[TMIC] Fwd: I Had To Share This Song

2013-11-03 Thread Heyjude48458
This was sent to me by a good friend.  I  hope you enjoy it as much as I 
did.  Have a blessed day!

 From: ccraterl...@aol.com
To: dbparatroo...@aol.com, bod...@aol.com,  clhack...@att.net, 
denise.gol...@yahoo.com, dermin...@comcast.net,  gmrlsm...@yahoo.com, 
heyjude48...@aol.com,  vickiekess...@aol.com, lbi...@sbcglobal.net, 
michelestja...@gmail.com,  s...@toast2.net, vsell...@bellsouth.net
Sent: 11/3/2013 3:38:11 P.M. Eastern  Standard Time
Subj: I Had To Share This Song


Enjoy this is  SOOO  true...
Click on the link:  _THIS IS OUR SONG_ 

< A  HREF="_http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6dbBfXCMbH4?rel=0%22_ 
(http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6dbBfXCMbH4?rel=0";) "  TARGET="_blank">
Image removed by  sender. 

Image removed by  sender. 
Image removed by  sender. 
No virus found in  this message. Checked by AVG - 
http://www.avg.com/Version: 2013.0.3392  / Virus Database: 3222/6648 - Release 
Date: 09/08/13 




[TMIC] Re: My Big Move

2013-10-27 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everyone,
We just moved and I want you  all to have my new mailing address and new 
phone number.  Our new address  is:
Jude & Dave  Hoops
129 West Lakeview  Avenue
Flint, MI. 48503
Our phone number is:  810-407-6311
Note:  For some reason  the post office requires that everything is spelled 
out completely and not  abbreviated.  "West" has to be spelled out, as well 
as, "Avenue".   There is another 129 Lakeview Avenue, and I guess they get 
them mixed up a lot,  so make sure, if you write, to spell everything out 
I hope to hear from some or  even all of you soon.  I miss hearing from 
you.  I see you on  Facebook, but it's not the same as getting a written note 
in my  mailbox.
What have you been talking  about in my absence?  The move took a couple of 
weeks and I didn't have a  computer the whole time.  It felt like I was 
living back in the "olden"  days.
Thanks for letting me take up  some of your precious time.  I love you all 
and please remember to drop me  a line just so I know that you are still 
alive and well.
Love & Hugs,

Re: October Birthdays [TMIC]

2013-10-01 Thread Heyjude48458

Hi All  ~
I want to  say:
   A Very 
 Happy  Birthday
   To all
   Those Born In

[TMIC] Re: TM & Exhaustion

2013-09-18 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Friends,
Are any of you suffering with  exhaustion?  I am so tired all of the time 
that I can't stand it.   What do you do to rid yourself of this malady?
I hope that you have had a  nice summer and you are looking forward to a 
beautiful fall.  Winter will  soon be here and it will be freezing cold here 
in Michigan.  How does your  TM make you feel in the cold weather?
I love you,

[TMIC] Fwd: Fw: Fwd: $5.37 (too funny) Jude

2013-09-09 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi All ~  
This is just for giggles ~
Love, Jude

 From: ly3...@gmail.com
To: alice.laush...@gmail.com
Sent: 9/8/2013  11:03:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: $5.37 (too  funny)

are you feeling old,, this might cheer you up.

$5.37.  That's what the kid behind the counter at Taco  Bell said to  me.  


I dug into  my pocket and pulled out some lint and two dimes and something 
that used to  be a Jolly Rancher. Having already handed the kid a  
five-spot, I started to head back out to the truck to grab some change when  
the kid 
with the Emo hairdo said the harshest thing anyone has  ever said to me.


He  said, "It's OK. I'll just give you the senior citizen  discount."

I turned to see who he was talking to and then heard the  sound of change 
hitting the counter in front of me. "Only $4.68" he said  cheerfully.


I stood  there stupefied. I am 48, not even 50 yet? A mere child!  Senior  

I took my burrito and walked out to the truck wondering what  was wrong 
with Emo. Was he blind? As I sat in the truck,  my blood began to boil. Old? Me?

I'll show him, I thought.  I opened the door and headed back inside. I 
strode to the counter, and there  he was waiting with a smile.

Before I could say a word, he held up  something and jingled it in front of 
me, like I could be that easily  distracted!


What am  I now? 


A toddler?

"Dude!  Can't get too far without your car keys, eh?"


I  stared with utter disdain at the keys.


I began  to rationalize in my mind.


"Leaving keys behind  hardly makes a man elderly!


It  could happen to anyone!"

I  turned and headed back to the truck.


I  slipped the key into the ignition, but it wouldn't turn.


What  now?


I  checked my keys and tried another. 


Still  nothing.


That's  when I noticed the purple beads hanging from my rearview  mirror.


I had  no purple beads hanging from my rearview mirror.

Then, a few other  objects came into focus. The car seat in the  back seat. 
 Happy Meal toys spread all over the  floorboard. A partially eaten 
doughnut on the dashboard.

Faster  than you can say ginkgo biloba, I flew out of the alien  vehicle.

Moments  later I was speeding out of the parking lot, relieved to finally 
be leaving  this nightmarish stop in my life. That is when I felt it, deep in 
the bowels  of my stomach: hunger! My stomach growled and churned, and I 
reached to grab  my burrito, only it was nowhere to be found.

I swung the truck  around, gathered my courage, and strode back into the 
restaurant one final  time. 


There Emo stood,  draped in youth and black nail polish. All I could think 
was, "What is the  world coming to?" All I could say was, "Did I leave my 
food and drink in  here?" At this point I was ready to ask a Boy Scout to help 
me back to my  vehicle, and then go straight home and apply for Social 
Security  benefits.

Emo had no clue. I walked back out to the truck, and  suddenly a young lad 
came up and tugged on my jeans to get my attention. He  was holding up a 
drink and a bag. His mother explained, "I think you left  this in my truck by 


I took  the food and drink from the little boy and sheepishly apologized.

She  offered these kind words: "It's OK. My grandfather does stuff like 
this all  the time."

All of this is to explain how I got a ticket doing 85 in a  40. Yes, I was 
racing some punk kid in  a Toyota Prius. And no, I told the officer, I'm not 
 too old to be driving this fast.

As I walked in the front door, my  wife met me halfway down the hall. I 
handed her a bag of cold food and a  $300 speeding ticket. I promptly sat in my 
rocking  chair and covered up my legs with a blanky.

The good news  was I had successfully found my way  home.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- READ BELOW  !

Just in case you weren't feeling too old  today.

The people who are starting college this fall  were born in 1991.

They are too young to remember the space shuttle  blowing up.

Their lifetime has always  included AIDS.

The CD was introduced two years  before they were born.

They have always had an answering  machine.

They have always had cable.

Popcorn has always  been microwaved.

They never took a swim and thought about  Jaws.

They don't know who Mork was or where he was  from.

They never heard: 'Where's the Beef?', 'I'd walk a mile for a  Camel ', or 
'de plane Boss, de  plane'.

McDonald's never came in Styrofoam  containers.

They don't have a clue how to use a  typewriter.

Pass this on to the other old fogies on your  list.

Notice the larger type?

That's for those of us who have  trouble reading.

P.S. Save the earth.. It's the only planet with  chocolate. 


[TMIC] RE: Happy Birthday, September

2013-09-04 Thread Heyjude48458
Happy Birthday Dear Pam. I love you!!   And,   

 Happy Birthday
To Those 
Born In
Love &  Hugs,

[TMIC] RE: Adaptive Controls on Cars

2013-09-04 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everyone,
How was your summer?   Did you have a good one?  What did you do for fun 
and recreation?  Did  you go away or did you stay at home with your families?
I was wondering if you could  tell me if any of you have adaptive driving 
controls on your cars or vans?   If so, were they covered by your insurance 
companies?  Have you had any  trouble getting your drivers license?
Thanks so much,

[TMIC] Fwd: TMIC] Laugh for today

2013-08-13 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi All,
This came off  the Quad  list.  It's kind of cute and not long at all.  
Humor is good for the  soul.

 From: wheelch...@aol.com
To: poaj...@sbcglobal.net,  quad-l...@eskimo.com
Sent: 8/12/2013 7:31:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: Re: [QUAD-L] Laugh for today

Humor is Healthyand cures!
Best Wishes
In a message dated 8/12/2013 5:30:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
poaj...@sbcglobal.net writes:

Friend of mine sent this to me, it was just too great not  to be shared. 

Fwd: [TMIC] Honey to Treat Infections

2013-08-12 Thread Heyjude48458
This was sent to me by my friends on the  Quad list, in case there are any 
people out there with pressure  sores.

 From: donpric...@yahoo.com
To: quad-l...@eskimo.com
Sent: 8/12/2013  11:26:11 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: [QUAD-L] Honey to Treat  Infections

PUBLISHED: 17:43 EST, 10  August 2013 | UPDATED: 18:16 EST, 10 August 2013

'Super  honey': A new type of honey has produced amazing results treating 
wounds and  infections
A new honey has been produced that has had ‘amazing’ results  treating 
wounds and infections.
The bio-engineered product Surgihoney was  tested on babies, new mothers, 
cancer patients and the elderly for over a year  in Hampshire hospitals.
Wounds and ulcers, including those infected with  the superbug MRSA, healed 
within days, while the number of women who suffered  infections after 
giving birth by caesarean section has halved.
It has also  healed the wounds of soldiers returning from Afghanistan, and 
been used to  treat acne and to protect the skin of cancer patients fitted 
with a catheter  for chemotherapy.

Read  more:


RE: Senate passes a bill [TMIC]

2013-08-01 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi all,
The US Senate has just passed  a bill declaring September as the "National 
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness  Month" asking the American people to "stand up 
for those who  can't".
For those of us who aren't on  Facebook, I wanted to let you know what's 
going on.  I don't know if it's  been on the television yet or not, so I 
thought I'd send you a  note.
Have a great  evening,

RE: Happy Birthday [TMIC]

2013-08-01 Thread Heyjude48458

Happy  Birthday to all those born in August!!!

[TMIC] Re: Michigan TM Walk, Run & Roll

2013-07-16 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to let everyone know that there is  going to be a Michigan 
Walk, Run & Roll event going on at Harderwyk  Ministries, Holland, Michigan.  
I don't have the date, but if you go to: _www.crowdrise.com_ 
you can find out all of the  information.
Sorry about not having the date, but my letter  got swallowed up somewhere 
in cyberspace when my computer lost the power due to  a heavy rainstorm.
Thankfully I did get the other information, but  then forgot to write and 
let you know until just now. You have to laugh at my  memory...I do.
Love & Hugs,

Re: [TMIC] Hobbies, Creative Outlets, Amputation

2013-07-11 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everybody~
What are you all doing this summer to pass the time?  I've been  writing 
back and forth with a couple of other members and they have sent me  pictures 
of the things that they do for creative hobbies, places they've been  and 
things they like to do.
I'm stuck here in bed, in this hot,clammy weather and need some inspiration 
 to get me through these long days.  Whatever you're doing to make  
yourselves happy, will you send me a note and maybe some pictures of what 
Does anyone know of another person who has had a leg or an arm taken  off?  
I want to talk or write to someone who lives with an amputated  limb.  I am 
possibly going to have my leg removed, but I can't make that  decision 
without talking to someone who has had it done.
Love & Hugs,

[TMIC] RE: TM & Weather

2013-07-06 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi All,
Have a question...how does the weather affect your  TM?  I have a friend 
who is moving from Florida and isn't sure where she is  going yet.  She wants 
to find a place where she is free from pain and where  her husband can find 
I told her about Michigan, but don't know about other  states.  What can 
you all tell her?  She is on Facebook, but I can  pass on all of your 
information on to her.
Thank you,

[TMIC] RE: Books & Movies

2013-06-29 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi All,
I hope that you are all having a really nice summer and  that TM's ugly 
face is not showing itself too much to you.
Just wondering if any of you could recommend something  good to read this 
summer.  I've run out of everything that I have and am  too sick to get to 
the library, but if you give me some titles I can call and  have them 
delivered.  I like mysteries, English love stories, funny books  and am pretty 
game for anything that comes highly recommended.  Also,  if you have seen 
any good movies I'd be interested in hearing about them  too.  We haven't seen 
any of the new ones, in fact, we haven't been to a  movie in 10 years.
Thanks, I hope to hear from you soon.
Love & Hugs,

[TMIC] RE: June Birthdays

2013-06-20 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everyone,
I have lost my Buddy List on AOL where I store  all of my addresses and it 
is the only place where I can see everyone's email  address.  I want to send 
some birthday cards and need to have the rest of  the birthdays for this 
month.  I know that Rose has one coming up, but  can't remember the rest.
Please send me the remaining email  addresses.  Thank you!

[TMIC] RE: To Those Of You Born In June!

2013-06-03 Thread Heyjude48458
   To! All Of   You!
Love & Hugs!

[TMIC] RE: May Birthday List

2013-05-31 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everybody,
Who has the May Birthday list?  I haven't seen it  yet and today is the 
last day in May.
Thank you,


2013-05-28 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Dee,
It's Jude,  There hasn't been anything  going on, most of everybody we know 
has gone to Facebook.  I can't think of  any more questions to ask the list 
in order to generate more mail and I don't  know what to do about it.  If 
you have any suggestions I sure would like to  hear them.  I have tried so 
hard to keep this list active, but it seems  like something that isn't going 
to happen.  I've been here for 12 years and  this list has become a part of 
my heart.
What can we do to change things?  Any  ideas?
I'm going to forward this to the whole group,  but you can answer me at my 
email address anytime.  I want other people to  begin making this list a 
priority.  And I hope it happens  soon.
And, anyone else who has an idea about how to  make this group active 
again, please write to me too.  I love you all so  much.
Love & Hugs,
Jude, TIAD

 From: jlu...@eskimo.com
To: deer...@aol.com
CC:  tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: 5/28/2013 8:01:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: [TMIC] Re: NO E-MAIL

you might have to subscribe again. send a message to 
_tmic-list-request@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list-requ...@eskimo.com)   with the 
subject subscribe

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 3:15 PM, <_DeeRERE@aol.com_ 
(mailto:deer...@aol.com) > wrote:


[TMIC] RE: Brittle Bone Disease

2013-05-21 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everybody,
I was wondering if there is anyone out there who  has Brittle Bone Disease 
like I do.  This would only apply to people who  cannot walk, because when a 
person is able to stand, that's the way to build  bone.
Because I can't walk, my bones have turned to  what the Dr's call material. 
 Is there anyone out there who suffers from  the same disease that I have? 
Michigan TIAD (Remembering Pam  Montz)

[TMIC] Re: My Quotes

2013-05-20 Thread Heyjude48458
Regarding the Inspirational Quotes of the Day,  I've been informed of the 
fact that these kinds of messages aren't supposed to  be sent through the 
TMIC mail.  The Guidelines tell us that, but I didn't  think about them when I 
began sending the quotes.
I apologize to those who were affected by my  actions.  It won't happen 
again.  I was only trying to generate mail  and interaction between members of 
the group.
Love & Hugs,

[TMIC] Fwd: The Yellow Shirt (don't delete) From Jude TMIC

2013-05-19 Thread Heyjude48458
This was sent to me by my very best friend, read and forward,  for the 
chain hasn't been broken yet.  I love you,
Jude  TIAD

 From: ccraterl...@aol.com
To: angel_...@yahoo.com, dbparatroo...@aol.com,  
scottbingha...@hotmail.com, buford...@aol.com, gmrlsm...@yahoo.com,  
heyjude48...@aol.com, jackykalvai...@ymail.com,  jeannie.d...@gm.com, 
jessicakalvai...@yahoo.com, jwally...@att.net,  vickiekess...@aol.com, 
ppros...@med.umich.edu,  s...@toast2.net, vsell...@bellsouth.net
Sent: 5/19/2013 9:11:36 P.M. Eastern  Daylight Time
Subj: The Yellow Shirt (don't delete)

A wonderful story!


Subject: Fwd: The Yellow Shirt (don't  delete)


Wonderful  Story!


The yellow  shirt had long sleeves, four extra-large pockets  trimmed in
black thread and snaps up the front.  It was faded from years of wear,
but still in  decent shape. I found it in 1963 when I was home  from
college on Christmas break, rummaging  through bags of clothes Mom
intended to give  away.

'You're not taking that old thing,  are you?' Mom said when she saw 
me  packing the yellow shirt. 'I wore that when I was  pregnant with 
your  brother in 1954!'

'It's just the thing to  wear over my clothes during art class,  Mom.
Thanks!' I slipped it into my suitcase  before she could object. 
The  yellow shirt be came a part of my college  wardrobe. I loved it.

After graduation, I  wore the shirt the day I moved into my  new
apartment and on Saturday mornings when I  cleaned.

The next year, I married. When I  became pregnant, I wore the yellow
shirt during  big-belly days. I missed Mom and the rest of my  family,
since we were in Colorado and they were  in Illinois .. But, that shirt
helped. I  smiled, remembering that Mother had worn it when  she was
pregnant, 25 years earlier.

That  Christmas, mindful of the warm feelings the shirt  had given 
me,  I patched one elbow, wrapped it in holiday paper  and sent it to Mom.
When Mom wrote to thank me  for her 'real' gifts, she said the 
yellow  shirt was lovely. She never mentioned it  again..

