Re: [TMIC] A blissful weekend story

2007-10-16 Thread Balmatmic
Thanks so much for sharing with us about your meeting with  Heather from 
Calgary.  I had known she was going to meet with you, and was  anxiously 
to hear a  Just kidding, but I am so  happy to hear that 
it was enjoyed so much, and I know she enjoyed as much as you  did.
Hugs, Barbara A

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Re: [TMIC] Five Year Plan

2007-10-16 Thread ceckenberg
I don't know if I had a five year plan, but it has now been five years!
The first year I was in denial of the true impact of it all: I denied how
it happened, how it progressed, etc. etc.  About a year later, I revisited
it all, and it happened just the way Dr. Kerr described it. Why did I have
to hold myself out as an exception for a year?

The second year I was angry.  The third year I started working with my
disabilities: attended the first Rare Immunoneuroligical Seminar, met Dr..
Kerr: and things began to be understandable.  I worked with Dr. Kerr, and
with Urology, both here in Okla and in Baltimore.  I found out about
hippo-therapy (horseback riding).  Changed to a better massage therapist,
Got a neurostimulation device for my spastic bladder.

Now I know me--and I could not have made a plan that would have put me at
the place I am now for any amount of money in the world!  I feel more like
I am a mouse stumbling through a maze with a wise guide who prods me,
blocks me(from going down the wrong path), encourages me, and sometimes
must be frustrated that I don't get it.  Yet I have such progress that I
could not even have imagined 3 years ago, when I was starting to look for
what improvement I could hope for.

(stepping down from soapbox) I guess I just know there's  Someone taking
care of all of us, if we let Him. (or Her, smile)   Why would I attempt to
make another five year plan?  I'd never have hoped for the wonders I
actually received.   Cora

> The medical community has had me for the first five years.  I have
> decided
> that I am not wild about their plan since obviously there is none so am
> devising my own.  My neuro is so busy that he will see me only twice a
> year so I am
> going to Charlotte, NC to see a new neuro that a friend of mine  knows.
> Am
> busy making a list of all of my problems which to some will see  little
> but to
> me I want them better.  If any of you have any suggestions,  feel free to
> become a part of my medical community.
> l. Feet feel like marbles with duct tape wrapped around them.  (Am
> finding
> that message helps a lot)
> 2. Legs feel like wooden solders.  (Message helps}
> 3  Pain right side and hip..  (Heating pad only thing that  helps)
> 4. Right buttocks not happy.  (no suggestions Maybe loose  weight.
> 5 Banding under boobs.  ( does not happen often but is getting  worse)
> 6.Have you ever seen a little balloon inside a big one?  That is how  my
> rig
> ht side feels sometimes if this makes sense.
> I walk with the cane and am finding I am hurting more when I walk.  If  I
> could stay seated all the time I would be a happy camper
> I am taking 2400 gabapentin and Tramadol when needed.  Have tried
> baclofen
> and cymbalta but could not take either.  My plan right now is to  try
> everything that was suggested in the Spring newsletter. Pain doctor is
> being  quite
> helpful with this.  This is an interesting article if you all have  not
> seen it
> Medical approach to the management of neuropathic pain.   Am trying
> acupuncture.. Jury still out on this.
> Trudy in case you read this I am coming to Va. Beach in November for a
> bridge tournament.  Know you live in the eastern part of Virginia but am
> not sure
> where.  Do you happen to be in Va. Beach?
> Ann in Roanoke   (I am usually never  chatty.)
> ** See what's new at

Re: [TMIC] Swollen Hands

2007-10-16 Thread Natalie Boyles
Sue is right about go to an emergency room if that is your only option. Some
of my worst health problems started with a blood clot that caused my left
arm to swell to huge proportions. Please do not wait too long to have this
checked, like I did. My swollen arm had nothing to do with TM. The blood
clot had somehow effected the lymph nodes and it was causing the swelling.
Natalie B

On 10/15/07, Bob and Sue Mattis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Deana,
> My TM did not affect my hands, however, I would say that eventhough your
> local emergency room might not "have a clue" in regards to a TM issue, I
> believe that is your best response if doctors are otherwise not available.
>  It's possible it's a problem not related to his TM, and swelling, heat
> and redness should not be ignored regardless of the origin. Let us know how
> you make out.
> Sue Mattis
> -Original Message-
> *From:* Deana Lehman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Monday, October 15, 2007 11:27 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [TMIC] Swollen Hands
> My husband had an acute, idiopathic TM attack August 9th of 2007.  He has
> regained some use of right hand and arm, but the left one is stubborn and
> today is swollen about 3 times normal size with considerable heat and
> redness.  Both doctors we might consult are gone, and our rural emergency
> room won't have a clue.  Can anyone help with a suggestion?  Also-in your
> experience, does working the hand too much or not enough cause more
> swelling?  Thanks for your help.

