Re[2]: Info about TB! 2.00.18?

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, September 29, 2003, 7:56:55 AM, Marck wrote:
M> @29-Sep-2003, 07:44 -0400 (12:44 UK time) Dave Kennedy [DK] in
M> mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

DK>> I see that a few folks are using 2.00.18. What's fixed in
DK>> this? Release notes anywhere?

M> Please review the TBBETA archive since this version is only
M> available as a beta release.

Didn't realize it was beta.  I don't have the b/w to do beta
testing at this time.  Maybe in the future

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Info about TB! 2.00.18?

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Kennedy
I see that a few folks are using 2.00.18.  What's fixed in this?
Release notes anywhere?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Why MyGate with TB!?

2003-09-25 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, September 24, 2003, 4:12:58 PM, Dave wrote:
D> Why do people use MyGate -> The Bat! for their newsgroups?

D> Why not a specialized newsreader like xnews?

So, reading through through the various response (Thanks!), the
main reason seems to be it's nice to have the Usenet posts in the
same place as e-mail.

A valid reason. I asked because some of the threads in TBUDL and
TBOT get so long that navigating them becomes onerous and I wish
for the ability to handle them with News software. But, then I
run across people doing the exact opposite with MyGate and had to
wonder why.

Does TB! have the basic rn/nn/etc. ability to "kill" a thread?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Why MyGate with TB!?

2003-09-24 Thread Dave Kennedy
Why do people use MyGate -> The Bat! for their newsgroups?

Why not a specialized newsreader like xnews?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Folder templates vs. AB templates

2003-09-23 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 12:31:57 PM, MAU wrote:
M> You owe me a beer ;-)

Anytime! Next time you're in Atlanta, give me a holler and your
preference of dark or light is on me. :)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Folder templates vs. AB templates

2003-09-23 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 9:59:22 AM, MAU wrote:
>> How do I tell if a folder has templates set for it rather than
>> defaulting to the account-level templates?

M> There is no direct and easy way to tell 

M> I have used the %ACCOUNT macro with the account name (i.e.
M> %ACCOUNT="MAU", which is not at all needed). This tells me it
M> is a default template 

Good suggestion!  I've already implemented it.


Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Folder templates vs. AB templates

2003-09-23 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 9:03:15 AM, Roelof wrote:
R> That's because when you don't define folder templates, you
R> still see them, but they're identical to your account
R> templates.

Right.  Which begs my main question:

How do I tell if a folder has templates set for it rather than
defaulting to the account-level templates?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Folder templates vs. AB templates

2003-09-23 Thread Dave Kennedy
How do I tell if a folder has templates set for it rather than
defaulting to the account-level templates?

Details... In cleaning up my TBUDL & TBOT templates, I was
checking the folder templates for each. Before I learned about AB
templates, I had set up folder templates for TBUDL, so I expected
to find something there and did.

What surprised me is I couldn't tell the difference between the
folder templates for the rest of my folders, including TBOT, and
the account-level templates.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Blocking Bat mail

2003-09-19 Thread Dave Kennedy
Friday, September 19, 2003, 8:43:54 AM, Martin WEBSTER wrote:
JP>> Initially there was a virus (or virii - such a word?)

M> Oh no, not again... believe me it's virus (singular) and
M> viruses (plural).

M> - -- Best regards, Martin Webster

Anyone with that last name, I'll have to believe about words! :)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Junk plug-in

2003-09-15 Thread Dave Kennedy
Sunday, September 14, 2003, 11:40:38 AM, Rich wrote:
R> What else are batters using for a junk filter plug-in?

POPFile (

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: A new utility - POP3 bandwidth limiter

2003-09-11 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, September 11, 2003, 2:41:30 PM, Leif wrote:
L> Thursday, September 11, 2003, 12:35:57 PM, you wrote:
L> DOH!!! DOH!!! DOH!!!

L> I formally apologize to you. I'm sorry.

As a recipient of the occasional dead fish, I'm retrieving them
from my super-secret storage location in preparation of a return
to sender. Phew! They really smell bad now! :)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-11 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 8:23:15 PM, Allie wrote:
A> We are in the know and they're not. :)

You put a smiley there, but you're right!  When Mosaic came out,
I was one of the first to stop using Gopher and Archie; the new
way was so much easier and quickly became more appealing.

A> We know the problems with HTML and they don't.

None of those typical end-users created the clients; a techy did
- because there was a market for it. People wanted to send
something other than boring-looking plain text e-mail.

A> It's an entirely different matter to have the problems
A> presented to someone and they still advocate HTML!!  and running>

Man, where's a smelly old fish when you need one?  :)

My position is not one of advocating HTML, but a more practical
rather than an ivory tower view of the world.  Pandora opened her
HTML e-mail and it's here to stay. We techies have to figure out a
way to deal with it. TB! is one - filter the "meat" and ignore
the fluff.  Works for me, but I don't have a shortage of b/w.

Side note - In the vast majority of cases, the issue of bandwidth
is a red herring in this argument. Not that bandwidth doesn't
matter, but SPAM has become so overwhelming that its percentage
use of bandwidth far exceeds the cost of HTML. If b/w is the main
concern, SPAM needs to get the attention.

The battle of HTML vs. plain text is comparable to the religious
wars of Windows vs. Mac, Motif vs. OpenLook, etc. People have an
opinion, and they have facts to support their side. The other
side has just has many facts, too. It comes down to what a person
believes and values.

If you have a lot of b/w, "paying" 3K for a 1K message is not a
big deal and the "waving palms" aren't that bothersome other than
aesthetically.  If you don't, then _paying_ 3K for 1K hurts!

PS - I've not posted this much of my opinions in 10 years - in
this post and others recently. It must be pent up and
overflowing! Maybe more fiber would help. :)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Palm fronds and scuba diving

2003-09-10 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 12:34:58 PM, Thomas wrote:
T> Send me a message with waving palms on the beach, and I'll
T> blacklist you... LOL! And then I'll probably suggest you come
T> and visit Thailand. ;-)

I could do with seeing some waving palm fronds and blue water
right about now. Vacation is about three weeks away and I'm well
overdue! :) How's the diving in Thailand?

(Now it's officially TBOT-land!)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-10 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 4:29:36 AM, FJ wrote:
F> You're turning things around here. With all communications,
F> the presentation and formatting lies with the originator. This
F> is true for newspapers, slide show presentations, snail mail
F> letters, email, etc..