The next year, my husband, daughter  and I stopped at Mom and Dad's 
to  pick up some furniture. Days later, when we  uncrated the kitchen
table, I noticed something  yellow taped to its bottom. The shirt!

And  so the pattern was set.

On our next visit  home, I secretly placed the shirt under Mom and  Dad's
mattress I don't know how long it took  for her to find it, but almost
two years passed  before I discovered it under the base of  our
living-room floor lamp. The yellow shirt  was just what I needed 
now  while refinishing furniture. The walnut stains  added character.

In 1975 my husband and I  divorced. With my three children, I prepared
to  move back to Illinois ... As I packed, a deep  depression overtook
me. I wondered if I could  make it on my own. I wondered if I would
ind a  job. I paged through the Bible, looking for  comfort. In
Ephesians, I read, 'So use every  piece of God's armour to resist the
enemy  whenever he attacks, and when it is all over, you  will be standing 

I tried to picture  myself wearing God's armour, but all I saw was  the
stained yellow shirt.. Slowly, it dawned on  me.. Wasn't my mother's
love a piece of God's  armour? My courage was renewed.

Unpacking  in our new home, I knew I had to get the shirt  back to
Mother. The next time I visited her, I  tucked it in her bottom dresser  

Meanwhile, I found a good job at a  radio station. A year later I
discovered the  yellow shirt hidden in a rag bag in my cleaning  closet.

Something new had been added.  Embroidered in bright green across 
the  breast pocket were the words 'I BELONG TO  PAT.'

Not to be outdone, I got out my own  embroidery materials and added 
an  apostrophe and seven more letters.

Now the  shirt proudly proclaimed, 'I BELONG TO PAT'S  MOTHER.' But 
I  didn't stop there. I zig-zagged all the frayed  seams, then had a
friend mail the shirt in a  fancy box to Mom from Arlington , VA. 
We  enclosed an official looking letter from 'The  Institute for the
Destitute,' announcing that  she was the recipient of an award for 
good  deeds..

I would have given anything to see  Mom's face when she opened the box.
But, of  course, she never mentioned it..

Two years  later, in 1978, I remarried. The day of our  wedding, 
Harold  and I put our car in a friend's garage to avoid  practical jokers. 
After  the wedding, while my husband drove us to our  honeymoon suite, I
eached for a pillow in the  car to rest my head. It felt lumpy. I
unzipped  the case and found, wrapped in wedding paper, the  yellow
shirt. Inside a pocket

[TMIC] Re: What do you know about these two places?

2013-05-18 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi All,
Sorry to bother you, but I was peeking in at the  mail from the Quad list 
and they were talking about two places that I know  nothing about.  One is 
The United Spinal Association and the other is the  American Association on 
Health and Disability.  Have any of you heard of  these two places?  And, if 
you have, what do you know about them?  
I'm curious as to whether there is any new  information regarding TM from 
either of these two places.  And, if there  are any new devices, products, 
the sort of things  that we can use on a  daily basis.  I'm wondering if you 
know if there is a charge to join either  of these places, or if we can 
access them without paying anything.
I'm hoping that they can offer us something  new.  I know that there has 
been some good news on the MS side, and am  hoping that there is good news for 
us as well.
Thanks so much,

[TMIC] RE: Will you do me a favor?

2013-05-17 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everybody,
Can you do me a favor and tell me if you were at  home or were you out of 
town when you got hit with TM?   I'm taking a  survey for a friend of mine 
who is interested in writing a book about Transverse  Myelitis and she might 
want to add a few of our stories so people can have a  true idea of what it's 
like to live with TM on a daily basis.
Will you keep that in mind and let me know if  you would want to include 
your story in the book.  I have to let her know  in a week.  I told her it 
would take me that long to see if my friends  would be interested.
Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you  soon.

[TMIC] RE: Rob & AOL

2013-05-16 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi All,
It's Jude,  I want you to know that once  again I found some of your mail, 
this time from Tima and Janice, in my spam  mail.  It drives me crazy that I 
might be missing mail, but I check my spam  mail every time I read mail.  I 
just wanted those of you who have AOL to  know that you might be missing 
mail if you're not checking your spam  folders.
And, people have been having a hard time getting  mail through to Rob in 
New Jersey.  If you have his address, send him a  short note just to see if it 
gets to him and if it doesn't send me a quick note  so I can figure out how 
to contact AOL.  I don't have a paid account with  them anymore though, so 
I can't call them.  If anyone else does have a paid  account I wish you 
would take on the responsibility of calling them.  It  would take a lot off of 
my shoulders.
Thank you all so very much,

[TMIC] RE: Your mail on TMIC

2013-05-16 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Rob,
I read your note on the TMIC Digest, but never  received anything from you 
in my regular mail and we both have AOL.  I know  that the Quad List was 
having problems with their mail going into their Spam  Folders.  I don't know 
if that is what's happening with your mail, but I  check my spam folder every 
time I open my mail.  I'm not sure what you can  do about this, except 
maybe contact AOL and tell them what's going on.  I  would but I don't have a 
paid account anymore and because of that, I can't call  them.
I'd hate to not get mail from you anymore, are  you getting mine?  I wonder 
how much other mail I'm not getting.  When  you call AOL will you please 
mention that to them?  It would help me a  great deal, and I appreciate it so 
I hope you get things straightened out.  If  I can do anything for you just 
let me know.
Have a great day,
_heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) 

[TMIC] Fwd: Your Inspirational Quote of the Day Jude

2013-05-13 Thread Heyjude48458
Don't forget to do your mathematics now!   Love you, Jude

 From: inspirationalda...@tamtamtap.com
Reply-to: re...@tamtamtap.com
To:  heyjude48...@aol.com
Sent: 5/13/2013 2:24:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: Your Inspirational Quote of the Day Judith

Inspirational Quote of the Day (Mon, 13 May  2013)

To solve the human equation, we need to  add love, subtract hate, multiply 
good, and divide between truth and  error.

Janet  Coleman
Please feel free to forward this email to your friends, you  can also add 
us to your contacts and click on not-spam to make sure  these inspirational 
newsletters get to your  inbox.

If you would no longer like to receive  e-mail from us you can _Click  
  or write us at:

PO Box 105603 #21320 Atlanta, GA  30348


[TMIC] Re: Who Lives Here?

2013-05-09 Thread Heyjude48458
Who lives at:
15 Pomeroy St.
Easthampton, Maine. 01027-2719
I want to thank you for sending me the TMIC directory and  can't for the 
life of me remember who you are.

[TMIC] Fwd: Your Inspirational Quote of the Day Judith

2013-05-08 Thread Heyjude48458
This is true, providing nothing bad happens to you!   Enjoy!

 From: inspirationalda...@rocketeit.com
Reply-to: re...@rocketeit.com
To:  heyjude48...@aol.com
Sent: 5/8/2013 2:14:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: Your Inspirational Quote of the Day Judith

Inspirational Quote of the Day (Wed, 08 May  2013)

Everything you want should be yours:  the type of work you want; the 
relationships you need; the social,  mental, and aesthetic stimulation that 
make you happy and  fulfilled; the money you require for the lifestyle that 
is appropriate  to you; and any requirement that you may (or may not) have 
for  achievement or service to others. If you don't aim for it all, you'll  
never get it all. To aim for it requires that you know what you want.

Richard  Koch
Please feel free to forward this email to your friends, you  can also add 
us to your contacts and click on not-spam to make sure  these inspirational 
newsletters get to your  inbox.

If you would no longer like to receive e-mail from us you can _Click  Here_ 
4NDU4QGFvbC5jb20)  or write us at:

PO Box 29502 #50467
Las Vegas, NV  89126

[TMIC] RE: My Buddy List

2013-05-07 Thread Heyjude48458
I hate to keep bugging you all, but I have another quick  question.  I have 
AOL and have listed you all as "Buddies", but when  you are online none of 
your names show up.  They used to, but I haven't  seen them for a long time 
Especially for those of you with AOL, can you figure out what  I'm doing 
wrong?  Will you write back and give me a few pointers,  please?  I don't like 
sitting here, knowing you are all out there and I  don't know it.
Thank you very much,
Love and hugs,

[TMIC] Re: Our Buddy Lists

2013-05-06 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everyone!
I just want to ask all of you who still keep  email addresses if you would 
please add me to your Buddy Lists.  I used to  see so many people on my 
Buddy List, but now it's dwindled to two  people.
We need to be better "hooked up" to each other  and instead of having to 
look everyone up in my address book, it would be nice  to only have to click 
on a name to "chat" or send and "IM".  I think it  would be fun!
If you decide to add my name or the name of  anyone else, we have to notify 
the other person, that way we will all be on the  same page, so to speak.
Let me know how you feel about doing this.   I've been thinking about it 
for a few days and think it's a good idea.   Guys included too.
Love and hugs,
Jude   tiad

[TMIC] Re: Check spam folders for mail from eskimo.com -TMIC

2013-05-03 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello All,
It's me again.  I just want to mention  again that it's important for 
everyone to check their spam folders for email  from TMIC, because members from 
the quad list, instead of unsubscribing from the  list, told their mail 
providers that their mail from eskimo.com was spam.   So now a lot of our mail 
going into our spam folders.
That was one of the reasons I wrote last time,  but I don't think I made it 
clear enough.  So make sure you check your spam  folders for more mail you 
might be missing out on.
And, if you have any ideas about how to change  what's happening, let me 
know, because I'll do whatever I can to help the  list.  I want to keep on 
hearing from everyone.  Even though it is  only about 13 of us that are still 
mailing to the list.  
I don't know what to do about getting more  people back on the list.  And, 
one more thing...if anyone has an address  for Patti Voorheis, will you 
please send it to me?  I really need to  contact her, but my mail keeps coming 
back as not delivered.
Thank you very much,
Jude H.

[TMIC] Re: Pattie Voorheis

2013-05-02 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Pattie,
I had to send this to the list because  everything I send to you comes back 
as mail undeliverable and I don't know what  else to do.  Will you please 
send me your address so that I can record it  and check it against what I 
already have.
I miss talking with you and can't afford to  call, so I hope you don't mind 
that I'm doing it this way.  
I hope that I haven't offended you in some  way.  Please answer as soon as 
you can.  I appreciate it.
Love and hugs,

[TMIC] Re: Pain Medication Jude, Michigan

2013-05-02 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi All,
I'm trying this color combination for a  change.  I went to the Dr. for the 
third time today for the trial on  the pain pump and he used Fentanyl this 
time.  Again, I had no  results, absolutely nothing!  I go back next Wed for 
the fourth time  and he's going to use a larger dose of Fentanyl.  I don't 
know what  he's expecting to find, because I had no kind of pain relief at  
Does anyone have a suggestion on what kind  of pain medication he should 
try?  I'm at a loss.  So far we've  used Ocycodone and Dilaudid.
What kind of experiences have you had with  pain meds...the strong ones?  
Please let me know, I'm at my wit's  end!
Thank you and know that I think of you  every day.
Jude, TIAD

[TMIC] Fwd: Inspirational Quote of the Day Jude, Michigan

2013-05-02 Thread Heyjude48458


 From: inspirationalda...@northgmv.com
Reply-to: re...@northgmv.com
To:  heyjude48...@aol.com
Sent: 5/2/2013 4:12:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: Inspirational Quote of the Day Judith

Inspirational Quote of the Day (Thu, 02 May  2013)

The world ain't all sunshine and  rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty 
place and I don't care how tough  you are it will beat you to your knees and 
keep you there permanently if  you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as 
hard as life. But it  ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you 
can get it and keep  moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving 
forward. That's  how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go 
out and  get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, 
and not  pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, 
or  her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than 

Rocky  Balboa
Please feel free to forward this email to your friends, you  can also add 
us to your contacts and click on not-spam to make sure  these inspirational 
newsletters get to your  inbox.

If you would no  longer like to receive e-mail from us you can _Click  
  or write us at:

Customer Service
PO Box 803338  #50467
Chicago, IL 60680

Toll Free: 1-866-907-2964 

[TMIC] Re: May Birthdays

2013-05-01 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi All,
I want to say Happy Birthday to all my friends born in  May!
May you have the happiest birthday that you've ever  had,
And that you have many, many reasons to be
And if you aren't happy about this  birthday,
don't be sad.
That's all I have to say!
This is silly, don't be mad!
Love you,
Jude, TIAD

[TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

2013-04-30 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi   Everyone,
How are you doing  tonight?  It's Jude Hoops and I am writing to let you 
know that eskimo.com  may be having a problem with our emails.  It seems that 
some of the people  who don't want to receive mail are telling AOL that our 
mail is Spam instead of  just unsubscribing to the list.  It is because of 
their negligence that we  may not get any more emails.
This list has been  around for at least 12 years and I don't know how long 
before I signed on that  it had been up and running.  I know the Quad list 
is going to another site,  but I haven't heard anything about us.
Does anyone else know  anything about this?  If you do will you please let 
me know.  I'm very  worried about it.  I know that the list doesn't function 
the way that it  used to but it is still important to me that we all stay 
in touch.
Oh, do any of you have  the list of May Birthdays?  It usually comes around 
before the 1st and I  haven't seen it yet for this month.
What do you think we  should do?  (Again, I don't know if it applies to us 
too, or just the Quad  list)
And one other thing,  do any of you mind  if I use Pam's sign off of TIAD?  
I just can't  seem to help myself, it just keeps her alive in my heart.
Jude  Hoops

[TMIC] Fwd: Inspirational Quote of the Day Jude Hoops

2013-04-29 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi All,  
I get an inspirational quote of the day and thought you  might be 
interested in reading it
So here it is... TIAD

 From: inspirationalda...@rocketeit.com
Reply-to: re...@rocketeit.com
To:  heyjude48...@aol.com
Sent: 4/29/2013 4:18:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: Inspirational Quote of the Day Judith

Inspirational Quote of the Day (Mon, 29 Apr  2013)

Dreams are renewable. No matter what  our age or condition, there are still 
untapped possibilities within us  and new beauty waiting to be born. 

Dale E. Turner
Please feel free to forward this email to your friends, you  can also add 
us to your contacts and click on not-spam to make sure  these inspirational 
newsletters get to your  inbox.

If you would no longer like to receive e-mail from us you can _Click  Here_ 
4NDU4QGFvbC5jb20)  or write us at:

PO Box 29502 #50467
Las Vegas, NV  89126

[TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis

2013-04-26 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi Everyone!
It's Jude Hoops.  I was just  reading the quad list and they are talking 
about their injuries at what level  they are injured, how it happened and when 
it happened.  Do you think that  that would be something we could do too?
I think it might be interesting to  know how we were all injured or got 
sick and how long ago it was.  We've  all been on this list for a long time now 
and I was wondering whether any of us  had gotten any better over the years.
Let me know what you think.   Just write a small paragraph about how you 
came to have TM, what level your  injury is at and if you have seen any 
improvement over the years. 
I love you all so much and have  been thinking of you.
Jude  (TIAD)

[TMIC] Re: Medtronic Pain Pump

2013-04-19 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi  All,
To those of  you that have pain pumps, what kind of medicine do you have 
going through  it?  
How many  trials did you have to go through before they found something 
that worked for  you?
Can I call you  to talk about it?  Will you send me your phone  number?
Who is it that  is going through the trial now?  I can't remember.  I think 
it's Deb,  but not sure.
Thank you, I  love you,
_heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) 

[TMIC] Re: Facebook Mailing

2013-04-18 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi  Everyone,
I want to let  everyone know that I have now taken myself off of all of the 
mailing lists from  Facebook.
You can reach  me at this address any time, any day and I will answer your 
letter right  away.
Thank you all  so much for understanding.  I hope you keep the lines of 
communication open  and remember that we are friends.
I hope you all  are doing well and want you to know that if you ever need 
anything I'll be right  here...just like ET.
Love you  all,
Jude,   Remember, TIAD

[TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2013 #190

2013-04-17 Thread Heyjude48458
You know, Betty...I think about the same  things all the time.  It isn't 
fun getting older and the thought of not  being able to do things for myself 
is unbearable.  You have it easier than  me though, because you can walk, but 
all in all, the future is kind of difficult  for us TM'ers  to face.
I'd like to wish you a happy  anniversary, but I know it isn't one you 
really want to celebrate.  I do  wish you all the best that life has to offer 
and hope that you continue to do  all of the things you need to do to keep 
yourself going.
Enjoy life to the  fullest!
Remember, TIAD.
In a message dated 4/17/2013 7:09:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
tmic-digest-requ...@eskimo.com writes:

tmic-digest Digest   Volume 2013 : Issue 190

Today's Topics:
[TMIC]  Hi!!! [ Shirley Gurnell   ]


4/9/2013 12:37:51  PM

4/9/2013  12:37:51 PM s.gurnell

So today is my "lucky (???) seven" year  anniversary with TM. At this 
time seven years ago, I was inside an MRI  machine for over an hour 
trying to hold as still as possible while my legs  continued to spasm 
about every three minutes. By far, the worse, most  painful day of my life.

