[RCSE] criss cross paint scheme at SWC

2004-04-26 Thread Garland Hanson
Here is the direct link to the model referenced.


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[RCSE] criss cross paint scheme at SWC

2004-04-26 Thread Garland Hanson
I've seen this model (Sage product?)  for a few years at the Southwest
Classic in Phoenix each February.  I'd like to know the striping paint type
and application method (paint brush?).  I'm about to put striping on Genie
wing tips and I want that same "paint brush" look.

Would the owner of this model please contact me or respond to the list.
Maybe there are others that would like to know your method.

Garland Hanson
Central Arizona Soaring League
File attachment: swc04a45_JPG.url
The file attached to this email was removed
because the file name is not allowed.

Re: [RCSE] What to do with all the trophies?

2004-04-21 Thread Garland Hanson
Joe Wurts, another guy that has earned a trophy or two over the years, often
donates them to other soaring clubs to use as they wish.  The SAGE club,
outside Tucson, has made one of the larger ones into a perpetual trophy.

Garland Hanson

- Original Message - 
From: "WE Johns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Soaring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] What to do with all the trophies?

> At 10:30 AM 4/21/2004, Harley Michaelis wrote:
> >I always gave trophies away to neighborhood kids, friends of my
> >as they just took up space and gathered balsa dust. I never had enough
> >to display the things or have a case made for them.
> --snip--
> >I never understood why anyone would be interested in some trophy good for
> >nothing, after blowing $200 or more to attend a contest. I'd rather see
> >reduced entry fees to cut the expense of attending or enable the host
> >to make a few more bucks for all the trouble of holding the contest.
> Ahem.
> Some of us don't have the problem of what to do with our excess trophies
> any more than we have the problem of what to do with our excess money.
> Blowing $200+ for a weekend makes the normal $20 for the contest seem like
> a gift.  Paying that little bit more for the trophy that I might win
> bothers me not at all.  My only problem is they don't have trophies for
> where I normally finish.  :-(
> Cheers,
> Bill
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Re: [RCSE] What to train the wife on?

2004-03-08 Thread Garland Hanson
Thank goodness Kari falls into the 1%!!!

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Swingle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] What to train the wife on?

> Oh yes, your wife.
> She won't get into flying. Yes there are exceptions, (hi D'Anne) but 99%
> won't care about it. She'll try it, do OK but won't ever care much about
> it. She'll do it for a while but only to be supportive.
> Sorry, to be a wet blanket. But, I've seen countless guys try it, even
> MYSELF. I've seen NONE, zip, zero stay with it.
> Bill Swingle
> Janesville, CA
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Re: [RCSE] How to qualify as an "Elitest" in RC Soaring

2004-02-29 Thread Garland Hanson
Say, who can use "elitist", "spurn", and "Gordy" all in the same sentence???
(This could be as good as the photo of Wurts up the pole!)

The winner gets to fly, drive, and room with Gordy for a whole weekend.


- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Van Leeuwen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] How to qualify as an "Elitest" in RC Soaring

> e·lit·ism or é·lit·ism, e·litist adj. & n.
> 1.  The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or
> groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived
> superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.
> 2. A sense of being part of a superior or priviliged group.
> Used with a plural verb: "Poets may easily conceive themselves an an
> elite...entitled to spurn the masses" (Christopher Morris)
> spurn (spûrn)
> v. spurned, spurn·ing, spurns
> v. tr.
> 1. To reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn. See Synonyms at refuse
> 2. To kick at or tread on disdainfully.
> v. intr.
> To reject something contemptuously.
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2003-01-24 Thread Garland

I may be speaking for the CD (he's not on the RCSE) but unless 
something changes, the upcoming SWC will allow the use of skegs.  
Regardless, if you blow through the landing area, hit the short safety fence, or 
bystanders you'll be zeroed for the landing points.

