Re: Cascading 'From Addresses'

2000-03-22 Thread Paula Ford

On Wednesday, March 22, 2000, Leif Gregory wrote:

> Personally, I would like a configurable drop down box for those fields
> where I could specify any number of addresses regardless of whether I
> had an account set up with that information or not.

I'd like that, too, although it seems un-Bat-like for some reason. I'll
have to spend some more time with Quick Templates when I get a chance.

Paula Ford
The Bat! 1.41 (reg)
Windows 95 4.0 Build 950

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Re: Multiple aliases

2000-03-22 Thread Tom Plunket

Thomas wrote:

S>>   Multiple Receive Accounts under Account Properties/Transport.

TF> I would not like this; I like the seperate of the accounts.

Some people would like it though.  Who's wishes and needs are more
important?  Why require an answer at all, if it's easy to support both
types of people easily?

TF> If not, they're not aliases but seperate accounts IMHO.

We've been over this, and they are seperate POP boxes.  Call them what
you will, there probably won't be any agreement on this.  ;)


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Re: Cascading 'From Addresses'

2000-03-22 Thread Paula Ford

On Wednesday, March 22, 2000, Simon wrote:

> If I choose Account/Properties from the TB! menu, and then change the
> 'From Address' to something other than the 'From' Address' in a sub
> folder Identity, it will cascade the 'From Address' change down
> through all the folders.

Confirmed if I create new folder but do not change From in folder
identity. Changing From in account properties also changed From in the
folder. But, if I enter a different From in the folder after creating
it, changing the From in the account properties does not affect the

Paula Ford
The Bat! 1.41 (reg)
Windows 95 4.0 Build 950

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Re: Attachements

2000-03-22 Thread Lionel Elie Mamane

Hash: SHA1

Hello Arno,

Wednesday, March 22, 2000, 11:15:53 PM, you wrote:

AvS> friend of mine sent me total file size of 10 MB via mail.

I  once  had  the  same problem: Use the Mail Dispatcher. There, I was
able to open the msg, save the attachments, and delete it from server.
You might try the latest beta also, but take care, it uses a different
msgbase  format  (that's  why  it could solve the problem ), so you
can't revert back to non-beta if you encounter problems.

- --
Best regards,
 Lionelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP RSA 1024 bits Key Fingerprint (KeyID: F6467875): 81A1 06A7 32C1 92DA 3B5A
3433 C96F B3CD
PGP RSA 2048 bits Key Fingerprint (KeyID: 20C897E9): 85CF 986F 263E 8CD0 80FD
4B8C F5F9 C17D
PGP DH/DSS 2048/1024 Key Fingerprint (KeyID: 8B91DF22): CB1E 44F1 4BBC 38D2
56A9 BE67 D8C0 2B43 8B91 DF22
PGP DH/DSS 4096/1024 Key Fingerprint (KeyID: 3E7B4B73): 9DAD 3131 3ADA F50B
D096 002A B1C4 7317 3E7B 4B73

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Re: Vieving HTML messages

2000-03-22 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Douglas,

On  Wednesday, March 22, 2000  at  00:11:44 GMT -0600 (which was 10:11 PM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> Hello Januk,

> Wednesday, March 22, 2000, 9:28:19 PM, you wrote:

JA>>  The only negative that I'm finding with this system is that if you're
JA>>  using Netscape as your default browser, there doesn't seem to be any
JA>>  way of having TB open links in a new window.

> You would open the new window in netscape first (Ctrl+1 or Ctrl N) if
> I recall), then click on the icon or url from TB!

 Yes, but this is far from an ideal solution. :-)  I actually meant,
 there is no way to have TB open a link in a new Netscape Window
 *automagically.* There is supposedly a way to have IE5 force open a
 new window too, but I can't find it. Oh well, these are old topics
 that won't see a resolution any time soon, I'm afraid.

Thanks for writing
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.41
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: highlighting the your account first

2000-03-22 Thread Lionel Elie Mamane

Hash: SHA1

Hello Simon,

Wednesday, March 22, 2000, 7:02:41 PM, you wrote:

S> When TB! is minimised to the tray, is there any way to create a new
S> message based on the default account template without restoring TB!
S> and highlighting your default account first?

