Re: [TMIC] Surprise

2005-12-26 Thread cherpent

Well thanks Dex - we needed to hear that! I always think when the Christmas season is past, spring is not far away - and that is a great joy - new birth, new life - flowers!
Linda in Bothell, WA
-- Original message -- From: "Dex Packard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Guess what
Only 365 more days until christmas 2006!!
Isn't that wonderful  news?
And on top of that you should have this Christmas days bills all paid by May. Or so I read somewhere. I think who ever came up with that bit was out of has mind. It will take me until June at least.
Happy New Year to you all.

[TMIC] OT Got a card about my dog dying, who sent it, lost it

2005-12-26 Thread Thenavigator10

Did some one from here send me a card cuz my dog died? If so I 
lost it and could you e-mail me. There was a misunderstanding about this, 

Re: [TMIC] Re: News from Jude

2005-12-26 Thread Alton Ryder
Jude, old timer, I want to put a shield around you to protect you. I hope
you mend easily.


[TMIC] Happy Holidays to my good friends at TMIC

2005-12-26 Thread HeyJude48506
Title: AOL Email


  Having been gone from the list for some time 
  now, I was saddened to hear of the hardships and heartbreak some of us 
  faced during this annual celebration of Love.  
   I am sorry to hear 
  of the passing of your Mother.  It is my belief that she is happy 
  now, with no thoughts of pain or anguish.  You will have a wonderful 
  reunion when the time is right, as you mentioned.  And, it is true 
  that the pain eases with time.
  My Grace,
   What a time you have 
  been experiencing!  I am so sorry not to have been around for you in 
  your time of need.  "Why?"  Is the biggest question in the 
  Universe.  "Why Not?"  Is the only answer I can come up 
  with.  But, I am not very bright and someone else may have 
  a more satisfying answer for us.  I don't believe there is 
   While I was in the 
  nursing home, I made friends with a nurse who gave me the most beautiful 
  prayer.  It is somewhere in my bags of accumulated names, addresses 
  and phone numbers of new friends made while I was there.
  To All ~
  While carefully doing my usual stretching 
  exercises on my feet and ankles, I somehow managed to break both 
  ankles...the left one in three places and the right one fractured and 
  cracked.  I am in two hot pink fiberglass casts around my feet 
  and to my knees.  They are on for two weeks at a time, then re-xrayed 
  and the skin checked for lesions before being put back into new casts in 
  the color of my choice.  The casts will remain on for a minimum 
  of 6 to 8 weeks and hopefully will heal in that time frame.
  It's weird about the pain.  I don't feel 
  a thing on the outside, but way down deep in the bone there is a burning 
  sensation that borders on extreme pain of a kind I cannot describe any 
  better than I already have.
  Of course it is difficult to move or do 
  anything.  I have been plagued with bowel problems and cathing every 
  three hours is precarious work.  It was nice to have a foley in place 
  while I was recuperating.
  While being moved from the hospital to the 
  nursing home I was blessed with three broken ribs, one creating a nice big 
  lump in my back to the right of my spine and I am told there is lovely 
  extensive bruising to decorate myself.  Better than a 
  Nursing home experience is something I have 
  been petrefied about having to face someday, and now know that when the 
  time comes, I will be able to handle it.  At least a 
  I will be laid up in bed for the most part 
  for the majority of my recovery.  I am so angry at the doctors for 
  not telling me about brittle bone syndrome lying in wait for me.  I 
  will now have to be very precise and careful about every move I 
  make.  I want to buy a tilt table so that at some time in the future 
  I will be able to weight bear on my legs, even though I will never 
  So, that is where I have been and this is 
  where I will be.  I love you all and thought of you every day, but 
  simply didn't feel up to dealing with the computer.
  Love and Heartfelt Thanks for your friendship 

[TMIC] Re: News from Jude

2005-12-26 Thread HeyJude48506

In a message dated 12/8/2005 8:28:12 PM Central Standard Time, 

  supposed to start snowing tonight thru 
  tomorrow...possible up to 6 inches of snow...i guess that will keep me from 
  going out for breakfast in the morning...oh well i'll have cereal in the 
  morning and have to wait for my neighbor to shovel my driveway for me...i 
  really feel bad that i can't do any of that myself...still hurting bad since 
  the cold weather has set in...doing ok daughter wants me to go 
  out to her place in las vegas for a while to get away from the weather...been 
  thinking about it...not much else going on here..hope you are doing 
  OK...haven't heard from you latelyplease keep in touchCHEERS to You 
  And Your Husband
  Have a GOOD 

Hi Bob,
Sorry, it's been ages but I have been laid up, first in the 
hospital and after that in a nursing home.  I came home Christmas Eve day 
and have been in bed, where I will continue to stay until my two broken ankles 
and broken ribs have healed, which will take at least 6 - 8 weeks.
I broke my ankles doing regular stretching exercises and range 
of motion.  Not one doctor ever hinted that at some point my bones would 
become so brittle that they will break with little pressure.  From now on I 
will have to watch out for breaks in my legs, hips, feet, etc.
If I had been a weight bearing patient, I would have had 
extensive surgery on the left ankle which is broken in three places.  The 
right one is fractured and chipped, apparently the lesser injured of the 
My ribs were broken when the EMT unit came to transport me 
from the hospital to the nursing home.  From the bed, a nurse took my legs 
and this huge, burly guy got behind me and lifted me in a great bear hug.  
I didn't know that I had broken ribs until three days later when my husband 
noticed a bulge and serious bruising in my back.
I don't know what, if anything, I am going to do about 
it.  Anyone out there think I have rights?
Bob, I am sorry to include this note to everyone on the list, 
but am not up to writing it over and over again.  Yours was the first email 
on my list of 187 to open.
I hope you all had a lovely holiday!  I am sorry I wasn't 
around to enjoy it with my many TMIC friends.
Peace and Love,

[TMIC] Hey AOLers

2005-12-26 Thread BobbyJim

Yuur mikki maus e-mailer has been rejecting my 
messages for two dayze now.
I wonder whose else's it's dumping.   
Bobberino  in 

[TMIC] boxes boxes boxes boxes boxing boxed boxers

2005-12-26 Thread BobbyJim

A Happy Boxing Day to all of you 
under (or formerly under) the Queen's realm,
or something like it.
eL Bobberino 'n' Merbeff in 

[TMIC] Surprise

2005-12-26 Thread Dex Packard

Guess what
Only 365 more days until christmas 
Isn't that wonderful  news?
And on top of that you should have this Christmas days 
bills all paid by May. Or so I read somewhere. I think who ever came up with 
that bit was out of has mind. It will take me until June at least.
Happy New Year to you all.