  - Original Message - 
  To: soaring 
  Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 11:58 
  Subject: [RCSE] SKEGS, TIME FOR A 
  Time to stand and be counted, maybe this will put this line to rest for a 
  while, but that is more than likely too much to hope for.
  All in favor of the continued unrestricted use of skegs in AMA Open Class 
  Thermal Duration contests, (this means the way we are doing things regarding 
  skegs now is just fine), respond with SKEGS YES in the subject line.  
  All posed to the use of skegs OR those that feel the use of skegs should 
  be regulated and or controlled, (this means we are doing things wrong and 
  really need to change), respond with SKEGS NO in the subject line.
  Please respond directly to RCSE, NOT to me! Additional verbage is not 
  required, (it's all ready been said anyway).  The poles are open and 
  will close at 12:00 (noon) Mountain Standard Time  Saturday.  One 
  vote per customer,  I have a contest to go to tomorrow (and I'll be using 
  a skeg) so I won't post the results until Sunday, or maybe Monday.  
  --- Rich O'Connell
  --- PPSS
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[RCSE] Tempest

2003-01-23 Thread Garland

Thanks to all who responded!  I got the tempest link I 
was looking for!  I'll be eyeballing the real deal in a couple of weeks at 
the SWC.  
The Tempest may make a nice addition to my 27 

[RCSE] SWC HLG-Golf Update

2003-01-22 Thread Garland

Sorry for the delay but all the final details on the upcoming 
HLG golf event, including a map, can be found at the following link.  

I'll be stopping by the clubhouse later today and will try to 
snap a couple of photos to post later.  This will be a challenging 
course for our style of play.
Over the holidays, I inadvertently combined two frequency 
lists.  I believe I have sorted it out but PLEASE review the 
frequency listing to ensure that:
1.  you are listed
2.  you are listed with the proper frequency
Let me know if you want to play or if your information is 
incorrect.  We have one frequency conflict to sort out and one flyer with 
his freq TBA.
Golf Website
Golf Freq. Listing
Garland Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Fw: [RCSE] one design

2002-12-11 Thread Garland

We just had a "one-design" contest with 4 identically 
outfitted, donated Aspires and JR radio systems this past weekend.  Most of 
the poor 3M moldie guys didn't know what to do with a handful of wood and 
Sure makes for an interesting contest when EVERYONE flies the 
same plane/radio system with NO landing control!  The guy that won ALWAYS 
flys a 2M Sagitta in our club contests!
It was an interesting format!
Garland Hanson
Central Arizona Soaring League

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 2:18 
  Subject: [RCSE] one design
  Has anyone considered "one design"  
  contests? Use a moderately priced, readily available,decent flyer as 
  the one design.It wouldn't matter how it got launched.With everyone flying 
  equal planes with equal setups, would this not put the outcome truly in the 
  hands of the pilot? You could even have devisions, such as, 
  beginner,intermediate and expert.Maybe each division would have it's own 
  plane,each one a little more sophisticated then the next.You could add a 
  fourth class.Call it the open class, no holds barred, money is no object kind 
  of thing.Would this not bring in the masses, giving everyone a chance to bring 
  home the bacon,from the poor beginner to the dedicated expert?
      This type of system has been 
  used in the sailing world with great success.Look at the thousands of Hobie 
  Cats, Sun Fish and Lasers that have been sold.I believe it's because it makes 
  everyone just as competitive as the next guy.And this is a great selling 
  point.Everyone wants to think they're a winner or at least have a fighting 
  chance.Now if you showed up with a Hobie Cat and you had to compete with an 
  America's Cup boat what would be the point?
   Please don't get me 
  wrong, I believe the mega-dollar ships and their excellent pilots are very 
  important to the hobby too.I'm in no way putting them down.We need their 
  cutting edge technologies to filter down.We need role models and wish 
   Enough of this rambling, 
  maybe this approach would be attractive to more newbies.Whata ya 

[RCSE] Moffet Field Hangar

2002-09-25 Thread Garland

I just returned from a business trip to the bay area.  
While on HWY 101, I passed by an old, odd-shaped hangar at Moffet 
Field.  This thing looks OLD!  Is it a former blimp hangar or 
Garland Hanson

[RCSE] Mile Square Park

2002-08-21 Thread Garland

I'll be working later in the week in Fullerton, CA and I'm 
wondering if there are still R/C activities taking place there.  Last time 
I drove by evil golf was the only thing I saw going on.
Garland Hanson

[RCSE] Open Season on Rubber Duckies!!!

2002-05-22 Thread Garland

In line with the discussion on rubber duckies...we witnessed a rubber duckie
being "taken out" (along with the pilot) during the warbird races at the
Midwest Slope Challenge this past weekend!  An errant foamie warbird (perhap
two) nailed the antenna and broke it off along with part of the radio!

Care to elaborate, George?
- Original Message -
From: "Charles Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Soaring listserver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 8:46 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Rubber Duckies!!!