Though usually fairly optimistic and more on  the positive side of my 
feelings, I find myself in a more pensive and  reflective state today. 
Wondering what the next ten-to-twenty years look  like... will I still be 
able to function well enough on my own, without  assistance? Will I be 
able to keep the ugly monster at bay and not let it  completely destroy 
my outlook on life? Can I continue to find enough joy  in my daily 

I know I will have to forcibly take the  reins and get myself out 
regularly so as to not become a recluse in my own  home. I have realized 
since I had to "retire" from my job six years ago  because of TM, other 
people's lives have gone on and most have little time  to waste coming to 
visit or entertain me. I must make the effort if I want  to maintain any 
relationships outside my own home and family.

Of  course, my fervent and continuing prayer is that by some miracle, a 
cure  and  treatment will be found that will help everyone saddled with  
either TM or MS. As I begin another year of pain, medications,  
limitations, etc., I wish everyone peace of mind and soul.

Hugs to  all,
(in Northern  California)

[TMIC] Re: Happy Birthday

2013-04-06 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi There,
Born In April
Jude  Hoops

[TMIC] Fwd:TMIC Meditation Invitation

2013-03-10 Thread Heyjude48458
Kevin and  all,
I stole this  from the Quad list...it's an invitation to meditate.  Kevin 
has been  talking about Meditation on Facebook, so I thought you all might be 
interested  in this.
Love  you,

 From: bobbie...@aol.com
To: quad-l...@eskimo.com
Sent: 3/10/2013 7:06:32  P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: [QUAD-L] Dose anybody meditate?

Hi  All,
 I'd like to invite you  all to FREE a guided 21 day meditation 
challenge. It starts Monday  March 11th Just go to 
(http://www.meditationchalle...@chopra.com/)   and click "sign up" Each 
day you will be set an email with a 15 minute guided  meditation, you do 
the meditation when you have the time, if you forget, or  don't get around to 
doing a meditation one day, don't quit. Just play catch-up  or skip that day 
you missed.
   I teach meditation and can tell you  meditation dose decrees pain 
levels, lower blood pressure, raise self esteem,  help you sleep better and so, 
much more.Bobbie

Smile  Everyday

[TMIC] RE: TMIC Membership Directory

2013-03-05 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi  Gang,
If there is  anyone out there who happens to have an extra TMIC Directory 
may I please have  it?  I don't care if it's a few years old.  If you could 
see it in  your heart to send it to me I will surely appreciate it.
I called sandy  Siegel and asked him to send me one but he said that the 
board asked him not to  send them out anymore so I am left without one.
I can't seem  to access the TMA site. So if you would  help me I will be a 
happy  camper.
Thank  you,

[TMIC] RE: Overlay Mattress, Pressure Sore, Jude and Dave

2013-02-27 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello Again  Everyone,   2-27-12
I have a couple of  questions.  I have a mattress overlay and it went flat 
all of a sudden the  other day.  Our insurance won't pay for another one 
until May and we can't  afford to buy another one.  Do you have any ideas of 
what I can do for a  few months?  My bed has a huge dip in it under my butt so 
I can't go  without something.  When I just sit in my bed without anything 
I can't even  reach up to my side table..  I can't eat or do my bowel 
program so it is  really necessary.
Regarding my pressure  sore.  We have to find some money to order Duoderm.  
Does anyone have  an extra sheet that we can have until Dave gets paid next 
month?  The  pressure sore is going to get huge if I can't find one.  It is 
too hard to  get out and go to the hospital with my two broken legs.  And 
with Dave  having cancer it's hard for him to lift me into the chair.
It feels like I'm  being a baby or asking for too much, but we are kind of 
in a desperate  situation.
And, I'm going to  come right out and ask:  If any of you have money left 
over at the end of  the month would you please send us some?  When things 
turn around we will  do the same for you.
I wait every day for  the phone call from the bank telling us to get out of 
the house.  We are  filing for bankruptcy but Dave hasn't had the energy to 
go back to the  attorney.
Thanks for listening  to me.  I love you all.
And whatever you do:  Don't forget to  Smile...

[TMIC] Re: Lyrica, Psychiatric Evaluations

2013-02-15 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello  Everyone,
As you  know I am having the Medtronic pain pump put in.  I went for my 
first  consultation yesterday.  Before they put in the pump I have to have a  
psychiatric consultation to see if I'm going to be a good  candidate.
I'm sure  it's been a long time, but has anyone had a psychiatric 
consultation  before.  I need to know what to expect.  I don't know why but  
I'm kind 
of nervous about it.  I have my heart set on having this  surgery because 
if I don't then I will have to have my leg  amputated.  There are no other 
Dr.s who want to continue with oral  medication.
I also  have to go on Lyrica instead of Oxycodone.  Has anyone taken Lyrica 
 for pain, not depression?
I  appreciate your answers and look forward to reading  them,
Thanks,  I love you,
Jude,  Michigan

[TMIC] RE: Pamela Monts

2013-02-11 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello  All,
When I  wrote before I asked you for information regarding Pam Kinkaid.  
What  I should have said is Pamela Montz.  Her maiden name was  Kinkaid.
Sorry  for the mix up.  If you have mail from her that you are willing to  
share with me I will appreciate it very much.
I do  have a link to  TMIC which I can use if I have to, but it would be  
easier for me and would give me more insight if I got her mail from  you.
I  understand if you don't want to share with me, but I can't write the 
book  without your help.
Thank  you so much,

[TMIC] RE: Pamela Montz

2013-02-11 Thread Heyjude48458
When I  wrote yesterday I asked for information about Pam Kinkaid.  I was  
wrong and should have said Pamela Montz.
Do any  of you have emails from Pam that you will be willing to share with 
me so I  can write a book about her.
She was  an amazing person, full of life, happiness and great love for  
I  appreciate your help.
Love and  Hugs,

[TMIC] RE:Pam Kinkade

2013-02-11 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello  All,
Does  anyone have old letters from Pam Kinkade?  I would like to write a  
book about her and her struggle with TM, her attitude, friends and her  life. 
 Mistakenly I erased all her letters from my computer.  I  had hundreds of 
them.  We wrote several times a  day.
I really  will appreciate your help on this.  It means a great deal to  me. 
 If you could send them to me it would  be wonderful.  We are all great 
people but she and I shared  something special.  She was such a good person 
maybe all of you feel  that way.
Also I  need Dan's email address if anyone still has it.
For  those of you that still keep those records if you have emails from me 
that  I can read, please send them to me too.  Of course, only the  meaningfu
l ones.
Thank  you for your help.

[TMIC] Re: Getting Older, TM, The Pain Pump

2013-02-09 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello  All,
I was just  wondering...how has your TM changed since you have gotten 
older?  Is there  more or less pain?  Are you able to get around like you used 
to?  Are  you hampered more now than you used to be?  In what  ways.
What helps you  with your pain besides medication?  Do you use things like 
Ben Gay or  topical ointments or anything?
Do any of you,  besides Bernie, have a pain pump?  I am going for my first 
consultation on  the 9th.  I looked it up and know all about it, but I want 
to know about it  first hand.
Thank you all  for your answers.  I am considering asking the Quad list 
too.  What do  you think?  Does anyone have those addresses?  If so, may I have 
a few  please?  Especially if they have the pump.
Love  you,
Michigan,  where we are wearing a winter blanket of  snow...

[TMIC] RE: TMIC February Birthdays

2013-02-01 Thread Heyjude48458
February  Birthdays
2-1 Jeanne  Rushton

2-2 Ursula  Mauro
   _umauro@t-online.de_ (mailto:uma...@t-online.de)   

2-2 Lisa
  _Lsimso7@aol.com_ (mailto:lsim...@aol.com) 
2-5 Tita
  _t-n-t@usa.com_ (mailto:t-...@usa.com) 
2-6 Barbara  Alma
   _babsie1982@yahoo.com_ (mailto:babsie1...@yahoo.com) 
2-11 Mary
_msterpho@yahoo.com_ (mailto:mster...@yahoo.com) 
2-15 Jill
_jillybeans60452@yahoo.com_ (mailto:jillybeans60...@yahoo.com)  

2-17Joan  Fink
_MAFINK2@yahoo.com_ (mailto:mafi...@yahoo.com)   

2-26Patti  Vorheis
   _pjv1234@chartermi.net_ (mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net)   

2-27 Cindy
_rdavi...@san.rr.com_ (mailto:rdavi...@san.rr.com)   

[TMIC] RE: Jude and Medtronic

2013-01-30 Thread Heyjude48458
To anyone who  thinks I told Medtronic your name and email address...I did 
no such thing!  
I wrote an  email to the list telling you all about the upcoming webinar on 
Spasms that  Medtronic is hosting.  I only said that if you were interested 
to let me  know and I would send the information.
Somehow, there  was someone who thought I had sent all of your addresses to 
Medtronic.  I  never would do such a thing.  That is something that goes 
beyond  stupid.  I'll admit to making mistakes but I'm not that  silly.
Please be  reassured that I did not do that.
Thank you so  much.

[TMIC] Re: Medtronic Webinar for Spastisity

2013-01-28 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello  All,
Please watch your  mailbox for a letter from Medtronic.  They are having a 
Webinar for  spasticity on Feb. 12th.  If you want the information let me 
know and I  will send it to you.  This will be great for anyone with problems 
with  spasms.
Take  Care,

[TMIC] Fwd: [QUAD-L] Standing wheelchair' anyone have one ? If so pros and cons?

2013-01-28 Thread Heyjude48458
I got this from the  TM quad list.  They're talking about standing 
wheelchairs.  Do any of  you have one.  I want one real bad.  Jude

 From: davekrehb...@earthlink.net
To: wheelch...@aol.com,  quad-l...@eskimo.com
Sent: 1/28/2013 1:41:39 P.M. Eastern Standard  Time
Subj: RE: [QUAD-L] Standing wheelchair' anyone have one ? If so pros  and 

I  definitely plan to get a standing wheelchair. Before my accident five 
years  ago, I was 6 feet tall. These days, I'm looking up at everybody. I did 
some  therapy in a standing frame at a local rehab facility, and it was an  
incredibly emotional experience. The world looks like an entirely different  
place when you're standing at your traditional height. 
I  understand the standing frames and standing wheelchairs have many other  
benefits: strengthening bones, increasing flexibility, assisting with  
digestion, and other benefits related to blood pressure. 
My  plan is to try to raise some funds to build a shed, so that I can get a 
 standing frame or standing wheelchair as well as a  generator. 
I  absolutely concur that you need to be evaluated properly. The physical  
therapist did not start me in a standing frame... they started with a tilt  
table. Raising your head so far up in the air is a challenge when you been  
sitting down and lying down for so long. But my insurance covers this... and 
I  hope yours does too. 
Take  care, 
Dave  Krehbiel 
From:  wheelch...@aol.com [mailto:wheelch...@aol.com] 
Sent: Friday,  January 25, 2013 9:59 AM
To: shellbell5...@aim.com;  quad-l...@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Standing wheelchair'  anyone have one ? If so pros 
and cons?

I  personally hope that in everyone's life, they have the opportunity to 
try out  a standing wheelchair. Some of the benefits can be overwhelming.   
However, I usually advise that a Standing Evaluation, with an Occupational  
Therapist to determine if and how long one can stand, vertical.  Some  with 
low blood pressure may pass out with a quick stand.  Some can not  operate a 
manual stander because of strength issues.  A motorized stander  might work 
better then a manual unit.  By all means, if you meet the  perimeters... Go 
For It.
Best  Wishes

In a  message dated 1/23/2013 9:41:49 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
_shellbell5705@aim.com_ (mailto:shellbell5...@aim.com)   writes:

Hi  to everyone,
So, long story short, UCP agreed to either make my  kitchen accessible 
OR purchase 
A standing wheelchair.I  have been looking at the standing wheelchairs 
and there is even one 
That  is manual.
Are they much bigger than a regular electric chair  ?   and if ya have one 
what are your thoughts and or experiences  and the pluses or minuses? ?

(I understand the benefit  ti standing Ii stand daily in my standing frame, 
oh and sores are not a  issue) .   

thanks everyone!!! N
C6C7  incomplete
Sent from my  iPad

[TMIC] Fwd: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

2013-01-28 Thread Heyjude48458
This comes from our  friend, Kevin. Do any of you suffer from Post 
Traumatic Stress  Disorder?

 From: notification+pz==f...@facebookmail.com
To:  tmf...@groups.facebook.com
Sent: 1/28/2013 9:51:36 A.M. Eastern Standard  Time
Subj: [Transverse Myelitis Folks] There are some of us that suffer  from 
forms of...

_Kevin  D. Weilacher posted in Transverse Myelitis Folks_ 
 _Kevin  D. Weilacher_ 
heyjude48...@aol.com)  9:51am  Jan 28  
There  are some of us that suffer from forms of  PTSD
If you're not sure if there's a chance  that you might.look over this 
list and if you find  that there are quite a few items that affect youIt  
could be a good indication to go see your doc and talk  about this
What are the signs of PTSD?

A  wide variety of symptoms may be signs you are  experiencing PTSD:

Feeling upset by things that  remind you of what happened
Having nightmares,  vivid memories, or flashbacks of the event that make  
you feel like it’s happening all over again
Feeling  emotionally cut off from others
Feeling numb or  losing interest in things you used to care  about
Becoming depressed
Thinking that you are  always in danger
Feeling anxious, jittery, or  irritated
Experiencing a sense of panic that  something bad is about to happen
Having difficulty  sleeping
Having trouble keeping your mind on one  thing
Having a hard time relating to and getting  along with your spouse, family, 
or friends

It’s  not just the symptoms of PTSD but also how you may  react to them 
that can disrupt your life. You  may:

Frequently avoid places or things that  remind you of what happened
Consistent drinking or  use of drugs to numb your feelings
Consider harming  yourself or others
Start working all the time to  occupy your mind
Pull away from other people and  become isolated

Some factors can  increase the likelihood of a traumatic event leading  to 
PTSD, such as:

The intensity of the  trauma
Being hurt or losing a loved one
Being  physically close to the traumatic event
Feeling you  were not in control
Having a lack of support after  the  event

_View  Post on Facebook_ 
vcTVZgZeS&n_m=heyjude48...@aol.com)  · _Edit  Email Settings_ 
@aol.com)  · Reply to this email to add a  comment.

Re: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, tomorrow

2013-01-27 Thread Heyjude48458
I too have foot  drop.  If I do not wear my boots all of the time, my feet 
drop all the way  to the bed.  I think that my right ankle is broken, but 
the MRI only showed  arthritis.
In a message dated 1/27/2013 12:50:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
malugss...@me.com writes:


This is about the foot-drop.  I had this  too.  It was two years until I 
could wear shoes again.  But even  after short distances I am in danger of 
tripping because I can't keep my feet  up.

When it was really bad I remembered that my old pair of cowboy  boots had a 
high heel and a leather upper that was stiff.  I tried them  on.  The 
leather upper was stiff enough that my foot did not drop so  much.  And also, 
high heel meant that even with the drop in the toe  my foot was still level 
with the ground!  I could walk again and not fall  down!

Borrow someone's cowboy boots and try them on.  They could  be a solution 
and a darn better-looking one than a foot brace!  I now  have six pair of 
hand-made M. L. Leddy Western Boots from Fort Worth,  Texas.  They look great 
and allow me to walk around a little once  again!


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York,  USA
(718) 838-0437

On 27 Jan 2013, at 12:40 PM, Nikki Macleod   wrote:

> I was supposed to get  married not long after TM hit so it was all 
cancelled. I have a very loving  partner who I have been with since I was 16 
old, he's my rock and so  supportive. We had to move from our home to a 
bungalow so when we did this we  moved closer to my family and friends. Am not 
currently receiving PT but do my  own exercises on my arms but they are very 
weak. I am waiting for an operation  on my feet as I have severe foot drop 
and other deformities. 
>  Nikki
> Sent from my iPad
> On 26 Jan 2013, at  23:10, "Janice Nichols"  wrote:
>> I really hate that you were so young when TM hit. Are you married?   
Do have any family around you?Are  you doing any physical therapy?
>> Janice
>> -Original Message- From: Nikki Macleod
>> Sent:  Saturday, January 26, 2013 2:43 PM
>> To:  tmic-list@eskimo.com
>> Subject: [TMIC] Tonight, Today,  tomorrow
>> I feel as though TM has robbed  me of all of my hopes and dreams. I'm 25 
yrs old (23 when TM hit) and I had my  dream job and had just graduated 
from uni. I miss my job terribly I worked in  early years and it was my 
passion. I miss the interaction I had with the  children, parents, colleagues, 
basically the big wide world. I loved going  to the gym but I am now 
paralysed from the shoulders down so this is now also  a no go area. I loved 
buzz it gave you and found it relaxing. I didn't  actually know how much I'd 
miss driving, managing my toileting needs and how  it had robbed me of all of 
my independence, confidence and self-esteem and  send me spiralling into a 
pit of deep dark depression. But, I am slowly  regaining my confidence, 
setting up fundraising days for my new wheelchair and  I have started to write 
book. TM will only beat you if you let  it!!
>> Sent from my iPad

[TMIC] Re: Questions from a TM'er

2013-01-27 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi  all,
There are a few  questions from another TM'er (to coin a word).  Remember 
the, who?  what? where? when? and why of your answers  please. 
1.  Does  anyone get massages?  Do they help?
2.  Are  there any special utensils that you use if you can't
 use your hands  easily?
3.  Do any  of you travel much? 
4.  Is  there special clothing you wear?
5.   Special shoes?
6.  Does  anyone play sports?
7.  Do any  of you have a special focus on life? 
8.  What  are your favorite tv shows?
9.  What  medical supply companies do you use?  Please   
include the  links.
10. What kind  of durable medical equipment do you have?