Ding, ding, ding!!!  We have a winner! Nicely said.

F> Concerning bad taste, people can write horribly in plain ASCII
F> too.

Remember the phase about 7 years ago or so where the use of ASCII
"art" became so overdone? The uproar over its use in conjunction
with excessive .sigs, and we've got people on this list who sure
do go overboard with theirs, was about the same as the noise
about the evils of HTML e-mail.

Dave Kennedy
Here's my title
Here's my place of business
Here's my address
Here's my clever saying
Here's my e-mail version
Here's my OS version and service pack
Here's my ICQ
Here's my secondary e-mail address
Here's my tertiary e-mail address
Here's my current winamp song
Here's my phone number
Here's my fax number
Here's my cell phone number
Here's my advertisement for my speaking engagement
Here's my PGP signature
Oh yeah, here's my web site
Gets a bit much, huh? :)
Notice that at least I put all this nonsense after the "-- "
delimiter. But, hey, if you read this far you must have found it
a little bit funny! :) And all of these examples I've pulled from
people on TBUDL - a somewhat technical crowd. Oh, well Have a
great day!

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-10 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 5:43:27 PM, Allister wrote:
A> And if you can think of a case where this is so, could it be
A> better handled by posting a web page, or PDF file, or
A> attaching a PDF file to the email?

1. Acrobat Reader is not as universal as HTML even if it is a
   free download.

2. Posting something to a web page changes the paradigm from a
   "push" to a "pull." If I have something I need people to see,
   I have to send an e-mail to people (push) and then get them to
   click a link (pull). If someone d/l's their e-mail to handle
   off-line, it's really painful for them.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-10 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 9:50:52 PM, Vishal wrote:
V> Right. People like us on this list don't appreciate that. But
V> we aren't really representative of the majority.

That is such a great point! (I wish I had made it. :) )

We techies so often forget that our view of the world is
different than the typical end user.  10 years ago it was a true
technical accomplishment to have an Internet connection and LAN
in your own home. (I think I just strained my arm patting myself
on the back. :) ) Nowadays, it's a complete no-brainer that
anyone can do and the vast majority of Internet users are not
technically savvy.

The Internet is becoming to be treated in the same manner as
automobiles. I.e. "I just want it to work and don't care how it

V> Many reasons, but I know a lot of people who *like* receiving
V> messages with fancy stationery.

Me, too.  That's one of the reasons why I use TB! so that much of
the HTML nonsense is filtered for me.  That's my choice.  Many,
if not most, enjoy the background gif of a notebook, the sand on
a beach, waving palms, on and on ad nauseam.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: Killing sobig on the server

2003-09-10 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 9:15:04 PM, Gordon wrote:
G> For others, the problem seems to be that in the selective
G> download I can't see a way of specifying that the "Details"
G> heading be the *only* word in the subject line. In other words
G> to kill messages with a subject line that says "Details" but
G> let through those which say "Here are the Details".

I'm familiar with Unix regex and this would do what you want on a
Unix system. I've not tried it with TB!:


The caret '^' says that the 'D' must start at the beginning of
the line. The dollar '$' says that the 's' must be at the end of
the line.

Would you post your filters that you have set up, please? I'll
give them a try on my system and maybe together we can get this
working better.

I'm motivated to get this working since I've received over 250 of
the sobig viruses in the last 5 days.  Between Norton, POPFile,
and TB! they're not a threat, but I'd rather not burn the
bandwidth downloading them.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-09 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 1:14:57 PM, Thomas wrote:
T> Your choice is costing me money.

Outlandish HTML e-mail (with the dangerous stuff filtered by TB!)
is mildly annoying.  However, SPAM causes me much more heartache.

In the past 6 months, I've received ~15,000 e-mails. Of those
~7,000 are SPAM.  That uses more bandwidth by far than the HTML

I'd like to see a way to identify these suckers on the server and
blow them away!

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Killing sobig on the server

2003-09-09 Thread Dave Kennedy
Sunday, September 7, 2003, 2:34:06 AM, Gordon wrote:
G> I have been trying the Selective Download filters to avoid
G> downloading the SoBig infected files

I've been keeping an eye on this, but haven't seen any responses.
Did you figure out how to do it?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-09 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 10:08:21 AM, Jamie wrote:
> I'm  also  terribly  prejudiced against fonts, if you want me to think
> you're  a   5  year  old  feel free to use Comic Sans, otherwise use a
> businesslike font. It's a pain for me to have to set things up so that
> stupid unreadable fonts are displayed correctly.

Interesting, I happen to really dislike left/right justification
of fixed-width fonts. It's very distracting to read.

Actually, it's only mildly annoying, kind of like that Comic
Sans, which I also dislike. The point is that different people
have different preferences. I would _never_ send out a left &
right justified e-mail, you must think it's kind of cool. (Wrong!
:) )

I like TB!'s handling of HTML e-mails where it strips out the
meat of the message and ignores the rest. If I want to see the
message in all its "glory" I click on a tab and there it is
(minus the dangerous stuff).

I'd still like for TB! to allow me as the end-user to select the
HTML editor as my default editor. I mean. really, there is an
option to turn on/off the little menu navigator thingy that I
ignored for at least a year until learning to how turn it off
yesterday.  Can't we have one little-itty-bitty check-box that
says "Use HTML Editor as Default?"

'Nuff said.

Dave Kennedy
Where is nroff when you need it?

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: HTML as default on v2.00 ...........?

2003-09-09 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 8:59:49 AM, Bill wrote:
B> If the goal is COMMUNICATION, plain text wins. If the goal is

You are trying to emphasize "COMMUNICATION," right? That's why
it's capitalized? I wonder if HTML would have been able to
present that across better by using italics or bold font?

B> "making it pretty", HTML wins.

That's kind of a simple-minded view. Presentation counts. There
have been a few snipes recently about how FoxMail does a lousy
job at wrapping lines, etc. That's presentation and it clearly
matters to even us plain-text techy types.

B> I receive a lot of HTML messages that look like ransom notes.

Great simile!

B> "If I have 557 fonts, then I'm going to use every one of them
B> in every message,"

Agreed. It's just like the early days of the Apple LaserWriter
and all those hideous print newsletters that came out with 557
fonts all over it.

Still, we survived those days. I'm disappointed to learn that the
HTML editor on TB is as weak as being presented and that you
can't make it the default. These discussions kind of remind me of
Mac users defending their black & white screens when Windows came
out with color screen. "Who needs color? It just slows things
down and doesn't add anything!"

