Re: [TMIC] Help

2008-11-18 Thread jrushton
Did you get this, Ann?? 

Jeanne in Dayton


2008-11-18 Thread jrushton
My insurance covered the hand control set up or I wouldn't have been able to 
afford it, either.  I didn't realize the left foot accelerator was more 
affordable and easy to put in and take out!  The hand control is a bit 
bothersome for regular drivers who are taller and longer legged than I am which 
is most everyone!!!  There have been many times when naughty words were 
actually uttered in MY car because of banged knees!!  j


2008-11-18 Thread jrushton
Yes, I did consider the left foot accelerator, Heather, but then had hand 
controls installed in my car instead.  I then found I just didn't use them.  I 
took my driver's test not using them but felt safer knowing they were there if 
I needed them.  The person that gave me my driver's test asked if I felt better 
with them and I honestly did at that time so I am only able to drive that car.  
She did say I did perfect without using them and when I was ready to retake my 
test to remove that 'exception' on my license I could do it anytime.  I never 
have used them...isn't that strange?  That numb, lazy, crazy, old foot and leg 
just seems to take care of everything!  It must be ingrained in my brain after 
all of those years driving almost 80 miles a day back and forth to work in that 
same car because I sure don't do as well in any other car!!  Thanks for the 
thought, tho!  j

Re: [TMIC] Looking for information

2008-11-18 Thread jrushton
I don't have one, Patti, and ran into the same problem as you as far as having 
to have someone with me.  Wish I could help!!  j


2008-11-18 Thread kimr1999

me 2... 
-- Original message from Jenna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- 

I so agree, and Kim honey I am so glad you are on TMIC now and got to see this!!!
 Jenna, never give up hope!!!

From: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Patricia Cooley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Monday, November 17, 2008 10:32:31 PMSubject: RE: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

DITTO!!!  hard not to get down somedays and to read such an up lifting post... it gives us all hope
kim   tm since 04
-- Original message from "Patricia Cooley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- 

This is the best e-mail I have received since I was stricken with TM in June.  I know I am a newbie and haven’t been at it as long as most of you all.   I do get depressed at times, but this gives me such hope.  I am so happy for Terry and his family.  
Patti in Wisconsin

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 12:40 PMTo: tmic-list@eskimo.comSubject: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

8 1/2 years + with TM for Terry and he just spontaneously walked at our friends house the other last night. (Our friend being follow TM-er Rick Steele).  He stands up from his wheelchair all the time and cooks, gardens, etc.  He sometimes walks up stairs with the support of the banisters and has taken a few steps unassisted before.  But, last night he just got up and walked without any support or assistance for a total of perhaps 40 steps!   He was quite well balanced, all things considered.   


My suggestion to him was to get out the walker and the arm crutches and clean off the cobwebs and start practicing more at home.   It's just amazing how much progress Terry has made.  He's so determined and has such a good attitude through all his pain.


For those of you that went from a wheelchair to walking or walking with assistance, what helped you?   Any advise is greatly appreciated!


Sandy Parker

Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & more!


2008-11-18 Thread Jenna
 And to those that don't know Kim personallythis girl rocks!!!  She is an 
amazing woman that inspires me.  Yes I am able to walk 99% of the time, but 
being with Kim I see how much anyone with TM can do if they just keep a 
positive attitude and keep trying.  I am not saying just because you have a 
positive attitude you will be able to walk again, but what I am saying is you  
can do so much from a chair!!!  