Re: [TMIC] Our Memories

2013-01-26 Thread Heyjude48458
Thanks Betty,   I'm always looking for new things to do during the day.  
I'm tired of FB  and need to start doing things to rev up my brain again.  
Thanks for  including the link.  That makes all the difference when one goes 
looking  for something.
Love  you,
In a message dated 1/26/2013 7:35:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
xbeecla...@gmail.com writes:

If you've never seen them before, there are many on-line games on  
"gamehouse.com" that can help with memory... my personal favorite is  Super 
TextTwist. It is a really good game you can play by  yourself. You're given six 
random letters and have to make as many 3-6 letter  words as you can in a given 
amount of time. They show you how many words of  each number of letters can 
be made and as long as you get at least one of the  6-letter words, even if 
you don't get the rest, you pass on to the next series  of letters. As the 
clock runs out, it shows you the words you missed, so it  helps you learn 
words (and spelling). It's keeps a running score until you  fail to get a 
6-letter word, so you play against yourself to see how high a  score you can 
achieve. Here's the link to Super TextTwist:



On 1/26/2013 3:18 PM, Janice Nichols  wrote:

I do have memory problems.   Not just forgetting  names of things, but 
situations that happened a week ago, or the day after I  see a movie,
I forget what it was.Eventually I think  of it, but it is scary for my 
husband to be talking about an incident, and I  don’t remember it.
We have a card game we play with another couple that is  called Quiddler.   
You start with 3 cards and work up to having 10  cards dealt to you.
You make words out of your cards dealt to you or discarded  by others.   It 
does make you think and it is very  addicting.   We love it.

From: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 9:55 PM
To: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Cc: _heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  
Subject: [TMIC] Our Memories


How is your memory  these days?  Have you experienced memory loss?  If so, 
how does it  affect your life?  Does your faulty memory affect your life 
with your  loved ones?  
Memory loss has to  do with the myelin sheath.  The myelin sheath coats the 
neurons in the  spinal column to cement memories.  TM destroys the myelin 
sheath, so  that our memories become clouded or we have no memories at  all.
The more we repeat  things we need to remember, the thicker the layer of 
myelin forms around the  neurons.  Brain games such as Scrabble, Seduki, 
Boggle, Crossword  Puzzles,and other games help us to reform the myelin  
Any thoughts on  this?
Many  hugs,

Re: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, Tomorrow

2013-01-26 Thread Heyjude48458
I hope it's ok to  butt in, I haven't had a drink since I first tried one 
shortly after coming down  with TM.  It knocked me for a loop!  Almost fell 
out of my chair,  threw up for hours and said never again!  I was never a big 
drinker, but  that one drink did it for me!
In a message dated 1/26/2013 7:09:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
xbeecla...@gmail.com writes:

I don't know it affects you, but whenever I have  any alcohol, it 
interferes with the effectiveness of my pain medication. I was  never a lush - 
glass of wine or a beer occasionally,  or a mixed drink  or champagne at 
and holidays - but ever since TM, I can't drink  anything without the pain 
breaking through way sooner than it should. I tried  several times thinking 
it was just a coincidence or I was overly fatigued  prior to the drink, but 
it happens every time no matter what. Kinda puts a  damper on celebrations 
now, but I've resigned myself to NOT imbibe - it just  isn't worth the 


On 1/26/2013 2:41 PM, Janice  Nichols wrote:

I have a good friend who has tremors in his hands  too.You are right, 
he says a good stiff drink makes a  difference with his tremors!
You are making the best of what TM has done to you and  that is saying a 
lot!!Keep it up and keep  responding.

From: _Linda Egli_ (mailto:le...@sbcglobal.net)  
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:10 AM
To: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, Tomorrow


I lost a wonderful job working in a local Public  Health Department.  I had 
worked there for 12 years & loved every  minute of the job.  I went to the 
doctor with severe numbness &  loss of motor function, I then saw a 
neurologist &  after  a 36 years as a nurse, my career was over. I left work 
day  & was never able to return - very hard to deal with & probably   took 2-3 
yeas to finally accept.
I miss dancing; I was not the greatest but I enjoyed  it.
The main thing I miss now is only having partial use of my  hands.  About 2 
years into TM I developed essential tremors in both  hands (especially the 
right hand & I am right handed).  I take  Primidone but it really doesn't 
help a lot. The main thing that helps the  tremors is alcohol & I can't drink 
every 4-6 hours, (but some days I  try).  Between the severe numbness & 
tremors, using my hands can be  difficult.  I had always  enjoyed sewing, 
needlework, crocheting, scrap booking, & just anything  involving arts & 
I got rid of  95% of my craft & sewing items because I could not stand not 
being able  to use them (I had a whole room for crafts).  I have found I can 
do  jigsaw puzzles - the 3-D ones with larger foam pieces or a little 
crocheting  if I keep it at 15 -20 minutes.
I try to be positive as much as possible, knowing there are many  people 
with much worse difficulty than me.  On a good note, I have a  wonderful 
supportive husband (helps with laundry & tries to help  cooking),  good medical 
coverage, & am able to afford someone in to  help with the house 3 days 
Life is what you make of it.
Linda E.

 From: john snodgrass __ (mailto:jcs...@yahoo.com) 
To: transverse myelitis __ 
Sent: Saturday, January  26, 2013 5:44 AM
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Tonight, Today, Tomorrow

i was a work-a-holic
i  sure miss that!

 From: _"heyjude48...@aol.com"_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  
__ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) 
To: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Cc: _heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:32  PM
Subject: [TMIC] Tonight,  Today, Tomorrow

Hi  everybody,
Tonight,  sitting here doing nothing, I'm wondering how Transverse Myelitis 
has  affected your life.  What has it stolen from you.  Maybe  everything, 
maybe nothing.  I'm sure it is a personal  thing.
Some people  choose to focus on life and believe that everything in life 
happens for a  reason.  
I love life and  refuse to let TM steal one minute. Life is made up of many 
joyous moments  and I choose to focus on those moments, not TM.  
Because of my  love for life, I refuse to feel sorry for myself.  I've 
learned to be  outspoken about my TM and I've become a demanding person because 
of  TM.  
I hate that  I've had to give up driving and remember how it used to feel 
heading down  the highway with my arm resting on the window turned all the 
way  down.
Always remember  that today could be potentially the best day of your life. 
 Never  take today for granted.  When you wake up each morning remember to  
thank God for giving you another day.
Always end the day with a  positive thought.  No matter how hard thing 
were, Tomorrow is a fresh  opportunity to make it better.  (unknown)


2013-01-26 Thread Heyjude48458
It's not that I was  offended, I just didn't know how to answer you.  I'm 
looking for my book on  TM.  Dave can't
find it.  It's  called Living With Transverse Myelitis, but I don't know 
who wrote  it.
In a message dated 1/26/2013 12:09:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jeffsmokeea...@yahoo.com writes:

I can tell from the lack of response,that the subject i  posted on earlier 
re:SEXUAL FUNCTION,is somthing no one wants to get  into,I apologise to 
those i may have offended.I have been a member of  TMIC and MSERS list for 13 
years for those that did  ask.


2013-01-26 Thread Heyjude48458
I agree with Cindy,  Jeff.  I am looking for my book on TM that will answer 
your  question.
In a message dated 1/26/2013 12:21:06 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jan...@centurytel.net writes:

Please don’t think this is too personal a topic for this  site  -  it isn’
t.   It has been brought up before with  more responses from men, but that 
was quite a while ago.   You  have
offended no one and please keep asking whatever is on your  mind.   

From: _jeff bernier_ (mailto:jeffsmokeea...@yahoo.com)  
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 11:09 PM
To: _MSersLife@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:msersl...@yahoogroups.com)  ; 
_tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  


I can tell from the lack of response,that the subject i  posted on 
earlier re:SEXUAL FUNCTION,is somthing no one wants to get  into,I apologise to 
those i may have offended.I have been a member of  TMIC and MSERS list for 
13 years for those that did  ask.


2013-01-26 Thread Heyjude48458
I wasn't offended, I just didn't know how to  answer your question, being a 
woman it is difficult to know what to say.   It's been so long since Dave 
and I have had sex, it's hard to  remember.
In a message dated 1/26/2013 10:09:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
skle...@cox.net writes:

not  offended, just don't know anything.  
The movie, The Sessions, is fabulous, and about a man in an iron lung who  
is able to have sex. - and it's true!

Susan in Phoenix

On Jan 25, 2013, at 10:09 PM, jeff bernier wrote:

I can tell from the lack of response,that the subject i  posted on earlier 
re:SEXUAL FUNCTION,is somthing no one wants to get  into,I apologise to 
those i may have offended.I have been a member of  TMIC and MSERS list for 13 
years for those that did  ask.

Re: [TMIC] Our Memories

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Will you remind me  please who you are?  What is your last name so I can 
make an address book  addition for you.
Thank  you,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 11:42:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
celr...@aol.com writes:

My memory is shot.
Jane/Splendora Tx
In a message dated 1/25/2013 9:55:34 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
heyjude48...@aol.com writes:

How is your memory  these days?  Have you experienced memory loss?  If so, 
how does it  affect your life?  Does your faulty memory affect your life 
with your  loved ones?  
Memory loss has to  do with the myelin sheath.  The myelin sheath coats the 
neurons in  the spinal column to cement memories.  TM destroys the myelin  
sheath, so that our memories become clouded or we have no memories at  all.
The more we repeat  things we need to remember, the thicker the layer of 
myelin forms around the  neurons.  Brain games such as Scrabble, Seduki, 
Boggle, Crossword  Puzzles,and other games help us to reform the myelin  
Any thoughts on  this?
Many  hugs,

[TMIC] Our Memories

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
How is your memory these  days?  Have you experienced memory loss?  If so, 
how does it affect  your life?  Does your faulty memory affect your life 
with your loved  ones?  
Memory loss has to do  with the myelin sheath.  The myelin sheath coats the 
neurons in the  spinal column to cement memories.  TM destroys the myelin 
sheath, so  that our memories become clouded or we have no memories at  all.
The more we repeat  things we need to remember, the thicker the layer of 
myelin forms around the  neurons.  Brain games such as Scrabble, Seduki, 
Boggle, Crossword  Puzzles,and other games help us to reform the myelin  
Any thoughts on  this?
Many  hugs,

[TMIC] Tonight, Today, Tomorrow

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi  everybody,
Tonight,  sitting here doing nothing, I'm wondering how Transverse Myelitis 
has affected  your life.  What has it stolen from you.  Maybe everything, 
maybe  nothing.  I'm sure it is a personal thing.
Some people  choose to focus on life and believe that everything in life 
happens for a  reason.  
I love life  and refuse to let TM steal one minute. Life is made up of many 
joyous moments  and I choose to focus on those moments, not TM.  
Because of my  love for life, I refuse to feel sorry for myself.  I've 
learned to be  outspoken about my TM and I've become a demanding person because 
of TM.  
I hate that  I've had to give up driving and remember how it used to feel 
heading down the  highway with my arm resting on the window turned all the 
way  down.
Always  remember that today could be potentially the best day of your life. 
  Never take today for granted.  When you wake up each morning remember to  
thank God for giving you another day.
Always end the day with a  positive thought.  No matter how hard thing 
were, Tomorrow is a fresh  opportunity to make it better.  (unknown)

Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi  Deb,
I had no idea you  were involved with TMIC in that capacity.  I never knew 
that about  you.  Surprise, surprise! 
I am trying to get  people involved with us and am struggling to come up 
with things to  discuss.  You say that you try to make sure that topics are 
not talked  about over and over, but it's hard to come up with things that are 
new.   What am I supposed to do.
At least there are a  few more people writing in now.  Or is it only that I 
have just come  back?  Have people been writing back and forth that you 
know of?   Please let me know.
I appreciate your  attention.
Thank  you,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 8:00:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
dnca...@gmail.com writes:

Hi  Jude, 
No, it has nothing  to do with getting spammed. I live on the computer. I 
do all my work on the  computer, I build computers, create the websites, 
proofread all the TMA  articles, etc. I know how to get rid of spam. It is just 
a matter of hitting  the delete button. 
I have been part of  the original tmic list almost since the first emails 
started going back and  forth, back in January, 1997. I have watched people 
sign up with the list, I  have watched people die on the list, I have to talk 
to people with TM on the  phone and internet every single day.  That is 
part of my job.  I  also have met my closest and dearest friends because of the 
tmic  list. 
I have monitored the  list for 16 years. When there is objectionable 
material, I notify the proper  people, and those emails are deleted so that 
who may search the  archives for information will not read the 
objectionable material.  I  also know that every time an infected email enters 
computer (one that has a  virus), it has come from somebody on the list who has 
had their address book  hacked.  So, when these emails come in to the list, we 
simply unsubscribe  them from the list, so that they are unable to send any 
more emails to the  list until they get their computers fixed.  Once they 
realize that they  have not received tmic list emails, it has probably been 
after they have  removed their viruses, and they resubscribe.  So, notifying 
everybody on  the list is really just not necessary. 
I just know when to  sit back and not get involved and have learned from my 
own personal bad  experiences when to back off so as not to get insulted by 
people who think I  am “butting in” too much.  
I also know that  some of the same problems and issues that people are 
experiencing have been  discussed and discussed over and over, and people 
neglect to take advantage of  all the wealth of information that has been 
in the archives from all  the previous email conversations over the past 16 
years, and if they are not  going to read all the valuable information, 
rather ask the same questions over  and over on the list, why bother trying to 
explain  again? 
Anyway, I am sorry  that I have created such a long email, but I just 
wanted you to understand  where I am coming from, and it has nothing to do with 
you, just “experience”  has taught me to stay in the background. 
Take  care, 
From:  heyjude48...@aol.com [mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com] 
Sent: Friday,  January 25, 2013 4:05 PM
To: dnca...@gmail.com
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

Ok,  Deb,

I  do not understand what you're saying.  Are you not going to send 
messages  to the group anymore?  Is it because you are worried about getting  
I  have only been spammed a handful, if that, many times over all the years 
I've  been on the computer.  

We  really need your input on TMIC.  You're a valuable person with a lot of 
 good information to share.

I  will understand if you don't want to continue with us, but each person 
makes a  difference and your words count.

Your  friend,
Here's  to the nights that turned into mornings, with the friends that 
turned into  family.  (unknown)

In a  message dated 1/25/2013 12:33:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_dncapen@gmail.com_ (mailto:dnca...@gmail.com)   writes:

Hello  Jude, 
First, thank you  for not copying the list with my email and private 
concerns. Some people on  the list do not have their computers properly 
with anti-virus  software, thus their computers are repeatedly hacked. Also, 
some people have  the option marked “automatically add all people to 
address book”, so my  email address gets entered into all these anonymous 
computers, and when they  get a virus, I (and hundreds of other people) receive 
infected  email. 
If people wish to  be on the internet, they should be responsible for 
protecting their own  computers from these infections, and when one person 
an infected email  to the list, suddenly about 20 people will send an email 
to the list that  they need to ignore all messages sent by that one person 
because it is  infected. So, I figure that eventually people will “get it” 
and I don’t 

Re: [TMIC] question about sexual function

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
This one is for the  guys...
In a message dated 1/25/2013 5:59:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jeffsmokeea...@yahoo.com writes:

serious question here,
is it possible for a paraplegic to engage in sex and achieve  ejaculation 
after 13 years without having done it,has anyone on here had  this problem 
and what did they do to resolve it.
   Tm  2000,Ms  2005

Fwd: [TMIC] question about sexual function

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
This question is for the  guys...

 From: jeffsmokeea...@yahoo.com
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com,  msersl...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: 1/25/2013 5:59:56 P.M. Eastern Standard  Time
Subj: [TMIC] question about sexual function

serious question here,
is it possible for a paraplegic to engage in sex and achieve  ejaculation 
after 13 years without having done it,has anyone on here had  this problem 
and what did they do to resolve it.
   Tm  2000,Ms  2005

Re: [TMIC] Re: reviving the list

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Would you mind sending us the link?  Is _www.Foix-Alajounine.com_ 
(http://www.Foix-Alajounine.com)  correct?
In a message dated 1/25/2013 5:50:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
regina...@sbcglobal.net writes:

Okay Rick,
TM can be caused by a spinal cord problem.
Google Foix-Alajounine for details.
Foix-Alajounine or AVM in the spinal cord will cause TM if not  fixed.
Mine was not fixed, I didn't even know that this congestion was  happening 
in my spinal cord until after I was diagnosed with TM and  treated for it.
Much later, when I felt that I was getting worse, I insisted on an  MRI 
until I got one and sure enough, it showed an AVM in the spinal  cord.  I was 
told to have surgery ASAP to avoid a spinal  stroke.  I was operated for it 
in 2007.
This young neurologist I saw a year ago explained it all to me  after 
checking my hospital records.
The problem is that you can have this AVM for many years and not  know it.  
It hurt me to think that if I had had it taken care of  earlier, TM would 
be something I'd never heard of.
Luckily (if you can call it lucky) I was already on social security  when 
all this was going on, had just retired.  Putting up with this  disease and 
having to struggle with insurance and finances shouldn't  happen to any of 
us.  I wish you well.