Having gone through many of these cycles, it's clear there will
always be some who fight the progress that is inexorable and
others who adapt.

Lest you think that I'm a big HTML fan, I'm really not. I made
out quite well with nroff/troff. However, there is this thing
called momentum that HTML surely has. Even the fact that RIT has
provided, however reluctantly, an HTML editor shows how much
demand there is for it.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Why base64 encoding in 2.0?

2003-09-09 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 7:27:58 AM, Allie wrote:
A> Another trigger for conversion to base64 is the presence of
A> trailing spaces. One such trailing space is in our signature
A> delimiter.

Apparently not all the time. F9 on your message showed the sig
delimiter as '--=20' - that's dash-dash-equal-two-zero.

So that's not always a trigger. The encoding was:
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1257
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: Options to TB!?

2003-09-08 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, September 8, 2003, 5:19:40 PM, Brook wrote:
B> I decided to see what else was out there for windows. It's
B> been forever since i even looked.

This has gone OT and if it hasn't, I'm really getting ready to
take it there.  Copying TBOT

I'm in the same boat. What did you find? I'm satisfied with TB!,
but I wouldn't mind knowing if there are any stronger options out

I did set up my son with PocoMail primarily for its HTML editing
abilities. It also has some macro programming/filtering abilities
that I've used to automatically delete any spam (detected by
POPFile) that comes his way. Side benefit for kids using e-mail
is that the mega-forwards and chain-letters that his friends send
him get recognized as spam and trashed.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: The Bat! v2 Upg Price of $17.50 until October 31, then what?

2003-09-08 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, September 8, 2003, 5:14:54 PM, Mark wrote:
M> B) he's hoping that someday *somebody* will pipe up with how
M> to get multiple accounts working on TB. 

I've never understood this complaint from people on the list. I
selected TB! quite a few years ago primarily because of its
ability to handle multiple accounts. At the time the only other
MUA that could do so was Becky and Eudora Pro. I found TB! to be
better for my needs.

Hint for setting up additional accounts: Account->New...

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Why base64 encoding in 2.0?

2003-09-08 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, September 8, 2003, 2:37:24 PM, Jernej wrote:
J> On Monday, September 8, 2003, 19:57:05, Dave Kennedy wrote:

>> Why are messages from 2.0 encoded in base64?

J> They aren't (unless the sender chooses so).

OK.  I seen quite a few messages sent by 2.0 users with in
base64.  What are the advantages of doing so? What are the

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Why base64 encoding in 2.0?

2003-09-08 Thread Dave Kennedy
Why are messages from 2.0 encoded in base64?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Old-timey communications

2003-09-08 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, September 8, 2003, 11:42:08 AM, Pixie wrote:
P> On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 11:24:01 -0400 GMT, Dave Kennedy wrote:
P> Grin! I was fascinated with the telecommunications facet of
P> computers from the instant I was exposed to it. I think the
P> first modem I used was home-made. :-)

Home-made! Very cool! My first dial-up access was over a 110 baud
coupler-style modem attached to a teletype (it even had paper
tape!) to an HP-2000 across town. I was in high school and was a
"technical" assistant in a group that had the teletype. After
doing my real work, I could program in BASIC as much as I wanted.
I used to rig the computer room's door lock (it was actually just
a closet) and climb over the main school gate to sneak in after
school hours. I finally got busted by the janitor. You should
have seen the quandary the principle was in deciding what
punishment to dole out to me! An AP student "breaking into"
school after hours to learn more about computers!

P> I have a few of those still. My word, I think the going rate
P> on a couple of the USR modems I have was around US$600+ at the
P> time. That may have even been after the SysOp discount.

Very fun times. Crosstalk, etc.! My neighbor across the street
ran a BBS and had at least one T into his house to support all
his phone lines. I used to dog-sit for him and all those blinking
lights and silver USR modems were way cool. This was circa
1982-1984 or so.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: The Bat! v2 Upg Price of $17.50 until October 31, then what?

2003-09-08 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, September 8, 2003, 6:13:26 AM, Pixie wrote:
P> To a large extent the internet and the instant gratification
P> it brings especially with software is tiresome at times.  I
P> used to never know doodle about alpha/beta stages and having
P> the freshest version just wasn't a consideration unless
P> problems came up. I never used to keep this current (disregard
P> my OS :-) on so many applications when it required long
P> distance BBS calls at the all too slow baud rates of the day.

Many years ago, about 1985, I was an active Compu$erve user. I
was using one of the first Macintoshes and used a really cool
comm program called Red Ryder. It was very slick with great
macros, xmodem, etc. I used Red Ryder to access Compu$erve and
after a while it slowly dawned on me that the main reason I was
using Compu$erve was to download new versions of RR. Eventually,
I cancelled that service. Even way back then, I was fascinated
with the ability of the world-wide communication that enabled.

I was so proud of that 1200 baud modem when I got it! :)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: My new 20 lines filter

2003-09-05 Thread Dave Kennedy
Friday, September 5, 2003, 10:04:49 AM, MAU wrote:
>> How about applying Bayesian logic to this?  Can filters call
>> an external program or a plug-in?

M> Yes, on the Actions tab of filter you can select "Run external
M> program". About Bayesian logic, I don't really know but I
M> wouldn't think so.

What is needed is a tool that would "learn" what you consider
relevant and then process and score each individual e-mail. The
Bayesian filters (I use POPFile) are moving in that directions,
but are are not really sufficient. As a sci-fi reader, I await
the day when the list of articles I'm interested in appears each
day on my desktop!

A possibility given current technical capabilities is to
recognize certain patterns that reflect poor list "manners" such

 Too great a quoted text to original text ratio
 Top posting

Then those could be detected and scored similar to what I
suggested above.

M> What we could perhaps try is to invent a Relevant Text
M> Delimiter, much like the "-- " signature delimiter, and ask
M> everyone to use it to mark where the real content (if any:) of
M> their messages starts. What would you think of "%% "? Should
M> we propose it?

Wouldn't work.  The people who would know about and follow
putting "%%" as a marker already trim quotes, etc. adequately.
Training people to do extra to make it easier for others doesn't
work. Just note all the posts by the mods on this relevantly
technical list just to get people to put sig delimiters in place
and to not top post.

M> Sorry, I'm not in TBOT.