Well,  you  can  right-click  on  its  icon  in  the tray (if you have
"minimize  to  tray"  selected), "active account" and there select the
correct one. That's how I do.

- --
Best regards,
 Lionelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP RSA 1024 bits Key Fingerprint (KeyID: F6467875): 81A1 06A7 32C1 92DA 3B5A
3433 C96F B3CD
PGP RSA 2048 bits Key Fingerprint (KeyID: 20C897E9): 85CF 986F 263E 8CD0 80FD
4B8C F5F9 C17D
PGP DH/DSS 2048/1024 Key Fingerprint (KeyID: 8B91DF22): CB1E 44F1 4BBC 38D2
56A9 BE67 D8C0 2B43 8B91 DF22
PGP DH/DSS 4096/1024 Key Fingerprint (KeyID: 3E7B4B73): 9DAD 3131 3ADA F50B
D096 002A B1C4 7317 3E7B 4B73

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re[2]: Vieving HTML messages

2000-03-22 Thread Douglas Hinds

Hello Januk,

Wednesday, March 22, 2000, 9:28:19 PM, you wrote:

JA>  The only negative that I'm finding with this system is that if you're
JA>  using Netscape as your default browser, there doesn't seem to be any
JA>  way of having TB open links in a new window.

You would open the new window in netscape first (Ctrl+1 or Ctrl N) if
I recall), then click on the icon or url from TB!

JA> Some people use a browser called Opera, and Opera can force a new
JA> Window to open.

I use the right mouse button to open new windows for links from within
Opera, but haven't noticed that TB! will open a new Opera window
automatically, by itself. OK, I just tried it and you are right. But
Opera windows are internal, while Netscapes's are separate.


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Re: Vieving HTML messages

2000-03-22 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Chris,

On  Wednesday, March 22, 2000  at  21:47:05 GMT -0500 (which was 6:47 PM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> Hi,

> I'm using ver.1.41 personal. When I get an HTML message with images;
> it seems that the images won't display. The placeholders are there
> with little exclamation marks.. Do I have a setting wrong, or won't TB
> pull images off of the web?

 As Thomas mentioned, TB intentionally does not go onto the web to get
 any files.  When someone sends me an HTML message that I can trust, I
 double click on the attachment and view it in my default browser.
 Now that I'm used to the system, I find it works quite well.  Also,
 to prevent viewing a bunch of junk, I have TB set to view the plain
 text part by default (Options - uncheck HTML Autoview).

 The only negative that I'm finding with this system is that if you're
 using Netscape as your default browser, there doesn't seem to be any
 way of having TB open links in a new window.  Some people use a
 browser called Opera, and Opera can force a new Window to open.

Thanks for writing
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.41
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Cascading 'From Addresses'

2000-03-22 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Simon, 

On the whole, I tend to agree. I have had some instances where I
wanted to change that info to the info from another account, but when
RITLabs implemented Quick Templates, this was better, because I could
also change the sig.

Personally, I would like a configurable drop down box for those fields
where I could specify any number of addresses regardless of whether I
had an account set up with that information or not. This would be a
great boon to me as I have over 30 aliases pointing to a single POP3
account for all sorts of different things like my e-zine, UDL
subscriptions, newsletter/e-zine subscriptions, submissions, bug
reports from my web site etc.

Right now, I just use Quick Templates to do all the work, because some
of those aliases are used too infrequently for them to justify their
own folder, much less an account.

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 at 17:50:40 [GMT +], you wrote:
S> So what is the point of having the 'From Address' on the Identity
S> sheet under individual Folder Properties? I am probably missing
S> something.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   

PGP Key ID: 
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  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/6 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
His .sig is long, boring, and stupid, but it's the best part of his

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Re: Filters (argh!)

2000-03-22 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Allie, 

Allie is correct, in fact, I described just this sort of filter in the
filter how-to at: 

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 at 16:14:57 [GMT  -0500], you wrote:
AM> Alright ... From what you said, you seem to have successfully
AM> created a filter that works on incoming mail. You however wish for
AM> it to work only when the message is read. Well to do that, simply
AM> drag and drop the filter rule from the 'Inbox' filter set to the
AM> 'Read Messages' filter set. Look in the first page of the filter
AM> rule properties after doing this and make sure that under the
AM> "Rule Is" option that "Active" is checked but "Manual" is
AM> unchecked. It should now work. If it doesn't work, there is
AM> something wrong with the filter rule and we need more details.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   

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  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/6 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A titanic intellect... In a world full of icebergs. 