> Good Morning!
> I have a rubber duck antenna... I had to use it one contest.. I had my
> unlimited glider as high as I ever care to be and have had no problems!
> So far I see no reason to not use one.. I have started useing mine for
> the discus launch glider. With the move to throw a discus launch glider
> I find the antenna on my Stylus to move ! I really don't want to tighten
> the set screw for the antenna to much.. I want it to move if I ram it
> into something .
> Cheers
> Charlie
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Re: [RCSE] plane containers

2002-04-12 Thread Garland

For airline travel, just remember, anything that doesn't resemble a golf
club carrier or ski carrier is often going to result in a hefty surcharge by
the airlines or the third-party goons that check baggage at the curb!

I've read MANY mentions by RCSEers of paying $25 to $75 to put a plane box
in baggage EACH WAY!

Sport-tubes RULE!

Garland Hanson

- Original Message -
From: "Aerofoam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: [RCSE] plane containers

> I am thinking out loud here, but it is a fesable idea.
> One of the CASL guys told me to make a shipping container that has a
> triangular cross section.
> This makes it impossible to stack boxes on top of it, so it ends up on top
> of the stack.
> With thst in mind, I was looking at the triangular shaped priority mail
> shipping tubes from the PO.
> You could copy that pattern on a large thick (5 or 6mm) sheet of coroplast
> and make a container that could be folded up when not in use. You could
> contasct cement 1/8" luan ply to the flat sides if it needed to be stiffer
> and the foam tray could slide out from one end.
>  Mark Mech
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Re: [RCSE] Monocote v.s. Ultracote

2002-03-29 Thread Garland

I find that Monocote will satisfactorily stiffen an open-bay built-up wing.
I find Ultracote is more "rubbery" and is better used on flat, solid

I built a Chrysalis wing with Ultracote and it fluttered like mad on launch!
I stripped it off and replaced with Monocote and never got another flutter

I just finished a DAW FW190 and covered with Ultracote for the first time!
Previously I had always used packing tape.  I'm very happy with the finish.
I squeegeed on contact cement onto the EPP (doesn't let go as does 3M-77 in
our desert heat), let it dry then ironed on the Ultracote.  The covering is
tight and very smooth.  Let's see how long it lasts!

Hope this helps,
Garland Hanson

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Rakozy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 11:29 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Monocote v.s. Ultracote

> Ive been told, Use Monocote on your wings because Monocote is strong
> Ultracote.  (I dont believe it.)  Is there any actual lab test data
> (proof) to back up this claim???
> Bill
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[RCSE] Snow in Phoenix

2002-02-02 Thread Garland

A cold front rolled through last night and surprised us 
all.  This place isn't as warm as advertised!  Landings are 
impossible!  Check out this link from this morning.

[RCSE] Global Hawk drone crashes

2001-12-31 Thread Garland

I hope they didn't have another frequency conflict!!!  
Maybe the Afgans bought a Spectra module! http://biz.yahoo.com/rf/011231/n31171076_1.html

Yahoo - U.S. Global Hawk drone crashes after Afghan duty.url
Description: Binary data

[RCSE] Branson Soaring

2001-07-16 Thread Garland

My family had the choice of vacationing at Parker Mountain or 
Branson, MO.  They didn't go for Parker...
OK, so I'm looking for slope soaring spots in or around the 
Branson, MO area.  For lack of sloping, I'll be forced to play evil 
golf.  I'll go to the Bass Pro headquarters in Springfield, MO one day so 
anything in between Branson and Springfield will work.  

[RCSE] Chicago-area soaring

2001-06-10 Thread Garland

I'll be visiting Chicagoland from Phoenix beginning this 
Thursday through the weekend.  
Are there any contests going on in the area over the 
Are there good slopes in the area?
I'll be staying in Evanston.
Thanks in advance,
Garland Hanson
Central Arizona Soaring League

[RCSE] Unusual Aviation Photos

2001-06-02 Thread Garland

I ran across this looking for something else!!!  
 About.com  http--www.aviationpics.de-.url

Re: [RCSE] "Unreasonable Orlando Contest Director"