--- On Fri, 1/25/13, heyjude48...@aol.com   wrote:

From:  heyjude48...@aol.com 
Subject: Re:  [TMIC] Re: reviving the list
To: el...@att.net
Cc:  tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, January 25, 2013, 2:05  PM

Hi  Rick,
I  too was too late to file for Social Security Disability.  I  hadn't 
worked for two years when I was hurt, and it wasn't an accident  that caused 
so I had no recourse.  I just recently talked to  an attorney again and she 
said the same thing.
I  wish Jimmy Carter was still the President.  At least he was  taking care 
of our welfare.
Your  friend,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 5:00:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

One neurologist suggested that maybe the tm was before  that injury to the 
cord. Dr. Kerr wouldn't go along with that  diaganosis and kept his first 
diagnosis that the injury developed  into transvere myelitis. I reserched the 
tm archives to find many  cases of spinal cord injuries that turned into tm. 
So its not  exclusivly the imutm.ned system that helps tm develope. So 
research  your drs. findings because there may be other reasons that you  
developed tm. Those findings gave me what I needed to claim Workers  Comp. 
benefits which before that I had no claim to Workers Comp.  Insurance. Wc 
settled with me out of court. In retrospect I  could have claimed Socil 
Security Dis. Ins. I found this out later  after 11 years passed my 
hospitazation insurance canceded on me. Now  here I set with no insurance what 
so ever. 
These may be things that  newbies need to know when trying to understand SS 
laws. SS only goes  back on your work history for 10 years. I didn't know 
this until it  was 11 years later then I was to late. So be careful in your  
financial interest and planning your future. Your Tn buddy  Rick


From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: el...@att.net 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com  
Sent: Friday,  January 25, 2013 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  reviving the list

Wow  Rick,
That was some  story.  None of us had it easy, like you say.  I think  it's 
weird that your TM didn't show itself for 30 days.  I  think that's 
unusual.  Did your Dr's say anything about  that?  Just wondering...
Love  you,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 3:48:48 P.M. Eastern Standard  Time, 
el...@att.net writes:

Hey tmicers. I was injured in 1998 when trying to lift  a heavy roll of 
carpet, that was late june 30 days later my  right foot went numb and later 
that same week I felt tremendous  pain in my left leg and I couldn't walk on it 
that night I sat in  hot water most of the night, the next morning both 
legs were  usless. I went to the emergency room in Memphis in extremely bad  
pain to find out my bladder had quit working. A foley was put in  and my 
bladder drained more than 2500 ml. after that my pain  settled down. I was 
bagged, given demerol several times and put in  ccu. Then after mri they found 
spinal cord tear at t-10  effecting everything below that point. I was placed 
on  steriods and antibiotics and other things. I was kept there for  thirty 
days under neuroligy care. I have yet to regain anything. I  later was told 
after visiting Dr. Kerr that the spinal cord bleed  contributed to 
transverse myelitis. Thats when I found this list  of helpers. That was just a 
time trying to keep with all  that tm trows at you. and thats pretty much 
where I stand now in  2013.  Rick

In a message dated 1/24/2013 12:11:00 P.M. Eastern Standard  Time, 
el...@att.net writes:

Rob I'm with you. I like making new friends but the old  ones on this site 
have the most up to date news on

Re: [TMIC] Internal Thermometer

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
I like  "walking on broken glass", that is a good analogy of what TM feels 
like to a lot  of people.
Michigan, in  the snow fall.
In a message dated 1/25/2013 1:10:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jcs...@yahoo.com writes:

i  think that is one of the things that is hard to deal with,although we 
all have  a lot of the same going on we each have our own differences that are 
unique to  us that cannot be matched in great numbers.
just  more broken glass to walk on


 From: Roger & Terese Pratt  
To: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  ; "tmic-list@eskimo.com"  
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 12:42  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  Internal Thermometer

This was more of a problem when I first was attacked by TM, but I  still 
have decreased sense of hot and cold on my right side.  One thing  that has 
been a mystery to me is that I now seem to sweat a lot with any  increase in 
activity.  Why this is strange is because when I first got TM  I didn't sweat 
any below where my TM hit (C2 - C4 in my neck). Then I started  sweating a 
lot just on my head and then it progressed slowly down over the  next 10 to 
15 years.  Weird, huh? - Roger in Kennewick,  WA 


 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 9:30  AM
Subject: [TMIC] Internal  Thermometer

Hello  All,
My internal thermometer  is compromised by TM.  I am constantly asking Dave 
to turn up the heat,  or turn the heat down.  Does anyone else have this  
I can't stand it...it  has the potential to cause problems in our marriage.
Love  you,
Dance like no one's  watching, Sing like no one's listening, Love like 
you'll never be hurt, Play  like there's no winners, Behave like mom's 
Give like you have  plenty, and  Smile...(unknown"

[TMIC] Re: Rick

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
You may need  to join the list again. To do that go to:  
_www.tmic-list-request@eskimo.com_ (http://www.tmic-list-requ...@eskimo.com)
and then, wait 
for a  confirmation letter and then write your letter, send it to  
_tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com) . and then on the subject 
put Submit.
You should be  ok with those directions.  I can't call you 'cause we can't 
afford  it.  Write back if you need further help.
Your good  friend,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 1:37:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

Jude my mail is not getting out to the list.  Rick

Re: [TMIC] Stress

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Oh  Jan,
I'm so sorry  to hear about your situation.  It must be hard to have to 
spend so much of  your life in the hospital and then in therapy.
I'm also sorry  to hear about the death of your loved one.  Is it your 
husband that you are  talking about or someone else?  It certainly doesn't 
matter to anyone here,  I'm sure.  
It looks as  though it is difficult for you to type and maybe you don't 
have the  strength.  We understand if you don't answer right away.  
Just remember  that you are in our prayers.
Your old  friend,
Michigan,  where it's blowing snow.  We have almost 8" today.  8" sounds 
funny  doesn't it?
In a message dated 1/25/2013 1:45:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jmh1...@sbcglobal.net writes:

PO Box 1239 
Stillwater,OK 74074

The  loss of my soul mate a year ago in February has left me usless to me 
and my  family plus I've spent multiple stays at the hospitals
here in  hospitals  and in OKC both heart hospital for surgery and then in 
Long  Term Care Center...I.ve been taking intravenios antibiotics hoping 
to keep  my leg at the LTAC

Excuse my spelling..I must stop for  now a I'm worn out.
There's more to come but not today.

With  love,   

writing...there's  more to tell, but not now.



From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: jmh1...@sbcglobal.net
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, January 23, 2013 1:53:05  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  Stress

I had Janice send you a note from me.  I  hope you got it.  If not, let me 
know.  I need your spelling of your  last name, address and phone number for 
my address book.  I promise not  to share it with anyone.  I may want to 
send you a card or call you  sometime.  I love you.
In a message dated 1/22/2013 11:15:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jmh1...@sbcglobal.net writes:

My dear Jude,
I'm so glad that you are  putting life back into  the TMIC!!!

I've quit trying to keep up with the  facebook pages...
I look forward to reading from old  friends,altho I won't be
talking much yet.I promise to read what's  written and I'll
join in the writing when I'm able
So glad you're back  in our  world!!
Hugs, janh

 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: robthe...@aol.com
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, January 22, 2013 8:40:51  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  Stress

There are only  16 of us though and I am trying to come up with topics for 
us to  discuss.  Actually, I am looking through our FB sites to try and come 
 up with them.  So anything you have to offer will mean a lot to  me.  I 
need your help.
No decision is a decision not to  make a decision...
In a message dated 1/22/2013 9:34:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
robthe...@aol.com writes:

I for one am  thrilled to see all of the emails again.maybe facebook is 
 not the forum for us...especially the older ones of  us!!!
Rob in NJ

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall  
To: Heyjude48458  ; ashfordrichard  
; pjv1234  ; a-ryder 
; bpelow  ; xbeeclarkx 
ladylinda48 ; LadyNotes  ; akua 
; kay  ; patticooley38 
Bgunny7682 ; r.c.pratt  ; 
snow121100 ;  j.dunn ; jannic 
;  jcsnod ; jefshps ; 
; malugssuak ;  Thenavigator10 

Cc: tmic-list  
Sent: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 9:26  pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Stress

I take 60 mg of  Cymbalta every morning...it helps both fibroneuralga as 
well as  anxiety, depression and stress ...I  also take 20 mg of diazapan to 
sleep each night.
Rob in  New  Jersey

-Original  Message-
From: Heyjude48458 <_Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) >
To:  ashfordrichard <_ashfordrichard@bellsouth.net_ 
(mailto:ashfordrich...@bellsouth.net) >;  pjv1234 <_pjv1234@chartermi.net_ 
(mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net) >;  a-ryder <_a-ryder@comcast.net_ 
(mailto:a-ry...@comcast.net) >; 
bpelow  <_bpelow@yahoo.com_ (mailto:bpe...@yahoo.com) >; xbeeclarkx  
<_xbeeclarkx@gmail.com_ (mailto:xbeecla...@gmail.com) >;  ladylinda48 
<_ladylinda48@yahoo.com_ (mailto:ladylind...@yahoo.com) >;  LadyNotes 
(mailto:ladyno...@aol.com) >; akua <_akua@artfarm.com_ 
(mailto:a...@artfarm.com) >;  kay <_...@cole.gen.nz_ (mailto:k...@cole.gen.nz) 
>; patticooley38  
<_patticooley38@gmail.com_ (mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com) >;  Bgunny7682 
<_Bgunny7682@aol.com_ (mailto:bgunny7...@aol.com) >; r.c.pratt  
<_r.c.pratt@verizon.net_ (mailto:r.c.pr...@verizon.net) >;  snow121100 
<_snow121100@hotmail.com_ (mailto:snow121...@hotmail.com) >;  j.dunn 
(mailto:j.d...@shaw.ca) >; jannic <_jannic@centurytel.net_ 

Re: [TMIC] Re: reviving the list

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi  Rick,
I too was too  late to file for Social Security Disability.  I hadn't 
worked for two years  when I was hurt, and it wasn't an accident that caused 
so I had no  recourse.  I just recently talked to an attorney again and she 
said the  same thing.
I wish Jimmy  Carter was still the President.  At least he was taking care 
of our  welfare.
Your  friend,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 5:00:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

One neurologist suggested that maybe the tm was before that injury  to the 
cord. Dr. Kerr wouldn't go along with that diaganosis and kept his  first 
diagnosis that the injury developed into transvere myelitis. I reserched  the 
tm archives to find many cases of spinal cord injuries that turned into  tm. 
So its not exclusivly the imutm.ned system that helps tm develope. So  
research your drs. findings because there may be other reasons that you  
developed tm. Those findings gave me what I needed to claim Workers Comp.  
which before that I had no claim to Workers Comp. Insurance. Wc  fianally 
settled with me out of court. In retrospect I could have claimed  Socil 
Security Dis. Ins. I found this out later after 11 years passed my  
insurance canceded on me. Now here I set with no insurance what  so ever. 
These may be things that newbies need to know when trying to  understand SS 
laws. SS only goes back on your work history for 10 years. I  didn't know 
this until it was 11 years later then I was to late. So be careful  in your 
financial interest and planning your future. Your Tn buddy  Rick


From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: el...@att.net 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 3:32  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  reviving the list

Wow  Rick,
That was some  story.  None of us had it easy, like you say.  I think it's 
weird  that your TM didn't show itself for 30 days.  I think that's  
unusual.  Did your Dr's say anything about that?  Just  wondering...
Love  you,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 3:48:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

Hey tmicers. I was injured in 1998 when trying to lift a heavy  roll of 
carpet, that was late june 30 days later my right foot went  numb and later 
that same week I felt tremendous pain in my left leg and I  couldn't walk on it 
that night I sat in hot water most of the night, the  next morning both 
legs were usless. I went to the emergency room in Memphis  in extremely bad 
pain to find out my bladder had quit working. A foley was  put in and my 
bladder drained more than 2500 ml. after that my pain settled  down. I was 
given demerol several times and put in ccu. Then after  mri they found a 
spinal cord tear at t-10 effecting everything below  that point. I was placed 
on steriods and antibiotics and other things.  I was kept there for thirty 
days under neuroligy care. I have yet to regain  anything. I later was told 
after visiting Dr. Kerr that the spinal cord  bleed contributed to transverse 
myelitis. Thats when I found this list of  helpers. That was just a crazy 
time trying to keep with all that tm trows at  you. and thats pretty much 
where I stand now in 2013.  Rick

In a message dated 1/24/2013 12:11:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

Rob I'm with you. I like making new friends but the old ones on this  site 
have the most up to date news on Transverse Myelitis and thats what  drew me 
here back in 1998. I was one of the first. Back then Drs.told me  i'd never 
make it this far. Well, how do ya like me now? Tm for 15  years. Rick in   



Re: [TMIC] Re: reviving the list

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Wow  Rick,
That was some  story.  None of us had it easy, like you say.  I think it's 
weird that  your TM didn't show itself for 30 days.  I think that's unusual. 
 Did  your Dr's say anything about that?  Just wondering...
Love  you,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 3:48:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

Hey tmicers. I was injured in 1998 when trying to lift a heavy roll  of 
carpet, that was late june 30 days later my right foot went numb and  later 
that same week I felt tremendous pain in my left leg and I couldn't walk  on it 
that night I sat in hot water most of the night, the next morning both  
legs were usless. I went to the emergency room in Memphis in extremely bad  
pain to find out my bladder had quit working. A foley was put in and my  
bladder drained more than 2500 ml. after that my pain settled down. I was  
given demerol several times and put in ccu. Then after mri they found  a 
spinal cord tear at t-10 effecting everything below that point. I was  placed 
on steriods and antibiotics and other things. I was kept there for  thirty 
days under neuroligy care. I have yet to regain anything. I later was  told 
after visiting Dr. Kerr that the spinal cord bleed contributed to  transverse 
myelitis. Thats when I found this list of helpers. That was just a  crazy 
time trying to keep with all that tm trows at you. and thats pretty much  
where I stand now in 2013.  Rick

In a message dated 1/24/2013 12:11:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

Rob I'm with you. I like making new friends but the old ones on this  site 
have the most up to date news on Transverse Myelitis and thats what  drew me 
here back in 1998. I was one of the first. Back then Drs.told me i'd  never 
make it this far. Well, how do ya like me now? Tm for 15 years.  Rick in  

[TMIC] Internal Thermometer

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Hello  All,
My internal  thermometer is compromised by TM.  I am constantly asking Dave 
to turn up  the heat, or turn the heat down.  Does anyone else have this  
I can't stand it...it  has the potential to cause problems in our marriage.
Love  you,
Dance like no one's  watching, Sing like no one's listening, Love like 
you'll never be hurt, Play  like there's no winners, Behave like mom's 
Give like you have plenty,  and Smile...(unknown"

Re: [TMIC] Fight Cold and the Flu

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
I'm sorry, your name  is familiar, but I don't remember who you are.  Will 
you please send me  your full name, address and telephone number for my 
files.  I promise that  I won't share them with anyone.  I only want them in 
case I want to send  you a card or call you sometime.
It's really good to  hear from you, please write more.  Why don't you 
refresh our memories and  tell us your story again.  I'd like to hear it.  Are 
you a  walker?
Thank you my  friend,
In a message dated 1/24/2013 11:32:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
goatdodd...@gmail.com writes:

Don't  get a flu-shot !!!  
That's how I got TM... 

On Friday, 25 January 2013, wrote:

What are  some of the tips you all have to combat the cold and flu this  
I have  come up with a few:
First and  foremost...we ought to launder our gloves and mittens once a 
week if we have  been out anywhere where we might pick up germs.  Places like 
door  handles, railings and ATM's are known to be covered with them.   
Laundering them each week or running an antibacterial wipe over them daily  
help us overcome the flu and cold season.
Second...Use Essential oils, Aromatherapy helps to  calm the immune system 
and invigorates or helps you sleep, depending upon  the scent.
Third...eat well, even when you don't feel like  it.  Eat foods that are 
good for you like :
 Salmon with omega 3 fatty acids
Yogurt,  with calcium for bone growth
 Oatmeal, for fiber
 Chicken Breasts, for protein
Fourth,  For chest congestion, sinuses, and indigestion add:  Thyme to your 
   Add 1 T. to hot tea, 
   Boil 2-3 T. to create an  
antimicrobiotic steam to  inhale,
   Sprinkle  on food to suppress  
chest congestion, sinuses and  indegestion.
Love you  all,


Glendon R. - (a.k.a Goat Dodders) 
...Living with Transverse-Myelitis since 2007,
in  Brisbane, Queensland, Australia...

email: _goatdodders@gmail.com_ (mailto:goatdodd...@gmail.com) 
web-blog: _www.bloodywishfulthinking.blogspot.com_ 
twitter: _www.twitter.com/@GoatDodders_ (http://www.twitter.
facebook: _www.facebook.com/bloody.wishful.thinking_ 

[TMIC] Re: TM Group

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
I know I asked  everyone for their ideas, but since they are yours, will 
you please ask them,  maybe one per day or when you see that the mails are 
dwindling?  I have a  few ideas of my own and will ask them occasionally.  I 
don't want to become  the moderator for the group.  My initial intention was 
to get the group  started emailing again.
Love  you,
In a message dated 1/25/2013 12:32:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
xbeecla...@gmail.com writes:

Hi  Jude,

Because of my compulsion to make lists, quite a while back I  began 
keeping information folks shared in their posts so I could look back  if 
I had questions - or just plain couldn't remember. I've attached my  
spreadsheet because I thought it might help you in starting some topics  
of conversation or passing on helpful info/lists/charts for new  TM'ers.