To: Pieter and Heather <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; jrushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 9:04:26 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

I had to give up my "mid-lfe crissis" a red convertable mustang.. (yep stick 
shift)... was hard looking at mini vans but found the Honda Element was a 
perfect fit. and with the left foot accerator I can go anywhere I want anytime!
-- Original message from "Pieter and Heather" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 

Yes Kim I agree with you about how easy it is to put on and off.  Even I can 
put it on if my husband forgets to put it back after he has driven.  I need to 
put a mat on the floor of the garage, get on my hands and knees (not easy) and 
manœuvre it in place.  I have perfected the technique now and it only takes a 
couple of minutes.  
I went to be tested at the hospital first as my Physiatrist thought I would 
need hand controls.  However, once tested on a computerized machine at the 
hospital they said that 'left-foot accelorator' would work for me that is what 
I did. 
We had it installed in our car - a Chrysler 300M 2003 model - did this in fall 
of 2005 and it cost us $285.00 here in Calgary.  Then in 2006 we bought a brand 
new Honda Odyssey Touring van and the Honda company covered the cost to put it 
on that vehicle.  If you happen to be buying a new vehicle most companies have 
some sort of $$ amount that you are allowed for conversion for disability 
purposes.  I know at the time that Honda's limit was up to $1000.00. Every 
little bit helps.
I too had to be tested and now have special codes on my licence for 'left foot 
accelorator' and 'automatic transmission'.  
I love the freedom of being independent in that respect.  I did this so that 
our insurance would still cover us.  Also I worked since 1981 up until I got TM 
with the Alberta Motor Vehicle department in one capacity or another so knew 
the rules and regulations (currently on LTD)  Didn't want to get caught up in 
problems if in an accident. 
Heather in Calgary 
- Original Message - 
To: Pieter and Heather ; jrushton ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

I also use a "Left-Foot Accelorator, (left leg is dumb but has mussle control) 
right leg has no musscle control) I had to take a driving assesment course from 
Shepherd Center in Atlanta and keep certificate in my car. It is very easy to 
apply to and disconect when an able bodied person wishes to drive and much 
cheaper than hand controls
-- Original message from "Pieter and Heather" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 

Have you thought of getting a 'left-foot accelorator'?  I had to do that so I 
could get my licence again  It is an ingenious and simple device.  Takes a 
little while to wrap your head around the concept of using your left foot for 
everything.  The regular gas pedal is covered by a metal cage.  
Heather in Calgary 
- Original Message - 
From: jrushton 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

Hello, dear Jude!  I just read your note to Terry about walking with no 
sensation to the feet?  Such exciting and wonderful news!!
That is how I walk and it is true about having to watch your feet.  At home I 
don't so much since it's more comfortable but I still fall into the walls 
often.  I also can drive but have to wear white shoes so I can see them in a 
hurry or with my peripheral view.  I've had to slam on the brakes for deer and 
other drivers and it is sure amazing how that can work when the foot and leg 
that I use to drive also happens to be the weakest and the one I drag the 
most!!!  Our bodies are amazing!
Even if you can't e-mail us, we will still be thinking of and praying for 
you!!!  j



2008-11-18 Thread Jenna
I so agree, and Kim honey I am so glad you are on TMIC now and got to see 

 Jenna, never give up hope!!!

Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 10:32:31 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

DITTO!!!  hard not to get down somedays and to read such an up lifting post... 
it gives us all hope
kim   tm since 04
-- Original message from "Patricia Cooley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 

This is the best e-mail I have received since I was stricken with TM in June.  
I know I am a newbie and haven’t been at it as long as most of you all.   I do 
get depressed at times, but this gives me such hope.  I am so happy for Terry 
and his family.  
Patti in Wisconsin
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 12:40 PM
Subject: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!
8 1/2 years + with TM for Terry and he just spontaneously walked at our friends 
house the other last night. (Our friend being follow TM-er Rick Steele).  He 
stands up from his wheelchair all the time and cooks, gardens, etc.  He 
sometimes walks up stairs with the support of the banisters and has taken a few 
steps unassisted before.  But, last night he just got up and walked without any 
support or assistance for a total of perhaps 40 steps!   He was quite well 
balanced, all things considered.   
My suggestion to him was to get out the walker and the arm crutches and clean 
off the cobwebs and start practicing more at home.   It's just amazing how much 
progress Terry has made.  He's so determined and has such a good attitude 
through all his pain.
For those of you that went from a wheelchair to walking or walking with 
assistance, what helped you?   Any advise is greatly appreciated!
Sandy Parker

Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & more!