2001-02-24 Thread Garland Hanson

I don't want to even THINK about Gordy writing to us from a 
hot tub ANYWHERE  Won't his crutches rust?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 5:54 
  Subject: [RCSE] "Unreasonable Orlando 
  Contest Director"
  Today I dominated the 
  2m contest in Orlandowell for third place (out of about 300ish) 
  But I would have really ruled if it weren't for an unreasonable CD! 
  Rick Eckels ran the event and when he hears a valid protest he just 
  turns a deaf ear. Okay heres the situtations: I missed 
  landing points cuz of a clear case of interference...I am coming in on 
  approach and it started drizzling which of course threw off my 
  concentration, when asked RE for a reflight, not only did he refuse to 
  discuss it, HE LAUGHED at my request! Then I came in for a landing 
  circle which had been wobbly painted FREE HAND by Rick K, and my plane's 
  nose was only about 3/8" from the outside of the ring.. Well it was 
  clear that Rick K wobble painted a flat spot on the circle. So again I 
  went to RE to protest for landing points... I told him about the flat spot 
  in the painted landing circle and reasonably argued that if we were to 
  calculate the exact average radius of that particular circle that I was 
  sure I would get some points! But NO, again the 
  aristocratic RE guwfawed in my face! Well, its clear that this is one 
  CD who does consider the feelings of visting dignitaries of the hobby, so 
  I am NOT going to compete tomorrow in the Open Class event. (Okay, the 
  truth is my boss is making me work! :-( Today was supposed to be 
  weather we live for, instead it was gusty, no sky out lift that was 
  interspersed with drizzle, the competition was tough and Rick won the 
  event, and we all had a great time (cept for Jim McL who over stressed his 
  pretty green Majestic on launch)... For all of you who missed flying 
  todayHa Ha! I didn't. The Buzzards should be a must fly when ever 
  you get to Orlando. My new Kummerow Searcher flew sweet, and landed like a 
  dream, Pat K. easily one of our hobbies best sticks gets a bunch of credit 
  for my 'wood', its great to have a super timer to help you focus. 
  Thanks Buzzards, it was good to see you all again.  Wishing you 
  better air tomorrow. Gordy From my rental house's hot tub 

Re: [RCSE] the "Best" ARF Balsa Poly ship

2001-02-01 Thread Garland Hanson

Come on Gordy!!!  The Windstar is a LEAD SLED compared to 
the Spirit 2M arf and the Aspire!!!  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 2:35 
  Subject: [RCSE] the "Best" ARF Balsa Poly 
  Its been clear for a 
  while that the WindStar from ThunderTiger has been the outstanding ARF 
  "Gential Lady Wanna Be". But now ACE RC has intro'd the new evolution 
  of it called the WindStar MK 2, They sell for $99 from your hobby shop or 
  direct.   These are not the clunky edged usuals, (neither was the 
  original) but the Mk2 has white Ultra Coat (Oracover to you Euro's), with 
  the wing and tail rib bays done in Transparent yellow. What's 
  better about it compared to the S and E arfs?  Well that's why some 
  guys subscribe to RC Soaring Digest Magazine... cuz they want the details. 
  In any case it doesn't matter why its the top arf (in my hubbled 
  opinion), none of them will stand up to a Duck launch :-)  But its 
  pretty and has some added value. (in case you don't know what 'value' 
  means, it means getting a little more for your dollar than you thought you 
  would). NO its not shown on ACE's webpage.  If you are gonna get 
  an ARF to compete in St Louis, save up for a Mk2. 'and that's all 
  I have to say about that". Gordy 

[RCSE] DFS-Habicht

2000-08-18 Thread Garland Hanson

Anyone flying this model these days?  My kit is about half complete.

Are you flying on the slope, aerotowing, or what?  Did you attempt a scale
cockpit or other scale features?
How does this gull-winged beauty perform.

Also, any documention/history/info would be appreciated.
Garland Hanson

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[RCSE] Sacramento Sloping

2000-06-04 Thread Garland Hanson

I'll be visiting Sacramento on business this coming Wed-Fri, June 7-9.  I'm
looking for the lowdown on local sloping sites.  I'm not sure which side of
town I'm staying on but it doesn't matter!!!
Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Garland Hanson

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Re: [RCSE] Park Flyer in Zytrex Ad

2000-05-16 Thread Garland Hanson

It looks like one of the early scale models from Hobby Lobby.  Good
- Original Message -
From: James T Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: soaring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 5:39 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Park Flyer in Zytrex Ad

> Just saw an ad for a prescription allergy medicine call Zytrex.  In it
> had a guy flying a Park Flyer with a plastic porcupine.  Anyone recognize
> the plane or the radio?
> RC rules!
> jtm
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[RCSE] OK/Colorado Springs Sloping

2000-05-02 Thread Garland Hanson

I have a friend in Wichita, KS (2 hours from Lake Wilson) whose life is now
dedicated to sloping!  He is looking for sloping sites in Oklahoma and in
Colorado Springs.  Does anyone know of decent slope sites there?

