Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Gnerating visualisations from a set of OSM XML files.

2017-03-02 Thread Dave Corley
Hi Peter,

I noticed a bit of activity around Maynooth :)

In the past, I've asked Derrick Rethans to make time lapse videos for
various projects

2 for Lesotho

And 1 for Galway

You usually just need to supply him with a bounding box and the dates

It's better if you contact him ahead of the start date but I think he can
work back.

You should be able to get a hold of him through twitter @derickr

There are other ways of doing it yourself, but I'm afraid I can't help


On 2 Mar 2017 19:08, "Peter Mooney"  wrote:

Hello everyone,

At the Dept of Computer Science here in Maynooth University I currently
have two undergraduate students working with me on an internship project.
One of the key tasks in this project is to update existing data and
contribute new data to OpenStreetMap in the University. Our focus is
mapping the changes around the two campus from local knowledge and
on-the-ground survey. So we are mapping everything from our new buildings
to litter bins, trees, lampposts and sundials! In summary Barry [] and Stephen [] have really embraced the challenge.

On a daily basis we have a Python script which downloads the OSM XML for
Maynooth and stores this file.

At the end of their project (late April) we'd like to create a
visualization of the changes in the University OpenStreetMap map - maybe on
a weekly basis (or even daily) - for the duration of the internship.

Has anyone on the IE list done this before? Can anyone give us some
pointers on what the best approach should be? We're considering Mapnik and
Maperative. Something we could script with Python or similar would be

Thanks in advance,

Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Gnerating visualisations from a set of OSM XML files.

2017-03-02 Thread Peter Mooney
Hello everyone,

At the Dept of Computer Science here in Maynooth University I currently
have two undergraduate students working with me on an internship project.
One of the key tasks in this project is to update existing data and
contribute new data to OpenStreetMap in the University. Our focus is
mapping the changes around the two campus from local knowledge and
on-the-ground survey. So we are mapping everything from our new buildings
to litter bins, trees, lampposts and sundials! In summary Barry [] and Stephen [] have really embraced the challenge.

On a daily basis we have a Python script which downloads the OSM XML for
Maynooth and stores this file.

At the end of their project (late April) we'd like to create a
visualization of the changes in the University OpenStreetMap map - maybe on
a weekly basis (or even daily) - for the duration of the internship.

Has anyone on the IE list done this before? Can anyone give us some
pointers on what the best approach should be? We're considering Mapnik and
Maperative. Something we could script with Python or similar would be

Thanks in advance,

Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Changesets by WernerP

2017-03-02 Thread Killyfole and District Development Association
Today I noticed a user uploading a number of changesets to my "watched area".  
On first 
glance they appear to be adding lots of new features like buildings etc, but on 
inspection they are doing some very strange things in each of the changeset, 
which I don't 
agree with.

1) In changeset 46517951 the user has removed tags from a way making up a 
relation, only to create a totally new way for a stream. (
#map=19/54.35902/-7.63934[1] )  as the boundary is the actual stream I can't 
why the user has made this change.

2) In changeset 46520040 the user has decided that source=Bing is wrong and 
changes it 
to source=bing for a random number of objects.  Since JOSM automatically adds 
this tag 
when bing imagery is used, why has the user decided to change this for this 
small number of objects around Enniskillen.  Surely if this is a problem, it 
needs to be 
discussed on the mailing list in advance of such a changeset!

3) In changeset 46523754 the user has decided to create new ways for rivers and 
and to name them after the boundary they make up. ie

Having both PM'ed the user and added changeset comments which have went 
unanswered, I emailed the data working group to place a temporary block on the 
I notice there are other changesets throughout Ireland, so would other 
contributors in 
those areas please check the changesets.


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