Re: [Biofuel] BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lying about 9/11

2006-03-28 Thread Jack Schwartz
Original query from Bob Allen:
> > Didn't Jones collaborate with Fleischmann and Pons
> > in the cold fusion fiasco?
>Response from Todd Swearingen:
>Two separate "teams" working towards different goals, although the 
>mediums were largely similar. They shared some data but essentially 
>worked independantly.

Todd's response reminds me of something.  The worldwide sensation 
caused by the Fleischmann and Pons "publication by press conference" 
of their beaker-scale, electrochemical supposed *cold fusion* results 
led the Utah legislature to appropriate a large parcel of support 
funding for cold fusion research by way of a special research 
foundation, or something like that.  It became a matter of high Utah 
state pride.

As was very reasonable for him to do, Steven Jones did accept a share 
of this very unexpected source of funding for his research.  And as 
part of the functioning of the "Utah cold fusion research 
foundation," and just as a natural course, there undoubtedly was some 
sharing of data as pointed out by Todd.

   -- Jack

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Re: [Biofuel] BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lying about 9/11

2006-03-28 Thread Jack Schwartz

Sorry, folks, for the doubled excerpt quotation. 
I wrote:

[Excerpt from] 
"In the mid 1980s, Jones .
"In the mid 1980s, Jones .

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Re: [Biofuel] BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lying about 9/11

2006-03-28 Thread Jack Schwartz

Bob Allen writes:
Is there something in the water
in Utah?  Didn't Jones collaborate with Fleischmann and Pons in the

cold fusion fiasco?
No.  Being a resident of the Salt Lake region at the time (I lived
in Southwest Wyoming), I followed this one closely.  Jones at
Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, UT, was very active in
dissociating his work from that of Fleischmann and Pons at the nearby
University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

[Excerpt from]
"In the mid 1980s, Jones and other BYU scientists demonstrated
an interesting new effect related to the potential for harnessing energy
from cold fusion, now also referred to as muon-catalyzed fusion. The
Jones process – not to be confused with the Cold fusion research of
Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann – did not produce excess heat, and
therefore did not provide a source of energy. The Jones process, through
measurement of charged particles, demonstrated excellent validation that
nuclear processes can occur in a relatively simple, room temperature

"In the mid 1980s, Jones and other BYU scientists demonstrated
an interesting new effect related to the potential for harnessing energy
from cold fusion, now also referred to as muon-catalyzed fusion. The
Jones process – not to be confused with the Cold fusion research of
Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann – did not produce excess heat, and
therefore did not provide a source of energy. The Jones process, through
measurement of charged particles, demonstrated excellent validation that
nuclear processes can occur in a relatively simple, room temperature

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Re: [Biofuel] Bring the Sixties Out of the Closet

2006-03-27 Thread Jack Schwartz

 From Keith Addison:
Bring the Sixties Out of the Closet
By Don Hazen, AlterNet. Posted March 23, 2006.

"Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the '60s (actually the
from '67 to '73) -- that political era so filled with possibility, so 
much a part of the blood and souls of millions of aging baby boomers 
like myself. The period was profoundly effective in the changes it 
provoked, yet is so persistently pilloried for its exaggerated 
This brings back a wave of nostalgia for me.  I am 66 years old
and from the so-called "silent generation" that preceded the
baby boomers, but in 1972 this Oklahoman found himself campaigning for
George McGovern on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  McGovern lost
to Nixon after which I was in a peaceful march on Washington with about
200,000 people coming in buses from up and down the East Coast on January
20, 1973, the day of Nixon's second inaugural.  Our march was a
counter-event to the Nixon inauguration.  We were civil and at the
Washington Monument we heard dignified speeches from Senator Philip Hart,
Rep. Bella Abzug, songs and speaking from Pete Seeger, etc.  But in
a typical 60's way, our day was cut short when Washington police on
horseback scarily rode at fast gait though our group - breaking it up -
in an overreaction to a few extremists, not with our group, burning some
of the flags that surround the Washington Monument.
  -- Jack

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Re: [Biofuel] Oil in Alberta

2006-03-26 Thread Jack Schwartz

Zeke writes concerning Alberta oil sands:
And where do they get the energy
to steam heat the sands to extract the oil?
One possibility:

"A nuclear steam plant in Alberta would reduce the cost
dramatically. Convert this goo for $30 or less and we would scare the
pants of XOM [Exxon-Mobil] and the Saudi King."
[last sentence]

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Re: [Biofuel] Crower six-stroke engine

2006-03-26 Thread Jack Schwartz
Bruce Crower company website:[2006 Master Catalog]

Contact for Crower Cams and Equipment Company, Inc.
6180 Business Center Court
San Diego, CA  92154-5604
Phone: 619-661-6477 · Fax: 619-661-6466

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Re: [Biofuel] Small oil press

2006-03-26 Thread Jack Schwartz

 From Keith:
Piteba manual oil expeller
Thanks, Keith, for this interesting forward.
A study of the website reveals the main markets for Dutch-made Piteba
manual oil expellers includes tropical and sub-tropical countries such as
Zambia, Mozambique, etc.  At the website link - [Guide to make
edible oils] - the situation creating the market is summarized.