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Re: [RCSE] skegs on sailplanes

2000-02-01 Thread Garland Hanson

Hey, Tim McCann has to make a living too!
Skegs Rule!

The landing area at the SW CLASSIC has been overseeded for the winter but it
is patchy.  Skegs will be both helpful and numerous.  My plane will be
bristling with skegs!!!  Thanks Tim!
Garland Hanson

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] skegs on sailplanes

> Hi Daryl,
> I just read your comments on skegs,etc. and I agree with most of what you
> said. I am a ham and use ham frequencies, but I don't sandbag. I think
> called up flight order
> is something we should do at all our contests. We used to do this in our
> powered
> free flight planes. We also gave the pilots 3 minutes to get in the air.
> This makes things a little more equal all the way around.
> Best regards,
> Art
> > [Original Message]
> > To: Mike Stump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: 1/31/00 9:04:51 PM
> > Subject: Re: [RCSE] skegs on sailplanes
> >
> > Most of you know, I've flown all over the world. The rest of the world
> simply doesn't understand our way of TD flying and scoring.
> > The reality is that our tasks have evolved over the years to take into
> account the tiny little postage stamp flying fields we are
> > required to sometimes fly from. Most pilots from other countries would
> laugh histerically if they ever attended Visalia, and saw the
> > little clump of grass we are required to land on downwind every year.
> is it like this? Real estate - it is at a premium, and we
> > are losing flying sites left and right. We're lucky to have the ones we
> have - especially in Southern California.
> >
> > I hate our landing tasks, and the value put on high landing points at a
> contest - but that's the way it is. Our TD contests are
> > about what happens when the plane hits the ground - not about what
> happens in the air. I think this is a shame, but there isn't
> > enough time in the day to hold a true thermal duration event - that Joe
> guy would just run out of batteries. Every one else would
> > follow him around the sky. There has to be a differentiator (Is that a
> word?) What will this be? Hmmm, landing?
> >
> > Now, skegs - again the reality of small sites, and poor flying skills.
> It's very easy for the purists to argue we don't need them.
> > "Sure, just learn how to land," they say. Yeah, right! If we eliminate
> skegs, do you really believe that all the soaring pilots who
> > already have trouble hitting the spot with skegs are going to go out and
> practice now? No, they won't. They're flying for fun. What
> > you've just created is making an unsafe pilot and situation MORE unsafe.
> Things happen in contests that don't normally happen during
> > fun flying. Everybody wants those landing points, and they're sure as
> heck not going to come up short. So, they're carrying energy -
> > LOTS of it. Oops, there goes my shins, your shins, and alot of leading
> edges.
> >
> > Our landing tape - Is it absurd? Probably. But it doesn't really matter.
> As long as everyone is landing on the same tape, it's
> > plenty fair. It's actually more fair than the FAI tapes. I like 1 point
> increments as opposed to 5 point increments. FAI tapes - You
> > could drop 5 points by simply being out 1/2". We're going to a contest
> Phoenix this weekend where it will be scored at 1 point
> > per inch away from the nail.  Averaging 85's will win this contest.
> even 80's. I do hope the purists leave their skegs at
> > home, and bring a lot planes! ;-) Or at least EPP LE's.
> >
> > So, how do we make contests more fair in the states? I don't have the
> answer to that. I do have a few ideas:
> >
> > 1. Eliminate sandbagging - called flight order. Give a guy 3 minutes(Or
> specified amount of time - field layout dependent) after
> > he's called to hook up to the winch. One of my pet peaves is the guys
> fly on ham bands to eliminate freq. conflicts, and sit on
> > the pin awaiting the lift cycles. This is an unfair advantage, and more
> importantly, is just a pussy move.
> > 2. When capable - try holding a man on man contest. Takes less time than
> you'd think. You don't have to wait for each flight group
> > to land prior to launching the next group. Can be accomplished with a
> little plan

Re: Re(2): [RCSE] Why we shouldn't inhale lead fumes (or eat ballast)

2000-02-01 Thread Garland Hanson

At room temperature, Lead has no vapor pressure.
- Original Message -
From: Jim Ealy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 1:11 PM
Subject: Re(2): [RCSE] Why we shouldn't inhale lead fumes (or eat ballast)