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Re: More on filters

2000-03-22 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Roy, 

Definitely, the machine with filters is going to be slower (provided
all else is equal), and it gets slower the more filters you have. It's
not a reflection on TB, but on the fact that each message must be
matched against every active filter.

You'll take a speed hit on the complexity of your filters as well. If
you have messages being parsed by some external program, or printing
hardcopys, or whatever, it's gonna be slower than just a straight move
message to folder filter.

Kill filters are slow because of the way that they are designed to
work. Again, it's not a reflection on TB, but of the inherent dual
session requirements. TB must first download all message headers, then
match those against kill filters. Those that are a positive match will
be skipped and then deleted from the server while the rest of the
messages are being downloaded. This happens in the second session TB
has with the mail server.

I would venture to say that even a single kill filter string would
cause the overall filtering system to be slower than twenty move SPAM
to trash filters. I've never tested this, but it seems reasonable.
Then again, someone with a fat data pipe might be able to manage the
D/L of the headers, kill filter, and then D/L the non-killed messages
faster than twenty move to trash filters. Could be wrong, but that's
what theories are for! 

As you said below, it is true that a filter will perform faster if it
has less text to search. i.e. knowing that the string you want to
filter on appears only in the SUBJECT line, and setting your filter up
to search only the SUBJECT line.

If you know where the string is supposed to be, then search only that
area because if you are searching in TEXT OR BODY OR SUBJECT, it's a
good deal of wasted effort by TB.

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 at 17:22:21 [GMT +], you wrote:
RM> I'm wondering what is the impact in terms of speed of various
RM> filters and Leifs piece had me wondering. I've noticed large
RM> differences in speed of download between almost identical machines
RM> where one was filtering and the other wasn't. I've tried deleting
RM> filters that search on all text as I assumed they were the slowest
RM> - but are kill filters that are killing 'on the server' the
RM> slowest?

RM> Cheers
RM> Roy

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/6 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

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Re: Vieving HTML messages

2000-03-22 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hi Chris,

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:47:05 -0500GMT (23/03/2000, 10:47 +0800GMT),
Chris VanHonk wrote:

CV> I'm using ver.1.41 personal. When I get an HTML message with images;
CV> it seems that the images won't display. The placeholders are there
CV> with little exclamation marks.. Do I have a setting wrong, or won't TB
CV> pull images off of the web?

The latter - TB won't pull images off the web, because that is a
security risk. Many viruses are distributed that way. We definitely
don't want TB to get anything from the web without permission.



Message reply created with The Bat! 1.41
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
on a Pentium II/350 MHz.

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Vieving HTML messages

2000-03-22 Thread Chris VanHonk


I'm using ver.1.41 personal. When I get an HTML message with images;
it seems that the images won't display. The placeholders are there
with little exclamation marks.. Do I have a setting wrong, or won't TB
pull images off of the web?

God bless,

"Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them."
-Alexander Dumas

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Re: Cascading 'From Addresses'

2000-03-22 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Jason,

On  Wednesday, March 22, 2000  at  17:39:31 GMT -0800 (which was 5:39 PM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

> On 22-Mar-2000 09:50 AM, Simon had the nerve to write...
>> So what is the point of having the 'From Address' on the Identity sheet under
>> individual Folder Properties?

> Say you've changed the From Name in Folder XY to "Mr. Bob". Now, when you
> create a new message with folder XY selected (being viewed) the name
> appearing in the From information in that message will be Mr. Bob, not Simon.
> (I assume that's your default From Name)

> I personally use this to change between my screen name and my real name
> depending on whether I'm writing to a buddy or acquaintance. :)

 Right, but that's not what he's asking.  What Simon is referring to
 is a problem when he changes the From Name in his Account Properties.
 Apparently he is losing the Folder-specific information.  Now I can
 not recreate his problem, but perhaps that has to do with the
 versions we are running.

