[TMIC] Jude

2011-05-03 Thread Jude Hoops
Hi it’s Jude.  I am having difficulty posting to the site.  Have recently been 
released from the hospital due to another bad UTI and am now doing well at 
home.  I need to be kept up to date on what has been happening and how everyone 
is doing.  I hope that all are well and wish to hear from someone out there.  
Love, Hope and Happiness, Jude

[TMIC] Hello, from Jude

2011-04-04 Thread Jude Hoops
Hey friends,

Home from the hospital again, treated for another bad UTI and blood infection.  
I am feeling well tonight and cannot sleep, so here I am saying “Hi” to 
everyone out there who is checking in to see what’s going on.  I hope all has 
been well with everyone and hope to hear from some of you soon.

Love ya,

[TMIC] Was Writing to Gracie and Kevin,

2011-01-08 Thread Jude Hoops
My Email got cut off, as it frequently does.  The work you are doing is 
amazing.  What can I do to help as far as writing Email and sending them to 
wherever you are wanting them to go?  I so wish for news from both of you and 
the work you are doing, and from all of my TM friends, as I have lost my 
contact list and have tried everything to get it back.  Is their a tmic-list 
help page or someone designated to help with these things?  I will need Email 
addresses or you write to them and have them send me their addresses.  But 
then, how and where do I save their addresses?

Thank you so much,
Jude H.

[TMIC] List

2011-01-08 Thread Jude Hoops

[TMIC] I need help with member contacts. Will anybody help me?

2011-01-08 Thread Jude Hoops
It has been a long time since I have posted, but suppose that most of you 
remember who I am, although I am getting no response from anyone regarding my 
Email that I have sent to this, my last known address.  I know that I would 
like to speak to anyone, Ella, Alton, Barbara, Rick...I can’t email you because 
I have lost my address box with everyone’s addresses in it.  I know that you 
know what I mean.  Please write, anyone...even those of you who are very busy 
with other projects.  Thank you for listening.  I cannot even get a list or 
bulletin, so maybe I need help from Jim Lubin.  I hope and pray that all of you 
are in decent health and content hearts.  I love you all so much, Jude

[TMIC] Getting the hang of this

2011-01-08 Thread Jude Hoops
Hi All,

This is Jude and I am still looking for a way to find my old address book for 
our TMIC site.  I used to have, on the right side of my screen, a complete list 
of everyone on the List with their email addresses, but no more.  Can anyone, 
will anyone, help me get back to that site so that I can email a person or the 
entire List if I wish to?  I am having no luck at all.  Please help.
With Love,
>From your friend, Jude 

[TMIC] Remember Me? What's going on?

2010-12-31 Thread Jude Hoops
Hi All,

Happiest New Year to everyone.  Mine is starting out basically the same old 
thing...bed sores, and all that crap.  I lost my address book when I changed 
computers, UGH, and must start over, so if anyone is interested in Emailing me, 
do so!  That way I can save your addy, (I think) and we can Email back and 
forth.  I would like to include special people, but am afraid of leaving 
someone out without my book, so those of you who are my special friends, 
consider yourselves “Happy New Year’d” and Email me please.

My love to all on the List,
Your good=est friend, Jude

[TMIC] Happy New Year to All at TMIC

2010-12-26 Thread Jude Hoops
It is Jude, bet you thought you would never hear from me again.  I was down for 
a while, but never “out”.  Please forgive me for not keeping up and I continue 
to blame my computer for the difficulties.  What has been going on with 
everyone?  Dave and I live quietly and only go out to Dr.’s offices, etc.  We 
are seeing friends for New Years Eve, with hopes that I will remain up to it.  
Love to all of you, Jude

[TMIC] Is anybody there? I;m trying to find someone who remembers meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2010-12-21 Thread Jude Hoops

[TMIC] last message

2010-12-16 Thread Jude Hoops
may I please read the previous message once more?
Jude Hoops

[TMIC] Previous message

2010-12-16 Thread Jude Hoops
My I please read the message again?


2010-11-30 Thread Jude Hoops
Hello Group,

This is Judy Hoops (Jude) and it has been quite a while since I have written to 
the site.  No reason why, except that maybe I needed a break from all of the 
talk of the “blusey” side of the disease.  I try to maintain a positive 
attitude, but since the death of my best TM friend, Pam Montz, I needed a long 
break before I could once more become an active participant of the group like I 
used to be.

For new members, I have had TM for somewhat more than eight years, can’t recall 
due to memory dysfunction, and other related symptoms of TM, for one being a 
difficulty in typing, where I used to be a whiz...maybe just a matter of 
continuing to do it on a regular basis.  I am paralyzed from T3 (breast level 
with the use of my arms, Thank God.)  I have horrible continuous pain from T3 
on the Spinal Column to the tips of my toes.  I am not able to walk, use a 
wheelchair to get around and spend a lot of time in bed just because of 

We have no children and do not have a large social group and no family to speak 
of.  My husband wanted property so we moved out of our living area where we had 
resided forever, to a small, and I mean “small” village where we have 5 acres 
and a nice two story home, which we bought before I became ill.  Now, the house 
makes no sense whatsoever and I am able to use only a small portion of it; my 
bedroom, which used to be the den, the kitchen/dining area and living room.  I 
have spent so long in my bedroom that I have forgotten what the rest of the 
house looks like.  It’s either that or the memory difficulties which I just two 
days ago began taking meds to, hopefully, reverse the dysfunction.