> Lead shot and vapors
> Lead is without doubt the main culprit in "mental retardation"  in
> children.  Even thinking about melting lead - using lead solder in (near)
> a house with small children is irresponsible.  The vapor - leaded gasoline
> - has been shown to have a nearly perfect cause and positive effect with
> vegetable gardens: mental retardation and distance of garden from major
> highways.  Remember all of my (your) handlaunched gliders used a small
> sliver of lead from toothpaste tubes and clay - that is why I am the way I
> am ;>)  Lead soldered  canned foods was a disastor, lead water pipes, lead
> paint.  Paint used lead compounds, one  compound was sweet tasting, like
> sugar, kids licked the paint off of walls. The list goes on--even if
> you tolerated (read macho) it, do not use it for the sake of your kids or
> grand kids.
> buy a 25 lbs bag of lead shot for $13.95 and cover it with epoxy in the
> nose, drill a small hole, bigger than the shot and then you get add to
> delete nose weight..  At room temperatures, the vapor pressure is low,
> very low compared to mecury.
> jim
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Re: [RCSE] Zagi 400 Complete vs. Semi Kit?

1999-12-08 Thread Garland Hanson

Give HobbyBarn in Tucson a call regarding the Zagi 400-E.  They sell it with
an upgraded battery!

- Original Message -
From: mark.howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Zagi 400 Complete vs. Semi Kit?

> Get it complete - what a deal! Flys fantastic and the speed controller
> great (for me). The only thing I added was different colors of tape -
> and an extra cell to the battery pack (you need that at 6500 feet!). I
> put a couple of capacitors on the motor to help noise.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> Date: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 2:02 PM
> Subject: [RCSE] Zagi 400 Complete vs. Semi Kit?
> >I know, I know, I am really sending a lot of email today.  But, now that
> Zagi EPP is done, I need another plane to build.  I always heard that you
> always want one plane building while your flying the others.  BesidesI
> am sick and need to feed my obsession!
> >
> >Anyway, I want to get the Zagi 400 for my first electric.  I have heard
> talk in the past that some folks were not happy with the speed controller
> the complete kit (from FMA I think) and wanted to get your opinions on it.
> Is it worth it to buy the Zagi complete, or should I get the semi and fill
> in with misc. parts from the hobby store?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Greg
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Re: [RCSE] First Plane

1999-08-22 Thread Garland Hanson

Either will work fine.  Both have removable wings.  Build as per the
instructions and get good instruction.  Don't try to go at it alone as a
beginner!  Stay away from epp as a beginner.  You're on the right track!
- Original Message -
From: Larry Head <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 1999 7:55 PM
Subject: [RCSE] First Plane

> I've read that either a Gentle Lady or a Great Planes Spirit would make a
> good first kit to learn both building skills and also flying skills. Are
> there any thoughts or recommendations on the relative merits of these
> planes. Ease of transportation would be one concern,for example, are the
> wings removable on these planes? I've also read that planes made of EPP
> very durable,are there any beginner planes made from EPP? This wannabe
> has no flying experience at all.
> Larry
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Re: [RCSE] P-1111 opinions requested.

1999-08-20 Thread Garland Hanson

I've built and flown two of them.  It's a great flyer with a very good speed
range.  It will float like a butterfly or you can pack it with lead and rip
up the slope.  I like this wing because it has a fuse I can grab a hold to
when I bungee it.

One building tip though, the plans will instruct you to install the servos
with the push rods exposed UNDER the wing.  On my next one, I will install
the servos so that the pushrods go OVER the wing.  Every rough-terrain
landing I make seems to dork the pushrods more and more.  Also, having the
entire length of them exposed seems to make them "whippy".  High speed
bungee launches (120mph+) have resulted in spectacular flutter
demonstrations with this setup.  I would bury the servos from the top and
try to run the rods so that they are mostly hidden/supported by the wing

I built mine with standard servos, 500 Mah pack, and a 555 receiver.  The
model does look very cool in the air!  You can see mine at
http://www.swlink.net/~ghanson/newpage2.htm  It's about halfway down the

Hope this helps!
Garland Hanson
- Original Message -
From: Bill Swingle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 1999 11:58 AM
Subject: [RCSE] P- opinions requested.

> I have recently acquired an unbuilt MAD P-.
>  Anyone care to offer an opinion? Anyone? Anyone?
>  Does it fly?
> I'm tempted to kit bash it. But that would be breaking my own rule "Always
> build the First one stock, as per the plans."  Gosh I hate breaking my own
> rules.
> If I do build it, is it worth building it real light or should I just
> to only fly it in good winds?
> Bill Swingle
> Pleasanton, CA
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