I'm going to still cross-post this to TBOT. Otherwise, I'm going
to be wearing a big fish target across my chest.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[4]: Message list focus

2003-09-05 Thread Dave Kennedy
Friday, September 5, 2003, 10:08:44 AM, Bill wrote:
B> At 10:03 AM on 9/5/2003, Dave Kennedy typed ...
D>>Typo in your template - delimiter

B> Yeah. A deli-meter would be used to measure sausages, wouldn't
B> it?

Groann! (Made me laugh out loud!)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Message list focus

2003-09-05 Thread Dave Kennedy
Friday, September 5, 2003, 10:00:02 AM, Leif wrote:
L> You can easily automate this process by including the sig
L> delimeter in your templates.
   Typo in your template - delimiter

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: My new 20 lines filter

2003-09-05 Thread Dave Kennedy
Friday, September 5, 2003, 4:37:37 AM, MAU wrote:
M> No, I really can't. Those who know me have probably guessed
M> that I was "kinda joking". I have no such filter.

Too bad.  :( It would be handy, huh?

M> It is true that I have thought quite a bit about it because I
M> do not want to waste even a few seconds on messages that say
M> nothing "relevant" in the first 20 lines or so.

How about applying Bayesian logic to this?  Can filters call an
external program or a plug-in?

The biggest problem is what I find interesting varies from day to
day. The 4x4 discussion on TBOT is interesting and humorous for
me to read even though I don't have anything to contribute on
that topic.  And speaking of TBOT.... I'll copy this over there.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Spam

2003-09-03 Thread Dave Kennedy
On Wednesday, September 03, 2003 8:21 PM, you wrote:
GC> Can the Bat! deal with this kind of Spam or is it
GC> necessary to get another programme to do this work.

Many options are now available.  I use POPFile

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Address Book

2003-09-02 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, September 2, 2003, 3:10:27 PM, Bob wrote:
B> When new address books or folders are created how do I change
B> the order of appearance in the address book itself...Some of
B> them are in Alphabetical order and some are not as well as
B> some of the original default folders are different
B> colors... Thanks, BOB

Did the address book get any attention in 2.0?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Filters, Spam and Edits - test

2003-08-28 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, August 28, 2003, 11:32:17 AM, MAU wrote:
M> As you say, it is probably the easiest method. However, you
M> must be aware that this method does change some of the
M> original RFC-822 header lines.

Good point. The solution is not perfect, but likely suffices in
most situations. I "solve" (actually avoid) the problem by not
adding the e-mail classification to my Subject: line.  This was
already suggested.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: Filters, Spam and Edits - test

2003-08-28 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, August 28, 2003, 10:36:11 AM, PJ wrote:
P> On Thursday, August 28, 2003, 9:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
P> re: editing an inbox message:

PJ>>> If there is now a way to do so I would be thrilled to learn
PJ>>> how!

You can also:

1. Drag the message to your Outbox folder.
2. Open it (double click on it)
3. Edit subject
4. Save it (don't send it)
5. Move it back to original folder

A bit cumbersome, but less so than exporting and importing.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Automatic Backup ?

2003-08-28 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, August 26, 2003, 10:48:13 PM, Roopesh wrote:
R> I want to know if there is any way to get TB to autoback up in
R> to an archive say every 10 days without user intervention ?
R> Please explain how..

Since there hasn't been a response to this, let me point you to
the TBUDL archives. About 3-4 weeks ago and 8 weeks ago there
were discussions about backing up. I believe automating the
backup was included in that.The thread subjects were:

  Backing up The Bat!
  Cost Effective TB Backup!

Here's the archive link:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Keyboard shortcut for collapse/expand thread

2003-08-27 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 10:30:20 AM, Greg wrote:
G> Hello Dave,
>> Is there a way to expand all parts of a thread entirely?

G> Cnrl+keypad+

Very cool!  How could I have found that in the documentation?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Keyboard shortcut for collapse/expand thread

2003-08-27 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 7:03:37 AM, Stuart wrote:
A>> the subject says it all I think... is there such a shortcut?
S> Well ctrl-shift-left/right and ctrl-shift+/- do it for me (so to
S> speak).

Thanks! I've been looking for this.  Is there a way to expand all
parts of a thread entirely?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[4]: Filtering read messages to individual folders

2003-08-25 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, August 25, 2003, 8:50:48 AM, Terry wrote:
T> Put the filter as Roelof outlined in the "Read Messages"
T> section of the Filters, select Manual instead of Active and on
T> the Options tab, assign it a hot key.  That should be all you
T> need.

Is it OK to assign more than one filter to the same hot key?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Filtering read messages to individual folders

2003-08-25 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, August 25, 2003, 8:28:38 AM, Roelof wrote:
R> On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 08:05:32 -0400GMT (25-8-03, 14:05 +0200,
R> where I live), you wrote:

DK>> I'd like it to work this way:   X-Text-Classification: mvst
DK>> move to folder"Swim Team"

R> Go to the sorting office (Account - Sorting office)
R> Create a new incoming filter
R> Name the filter 'Swim team' (meaningful names are the best)
R> String: 'X-Text-Classification: mvst'
R> Location: 'Kludges'
R> Presence: 'Yes'
R> Move message to: 'Swim team'
R> Make sure that 'Active' is checked and 'Manual only' is
R> not, both are the defaults.

R> As easy as that, can all be done from the first tab of the
R> filter.

This creates an incoming filter, as you state. What I'm looking
for are manual filters that I can run after I've _read_ a
message(s) and then press CTRL-ALT-M (for example) and have all
filters associated with CTR-ALT-M fire and move the messages to
the appropriate folder.

Thanks for your help!

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Filtering read messages to individual folders

2003-08-25 Thread Dave Kennedy

After I've read a set of messages, I'd like to be able to filter
them to their own folders for posterity. All the messages have
their own Kludges tag, thanks to POPFile, that I can filter on.

I'd like it to work this way:

  X-Text-Classification: mvst  move to folder"Swim Team"
  X-Text-Classification: tennismove to folder"Tennis"

I'm certain TB!'s filtering can do this and have played around
some with varying results. One of which was to send my entire
Inbox folder into never-never land - still don't know where those
e-mail went! :)

I would typically want to manually run these filters rather than
do so automatically.

Help on setting the filters up would be greatly appreciated.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Bayesian Filters

2003-08-20 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, August 20, 2003, 1:08:12 PM, Steve wrote:
S> I've been playing around with beta 2 and noticed that there is
S> now a panel for anti-spam plug-ins.

