RE: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
' I do feel muscle pain at certain points and to me, that is a good feeling.'
I agree with you here.  I know some people have a lot more pain than I do and 
NEED meds.  But for me, it's a feeling that tells me the numbness is going 
away.  And having lived with migraines for so many years, I'm not that 
sensitive to pain, anyway, as long as I can still think (I can't think w/a 
migraine).  Even the spasms, I don't mind too much, unless they're keeping me 
awake.  I feel like, at least the muscles are working - better than not being 
able to move a muscle at all!
'I also read on here that we shouldn’t boost our immune system,'  
I've read that too, but only recently.  Does anyone else have any info on that. 
 I was going to take some supplements that sounded like they might help me, but 
then I read that anyone who has an auto-immune condition shouldn't.  I wonder . 
. .   The first time I read it was on a bottle of melatonin.  My neuro said not 
to take it.  But when I saw the pharmacist that's been advising me, he 
questioned it.  Later, he said he looked it up, and found that the warning was 
based on the case of ONE woman who had reacted to the melatonin.  She had MS 
and was PREGNANT.  Based on that, he assured me I had no need to worry about 
using it if I needed to.

Re: FW: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-19 Thread Jim Lubin

Since we're talking about medications and supplements, here's what I take

Docusate sodium 250 mg  twice a day
Metamucil 1 tsp. twice a day
Baclofen 20 mg four times a day
Dantrium 25 mg 3 times a day

NF Formulas Spectrient w/o Iron multi-vitamin 1 capsules, three 
times daily

Vitamin C 1000mg, three times a day

I know since I started taking 3000mg of Vitamin C about 11 yrs ago, I 
haven't even caught a cold even when people around me are sick. I 
haven't had any UTIs either.

Jim Lubin
disAbility Resources:

Re: FW: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>   I do not understand your position. It really does not matter
> what you think...

Rob, et al,

You are correct all of you.  Being in Montreal affects my thinking.  It is your 
money: try anything you think may help. Try it for as long as you like, or 
until your money runs out.

I totally agree with Lori.  Several years ago I started cutting down on my 
exercises/ work outs.  It got harder and harder to work out, so being a lazy 
sort of guy stopped all together.  I gained 15 pounds; my lipids went up,  my 
blood pressure went up, my fasting blood sugar went up.  I was diagnosed- 
obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and worst of all type 2 Diabetes.  My 
internest wanted me testing my blood for sugar. He put me on blood pressure 
pills and increased my Lipitor to 40 mg.  He even sent me to a Nurse 
Specialist.  She asked questions, then told me to start exercising.

Exercise is the key she told me...



FW: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-19 Thread Robert Pall

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall 
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 8:38 AM
To: TM List
Subject: FW: [TMIC] medications and supplements


-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:07 PM
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Jenna Stentz; Kathryn Keen; TM List
Subject: RE: [TMIC] medications and supplements

I do not understand your position. It really does not matter
what you thinkthe bottom line is that Jenna found it to be a miracle
drug. She is what this list is all about! We share with each other the
things that make us feel better. I let the group know that Lyrica has
helped me a lot so maybe it will help them as well. I don't really trust
a lot of the supplements on the market, however Jenna's experience has
induced me to try it as well. It may do nothingbut many times a
person taking a placebo (not knowingly) experiences improvementmaybe
it is just mental, but who cares if it helps.
I beg the people on this list to talk about anything that has
improved their conditionto me this is the most important feature of
the list. I will defend anyone who shares their experiences with usI
may not follow their lead, but I will at least consider what they are
I don't mean to be long winded, but I think the group should
just say thank you to Jenna and leave it at that. What we do or don't do
is up to us! 

Rob in New Jersey 

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:51 PM
To: Jenna Stentz; Kathryn Keen; TM List
Subject: Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

>   Do you really think I am lying?  It's not who I am.
>   I have medical proof of where I was and where I am through 2 of my
Dr's.  I see my neuro at the end of the month and can't wait to see what
my improvement has been from his perspective.  I'll let you know what he
has to say!


I'd love to see your medical proof!  I'd love to communicate with your
doctors.  Are they M.D.s?

At best, I think you may have been taken advantage of.

Just my take on your story.