The first page is a list of TM'ers - their email address, name,  spouse 
(or parent of child with TM), age (if given - but I haven't updated  them 
as each year has passed), blood type (there was a series of posts at  one 
time about whether certain blood types were more prone to TM, but not  a 
lot of responses), birthday, city/state/country, date diagnosed, which  
area of spine affected, medications used and dosage, and occupation  
and/or website address. You'll notice it's alphabetic by the person's  
e-mail address and there is some color-coding...
pink background =  those now deceased (the ones at the bottom of the page 
- I never knew  their e-mail address, only their names);
grey background = those who've  unsubscribed or been removed.

The second page is a list of doctors  TM'ers have received care from or 
recommended, which hospitals they work  out of & who recommended them. 
There are also links to the Johns  Hopkins Neurology & Neurosurgery 
website, Dr. Greenberg's website  & a website to locate a neurosurgeon in 
your state and see their  ratings & contact information.

The third page is a list of  medications TM'ers have indicated they have 
taken, what dosage (if given),  what procedure they had that it was 
indicated for and what additional  diagnosis they were given.

The fourth page is a list of supplements  TM'ers take besides their pain 
and/or nerve medication.

The last  page is a chart of blood types, including the percentage of the 
population  that has that blood type.

As for topics for discussion... I was  thinking you might consider some 
of the following:

* Exercises -  what do TM'ers do for exercise? Go to a gym? YMCA? 
Therapy? At-home  program? And what specific exercises help specific 
areas of the body  affected by TM.

* Massage - does it help? Can your body handle it?  (personally, I don't 
like anyone rubbing my body 'cause it sends weird  sensations through me).

* Utensils / Tools / Gadgets found to be  helpful - and where to get them.

* Traveling. What hotels cater well to  the disabled, tips for flying 
and/or driving, etc.

* Clothing -  what works best for you? Cotton / Polyester / Wool / Silk? 
Can you still  wear the same clothing you wore before TM? Do synthetics 
make your skin  crawl? Do you have to wear diabetic socks because regular 
ones are too  tight?

* Shoes - what have you found that works best for your balance  issues?

I hope some of this information helps. It's great to see so  many coming 
back to this group.
Hugs to you, my friend!
Betty  Clark

P.S. - my address is:

2642 Wild Bill Way
Santa Rosa,  CA
phone:  707-575-9501

Re: [TMIC] Re: Broken Bones

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Wow, that's a lot of  breaks.  Do you also have brittle bone disease like I 
do?  What did  you do for the 5 months with a walking boot on it.  I have 
one for my  broken leg, but it leaves me with sores on my leg where it rubs 
on  it.
In a message dated 1/25/2013 12:55:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
kimharrison7...@att.net writes:

I fell last year and broke my leg, ankle, heel and foot. because I can't  
take anything on my feet lucky for me orthor knew about TM and in place of  
surgery he put a "walking boot on it) funny still could not walk   LOL  had 
to wear it for 5 months but when the TM burning started up I  could take it 
off for a little while


 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: kimharrison7...@att.net
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, January 24, 2013 10:19:14  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Subscribe

I feel so bad for  you that you can't wear socks or anything on your feet.  
Mine tingle and  the toes are broken on my right foot so they hurt, but I 
can still keep my  feet warm with socks and leg warmers.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 10:14:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
kimharrison7...@att.net writes:

My wish is for  someday to be able to wear sock or shoes.. and winter is a 
pain barefoot,  but the pain of anything touching my feet is unbearable.. 


 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: jan...@centurytel.net
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, January 24, 2013 9:08:56  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Subscribe

I am wearing  socks and leg warmers right now along with my TED boots that 
hold my feet up  in bed.  Plus, I have a sheet and two blankets on, and a 
quilt when I  go to bed.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:46:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jan...@centurytel.net writes:

My feet are cold most of the time.   I am  assuming that is natural for TM  
-  anyone else?

From: _Kim Harrison_ (mailto:kimharrison7...@att.net)  
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6:29 PM
To: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  ; 
_jcsnod@yahoo.com_ (mailto:jcs...@yahoo.com)  
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe


Thank you Jude.. our Cheerleader !!
How is the cold effecting ya'all.. I HATE it... everything stings and  
hurts more and worse is I can not wear sholes for socks so TM legs stick  and 
feet are freezing...  anyone else?


 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: jcs...@yahoo.com
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, January 23, 2013 7:24:07  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  Re: Subscribe

I'm happy that you guys are glad to see  us active again.  I am working my 
= off to keep us up and  running.  Neither Jim Lubin or Sam Siegel 
are interested in doing  anything with us anymore so it is just me trying 
like hell to keep things  interesting.  However, I am running out of ideas to 
talk about and  need your help.  I just got an email today from a lady who is 
 interested in joining us, so I sent her the info.   Help!
In a message dated 1/23/2013 5:51:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jcs...@yahoo.com writes:

i wollowed with why and how and the thought came to me,,it  doesnt matter 
how or why if i knew,,it would still  hurt.

 From: Robert Pall  
To: heyjude48...@aol.com;  i.whidd...@sky.com 
Cc:  tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013  1:56 PM
Subject: Re:  [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures etc at the 
T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I like this site is that we talk about TM 
the  medicines and conditiions we have. I am not looking to make friends  
(although that is a plus). I just want to share information that may help us 
cope with this awful  condition. As for me I have always believed that the 
cause of my TM was  excess stress which probably caused my immune system to  
overreact to some minor illness like a summer cold.that  being said no 
doctor can say what caused any of us to have  TMI myself decided it was 
stresseveryone one of us  thinks he knows the cause of TM ...but none of 
us  do!

All the best and happy to see this site in  action once again!
Rob in New Jersey

-Original  Message-
From: Heyjude48458 
To:  i.whiddett 
Cc: tmic-list  
Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41  pm
Subject: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are  writing.  I am really punishing myself 
to find topics for us to  talk about.  What can you think of that is 
pertinent  toTM?
Love you,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)  writes:

Hi Jude  
I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of  TMIC.  Whe

Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-25 Thread Heyjude48458
Thanks Pattie, That was good advise.
In a message dated 1/25/2013 10:20:07 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
patticoole...@gmail.com writes:

Jude I had shingles in 1992.  I don't remember any pain as bad as  that, 
even after going through labor 3 times.  The pain I have with TM is  child's 
play compared to shingles.  Mine started with pain in the middle  of my back 
going up my right shoulder. I thought it was from work as they had  just 
installed a whole new area for my work station.  Plus we had a lot  going on at 
work and thought it was stress. Also my oldest daughter was  causing strees 
and worry.  After 4 days of pain that just got worse, when  I out of the 
shower on the 5th day, I noticed red spots on my right side and  knew right 
away what it was.  The doctor confirmed it and gave me pain  pills and some 
cream.  It did get worse and for the next 4 days I  was in a drug haze 
thankfully.  Finally I was able to get up and  eat.  The pain off and on lasted 
months, and the red marks turned  into pox like blisters.  It took months 
for it to go away,, but the  redness lasted over a year.   I know there is a 
shot to help  make the shingles mild but by the time I soon the doc it was 
too late for the  shot.  So if anyone suspecs shingles, I say get to the 
doctor asap, it  makes a difference.
Pattti - Wisconsin

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:04 PM, <_Heyjude48458@aol.com_ 
(mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) > wrote:

I didn't know  there was a shot for shingles.  My mother had them before 
she got  cancer.  From the way she described it, they were painful and  itchy.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:44:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_jannic@centurytel.net_ (mailto:jan...@centurytel.net)  writes:

For me, I do not believe it was stress that created  TM.   It struck at a 
great time for us.   We were  getting ready to travel, etc., after my husband 
had been retired for 4  months and really looking
forward to our new future.At 4 months  of retirement, you-know-who 
struck and totally changed our  lives.   I had had a flu shot  -  but that was 
3-4  months before TM.I had not been sick at
all for a long time before TM either. I think it is like MS or any 
other disease like that  -  it hits  when it hits.
For the first 2 years after TM struck, my doc did not  want me to get a flu 
shot.   But now I get one yearly and he  wants me too.   Have also had a 
shingles shot and pnuemonia  shot.   No problems.

From: _Robert Pall_ (mailto:robthe...@aol.com)  
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 12:56 PM
To: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)   ; 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)  
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)   
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe


There is a ton of information and  personal stories,pictures etc at the 
T.M.I.C. Internet Club.  The reason I like this site is that we talk  about TM 
and the medicines and conditiions we have. I am not looking to  make friends 
(although that is a plus). I just want to share information that may help 
us cope with  this awful condition. As for me I have always believed that the 
cause of  my TM was excess stress which probably caused my immune  system 
to overreact to some minor illness like a summer  cold.that being said no 
doctor can say what caused any  of us to have TMI myself decided it was 
stresseveryone one of us thinks he knows the cause of TM  ...but none 
of us do!

All the best and  happy to see this site in action once again!
Rob in New  Jersey

-Original  Message-----
From: Heyjude48458 <_Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) >
To: i.whiddett <_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com) >
Cc: tmic-list <_tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com) >
Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41  pm
Subject: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are  writing.  I am really punishing myself 
to find topics for us to talk  about.  What can you think of that is 
pertinent  toTM?
Love you,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)  writes:

Hi Jude  
I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of  TMIC.  When I 
was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new  and very frightening 
and I had very little help or info from the  doctors.  While looking for help 
on the Internet, I was lucky  enough to find the group and finally began to 
understand what had  happened but, like most us, not why it had happened!  
So, thanks  for taking on board what seems to be a lone voice from the UK and 
for  all the kind words of encouragement and advice.  Just to be sure I  am 
a "proper" member, my details are:-
Iris Whiddett
98  Eastwood Road
EssexEngland Tel: 01268 771642
Iris UK  

[TMIC] Fight Cold and the Flu

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
What are some  of the tips you all have to combat the cold and flu this  
I have come up  with a few:
First and  foremost...we ought to launder our gloves and mittens once a 
week if we have  been out anywhere where we might pick up germs.  Places like 
door handles,  railings and ATM's are known to be covered with them.  
Laundering them each  week or running an antibacterial wipe over them daily 
help us overcome the  flu and cold season.
Second...Use  Essential oils, Aromatherapy helps to calm the immune system 
and invigorates or  helps you sleep, depending upon the scent.
Third...eat  well, even when you don't feel like it.  Eat foods that are 
good for you  like :
 Salmon with omega 3 fatty acids
Yogurt,  with calcium for bone growth
 Oatmeal, for fiber
 Chicken Breasts, for protein
Fourth, For  chest congestion, sinuses, and indigestion add:  Thyme to your 
   Add 1 T. to hot tea, 
   Boil 2-3 T. to create an  
antimicrobiotic steam to  inhale,
   Sprinkle  on food to suppress  
chest congestion, sinuses and  indegestion.
Love you  all,

Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
Who are you and what is this email address  for?  I know you mentioned your 
email address, but not everyone knows who  you are without your name.  I 
think you are Cheryl, but I'm not  sure.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 10:20:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
rn11...@yahoo.com writes:



Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
I feel so bad for you  that you can't wear socks or anything on your feet.  
Mine tingle and the  toes are broken on my right foot so they hurt, but I 
can still keep my feet warm  with socks and leg warmers.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 10:14:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
kimharrison7...@att.net writes:

My wish is for  someday to be able to wear sock or shoes.. and winter is a 
pain barefoot, but  the pain of anything touching my feet is unbearable.. 


 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: jan...@centurytel.net
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, January 24, 2013 9:08:56  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Subscribe

I am wearing socks  and leg warmers right now along with my TED boots that 
hold my feet up in  bed.  Plus, I have a sheet and two blankets on, and a 
quilt when I go to  bed.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:46:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jan...@centurytel.net writes:

My feet are cold most of the time.   I am  assuming that is natural for TM  
-  anyone else?

From: _Kim Harrison_ (mailto:kimharrison7...@att.net)  
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6:29 PM
To: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  ; 
_jcsnod@yahoo.com_ (mailto:jcs...@yahoo.com)  
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe


Thank you Jude.. our Cheerleader !!
How is the cold effecting ya'all.. I HATE it... everything stings and  
hurts more and worse is I can not wear sholes for socks so TM legs stick and  
feet are freezing...  anyone else?


 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: jcs...@yahoo.com
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, January 23, 2013 7:24:07  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Subscribe

I'm happy that you guys are glad to see us  active again.  I am working my 
= off to keep us up and  running.  Neither Jim Lubin or Sam Siegel 
are interested in doing  anything with us anymore so it is just me trying 
like hell to keep things  interesting.  However, I am running out of ideas to 
talk about and need  your help.  I just got an email today from a lady who is 
interested in  joining us, so I sent her the info.  Help!
In a message dated 1/23/2013 5:51:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jcs...@yahoo.com writes:

i wollowed with why and how and the thought came to me,,it  doesnt matter 
how or why if i knew,,it would still hurt.

 From: Robert Pall  
To: heyjude48...@aol.com;  i.whidd...@sky.com 
Cc:  tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013  1:56 PM
Subject: Re:  [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures  etc at the 
T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I  like this site is that we talk about TM 
and the medicines and conditiions  we have. I am not looking to make friends 
(although that is a plus). I  just want to share information that  may help 
us cope with this awful condition. As for me I have always  believed that 
the cause of my TM was excess stress which  probably caused my immune system 
to overreact to some minor illness like a summer cold.that being said no 
doctor can  say what caused any of us to have TMI myself decided it was 
stresseveryone one of us thinks he knows the cause of TM  ...but none of 
us do!

All the best and  happy to see this site in action once again!
Rob in New  Jersey

-Original  Message-
From: Heyjude48458 
To:  i.whiddett 
Cc: tmic-list  
Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41  pm
Subject: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are  writing.  I am really punishing myself 
to find topics for us to talk  about.  What can you think of that is 
pertinent  toTM?
Love you,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)  writes:

Hi  Jude  
I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of  TMIC.  When I 
was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new  and very frightening 
and I had very little help or info from the  doctors.  While looking for help 
on the Internet, I was lucky  enough to find the group and finally began to 
understand what had  happened but, like most us, not why it had happened!  
So, thanks  for taking on board what seems to be a lone voice from the UK and 
for  all the kind words of encouragement and advice.  Just to be sure I  am 
a "proper" member, my details are:-
Iris Whiddett
98  Eastwood Road
EssexEngland Tel: 01268 771642
Iris UK  

Re: [TMIC] Facebook

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
I find that audio  books put me to sleep in no time, and that's unusual 
because I used to love it  when  I was read to.  I miss the whole experience so 
In a message dated 1/24/2013 5:02:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
r.c.pr...@frontier.com writes:

I too have trouble reading.  I find that I tend to speed read  (skim).  I 
used to love to read, but now I get audio books so I can slow  down. - Roger 
in Kennewick, WA


 From: Cindy McLeroy  
To: heyjude48...@aol.com;  patticoole...@gmail.com; malugss...@gmail.com 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 1:20  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  Facebook

I love to read but for the last  10 years or so I have extreme difficulty 
concentrating on reading a  book.  It seems I have to read 10 pages, go back 
5, read 10 more, go back  5.  Think every book I get through I must have 
read it at least  twice.  Do others have this problem?

- Original Message - 
From: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  
To: _patticooley38@gmail.com_ (mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com)  ; 
_malugssuak@gmail.com_ (mailto:malugss...@gmail.com)  
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:17  AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook

I disagree, unless at  61 I am one of the younger ones.  I enjoy the words 
and the  pictures.  I collect a lot of the (to me) inspirational photos.  I  
get a lot out of them, maybe because I haven't been reading as much as I  
used to.
I have to get back to  my books.
In a message dated 1/23/2013 11:39:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_patticooley38@gmail.com_ (mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com)   writes:


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:09 AM,  Dalton Garis <_malugssuak@me.com_ 
(mailto:malugss...@me.com) >  wrote:

For my situation, I don't need  Facebook;

But i see that for the young they really like to send  pictures to each 

WE, on the other hand, grew up READING  things rather than VIEWING things, 
and that is the difference.  We  read and the younger set views.  It is 
WORDS ON A PAGE for us, but  for the younger set they IMAGE more.


Dalton  Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
_(718)  838-0437_ () 

Re: [TMIC] Stress

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
I remember the  massages the nurses gave me when I was in the hospital.  
They were the  best, and the warm blankets were heaven.  I keep forgetting to 
have  Dave warm mine up.  I'm afraid to sleep with an electric blanket, but 
I  recall them as being wonderful.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 5:01:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jan...@centurytel.net writes:

Cindy, you have clearly been through a very hellish  time.   When the time 
comes, there are special places in heaven for  people like you.   So glad 
you have such support from family and  friends.  I
did too – nearly dying twice in the hospital I was in for  over 9 weeks.
 My floor social worker sent in a woman  to massage my neck and back and 
she truly relaxed me.   When she  left, she shut the
door and the nurses did not let anyone in my room until  dinner.   It was 
truly a relaxing experience – at least for a  while.I don’t plan on 
getting sick again!