Quick advice. Duck! You've posted this beta related question to
the non-beta list.

S> I know that it is possible to put together some pretty
S> effective filters with TB but from using my BeOS Mail daemon
S> I've been pretty impressed with what Bayesian filters can do
S> and would love to try one out for TB.

Check the TBUDL archives for POPFile. I and many others are very
satisfied with it and TB!

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Outgoing e-mail and an external program

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, August 7, 2003, 6:16:59 PM, Bill M. wrote:
B> Right, the output filter is AFTER the mail is sent.  With
B> pre-outbox filtering (which I've requested along with
B> pre-inbox filtering), you stuck invoking it manually with a
B> hotkey activated filter.

I had another thought about this.  My case of wanting to launch a
connection (ssh session) when an e-mail is sent could be handled
if TB! would try connecting to the SMTP server more than once.

Here's how it would work:
1. I have a program listening on localhost:25 (local SMTP)
2. A connection to that port causes the launch of the external
   program with that connection passed to it as stdin.

Hmmm. As I wrote this, I realized this is the standard inetd
program in Unix. No need for TB! to try multiple times. I'll have
to see if Cygwin already has an inetd and give this a try!
Otherwise, I can write a port specific version pretty easily.

A!  The joy of communication and the Internet!!! This list
reminds me of the old Usenet days! (That would be before 1995
when the signal to noise ratio inverted.)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: importing addresses

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, August 11, 2003, 12:13:27 PM, Lex wrote:
L> I've been trying to import addresses from outlook 2000, and
L> I've read I should kick out the 'birthday' field, as because
L> of it, I get an error when opening The Bat. Anyway, so I did
L> it all again, made a comma seperated list in outlook and tried
L> to import it into the bat. I don't get e-mailaddresses,
L> although I've matched the fields. Tried a tab seperated file
L> as well, same result.

I've not imported from Outlook, but have exported from TB! and
back into it successfully.  I use the Address Book's comma
separate format.  My suggestion is to manually enter an address
into TB! with all the information you would want imported.  Then
export that address into a comma separated file.  Look at that
format as compared to what you're getting when working with
Outlook. I bet you'll be able to resolve the differences then and
get the address imported.  Items to look at - different field
names between TB! and Outlook, strange values in a field, greatly
different field sizes.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: missing common folders

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, August 12, 2003, 10:23:58 AM, Thomas wrote:
T> Try the magic key combo: crtl-shift-alt-L. That's always the
T> first in such situations, but unfortunately, it's
T> undocumented.

I've seen this recommended several times. What does it do behind
the scenes? Recreate indexes? Is is safe to use even if you're
not having problems? Is it good to use occasionally?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Addressbook question

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, August 12, 2003, 2:46:50 PM, Steve wrote:
S> I have a contact named Bob and Bob has
S> multiple Email addresses i.e. work, home, one linked to his
S> cell phone, etc...  Do I have to create multiple addressbook
S> entries for Bob, or can I put these addresses within one
S> entry?

Multiple address book entries.

Anyone know if Beta will improve this?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Another Q on the Worm (Blaster)

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003 8:38 PM, you wrote:
P> I just tried running the "tool", but half way through it gives me an error 
P> message and quits, any idea why?  I'm running Win2000.  I got the tool from 
P> someone who listed it here, off sarc.

I had the same thing happen on my Win2K box at work.  I ran
it at home a few minutes ago on my WinXP box and it ran
fine.  Bug?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Outgoing e-mail and an external program

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, August 7, 2003, 7:11:28 PM, Wolffe wrote:
W> Or you could write a small script (perl?) that listens on a
W> specific port. When a message (email) is received on that
W> port, it is stored, the script forks a new process to open a
W> SSH tunnel, the message gets piped through, the tunnel is
W> closed and the forked process dies. You just need to set the
W> SMTP (send) port of TheBat! to the port you are listening on.
W> You could then set the script to run as a service.

That's not a "small" script.  It would have to handle the
receiving part of the SMTP protocol when TB! sends the e-mail
out. And when the script forwards the e-mail, it would have to
handle the sending part of the SMTP protocol.  Your suggestion
sounds like all too much fun! :) Unfortunately, I'm not going to
take the time to write a remailer.

I looks like the answer is TB! can't do it without a feature
enhancement or two. Bill McCarthy said in his post that he's
requested pre-outbox filtering.  That gets me part of the way

I'd like to add an additional request for external programs:

   Requirement - Add the ability to specify how long TB! should
   wait for the external program to execute before sending the

   [I know this is a timing hack, but it's simpler than trying to
   add prompt/response pair processing in conjunction with an
   external program. ]

Where do I add this to the wish list?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Outgoing e-mail and an external program

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
I want to run an external program for e-mail just before they are
sent. TB! appears to be trying to send the e-mail before the
external program is run. How can I debug this? The log file
doesn't provide any detail.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Using SSH with TB!

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
I want to tunnel my SMTP connection through SSH.  I've
successfully set this up, but want to modify it slightly. Rather
than have a cygwin window open all the time with my SSH tunnel
running, I'd like to launch the SSH connection only when I have
an e-mail to send.

How can I run an external command (launching SSH) each time when
there is a message put in the Outbox?

Other suggestions are welcome.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: BLASTER WORM - was Re: can I change RE: into something else?

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, August 12, 2003, 1:05:28 PM, Spike wrote:
S> The risk is MINIMAL as long as you have not altered the
S> default settings in TB!   This is under Options > Preferences
S> > Warnings. As long as you don't EXECUTE any questionable
S> attachment that comes through, you will probably be OK.

I'm a little confused about by what you're saying. My reading of
the MS bulletin says Blaster is a worm that propagates via the
RPC ports. If you're on-line and nothing is blocking ports 135,
139, & 445 you can get infected even without e-mail.

Does Blaster also propagate via e-mail?  If so, then TB!'s
warnings about executing attachments will make a difference.

PS - Thank you to Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (neuroWerx) for
his pointer to the Symantec Blaster scanner/removal tool. I'm
running it now. Here's the link for others who might have missed
that post:

H. The tool just crashed with a memory error after running
for several minutes.

Has anyone else run this?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: BLASTER WORM - was Re: can I change RE: into something else?

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, August 12, 2003, 1:42:40 PM, Thomas wrote:
T> OK. I'm running Win98, so I'm not vulnerable, right? (This is
T> the first question.)

