiver in that Arthur was on the field and the rogue transmitter was next to me at the scoring tent.  We tried the turn off the primary transmitter trick, but the rogue transmitter could not gain control.  Control could only be given to the rogue by turning off the receiver and turning it on with only the rogue operating.
    Now to the S 3.  Similar test were conducted, but on the ground not in the air.  The first tests were done with a Vision on CH 31 as the primary and a Stylus on channel 31 as the rogue.  A user defined fail safe mode that used an exaggerated rudder deflection for easy identification.  The results were quite predictable.  When the rogue was less distance than the primary, the servos slowed and then at about half the range, the receiver shifted to the fail safe more.  With the primary transmitter off, the rogue was unable to gain control of the receiver, regardless of range.  Turning the primary transmitter on always restored control as long as the distance requirement was met.
    The tests were repeated with 2 Stylus's and 2 Visions with identical results.  Tests were not done using Futaba or JR transmitters because this crotchety septuagenarian does not like flight mode switches and backward transmitter charging jacks
    I would imagine the manufacturer of the S 3 receiver does not mention this capability explicitly for liability reasons.  If they even mentioned two transmitters on the same frequency, someone would crash and the battle would be on.    
    Of course your mileage may vary, but the S 3 looks like a solid piece of equipment.  And further I have no relationship, other than customer, with Kennedy, Sombra or Berg.
Don RichmondSan Diego, CA (Virginia Beach, VA today)

Re: [RCSE] New Multiplex Radios List (was: New Scale Soaring List)

2005-04-01 Thread brian
you guys who are starting new lists might 
want to check out the google groups service.
I imagine their post search abilities would
be much better than yahoo's.

You can find it on the google main page.

brian r.

On Friday, April 1, 2005, someone wrote all this stuff:
> Steve Lange wrote:

>> Thank you for doing this. Now if only we could get the Multiplex list
>> off Topica and onto Yahoo, life would be completely peachy!!

> To heck with it, I did it myself:


> I'm not so presumptuous to believe that anyone on the Topica list will
> actually jump ship, but I think it's high time for a change to occur.
> Maybe this will serve as a catalyst--or maybe I've got delusions! LOL

> Steve
> RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send
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Re: [RCSE] New Multiplex Radios List (was: New Scale Soaring List)

2005-04-01 Thread Steve Lange
Steve Lange wrote:
Thank you for doing this. Now if only we could get the Multiplex list 
off Topica and onto Yahoo, life would be completely peachy!!
To heck with it, I did it myself:

I'm not so presumptuous to believe that anyone on the Topica list will 
actually jump ship, but I think it's high time for a change to occur. 
Maybe this will serve as a catalyst--or maybe I've got delusions! LOL

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Re: [RCSE] New Scale Soaring List

2005-04-01 Thread Steve Lange
Ben Diss wrote:
Hello fellow scale glider fans!
I've agree to take over the scale soaring list from John.  I hope to 
support and encourage our hobby through this new list.
Thank you for doing this. Now if only we could get the Multiplex list 
off Topica and onto Yahoo, life would be completely peachy!!

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[RCSE] New Scale Soaring List

2005-04-01 Thread Ben Diss
Hello fellow scale glider fans!
I've agree to take over the scale soaring list from John.  I hope to 
support and encourage our hobby through this new list.  To this end, I 

-  There will be no e-mail spam as part of every message.
-  No commerical ads on the list.  Product announcements are OK and 
vendors that have something to offer that is pertinent to a discussion 
is likewise allowed.

-  Very, very light moderation.
To join, click this link and signup:
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Re: [RCSE] Shadow 3 Rx

2005-04-01 Thread lomcovak
The values are stored...

Quoting Bill Swingle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Does the Shadow 3 receiver require reprogramming every time power is turned
> off? Is this a possibility?
> The manual recommends "checking" the failsafe before every flight. Smart to
> do, but how often will reprogramming be required?
> Bill Swingle
> Janesville, CA
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[RCSE] Shadow 3 Rx

2005-04-01 Thread Bill Swingle
Does the Shadow 3 receiver require reprogramming every time power is turned
off? Is this a possibility?

The manual recommends "checking" the failsafe before every flight. Smart to
do, but how often will reprogramming be required?