2008-11-18 Thread kimr1999

I had to give up my "mid-lfe crissis" a red convertable mustang.. (yep stick shift)... was hard looking at mini vans but found the Honda Element was a perfect fit. and with the left foot accerator I can go anywhere I want anytime!
-- Original message from "Pieter and Heather" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: --  

Yes Kim I agree with you about how easy it is to put on and off.  Even I can put it on if my husband forgets to put it back after he has driven.  I need to put a mat on the floor of the garage, get on my hands and knees (not easy) and manœuvre it in place.  I have perfected the technique now and it only takes a couple of minutes.  
I went to be tested at the hospital first as my Physiatrist thought I would need hand controls.  However, once tested on a computerized machine at the hospital they said that 'left-foot accelorator' would work for me that is what I did. 
We had it installed in our car - a Chrysler 300M 2003 model - did this in fall of 2005 and it cost us $285.00 here in Calgary.  Then in 2006 we bought a brand new Honda Odyssey Touring van and the Honda company covered the cost to put it on that vehicle.  If you happen to be buying a new vehicle most companies have some sort of $$ amount that you are allowed for conversion for disability purposes.  I know at the time that Honda's limit was up to $1000.00. Every little bit helps.
I too had to be tested and now have special codes on my licence for 'left foot accelorator' and 'automatic transmission'.  
I love the freedom of being independent in that respect.  I did this so that our insurance would still cover us.  Also I worked since 1981 up until I got TM with the Alberta Motor Vehicle department in one capacity or another so knew the rules and regulations (currently on LTD)  Didn't want to get caught up in problems if in an accident. 
Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 
To: Pieter and Heather ; jrushton ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

I also use a "Left-Foot Accelorator, (left leg is dumb but has mussle control) right leg has no musscle control) I had to take a driving assesment course from Shepherd Center in Atlanta and keep certificate in my car. It is very easy to apply to and disconect when an able bodied person wishes to drive and much cheaper than hand controls
-- Original message from "Pieter and Heather" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: --  

Have you thought of getting a 'left-foot accelorator'?  I had to do that so I could get my licence again  It is an ingenious and simple device.  Takes a little while to wrap your head around the concept of using your left foot for everything.  The regular gas pedal is covered by a metal cage.  
Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 
From: jrushton 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

Hello, dear Jude!  I just read your note to Terry about walking with no sensation to the feet?  Such exciting and wonderful news!!
That is how I walk and it is true about having to watch your feet.  At home I don't so much since it's more comfortable but I still fall into the walls often.  I also can drive but have to wear white shoes so I can see them in a hurry or with my peripheral view.  I've had to slam on the brakes for deer and other drivers and it is sure amazing how that can work when the foot and leg that I use to drive also happens to be the weakest and the one I drag the most!!!  Our bodies are amazing!
Even if you can't e-mail us, we will still be thinking of and praying for you!!!  j


2008-11-18 Thread Alle111
That is great news! Congrats Terry, I am very happy for you.
Ella in Ohio
**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & 

[TMIC] Help

2008-11-18 Thread AnnDillon
I am getting the digest but am not getting the individual postings.   Up 
until this past week I have been getting the posting for all of you.   Any 
Ann in Virginia
**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & 


2008-11-18 Thread Parkerswebe
Toyota also gives a $1000 to equip a vehicle you buy from  them.
**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & 


2008-11-18 Thread Pieter and Heather
Yes Kim I agree with you about how easy it is to put on and off.  Even I can 
put it on if my husband forgets to put it back after he has driven.  I need to 
put a mat on the floor of the garage, get on my hands and knees (not easy) and 
manœuvre it in place.  I have perfected the technique now and it only takes a 
couple of minutes.  

I went to be tested at the hospital first as my Physiatrist thought I would 
need hand controls.  However, once tested on a computerized machine at the 
hospital they said that 'left-foot accelorator' would work for me that is what 
I did. 