"The minimum annual requirement of oils and fats is between 8.5
– 10.0 kg per adult according to the World Health Organization. Edible
oils and fats are essential for good health. However, in many countries
there is a great scarcity of edible oils and as a result the price of one
kilogram oil is frequently more than  the daily wage of a labourer!

Many national and international organizations as well as private
companies have developed manually operated oil presses for small scale
entrepreneurs or small groups of farmers. The aspect of manual operation
is important as the poorer segment of the rural population in many
countries is frequently too poor to consider mechanization of processing
by using an electromotor or petrol engine."
   -- Jack

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Re: [Biofuel] best source for WVO

2006-03-22 Thread Jack Schwartz

Concerning the results of adding sugar to gasoline - 
I find data suggesting that relatively low amounts of sugar present in
gasoline might be fairly harmless compared to 2lbs of sugar poured into a
gas tank, resulting in the engine being irreparably damaged within 50
miles, as reported by Bob Carr.  Like Bob, I have also know about
similar horror stories so I do not aim to discredit Bob's
information.  I only mean to suggest that minor amounts of sugar in
a candidate WVO may not rule out its usefulness.
A slide presentation that includes data for a systematic study of sugar
added to gasoline is cited.
   -- Jack
A History of Engine Defeat Through Chemical Means
Kenneth R. Collins
Donald R. Bowie
US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland

One of the more interesting aspects of nonlethal warfare considers
possibility of the defeat of engines without causing extensive damage
to their
surroundings or operating personnel. [continues, slides 10
to 14]
Complete Slide presentation:
[Slide 9 of 14]
Engine Defeat Through Chemical Means -
Sugar – Fact or Fiction? 
*Upper limits for solubility of sucrose in gasoline using
C14 labeled sugar - 1.5 mg/liter (ca 2 ppm) 

    J. Forensic Sciences
38, pg 757 (July 93)

& 39, pp 303-304 (Mar 94)
*ASTM D-381 gum results - SwRI Unpublished Data

Neat    Granulated 
Powdered Brown
1urs10 gm of sugar added to 1 liter
of fuel, stirred for 24 hours
[On the slide, this quote is added to emphasize the distinction
between high and low sugar addition.]
“A large amount of sugar could stop fuel flow in many
systems but so could plain dust swept from the ground.”

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Re: [Biofuel] what is "best " sources for WVO?

2006-03-22 Thread Jack Schwartz

This news item seemingly has some relevance for the best sources for WVO
   -- Jack

Northwest Burger Chain Begins Biodiesel Production Plan 

March 22, 2006 
Vancouver, Washington [] The Holland, Inc.,
announced that it has implemented a program in which it will recycle the
cooking oil from its Burgerville restaurants into biodiesel, a cleaner
burning blend of diesel fuel. All 39 Burgerville locations throughout the
Pacific Northwest will have their used cooking oil picked up by
Portland-based MRP Services and taken to a processing plant where the oil
is transformed into methyl esters (biodiesel) and glycerin (a byproduct)
through a process called transesterification.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Greenpeace finds Heinz Baby Rice Cereal contaminated by illegal GE rice

2006-03-16 Thread Jack Schwartz

Keith's post concerning Greenpeace finding Heinz Baby Rice Cereal
contaminated by illegal genetically engineered rice makes me wonder if
the iron and arsenic content of the Heinz Baby Rice Cereal is also being
checked by Greenpeace or others.
'Institute of Science In Society' Press Release
September 13, 2004
Rice in Asia: Too Little Iron, Too Much Arsenic
Asians are getting too little iron and too much arsenic from soil and
water. Unfortunately the remedy for one problem may increase the impact
of the other. The challenge is to find a remedy that takes care of both
problems, says Prof. Joe Cummins. [continues]
  -- Jack

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Re: [Biofuel] automating titration

2006-03-13 Thread Jack Schwartz

Joe Street writes:
 ... If you are really well
coordinated you might be able to control the [titrating] solution with
one hand and stir with the other but I am waaay too clumsy for that
...  [versus using a magnetic stirrer]
Joe, you gave me a chuckle along with some pleasant nostalgia.  My
chemistry training in the 1950's predates magnetic stirrers to the time
when swirling the sample solution in an Erlenmeyer flask was the main
method for sample agitation during titration.
With all the awesome developments in instrumental analytical chemistry,
lab automation, etc., for me the two most useful tools developed for lab
work within the last 50 years or so are the magnetic stirrer and the
hand-held calculator.
  -- Jack

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