FW: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-19 Thread Robert Pall

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall 
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:07 PM
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Jenna Stentz; Kathryn Keen; TM List
Subject: RE: [TMIC] medications and supplements

I do not understand your position. It really does not matter
what you thinkthe bottom line is that Jenna found it to be a miracle
drug. She is what this list is all about! We share with each other the
things that make us feel better. I let the group know that Lyrica has
helped me a lot so maybe it will help them as well. I don't really trust
a lot of the supplements on the market, however Jenna's experience has
induced me to try it as well. It may do nothingbut many times a
person taking a placebo (not knowingly) experiences improvementmaybe
it is just mental, but who cares if it helps.
I beg the people on this list to talk about anything that has
improved their conditionto me this is the most important feature of
the list. I will defend anyone who shares their experiences with usI
may not follow their lead, but I will at least consider what they are
I don't mean to be long winded, but I think the group should
just say thank you to Jenna and leave it at that. What we do or don't do
is up to us! 

Rob in New Jersey 

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:51 PM
To: Jenna Stentz; Kathryn Keen; TM List
Subject: Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

>   Do you really think I am lying?  It's not who I am.
>   I have medical proof of where I was and where I am through 2 of my
Dr's.  I see my neuro at the end of the month and can't wait to see what
my improvement has been from his perspective.  I'll let you know what he
has to say!


I'd love to see your medical proof!  I'd love to communicate with your
doctors.  Are they M.D.s?

At best, I think you may have been taken advantage of.

Just my take on your story.



RE: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-19 Thread ROBERT COOK


- Original Message - 
From: Lori Biehler 
To: Jenna Stentz;TM List
Sent: 1/18/2007 6:36:33 PM 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] medications and supplements

Hello to Jenna and the list,
I really hate reading all this crap being spilled about how this cannot work 
for you or how you want to make money. I will tell the list how I feel and how 
I have been doing and what is helping me.
I have been on the list since, 1999 and usually in the background these past 
few years. After Doc died, I really had a hard time with some people on the 
list and that was my problem, not anyone on the lists fault. Just some things I 
had to get over.
I was struck with TM in July of 1998 and I have been a patient of Dr. Kerr’s 
since 2000, when his practice began and he agrees 100% with my treatment plan 
for me, not for everyone, but for me. I was on baclofen, neurontin, marinol, 
etc. I think I have tried them all and the side effects from all of them made 
me feel terrible. I am a very lucky lady with my progress and my lack of 
progress. My TM hit at C2 and at T3 and T6. If you were to see me, I look 
totally normal and am able to do so many things that even two years ago I 
couldn’t. What do I do? Well, I don’t take any meds at all. I hate the nasty 
feeling as I call it, but I prefer to feel that and function. Does smoking a 
bit of weed make it go away? Oh yes, instantly, but I prefer not to live my 
life stoned. Marinol made me stoned, even on the smallest dose, so that was my 
choice and I am not against anyone smoking for any reason, their choice, and 
their body. As for my procreoception and lack of muscle strength, well I!
  exercise and for me, the worse and weaker I feel, the more I work out. I have 
above normal strength now for a woman of my age and it has helped me immensely. 
I read on here all the time to take it easy and let your body heal, well I 
believe that after the initial 6 months or so, working until fatigue is not a 
bad thing. I don’t work to fatigue every time I work out, but I do about once a 
month and after a nap, I am fine. I do feel muscle pain at certain points and 
to me, that is a good feeling. I know if I feel muscle soreness on my left, my 
right side worked also. It has worked for and continues to do so. Building 
muscle hurts the able bodied, why should we be different?
I also see a neuro in NJ and after 8 years, my babinsky, not sure if that is 
spelled correctly, is no longer positive and he can’t explain it. I have to 
tell you that my neuro here is a Doogie Howser type of man. He is extrememly 
young, and Columbia trained, so he isn’t a slouch and he concurs with 
everything I do. I do take B12, and my B12 levels are totally normal, yet after 
a shot, my nerve pain goes almost totally away and medically, there is no 
reason for this. Do I care that there is no reason? No way, as far as I am 
concerned, it helps me that is all that matters.
I also read on here that we shouldn’t boost our immune system, well I am not so 
sure about that. Again, this is my opinion and how I live and believe. So many 
of us are idiopathic, I don’t know that I have an autoimmune disease because TM 
is a symptom, not a disease. I believe that possibly my immune system was 
whacked, not weak, so I keep mine very strong with the food I eat and don’t 
eat. I don’t want it weak, I want mine strong and working and this works for 
me. There are other supplements that I take as needed, such as lycine, but I 
won’t go into the list on here because we all have different issues and 
different needs.
Jenna, go for it. If it works for you, I want to thank you for telling us all 
about it. I find it extremely interesting and because it helps you, it 
interests me. I prefer anything natural over meds. I do believe that some 
people absolutely need medication, but I also believe that there are many, many 
other things out there that can help us also and we all can make our own 
decisions as to what we need and want and the more information we share with 
each other the better for everyone.
Well, I am done and off my bully pulpit.