From: _Cindy McLeroy_ (mailto:cindymcle...@socal.rr.com)  
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 11:42 PM
To: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  ; 
_dncapen@gmail.com_ (mailto:dnca...@gmail.com)  
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Stress


Jude, you are talking about  stress.  I spent part of 2010 and all of 2011 
going from the hospital to  the skilled nursing facilities (SNF) because of 
a server broken leg.  I  had more than 6/7 surgeries, was bedridden where I 
was not able to raise up  higher than 20%.  That made eating almost 
impossible and I lost over 30  pounds.  I was told by my PC that I almost died 
times.  I have to  leave my dog and cat.  Luckily I had a friend that took my 
dog and gave  her great care.  I had billing problems with the SNF and they 
tried to  refuse me the second time I needed to go there.  I had to have one  
surgery without anything to put me under.  I got to listen to everything  
in the operating room.  Lucky for me I have no sensation.  I had no  one at 
home to take care of bills, etc.  I had to figure out how to do  that in the 
hospital or SNF.  I am not including the really awful  stuff.  I am a single 
woman and had no partner to help me through all  this.  But I had many 
friends and family that put on the yellow gowns (I  had MRSA and was in 
isolation) to come in my room and cheer me up.  My  stress level was very high. 
blood pressure was very low - 92 over 47  on good days.  Thank God the most 
of that is behind me.  I had great  doctors, great family and great friends 
to get me though this.  We all  deal with what comes our way, in our own 
I will pray for  Dave.

- Original Message - 
From:  _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  
To: _dncapen@gmail.com_ (mailto:dnca...@gmail.com)  
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 8:01  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Stress
There are about 16 of us who  email regularly.  I had no idea that anyone 
else was even receiving our  notes.  If the membership is truly that high 
then I expect more people  to participate.
Jude in  Michigan
In a message dated 1/22/2013 10:25:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_dncapen@gmail.com_ (mailto:dnca...@gmail.com)  writes:

Where did you come up with the 16 number? I believe that about 100  people 
receive the list emails.  

Sent from my iPod.

On Jan 22, 2013, at 7:40 PM, _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ 
(mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)   wrote:

There are  only 16 of us though and I am trying to come up with topics for 
us to  discuss.  Actually, I am looking through our FB sites to try and  
come up with them.  So anything you have to offer will mean  a lot to me.  I 
need your help.
No decision is a decision not  to make a decision...
In a message dated 1/22/2013 9:34:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_robthecfo@aol.com_ (mailto:robthe...@aol.com)   writes:

I for one  am thrilled to see all of the emails again.maybe  facebook 
is not the forum for us...especially the older  ones of us!!!
Rob in NJ

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall <_robthecfo@aol.com_ (mailto:robthe...@aol.com) >
To:  Heyjude48458 <_Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) >;  
ashfordrichard <_ashfordrichard@bellsouth.net_ 
(mailto:ashfordrich...@bellsouth.net) >;  pjv1234 <_pjv1234@chartermi.net_ 
(mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net) >;  a-ryder <_a-ryder@comcast.net_ 
(mailto:a-ry...@comcast.net) >; bpelow  
<_bpelow@yahoo.com_ (mailto:bpe...@yahoo.com) >; xbeeclarkx  
<_xbeeclarkx@gmail.com_ (mailto:xbeecla...@gmail.com) >;  ladylinda48 
<_ladylinda48@yahoo.com_ (mailto:ladylind...@yahoo.com) >;  LadyNotes 
(mailto:ladyno...@aol.com) >; akua <_akua@artfarm.com_ 
>; kay <_...@cole.gen.nz_ (mailto:k...@cole.gen.nz) >; pat

Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
I am wearing socks  and leg warmers right now along with my TED boots that 
hold my feet up in  bed.  Plus, I have a sheet and two blankets on, and a 
quilt when I go to  bed.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:46:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jan...@centurytel.net writes:

My feet are cold most of the time.   I am assuming  that is natural for TM  
-  anyone else?

From: _Kim  Harrison_ (mailto:kimharrison7...@att.net)  
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6:29 PM
To: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  ; 
_jcsnod@yahoo.com_ (mailto:jcs...@yahoo.com)  
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe


Thank you Jude.. our Cheerleader !!
How is the cold effecting ya'all.. I HATE it... everything stings and  
hurts more and worse is I can not wear sholes for socks so TM legs stick and  
feet are freezing...  anyone else?


 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: jcs...@yahoo.com
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, January 23, 2013 7:24:07  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Subscribe

I'm happy that you guys are glad to see us  active again.  I am working my 
= off to keep us up and  running.  Neither Jim Lubin or Sam Siegel 
are interested in doing  anything with us anymore so it is just me trying 
like hell to keep things  interesting.  However, I am running out of ideas to 
talk about and need  your help.  I just got an email today from a lady who is 
interested in  joining us, so I sent her the info.  Help!
In a message dated 1/23/2013 5:51:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jcs...@yahoo.com writes:

i wollowed with why and how and the thought came to me,,it doesnt  matter 
how or why if i knew,,it would still hurt.

 From: Robert Pall  
To: heyjude48...@aol.com;  i.whidd...@sky.com 
Cc:  tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent:  Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Subscribe

There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures  etc at the 
T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I  like this site is that we talk about TM 
and the medicines and conditiions we  have. I am not looking to make friends 
(although that is a plus). I just  want to share information that may  help 
us cope with this awful condition. As for me I have always believed  that 
the cause of my TM was excess stress which probably caused  my immune system 
to overreact to some minor illness like a  summer cold.that being said no 
doctor can say what caused  any of us to have TMI myself decided it was 
stresseveryone one of us thinks he knows the cause of TM  ...but none 
of us do!

All the best and  happy to see this site in action once again!
Rob in New  Jersey

-Original  Message-
From: Heyjude48458 
To:  i.whiddett 
Cc: tmic-list  
Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
Subject:  [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are  writing.  I am really punishing myself 
to find topics for us to talk  about.  What can you think of that is 
pertinent toTM?
Love you,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)  writes:

Hi  Jude  
I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of  TMIC.  When I 
was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new and  very frightening 
and I had very little help or info from the  doctors.  While looking for help 
on the Internet, I was lucky enough  to find the group and finally began to 
understand what had happened but,  like most us, not why it had happened!  
So, thanks for taking on  board what seems to be a lone voice from the UK and 
for all the kind words  of encouragement and advice.  Just to be sure I am 
a "proper" member,  my details are:-
Iris Whiddett
98  Eastwood Road
EssexEngland Tel: 01268 771642
Iris UK  

Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
I didn't know there  was a shot for shingles.  My mother had them before 
she got cancer.   From the way she described it, they were painful and  itchy.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:44:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jan...@centurytel.net writes:

For me, I do not believe it was stress that created  TM.   It struck at a 
great time for us.   We were getting  ready to travel, etc., after my husband 
had been retired for 4 months and  really looking
forward to our new future.At 4 months of  retirement, you-know-who 
struck and totally changed our lives.   I  had had a flu shot  -  but that was 
3-4 months before  TM.I had not been sick at
all for a long time before TM either.I  think it is like MS or any 
other disease like that  -  it hits when  it hits.
For the first 2 years after TM struck, my doc did not want  me to get a flu 
shot.   But now I get one yearly and he wants me  too.   Have also had a 
shingles shot and pnuemonia shot.No problems.

From: _Robert Pall_ (mailto:robthe...@aol.com)  
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 12:56 PM
To: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  ; 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)  
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe


There is a ton of information and  personal stories,pictures etc at the 
T.M.I.C. Internet Club.  The reason I like this site is that we talk about TM  
and the medicines and conditiions we have. I am not looking to make friends  
(although that is a plus). I just want to share information that may help 
us cope with this awful condition. As  for me I have always believed that the 
cause of my TM was excess stress which probably caused my immune system to 
overreact to some minor  illness like a summer cold.that being said no  
doctor can say what caused any of us to have TMI myself decided it was  
stresseveryone one of us thinks he knows the cause of TM  ...but none of 
us do!

All the best and happy  to see this site in action once again!
Rob in New Jersey

-Original  Message-
From: Heyjude48458 
To:  i.whiddett 
Cc: tmic-list  
Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
Subject:  [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are  writing.  I am really punishing myself 
to find topics for us to talk  about.  What can you think of that is 
pertinent  toTM?
Love you,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)  writes:

Hi  Jude  
I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of  TMIC.  When I 
was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new and  very frightening 
and I had very little help or info from the doctors.   While looking for help 
on the Internet, I was lucky enough to find the group  and finally began to 
understand what had happened but, like most us, not why  it had happened!  
So, thanks for taking on board what seems to be a  lone voice from the UK and 
for all the kind words of encouragement and  advice.  Just to be sure I am 
a "proper" member, my details are:-
Iris Whiddett
98  Eastwood Road
EssexEngland Tel: 01268 771642
Iris UK  

Re: [TMIC] Facebook

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
You have more  email addresses than Carter has liver pills.  I don't know 
how to keep up  with your emails.  What the heck are you up to?
Big bear  hug,
In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:27:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
malugss...@me.com writes:

I do.  

My mind immediately wanders with all the images suggested by the words.  
Always have been this way.  Can't concentrate on anything.  Amazing that I was 
able to get past high school!


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
(718)  838-0437

On 24 Jan 2013, at 4:20 PM, Cindy McLeroy <_cindymcle...@socal.rr.com_ 
(mailto:cindymcle...@socal.rr.com) >  wrote:

I love to read but for the  last 10 years or so I have extreme difficulty 
concentrating on reading a  book.  It seems I have to read 10 pages, go back 
5, read 10 more, go  back 5.  Think every book I get through I must have 
read it at least  twice.  Do others have this problem?

- Original Message -
From: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) 
To: _patticooley38@gmail.com_ (mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com)  ; 
_malugssuak@gmail.com_ (mailto:malugss...@gmail.com) 
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com) 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:17  AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook

I disagree,  unless at 61 I am one of the younger ones.  I enjoy the words 
and the  pictures.  I collect a lot of the (to me) inspirational photos.   I 
get a lot out of them, maybe because I haven't been reading as much as I  
used to.
I have to get  back to my books.
In a message dated 1/23/2013 11:39:25 A.M. Eastern Standard  Time, 
_patticooley38@gmail.com_ (mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com)  writes:


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Dalton  Garis <_malugssuak@me.com_ 
(mailto:malugss...@me.com) > wrote:

For my situation, I don't need Facebook;

But  i see that for the young they really like to send pictures to each  

WE, on the other hand, grew up READING things rather  than VIEWING things, 
and that is the difference.  We read and the  younger set views.  It is 
WORDS ON A PAGE for us, but for the  younger set they IMAGE more.


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York,  USA
_(718)  838-0437_ (tel:(718)%20838-0437) 


Re: [TMIC] Facebook

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
Yet you have  such a command of the English language.  Beautiful...
In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:27:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
malugss...@me.com writes:

I do.  

My mind immediately wanders with all the images suggested by the words.  
Always have been this way.  Can't concentrate on anything.  Amazing that I was 
able to get past high school!


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York, USA
(718)  838-0437

On 24 Jan 2013, at 4:20 PM, Cindy McLeroy <_cindymcle...@socal.rr.com_ 
(mailto:cindymcle...@socal.rr.com) >  wrote:

I love to read but for the  last 10 years or so I have extreme difficulty 
concentrating on reading a  book.  It seems I have to read 10 pages, go back 
5, read 10 more, go  back 5.  Think every book I get through I must have 
read it at least  twice.  Do others have this problem?

- Original Message -
From: _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com) 
To: _patticooley38@gmail.com_ (mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com)  ; 
_malugssuak@gmail.com_ (mailto:malugss...@gmail.com) 
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com) 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:17  AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook

I disagree,  unless at 61 I am one of the younger ones.  I enjoy the words 
and the  pictures.  I collect a lot of the (to me) inspirational photos.   I 
get a lot out of them, maybe because I haven't been reading as much as I  
used to.
I have to get  back to my books.
In a message dated 1/23/2013 11:39:25 A.M. Eastern Standard  Time, 
_patticooley38@gmail.com_ (mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com)  writes:


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Dalton  Garis <_malugssuak@me.com_ 
(mailto:malugss...@me.com) > wrote:

For my situation, I don't need Facebook;

But  i see that for the young they really like to send pictures to each  

WE, on the other hand, grew up READING things rather  than VIEWING things, 
and that is the difference.  We read and the  younger set views.  It is 
WORDS ON A PAGE for us, but for the  younger set they IMAGE more.


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York,  USA
_(718)  838-0437_ (tel:(718)%20838-0437) 


Re: [TMIC] Facebook

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
I haven't been able  to read for a very long time.  At first, I thought it 
was my glasses, but  after getting new ones, the problems still exist.  I 
have the same  difficulties that Cindy does.  Seems like I read paragraphs 2 
or 3 times  before I "get" it.  I used to have 3 books going at a time, but 
not  now.  There is a book on the table beside me collecting dust.  It's  all 
I can do to work a puzzle in my puzzle books.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:21:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
cindymcle...@socal.rr.com writes:

I love to read but for the last  10 years or so I have extreme difficulty 
concentrating on reading a  book.  It seems I have to read 10 pages, go back 
5, read 10 more, go back  5.  Think every book I get through I must have 
read it at least  twice.  Do others have this problem?

- Original Message - 
From:  _Heyjude48458@aol.com_ (mailto:heyjude48...@aol.com)  
To: _patticooley38@gmail.com_ (mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com)  ; 
_malugssuak@gmail.com_ (mailto:malugss...@gmail.com)  
Cc: _tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:17  AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook

I disagree,  unless at 61 I am one of the younger ones.  I enjoy the words 
and the  pictures.  I collect a lot of the (to me) inspirational photos.  I  
get a lot out of them, maybe because I haven't been reading as much as I  
used to.
I have to get  back to my books.
In a message dated 1/23/2013 11:39:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_patticooley38@gmail.com_ (mailto:patticoole...@gmail.com)   writes:


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Dalton Garis  <_malugssuak@me.com_ 
(mailto:malugss...@me.com) > wrote:

For my situation, I don't need Facebook;

But i  see that for the young they really like to send pictures to each  

WE, on the other hand, grew up READING things rather than  VIEWING things, 
and that is the difference.  We read and the  younger set views.  It is 
WORDS ON A PAGE for us, but for the  younger set they IMAGE more.


Dalton Garis
Flushing, Queens
New York,  USA
_(718)  838-0437_ (tel:(718)%20838-0437) 

Re: [TMIC] neurologist

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
May I ask who  you are?  What's your full name.
address and  phone number?  I am updating my TMIC address book and promise 
to never  share your information with anybody. I may want to send you a card 
or call you  sometime.
Thank you for  posting.  It really means a lot.
Love  you,
In a message dated 1/24/2013 6:45:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
aiki...@optonline.net writes:

I  see my neurologist every 3 -4 months, as that is a requirement when 
receiving  Tysabri infusions for MS.  Blood work is done every 3 months and 
Brain  MRI every 6 months, all these are requirements for Tysabri.  It is a  
monthly infusion that can possibly cause a deadly brain infection, hence all  
the follow-up.  It is the only MS medication that truly works the best  and 
after doing shots every day for a year with Copaxone I take the chance  that 
all the tests would catch the virus before it did  damage. 
I  do have TM for 4.5 years now, they diagnosed it as being caused by MS.   
My lesion is at T8-10, I believe.  Had to learn to stand, walk, so steps  
again.  Ended up with a cane and walking slower and more unsteady than  
before TM.  I would watch how people walked and especially how they went  up 
down stairs.  My symptoms and pain are pretty much the same as  most in this 
It  definitely makes a difference who your Neurologist is.  Mine diagnosed 
TM  about 5-10 minutes after I first walked through his door.  I had 3 days  
of steroid infusions, starting that day (had them stay late for me), then 
oral  steroids.  It was a few weeks after that when I lost control of my leg  
muscles.   This time went into his office in a wheelchair and he put  me in 
hospital for 5 days of intravenous steroids 3x day, then off to Re-hab  for 
few weeks.  Finally home, where I never stopped trying to improve and  I 
still concentrate on walking better, etc.  If only the pain would stop  I 
could deal with the rest; fatigue, cognitive, unable to do all I did before  
 I am still improving minutely but I can’t stop believing and trying  to 
walk normal again and praying that pain reduction would go along with  that. 
For  me, my Neurologist is like my PCP; I see him, email him when things 
change and  he gives me all my meds (which is a lot).  I have constant very 
painful  nerve pain in both legs, feet being the worst.  He is a MS specialist 
and  the office is a MS Center.  I also get tested for my optical nerve,  
cognitive abilities and my gait once a year.  I feel blessed to have my  
doctor.  He is available by email anytime, including nights, weekends and  of 
course by phone during the day and an emergency number.  He listens to  my 
symptoms, adjusts meds when necessary and marks any differences in my  
sensations and movements.   
Seeing  my Neurologist on a regular basis also makes me feel secure that 
someone who  is very competent and understanding of my condition is watching 
over me and  knows my history if God forbid something happens again. 
Wow,  didn’t realize all this would come out.  That is what’s great about 
this  group; it’s a safe comfortable place to say what you need to because 
you all  understand.  
It’s  so nice to have emails from this group again. 
Make  it a great day, 
From: Barbara H.  [mailto:barbara...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013  11:33 AM
To: Robert Pall
Cc:  tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  neurologist 
I think it depends on one's needs. I've had TM for  17 years and haven't 
seen a neurologist in about 14 years. I got to an  acceptable plateau (can 
walk and pretty well function as a homemaker and  volunteer, have some issues 
with fatigue, balance, and muscle spasms. I don't  think I could hold down a 
job for various reasons, but I've been able to raise  my children, keep my 
home, and help out in various areas at church and my  kids' schools). I am 
not on any TM-related medications, so when we moved to  another state, I 
didn't seek out a new neuro. It helped that my PCP was  knowledgeable about TM 
and willing to refer me to anyone I wanted to see -- it  was through him I was 
referred to a urologist for problems in that realm. If I  had problems that 
only a neuro could help with or was on certain medications  that it would 
be best for him to monitor, I'd see one, and I'd encourage  anyone with any 
of those needs to keep seeing one, but otherwise there is no  need to see him 
every year just to hear that everything is the same, which is  about where 
we were when I last saw him. Of course, if new problems or  questions crop 
up, I wouldn't hesitate to seek one out.