Bill Swingle
Janesville, CA

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[RCSE] Hawaii question

2005-04-01 Thread Howard Mark
Who flys on Maui? I'll bet there's a lot of slope soaring. Are there any 
thermal fields? 
Any TD soaring club? Are there power fields?


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Re: [RCSE] Signal strength switch?

2005-04-01 Thread John Erickson
I want to thank everyone for their help and advice with our situation.
Doug, we are in California to answer your question.

I've seen many, many instances where the famous "I'm being hit!" gets
interpreted as interference when in fact it has nothing to do with another
signal, but has to do with something in the plane or transmitter.

Tops on the long list include an unseen break in the receiver antennae
(usually at the solder joint on the circuit board), an unseated crystal,
poor solder joint on a battery lead, switch problems, unscrewed transmitter
antennae, a transmitter left on in the pits, and the (in)famous dumb thumbs
exacerbated by turbulent conditions.

I wasn't at the field during the latest episode, but I was there when the
first plane went in.  We have an ICOM IC-R2 hand held scanner.  The
transmitter was shut off but there was still a strong signal on channel 16.

We don't have any type of directional Yagi antennae to locate the source.  I
did drive around the site and didn't see anyone else flying.  As I
mentioned, we are near an industrial complex that has some companies using
robotics; perhaps this could have been the case although it was Sunday
morning and the chances of them working at the time are less than average.

There is a church nearby that uses a wireless microphone set up.  There is
also a chain link fence around the field and the pilot was standing near the
fence.  These factors MAY have contributed to the loss; at this point we are
just trying to be "radio forensics" to figure out where the signal came from
and if it caused the plane to go in.

My original post was just a wish list item.  Using PCM will allow a fail
safe mode, but sometimes fail safe isn't so safe!  For instance, if you're
in a spiraling dive and you go into fail safe with flaps out, and all other
surfaces level, you'll still crash, maybe just not as hard.  Second wish
list item:  Parachute deployment?

I understand that spread spectrum is still a ways off.  It seems that there
should be a way as Jim B. suggests that each one of us could have a "digital
signature", that the first signal the receiver hears is the only signal it
hears and all other interference is shut out.  I saw it demonstrated with a
Berg receiver and it looked very promising.  The new Shadow 3 sounds good as
Erickson Architects
John R. Erickson, AIA

> From: Doug McLaren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 21:08:14 -0600
> To: John Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Soaring List 
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] Signal strength switch?
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 11:29:07AM -0800, John Erickson wrote:
> | We've has a couple of club members lose planes recently from
> | interference.
> Personally, I've seen interference blamed for a lot of user errors
> too.  Not that this is the case in your situation, but ...

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[RCSE] for sale

2005-04-01 Thread Clarence Ashcraft

I have a new in box Great Planes Siren 
"Hotliner"  for sale.  Tower is selling it for $149 and I will take $ 
100. plus the cost of shipping for this plane.  
Contact me off the list at  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Clarence Ashcraft([EMAIL PROTECTED])
President of IMSF - 2005InterMountain Silent FlyersHome of Soar 
If you would like to learnto fly R/C gliders and electrics,contact 
our club at:

Re: [RCSE] Re:Signal strength switch?

2005-04-01 Thread Simon Van Leeuwen
I read the AMA test procedure last night (535-F), in fact they do perform a 
test flight to first determine aircraft-based anomolies. 

But your point about frame rate errors and the frequency with which they occur 
is can not be understated. 

As I have stated before, if everyone were made to observe how many times their 
particular pride and joy(s) experience loss of signal during any given flight, 
it might motivate a few to re-access their comfort do not have to 
see it for it to be present.   

Quoting Bruce DeVisser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Rob,
> Your test with a glitch counter is not a vaild measure of interference,
> unless the model carrying it has been calibrated in a "clean environment",
> like a radio test chamber, and the area under test has been profiled across
> the user's frequency band. I've had hundreds of glitches recorded on
> calibrated devices and not seen a single twitch from the plane. FYI...
> Bruce DeVisser
>   - Original Message - 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 12:54 PM
>   Subject: [RCSE] Re:Signal strength switch?
>   Fact: It is very unlikely anyone flying a mile away is adversely affecting
>   anyone at your field, irregardless of the frequency. Remember...the
> receiver 
>   would need to see on-frequency RF that is equal or greater from the
> offending 
>   transmitter to gain control. 
>   The above statement is unfortunately incorrect. I used to think the same
> way, but I have had my mind changed. We (North Alabama Silent Fliers)
> unfortunately lost our field due to construction recently. In an effort to
> find a new field we tried to move to a nice spot that is around 2.5 miles
> from an existing RC site. We borrowed a small glitch counter from the AMA
> (thanks to Steve Kaluf) and went trhough the procedures outlined by AMA to
> test for interference between the two sites. Testing was done with a .25
> sized trainer aircraft, flown pretty far out but not near as far out as I've
> flown an unlimited glider. The "interfering" transmitter easily registered at
> the airplane from the distant (prospective) field. 
>   sorry to burst anybody's bubble, Rob Glover

