[TMIC] still using?

2015-07-04 Thread Gary Thomas
Hi Jim.  In answer to your question, "Is anyone still using the TMIC list?   I 
Guess not.  I haven't been getting any email from it and I am partly the reason 
since I haven't been using it myself, as much as I miss it!  A while back a few 
of us were writing but that soon ended.  I think some are communicating on 
Facebook but I have not.
I miss reading information, personal experiences, and also participating with 
questions or comments, but have failed to do so for some time.  Part of my 
reason/excuse is that I am caring for elderly parents which takes part of each 

Well, that is my answer to your question.  There's little or no activity on the 
"list" but maybe it will get going again. Anyway, Jim,it was nice to hear from 
you.  All  that you have done and are doing for the cause ot TM is appreciated. 

NIles, MI

Re: [TMIC] Hey everybody,

2015-01-17 Thread Gary Thomas
It was good to see your email, Nikki.  Almost like the "olden days" when I 
may have 5, 10, 15  or mail messages on email daily.  It was good to hear 
from Janice and Dalton, also.

It was over 10 years ago that I was "hit" with TM.  Fortunately I do not 
have some of the worst lingering symptoms.  I am glad that you are doing 
much better than in the past, Nikki.

Again, I was so glad to hear from you.

Gary Niles, MI

- Original Message - 
From: "Nikki Macleod" 

Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 7:37 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Hey everybody,

Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I've been in here and I was wondering how everyone 
was doing. Any improvement. The last time I posted I was really messed up 
mentally. Suicidal and really low, a horrible time in my life. My life has 
changed dramatically since then, me and my fiancé of nearly 10 years broke 
up and I never though I'd say this but it was for the best. I am much 
happier. I live in my little bungalow with my dog Finlay who I've had since 
before TM and have 24/7 care. My depression is much better, it is now stable 
and under control. I am getting out and about much more especially since I 
recently got my new powered wheelchair. I am starting to not only love life 
again but love myself again. I also have more positive news, I have recently 
been experiencing some weird sensations in my left hand and some of my 
fingers which I can only describe as what feels like pins and needles. I 
figured this is a good thing considering it is numb until I get these 
episodes. I've also had episodes of feeling as though the soles of feet are 
burning like they are on fire. TM struck me on 15/02/2011. Doctors told me 
after a certain period of time that would be the end of the improvement. I 
believe that you may continue to improve way after that (I have). Has anyone 
else experienced anything like this?

Nikki, Durham, UK.

Sent from my iPad 

Re: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis

2013-05-23 Thread Gary Thomas
Amy, that's quite amazing, your TM originating in the hospital while having an 
MRI.  Of course, I can't see how that was related, but it is quite 
extraordinary, nevertheless.  So sorry it was not diagnosed quickly enough to 
get you on steroids to maybe have lessened the damage.  I was not diagnosed 
either until the damage was done (so no steroids either) but not as extensive 
as yours, thus I am not disabled but symptoms such as fatigue, etc. 

I appreciate your positive attitude despite the damage TM did to your body.  
What does "neurogenic bladder and bowels" mean, non-functional?  I have not 
heard of a someone with TM having a bladder removed.

Thanks for sharing.  I hope you can be helped with the TM email.

Gary in Niles, MI

  - Original Message - 
  From: amy shultz 
  To: TM group 
  Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 8:40 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis

  My TM story began in March of 96. I was 19 yrs old and had graduated from 
High School and had a soccer scholarship to Notre Dame. While having an MRI on 
my jaw for TMJ the doctors said I had an "unrelated" seizure. After waking up 
in the hospital my arms were really heavy and had horrible pain around my mid 
section, and couldnt move my legs. By the next morning I couldnt move my arms 
or legs, couldnt talk. Couldnt breathe. I endured test after test after test. 
They kept thinking MS as my mom has MS but they couldnt confirm it.I was in a 
rehab hospital and a nursing home for a total of 14 weeks. After many weeks I 
was finally diagnosed after a second MRI showed lesions on my spinal cord at C 
4-5. Due to it being so long since I had had the initial attack and doctors not 
familiar with TM, I was not treated with any steroids or any other treatment. 
After intense therapy and many prayers after about 8 months I got use of my 
arms. Not 100% but some. My arms came back very slowly. I was in therapy for 
months and months. I have yet to show any improvement with my legs and am 
ventilator dependent. I had a neurogenic bladder and bowels. I had my bladder 
removed in 03. I havent show much improvement after the one year mark. I hold 
on to hope that one day there will be treatment for us, or others like us. I 
deal with horrible pain and spasms daily. Something I wouldnt wish on anyone. I 
have been unable to return to school. It seems I am in and out of the hospital 
so much it makes doing anything nearly impossible. Last year alone I was 
inpatient 13 times. Not counting ER visits. I am on over 30 medications a day. 
I get exhausted very easily and nap alot. But I still enjoy having fun and 
hanging with family and friends and this TM will NEVER stop me from being me.

  Amy Shultz
  Columbus Ohio

  From: heyjude48...@aol.com
  Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 23:09:12 -0400
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis

  Hi Everyone!

  It's Jude Hoops.  I was just reading the quad list and they are talking about 
their injuries at what level they are injured, how it happened and when it 
happened.  Do you think that that would be something we could do too?

  I think it might be interesting to know how we were all injured or got sick 
and how long ago it was.  We've all been on this list for a long time now and I 
was wondering whether any of us had gotten any better over the years.

  Let me know what you think.  Just write a small paragraph about how you came 
to have TM, what level your injury is at and if you have seen any improvement 
over the years. 

  I love you all so much and have been thinking of you.

  Jude (TIAD)

Re: [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

2013-05-23 Thread Gary Thomas
I am here.
Gary in Michigan
  - Original Message - 
  From: amy shultz 
  To: TM group 
  Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:58 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

  Yes, I am here, just slow in reading e-mails. LOL
  Amy SHultz 
  Columbus Ohio

  To: jan...@centurytel.net; heyjude48...@aol.com; tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List
  From: robthe...@aol.com
  Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 09:37:43 -0400

  I have never left!
  Rob in New Jersey

  -Original Message-
  From: Janice Nichols 
  To: Heyjude48458 ; tmic-list 
  Sent: Thu, May 2, 2013 4:46 pm
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

  Sorry I am late to respond.Maybe we could ask all who read/respond to our 
website to let us know by just stating a “yes” or “no” to whether or not they 
are still a part of us.
  We do need to have some idea who is still getting our emails. Would you 
all please do so?

  From: heyjude48...@aol.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:38 PM
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Subject: [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

  Hi  Everyone,

  How are you doing tonight?  It's Jude Hoops and I am writing to let you know 
that eskimo.com may be having a problem with our emails.  It seems that some of 
the people who don't want to receive mail are telling AOL that our mail is Spam 
instead of just unsubscribing to the list.  It is because of their negligence 
that we may not get any more emails.

  This list has been around for at least 12 years and I don't know how long 
before I signed on that it had been up and running.  I know the Quad list is 
going to another site, but I haven't heard anything about us.

  Does anyone else know anything about this?  If you do will you please let me 
know.  I'm very worried about it.  I know that the list doesn't function the 
way that it used to but it is still important to me that we all stay in touch.

  Oh, do any of you have the list of May Birthdays?  It usually comes around 
before the 1st and I haven't seen it yet for this month.

  What do you think we should do?  (Again, I don't know if it applies to us 
too, or just the Quad list)

  And one other thing, do any of you mind  if I use Pam's sign off of TIAD?  I 
just can't seem to help myself, it just keeps her alive in my heart.

  Jude Hoops


2013-05-11 Thread Gary Thomas
I'm glad nothing was broken, Janice!  I hope it doesn't happen again--can it, 
if you have vertigo?
Gary in Michigan
  - Original Message - 
  From: Janice Nichols 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:26 AM

  Hey Guys!

  Well, now I know what a concussion feels like – it hurts!   Monday 
evening I fell in the house on our ceramic tile (hard stuff).My husband 
called 911 and they transported
  us to the hospital.I had passed out before I fell, so had nothing to 
brace the fall.   Eddy was just a few steps behind me but couldn’t get to me in 
time to stop the fall.   Anyway,
  I fell right on my face – huge bump immediately.The ER gave me an 
IV to put in meds for pain (!!!) and nausea.That helped quite a bit.   Then 
they did a cat scan and found
  I had no broken bones.   Doc’s were shocked, but pleased.   I really do have 
a hard head!They then sent us back home and I have been very quiet ever 
since.   Doc’s think I may have
  had vertigo.

  I look a lot like a raccoon  -  eyes really black and purple and forehead and 
bridge of nose really swollen.   I am a mess, but relatively little pain for 
having such a concussion.   Each day
  we are checking out the changes in shape and color in my face.   

  Just thought I would keep you guys up with my adventures.