Thanks for writing
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.41
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Attachements

2000-03-22 Thread tracer

Hello Arno van Stralen,
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 23:15:53 +0100 GMT your local time,
which was Thursday, March 23, 2000, 5:15:53 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Arno van Stralen wrote:

> Dear all,

> Since my ICQ connection was failing every minute, some friend of mine
> sent me some MP3 files with a total file size of 10 MB via mail. Nice
> and all, but when I try to download these files with The Bat!, I
> consequently get a memory exception error at some address. A gut told
> me the reason for this was the version I was using ( 1.39 Christmas
> Edition) so I upgraded to 1.41. Still, the same error hits me :(

> The prob is I haven't written down my mail passwords and thus, I
> cannot retrieve the mail with for example Agent or some other mail
> client.

> Does anybody has a solution to this?

Tell your isp to reset the password as you SHOULD know your password.
if you have to reinstall windows you are totally sunk!!
Or run one of those little gems over your system.
I can email you one Except you got this 10 mb in the way I guess.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.42 Beta/5 with Windows 98
I am using FireTalk: 321338
ICQ: on request 
Our special website hosting/mailservers are now operational

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Re: Cascading 'From Addresses'

2000-03-22 Thread Jason Thompson

On 22-Mar-2000 09:50 AM, Simon had the nerve to write...
> So what is the point of having the 'From Address' on the Identity sheet under
> individual Folder Properties?

Say you've changed the From Name in Folder XY to "Mr. Bob". Now, when you
create a new message with folder XY selected (being viewed) the name
appearing in the From information in that message will be Mr. Bob, not Simon.
(I assume that's your default From Name)

I personally use this to change between my screen name and my real name
depending on whether I'm writing to a buddy or acquaintance. :)

Jason Thompson

Nostalgia just ain't what it used to be.

The Bat! v1.42 Beta/5 Win98

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Re: highlighting the your account first

2000-03-22 Thread Jason Thompson

On 22-Mar-2000 10:02 AM, Simon had the nerve to write...
> When TB! is minimised to the tray, is there any way to create a new message
> based on the default  account template without restoring TB! and highlighting
> your default account first?

I only use one account, so I'm not entirely sure if this will work, but in
the New Message templates for every account, you can try inserting the macro:
Theoretically, that should change the account for every new message to the
AccountName account, regardless whether it is active or not.

Jason Thompson

The Bat! v1.42 Beta/5 Win98

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Re: Attachements

2000-03-22 Thread Tom Plunket

AvS> The prob is I haven't written down my mail passwords and thus, I
AvS> cannot retrieve the mail with for example Agent or some other mail
AvS> client.

You can retreive your password from the starry boxes with Revelation
from  Yet another reason to not check "save
password" boxes...


Hopin' this said *something* useful, [EMAIL PROTECTED] out.

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Re: Unforntuantely!

2000-03-22 Thread Alexander V. Kiselev

Hi there!

On 22 Mar 00, at 21:51, Simon wrote
about "Unforntuantely!":

>   Does this word come up as a spelling error in anyone's spell checker?
>   Unforntuantely
>   Doesn't in mine. Looks like a new word slipped into the language when
>   I was not looking. :))

This spelling is better for _my_ tongue, IMHO;-)) Might be that TB's 
spellchecker cares a bit 'bout poor Russians who fail to pronounce the 
correctly spelled variant;-)

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  Your reality check just bounced.

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2000-03-22 Thread Arno van Stralen

Dear all,

Since my ICQ connection was failing every minute, some friend of mine
sent me some MP3 files with a total file size of 10 MB via mail. Nice
and all, but when I try to download these files with The Bat!, I
consequently get a memory exception error at some address. A gut told
me the reason for this was the version I was using ( 1.39 Christmas
Edition) so I upgraded to 1.41. Still, the same error hits me :(

The prob is I haven't written down my mail passwords and thus, I
cannot retrieve the mail with for example Agent or some other mail

Does anybody has a solution to this?


Met vriendelijke groeten,
 Arno  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2000-03-22 Thread Simon

A Chairde,

  Does this word come up as a spelling error in anyone's spell checker?


  Doesn't in mine. Looks like a new word slipped into the language when
  I was not looking. :))

Slán go fóill. 