We had it installed in our car - a Chrysler 300M 2003 model - did this in fall 
of 2005 and it cost us $285.00 here in Calgary.  Then in 2006 we bought a brand 
new Honda Odyssey Touring van and the Honda company covered the cost to put it 
on that vehicle.  If you happen to be buying a new vehicle most companies have 
some sort of $$ amount that you are allowed for conversion for disability 
purposes.  I know at the time that Honda's limit was up to $1000.00. Every 
little bit helps.

I too had to be tested and now have special codes on my licence for 'left foot 
accelorator' and 'automatic transmission'.  

I love the freedom of being independent in that respect.  I did this so that 
our insurance would still cover us.  Also I worked since 1981 up until I got TM 
with the Alberta Motor Vehicle department in one capacity or another so knew 
the rules and regulations (currently on LTD)  Didn't want to get caught up in 
problems if in an accident. 

Heather in Calgary 
  - Original Message - 
  To: Pieter and Heather ; jrushton ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 1:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

  I also use a "Left-Foot Accelorator, (left leg is dumb but has mussle 
control) right leg has no musscle control) I had to take a driving assesment 
course from Shepherd Center in Atlanta and keep certificate in my car. It is 
very easy to apply to and disconect when an able bodied person wishes to drive 
and much cheaper than hand controls
-- Original message from "Pieter and Heather" <[EMAIL 


Have you thought of getting a 'left-foot accelorator'?  I had to do that so 
I could get my licence again  It is an ingenious and simple device.  Takes a 
little while to wrap your head around the concept of using your left foot for 
everything.  The regular gas pedal is covered by a metal cage.  

Heather in Calgary 
  - Original Message - 
  From: jrushton 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:23 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

  Hello, dear Jude!  I just read your note to Terry about walking with no 
sensation to the feet?  Such exciting and wonderful news!!

  That is how I walk and it is true about having to watch your feet.  At 
home I don't so much since it's more comfortable but I still fall into the 
walls often.  I also can drive but have to wear white shoes so I can see them 
in a hurry or with my peripheral view.  I've had to slam on the brakes for deer 
and other drivers and it is sure amazing how that can work when the foot and 
leg that I use to drive also happens to be the weakest and the one I drag the 
most!!!  Our bodies are amazing!

  Even if you can't e-mail us, we will still be thinking of and praying for 
you!!!  j


2008-11-18 Thread Robert Pall
When i was in rehab 11 years ago I was taught to use a left foot petal...I had 
to take a driving test to get a license stating i could drive with this 
petal...I passed the testthen about one year later I was visiting my Dad in 
Florida and had reserved a car with a left foot make a long story 
short..when I arrived they had no such car! What did I do ...the stupid thing 
of course...I took a regular car and decided I would just try to use my right 
foot10 years later and I still only use my right foot...I still cannot feel 
the petals...but i sense the pressure...I do have to double check where my feet 
are sometimes...and it is very difficult to go from my car to my wifes car 
because the pressure i need to exert on the gas and brake are differentI am 
not recommending this to anyone...just letting you know what worked for me.
Rob in New Jersey

Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:04 PM
To: Pieter and Heather; jrushton; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic
Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

I also use a "Left-Foot Accelorator, (left leg is dumb but has mussle control) 
right leg has no musscle control) I had to take a driving assesment course from 
Shepherd Center in Atlanta and keep certificate in my car. It is very easy to 
apply to and disconect when an able bodied person wishes to drive and much 
cheaper than hand controls

-- Original message from "Pieter and Heather" <[EMAIL 

Have you thought of getting a 'left-foot accelorator'?  I had to do 
that so I could get my licence again  It is an ingenious and simple device.  
Takes a little while to wrap your head around the concept of using your left 
foot for everything.  The regular gas pedal is covered by a metal cage.  
Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 
From: jrushton   
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic   
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