From: Jenna Stentz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:20 PM
To: Kathryn Keen; TM List
Subject: Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements
Good Afternoon all,
I apologize if you misunderstood.  I was not attempting to sell something.  
That was not my intention.  I have not posted about this since my improvement 
had really been taking off in September, for fear someone would misunderstand.  
My improvement has been so substantial that I felt sharing this could help some 
of you suffering from TM symptoms.
I have not implied this will cure anything, only that my experience with 
glyconutrients is that it provides the necessary nutrients for my body that has 
allowed my cells to properly communicate and my body has begun to repair.  I 
really wanted to share my experience with these technologies since lately there 

Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread Natalie Boyles

Hi Frank,
These are perna green mussels. They are given to dogs with arthritis and
joint disease.The suppliment is glycoflex. It is just a well know fact among
vets, dog owners, breeders. It works. You need to do a little research. If
you do not know much about dog showing and breeding perhaps that is why you
have never heard of it. It may be out of your range of knowledge.

"Perna contains a natural mineral balance similar to that of the human. It
is made up of 61% protein, 13% carbohydrates, 12%
5% lipids (including eicosatetraenoic acids, or ETAs), 5% minerals,
and 4% water. Perna mussel also contains
glucosamine, a GAG precursor and one of the building blocks of cartilage.
Glucosamine, GAGs (unbranched chains of complex sugars) and ETAs (a type of
Omega-3 fatty acids) are the compounds in the mussel believed to contribute
to its beneficial effects. ETAs are the key ingredients that help in the
anti-inflammatory activity and thereby the reduction of joint pain. GAGs are
the main components of cartilage and the synovial fluid found in joints."

On 1/18/07, frank @ franksheldon. com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The product they are selling is the very thing that saved my now 12 yr
> dog from double hip replacement and the effects of severe arthritis

I don't believe these products are related to glucosamine/chondroitin
sulfate that you, your dog and my girl-friend take.

If anyone can show me a relation between the two, please do.

I get really upset when people take advantage of sick people in order to
earn money.


RE: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread Lori Biehler
Hello to Jenna and the list,

I really hate reading all this crap being spilled about how this cannot work
for you or how you want to make money. I will tell the list how I feel and
how I have been doing and what is helping me.

I have been on the list since, 1999 and usually in the background these past
few years. After Doc died, I really had a hard time with some people on the
list and that was my problem, not anyone on the lists fault. Just some
things I had to get over.

I was struck with TM in July of 1998 and I have been a patient of Dr. Kerr's
since 2000, when his practice began and he agrees 100% with my treatment
plan for me, not for everyone, but for me. I was on baclofen, neurontin,
marinol, etc. I think I have tried them all and the side effects from all of
them made me feel terrible. I am a very lucky lady with my progress and my
lack of progress. My TM hit at C2 and at T3 and T6. If you were to see me, I
look totally normal and am able to do so many things that even two years ago
I couldn't. What do I do? Well, I don't take any meds at all. I hate the
nasty feeling as I call it, but I prefer to feel that and function. Does
smoking a bit of weed make it go away? Oh yes, instantly, but I prefer not
to live my life stoned. Marinol made me stoned, even on the smallest dose,
so that was my choice and I am not against anyone smoking for any reason,
their choice, and their body. As for my procreoception and lack of muscle
strength, well I exercise and for me, the worse and weaker I feel, the more
I work out. I have above normal strength now for a woman of my age and it
has helped me immensely. I read on here all the time to take it easy and let
your body heal, well I believe that after the initial 6 months or so,
working until fatigue is not a bad thing. I don't work to fatigue every time
I work out, but I do about once a month and after a nap, I am fine. I do
feel muscle pain at certain points and to me, that is a good feeling. I know
if I feel muscle soreness on my left, my right side worked also. It has
worked for and continues to do so. Building muscle hurts the able bodied,
why should we be different?

I also see a neuro in NJ and after 8 years, my babinsky, not sure if that is
spelled correctly, is no longer positive and he can't explain it. I have to
tell you that my neuro here is a Doogie Howser type of man. He is extrememly
young, and Columbia trained, so he isn't a slouch and he concurs with
everything I do. I do take B12, and my B12 levels are totally normal, yet
after a shot, my nerve pain goes almost totally away and medically, there is
no reason for this. Do I care that there is no reason? No way, as far as I
am concerned, it helps me that is all that matters.