Send private mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Leave voicemail @ 01792 540900 (+44)
Send Fax-2-Email @ 0870 7061323 (+44)

The Bat! version: 1.42 Beta/3
Notetab Std/Pro version: 4.8
M$ Winblows version: 4.10. A  http://www.youcanthaveyourowncd.con
Key ID:
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Re: %ISSIGNATURE macro cookie problems

2000-03-22 Thread Allie Martin

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 11:15:17 -0800, Nick Andriash wrote:

>> I use two cookie files, ie, TB!'s own cookie file and a remote
>> cookie file. I therefore use cookies from both by inserting either
>> '%COOKIE' or '%COOKIE="\"' in my templates.
>> There's one particular signature template that I use which includes
>> macros to insert cookies from *both* cookie files.

> Well, I'm not sure Allie if my little bug is related to yours, but I
> created a new Folder under Mailing Lists, and I went to use a simple
> Folder Template for new messages with the following:


> ...then at the bottom of the template where I usually have my signature,
> nothing is showing? When I go to create a new message now, the TO: box is
> properly filled in, but when I go to enter something in the SUBJECT: box,
> it seems my entire signature is magically added to the TO: box along with
> the address. I don't use a signature macro or anything, but have simply
> added my signature to the main account folder new message template. What
> are your thoughts about correcting this behaviour. All of my other folder
> templates work just fine?

My problem is showing that folder templates containing cookie
macros interfere with the execution of address book template cookie
macros if you use more than one cookie file. These are bugs which need

You are seeing another way in which folder templates are
interfering with their own subfolders template and macro functions. I
have no fix or work around except to use only address book specific
templates and quick templates for exceptions, ie. to those not in your
address group. Take for example, for TBUDL, you may create an address
book entry, go in the properties and create templates. No matter where
you place a TBUDL message in your folder tree, or from where you
create a new message, the appropriate template will be generated. No
more "darn it, I created this message with the wrong folder open". :)

© Allie
 »» Running The Bat! v1.42 Beta/5 on Win2k Pro ««
 ** A critic is a man who leaves no turn unstoned. **

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Re: Filters (argh!)

2000-03-22 Thread Allie Martin

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 10:31:49 -0500, Jason Ellis wrote:

> I'm having a weird and wacky problem. I'm trying to set up a filter
> to filter certain e-mail (filtered by subject line). The filter
> itslef is working ok if I filter manually. And if I set the filter
> to filter on incoming mail it works - but I do not want the mail
> filtered on incoming, I want it filtered when it's read. I selected
> the read message filter but it's not working.

> What I want to do is I want these messages to come into my inbox when
> they're a new message. When I mark them as read, I want them to
> automatically and instantly filter into another archived mailbox.

> Any ideas on how to do that?

Alright ... From what you said, you seem to have successfully
created a filter that works on incoming mail. You however wish for it
to work only when the message is read. Well to do that, simply drag
and drop the filter rule from the 'Inbox' filter set to the 'Read
Messages' filter set. Look in the first page of the filter rule
properties after doing this and make sure that under the "Rule Is"
option that "Active" is checked but "Manual" is unchecked. It should
now work. If it doesn't work, there is something wrong with the filter
rule and we need more details.

© Allie
 »» Running The Bat! v1.42 Beta/5 on Win2k Pro ««
 ** Honk if you love peace and quiet. **

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Re: The filter How-To has finally been written

2000-03-22 Thread Gary

Hi Leif,

On Wednesday, March 22, 2000, 12:34:37 AM, you wrote in part about
"The filter How-To has finally been written":

L> Chris VanHonk's message finally convinced me to write the how-to on
L> filters that I promised to do ages ago. It's long, but very
L> detailed.

Really a *very* nice job on this, as I just saw it a few minutes ago.
Very much appreciated.


Best regards,

Today's thought: A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than
any other invention in human history, with the possible exception of
handguns and tequila." - Mitch Radcliffe

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Re: More on filters

2000-03-22 Thread Wolfgang Kynast

Hi Roy,

RM> - but are kill
RM> filters that are killing 'on the server' the slowest?

AFAIK yes. The reason is that TB has to contact the server
twice per messages if at least one kill filter exists:
1. get headers
2. get message
If your mail server is slow (as mine is) it is a lot faster
to download all mails and filter locally. Of course this
might be different if you are regularly receiving large
mails that can be killed.


Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists

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Re: %ISSIGNATURE macro cookie problems

2000-03-22 Thread Nick Andriash

On Tuesday, March 21, 2000, 8:28:54 AM, Allie Martin wrote:

>   The bug description:

> I use two cookie files, ie, TB!'s own cookie file and a remote
> cookie file. I therefore use cookies from both by inserting either
> '%COOKIE' or '%COOKIE="\"' in my templates.
> There's one particular signature template that I use which includes
> macros to insert cookies from *both* cookie files.

Well, I'm not sure Allie if my little bug is related to yours, but I
created a new Folder under Mailing Lists, and I went to use a simple
Folder Template for new messages with the following:


...then at the bottom of the template where I usually have my signature,
nothing is showing? When I go to create a new message now, the TO: box is
properly filled in, but when I go to enter something in the SUBJECT: box,
it seems my entire signature is magically added to the TO: box along with
the address. I don't use a signature macro or anything, but have simply
added my signature to the main account folder new message template. What
are your thoughts about correcting this behaviour. All of my other folder
templates work just fine?


   --=N.J. (Nick) Andriash=--
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP Key ID: 0x2924D361

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Re: More on filters

2000-03-22 Thread Simon

Roy, dia duit!

On 22/03/2000 you may or may not have meant to post the following to TBUDL:

> but are kill filters that are killing 'on the server' the slowest?

Lief seems to be yer man for this doesn't he. However, I tried using kill
filters, found them slow, quirky, and so don't use them now. Anything that
decreases download performance is better off being left alone IMHO. For this
same reason, I stopped using the message dispatcher after Paula Ford
commented on it some time back (ta Paula).

Slán anois, 


Obiter dictum: "you ought to see far enough into a hypocrite to see even his sincerity"
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highlighting the your account first

2000-03-22 Thread Simon

A Chairde,

When TB! is minimised to the tray, is there any way to create a new message
based on the default  account template without restoring TB! and highlighting
your default account first?

Clarification: I know that you can left click on the TB! icon in Systray and
choose New Message, but if you keep forgetting to re-highlight the default Account
root before minimising to the tray (like I do), choosing this option will
then create a template from the folder that was last highlighted.

Slán go fóill. 


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Printing sucks

2000-03-22 Thread Vincent - D. Ertner

Hi Co-Batties,

it's annoying, that printing a message from main view disables the
cursor keys and e. g. Ctrl+V - anyone out there who found it annoying

What about the hero who promised to implement Ctrl+P for printing a
message while in main view?



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Cascading 'From Addresses'

2000-03-22 Thread Simon

A Chairde,

I have just realised that Account Identity information is cascading. What I
mean, is this:

If I choose Account/Properties from the TB! menu, and then change the 'From
Address' to something other than the 'From' Address' in a sub folder
Identity, it will cascade the 'From Address' change down through all the

So what is the point of having the 'From Address' on the Identity sheet under
individual Folder Properties? I am probably missing something.

Slán go fóill. 


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More on filters

2000-03-22 Thread Roy Madden

I'm wondering what is the impact in terms of speed of various filters
and Leifs piece had me wondering. I've noticed large differences in
speed of download between almost identical machines where one was
filtering and the other wasn't. I've tried deleting filters that
search on all text as I assumed they were the slowest - but are kill
filters that are killing 'on the server' the slowest?


Why did 1 million Formula 1 fans cross the road?

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Re: Filters (argh!)

2000-03-22 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hallo Jason,

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 10:31:49 -0500 GMT (22.03.2000, 23:31 +0800 GMT),
Jason Ellis wrote:

JE> What I want to do is I want these messages to come into my inbox when
JE> they're a new message. When I mark them as read, I want them to
JE> automatically and instantly filter into another archived mailbox.

This is supposed to work when you have marked the Read option. Please
check whether you also have marked the "Manual Only" option. This
should be unchecked.


Thomas mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.41
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998 
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Filters (argh!)

2000-03-22 Thread Jason Ellis

Hello list,

I'm having a weird and wacky problem. I'm trying to set up a filter to
filter certain e-mail (filtered by subject line). The filter itslef is
working ok if I filter manually. And if I set the filter to filter on
incoming mail it works - but I do not want the mail filtered on
incoming, I want it filtered when it's read. I selected the read
message filter but it's not working.