Radius Systems
Cogito Ergo Zoom

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Re: [RCSE] Signal strength switch?

2005-04-01 Thread Martin Usher
>How would the offending TX a mile away have "more signal strength" at 
altitude, and the one at the local field not demonstrate the same 
phenomena? (Simon Van Leeuwen)

-- You're circling in a thermal, having gone downwind with it. There are 
some short trees and a powerline at the end of the field next to where 
you're standing but you can still see your plane OK to fly it.

-- There's a convenient hill and small ridge at one end. The hill's one 
of those extinct  volcanic plugs so it looks like a minature volcano 
with a water tank on it -- about 250' high. Its a good place to  fly at, 
over or round the side of. Until a power field was redevloped if you got 
behind that hill you could be shot down by someone at that field.

These are real examples. The power law only works in "free space" 
(literally, "space"). Everywhere else has trees, hills, power lines and 
so on. Once the signal gets to our receiver through more than one path 
its strengh will vary considerably becuase the different versions 
reflected of everything will tend to add together or cancel each other out.

I don't think exotic technology will save us just yet. If we go up in 
frequency to accommodate the extra bandwidth needed by data radios then 
we're going to have even more problems with signal cancellations due to 
reflections. There's a technology called MIMO that may help us -- it 
stands for "Multiple Input, Multiple Output" (a fancy way of saying "use 
two, three or more radios at the same time") but its too exotic for us 
at the moment.

Maybe the answer is to put two radios in the plane (a 72 and a 50 MHz?) 
and  merge the outputs in a microcomputer.

Martin Usher
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Re: [RCSE] Re:Signal strength switch?

2005-04-01 Thread ama3655

Bruce -
According to the AMA, who has to sign off on the insurance papers, it is a valid measure of interfield interference.  After having participated in the process I also think that it's valid. You might want to check out the procedural documentation before you reject it out of hand. AMA document 535-F outlines the procedures and may be downloaded from the AMA website if you are a member of the AMA.
happy trails - Rob Glover
-Original Message-From: Bruce DeVisser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Soaring@airage.comSent: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 22:01:24 -0800Subject: Re: [RCSE] Re:Signal strength switch?

Hi Rob,
Your test with a glitch counter is not a vaild measure of interference, unless the model carrying it has been calibrated in a "clean environment", like a radio test chamber, and the area under test has been profiled across the user's frequency band. I've had hundreds of glitches recorded on calibrated devices and not seen a single twitch from the plane. FYI...
Bruce DeVisser

FW: [RCSE] Signal strength switch?

2005-04-01 Thread Fred A. Sheplavy

-Original Message-
From: Fred A. Sheplavy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 6:04 PM
To: John Erickson
Subject: RE: [RCSE] Signal strength switch?

My first transmitter was a Kraft single channel tube type. You would fly
with the two 67.5 volt B+ batteries in parallel and when you flew out of
range, in those days virtually every flight, you just flipped a toggle
switch which connected the B+ batteries in series to get 135 volts. It
usually worked. Saved a lot of chasing after fly-a-ways.

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[RCSE] LSF By-Laws Voting is OPEN

2005-04-01 Thread Tom Kallevang
Voting for the proposed changes to the LSF By-Laws is now open and will
remain so until Midnight April 30, 2005.

Follow the link at:

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You can review the changes and print a ballot to be mailed from this
page.  Mailed ballots must be postmarked no later than April 30, 2005. 
Voting from the website should be available within a few days after the
Board returns from Toledo.

If you are visiting the Toledo Exposition, stop by booth #367 and you
can cast your vote in person.

Tom Kallevang
Wheeling, IL
LSF President & Webmaster
LSF #303 Level V #103
AMA L292
SOAR (Chicago)

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