Hello, dear Jude!  I just read your note to Terry about walking 
with no sensation to the feet?  Such exciting and wonderful news!!
That is how I walk and it is true about having to watch your 
feet.  At home I don't so much since it's more comfortable but I still fall 
into the walls often.  I also can drive but have to wear white shoes so I can 
see them in a hurry or with my peripheral view.  I've had to slam on the brakes 
for deer and other drivers and it is sure amazing how that can work when the 
foot and leg that I use to drive also happens to be the weakest and the one I 
drag the most!!!  Our bodies are amazing!
Even if you can't e-mail us, we will still be thinking of and 
praying for you!!!  j


2008-11-18 Thread kimr1999

I also use a "Left-Foot Accelorator, (left leg is dumb but has mussle control) right leg has no musscle control) I had to take a driving assesment course from Shepherd Center in Atlanta and keep certificate in my car. It is very easy to apply to and disconect when an able bodied person wishes to drive and much cheaper than hand controls
-- Original message from "Pieter and Heather" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: --  

Have you thought of getting a 'left-foot accelorator'?  I had to do that so I could get my licence again  It is an ingenious and simple device.  Takes a little while to wrap your head around the concept of using your left foot for everything.  The regular gas pedal is covered by a metal cage.  
Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 
From: jrushton 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

Hello, dear Jude!  I just read your note to Terry about walking with no sensation to the feet?  Such exciting and wonderful news!!
That is how I walk and it is true about having to watch your feet.  At home I don't so much since it's more comfortable but I still fall into the walls often.  I also can drive but have to wear white shoes so I can see them in a hurry or with my peripheral view.  I've had to slam on the brakes for deer and other drivers and it is sure amazing how that can work when the foot and leg that I use to drive also happens to be the weakest and the one I drag the most!!!  Our bodies are amazing!
Even if you can't e-mail us, we will still be thinking of and praying for you!!!  j


2008-11-18 Thread Pieter and Heather

Have you thought of getting a 'left-foot accelorator'?  I had to do that so I 
could get my licence again  It is an ingenious and simple device.  Takes a 
little while to wrap your head around the concept of using your left foot for 
everything.  The regular gas pedal is covered by a metal cage.  

Heather in Calgary 
  - Original Message - 
  From: jrushton 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:23 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] GOOD NEWS!

  Hello, dear Jude!  I just read your note to Terry about walking with no 
sensation to the feet?  Such exciting and wonderful news!!

  That is how I walk and it is true about having to watch your feet.  At home I 
don't so much since it's more comfortable but I still fall into the walls 
often.  I also can drive but have to wear white shoes so I can see them in a 
hurry or with my peripheral view.  I've had to slam on the brakes for deer and 
other drivers and it is sure amazing how that can work when the foot and leg 
that I use to drive also happens to be the weakest and the one I drag the 
most!!!  Our bodies are amazing!

  Even if you can't e-mail us, we will still be thinking of and praying for 
you!!!  j

RE: [TMIC] Looking for information

2008-11-18 Thread Butcher, Bernard G (NY80)
Hi Patti - I too need a walker to get around  don't go to supermarkets
any more - here in NY they are all huge! - I bought an electric
wheelchair on Ebay for $500.00 - I love it, but now I have to get a
vehicle to transport it

From: Patricia Cooley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 12:50 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Looking for information

Hello All:


I need some assistance.  First I am able to walk with a walker, but not
too far.  When I go shopping most of the large stores have electric
carts which really come in handy.  However, there are some smaller
stores that either don't have the electric carts or have regular wheel
chairs.  With the regular wheel chairs I need to have someone with me
and do the pushing and when they do that they can't also handle a
shopping cart.  So, my questions is that I am thinking of getting a
3-wheeled scooter for the occasions when an electric cart is not
available.  Do any of you have experience with them and what are your
recommendations as to make, where to purchase,  etc.  It involves a lot
of money and I don't want to make a big mistake.


Right now, I am in the process of seeing if my insurance won't pay for a
part of it.  If it would, it would be a big help financially.