I also read on here that we shouldn't boost our immune system, well I am not
so sure about that. Again, this is my opinion and how I live and believe. So
many of us are idiopathic, I don't know that I have an autoimmune disease
because TM is a symptom, not a disease. I believe that possibly my immune
system was whacked, not weak, so I keep mine very strong with the food I eat
and don't eat. I don't want it weak, I want mine strong and working and this
works for me. There are other supplements that I take as needed, such as
lycine, but I won't go into the list on here because we all have different
issues and different needs.

Jenna, go for it. If it works for you, I want to thank you for telling us
all about it. I find it extremely interesting and because it helps you, it
interests me. I prefer anything natural over meds. I do believe that some
people absolutely need medication, but I also believe that there are many,
many other things out there that can help us also and we all can make our
own decisions as to what we need and want and the more information we share
with each other the better for everyone.

Well, I am done and off my bully pulpit.




From: Jenna Stentz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:20 PM
To: Kathryn Keen; TM List
Subject: Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements


Good Afternoon all,


I apologize if you misunderstood.  I was not attempting to sell something.
That was not my intention.  I have not posted about this since my
improvement had really been taking off in September, for fear someone would
misunderstand.  My improvement has been so substantial that I felt sharing
this could help some of you suffering from TM symptoms.


I have not implied this will cure anything, only that my experience with
glyconutrients is that it provides the necessary nutrients for my body that
has allowed my cells to properly communicate and my body has begun to
repair.  I really wanted to share my experience with these technologies
since lately there have been so many posts on the list from people in so
much pain and suffering from the symptoms of TM and MS and I no longer have
these symptoms.  They are not being masked 

Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>From your reaction, Frank, one would think that Jenna was trying to tell 
>everyone to use glyconutrients to cure them of all their TM symptoms - and to 
>send her the money for it!  I don't think that's at all what she said.  If we 
>are afraid to share ideas with each other, we may all be missing out!
Very often when a supplement 'WORKS' it is because it's supplying something we 
have a need for.  How can one person possibly tell another that something CAN'T 
work for them?  As Rob pointed out, even if the improvement were only 
psychological, if it makes them feel better, is that bad? 

RE: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread Tracey L. Black
Thank you Rob. I was thinking the same thing. What works for one person
may  not work for others. That is why everyone on this list is on
different medications.  What works for my daughter, may not work for
you, etc. I applaud Jenna for having the courage to be able to tell
everyone about her experience, even though she hasn't been getting a lot
of warm responses. 

Tracey L. Black
Certified Insurance Service Representative
Hockley & O'Donnell Insurance Agency
Phone - 717-334-6741, x 29
Fax - 717-334-3414

Thank you for providing information to us. Please beware that no
coverage is bound and no change to your insurance program is confirmed
until verified by a licensed agent during regular business hours. If you
do not hear from us within 1 business day, please re-contact us in case
your information has not been retained.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Pall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:07 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Jenna Stentz; Kathryn Keen; TM List
Subject: RE: [TMIC] medications and supplements

I do not understand your position. It really does not matter
what you thinkthe bottom line is that Jenna found it to be a miracle
drug. She is what this list is all about! We share with each other the
things that make us feel better. I let the group know that Lyrica has
helped me a lot so maybe it will help them as well. I don't really trust
a lot of the supplements on the market, however Jenna's experience has
induced me to try it as well. It may do nothingbut many times a
person taking a placebo (not knowingly) experiences improvementmaybe
it is just mental, but who cares if it helps.
I beg the people on this list to talk about anything that has
improved their conditionto me this is the most important feature of
the list. I will defend anyone who shares their experiences with usI
may not follow their lead, but I will at least consider what they are
I don't mean to be long winded, but I think the group should
just say thank you to Jenna and leave it at that. What we do or don't do
is up to us! 

Rob in New Jersey 

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:51 PM
To: Jenna Stentz; Kathryn Keen; TM List
Subject: Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

>   Do you really think I am lying?  It's not who I am.
>   I have medical proof of where I was and where I am through 2 of my
Dr's.  I see my neuro at the end of the month and can't wait to see what
my improvement has been from his perspective.  I'll let you know what he
has to say!


I'd love to see your medical proof!  I'd love to communicate with your
doctors.  Are they M.D.s?

At best, I think you may have been taken advantage of.

Just my take on your story.