Barbara H.
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com_ (http://barbarah.wordpress.com/)  
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Robert Pall <_robthecfo@aol.com_ 
(mailto:robthe...@aol.com) > wrote: 
I disagree with all of  you who are saying that you have either stopped 
going to a neurologist or see  one very infrequently. I saw Dr Kerr at John 
Hopkins for 

Re: [TMIC] reviving the list

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
You are in, my  friend.
In a message dated 1/24/2013 12:02:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

Hi TMIC LIST. I've tried to post and am having a little trouble. I  need to 
test this mail to see if I'm getting in. Okay am I getting in on all  the 
conversation? Rick


From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: kandyd...@yahoo.com 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:12  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  reviving the list

Hi  Candy,
It's good to hear from  you again.  It's been years.  I guess there must be 
room for 3  groups.  I don't know.  Maybe it's the fact that on Facebook 
one can  see what the other person looks like.  That aspect was fun for me at  
first...seeing everyone for the first time.  Incredible, almost like  
meeting a long lost friend.
But, then, lately,   I have kind of been appalled by the fact that instead 
of truly voicing their  opinions about a given subject all people do is make 
one line comments about  nothing.  I can't explain it.  People are 
wonderful and very  supportive and I love them all so, but TMIC just seems 
better to 
It's getting late, I'll  talk to you soon.  Send me your full name, address 
and phone number for  my address book.  I may want to send you a card or 
call you some  time.  I will never give out your info to anyone.
Love and  Hugs,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 11:03:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
kandyd...@yahoo.com writes:

What are the 3 groups?   I also started here and since no  one was talking, 
I moved to FB (which I  don't really like).  Why  are there so many groups? 
 Seems there should only be one.



From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: s.gurn...@xtra.co.nz 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:17  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  reviving the list

Hi  Shirley,
Thank you for the well  wishes...however, I am confused.  On one hand you 
say we are doing a  good job, but then you say (the way I read it) that 
Facebook is better  because the groups are closed.
Please help me  out.  
Dare to dream, dare to  fly, dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the  
In a message dated 1/23/2013 9:49:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
s.gurn...@xtra.co.nz writes:

Good afternoon Jude, Janice, Cheryl,  Dalton and many more members that are 
coming back to the site. I think a  big thank you is in order to Jude and 
Janice for their contribution to the  club of TMer’s that prefer this way of 
communicating, well done. I’m a  silent observer, I am one of the Global 
Moderators of the TMA site, so my  time goes into the Board Index sites, plus 
helping newbies out both there  and FB. The 3 TM groups on FB are well 
patronized and are closed to the  public, which is a lot more private for us, 
some of our problems can be  rather personal.
I look forward to catching up with some  of you again, either here or FB. 
Take Care everybody.
Shirley Gurnell (NZ)
Life is short, Smile at everyone, Hug or shake hands  with people, Bless 
all that you know, Pray for everyone, Laugh  uncontrollably, Live long...  

God is great, God is good, Let us thank Him,
For  this group...  

Life is short, Smile at everyone, Hug or shake hands  with people, Bless 
all that you know, Pray for everyone, Laugh  uncontrollably, Live  long...

[TMIC] Re: reviving the list

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
Catch us up,  Rick...what happened, how did you progress and what can you 
do now?  It's  been so long, I'm going to ask everyone for their stories.
Love  you,
In a message dated 1/24/2013 12:11:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

Rob I'm with you. I like making new friends but the old ones on this site  
have the most up to date news on Transverse Myelitis and thats what drew me  
here back in 1998. I was one of the first. Back then Drs.told me i'd never  
make it this far. Well, how do ya like me now? Tm for 15 years. Rick in  TN.

[TMIC] Re: Rick(el...@att.net)

2013-01-24 Thread Heyjude48458
To subscribe:  _tmic-list-request@eskimo.com_ 
(mailto:tmic-list-requ...@eskimo.com)and in the main line, put Subscribe, 
and you can also include it 
in the body of  the letter if you want.  To write to the list, send it to: 
_tmic-list@eskimo.com_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  .  That ought  to do 
it.  We have been talking about this winter and having the flu and  bad 
colds.  Next, I am going to discuss what roll does Stress have in your  life.
Love you,
In a message dated 1/24/2013 12:24:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
el...@att.net writes:

Jude I'm hving hell trying to post to the list. Explain again how to do  
it. I guess I have to resubscribe or some  thing.Rick

Re: [TMIC] reviving the list

2013-01-23 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi  Candy,
It's good to hear  from you again.  It's been years.  I guess there must be 
room for 3  groups.  I don't know.  Maybe it's the fact that on Facebook 
one can  see what the other person looks like.  That aspect was fun for me at  
first...seeing everyone for the first time.  Incredible, almost like  
meeting a long lost friend.
But, then,  lately,  I have kind of been appalled by the fact that instead 
of truly  voicing their opinions about a given subject all people do is make 
one line  comments about nothing.  I can't explain it.  People are 
wonderful and  very supportive and I love them all so, but TMIC just seems 
better to 
It's getting late,  I'll talk to you soon.  Send me your full name, address 
and phone number  for my address book.  I may want to send you a card or 
call you some  time.  I will never give out your info to anyone.
Love and  Hugs,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 11:03:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
kandyd...@yahoo.com writes:

What are the 3 groups?   I also started here and since no one  was talking, 
I moved to FB (which I  don't really like).  Why are  there so many groups? 
 Seems there should only be one.



 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: s.gurn...@xtra.co.nz 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:17  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  reviving the list

Hi  Shirley,
Thank you for the well  wishes...however, I am confused.  On one hand you 
say we are doing a good  job, but then you say (the way I read it) that 
Facebook is better because the  groups are closed.
Please help me  out.  
Dare to dream, dare to fly,  dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the 
In a message dated 1/23/2013 9:49:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
s.gurn...@xtra.co.nz writes:

Good afternoon Jude, Janice, Cheryl,  Dalton and many more members that are 
coming back to the site. I think a big  thank you is in order to Jude and 
Janice for their contribution to the club  of TMer’s that prefer this way of 
communicating, well done. I’m a silent  observer, I am one of the Global 
Moderators of the TMA site, so my time goes  into the Board Index sites, plus 
helping newbies out both there and FB. The  3 TM groups on FB are well 
patronized and are closed to the public, which is  a lot more private for us, 
some of our problems can be rather  personal.
I look forward to catching up with some of  you again, either here or FB. 
Take Care everybody.
Shirley Gurnell (NZ)
Life is short, Smile at everyone, Hug or shake hands with  people, Bless 
all that you know, Pray for everyone, Laugh uncontrollably,  Live long...  

God is great, God is good, Let us thank Him,
For this  group...  

Life is short, Smile at everyone, Hug or shake hands with  people, Bless 
all that you know, Pray for everyone, Laugh uncontrollably,  Live  long...

Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-23 Thread Heyjude48458
s he knows the cause of TM  ...but none of 
us do!

All the best and  happy to see this site in action once again!
Rob in New  Jersey

-Original  Message-
From: Heyjude48458 
To:  i.whiddett 
Cc: tmic-list  
Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41  pm
Subject: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are  writing.  I am really punishing myself 
to find topics for us to talk  about.  What can you think of that is 
pertinent  toTM?
Love you,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)  writes:

Hi  Jude  
I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of TMIC.  When I 
was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new and very  frightening and 
I had very little help or info from the doctors.  While looking for help on 
the Internet, I was lucky enough to find  the group and finally began to 
understand what had happened but, like  most us, not why it had happened!  So, 
thanks for taking on board  what seems to be a lone voice from the UK and 
for all the kind words of  encouragement and advice.  Just to be sure I am a 
"proper" member,  my details are:-

Iris Whiddett
98  Eastwood Road
Essex   England  Tel: 01268 771642

Iris  UK 

Re: [TMIC] reviving the list

2013-01-23 Thread Heyjude48458
Hi  Shirley,
Thank you for the  well wishes...however, I am confused.  On one hand you 
say we are doing a  good job, but then you say (the way I read it) that 
Facebook is better because  the groups are closed.
Please help me  out.  
Dare to dream, dare to  fly, dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the  
In a message dated 1/23/2013 9:49:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
s.gurn...@xtra.co.nz writes:

Good afternoon Jude, Janice, Cheryl, Dalton and many more  members that are 
coming back to the site. I think a big thank you is in order  to Jude and 
Janice for their contribution to the club of TMer’s that prefer  this way of 
communicating, well done. I’m a silent observer, I am one of the  Global 
Moderators of the TMA site, so my time goes into the Board Index sites,  plus 
helping newbies out both there and FB. The 3 TM groups on FB are well  
patronized and are closed to the public, which is a lot more private for us,  
some of our problems can be rather personal. 
I look forward to catching up with some of you again,  either here or FB. 
Take Care everybody. 
Shirley Gurnell (NZ) 

Life is short, Smile at everyone, Hug or shake  hands with people, Bless 
all that you know, Pray for everyone, Laugh  uncontrollably, Live long...  

God is great, God is good, Let us thank  Him,
For this group...  

Life is short, Smile at everyone, Hug or shake  hands with people, Bless 
all that you know, Pray for everyone, Laugh  uncontrollably, Live  long...

Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-23 Thread Heyjude48458
So glad to see  you.  I have to wear leg warmers and socks.  I get too cold 
too  easily.  Once I get chilled it takes a ton of blankets for me to get 
warmed  up again and it takes hours.  It also bothers me to get too 
warm...then I'm  likely to have an attack of autonomicdisreflexia.  Almost had 
the other  evening, but I took an Oxycodone and it never developed.
In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:29:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
kimharrison7...@att.net writes:

Thank you Jude.. our Cheerleader !!
How is the cold effecting ya'all.. I HATE it... everything stings and  
hurts more and worse is I can not wear sholes for socks so TM legs stick and  
feet are freezing...  anyone else?


 From: "heyjude48...@aol.com"  
To: jcs...@yahoo.com
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Wed, January 23, 2013 7:24:07  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Subscribe

I'm happy that you guys are glad to see us  active again.  I am working my 
= off to keep us up and  running.  Neither Jim Lubin or Sam Siegel 
are interested in doing  anything with us anymore so it is just me trying 
like hell to keep things  interesting.  However, I am running out of ideas to 
talk about and need  your help.  I just got an email today from a lady who is 
interested in  joining us, so I sent her the info.  Help!
In a message dated 1/23/2013 5:51:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jcs...@yahoo.com writes:

i wollowed with why and how and the thought came to me,,it doesnt  matter 
how or why if i knew,,it would still hurt.


 From: Robert Pall  
To: heyjude48...@aol.com;  i.whidd...@sky.com 
Cc:  tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent:  Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Subscribe

There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures  etc at the 
T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I  like this site is that we talk about TM 
and the medicines and conditiions we  have. I am not looking to make friends 
(although that is a plus). I just  want to share information that may  help 
us cope with this awful condition. As for me I have always believed  that 
the cause of my TM was excess stress which probably caused  my immune system 
to overreact to some minor illness like a  summer cold.that being said no 
doctor can say what caused  any of us to have TMI myself decided it was 
stresseveryone one of us thinks he knows the cause of TM  ...but none 
of us do!

All the best and  happy to see this site in action once again!
Rob in New  Jersey

-Original  Message-
From: Heyjude48458 
To:  i.whiddett 
Cc: tmic-list  
Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
Subject:  [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are  writing.  I am really punishing myself 
to find topics for us to talk  about.  What can you think of that is 
pertinent toTM?
Love you,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)  writes:

Hi  Jude  
I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of TMIC.  When I 
was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new and very  frightening and 
I had very little help or info from the doctors.  While looking for help on 
the Internet, I was lucky enough to find  the group and finally began to 
understand what had happened but, like most  us, not why it had happened!  So, 
thanks for taking on board what  seems to be a lone voice from the UK and 
for all the kind words of  encouragement and advice.  Just to be sure I am a 
"proper" member, my  details are:-

Iris Whiddett
98  Eastwood Road
Essex   EnglandTel: 01268 771642

Iris  UK 

Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-23 Thread Heyjude48458
I'm happy that you guys are glad to see us  active again.  I am working my 
= off to keep us up and  running.  Neither Jim Lubin or Sam Siegel 
are interested in doing anything  with us anymore so it is just me trying 
like hell to keep things  interesting.  However, I am running out of ideas to 
talk about and need  your help.  I just got an email today from a lady who is 
interested in  joining us, so I sent her the info.  Help!
In a message dated 1/23/2013 5:51:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jcs...@yahoo.com writes:

i wollowed with why and how and the thought came to me,,it doesnt  matter 
how or why if i knew,,it would still hurt.


 From: Robert Pall  
To:  heyjude48...@aol.com; i.whidd...@sky.com 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:56  PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Subscribe

There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures etc  at the 
T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I like  this site is that we talk about TM 
and the medicines and conditiions we have.  I am not looking to make friends 
(although that is a plus). I just want to  share information that may help 
us cope  with this awful condition. As for me I have always believed that the 
cause of  my TM was excess stress which probably caused my immune system to 
 overreact to some minor illness like a summer cold.that  being said no 
doctor can say what caused any of us to have  TMI myself decided it was 
stresseveryone one of us thinks  he knows the cause of TM ...but none 
of us do!

All the best and happy to see this site in action once again!
Rob in New Jersey

-Original  Message-
From: Heyjude48458 
To:  i.whiddett 
Cc: tmic-list  
Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
Subject:  [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are writing.   I am really punishing myself 
to find topics for us to talk about.  What  can you think of that is 
pertinent toTM?
Love you,
In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_i.whiddett@sky.com_ (mailto:i.whidd...@sky.com)   writes:

Hi  Jude  
I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of TMIC.  When I 
was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new and very  frightening and 
I had very little help or info from the doctors.  While  looking for help 
on the Internet, I was lucky enough to find the group and  finally began to 
understand what had happened but, like most us, not why it  had happened!  
So, thanks for taking on board what seems to be a lone  voice from the UK and 
for all the kind words of encouragement and advice.  Just to be sure I am a 
"proper" member, my details are:-

Iris Whiddett
98  Eastwood Road
Essex   EnglandTel: 01268 771642

Iris  UK 

[TMIC] Re: Stress

2013-01-23 Thread Heyjude48458
Wow...thanks Roger for your points on imagery,  distraction, and age 
progression.  Those are all valid things to think  about.
In a message dated 1/22/2013 11:09:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
r.c.pr...@frontier.com writes:

First  of all, let me say to Jude that I am really sorry to hear about 
Dave.  My  prayers are with you.

Stress - what a  difficult topic.  As I mentioned in a previous e-mail, I 
have gone  through 3 different illnesses that I believe are all related 
(auto-immune  problems).  All I can say is that stress has made all the  
symptoms/residuals (whatever you want to call them) worse.  Just when I  think 
things are getting better, a bunch of stresses hit and then  everything seems 
go to hell-in-a-handbasket. So we all know that  stress is a bad thing.

Some suggestions  that I try to use for pain relief also seem to help with 
stress.  These  include:

 ·  Visual imagery and  
distraction: Imagery involves concentrating on mental pictures of pleasant  
scenes or events or mentally repeating positive words or phrases to reduce  
Distraction  techniques focus your attention away from  negative or painful 
images to positive mental thoughts. This may include  activities as simple 
as watching television or a favorite movie, reading a  book or listening to 
a book on tape, listening to music, or talking to a  friend.

*   Age  progression/regression: Use  your mind’s eye to project 
yourself  forward or backward in time to when you are pain-free (or 
or  experiencing much less pain (or stress). Then instruct yourself to act 
"as  if" this image were true.


I  know that at first I thought this was a bit lame, the old mind over 
matter  silliness, but it can help some.  As others have said, I also place a 
lot  of importance on faith and prayer.  I beieve very strongly that God loves 
 us, and talking to Him helps a lot.

Just  some thoughts - Roger in Kennewick, WA

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