Here is a "layman's" article about Blaster.

PS - My apologies for the OT continuance, as well. I hope that
the urgency of this nasty worm is sufficient cause for
dispensation from the TBUDL powers-that-be! :)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: OT: Re: BLASTER WORM - was Re: can I change RE: intosomething else?

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 1:09:35 PM, Leif wrote:
L> Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 11:05:22 AM, Mark wrote:
MW>> It might be nice to add to your canned response a note about how
MW>> to get on TBOT

L> Good idea. Thanks.

And the instructions are ?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[4]: Using SSH with TB!

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, August 6, 2003, 12:38:51 PM, Roberto wrote:
R> Worked like a charm! Thought I'd also report that it worked
R> with Plink (from the same people that make Putty), using the
R> same command line options. Unfortunately I also need to keep a
R> command window open with the connection, tried several options
R> but looks like that's the way it works.

Thanks for the plink suggestion. That works for me, also. I found
the -pw option to include the password on the command line (not
secure, I know). This allowed me to fire off a ssh connection
without being prompted for anything. I tried putting this on an
outgoing filter on items put in the Outbox by setting it as the
external program to run in the Account!Filters!Actions tab.

Here's what I hoped TB! would do:
1. See the message in the Outbox
2. Trigger my sshSend filter (and match the message)
3. Run the external program (plink to establish ssh)
4. Send the message

There may be a timing issue between 3 & 4. It takes a second or
so to establish the connection. I don't know how to tell TB! when
the connection is up.

When I press "Send the letter", TB! comes back immediately with
"Could not connect to server" and the message remains in the
Outbox. I right click on the folder and choose "Refilter
messages..." & check "Outgoing mail" - a dos-like window appears
for a couple of seconds and the message disappears from the
Outbox. But, I don't know where the message went!  It was a test
message to myself and it never makes it to the server as far as I
can tell.

How can I tell what a filter did with a message? The log doesn't
say much other than that a filter was run.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: How to Send w/o Confirmation Dialog Box

2003-08-14 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, August 6, 2003, 10:46:38 AM, Joe wrote:
JC>> 2. Is there a way to make the 'Edit Mail Message' window
JC>> come up at a size that does not require horizontal
JC>> scrolling? Again - it's a nuisance to have to resize the
JC>> window to keep from scrolling.

My version, 1.62r, remembers the size of the window from the last
time I used it.  Resize once, remember forever! :)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: Outgoing e-mail and an external program

2003-08-11 Thread Dave Kennedy
Friday, August 8, 2003, 7:33:49 AM, I wrote:
D> Here's how it would work:
D> 1. I have a program listening on localhost:25 (local SMTP)
D> 2. A connection to that port causes the launch of the external
D>program with that connection passed to it as stdin.
D> Hmmm. As I wrote this, I realized this is the standard inetd
D> program in Unix. No need for TB! to try multiple times. I'll
D> have to see if Cygwin already has an inetd and give this a
D> try!

Well, it didn't work. TB! connects to the port inetd is listening
on fine and the ssh program looks to get launched. The problem
appears to be that when inetd attaches the TB! connection to ssh
it connects to ssh's stdin rather than the tunnel port. This is
correct behavior on inetd's part.  So, it might be time for
custom code or, more likely, live with my current solution.

Thanks for y'all's input!

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Outgoing e-mail and an external program

2003-08-07 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, August 7, 2003, 10:55:15 AM, Roelof wrote:
R> That's because outgoing filters are executed after the message
R> is sent. Nothing you can do about that.

What if I wanted to "pre-process" an e-mail before it was sent?
How would I do that?

If the outgoing filters are always executed after the message is
sent, I guess that approach is out for me.

R> What do you want your external program to do? Maybe it's an
R> option to run it first and then call TB from the commandline
R> (via a batchfile)?

The external program launches an SSH tunnelling session.  See the
thread "Using SSH with TB!" for details.  I started this new
thread to focus on how the external program stuff works.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Using SSH with TB!

2003-08-06 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, August 6, 2003, 11:10:24 AM, Roberto wrote:
R> That sounds cool! How did you get to the poing where you are
R> at right now? Is there documentation on how to do this?

Here's an overview for setting up TB! to tunnel SMTP via ssh.

First, let me start with why someone might do this:

1. Security - all traffic between the mail host and the server
   will now be encrypted with strong encryption.  Caveat - once
   it is on the server, it is no longer encrypted. Using SSH is
   not a replacement for PGP.

2. Firewall or other block - if a firewall will not allow traffic
   through port 25 (or other ports), but does allow ssh you can
   use ssh's port forwarding feature to tunnel the desired ports
   over the permitted ssh port.

3. Compression - ssh also supports compressing the traffic that
   goes over it. I'm not using this, but it may be of interest to
   someone on a dial-up or bandwidth limited connection.

Here's how I got to where I am right now

Base assumptions about my situation that might not be typical for

1. I have cygwin installed with the OpenSSH package included
2. My e-mail provider allows telnet/ssh access

Both of the above are needed. #1 is easy to get I
doubt that #2 is in common use.

Given the two items above:
0. Open a cygwin window
1. Confirm your ssh connection works:
   yourhost $ 

2. Set up a tunnel session with your host:
   $ ssh -lyourname -L 25:localhost:25

3. In TB!, change Account!Properties!Transport!SMTP Server
   to localhost (leave port at 25)

Send an e-mail!

Now, the remaining issues are:
1. I don't want to keep the ssh tunnel up all the time
2. Given 1, how can I have TB! launch ssh for the e-mails in the
   Outbox and then close it down when all are sent.
3. Setting up ssh to not ask for a password every time. (I think
   this can be handled by setting up the key authentication
   correctly, but that's not a TB! issue.)

I hope others find this interesting and useful.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Can't delete?

2003-07-21 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, July 21, 2003, 1:35:12 PM, Marck wrote:
M> Very much so. Deleted or purged messages are only flagged "Do
M> not show". They still exist and take up space in the mailbase.
M> Only once you compress a folder is the space they take up
M> released back to the system.

What is the difference between "Purge" & "Compress?"  I just
chose Purge from the menu, and the dialog said it was
compressing.  I'm using 1.62r.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-16 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, July 16, 2003, 7:01:34 PM, Thomas wrote:
T> I have a question to those who have their own address in their
T> AB: What is the reason?