RE: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread Robert Pall
I do not understand your position. It really does not matter
what you thinkthe bottom line is that Jenna found it to be a miracle
drug. She is what this list is all about! We share with each other the
things that make us feel better. I let the group know that Lyrica has
helped me a lot so maybe it will help them as well. I don't really trust
a lot of the supplements on the market, however Jenna's experience has
induced me to try it as well. It may do nothingbut many times a
person taking a placebo (not knowingly) experiences improvementmaybe
it is just mental, but who cares if it helps.
I beg the people on this list to talk about anything that has
improved their conditionto me this is the most important feature of
the list. I will defend anyone who shares their experiences with usI
may not follow their lead, but I will at least consider what they are
I don't mean to be long winded, but I think the group should
just say thank you to Jenna and leave it at that. What we do or don't do
is up to us! 

Rob in New Jersey 

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:51 PM
To: Jenna Stentz; Kathryn Keen; TM List
Subject: Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

>   Do you really think I am lying?  It's not who I am.
>   I have medical proof of where I was and where I am through 2 of my
Dr's.  I see my neuro at the end of the month and can't wait to see what
my improvement has been from his perspective.  I'll let you know what he
has to say!


I'd love to see your medical proof!  I'd love to communicate with your
doctors.  Are they M.D.s?

At best, I think you may have been taken advantage of.

Just my take on your story.



Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> The product they are selling is the very thing that saved my now 12 yr old
> dog from double hip replacement and the effects of severe arthritis

I don't believe these products are related to glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate 
that you, your dog and my girl-friend take.

If anyone can show me a relation between the two, please do.

I get really upset when people take advantage of sick people in order to earn 


Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>   Do you really think I am lying?  It's not who I am.
>   I have medical proof of where I was and where I am through 2 of my Dr's.  I 
> see my neuro at the end of the month and can't wait to see what my 
> improvement has been from his perspective.  I'll let you know what he has to 
> say!


I'd love to see your medical proof!  I'd love to communicate with your doctors. 
 Are they M.D.s?

At best, I think you may have been taken advantage of.

Just my take on your story.



Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread Natalie Boyles

The product they are selling is the very thing that saved my now 12 yr old
dog from double hip replacement and the effects of severe arthritis. Dog
people have  been using this kind of supplement for yrs, so have horse
owners. Guess now they have found it works for people too. If you have not
tried it dont knock it.  At least be a bit more polite to the people who
have found it to work for them. This list is getting rude. It must be the
winter blues, as I know we are usually nicer and more open minded.
Natalie B

> Hi -- There are several books out about anti-inflammtories now, and you
> read all about them and how they work at this site
> , click on Product Info at
> side.  and google has many other sites about them. I am taking this for
> arthritis, and it really helps me.

Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> My improvement has been so substantial that I felt sharing this could help 
> some of you suffering from TM symptoms.
>   I have not implied this will cure anything, only that my experience with 
> glyconutrients is that it provides the necessary nutrients for my body that 
> has allowed my cells to properly communicate and my body has begun to repair.

Again, may I tell you all,

This is  BOGUS.

I read Science, every week for the last 30 years.

that issue you refer to doesn't talk about "glyconutrients".

If indeed you had remarkable improvement from "glyconutrients", the original 
disease probably was psychosomatic.  The placebo effect still works.

Sorry to burst your bubble.  Billions of our dollars get spent each year on 
junk like "glyconutrients".  We should not waste our time or money on stuff 
like that.


Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi -- There are several books out about anti-inflammtories now, and you can 
> read all about them and how they work at this site
> , click on Product Info at the 
> side.  and google has many other sites about them. I am taking this for my 
> arthritis, and it really helps me.

This is totally  BOGUS. 

" anti-inflammtories" don't exist- look the word up in a real dictionary.

 This is a scam to take your money from your pocket or purse.

I'm right about this, this time.


Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread Natalie Boyles

HI Jenna,
I have heard of using glyconutrients and phytonutrients. I have read they
have helped people with illnesses such as fibro, ms and other auto-immune
problems. There is a lot of literature out there on this - scientific and
medical. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink, as
they say.

Thanks for having the thougthfulness to share with us. I guess I am trusting
and like to see the good side of most things. But, in this instance I have
also heard of all this before and know of others who have been helped so do
believe you; believe the experts. It is good to be open to new things;
especially when they make you better. You are the winner here, so do not
worry what others think.
Natalie Boyles

On 1/18/07, Jenna Stentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Do you really think I am lying?  It's not who I am.

I have medical proof of where I was and where I am through 2 of my Dr's.
I see my neuro at the end of the month and can't wait to see what my
improvement has been from his perspective.  I'll let you know what he has to


* *

Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread Jenna Stentz
  Do you really think I am lying?  It's not who I am.
  I have medical proof of where I was and where I am through 2 of my Dr's.  I 
see my neuro at the end of the month and can't wait to see what my improvement 
has been from his perspective.  I'll let you know what he has to say!

  Thank You!!

I knew it was BOGUS just reading the e-mail!

I have sold encyclopedias, vitamins (Shaklee), Mary Kay, and Amway over the 
years. I started in high school selling tupperware. MLM is a great way to make 
money. I have an acquaintance who was single, blind and in a wheelchair when he 
was signed up in Amway, he now earns over $500,000 per year selling Soap.

Soap is different that Miracle Vitamins... It works.


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Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread Jenna Stentz
Good Afternoon all,
  I apologize if you misunderstood.  I was not attempting to sell something.  
That was not my intention.  I have not posted about this since my improvement 
had really been taking off in September, for fear someone would misunderstand.  
My improvement has been so substantial that I felt sharing this could help some 
of you suffering from TM symptoms.
  I have not implied this will cure anything, only that my experience with 
glyconutrients is that it provides the necessary nutrients for my body that has 
allowed my cells to properly communicate and my body has begun to repair.  I 
really wanted to share my experience with these technologies since lately there 
have been so many posts on the list from people in so much pain and suffering 
from the symptoms of TM and MS and I no longer have these symptoms.  They are 
not being masked by drugs anymore they are actually gone.  I feel like I have 
been given a second chance at life.  I no longer spend 70% of my day in bed.  I 
am enjoying my girls and husband so much.  Life is a joy for me again!
  My internal medicine doctor, who I have been seeing for two and a half years, 
is absolutely amazed at the change in me.  My doctor has had me on many 
supplements and was doing acupuncture since I started seeing him.  I did have 
some improvement in some symptoms but my body had never had any real healing.  
In June when I began taking Glyconutrients I was taking six side effect heavy 
medications and I am now down to one, at a half dose, and I am tapering off 
this one as we speak.
  I am not knocking other supplements and natural nutrients.  I still take my 
fish oil and I agree this is a very helpful supplement!  I also still take a 
Cranberry & Buchu product from Nature’s Sunshine to help prevent bladder 
infections.  I used to take 12 a day I now only take 4 due to the helpful 
effects of Glyconutrients.  Our bodies still need the raw materials to perform 
the daily activities and repairs – Glyconutrients does not replace these 
important needs for basic raw materials, exercise, water, etc… it only provides 
a missing set of materials that are critical to our bodies ability to properly 
function as intended.
  I am really not going to spend a lot of time disputing what the Internet has 
spewed out about glyconutrients, you know they even say Elvis is still alive on 
the Internet as well, but only leave you with this: Most of those negative 
reports are from those who already have a predisposed negative view about these 
products and marketing tools.  Yes, it is network marketing and they are not 
being sly or coy about their product, but due to FDA regulations they CANNOT 
talk to you about specific products only Glyconutrients in general related to 
  I do want to mention the “ratbags” web site as much of their evidence is 
skewed in its view and not balanced, an example is the PDF document referencing 
the tree sourcing by the company.  If viewed with the lens that this is already 
negative you would assume that the use of the fibers in the glyconutrients was 
simple fiber to fill the product, but if you actually looked at the product and 
used and studied where the saccharides come from it you would notice the 
wording about where these fibers are used.  It is a statement about the use of 
the quality fiber used in a completely separate product line, NOT the primary 
glyconutrient supplement (I have been on the primary supplement since June of 
last year).  And furthermore, the saccharides are derived from these types of 
plants in a patented extraction process anyway, so the raw material might look 
a little funny in a press release.
  If you are interested in real science about glyconutrients, please look at 
real science journals and web sites – Journal of Anatomy, Embryology and Cell 
Biology devoted and entire issue of their publication Acta Anatomica Vol.161, 
No. 1-4, 1998 publication to the topic of the glycosciences OR Science 
Magazine, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Association for the 
Advancement of Science (AAAS), devoted its 23 March 2001, Volume 291, Issue 
5512 to carbohydrates and glycobiology.  Look at JAMA and many others, these 
will dispel many of the “urban legends” around glycobiology.
  Well if anyone is left reading at this point I just want to say that I felt 
that people on this list could benefit from what I have used and had great 
improvement with.!
Have a great day!  Jenna

Kathryn Keen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I was interested in the claims made in 
Jenna's post on Glyconutrients, 
( but 
felt it sounded a bit like a sales pitch. I did a web search and found 
many sites selling the same thing with the almost the same wording as 
one another. It sounded a bit like a pyramid selling scheme. None seem 
to actually describe the product they're selling in any details, or give 
prices or ingredient

Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi everybody.  You are right about omega-3 oils -- 
> they are a *very* powerful anti-inflammatory. This 


Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank You!!

I knew it was BOGUS just reading the e-mail!

I have sold encyclopedias, vitamins (Shaklee), Mary Kay, and Amway over the 
years.  I started in high school selling tupperware.  MLM is a great way to 
make money.  I have an acquaintance who was single, blind and in a wheelchair 
when he was signed up in Amway, he now earns over $500,000 per year selling 

Soap is different that Miracle Vitamins... It works.


Re: [TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-17 Thread Westgold
Hi everybody.  You are right about omega-3 oils -- 
they are a *very* powerful anti-inflammatory. This 
is a hot field of research right now, as they prove that
so many of our medical problems and pains are 
caused by inflammation in the body.  People with 
TM and similar diseases have serious inflammation 
on the spine and throughout the body.  

You can get a *free* bottle of the most powerful type 
of omega-3 anti-inflammatory supplement -- from 
the New Zealand Green-lipped mussel -- at this site. 
Just pay $6.95 for shipping for a month's supply.  If it 
will work for you, you should notice some improvement 
in a month.  It's definitely worth a try. 

take care -- Michelle

- Original Message - 
From: "Kathryn Keen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Jenna Stentz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "TM List" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 7:47 PM
Subject: [TMIC] medications and supplements

I was interested in the claims made in Jenna's post on Glyconutrients, 
(  but 
felt it sounded a bit like a sales pitch.  I did a web search and found 
many sites selling the same thing with the almost the same wording as 
one another.  It sounded a bit like a pyramid selling scheme.  None seem 
to actually describe the product they're selling in any details, or give 
prices or ingredient lists etc. but all make these really huge claims.  
I also came upon this site, which gave a different perspective, and 
refuted claims about some of the studies:

Having said that though, Jenna, I'm not disputing your claims, and would 
be very interested in any treatment or supplement that actually works.  
Like everyone else here, I'd love to be cured or at least to find 
something that relieves the suffering a bit (or a lot!).  I have noticed 
since being struck down by TM that I sometimes get huge sugar cravings 
and eat lollies when I do.  I never used to have a sweet tooth, but now 
I do.  I don't pig-out on them all the time, (because my legs are 
already wasted heaps from a yr in a wheelchair, and I don't want to have 
to put on extra weight for them to have to try to hold up, as I'm now 
managing to walk a bit now with a Canadian crutch), but the 
sugar-craving is something I've noticed.  I wonder if that's something 
to do with the claims of the sites on the Glyconutrients about sugars?  
Maybe it's just coincidence, but I did wonder if my body may be needing 
more sugars or something, when I had these real cravings for something 

One doctor I saw while having a scan done suggested to me that fish oil 
supplements and glucosamine are useful in demylenating diseases, as they 
will help protect it in some way.  I take the fish oil, as I'm a 
vegetarian (not any more I guess :), and think maybe I've been missing 
out on something in the diet.  (Although no way I could bring myself to 
eat meat though)..  But I haven't tried the glucosamine yet as it's too 
expensive, and I'm only barely struggling to make ends meet as it is.  
Has anyone tried the glucosamine?  None of these things is actually a 
'cure' or anything, but just maybe a maintenance thing to try to keep as 
well as possible, under the circumstances. 

I do get a bit worried at some of the quackery that targets sick people, 
who are desperate for cures or relief, and are probably an easy target 
for unscrupulous people to make money out of.  But if anything would 
give some relief, then it would be great.  I just don't want to be 
ripped off, because it's so hard to manage with being sick anyway.

I agree with others that have written in here, with the pain.  I've 
found the constant pain is the worst part of this.  My back pain just 
won't go away.  Some days it's not as bad as others, but it's always 
there.  I find when I've tried to push myself to do more, I tend to pay 
for it over the following days with heaps more pain and fatigue.  After 
the back pain, the legs and feet are next worst, with the pain and 
frozen feeling and banding.  But all my joints seem so incredibly 
painful at times too.  It's just relentless.  Then there's the spasms 
and twitching legs; and not being able to go to the loo without heaps of 
laxatives every day, or to even push properly.  I'm taking 200mg 
Tramadol morning and night for the pain, and Neurontin (which I can 
barely afford, so only take a little, as it's not on the PBS for 
neuropathic pain here, and costs almost $100 a packet at most chemists), 
and Baclofen for the spasticity, (which has made a huge difference for 
me).  I still sometimes need to take Endone in the middle of the day if 
the pain becomes t

[TMIC] medications and supplements

2007-01-17 Thread Kathryn Keen
I was interested in the claims made in Jenna's post on Glyconutrients, 
(  but 
felt it sounded a bit like a sales pitch.  I did a web search and found 
many sites selling the same thing with the almost the same wording as 
one another.  It sounded a bit like a pyramid selling scheme.  None seem 
to actually describe the product they're selling in any details, or give 
prices or ingredient lists etc. but all make these really huge claims.  
I also came upon this site, which gave a different perspective, and 
refuted claims about some of the studies:

Having said that though, Jenna, I'm not disputing your claims, and would 
be very interested in any treatment or supplement that actually works.  
Like everyone else here, I'd love to be cured or at least to find 
something that relieves the suffering a bit (or a lot!).  I have noticed 
since being struck down by TM that I sometimes get huge sugar cravings 
and eat lollies when I do.  I never used to have a sweet tooth, but now 
I do.  I don't pig-out on them all the time, (because my legs are 
already wasted heaps from a yr in a wheelchair, and I don't want to have 
to put on extra weight for them to have to try to hold up, as I'm now 
managing to walk a bit now with a Canadian crutch), but the 
sugar-craving is something I've noticed.  I wonder if that's something 
to do with the claims of the sites on the Glyconutrients about sugars?  
Maybe it's just coincidence, but I did wonder if my body may be needing 
more sugars or something, when I had these real cravings for something 

One doctor I saw while having a scan done suggested to me that fish oil 
supplements and glucosamine are useful in demylenating diseases, as they 
will help protect it in some way.  I take the fish oil, as I'm a 
vegetarian (not any more I guess :), and think maybe I've been missing 
out on something in the diet.  (Although no way I could bring myself to 
eat meat though)..  But I haven't tried the glucosamine yet as it's too 
expensive, and I'm only barely struggling to make ends meet as it is.  
Has anyone tried the glucosamine?  None of these things is actually a 
'cure' or anything, but just maybe a maintenance thing to try to keep as 
well as possible, under the circumstances. 

I do get a bit worried at some of the quackery that targets sick people, 
who are desperate for cures or relief, and are probably an easy target 
for unscrupulous people to make money out of.  But if anything would 
give some relief, then it would be great.  I just don't want to be 
ripped off, because it's so hard to manage with being sick anyway.

I agree with others that have written in here, with the pain.  I've 
found the constant pain is the worst part of this.  My back pain just 
won't go away.  Some days it's not as bad as others, but it's always 
there.  I find when I've tried to push myself to do more, I tend to pay 
for it over the following days with heaps more pain and fatigue.  After 
the back pain, the legs and feet are next worst, with the pain and 
frozen feeling and banding.  But all my joints seem so incredibly 
painful at times too.  It's just relentless.  Then there's the spasms 
and twitching legs; and not being able to go to the loo without heaps of 
laxatives every day, or to even push properly.  I'm taking 200mg 
Tramadol morning and night for the pain, and Neurontin (which I can 
barely afford, so only take a little, as it's not on the PBS for 
neuropathic pain here, and costs almost $100 a packet at most chemists), 
and Baclofen for the spasticity, (which has made a huge difference for 
me).  I still sometimes need to take Endone in the middle of the day if 
the pain becomes too severe.  I've tried going off the Tramadol, as I 
don't want to become dependant on it, but the pain is just unbearable 
when I do.  200mg Tramadol is the biggest dose available and is long 
acting, and at least gives me relief.  It's been over a year since I was 
struck down by TM, and I would have hoped that the severity of the pain 
in my back might have subsided by now, but it's still really bad. 

Well, thanks for listening.

Kathryn Keen
NSW Australia
(where it's sweltering hot; the weather forecasters have predicted 
46deg. C  (about 115 deg F) heat on Sunday, and there's fires raging out 
of control in many areas across the country, and our town's water supply 
is now down to 13% due to drought, and with level 5 water restrictions 
likely to be implemented in March if we don't get heaps of rain in the 
catchment in that time).