Thanks for any help you can give me.


Patti in Wisconsin

Re: [TMIC] Looking for information

2008-11-18 Thread kimr1999

Patti, I am also walker/wheel chair... I have a "4" wheel scooter also, I would NOT suggest a "3" wheel scooter as the tend to tip over very easy! (I rented a 3 wheel scooter and it did tip alot)
Check Cragislist for a used one. 
-- Original message from "Patricia Cooley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -- 

Hello All:
I need some assistance.  First I am able to walk with a walker, but not too far.  When I go shopping most of the large stores have electric carts which really come in handy.  However, there are some smaller stores that either don’t have the electric carts or have regular wheel chairs.  With the regular wheel chairs I need to have someone with me and do the pushing and when they do that they can’t also handle a shopping cart.  So, my questions is that I am thinking of getting a 3-wheeled scooter for the occasions when an electric cart is not available.  Do any of you have experience with them and what are your recommendations as to make, where to purchase,  etc.  It involves a lot of money and I don’t want to make a big mistake.
Right now, I am in the process of seeing if my insurance won’t pay for a part of it.  If it would, it would be a big help financially.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Patti in Wisconsin

[TMIC] Looking for information

2008-11-18 Thread Patricia Cooley
Hello All:


I need some assistance.  First I am able to walk with a walker, but not too
far.  When I go shopping most of the large stores have electric carts which
really come in handy.  However, there are some smaller stores that either
don't have the electric carts or have regular wheel chairs.  With the
regular wheel chairs I need to have someone with me and do the pushing and
when they do that they can't also handle a shopping cart.  So, my questions
is that I am thinking of getting a 3-wheeled scooter for the occasions when
an electric cart is not available.  Do any of you have experience with them
and what are your recommendations as to make, where to purchase,  etc.  It
involves a lot of money and I don't want to make a big mistake.


Right now, I am in the process of seeing if my insurance won't pay for a
part of it.  If it would, it would be a big help financially.


Thanks for any help you can give me.


Patti in Wisconsin

[TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2008 #422

2008-11-18 Thread marieke dufresne

Hi Jude, I can help you understand the "why can someone walk yet not feel.." 
It's because motor nerves and sensory nerves are TWO different pathways. So 
it's possible for the sensory path to be destroyed, yet have the motor path 
remain intact.
For me, my right leg feels touch but not pain (or not much) and not 
temperature, but I have full motor function. My left leg is paralyzed almost 
completely, yet I can feel pain and temp on that side, though light touch I 
don't feel (only I feel it in a few spots).

Marieke RN, TM @ T1 March 2004

AOL Email


  Yippee!  Way to go 
  Terry!  I know how hard you have worked for this and how long it has 
  taken you.  You deserve this good news.
  I am you also have 
  sensation with the ability to walk?  Or, have you always had 
  it?  Never had it? 
  For the life of me, I don't 
  understand it when people say that they are walkers but have no sensation 
  and have to watch with every step where their feet are placed.  It 
  must be so difficult.
  I shed tears of joy for you 
  Terry...and for you know how much I love 
  God Bless You again and 


Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & more!


2008-11-18 Thread jrushton
Hello, dear Jude!  I just read your note to Terry about walking with no 
sensation to the feet?  Such exciting and wonderful news!!

That is how I walk and it is true about having to watch your feet.  At home I 
don't so much since it's more comfortable but I still fall into the walls 
often.  I also can drive but have to wear white shoes so I can see them in a 
hurry or with my peripheral view.  I've had to slam on the brakes for deer and 
other drivers and it is sure amazing how that can work when the foot and leg 
that I use to drive also happens to be the weakest and the one I drag the 
most!!!  Our bodies are amazing!

Even if you can't e-mail us, we will still be thinking of and praying for 
you!!!  j

Re: [TMIC] Neurontin again

2008-11-18 Thread Heyjude48458

In a message dated 11/16/2008 6:02:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

If anyone is thinking of stopping Neurontin,  tell your doctor before, AND 
Thank you for the good advice, Frank.  It  is very important that those of us 
who are presently taking Neurontin and  want to quit, taper slowly off the 
drug.  Follow your doctor's advice  to the "T" and the best to all of you.

**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & 

Re: [TMIC] California Fires

2008-11-18 Thread Heyjude48458
My Prayers go out to all of you in  Southern CA.  To those of you just 
starting to fill your Prayer  Boxes, stuff them to the max with Prayers for our 
members in the fire  areas.  I have been thinking of you all despite the fact 
I have  not emailed you.  Carpal tunnel is suddenly my enemy and taking from  
me the one entertainment I need the most...emailing my  friends.
Love to All,
In a message dated 11/16/2008 8:32:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

We actually have a large  group of us in Southern CA.  In the last fires 
about 2 mo ago one  of our members, Rick Steele, in Porter Ranch had to 
and  almost lost his home.  The flames came right up to his property  line.  
Another one of our members is in an area where all the  freeways are closed and 
for her the smoke it making it terrible hard to  breathe as she also had COPD. 
 I haven't check on all the members  of our SoCal Support group yet, but I 
think most of us are okay, just  dealing with ashes and smoke.   Yesterday I 
went to visit my  Mom's house in Fullerton and could see the flames on the 
Ridgeway, so of  them spread a mile or so apart.  The flames were probably  
about 5 
miles from her house.  We had to exit the freeway because  just up the way 
they were afraid the fires were going to just the  freeway. Scary!!  All of us 
know so many folks in the fire areas  and are wishing the best for them.  
Today, in my area at least  the temp has cooled down to the mid 80ies and the 
wind has  calmed  down  This is a great help in controlling the fires.  The 
fire  personnel we have in So. Cal are absolutely the best.
Cindy McLeroy

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008  12:54 PM
Subject: [TMIC] California  Fires

I don't remember who all is in CA besides Barbara  Alma and Deb Capen, but 
how is everyone doing out there? Anyone in  danger of the fires there?
Barbara H.
_ ( 


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2008-11-18 Thread Heyjude48458
Yippee!  Way to go  Terry!  I know how hard you have worked for this and 
how long it has  taken you.  You deserve this good news.
I am you also have  sensation with the ability to walk?  Or, 
have you always had  it?  Never had it? 
For the life of me, I don't  understand it when people say that they are 
walkers but have no sensation  and have to watch with every step where their 
are placed.  It  must be so difficult.
I shed tears of joy for you  Terry...and for you know how much 
I love  you.
God Bless You again and  again,
In a message dated 11/17/2008 10:32:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

DITTO!!!  hard not to get down somedays and to read such an up  lifting 
post... it gives us all hope
kim   tm since 04

--  Original message from "Patricia Cooley" 

This  is the best e-mail I have received since I was stricken with TM in  
June.  I know I am a newbie and haven’t been at it as long as  most of you all. 
I do get depressed at times, but this  gives me such hope.  I am so happy for 
Terry and his  family.   
Patti  in Wisconsin 
Sent:  Monday, November 17, 2008 12:40 PM
Subject: [TMIC] GOOD  NEWS!

8 1/2 years  + with TM for Terry and he just spontaneously walked at our 
friends  house the other last night. (Our friend being follow TM-er Rick  
 He stands up from his wheelchair all the time and  cooks, gardens, etc.  He 
sometimes walks up stairs with the  support of the banisters and has taken a 
few steps unassisted  before.  But, last night he just got up and walked 
without any  support or assistance for a total of perhaps 40 steps!   He  was 
well balanced, all things considered.

My  suggestion to him was to get out the walker and the arm crutches and  
clean off the cobwebs and start practicing more at home.It's just amazing 
much progress Terry has made.  He's so  determined and has such a good 
attitude through all his  pain.

For those  of you that went from a wheelchair to walking or walking with  
assistance, what helped you?   Any advise is greatly  appreciated!

Sandy  Parker


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