[TMIC] 5 year plan

2007-10-16 Thread AnnDillon
Many thanks for becoming a part of my five year plan.  Sounds as if I  had 
better get my fat ? to the pool. Guess there is no quick fix.
Shame you don't live at Virginia Beach.  I was referring to the  Transverse 
Myelitis newsletter of spring 2007.
and thanks for the good wishes in bridge.  By the way I just had my  fourth 
grandchild.  A little boy born on October 4 weighing in at 4 lbs. 4  oz.  
Mother and baby are doing fine and Jack is supposed to come home  today.
Ann in Virginia

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[TMIC] FW: Five Year Plan

2007-10-16 Thread Trudy

Ann you Rock!!!  I too have had this for five years and am so sick and tired
of neuros that just don't really care or listen.. I have decided to go to
Georgetown, it's a teaching hospital maybe, hopefully someone will listen.

your#1 is right on. I've go to use that. #2 a definite 3,4,5 I don't have
but my torso is a wooden block with shooting pains all around it..  How is
your fatigue?? any help with that??

Are you talking about the April 2007 Journal??

Please let us know how it all goes! 

Ann I live in Northern Virginia, Fairfax County just outside of Washington,
D.C.Argh!! Va. Beach is 3 hours

from me.. Good luck in your Bridge tournament.. Do us proud  :-)




Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 8:27 PM
Subject: Five Year Plan


The medical community has had me for the first five years.  I have decided
that I am not wild about their plan since obviously there is none so am
devising my own.  My neuro is so busy that he will see me only twice a year
so I am going to Charlotte, NC to see a new neuro that a friend of mine
knows.  Am busy making a list of all of my problems which to some will see
little but to me I want them better.  If any of you have any suggestions,
feel free to become a part of my medical community. 


l. Feet feel like marbles with duct tape wrapped around them.  (Am finding
that message helps a lot)


2. Legs feel like wooden solders.  (Message helps}


3  Pain right side and hip..  (Heating pad only thing that helps)


4. Right buttocks not happy.  (no suggestions Maybe loose weight.


5 Banding under boobs.  ( does not happen often but is getting worse)


6.Have you ever seen a little balloon inside a big one?  That is how my
right side feels sometimes if this makes sense.


I walk with the cane and am finding I am hurting more when I walk.  If I
could stay seated all the time I would be a happy camper


I am taking 2400 gabapentin and Tramadol when needed.  Have tried baclofen
and cymbalta but could not take either.  My plan right now is to try
everything that was suggested in the Spring newsletter. Pain doctor is being
quite helpful with this.  This is an interesting article if you all have not
seen it  Medical approach to the management of neuropathic pain.  Am trying
acupuncture.. Jury still out on this.


Trudy in case you read this I am coming to Va. Beach in November for a
bridge tournament.  Know you live in the eastern part of Virginia but am not
sure where.  Do you happen to be in Va. Beach?  


Ann in Roanoke   (I am usually never chatty.)



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[TMIC] Congratulations Moma

2007-10-16 Thread Balmatmic
Hi Trudy,
Oh my goodness!  Congratulations on your first  grandchild.  Isn't it 
wonderful?  We now have 3 grandsons, no  granddaughters, but that's ok for now, 
maybe forever.  We'd love to  have a granddaughter, but if it's not meant to 
be, we'll live with that.   We have 2 sons, and they have come to the 
that this family just  doesn't make girls, lol.
Anyway, I wish I would have known that you were going to be in  San Mateo, 
CA.  I lived in that area for quite a few years, actually San  Bruno, the city 
that the SF Airport is in.  I am now in Auburn, which is  about 30 miles east 
of Sacramento.  I would have loved to have been able to  meet you while you 
were here.  If you ever come back to this area, which I  expect you will to see 
this beautiful baby Declan, please let me know if you  want to get together.  
I'm just a little more than 2 hours away, and still  have a sister in San 
Bruno, so it's not a problem for me to go  there.
About what to call you--I've found that the kids find a name  that's 
comfortable for them in the beginning.  I do like the comment about  you being 
"a real 
piece of work".  We have to chuckle at ourselves  sometime, don't we?
Take care and hugs, Barbara A

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