OK, that’s all I can muster for my first time back.  What’s going on with all 
of my old friends?  Let me know.
I love you all,

Anyway, I make use of the three rooms, but my husband does all of the cooking 
and eats in my room with me, and he takes care of all of the remaining 
household chores that I cannot do because of the constant intense pain I 
experience 24/7.  I have pain meds, but hate to take them because they turn me 
into a “zombie” and it affects most of my “normal” human existence, as it is.  
Most of you know what I mean, the rest of you will catch on the longer you have 
TM and continue to read these excerpts.  


[TMIC] Anyone Remember Jude?

2010-05-28 Thread Jude Hoops
Hello Friends-Old and New,
I have missed you all so much!  As like most of you, I have been battling TM 
and other illnesses like MS, with all of the problems that go with it.  It is 
no fun...and that's not what kind of email this is intended to be.

Sorry I still have no picture to post, but promise to look for a decent one 
tomorrow.  I know I have one or two decent ones laying around.  

[TMIC] Posting

2010-04-15 Thread Jude Hoops
Where is everyone?  I cannot find the site with all of my TMIC friends on it.  
I have a new laptop and I  know they are supposed to all be the same, but as 
far as I'm concerned that is not the case.  I am also having a difficult time 
coming up with my old address book.  My hands are hurting so I must go.  I love 
you all and hope to hear from someone soon.

[TMIC] What is everyone doing? I am receiving no email. Is anyone else having the same difficulty? Someone please email me. I love you all...my dear friends.

2010-03-14 Thread Jude Hoops

[TMIC] March Birthdays

2010-03-01 Thread Jude Hoops
Happy Birthday
   To  All
 You Oh So Special
   March Babies 

Especially my Mom, March 5th, 1920
Hugs, Jude<><>

[TMIC] Hey Jude...it's me!

2009-12-20 Thread Jude Hoops
Hi Guys,

It's been a while, but it's me, Jude...
For those of you who recall my name, I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to 
get back into the swing of things.  The death of our dear Pam really took the 
wind out of my "sails" and laid me low for all this time. 

Not one darn thing has changed in my life except that we have added another 
mouth to feed, and he eats constantly and I have yet to find a food that he 
won't eat.  His name is Harley, after Dave's best human friend and is part 
Spaniel/Beagle.  Harley is white with silvery/black large spots and a black 
circle around one eye.  Once Dave figures out how to send pictures to the 
Internet we will post some of the whole family. 

Dave is adjusting well to being retired, especially now that he has a "buddy" 
to hang around with.  I'm not sure what they do out there, but they go tramping 
through the woods behind the house and chase squirrels and whatever else.  
Harley puts his nose to the ground and pulls poor Dave along behind him whether 
Dave wants to go there or not.

I have remained pretty much stuck in my bed due to almost constant UTI's and a 
serious aversion to wearing briefs although I have to when I go out which is 
not often.  In fact, I now even have a doctor who makes home visits and I 
really like him so far.  I need to call him as soon as his office opens and 
make arrangements to go to the hospital since I believe I have one seriously 
broken ankle/foot.  This brittle-bone disease is for the birds.

I was inspecting my feet and toes for whatever one checks their Transverse 
Myelitis feet against; black spot, spider webs and such, and just like several 
years ago, I heard a cracking sound and although I have very little sensation, 
it does seem to hurt quite a bit.

So anyway...what's up will all of you people?  What kind of trouble have my old 
friends gotten into?  C'mon, spit it out...You know I will get it out of you 
sometime...as the old adage goes, "you can run, but you can't hide."   Ok, 
let's start with you Doctor Rick; have you and the "fam" gone on any neat 
excursions out into the wilds of the world?  And how is Terry doing?  Still up 
and getting around in spite of good old TM?  Miss Ella...I haven't heard a word 
from you or any of your 105 sisters.  I'm sure that you are busy getting ready 
for some celebration or another.  I know it's got to be someone's birthday or 

I now have a new computer with which I am having a love/hate relationship with. 
 This one does all kinds of new tricks and treats, but it's not the right time 
of year for that so it's not cooperating.  It's got to have something to do 
with that inch or so of white stuff littering the ground, looking like it's 
going to stay for three or four months.  And now, if Dave agrees that I need to 
be seen by the doc, I will probably need to go out for x-rays.

 Well friends, I won't take up any more of your time and will let you know what 
the Dr. has to say and if I get casted, what color I will choose.

Lots and lots of love,