My reasons are pretty simple. I have many mail groups - tennis
team, swim team board, basketball board, school parents, etc.
(Hmmm. There's a theme there...)

Reason 1:
If I send a mail to one of these groups - say the basketball
executive board, I want to get it as well since I save related
messages in a separate folder.

Reason 2:
The e-mail addresses in these groups are shared to others. I
don't want to have to remember to add myself to the list when I
send it out to the others that want the e-mails in that group.

I use the member of groups feature in the AB heavily. Right now,
I have about 15 groups and include myself as a member of about 10
of them. Most of the ones that I don't are pretty much dead
groups that I don't use any more and leave out there for
posterity. (Computers are really awful for packrats!)

Reason 3:
Including myself in the group also makes it easy to confirm that
I've included everyone. I.e. 8 kids on the basketball team,
including my son, there should be 8 e-mail addresses in the list.
If I've only got 7, I've forgotten a family.

Again, YMMV.  This has worked well for me for years.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-16 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, July 16, 2003, 4:31:36 PM, Bill wrote:
B> I know Sender checks From:, Sender:, Reply-To: and
B> Return-Path: but I didn't find a definitive list.  Have I
B> missed any?

I checked the spams that leaked through and they all have my
e-mail in the Return-Path. Looks like that's the culprit. I
checked ~30 spams with my e-mail in the To: that didn't leak and
none have it in the Return-Path.

So, now the question becomes - what next? Hmmm. I looked at the
suggestion of creating my own Known filter, but the choice in the
Location column is TB!'s generic (and pervasive) Sender. Looks
like it would simply duplicate the built-in Known filter's

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-16 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, July 16, 2003, 11:53:18 AM, Alexander wrote:
A> 16-Jul-2003 17:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A> What Dave Kennedy wants to know is which fields of a message
A> DOES the Known filter compare with the given address book?

A> You know, FROM, TO, REPLY-TO, etc. etc.

Thank you!  I'm glad someone could translate my request into
something simply stated.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-16 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, July 15, 2003, 5:54:23 PM, Allie wrote:
A> This thread has now been declared DEAD . as in DEAD

I wasn't trying to get a POPFile/SpamPal battle going.

What I'm trying to do is learn what the logic/algorithm is that
TB! uses for the Known filter. If that could be answered, I'd
appreciate it.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-16 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, July 15, 2003, 4:13:58 PM, MAU wrote:
M> Loose messages  No matter what method, program, filter,
M> whatever, you use to detect spam you should not delete or
M> trash spam (initially flagged as spam) messages until you
M> somehow review them. There are always false positives and
M> false negatives. Maybe very few, but there are.

Agreed. However, since July 10, 2003 I've received 473 e-mails
classified as spam. I do review them before deleting them, but
it's easy to lose one in the manual review effort. When you have
an e-mail like mine that has been around on Usenet & the Internet
since 1994 every spam list in the world has me on their list.

So, reeling this back around to TB!, that is my reason for
putting the Known filter first.

M> Anyway, if you put your Known filter first, you will see some
M> spam messages "leaking through" as you say in your original
M> post.

I don't mind the leaking per se; it's not understanding the
reason for the leak that is keeping me awake nights. :) There are
spams that are being correctly identified as spam by POPFile, but
TB!'s Known filter is putting them in my Known folder. If I knew
what the logic/algorithm for the Known filter, I'd be better able
to debug the issue.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-16 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, July 15, 2003, 4:07:53 PM, WL wrote:
W> Tuesday, July 15, 2003, 2:28:47 PM, Dave Kennedy wrote:
DK>> I've got the Known filter first. Sometimes people I want to
DK>> get e-mail from will send a note that has spam-like material
DK>> in it.

W> ...but that defeats the purpose of "training material." Within
W> popfile, one can create "magnets" to force a classification,
W> or just let popfile work its mathemagic and train the email
W> detection.

I use magnets lightly, but maintaining magnets is a hassle when
I've already got those folks in my AB.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-15 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, July 15, 2003, 3:09:00 PM, MAU wrote:
M> Are you using any filter to sort messages classified as spam
M> by POPFile? If so, this filter should be placed _before_ the
M> Known filter.

I've got the Known filter first. Sometimes people I want to get
e-mail from will send a note that has spam-like material in it. I
don't want to lose those messages.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-15 Thread Dave Kennedy
Tuesday, July 15, 2003, 12:52:27 PM, MikeD wrote:
M> Tuesday, July 15, 2003, 8:49:16 AM, Dave K wrote:
DK>> What is the logic for the "Inbox - Known" automatic
DK>> filtering in conjunction with the address book?

M> The problem is that enough spammers have figured this out and
M> they are spoofing your address so that (assuming, presumably,
M> that you list yourself in your address book ) it is not as
M> clear as it was. I recently had to take my address out of my
M> address book for that very reason 

I'm not sure that is the case.  I remember the thread about this
a couple of weeks ago. My situation seems different.

I can look at the headers via F9 and see that the To: is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and the From: is fairly random. A recent example
is [EMAIL PROTECTED]; The is the actual SMTP
server DNS name that my domain uses.

I have received many other spams that set the To: address to my
e-mail, but TB! doesn't route those to Inbox-Known, hence my
question about the algorithm/logic for the filtering for

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-15 Thread Dave Kennedy
What is the logic for the "Inbox - Known" automatic filtering in
conjunction with the address book?

The related problem is some POPFile identified spam is leaking
through, and I suspect that the Inbox-Known filtering is causing
it to trigger. But, I'm not sure of the details of the
Inbox-Known algorithm to debug this issue.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: [bat] Re: Unexpected Behavior of "Known" Filter

2003-06-26 Thread Dave Kennedy
On Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:54 PM, Bill wrote:
BM> I don't like the Know filter at all and don't use it because of its
BM> bugs on replying from Inbox-Known.

What bugs?

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Detecting HTML Spam

2003-06-26 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, June 26, 2003, 11:39:49 AM, Mark wrote:
M> There has been some talk about Popfile on this forum, so I
M> thought I would comment. I have given up on Popfile after an
M> unnaceptable number of crucial false positives, very slow
M> system responses, and a lot of work to train.