What I want to do is I want these messages to come into my inbox when
they're a new message. When I mark them as read, I want them to
automatically and instantly filter into another archived mailbox.

Any ideas on how to do that?



Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc.

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Re: Word wrapping

2000-03-22 Thread Allie Martin

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 07:38:05 +, John Rainer wrote:

> Thanks for the replies, Tom and Allie. Alt-l seems to solve most of
> my problems.

Have you given auto-format a try?

AM>> TB!'s editor is a WYSIWYG editor in the true sense of the
AM>> word. It does NOT wrap text on sending. It sends it just as you see it
AM>> before sending. Most recipient e-mail apps including TB! will wrap
AM>> long lines in the message viewer.

> There I had made a dangerous assumption without testing it,
> particularly as the line length and autowrap settings are completely
> separate. Other programs I've used wrap on send to the specified line
> length irrespective of what appears in the composition window, so I
> will have to be careful here.

Funny, my impression is the opposite. Agent and now TB! were
Godsends for me because I was able to see exactly what people were
getting provided I wrap my lines within 80 characters. Most other
editors are not WYSIWYG and do this wrapping on sending. I would have
to look at the message in the sent folder to see what it looked like
saying drats or whatever when the wrapping messed things up.

© Allie
 »» Running The Bat! v1.42 Beta/5 on Win2k Pro ««
 ** If marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will have inlaws. **

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Re: %ISSIGNATURE macro cookie problems

2000-03-22 Thread Jacek 'kocurek' Wojaczynski

Hello SyP,

On Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 11:45:43 PM you wrote:

> In a message template I have the line %COOKIE="cookie1.txt", and also a
> Quick template %COOKIE="cookie2.txt". Then I begin to write a new
> message, but I don't like the cookie and decide to use the Quick
> template; but it just gives the same cookie line from cookie1.txt forever.

Confirm. Quite irritating 'feature' :)

best regards,

 (~o o~)   Jacek Wojaczynski
  )'Y'(ICQ UIN:32693721
 ( )

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Re: The filter How-To has finally been written

2000-03-22 Thread Mark R Harding


Regarding your message dated: Wednesday, March 22, 2000...


Excellent.  I currently make good use (or so I believe) of filters to
sort and react to my mail and have a large number of filters set up
now - most of which were created to mirror functionality from my
previous mail client.

What I got from the howto was a much better understanding of some of
the subtler points regarding using filters to process my outgoing
mails or to take more involved actions than just filing an incoming
message somewhere other than in my inbox.

Thanks for the work you put into this.  Having 'written' documentation
has always been my preferred way to digest the functionality of a
product and it's good to now have something truly readable rather than
having to pour over the man-pages (err, I mean the help file - sorry!)
or the back-catalogue of UDL messages.



 Using TheBat! 1.41 Windows NT 4 0 1381 Service Pack 6
 Get Paid to Surf -
 Mark R Harding
 The Integrated Systems Group (Vision)
 Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering
 The University of Edinburgh, King's Buildings, Mayfield Road
 Edinburgh. EH9 3JL. Scotland. U.K.

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Duplicate Message ID

2000-03-22 Thread Simon

A Chairde,

I've noticed that TB! generates duplicate message IDs every now and then:

I created eleven messages and queued them in the outbox, and Message-ID:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was assigned *twice*. It seems to be every now
and then. Does this affect proper threading?

Slán anois, 

 Simon  send private mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Usin' TB! version: 1.42 Beta/5 
M$ Winblows version: 4.10. A   

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Re: Word wrapping

2000-03-22 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hi John,

On  22 March 2000  at  07:38:05 GMT + (which was 07:38 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points:

AM>> Try  what  I  outlined above and you will be able to have
AM>> FULL control over the formatting of the text you send. The editor
AM>> takes  some  getting  used  to  but it indeed provides a level of
AM>> control not seen in other e-mail editors.

> Granted, but I rarely, if ever, need, that level of control - perhaps
> a setting to turn a 'full' autowrap on and off as opposed to, or in
> addtion to, the one that exists at the moment would cope with both
> needs.

Ctrl-Shift-F will toggle auto-format on/off from an edit window. I use
this  often while typing. I find it more convenient than Alt-l / Alt-J
and I have to press it less frequently :-).

> Anyway, still a great program.

Agred :-).


Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA
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