Re: [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

2013-05-02 Thread Gary Thomas
YES.  I am here and read the emails, as I have since being on the list for 
about 9 years.
Gary Thomas
Niles, MI
  - Original Message - 
  From: Janice Nichols 
  To: heyjude48...@aol.com ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 4:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

  Sorry I am late to respond.Maybe we could ask all who read/respond to our 
website to let us know by just stating a “yes” or “no” to whether or not they 
are still a part of us.
  We do need to have some idea who is still getting our emails. Would you 
all please do so?

  From: heyjude48...@aol.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:38 PM
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Subject: [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

  Hi  Everyone,

  How are you doing tonight?  It's Jude Hoops and I am writing to let you know 
that eskimo.com may be having a problem with our emails.  It seems that some of 
the people who don't want to receive mail are telling AOL that our mail is Spam 
instead of just unsubscribing to the list.  It is because of their negligence 
that we may not get any more emails.

  This list has been around for at least 12 years and I don't know how long 
before I signed on that it had been up and running.  I know the Quad list is 
going to another site, but I haven't heard anything about us.

  Does anyone else know anything about this?  If you do will you please let me 
know.  I'm very worried about it.  I know that the list doesn't function the 
way that it used to but it is still important to me that we all stay in touch.

  Oh, do any of you have the list of May Birthdays?  It usually comes around 
before the 1st and I haven't seen it yet for this month.

  What do you think we should do?  (Again, I don't know if it applies to us 
too, or just the Quad list)

  And one other thing, do any of you mind  if I use Pam's sign off of TIAD?  I 
just can't seem to help myself, it just keeps her alive in my heart.

  Jude Hoops

[TMIC] TM experience

2013-04-27 Thread Gary Thomas
Thanks, Jude, for the idea to hear stories about TM experiences.  They do vary 
yet have areas in common.

In 2004 I was working around my house remodeling our kitchen in the morning 
before my 2nd shift custodial job at a school.  I had been on a ladder and 
thought the numbness in my left leg was due to climbing up and down.  At work, 
though, I had some awful pains in my neck and began getting weaker and weaker.  
I decided to come home early just to lie down.  Since I was rarely sick or 
missed work my wife knew something was wrong and was convinced I needed to go 
to the emergency room.  I maybe shouldn't have, but I insisted on coming home 
to take a shower.  After getting to the hospital I got terrible "banding" and 
then came the horrible spasms.  Of course, I stayed in the hospital and had 
test after test and finally two days later came the diagnosis of TM.  I believe 
the lesion was at C-3.

The only prescription drug I take due to the TM is Valium when I have spasms.  
After I got out of the hospital we began a study of what vitamins to take to 
keep me going despite the fatigue.  I was off work a couple of weeks but a 
month sooner than the doctor predicted.  It is not easy getting through the day 
working, keeping up a house, helping my elderly parents but I am making it, so 
feel I am fortunate, especially as I read some of the stories of others with TM.

I saw a neurologist for a while and was getting "routine" MRIs but there has 
been no change so only see my regular doctor  every six months.
My balance is not the greatest due to the spacisity in my legs, have to deal 
with other issues as far as bowels and bladder being slow.  As I get older, I 
sense a little bit of increase in the symptoms, but hope to keep working for a 

[TMIC] Birthday

2013-03-27 Thread Gary Thomas
Thanks to all for the birthday greetings.  Mine is coming up Saturday (30th) so 
thanks for the birthday wishes.

Janice, I'm not going to actually visit Nashville , but will be going through 
it soon on the way to Georgia to see my grandchildren!

Jane, I hope you get feeling better.

Gary in Michigan

Re: [TMIC] March Birthdays

2013-03-05 Thread Gary Thomas
Thank you very much for the birthday greetings.  My birthday is the 30th and I 
plan to be enroute that day from Michigan (which is now snowy) to sunny (I 
hope)  Georgia, where I will see my grandchildren!  Gary
  - Original Message - 
  From: celr...@aol.com 
  To: patticoole...@gmail.com ; TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 9:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] March Birthdays


  In a message dated 3/3/2013 11:27:24 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
patticoole...@gmail.com writes:

On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Barbara H.  wrote:

  Happy Birthday to the March kids!

  Please send any additions or corrections to tmic-list@eskimo.com.

  And please join me in remembering Mike Hammond, whose birthday was 3/8, 
who passed away a few years ago.

  3-3 Marsha Scholes  (marshab...@comcast.net)

  03.05 Bettie Imus (bettie5...@aol.com)

  3-7 Sue Mattis (bobsue6...@adelphia.net)

  3-15 Sandra Melville (luth...@comcast.net)

  3-17 Joy S. (joyst...@aol.com)

  3-19  Betty Clark (beecl...@aol.com)

  3/24 john h (JOHNLOVESKARAOKE)

  3/26 Jane Elrod (celr...@aol.com)

  3/30 Gary (gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.net) 

  3-31 Jan H (jmh1...@sbcglobal.net)

Re: [TMIC]

2013-02-02 Thread Gary Thomas
What is it and where is it found (store section)?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Janice Nichols 
  To: tmic 
  Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2013 12:25 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] 

  For those of you who have a constipation problem, I read tonite on FB that 
“Fruiteze” is supposed to be really good.
  Just thought I would throw that out there.


[TMIC] relapse?

2013-01-22 Thread Gary Thomas
I mentioned recently that I had the fluaround and on Christmas Day and it drug 
on and I am just now getting my normal, for me, energy anbd strength back.  One 
thing I have noticed is that I seem to have have a problem with balance more 
than usual-which has never been great since the onset of TM.  However, it seems 
the flu has set me back in this regard.

Does this make sense?  Any idea why this is?  I don't use a cane unless I have 
to do a lot of walking, and am not at that point, but it seems since the fluI 
have caught myself a bit off balance but not to the point of falling, 
fortunately.  Do you suppose the flu just exacerbated the lesion on my spinal 
cord, somehow?  Hopefully I will get at least back to the more mild lack of 
balance I had before.  By the way, the neurologist (a few years back) had me 
stand with my feet together and pointed out my lack of balance and seemed 
concern I might get bumped by someone and lose my balance, but I pointed out, 
maybe a bit sarcasticly, that I normally don't just stand in the way of people 
with my feet together.  I don't think he was amused.

Any suggestions why the flu would increase this lack of balance?

Gary, Niles, MI (where it is cold!)

[TMIC] increased interaction!

2013-01-21 Thread Gary Thomas
I am happy to see more interaction.  It is like the "olden" days, 8 years ago 
when I was first introduced to TM and the "list" and was helped so much by 
several, including Jude, Patti, Frank and others.  Hate to mention a few 
without mentioning all but wanted to give a few examples of those who have been 
such a help to me.

I already mentioned a few days ago that I had the flu over the past holidays 
and the thing hung on and was not fun but I'm still not convinced getting the 
shot is what I will do next year.  My primary care physician seems to be 
non-committal on the subject.  He was not my general physician when I got TM 
since that one now teaches at a hospital.  He had cared for one or two others 
with TM but my doctor now has not had any TM patients. 

 That leads me to the subject of my neurologist.  I went to one because he was 
the husband of my previous doctor's nurse (I had requested my GP to recommend 
one due to my chronic fatigue), but was pretty much at a plateau.  Even though 
a different neurologist had diagnosed my TM while I was in the hospital, this 
neurologist I saw a few times was still not willing to accept the diagnosis but 
thought I may have MS even though MRI's showed only the one lesion on my spinal 
cord.  I have basically remain unchanged since the 2004 onset.  I figured my GP 
could prescribe my meds and I think I made the right decision.  Now my 
insurance has changed and going  a specialist requires more money 

I have read others here who have more symptoms than I and I can understand 
their going to a neurologist.  I just have not seen it necessary for myself but 
definitely would recommend a neurologist to maybe find relief not given by a 
general physician.

Gary in Niles, MI

Re: [TMIC] Face book

2013-01-15 Thread Gary Thomas
I saw a neurologist at the onset of TM (in the hospital) then went to see one 
every 6 months, I think, for a while. However, there was really nothing he 
could do any differently than my primary physician, so I don't see him. Since 
then, my insurance changed and my co-pay is higher seeing a specialist, so I 
for sure am not going to him unless something new arises.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Linda Egli 
  To: Butcher, Bernie (S&FS) 
  Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

  I was offered Copaxone by my neurologist about 2 years ago.  He had a study 
showing the drug could prevent TM from progressing to MS.  However the study 
was by the manufacturer of  Copaxone so I declined to take it.  One question - 
when  saw my neurologist Dec, 2011,  I was told he no longer needed to see me 
unless there was a problem.  Is this normal not to be followed at least yearly? 
 I do see my Primary care doctor 3-4 times a year.

  From: "Butcher, Bernie (S&FS)" 
  To: Linda Egli ; "tmic-list@eskimo.com" 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:54 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Face book

  I agree. I was diagnosed with TM in 2002 and MS in 2008. I think it was MS 
all along. I stopped getting the flu shot in 2002, and no flu. (just lucky I 
guess). I had a transplant in 1993, and my immune system is knocked down by the 
anti-rejection meds. My doc and my neuro say to get the shot, but I don’t.  
it’s my belief that they just don’t know, they don’t really know what causes 
TM, they don’t know what causes MS, and they don’t really know what effect the 
flu shot has with my condition. 
  So, I’ll take my chances. I’m taking Copaxone injections for MS.

  Honeywell Engineering
  From: Linda Egli [mailto:le...@sbcglobal.net] 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 11:10 AM
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

  I have had TM for 9 years , & was told by my neurologist to never get another 
flu shot or any other type of  immunization (ex: tetanus or chicken pox).  He 
thought the flu shot was what precipitated my TM.  I worry about catching the 
flu, but everyone knows not to come around me if they have any type of illness. 
 I also pretty much stay at home & avoid crowds in the winter, so far no flu.  
I agree with Gary.  I got a bad cold a few months ago & it about did me in.  I 
can't imagine what the flu would do.  I miss the old group on TM, but I just 
don't trust Facebook.  The TMIC list is my contact with other TMers. Nice to 
see some conversation on this site.
  Linda E. in East Texas


  From: Gary Thomas 
  To: Transverse Myelitis list  
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:25 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

  I used to get flu shots but stopped after getting TM in 2004.  I have not had 
the flu.until this season!  I got it at around Christmas and am still not 
up to full strength (which is not that great anyway due to the fatigue I 
already had from the TM). 

   So, I am rethinking, should I get the shot next year, or not?  Fortunately, 
I did not pass the flu to my 87-year-old dad who always gets the shot but 
forgot this time, or my pregnant daughter and her family visiting us while I 
was sick, or my wife who has not gotten the shot either.  I think her 
chiropractor is not for getting it.  I don't think my doctor or neurologist had 
anything against getting the shot.  I guess I'll have a year to think about 

  The worst part about the flu was that my grandkids were here from Georgia and 
I did not get to do much with them.  

  Gary in Niles, MI
- Original Message - 
From: Robert Pall 
To: jcs...@yahoo.com ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

I get the Flu and Pneumonia shot and have never gotten the flu in the past 
15 years. And The TMIC_LIST is pretty much the only one I read...it is too bad 
that so many of our group has gone to facebook...I guess you can't stop 

Rob in New Jersey

-Original Message-
From: john snodgrass 
To: transverse myelitis 
Sent: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 10:59 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

i had the flu shot and the pneumonia shot the same time and i still cant 
play the violin!

From: Dalton Garis 
To: Pat Cooley ; pjv1...@chartermi.net 
Cc: tmic  
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

I still listen and read.

Because I still have TM and always will.  By the Way, that mustard cure has 
greatly reduced seizures for me.  Now, I only get them ever

Re: [TMIC] Face book

2013-01-15 Thread Gary Thomas
It's nice to read all the comments. We haven't had a lot of conversation. I get 
on Facebook a little but not with the TM group.
I think I will still take my chances and not get the flu shot. The flu was not 
fun, but still don't want to take a chance on another TM episode. I was very 
fortunate in that with the onset of TM I have a balance problem but can still 
walk and I do have other issues (fatigue, mild bathroom issues, etc.) but I 
still work, keep up the house and get by with taking it a day at a time but NOT 
like some others in wheelchairs and very much unable to function as they once 
did. So, I may keep on and just realize I went all these years without a shot 
and without flu until this season.

Gary in MI
  - Original Message - 
  From: Butcher, Bernie (S&FS) 
  To: Linda Egli ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 11:54 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Face book

  I agree. I was diagnosed with TM in 2002 and MS in 2008. I think it was MS 
all along. I stopped getting the flu shot in 2002, and no flu. (just lucky I 
guess). I had a transplant in 1993, and my immune system is knocked down by the 
anti-rejection meds. My doc and my neuro say to get the shot, but I don't.  
it's my belief that they just don't know, they don't really know what causes 
TM, they don't know what causes MS, and they don't really know what effect the 
flu shot has with my condition. 

  So, I'll take my chances. I'm taking Copaxone injections for MS.



  Honeywell Engineering


  From: Linda Egli [mailto:le...@sbcglobal.net] 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 11:10 AM
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book


  I have had TM for 9 years , & was told by my neurologist to never get another 
flu shot or any other type of  immunization (ex: tetanus or chicken pox).  He 
thought the flu shot was what precipitated my TM.  I worry about catching the 
flu, but everyone knows not to come around me if they have any type of illness. 
 I also pretty much stay at home & avoid crowds in the winter, so far no flu.  
I agree with Gary.  I got a bad cold a few months ago & it about did me in.  I 
can't imagine what the flu would do.  I miss the old group on TM, but I just 
don't trust Facebook.  The TMIC list is my contact with other TMers. Nice to 
see some conversation on this site.

  Linda E. in East Texas



  From: Gary Thomas 
  To: Transverse Myelitis list  
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:25 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book


  I used to get flu shots but stopped after getting TM in 2004.  I have not had 
the flu.until this season!  I got it at around Christmas and am still not 
up to full strength (which is not that great anyway due to the fatigue I 
already had from the TM). 


   So, I am rethinking, should I get the shot next year, or not?  Fortunately, 
I did not pass the flu to my 87-year-old dad who always gets the shot but 
forgot this time, or my pregnant daughter and her family visiting us while I 
was sick, or my wife who has not gotten the shot either.  I think her 
chiropractor is not for getting it.  I don't think my doctor or neurologist had 
anything against getting the shot.  I guess I'll have a year to think about 


  The worst part about the flu was that my grandkids were here from Georgia and 
I did not get to do much with them.  


  Gary in Niles, MI

- Original Message - 

From: Robert Pall 

To: jcs...@yahoo.com ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 

Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:11 AM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book


I get the Flu and Pneumonia shot and have never gotten the flu in the past 
15 years. And The TMIC_LIST is pretty much the only one I read...it is too bad 
that so many of our group has gone to facebook...I guess you can't stop 

Rob in New Jersey




-Original Message-
From: john snodgrass 
To: transverse myelitis 
Sent: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 10:59 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book


i had the flu shot and the pneumonia shot the same time and i still cant 
play the violin!

From: Dalton Garis 
To: Pat Cooley ; pjv1...@chartermi.net 
Cc: tmic  
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book


I still listen and read.


Because I still have TM and always will.  By the Way, that mustard cure has 
greatly reduced seizures for me.  Now, I only get them every 10 days or so.



Dalton Garis

Flushing, Queens

New York, USA

Mobile: 718-838-0437


From: Pat Cooley 
Date: Monday, 14 January 2013 8:33 PM
Cc: tmic 

Re: [TMIC] Face book

2013-01-15 Thread Gary Thomas
I used to get flu shots but stopped after getting TM in 2004.  I have not had 
the flu.until this season!  I got it at around Christmas and am still not 
up to full strength (which is not that great anyway due to the fatigue I 
already had from the TM). 

 So, I am rethinking, should I get the shot next year, or not?  Fortunately, I 
did not pass the flu to my 87-year-old dad who always gets the shot but forgot 
this time, or my pregnant daughter and her family visiting us while I was sick, 
or my wife who has not gotten the shot either.  I think her chiropractor is not 
for getting it.  I don't think my doctor or neurologist had anything against 
getting the shot.  I guess I'll have a year to think about it???  

The worst part about the flu was that my grandkids were here from Georgia and I 
did not get to do much with them.  

Gary in Niles, MI
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Pall 
  To: jcs...@yahoo.com ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:11 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

  I get the Flu and Pneumonia shot and have never gotten the flu in the past 15 
years. And The TMIC_LIST is pretty much the only one I read...it is too bad 
that so many of our group has gone to facebook...I guess you can't stop 

  Rob in New Jersey

  -Original Message-
  From: john snodgrass 
  To: transverse myelitis 
  Sent: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 10:59 pm
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

  i had the flu shot and the pneumonia shot the same time and i still cant play 
the violin!

  From: Dalton Garis 
  To: Pat Cooley ; pjv1...@chartermi.net 
  Cc: tmic  
  Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 9:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

  I still listen and read.

  Because I still have TM and always will.  By the Way, that mustard cure has 
greatly reduced seizures for me.  Now, I only get them every 10 days or so.

  Dalton Garis
  Flushing, Queens
  New York, USA
  Mobile: 718-838-0437

  From: Pat Cooley 
  Date: Monday, 14 January 2013 8:33 PM
  Cc: tmic 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book
  Resent-Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 17:33:21 -0800

  Patti I think you made the right decision.  You have to do what is best for 
you and your family.  You need to protect your mom, hubby & grandchildren.

  Patti C. in Wisconsin

  On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:39 PM,  wrote:

I've noticed some talk of people comng back to the tmic list for 
discussions and wondered just how many people actually look at this site 
anymore.  The onky discussion I have is that I received my first flu shot last 
Wednesday since my 9 years with TM.  We had two deaths from the flu in our area 
and I had a fear of carrying the flu to my 86 year old Mom, my diabetic hubby, 
or my grandchildren.  My fears of being a carrier outweighed my fear of a 
reaction.  I called my Neurologist and asked if he had any objection to me 
getting the flu shot.  His answer was go ahead and get it.

Patti V - Michigan 


2012-12-13 Thread Gary Thomas
Very beautiful "card" you sent.  Thank you.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Janice Nichols 
  To: tmic 
  Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:44 PM





The Christmas Season is upon us!  Hope you 
haven't seen it yet. Enjoy and pass on if you think others would enjoy. Have a 
great day. 
Click on this link: 








Re: [TMIC] Yesterday

2012-11-23 Thread Gary Thomas
AOL Email
  - Original Message
  Judy, good to hear from you! Nice drawing of a turkey. Brings back memories 
of school days when we used our hands to draw the turkey. Oh so long ago, I'm 
afraid, since I am all of 60 years old now and elementary school seems long ago 
(actually not that long ago-time goes so fast).
  Speaking of memories and time, it has been a while hearing from you. I know 
our list seems to have slowed down and, I guess, progressed to Facebook, or 
something. I have Facebook but am not too aggressive with it.
  You were there "for me" when I first got on the list and was new to TM-April 
of 2004. Fortunately, after 3 days in the hospital and a couple of weeks off 
work, I have been pretty much the same ever since. Still the fatigue, spasms, 
some bathroom problems and banding (taking many vitamins and sometimes Valium) 
but getting by. I know you have had some dark moments but am glad to hear from 
you again. 
  Happy belated Thanksgiving to you!
  Gary in Niles, MI - 
  From: heyjude48...@aol.com 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 10:20 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Yesterday

I hope you all had a happy
 and fun-filled Thanksgiving.
 I missed you all at my 
 table.  The food was so-o-o-o
 good!  Now it's time for 
 left-overs.  Mmm, good sand-
 witches..Oh, that's Halloween


2012-11-21 Thread Gary Thomas
Same to you and to everyone on our list.

Gary  Niles, MI
  - Original Message - 
  From: celr...@aol.com 
  To: TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:38 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] HI



2012-11-21 Thread Gary Thomas

  - Original Message - 
  From: celr...@aol.com 
  To: TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:38 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] HI


Re: [TMIC] OT "suspicious" email

2012-11-13 Thread Gary Thomas
I got that same one and didn't open it.
Gary T.
  - Original Message - 
  From: rn11...@yahoo.com 
  To: tmic 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 6:54 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] OT "suspicious" email

  Hi Everyone
   I got an email from Kevin Weilacher at 10:30 pm 11/12. There was a link in 
it to an msnbc job.com local I received a similar letter from my brother this 
summer,didn't open the link. When I contacted him ,he said he never sent it. 
Turns out his computer was hacked.
  I tried to email Kevin,and my email was blocked from being sent, saying there 
was "suspicious activity on that account.
  Kevin,let me and the group know if this is from you.

[TMIC] Underwater Wheelchair O.T.

2012-09-08 Thread Gary Thomas
I sent this message earlier.  Sorry I did not have the subject in the last 
email I sent.  This time I also included OT (off topic) even though a 
wheelchair is often related to the topic of Transverse Myelitis--maybe just not 
an underwater wheelchair!
Gary  Niles, MI

- Original Message - 
From: Gary Thomas 
To: Gary and Becky Thomas 
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 12:00 AM
Subject: Fw: [TMIC] gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.net has shared: Watching: Underwater 
wheelchair in Kim's Picks @ TVKim

  UNDERWATER WHEELCHAIR I have no idea if this is for real but it's pretty 
amazing. I saw it on the Kim Komando website. She has a video of the day and 
other computer related tips, etc.  
Watching: Underwater wheelchair in Kim's Picks @ TVKim
  Source: tvkim.com 

  Mobility has come such a long way in the last century. With ingenuity and 
determination, the whole world is accessible to everyone. Even the deep sea is 
traversable! This amazing wheelchair is proof.


sent this using ShareThis. Please note that ShareThis does not verify the 
ownership of this email address.

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Gary Thomas
I am still here.  I have been busy going to the nursing home where my mom is, 
with Alzheimers.  I also spend a lot of time pertaining to my dad, who is on 
his own but needs help with different areas of his life.  It is alway great to 
hear from those on this list, asking questions, seeking companionship, etc.  I 
have been "here" for about 8 years.

Gary in Niles, MI
  - Original Message - 
  From: Barbara H. 
  To: Robert Pall 
  Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:54 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

  Still here! :-) It seems like the list here goes pretty quiet for several 
days in a row and then will have a flurry of mail for a few days.

  I'm about the same -- walking, but not always steady, balance issues, 
bathroom issues, fatigue and muscle spasms, but overall doing well.

  Barbara H.

  On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 8:33 AM, Robert Pall  wrote:

Hi...lately the only mail I receive is from"friends living with TM" I 
just left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our 
network still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I 
started and this is where I belong.
I would love to hear back from all of the "active" members and see how they 
are doing!
Rob in New Jersey 

[TMIC] Fw: Automimmune disorders

2012-05-09 Thread Gary Thomas

- Original Message - 
From: Gary Thomas 
To: Transverse Myelitis list 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 10:29 AM
Subject: Automimmune disorders

This was in today's South Bend (Indiana) Tribune.  It deals with "hard to 
diagnose" autoimmune disorders.

Gary (Niles, MI)


Re: [TMIC] 35 Things you probably don't know about TM

2012-01-24 Thread Gary Thomas
  John. This is a good list.  I would like to have it to copy without re-typing 
it .  It came out (at least in my email) "scrunched" together.  Is there a way 
to resend it in a better form.  Thanks. Gary
  - Original Message - 
  From: john snodgrass 
  To: transverse myelitis 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 10:47 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] 35 Things you probably don't know about TM

  seen this on facebook and didnt know if it was passed to this group or not. A 
list to share with Dr's and family to help inform them about our condition.

  35 Things you probably don't know about TM
  1. It is a cousin disorder to Multiple Sclerosis.   
  2. Fairly rare disorder, only 2-5 people per million get it.
  3. Approx. 1400 new cases a year in the U.S.  
  4. Roughly 33,000 people with TM in U.S.  
  5. Transverse myelitis occurs in adults and children, in both genders, and in 
  6. Can be Acute (happening within hours) or Subacute (happening within days
  or weeks) 
  7. The inflammation that causes such extensive damage to nerve fibers of the
  spinal cord may result from viral infections, abnormal immune reactions, or
  insufficient blood flow through the blood vessels located in the spinal cord.
  Transverse myelitis also may occur as a complication of syphilis, measles,
  Lyme disease, and some vaccinations, including those for chickenpox and
  8. Can be Idiopathic (no known cause)
  9. Typically a one time occurrence but there are some that have recurrent TM.
  10. 10% or better possibility of developing Multiple Sclerosis but the 
possibility is fairly low if there is a normal brain MRI at TM 
  11.Most symptoms of TM are identical to MS
  12.Prevailing difference between TM and MS is that lesions are on spinal 
nerve in
  TM and on Brain in MS.
  13.Transverse myelitis is a neurological disorder caused by inflammation 
  both sides of one level, or segment, of the spinal cord. This damage causes
  nervous system scars that interrupt communications between the nerves in
  the spinal cord and the rest of the body.
  14. The inflammation and lesion created, is caused by the bodies own immune
  system attacking the myelin coating of the spinal nerve.
  15.The segment of the spinal cord at which the damage occurs determines which
  parts of the body are affected. Nerves in the cervical (neck) region control
  signals to the neck, arms, hands, and muscles of breathing (the diaphragm).
  Nerves in the thoracic (upper back) region relay signals to the torso and some
  parts of the arms. Nerves at the lumbar (mid-back) level control signals to 
  hips and legs. Finally, sacral nerves, located within the lowest segment of 
  spinal cord, relay signals to the groin, toes, and some parts of the legs. 
  at one segment will affect function at that segment and segments below it. In
  patients with transverse myelitis, demyelination usually occurs at the 
  level, causing problems with leg movement and bowel and bladder control,
  which require signals from the lower segments of the spinal cord.   
  16.About one-third of people affected with transverse myelitis experience 
good or
  full recovery from their symptoms; they regain the ability to walk normally
  and experience minimal urinary or bowel effects and paresthesias. Another
  one-third show only fair recovery and are left with significant deficits such 
  spastic gait, sensory dysfunction, and prominent urinary urgency or
  incontinence. The remaining one-third show no recovery at all, remaining
  wheelchair-bound or bedridden with marked dependence on others for basic
  functions of daily living.  
  17. Four classic features of transverse myelitis emerge: (1) weakness of the 
  and arms, (2) pain, (3) sensory alteration, and (4) bowel and bladder
  18. Pain is the primary presenting symptom of transverse myelitis in
  approximately one-third to one-half of all patients. The pain may be localized
  in the lower back or may consist of sharp, shooting sensations that radiate
  down the legs or arms or around the torso.  
  19. Patients who experience sensory disturban

[TMIC] Still here

2011-10-29 Thread Gary Thomas
There has not been very many messages but I, for one, am still here.  I haven't 
written much as I have been driven crazy applying for Medicaid for my mother 
who is in a nursing home with Alzheimer's.  The Michigan Department of Human 
Services actually lost some paperwork and while we were thinking things were 
being processed NOTHING was being done and then we had to re-apply and get 
current financial information to them.  Along with doing this I keep tabs on my 
dad who lives alone at age 86.

My TM-related comment is that I am thankful I am still able to function to do 
all this above as my two siblings live out of town.  The fatigue is my biggest 
factor but feel I need to keep moving and then deal with spasms by taking 

Anyway, it has been quiet lately on the "list", but maybe everyone is out 
raking leaves (or watching form the windows as the leaves fall from the trees)! 

Gary, in colorful Michigan 

Re: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time

2011-10-01 Thread Gary Thomas
Is the Metanx a prescription which is taken regularly to prevent spasms and 
banding, or just to take when syptoms occur?  Right now I take valium but just 
when I have the spasms.

I have not heard of this but may ask my doctor about it.  I have tried Baclofen 
but it didn't seem to prevent spasms with me.

Gary in Niles, MI
  - Original Message - 
  From: Emily 
  To: pjv1...@chartermi.net ; 'tmic' 
  Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:43 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time

  I am here...and I am also on Facebook but I like this method MUCH better.  I 
do agree, it has been very quiet here lately.  


  I have been wondering how Dalton has been doing since he is back in the USA.  
Has anyone heard?


  And what about our dear friend and crazy West VA buddy John..where has he 
been lately?  


  Maybe this is a good thing..everyone is without pain, spasms, banding, 
etc...so no one is talking..LOL


  OH...I did forget one thing..my husband is on a vitamin B complex with folic 
acid and it has helped with banding and spasms.it is a prescription only and it 
is called Metanx.  Has anyone else ever heard of this?  It doesn't work in all 
spinal cord injury patients but so far it is working with my husband.praise the 






  From: pjv1...@chartermi.net [mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net] 
  Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:35 PM
  To: tmic
  Subject: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time



  I got "booted off" tmic several months ago by the computer phantom that does 
that every once in a while and decided not to sign back up for various reasons. 
 I signed up today because I visited with David and Judy Hoops , aka Hey Jude, 
today and we talked about how long it had been since we had been on the TMIC.  
I visited the archives to see what the current subjects are and who was 
participating and the subject that caught my attention was RE: facebook.  How 
fitting.  That was exactly what Dave and Judy and I talked about.  They told me 
about TM on FaceBook and how confused they get by it and wondered if it had 
totaly replaced TMIC.  I told Dave I would chek into it and let him know what I 
found out.


  It was good to see so many people post on that subject.  There were names 
that I hadn't seen on TMIC for a long time.  It sounds like a lot of people 
were lurking I the background.  I remember the last post I read. Someone asked 
how Saronj from India was and she answered.  


  Jude has been in hospital twice in the last three weeks.  She sure is a 
trooper!  She's in ICU now awaiting test results.  


  I think I'll stay on TMIC for a while.  


  Patti - Michigan

  TM for 8 years  and wouldn't have known what to do without TMIC and the TM 
Forum.  I'm glad there's plenty of info for new TMers, however, my brain 
couldn't have handled it all back then.  

Re: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time

2011-10-01 Thread Gary Thomas
Patti--I hope you do stay on TMIC for a a long time!  You are one of the 
earliest ones I remember when I first got on (I remember since you are also in 
Michigan) along with Jude and others.

I look on Facebook once in a while but am not on it much and did not even 
include my picture in my "profile" section (probably to the relief of Facebook 
"friends").  It seems like it can take up a lot of time yet I understand how it 
can help people "connect" but I do prefer this method of TM'ers communicating 
with each other.  

I haven't written much about my TM but the fatigue is the most annoying.  I 
have been under stress with my mom in a nursing home with Alzheimer's and my 
dad having had a stroke last fall and living alone )but fortunately nearby).  
My two siblings live out of town so I keep track of both parents although my 
brother and sister do real well in coming as often as they can and giving me a 
break now and again.  Applying for Medicaid  a year ago and still not getting 
everything finalized yet has been almost a nightmare.  This past week some news 
(or lack of it) regarding our Medicaid application set my "banding" off and I 
felt like I was being squeezed to death until I talked with our Elder Law 
attorney and it started ease off a bit.  Does anyone else experience this 
increased "banding" or squeezed feeling in times of stress?

I have appreciated over the years, on the list, the bits of advice given and 
the sharing of symptom experiences.   Once in a while I have a slipper come off 
my foot and I don't know it until I see the slipper or my bare foot because I 
really don't feel anything much different whether the slippers are off or on.  
When this happens I remember the story I probably read on this list:  a lady 
with TM  was walking up church steps and didn't realize her shoes had come off 
until she heard people behind her laughing (may not be the exact story, but 
close, as I remember it).

Anyway, I hope this list continues.  Even with Facebook as an alternative.
  - Original Message - 
  From: pjv1...@chartermi.net 
  To: tmic 
  Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:34 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] I haven't been here for a long time

  I got "booted off" tmic several months ago by the computer phantom that does 
that every once in a while and decided not to sign back up for various reasons. 
 I signed up today because I visited with David and Judy Hoops , aka Hey Jude, 
today and we talked about how long it had been since we had been on the TMIC.  
I visited the archives to see what the current subjects are and who was 
participating and the subject that caught my attention was RE: facebook.  How 
fitting.  That was exactly what Dave and Judy and I talked about.  They told me 
about TM on FaceBook and how confused they get by it and wondered if it had 
totaly replaced TMIC.  I told Dave I would chek into it and let him know what I 
found out.

  It was good to see so many people post on that subject.  There were names 
that I hadn't seen on TMIC for a long time.  It sounds like a lot of people 
were lurking I the background.  I remember the last post I read. Someone asked 
how Saronj from India was and she answered.  

  Jude has been in hospital twice in the last three weeks.  She sure is a 
trooper!  She's in ICU now awaiting test results.  

  I think I'll stay on TMIC for a while.  

  Patti - Michigan
  TM for 8 years  and wouldn't have known what to do without TMIC and the TM 
Forum.  I'm glad there's plenty of info for new TMers, however, my brain 
couldn't have handled it all back then.  

Re: [TMIC] TM video Greg Sapp posted today

2011-07-18 Thread Gary Thomas
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  The video was well done, I think.
Gary in Michigan
  - Original Message - 
  From: kimharrison...@comcast.net 
  To: TMIC 
  Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 5:33 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] TM video Greg Sapp posted today



Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Marine Speaks OT

2011-05-26 Thread Gary Thomas
I go along with Kevin about Gunny's post.   I do enjoy reading opinions or 
forwards from others with TM but I guess we should remember to put OT (Off 
Topic) in the heading if it is not directly related to TM.  Sometimes even an 
OT might be of spiritual encouragement or let us know that there are others (in 
our family of TMers) who have the same opinions politically, etc.--such as to 
where the proper credit should go in eliminating Bin Laden.  
But again, sometimes we wish to just have help, suggestions and support for our 
TM condition and do not want to, at least at times, read unrelated material.  
Thus, the OT.  I know we have been reminded to do this in the past.  Just my 2 
cents worth.  Gary

  - Original Message - 
  From: kevin weilacher 
  To: Patricia Cooley ; Jill Posner ; bgunny7...@aol.com 
  Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:36 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Marine Speaks

  I didn't really have a problem with his post eitherand instead of sending 
such a scathing reply to the entire group, it would have been more appropriate 
to send him a personal message informing him of your dislike.
  For all the great things that Gunny has done for the TM community and for all 
of the great posts that he has posted on herean occasional post such as 
this is not so terrible.

  From: Patricia Cooley 
  To: Jill Posner ; bgunny7...@aol.com
  Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Thu, May 26, 2011 12:27:36 PM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Fwd: Marine Speaks

  I have no objection to his post.  If you don’t agree – just DELETE!

  From: Jill Posner [mailto:posnerj...@yahoo.com] 
  Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 11:17 AM
  To: bgunny7...@aol.com
  Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Marine Speaks

I don't think this sort of polemic is appropriate on this list serve.  
It should not be disseminated further!   We are supposed to be about 
communication on TM not on Bin Laden or Obama or political issues that are not 
related to health.  DESIST!

--- On Thu, 5/26/11, bgunny7...@aol.com  wrote:

  From: bgunny7...@aol.com 
  Subject: [TMIC] Fwd: Marine Speaks
  To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com
  Date: Thursday, May 26, 2011, 9:35 AM


Re: [TMIC] Connected?

2011-03-08 Thread Gary Thomas

Maybe I'm missing something, but what exactly are these "attacks" you describe?

I don't understand what your neurologist calls "cycling" as far as worsening of 
TM symptoms.

I have always understood, and have read somewhere, perhaps on this list or the 
TM Journal, that we  have the onset of TM experiences (lesions on the spinal 
cord) which for most of of us is a one-time occurrence with possibly lasting 
symptoms,  AND we have times of exacerbation brought on by physical or mental 
overexertion, maybe an illness such as even a cold and so on (I have worse 
banding from sitting too long or standing too long) which are not caused by 
further damage to the spinal cord but worsening of symptoms at least 

So, again, Dalton, I am confused as to your attacks--could it be another 
lesion, could you be experiencing MS?  I hope not, but just wonder what is 
happening--and forgive me for my curiosity.

Gary in Michigan
 - Original Message - 
  From: Dalton Garis 
  To: Janice Nichols ; jack...@att.blackberry.net ; TMIC 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 1:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Connected?


  Thanks for your support.

  I got another attack today.  It started slowly with pain in my feet and hands 
yesterday, which became weaker by the hour.  Then it slowly worked itself up 
the legs and arms today, weakening me as it went.  Then it hit my lower and 
upper back, and I could no longer stand up, and am now unable to walk without 
the aid of crutches, and only for a few yards.

  When it got really bad today, I was unable to speak more than a few words 
without causing convulsions in my back and arms.  After a while I could speak 
again.  I had to be careful with the swallowing which was no longer on 
automatic.  Same with urinating.  It took great concentration to sort of 
identify the nerves and wake them up.

  There were moments when I could not feel my legs and didn't know if I could 
move them.  Again, it took concentration to wake the nerves up and get the legs 
moving again.  The pain in the legs and arms and back is terrific and nothing 
touches it.

  My neurologist has told me that there are, of course, stronger medications 
which can mostly arrest this cycling and give me some peace.  But also, of 
course, they would make me a zombie for most of the day and I would likely 
become unable to work any longer.

  I am happy to be able to type again.  It is five minutes before eleven pm and 
I can finally work my hands a little, for typing, making coffee, and getting 
some snacks from the fridge.

  Well, I wrote all this because some have been saying that it is vey quiet.  
So here's a raft of symptoms to look at.  

  Thanks so much, friends, for being here.

  Dalton Garis

  Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
  Mobile: +971-50-668-5760-- 

  From: Janice Nichols 
  Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 10:31:30 -0600
  To: Dalton Garis , , TMIC 

  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Connected?

  Dalton, no,  but I do have cycles of feeling okay and then feeling more 
discomfort from nerve pain and spasms. Can't believe the doc's can't get 
you under control
  better than that.How about going to one of the best known hospitals - 
especially those fairly familiar with TM?Or, maybe you have.All it 
takes is one
  doctor who can understand what is going on with you - hopefully.  I 
realize you are also trying to hold down a job and you have the pressure from 
that to
  always be there, but I just can't believe there isn't some way this can be 
controlled.   I wish you the best.

  From: Dalton Garis 
  Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 9:57 PM
  To: jack...@att.blackberry.net ; TMIC 
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Connected?


  I can report that I have about a 5-day period wherein I am mostly free of 
severe difficulties, able to walk with a cane and to work for about 6 hours of 
the day.  After this interlude, I have two or three days of extreme weakness 
and convulsions limiting me to the big Morris chair or to bed.

  That has been my cycle for about three months now.  It will be one year since 
my first violent attack of convulsions of 23 April 2010.

  Anyone else have this kind of almost weekly cycling of symptoms?



  Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
  Mobile: +971-50-668-5760-- 

  Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 00:56:44 +
  To: TMIC 
  Subject: [TMIC] Connected?
  Resent-Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 16:57:59 -0800

  Haven't been getting posts from TMIC- but have about ldn. Did group change? 
Its interesting and New people - I don't know how but - if group changed that's 
ok. If it didn't what do I need 2 do 2 get back on. Are All posts from past 
week only about low dose naltrexone? 
  :) jackduv
  Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Re: [TMIC] March Birthdays

2011-03-01 Thread Gary Thomas
Thank you.  Still have a year before the 60!
  - Original Message - 
  To: tmic-list 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 6:24 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] March Birthdays

  Happy Birthday to all you March TMers! 

  Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
  Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
  And never regret anything that made you smile.

  Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

  Candy K.

  - Original Message -
  From: "Barbara H." 
  To: "TMIC" 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 12:04:47 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] March Birthdays

  Happy Birthday to the March kids!

  And we remember long time TMIC member Mike Hammond, whose birthday was 3/8, 
who passed away not too long ago.

  3-3 Marsha Scholes  (marshab...@comcast.net)

  03.05. Bettie Imus (bettie5...@aol.com)

  3-7 Sue Mattis (bobsue6...@adelphia.net)

  3-15  Sandra Melville (luth...@comcast.net)

  3-17 Joy S. (joyst...@aol.com)

  3/24 john h (JOHNLOVESKARAOKE)

  3/26 Jane Elrod (celr...@aol.com)

  3/30 Gary (gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.net) 

  3-31 Jan H (jmh1...@sbcglobal.net)

[TMIC] Fw: Help for Ashley with ADEM

2010-09-27 Thread Gary Thomas

Whoops, I forgot to put the link in my previous email:


- Original Message - 
From: Gary Thomas 
To: TMIC list 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 9:53 AM
Subject: Help for Ashley with ADEM

Here is an article from the South Bend (Indiana)Tribune about help for a young 
lady with ADEM I thought might be interesting for some or all.

Gary (Niles, MI near South Bend)

[TMIC] Help for Ashley with ADEM

2010-09-27 Thread Gary Thomas
Here is an article from the South Bend (Indiana)Tribune about help for a young 
lady with ADEM I thought might be interesting for some or all.

Gary (Niles, MI near South Bend)

Re: [TMIC] Heat

2010-08-03 Thread Gary Thomas
While still in the hospital after being diagnosed with TM over 5 years ago, the 
neurologist told me to avoid heat as it would exacerbate the TM conditions.  He 
said to avoid hot showers.  

Later on another neurologist I was going to also told me to avoid heat.  Of 
course that is easier said than done.  If I am out in the heat or sun much the 
banding increases, fatigue worsens and my head and neck hurt (a headache 
extending into my neck).  

Again, heat was one of the first things mentioned to me as a cause of worsening 

Gary (in  SW Michigan which has been hot & humid of late)
  - Original Message - 
  From: bobby jim 
  To: bobby jim ; Rev. Craig Crossman ; tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 8:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Heat

  And today (Tuesday) it went up to 101.2º...   and it's gonna stay 
this hot all week.
  Arrg... BobbyJim 
From: bobby jimTo: Rev. Craig Crossman ; tmic-list@eskimo.com   
   Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 21:05
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Heat

Well, here in Elvisland, my back yard (in the shade) hit 99.7º a bit after 
12 noon.
At 8:30 PM it was down to 91.0º.. Wow.

BobbyJim, running around the house in his 'underwear';>);>)
  From: Rev. Craig Crossman 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 19:35
  Subject: [TMIC] Heat

  OK - I am getting close to surrender. I drove to Wichita, KS today (5.5 
hours from Colby) for a conference. At 9AM it was 94 degrees; upon arrival in 
Wichita it was 108 degrees! I'd wave a white flag but I'm busy using it to fan 


  Rev. Craig Crossman

  First Baptist Church

  615 W. Webster St.

  Colby, KS 67701

  W - (785)462-2867/ Cell - (785)443-5154




[TMIC] Recent death of graduate with TM

2010-07-21 Thread Gary Thomas
Here is an article about an Elkhart, IN recent high school graduate who had TM 
and MS.  I heard it on the news on TV tonight.  Memorials are requested to be 
sent to the TM Association. 




Re: [TMIC] OT: My Great Adventure

2010-07-14 Thread Gary Thomas
Thanks for taking us along for a ride (or walk).  Those were long hallways 
to go through yet makes getting out to the sunny outdoors more enjoyable.  I 
hope you can get out often when the weather permits..

Gary in Michigan where it is hot!

- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Wolfthal" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 5:45 PM
Subject: [TMIC] OT: My Great Adventure

Thought I'd share this ride in my wheelchair I video'd a few weeks ago.

You can see my neghborhood. :)



Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Check out Silver and Gold and Thee Presents ~*~Gi Joe and Lillie~*~

2010-05-31 Thread Gary Thomas
Thanks for the presentation about GI Joe and Lily.  It  doesn't apply to my 
parents in many ways (my dad was in the service during WWII but my Mom was not 
in the service) but they have been married almost 60 years--in August this 
year) and day after tomorrow they will be separated for the first time as my 
Mom will be going to an Alzheimer ward of an assisted living facility.  Dad can 
no longer care for her and I am the only child nearby besides because of jobs 
none of we three children can be full-time caregivers.  I know Dad will still 
spend a lot of time with her.

This video reminded me of how many other couples have spent their lives and 
shared memories together.
Thanks for sharing it.

Gary in Michigan
  - Original Message - 
  From: bgunny7...@aol.com 
  To: Tmic-list@eskimo.com ; babushka72...@aol.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 10:11 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Fwd: Check out Silver and Gold and Thee Presents ~*~Gi Joe 
and Lillie~*~

Re: [TMIC] Anyone Remember Jude?

2010-05-28 Thread Gary Thomas
Yes, you are remembered. You were there for me about 6 years ago when I first 
joined the TMers.   Nice to hear from you!  I just had your email pop up at 
12:20 a.m.this Sat. morning  but your email says it was sent Wed. at 7:05 a.m.  
What took it so long?

I may just have a foggy memory but I'm not sure I remember your being diagnosed 
with MS.  When was that?
I know we (on this LIST) have gone around in circles determining just how 
someone with TM is later diagnosed with MS.  Refresh my memory about your TM 
diagnosis then MS diagnosis.  No hurry, though,  I'm going to bed!

Gary in Michigan
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jude Hoops 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 7:05 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Anyone Remember Jude?

  Hello Friends-Old and New,
  I have missed you all so much!  As like most of you, I have been battling TM 
and other illnesses like MS, with all of the problems that go with it.  It is 
no fun...and that's not what kind of email this is intended to be.

  Sorry I still have no picture to post, but promise to look for a decent one 
tomorrow.  I know I have one or two decent ones laying around.  

Re: [TMIC] Moving

2010-05-16 Thread Gary Thomas
That sounds like a good "move" (pun intended) getting to be near 
granddaughters.  We'll be waiting to hear from you from your new location.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Patricia Cooley 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 11:09 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Moving

  Hi Everyone:


  This has been in the works for many months, but next Saturday, May 22nd, we 
are moving to Waupaca in Central Wisconsin.  This move we feel is necessary to 
be near family.  My current e-mail address won't work after Thursday this week. 
 I have signed up for google e-mail at:  wpcoo...@gmail.com.  I will 
unsubscribe this e-mail address and include my new one.  I don't want to lose 
contact with my TM family.  It also  might be several days before I have my 
computer set up and a new internet provider.


  Moving is certainly the pits, but when you don't have good mobility it 
really, really sucks.  I will be glad when we are settled and will be near to 
my 2 granddaughters.


  Patti - Wisconsin

[TMIC] Kevin's Mom

2010-03-20 Thread Gary Thomas
I want to express my sympathy to you also in the loss of your mother.  I know 
it is tough now and will be difficult in days ahead for you.  I hope that we 
"fellow TMers" can be of encouragement and comfort during this hard time for 

 I still have both of my parents (although my mom has Alzheimers) but went 
through the passing away of our twelve-year old son so can understand your pain 

Please continue to draw on the support of others.  It iwas the Lord and others 
who helped us during our time of sorrow.

Gary in Niles, MI

Re: [TMIC] Re: Hope

2010-03-13 Thread Gary Thomas
I wonder about this also.  What surgery would help?  Does a medical person not 
familiar with TM think it is an ongoing inflammation continuing to do damage?  
Not sure if I have heard of headaches as a result of TM, but spasms, yes, and, 
of course bladder and bowel dysfunction due to TM.  The girl could be helped by 
thereapy but, again, what is the surgery for?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Pieter and Heather 
  To: jrushton ; j ra ; tmic 
  Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 7:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Hope

  I have a question.  In the write up it says this young girl needs surgery.  
I'm wondering what type of surgery will help her.  Also this statement doesn't 
make sense to me from the article She said if her daughter's condition remains 
untreated paralysis could become permanent and in a few cases transverse 
myelitis has been fatal, travelling to the upper body and paralysing the heart, 
lungs and other vital organs.
  I am wondering how it can now travel to the upper body and paralyze heart 
lungs etc if the original damage is already done?  
  Am I reading this wrong? 
  Just wondering is all. 
  I'm sorry to hear of any child who has to join the ranks of us with TM.

  Heather in Calgary 
- Original Message - 
From: jrushton 
To: j ra ; tmic 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 3:16 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: Hope

   Do they have Shriner's or have they called them because they will 
always help when it comes to a child.  Also, St. Judes.  Gosh, it would be 
wonderful if one of them would come thru for her!!  Jeanne in Dayton, WA

  ---Original Message---

  From: j ra
  Date: 3/12/2010 3:45:15 PM
  To: jan...@centurytel.net;  j.d...@shaw.ca;  Transverse Myelytis
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: Hope

  Hi everyone,
  I have to ask a favour. This is a case that I'm personally getting 
involved with and I need some help. It's a pediatric case and I need some 
advice as to the best place for the child to receive care. Please read the 

Paralysed girl needs $1.9m for surgery
Julien Neaves jnea...@trinidadexpress.com
Monday, March 8th 2010 
SERIOUS CONDITION: Christa Brumant at her home in 
Tunapuna last week. -Photo: ANISTO ALVES 

  ON SEPTEMBER 19 last year then nine-year-old Christa 
Brumant awoke at about 6 a.m. with terrible abdominal pains and was taken to 
hospital. Five hours later Christa was paralysed from the waist down. 
  'She said 'mummy I can't walk',' her mother, Ramona 
Eligon, recalled. 
  Christa spent 47 days at Mt Hope Paediatric Hospital 
where doctors diagnosed her with a condition called transverse myelitis, a rare 
neurological disorder caused by inflammation of a segment of the spinal cord. 
  Her family is attempting to raise $1.9 million for 
medical treatment and rehabilitative therapy at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and 
the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Maryland, USA for May 4. 
  When the Express visited their Tunapuna home last week, 
Christa, now 10, was sitting in the wheelchair that she has been confined to 
since September. 

  She was checking out a Barbie Girls website and later 
raised her hands in triumph that she was a 'VIP' on the site. She was not in 
any visible pain during the interview. 
  Eligon said her daughter has no feeling from the waist 
down but suffers from painful muscle spasms daily, at times so severe that she 
would stiffen and fall off the chair. 
  Her other symptoms include daily headaches, back pain so 
severe that it keeps her awake for hours, nausea and acute bladder and bowel 
dysfunction. Eligon is extremely worried that her daughter is unable to 
defecate for days sometimes, which could lead to a build-up of toxins and 
further complicate her medical problems. 
  She said if her daughter's condition remains untreated 
paralysis could become permanent and in a few cases transverse myelitis has 
been fatal, travelling to the upper body and paralysing the heart, lungs and 
other vital organs. 
  The family has been able to raise $35,000 so far and has 
applied for the Health Ministry medical grant of US$10,000 for children 
requiring medical treatment abroad. The Education Ministry has provided a 
personal aide to assist Christa as she attends classes at Tunapuna Girls' RC, 
and her mother noted she is an 'A' pupil. 
  Eligon has had to take leave from her job as an 
administrative assistant to help care for her daughter and was thankful for the 
support of her husband, Evris. To 

Re: [TMIC] March birthdays

2010-03-01 Thread Gary Thomas
Thanks for all the birthday wishes.  I have until the 30th to hang on to 57!
Gary-- Niles, MI
  - Original Message - 
  From: rn11...@yahoo.com 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 12:23 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] March birthdays

   Happy Birthday to all those born in March.

Cheryl in Easthampton,MA. 

Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates

2010-02-13 Thread Gary Thomas

Well, if you can't run then you are not com[etely well and shouldn't leave 
this website!
You should stay on to let others know how you got back to where you are. 
Did you go to professional therapy or just do it on your own?

Gary in Michigan

- Original Message - 
To: "Janice Nichols" ; "I Whiddett" 

Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates

I went back to the neuro a few weeks back for the most recent check ups. I 
joined this websight after I was diagnosed in 05. Spent 3 years trying to 
get walking back. I still can stand up quickly and I can't run. I guess I 
should just leave the site now that my neuro says I'm fine.

--Original Message--
From: Janice Nichols
To: rj_ran...@yahoo.com
To: I Whiddett
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates
Sent: Feb 13, 2010 2:14 PM

So you are telling us that you have absolutely no symptoms and you feel
If so, I am thrilled for you, but am wondering why you are on this 


Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 5:39 AM
To: "I Whiddett" ; 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates

I had the "event" in 2005. - was told 'looks like early m s' and treated.
Told I probably would never use right leg again - told pt would not help.
Struggled to walk and pee for years - went for pt anyway (after 2nd
opioin) - given a "transverse mylophy" - ediopathic 'explantation' in 06.

Now, no symptoms, tests all perfect, and I am told that I don't have ms 

tm and they don't know what happened or why.
--Original Message--
From: I Whiddett
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] TM and Pilates
Sent: Feb 12, 2010 6:32 AM

I was diagnosed with transverse myelitis in May 2009.  My symptoms
developed over a few days and I was discharged from hospital after 6 

with partial recovery in my right arm but have residual numbness and
tightness through most of my body.  I have progressed to getting about
with a wheely walker and am wondering whether a Pilates class could be
beneficial.  Another suggestion has been accupuncture.  Once the initial
flurry of interest in me as an 'unusual' case had died down, I felt
abandoned and left to my own devices by the British National Health.  Any
recommendations on the above would be welcome.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry 

Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

2010-01-09 Thread Gary Thomas
My MRI report says the lesion, if I understand it, is at C 5,6.  Janice, you 
said not the # but that is what the report says and according to the "map" 
that looks to be about where I had the excruciating pain on 4/28/2004--a 
pain in the neck, literally!

Gary in snowy, cold Michigan

- Original Message - 
To: "randy rankin" ; "Barbara H." 
; "Janice Nichols" 

Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

 Janice Nichols  wrote:
How high up did you all get hit by TM? Give me the part of the body, 
not the #.Thanks, Janice

From: Barbara H.
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:40 AM
To: randy rankin
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

Yes, I have experienced "electric shock" symptoms in different places. It 
was most disturbing on the back of my head -- I really thought something 
was going wrong inside. But it was just a nerve in the muscles misfiring 
and setting off that "jolt."

Barbara H.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:39 PM, randy rankin  wrote:

   I would like to know if any of you have had the following 

  I try to read everything people write and this might have 
already been addressed

  Yesterday, I had a power electric shock to my entire right arm 
to the tip of my fingers.  It wasn't a moving sensation.  The entire arm 
just felt like I just grabed an electric wire.

  The only motion that I made before it happened was to raise my 
RIGHT arm up to write on a board. I think I raised my head upwards to 
look at the board.

  less than two hours later the same even happened to my RIGHT 
arm except I looked down, from a seated position, and reach to get my 
cell phone.  The second that I touched the phone and just started to curl 
my fingers around it a more powerful electrical shock hit my entire right 
arm. It hurt and frightened me.

  Has anyone exprienced this?

  The back of my neck has been hurting.  It does NOT hurt to move 
my neck except to look down.  I can't stand that.

Re: [TMIC] News about Dr Kerr and the TM Centers

2009-12-06 Thread Gary Thomas
Thanks for the interesting and informative email about Dr. Kerr and the others 
in the medical field who focus greatly on TM ( and  similar disorders).  It 
appears that Dr. Kerr's relocation  helps to "spread" the coverage of 
professionals educated about and experienced in working with those with TM.  
Thank you again for taking the time to give a detailed account of Dr. Kerr's 
change and some of the implications of his move.

Gary in Michigan
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jim Lubin 
  To: tmiC-LIST@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 2:07 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] News about Dr Kerr and the TM Centers

  Dr. Douglas Kerr, the founder of the first center focused on clinical 
management and research of transverse myelitis (TM), will be leaving Johns 
Hopkins for a position at a biotech company in the Boston area, where he hopes 
to advance the development of therapies for neurologic disorders, including 
multiple sclerosis (MS) and TM.  Dr. Kerr will continue to serve on the Medical 
Advisory Board of The Transverse Myelitis Association and he will likely begin 
seeing patients in the Boston area in mid 2010.  Dr. Kerr will also continue to 
be involved with the Johns Hopkins Project RESTORE, as well as collaborate with 
the TM and NMO Center at the University of Texas Southwestern, headed by Dr. 
Benjamin Greenberg.  The stem cell research project for TM and MS, the high 
dose cyclophosphamide treatment program in MS and the functional electrical 
stimulation clinical trial for secondary progressive MS will all continue at 
the Johns Hopkins Project RESTORE.  
  The Johns Hopkins TM Center that was established by Dr. Douglas Kerr at Johns 
Hopkins will continue to be a focus for research on this disorder and will 
provide clinical care to both children and adults with TM.  Dr. Carlos Pardo 
will become the new Director of the Johns Hopkins TM Center.  Dr. Pardo has 
been a clinician and researcher at the TM Center since its inception.  Dr. 
Pardo has provided exceptional care to people with TM and has been very active 
in the TMA community, including as a regular participant in our symposia and as 
a researcher with Project RESTORE.  Along with Dr. Pardo, Dr. Michael Levy will 
continue his effort focusing on the clinical and research studies on the 
recurrent forms of these rare neuroimmunologic disorders, such as recurrent TM, 
recurrent optic neuritis (ON) and longitudinally extensive TM.  Dr. Levy also 
established the NMO Clinic as part of the TM Center at Johns Hopkins in 2009.  
Dr. Daniel Becker, a neurologist at the Kennedy Krieger Institute who has been 
caring for children and adults with transverse myelitis, ADEM and NMO at the 
International Center for Spinal Cord Injury, will continue a very close 
collaboration with the JH-TM Center with his expertise in neurorehabilitation.  
Dr. Julius Birnbaum, a neurologist and expert on rheumatological disorders will 
continue his practice at the JH-TM Center with special clinical and research 
focus on the underlying rheumatic conditions associated with TM.  

  The Johns Hopkins TM Center in Baltimore (Maryland) and the newly established 
TM and NMO Center at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas (Texas) 
will become the axis of a network of TM Centers around the country for 
facilitating the care and research on TM.

  Jim Lubin
  Director, Information Technology/Webmaster 
  Transverse Myelitis Association

  Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is 
for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain information that 
is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. 
If you have received this communication in error, please immediately contact 
the sender and destroy the material in its entirety.  Thank you. 

Re: [TMIC] RE: Device helps woman walk

2009-11-26 Thread Gary Thomas
It was interesting to read about your use of the "WalkAide" since I did not 
know, when I put that article on the list this morning, that anyone I had heard 
of, with TM, was using it.  Thanks for writing and I hope all goes well. 
By clinical trial, is there a time limit, or do get to keep the device?  Is 
there additional costs?
Just curious.  Fortunately, at this point I am not in need of such a device.

Gary in Michigan.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Pieter and Heather 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 8:47 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] RE: Device helps woman walk

  I have not sent message to the list for a long time.  However do read the 
digest every day.  
  I too use the 'WalkAide' and have since May of 2008.  It has really helped me 
with the drop-foot.  
  I am in a clinical trial for it here in Alberta which is wonderful for me as 
the cost is very  high but I did not have to pay more than $500.
  The only thing is that not every person is able to use it.  The clinic needed 
to establish that the peroneal nerve is still intact or still working properly. 
 If it isn't then the device won't work for you. 
  It has been amazing to use it and my leg is much much less tired. 
  I no longer need cortizone shots in my  hip every 6 months due to the pain 
from twisting my leg to the outside and dragging the leg with the 'foot-drop'
  I feel so very fortunate to be in this trial and that this has worked for me. 

  Heather in Calgary 

[TMIC] Device Helps Woman Walk Again

2009-11-26 Thread Gary Thomas
This was in our newspaper  today (South Bend -Indiana-Tribune) and the lady 
lives in Constantine, MI which is not too far from Niles, MI where I live.


Re: [TMIC] Hello

2009-11-17 Thread Gary Thomas
It works!  We hope to hear more from you and about your experience with TM.  
Where are you from, geographically?

Gary in Michigan
  - Original Message - 
  From: tammy Wilber 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 2:01 PM
  Subject: [TMIC] Hello

I just signed up and wanted to say hello and see if this works. A test 

Thank you,



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[TMIC] Fw: Oregon candidate with MS on Segway

2009-10-30 Thread Gary Thomas

- Original Message - 
From: Gary Thomas 
To: TMIC list 
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 9:19 AM
Subject: Oregon candidate with MS on Segway

Some of you may have seen this article in the newspaper but thought it was 
interesting.  I've never seen a Segway in "real life,"  only a picture of one
Does anyone out there with TM use a "standup" Segway?

Gary in Michigan (where I'm not sure how the Segway would get through the 
winter snow!)