It's worked well for me.  Far better than the hassle of sorting
through the enormous number of spams I get.  My e-mail has been
around on the Internet for nearly 10 years. In that time, it's
been added to every spam mailing list in existence! :(  As
spammers change tactics, I end up doing a bit of retraining every
month or so when more spams start leaking through than I find
acceptable.  But, the "training" is pretty trivial and easy to

I do, however, glance through e-mails categorized as spam before
deleting them. Usually I sort by the "From" address to quickly
see if the e-mails are familiar. Spammers usually have fairly
obvious From addresses.

M> Some of the statistics we hear (99.5% sorting efficiency) is
M> distorted by the a priori probability (ie, 95% efficiency
M> would be achieved by simply sorting mailing lists, and from
M> known addresses, so 99.9% really represents 98% or so -
M> meaning that a lot of the not-easily-sorted mail is lost.

I classify into 8 buckets:
Emails Classified
Bucket   Classification Count 
bat  2,099 (27.19%)
etrade  47 (0.6%)
list42 (0.54%)
muscle  89 (1.15%)
mvst   881 (11.41%)
personal   674 (8.73%) 
spam 3,719 (48.18%)
tennis 167 (2.16%)

 Overall accuracy:
Emails classified: 7,719
Classification errors: 154 

Accuracy: 98%

Most of the errors happen between my swim team (mvst) category
and tennis category, which is kind of tough since some of the
same people are in both categories and the words between the two
can be similar.

This is probably officially off-topic at this point! :)

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Detecting HTML Spam

2003-06-26 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, June 26, 2003, 8:34:23 AM, Geoff wrote:
G> A significant amount of spam is getting past my anti-spam
G> service and the filters in TB Sorting Office.

Try POPFile: From their home page:

  POPFile is an automatic mail classification tool. Once properly
  set up and trained, it will work in the background of your
  computer, scanning mail as it arrives and filing it however you
  wish. You can give it a simple job, like separating out junk
  e-mail, or a complicated one - like filing mail into a dozen
  folders. Think of it as a personal assistant for your inbox.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Filtering for kids - POPFile & TB!

2003-06-23 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, June 19, 2003, 8:50:57 AM, I wrote:
D> My kid has reached e-mail age, just this week, it seems! What
D> I want is all e-mail to him to be allowed only if the sending
D> address is in his address book. Any other mail should be
D> routed to me. If it is a desired e-mail, I'll manually add
D> that address to his AB and forward the e-mail to him.

Here's the solution I'm now using.

1. POPFile categorizes e-mail as SPAM (or not)
2. I've switched my son's e-mail client to PocoMail
3. Poco filters e-mail in the address book to inbox
4. Poco filters e-mail marked spam and deletes it
5. The remaining e-mails go to a password protected folder named
6. I periodically review the Unknown e-mails and add sender to
   his address book as appropriate

The main reason for the switch to PocoMail is to give him the
ability to create simple HTML messages. Also, being able to
password protect individual folders works well with this

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Support for creating HTML message?

2003-06-20 Thread Dave Kennedy
As a long time TB! user and old (don't ask) Unix hacker, I'm
reluctant to ask this question, but

Is support for creating simple HTML messages coming down the
pipe any time soon?  My son wants to be able to create the
color messages, big fonts, etc. that his friends are doing
with OE.

I don't want to use OE for all the obvious reasons, but I've
started looking at other clients like PocoMail. How about
Becky, Pegasus, and some of the others that I chose not to
use some time ago when I selected TB!? Have any of those
kept up with the challenge of keeping viri out and still
allow message creation flexibility?


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Filtering for kids - POPFile & TB!

2003-06-19 Thread Dave Kennedy
My kid has reached e-mail age, just this week, it seems! What I
want is all e-mail to him to be allowed only if the sending
address is in his address book. Any other mail should be routed
to me. If it is a desired e-mail, I'll manually add that address
to his AB and forward the e-mail to him.

Will this work?
1. Turn on Inbox-Known filtering.
2. Set a filter on Inbox to forward (redirect?) all e-mail to my

Any ideas on other, probably better, ways to handle this? Other
software would be OK, too.  I mention POPFile since that is
already in place on my system.

What I effectively want is to have his account set up as
"white-list" only.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Newbie question on filtering Spam

2003-06-09 Thread Dave Kennedy
Monday, June 9, 2003, 1:36:57 PM, Julio wrote:
J> Are there any ready-made Bat macros for filtering out spam? I
J> have just joined and haven't explored the options to search
J> the archives, so bear with me, please.

Your best bet is to search the archive for POPFile.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[4]: Latest bugbear virus targets The Bat!, also

2003-06-06 Thread Dave Kennedy
Friday, June 6, 2003, 12:50:15 PM, Julien wrote:
J> Not necessarily. Reading at:


J> I saw: .TBB was referring to "Windows Office Toolbar Button".
J> It seems that hackers don't dare attacking The Bat! :-)

Possible, but I doubt that the toolbar has much in the way of
e-mails in it.  And since Eudora is included, it's not beyond
reason to hope that TB! is also being targeted. :)

PS - Thanks for making me dig into my high school French! :)
Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Latest bugbear virus targets The Bat!, also

2003-06-06 Thread Dave Kennedy
Friday, June 6, 2003, 10:35:27 AM, neurowerx wrote:
n> 06-Jun-2003 16:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>   Searches for the email addresses in the current Inbox, as
>>   well as in the files with the following extensions:

>> Notice the inclusion of .tbb in the list.

n> You still have to manually "install" the worm on your system.
n> :-)

Yes. My point, not very clearly made, is that TB! has apparently
gotten enough "market-share" to be specifically targeted by virus

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Latest bugbear virus targets The Bat!, also

2003-06-06 Thread Dave Kennedy
I was looking at the information about the [EMAIL PROTECTED] virus
and saw the following on Symantec's site:

  Mass-mailing routine
  When the mass-mailing routine runs, it does the following:

  Searches for the email addresses in the current Inbox, as well as
  in the files with the following extensions:


Notice the inclusion of .tbb in the list. Here's the URL for the

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: *new* No body in message and incorrect date

2003-06-05 Thread Dave Kennedy
Wednesday, June 4, 2003, 2:23:56 PM, Paul wrote:
P> I'm trying to send out a newsletter directly from out mail
P> server (not via The Bat), but when I send one to myself and
P> receive it in The Bat I am getting a message that has no body
P> to it and it has the date Sat, 30 Dec 1899 00:00:00.

Using F9 to look at the source of your e-mail that you sent to
the list, it has the following header in it:

>>> Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 19:23:56 +0100

That header is missing from your e-mail newsletter message.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information: