2011-11-01 Thread Susan Kleinz


Craniosacral therapy relieved pain and a hugely distended abdomen  
(which I hid for  8 months.)

The fascia under our skin is like a net holding everything in.  It  
gets "kinked"  Myofascial release (having to do with relaxing the  
fascia as it interfaces with the muscle and craniosacral - having to  
do with the cranium, dura, spinal cord and dural sack.)The therapist  
finds the beginning and ending of these "kinks" or restrictions and  
releases the tightness.  This takes pressure off the fascial system,  
decreasing the symptoms.

I recently had a brace made for my left leg which has increased my  
balance tremendously.  It is for "drop foot" and picks my foot up  
automatically.  Also, have orthodics for high arch.

Susan - Phoenix

On Oct 31, 2011, at 12:24 PM, wrote:

HI Susan,
Thank you for the information.  I smiled when I read your diagnosis  
of Brown Sequard Syndrome, because it reminded me of the first time  
it was used by a neuro in my presence.  I was seeing the neuro who  
diagnosed me in the hospotal with TM but his office was 70 miles  
away. I asked my PCP for a referral to a neuro closer to home.  The  
new neuro spoke into his recorder during my visit and said,  
"Patient has Brown Sequard Syndrome. I was stressed and said "No,  
I'm here for Transverse Myelitis".  He was annoyed with me for  
interrupting him.  I asked the office manager to find out what the  
new term was and looked it up when I got home.  Duh!  They could  
have saved me a lot of worry if it had been explained it wasn't yet  
another ugly illness and just the symptoms my body portrayed.  TM  
has been a learning experience regarding all the medical terminology.

Now I need to look up cranial sacral therapy.  How has it helped you?

Patti  - Michigan

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Susan Kleinz wrote:

  As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz
57, married, 3 children,
diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS  
after becoming paralyzed on left side.

diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk  
with a brace on left leg.

thank you for all these wonderful websites!

my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says -  
no flu or shingles shots.

I've never had either.

Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.

Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -
phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.

B 12 shots twice a week help also.

Phoenix, AZ

On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

Wasn’t that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl  
(daughter of race car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several  
websites dedicated to the fight against spinal cord injuries – and  
particularly TM – to help educate others about our dreaded  
condition. Check out the following: 

(in   Northern California )


Sent:   Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM
Cc:   transverse myelitis
Subject:   Re: [TMIC] CBS

Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it 


From:   "James Berg" <>
To:   "transverse myelitis" <>
Sent:   Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM
Subject:   [TMIC] CBS

Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving?  another  


2011-11-01 Thread ACAROE
High top sneakers do the trick too. Rosalie
In a message dated 10/31/2011 8:46:08 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

and another benefit Dalton is that you can feel cool wearing them  
again,,(i like your trade mark sign for TM)  ’¿¨


 From: Dalton Garis  
To: Elizabeth Clark  ; 'Susan Kleinz'  

Sent:  Monday, October 31, 2011 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS

Hey friends;

I am a big proponent of our checking out if wearing western or cowboy  
boots can handle drop foot.  I have drop foot on the left foot.  The  decision 
was either to get a brace attached to a shoe that resembled a large  slab of 
cement painted black, or, get cowboy boots.  Well, which would  you rather 
have?  Boots, that you can change to match conditions and  tastes, or a slab 
of black concrete that becomes your only choice of  footwear?

Mine are hand-made M.L. Leddy's of Fort Worth, Texas.  I had a pair  almost 
forty years ago; so when I got drop foot from ™ I thought this would be  a 
nice solution to the problem.  Now, I don't wear anything else. And  they 
completely solve the problem.

I recommend getting a good pair, the best you can afford.  Well  worth the 
money in comfort and convenience.


From: Elizabeth Clark <_xbeeclarkx@gmail.com_ ( 
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:37:46  -0700
To: 'Susan Kleinz' <_skleinz@cox.net_ ( >
Cc: <_tmic-list@eskimo.com_ ( >
Subject: RE: [TMIC] CBS
Resent-From: <_tmic-list@eskimo.com_ ( >
Resent-Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:40:15  -0700

Hi  Susan,
Sorry we have to  meet under these circumstances – I am 58, married with 2 
children (20 &  22 who still live at home). I was dx’d with TM in April of 
2006, spent a  month in a re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of 
physical &  occupational therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on 
right wrist/arm to improve my hand function.
Early this year I  started wearing a leg brace (when I’m out walking a lot –
 grocery or mall  shopping, etc.). After seeing a podiatrist for an 
unrelated issue, he became  interested in my ‘condition’ and other problems I 
as a result of TM –  weak left leg (especially the knee), pronated 
arch/ankle and drop-foot. He  recommended a new, light-weight carbon-fibre 
(made by Trulife in the  U.K.
  ) for my leg that has worked very 
well. It gives me the stability I need  without being too heavy. I don’t wear 
it around the house, but when I go  out, it helps tremendously. 
I looked up  Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The symptoms of it read very much like 
TM so I’m  curious… you said you have probable MS, but were dx’d with TM 
this year. Is  that a correction to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago 
or in  addition to it? 
And the Cranial  Sacral Therapy… I’m very interested in it. I had many 
years of chiropractic  treatments during my teens & 20’s due to severe 
headaches and backaches  caused by my Scoliosis, but finally stopped going 
because I 
had my spine  fused (and partially because of the cost). Since then, I’ve  
considered  going back, but the thought of someone else touching and 
manipulating my  body just creeps me out… I have extreme sensitivity to 
fabrics  which make my skin feel like it’s crawling and being hugged by 
others can  sometimes be painful. I tried acupuncture a couple years ago, but 
’t see  (or feel) any improvement in my condition. You mention Cranial 
Sacral  Therapy helped you more than anything else. In what way – other than 
 obvious feeling of well-being – did it help you? With pain or with 
function?  Also, do you use pain meds? If so, what do you use and in what 

Sorry if I sound  nosy, but I’m always interested in alternative therapies. 
Since we all seem  to react differently, you never know what might work for 
(in Northern  California )

From: Susan  Kleinz [_mailto:skleinz@cox.net_ ( ] 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:02  AM
To: Elizabeth  Clark
Cc: _kimharrison325@comcast.net_ ( ;  
_tmic-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject: Re: [TMIC]  CBS

As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan  Kleinz

57, married, 3  children, 

diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome,  probable MS after 
becoming paralyzed on left side.


diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse  Myeliltis. - can walk with a 
brace on left leg.


thank you for all these wonderful  websites!


my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in  Phoenix AZ says - no flu 
or shingle


2011-10-31 Thread Roger & Terese Pratt

John, you are sure right about no answers for fixing nerve damage (other than, 
hopefully you'll get used to it). - Roger 

- Original Message - 
From: "john snodgrass"  
To: "Jeron Rampersad" , "r c pratt" 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 5:49:11 PM 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS 

i know what you mean J. 
i went to a neurologist once and sat there for over 2 hours and was before him 
less than 1 minute literally. 
250.00 for that visit too! 

ya got good ones and then ya have the others. 

and according to reports Roger, they really have no good answers for fixing 
nerve damage. 

From: Jeron Rampersad  
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 7:01 PM 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] CBS 

funny thing is, the doctors who have a clue just doesn't care. sometimes I 
wonder if they are in the medical field to help patients or just to call 
themselves "doctors". That sounds badbut which of us hasn't been through 
crap with our doctors? 

Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 22:51:40 + 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS 

Sometimes I think that doctors don't have a clue! - Roger in Kennewick, WA 

- Original Message - 
From: "john snodgrass"  
To: "Elizabeth Clark" , "Susan Kleinz"  
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 2:33:40 PM 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS 

I dont mean to sound pouty, perhaps I am the only one but i doubt it. the  
wherewithal  for therapy of different sorts i have not. 

but if they come up with something that makes enough difference that would put 
me back to work,,I would surely start a "me" foundation and find the means for 

jeepers if I could find a way to stop the buzzing from the middle of my spine 
down to my feet I would gladly find the means. 

so you folks that have the means,,,by all means keep tryng,searching,looking, 
we all need answers.  

From: Elizabeth Clark  
To: 'Susan Kleinz'  
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 3:37 PM 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] CBS 

Hi Susan, 

Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances – I am 58, married with 2 
children (20 & 22 who still live at home). I was dx’d with TM in April of 2006, 
spent a month in a re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of physical & 
occupational therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on my right 
wrist/arm to improve my hand function. 

Early this year I started wearing a leg brace (when I’m out walking a lot – 
grocery or mall shopping, etc.). After seeing a podiatrist for an unrelated 
issue, he became interested in my ‘condition’ and other problems I have as a 
result of TM – weak left leg (especially the knee), pronated arch/ankle and 
drop-foot. He recommended a new, light-weight carbon-fibre brace (made by 
Trulife in the U.K.
 ) for my leg that has worked very well. It gives me the stability I need 
without being too heavy. I don’t wear it around the house, but when I go out, 
it helps tremendously. 

I looked up Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The symptoms of it read very much like TM 
so I’m curious… you said you have probable MS, but were dx’d with TM this year. 
Is that a correction to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago or in 
addition to it? 

And the Cranial Sacral Therapy… I’m very interested in it. I had many years of 
chiropractic treatments during my teens & 20’s due to severe headaches and 
backaches caused by my Scoliosis, but finally stopped going because I had my 
spine fused (and partially because of the cost). Since then, I’ve  considered 
going back, but the thought of someone else touching and manipulating my body 
just creeps me out… I have extreme sensitivity to synthetic fabrics which make 
my skin feel like it’s crawling and being hugged by others can sometimes be 
painful. I tried acupuncture a couple years ago, but didn’t see (or feel) any 
improvement in my condition. You mention Cranial Sacral Therapy helped you more 
than anything else. In what way – other than the obvious feeling of well-being 
– did it help you? With pain or with function? Also, do you use pain meds? If 
so, what do you use and in what dosage? 

Sorry if I sound nosy, but I’m always interested in alternative therapies. 
Since we all seem to react differently, you never know what might work for you. 

(in Northern California )     

From: Susan Kleinz [] 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:02 AM 
To: Elizabeth Clark 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS 

As "newbe"


2011-10-31 Thread john snodgrass
and another benefit Dalton is that you can feel cool wearing them again,,(i 
like your trade mark sign for TM)  ’¿¨

From: Dalton Garis 
To: Elizabeth Clark ; 'Susan Kleinz' 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS

Hey friends;

I am a big proponent of our checking out if wearing western or cowboy boots can 
handle drop foot.  I have drop foot on the left foot.  The decision was either 
to get a brace attached to a shoe that resembled a large slab of cement painted 
black, or, get cowboy boots.  Well, which would you rather have?  Boots, that 
you can change to match conditions and tastes, or a slab of black concrete that 
becomes your only choice of footwear?

Mine are hand-made M.L. Leddy's of Fort Worth, Texas.  I had a pair almost 
forty years ago; so when I got drop foot from ™ I thought this would be a nice 
solution to the problem.  Now, I don't wear anything else. And they completely 
solve the problem.

I recommend getting a good pair, the best you can afford.  Well worth the money 
in comfort and convenience.

From:  Elizabeth Clark 
Date:  Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:37:46 -0700
To:  'Susan Kleinz' 
Subject:  RE: [TMIC] CBS
Resent-Date:  Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:40:15 -0700

Hi Susan,
>Sorry we have to meet under these
circumstances – I am 58, married with 2 children (20 & 22 who still
live at home). I was dx’d with TM in April of 2006, spent a month in a
re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of physical & occupational
therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on my right wrist/arm to
improve my hand function.
>Early this year I started wearing a leg
brace (when I’m out walking a lot – grocery or mall shopping, etc.).
After seeing a podiatrist for an unrelated issue, he became interested in my 
and other problems I have as a result of TM – weak left leg (especially
the knee), pronated arch/ankle and drop-foot. He recommended a new,
light-weight carbon-fibre brace (made by Trulife in the U.K.
) for my leg that has worked very well. It gives me the stability I need without
being too heavy. I don’t wear it around the house, but when I go out, it
helps tremendously. 
>I looked up Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The
symptoms of it read very much like TM so I’m curious… you said you
have probable MS, but were dx’d with TM this year. Is that a correction
to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago or in addition to it? 
>And the Cranial Sacral Therapy… I’m
very interested in it. I had many years of chiropractic treatments during my
teens & 20’s due to severe headaches and backaches caused by my
Scoliosis, but finally stopped going because I had my spine fused (and partially
because of the cost). Since then, I’ve  considered going back, but
the thought of someone else touching and manipulating my body just creeps me
out… I have extreme sensitivity to synthetic fabrics which make my skin
feel like it’s crawling and being hugged by others can sometimes be
painful. I tried acupuncture a couple years ago, but didn’t see (or feel)
any improvement in my condition. You mention Cranial Sacral Therapy helped you 
than anything else. In what way – other than the obvious feeling of
well-being – did it help you? With pain or with function? Also, do you
use pain meds? If so, what do you use and in what dosage? 
>Sorry if I sound nosy, but I’m
always interested in alternative therapies. Since we all seem to react
differently, you never know what might work for you.
>(in Northern California )    
>From:Susan Kleinz
>Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011
9:02 AM
>To: Elizabeth Clark
>Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS
>As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz
>57, married, 3 children, 
>diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after
becoming paralyzed on left side.
>diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with
a brace on left leg.
>thank you for all these wonderful websites!
>my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ 
says - no flu or shingles shots.
>I've never had either.
>Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.
>Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -
>phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.
>B 12 shots twice a week help also.
>Phoenix , AZ
>On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:
that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of 


2011-10-31 Thread Dalton Garis
Hey friends;

I am a big proponent of our checking out if wearing western or cowboy boots
can handle drop foot.  I have drop foot on the left foot.  The decision was
either to get a brace attached to a shoe that resembled a large slab of
cement painted black, or, get cowboy boots.  Well, which would you rather
have?  Boots, that you can change to match conditions and tastes, or a slab
of black concrete that becomes your only choice of footwear?

Mine are hand-made M.L. Leddy's of Fort Worth, Texas.  I had a pair almost
forty years ago; so when I got drop foot from  I thought this would be a
nice solution to the problem.  Now, I don't wear anything else. And they
completely solve the problem.

I recommend getting a good pair, the best you can afford.  Well worth the
money in comfort and convenience.


From:  Elizabeth Clark 
Date:  Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:37:46 -0700
To:  'Susan Kleinz' 
Subject:  RE: [TMIC] CBS
Resent-Date:  Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:40:15 -0700

> Hi Susan,
> Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances ­ I am 58, married with 2
> children (20 & 22 who still live at home). I was dx¹d with TM in April of
> 2006, spent a month in a re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of
> physical & occupational therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on
> my right wrist/arm to improve my hand function.
> Early this year I started wearing a leg brace (when I¹m out walking a lot ­
> grocery or mall shopping, etc.). After seeing a podiatrist for an unrelated
> issue, he became interested in my Œcondition¹ and other problems I have as a
> result of TM ­ weak left leg (especially the knee), pronated arch/ankle and
> drop-foot. He recommended a new, light-weight carbon-fibre brace (made by
> Trulife in the U.K.
> /matrix ) for my leg that has worked very well. It gives me the stability I
> need without being too heavy. I don¹t wear it around the house, but when I go
> out, it helps tremendously.
> I looked up Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The symptoms of it read very much like TM
> so I¹m curiousŠ you said you have probable MS, but were dx¹d with TM this
> year. Is that a correction to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago or in
> addition to it? 
> And the Cranial Sacral TherapyŠ I¹m very interested in it. I had many years of
> chiropractic treatments during my teens & 20¹s due to severe headaches and
> backaches caused by my Scoliosis, but finally stopped going because I had my
> spine fused (and partially because of the cost). Since then, I¹ve  considered
> going back, but the thought of someone else touching and manipulating my body
> just creeps me outŠ I have extreme sensitivity to synthetic fabrics which make
> my skin feel like it¹s crawling and being hugged by others can sometimes be
> painful. I tried acupuncture a couple years ago, but didn¹t see (or feel) any
> improvement in my condition. You mention Cranial Sacral Therapy helped you
> more than anything else. In what way ­ other than the obvious feeling of
> well-being ­ did it help you? With pain or with function? Also, do you use
> pain meds? If so, what do you use and in what dosage?
> Sorry if I sound nosy, but I¹m always interested in alternative therapies.
> Since we all seem to react differently, you never know what might work for
> you.
> Betty
> (in Northern California)
> From: Susan Kleinz []
> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:02 AM
> To: Elizabeth Clark
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS
> As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz
> 57, married, 3 children,
> diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after becoming
> paralyzed on left side.
> diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with a brace
> on left leg.
> thank you for all these wonderful websites!
> my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says - no flu or
> shingles shots.
> I've never had either.
> Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.
> Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -
> phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.
> B 12 shots twice a week help also.
> Susan 
> Phoenix, AZ
> On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:
> Wasn¹t that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of race
> car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has


2011-10-31 Thread Jeron Rampersad

funny thing is, the doctors who have a clue just doesn't care. sometimes I 
wonder if they are in the medical field to help patients or just to call 
themselves "doctors". That sounds badbut which of us hasn't been through 
crap with our doctors?

Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 22:51:40 +
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS

Sometimes I think that doctors don't have a clue! - Roger in Kennewick, WA

- Original Message -
From: "john snodgrass" 
To: "Elizabeth Clark" , "Susan Kleinz" 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 2:33:40 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS

I dont mean to sound pouty, perhaps I am the only one but i doubt it. the 
wherewithal for therapy of different sorts i have not.

but if they come up with something that makes enough difference that would put 
me back to work,,I would surely start a "me" foundation and find the means for 

jeepers if I could find a way to stop the buzzing from the middle of my spine 
down to my feet I would gladly find the means.

so you folks that have the means,,,by all means keep tryng,searching,looking, 
we all need answers. 

From: Elizabeth Clark 
To: 'Susan Kleinz' 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 3:37 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] CBS

Hi Susan,
Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances – I am 58, married with 2 
children (20 & 22 who still live at home). I was dx’d with TM in April of 2006, 
spent a month in a re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of physical & 
occupational therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on my right 
wrist/arm to improve my hand function.
Early this year I started wearing a leg brace (when I’m out walking a lot – 
grocery or mall shopping, etc.). After seeing a podiatrist for an unrelated 
issue, he became interested in my ‘condition’ and other problems I have as a 
result of TM – weak left leg (especially the knee), pronated arch/ankle and 
drop-foot. He recommended a new, light-weight carbon-fibre brace (made by 
Trulife in the U.K.
 ) for my leg that has worked very well. It gives me the stability I need 
without being too heavy. I don’t wear it around the house, but when I go out, 
it helps tremendously. 
I looked up Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The symptoms of it read very much like TM 
so I’m curious… you said you have probable MS, but were dx’d with TM this year. 
Is that a correction to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago or in 
addition to it? 
And the Cranial Sacral Therapy… I’m very interested in it. I had many years of 
chiropractic treatments during my teens & 20’s due to severe headaches and 
backaches caused by my Scoliosis, but finally stopped going because I had my 
spine fused (and partially because of the cost). Since then, I’ve  considered 
going back, but the thought of someone else touching and manipulating my body 
just creeps me out… I have extreme sensitivity to synthetic fabrics which make 
my skin feel like it’s crawling and being hugged by others can sometimes be 
painful. I tried acupuncture a couple years ago, but didn’t see (or feel) any 
improvement in my condition. You mention Cranial Sacral Therapy helped you more 
than anything else. In what way – other than the obvious feeling of well-being 
– did it help you? With pain or with function? Also, do you use pain meds? If 
so, what do you use and in what dosage? 
Sorry if I sound nosy, but I’m always interested in alternative therapies. 
Since we all seem to react differently, you never know what might work for you.
(in Northern California )

From: Susan Kleinz [] 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:02 AM
To: Elizabeth Clark
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS
As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz


57, married, 3 children, 

diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after becoming 
paralyzed on left side.


diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with a brace 
on left leg.


thank you for all these wonderful websites!


my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says - no flu or 
shingles shots.

I've never had either.


Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.


Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -

phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.


B 12 shots twice a week help also.



Phoenix , AZ


On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

Wasn’t that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of race 
car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to the fight 


2011-10-31 Thread Roger & Terese Pratt

Sometimes I think that doctors don't have a clue! - Roger in Kennewick, WA 

- Original Message - 
From: "john snodgrass"  
To: "Elizabeth Clark" , "Susan Kleinz"  
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 2:33:40 PM 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS 

I dont mean to sound pouty, perhaps I am the only one but i doubt it. the  
wherewithal  for therapy of different sorts i have not. 

but if they come up with something that makes enough difference that would put 
me back to work,,I would surely start a "me" foundation and find the means for 

jeepers if I could find a way to stop the buzzing from the middle of my spine 
down to my feet I would gladly find the means. 

so you folks that have the means,,,by all means keep tryng,searching,looking, 
we all need answers.  

From: Elizabeth Clark  
To: 'Susan Kleinz'  
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 3:37 PM 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] CBS 

Hi Susan, 

Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances – I am 58, married with 2 
children (20 & 22 who still live at home). I was dx’d with TM in April of 2006, 
spent a month in a re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of physical & 
occupational therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on my right 
wrist/arm to improve my hand function. 

Early this year I started wearing a leg brace (when I’m out walking a lot – 
grocery or mall shopping, etc.). After seeing a podiatrist for an unrelated 
issue, he became interested in my ‘condition’ and other problems I have as a 
result of TM – weak left leg (especially the knee), pronated arch/ankle and 
drop-foot. He recommended a new, light-weight carbon-fibre brace (made by 
Trulife in the U.K.
 ) for my leg that has worked very well. It gives me the stability I need 
without being too heavy. I don’t wear it around the house, but when I go out, 
it helps tremendously. 

I looked up Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The symptoms of it read very much like TM 
so I’m curious… you said you have probable MS, but were dx’d with TM this year. 
Is that a correction to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago or in 
addition to it? 

And the Cranial Sacral Therapy… I’m very interested in it. I had many years of 
chiropractic treatments during my teens & 20’s due to severe headaches and 
backaches caused by my Scoliosis, but finally stopped going because I had my 
spine fused (and partially because of the cost). Since then, I’ve  considered 
going back, but the thought of someone else touching and manipulating my body 
just creeps me out… I have extreme sensitivity to synthetic fabrics which make 
my skin feel like it’s crawling and being hugged by others can sometimes be 
painful. I tried acupuncture a couple years ago, but didn’t see (or feel) any 
improvement in my condition. You mention Cranial Sacral Therapy helped you more 
than anything else. In what way – other than the obvious feeling of well-being 
– did it help you? With pain or with function? Also, do you use pain meds? If 
so, what do you use and in what dosage? 

Sorry if I sound nosy, but I’m always interested in alternative therapies. 
Since we all seem to react differently, you never know what might work for you. 

(in Northern California )     

From: Susan Kleinz [] 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:02 AM 
To: Elizabeth Clark 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS 

As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz 

57, married, 3 children,  

diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after becoming 
paralyzed on left side. 

diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with a brace 
on left leg. 

thank you for all these wonderful websites! 

my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says - no flu or 
shingles shots. 

I've never had either. 

Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped. 

Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist - 

phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried. 

B 12 shots twice a week help also. 


Phoenix , AZ 

On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote: 

Wasn’t that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of race 
car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to the fight 
against spinal cord injuries – and particularly TM – to help educate others 
about our dreaded condition. Check out the following:


2011-10-31 Thread john snodgrass
I dont mean to sound pouty, perhaps I am the only one but i doubt it. 
the wherewithal for therapy of different sorts i have not.

but if they come up with something that makes enough difference that would put 
me back to work,,I would surely start a "me" foundation and find the means for 

jeepers if I could find a way to stop the buzzing from the middle of my spine 
down to my feet I would gladly find the means.

so you folks that have the means,,,by all means keep tryng,searching,looking, 
we all need answers. 

From: Elizabeth Clark 
To: 'Susan Kleinz' 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 3:37 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] CBS

Hi Susan,
Sorry we have to meet under these
circumstances – I am 58, married with 2 children (20 & 22 who still
live at home). I was dx’d with TM in April of 2006, spent a month in a
re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of physical & occupational
therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on my right wrist/arm to
improve my hand function.
Early this year I started wearing a leg
brace (when I’m out walking a lot – grocery or mall shopping, etc.).
After seeing a podiatrist for an unrelated issue, he became interested in my 
and other problems I have as a result of TM – weak left leg (especially
the knee), pronated arch/ankle and drop-foot. He recommended a new,
light-weight carbon-fibre brace (made by Trulife in the U.K.
) for my leg that has worked very well. It gives me the stability I need without
being too heavy. I don’t wear it around the house, but when I go out, it
helps tremendously. 
I looked up Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The
symptoms of it read very much like TM so I’m curious… you said you
have probable MS, but were dx’d with TM this year. Is that a correction
to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago or in addition to it? 
And the Cranial Sacral Therapy… I’m
very interested in it. I had many years of chiropractic treatments during my
teens & 20’s due to severe headaches and backaches caused by my
Scoliosis, but finally stopped going because I had my spine fused (and partially
because of the cost). Since then, I’ve  considered going back, but
the thought of someone else touching and manipulating my body just creeps me
out… I have extreme sensitivity to synthetic fabrics which make my skin
feel like it’s crawling and being hugged by others can sometimes be
painful. I tried acupuncture a couple years ago, but didn’t see (or feel)
any improvement in my condition. You mention Cranial Sacral Therapy helped you 
than anything else. In what way – other than the obvious feeling of
well-being – did it help you? With pain or with function? Also, do you
use pain meds? If so, what do you use and in what dosage? 
Sorry if I sound nosy, but I’m
always interested in alternative therapies. Since we all seem to react
differently, you never know what might work for you.
(in Northern California )    

From:Susan Kleinz
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011
9:02 AM
To: Elizabeth Clark
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS
As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz
57, married, 3 children, 
diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after
becoming paralyzed on left side.
diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with
a brace on left leg.
thank you for all these wonderful websites!
my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ 
says - no flu or shingles shots.
I've never had either.
Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.
Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -
phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.
B 12 shots twice a week help also.
Phoenix , AZ
On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of race car
driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to the fight against
spinal cord injuries – and particularly TM – to help educate others
about our dreaded condition. Check out the following:
(in  Northern California )

From: [] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM
Cc: transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC]


2011-10-31 Thread john snodgrass
Hi Susan.

one piece of word,dont get discouraged when you see adversarial mail posted.

when i first seen "this is my 15th year" i though bad thoughts.

any one of us at any given time could heal spontaneously.

i would say more than likely not but I am not a nerve.

im that little feller that gets on your nerves


happy halloween. 

From: Susan Kleinz 
To: Elizabeth Clark 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS

As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz

57, married, 3 children, 
diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after becoming 
paralyzed on left side.

diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with a brace 
on left leg.

thank you for all these wonderful websites!

my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says - no flu or 
shingles shots.
I've never had either.

Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.

Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -
phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.

B 12 shots twice a week help also.

Phoenix, AZ

On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

Wasn’t that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of race 
car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to the fight 
against spinal cord injuries – and particularly TM – to help educate others 
about our dreaded condition. Check out the following:
>(in  Northern California )
>From: [] 
>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM
>Cc: transverse myelitis
>Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS
>Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it
>From: "James Berg" 
>To: "transverse myelitis" 
>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM
>Subject: [TMIC] CBS
>Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving?  another possibility.


2011-10-31 Thread Elizabeth Clark
Hi Susan,


Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances - I am 58, married with 2
children (20 & 22 who still live at home). I was dx'd with TM in April of
2006, spent a month in a re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of
physical & occupational therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on
my right wrist/arm to improve my hand function.


Early this year I started wearing a leg brace (when I'm out walking a lot -
grocery or mall shopping, etc.). After seeing a podiatrist for an unrelated
issue, he became interested in my 'condition' and other problems I have as a
result of TM - weak left leg (especially the knee), pronated arch/ankle and
drop-foot. He recommended a new, light-weight carbon-fibre brace (made by
Trulife in the U.K.
fo/matrix ) for my leg that has worked very well. It gives me the stability
I need without being too heavy. I don't wear it around the house, but when I
go out, it helps tremendously. 


I looked up Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The symptoms of it read very much like
TM so I'm curious. you said you have probable MS, but were dx'd with TM this
year. Is that a correction to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago or
in addition to it? 


And the Cranial Sacral Therapy. I'm very interested in it. I had many years
of chiropractic treatments during my teens & 20's due to severe headaches
and backaches caused by my Scoliosis, but finally stopped going because I
had my spine fused (and partially because of the cost). Since then, I've
considered going back, but the thought of someone else touching and
manipulating my body just creeps me out. I have extreme sensitivity to
synthetic fabrics which make my skin feel like it's crawling and being
hugged by others can sometimes be painful. I tried acupuncture a couple
years ago, but didn't see (or feel) any improvement in my condition. You
mention Cranial Sacral Therapy helped you more than anything else. In what
way - other than the obvious feeling of well-being - did it help you? With
pain or with function? Also, do you use pain meds? If so, what do you use
and in what dosage? 


Sorry if I sound nosy, but I'm always interested in alternative therapies.
Since we all seem to react differently, you never know what might work for



(in Northern California)




From: Susan Kleinz [] 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:02 AM
To: Elizabeth Clark
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS


As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz


57, married, 3 children, 

diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after
becoming paralyzed on left side.


diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with a
brace on left leg.


thank you for all these wonderful websites!


my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says - no flu
or shingles shots.

I've never had either.


Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.


Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -

phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.


B 12 shots twice a week help also.



Phoenix, AZ


On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

Wasn't that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of
race car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to the
fight against spinal cord injuries - and particularly TM - to help educate
others about our dreaded condition. Check out the following:




(in Northern California)




From: [] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM
Cc: transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS


Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it


From: "James Berg" 
To: "transverse myelitis" 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM
Subject: [TMIC] CBS

Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving?  another



2011-10-31 Thread pjv1234

HI Susan,
Thank you for the information.  I smiled when I read your diagnosis of 
Brown Sequard Syndrome, because it reminded me of the first time it was 
used by a neuro in my presence.  I was seeing the neuro who diagnosed me 
in the hospotal with TM but his office was 70 miles away. I asked my PCP 
for a referral to a neuro closer to home.  The new neuro spoke into his 
recorder during my visit and said, "Patient has Brown Sequard Syndrome. 
I was stressed and said "No, I'm here for Transverse Myelitis".  He was 
annoyed with me for interrupting him.  I asked the office manager to 
find out what the new term was and looked it up when I got home.  Duh! 
They could have saved me a lot of worry if it had been explained it 
wasn't yet another ugly illness and just the symptoms my body portrayed. 
TM has been a learning experience regarding all the medical terminology.

Now I need to look up cranial sacral therapy.  How has it helped you?

Patti  - Michigan

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Susan Kleinz wrote:

  As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz
57, married, 3 children, 
diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after 
becoming paralyzed on left side.

diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with a 
brace on left leg.

thank you for all these wonderful websites!

my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says - no 
flu or shingles shots.

I've never had either.

Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.

Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -
phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.

B 12 shots twice a week help also.

Phoenix, AZ

On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

Wasn’t that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter 
of race car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to 
the fight against spinal cord injuries – and particularly TM – to help 
educate others about our dreaded condition. Check out the following: 
<> <> 

(in   Northern California )


Sent:   Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM

Cc:   transverse myelitis
Subject:   Re: [TMIC] CBS
Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it 


From:   "James Berg" < 
To:   "transverse myelitis" < 

Sent:   Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM
Subject:   [TMIC] CBS

Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving?  another 


2011-10-31 Thread Susan Kleinz

As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz

57, married, 3 children,
diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after  
becoming paralyzed on left side.

diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk  
with a brace on left leg.

thank you for all these wonderful websites!

my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says -  
no flu or shingles shots.

I've never had either.

Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.

Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -
phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.

B 12 shots twice a week help also.

Phoenix, AZ

On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

Wasn’t that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl  
(daughter of race car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several  
websites dedicated to the fight against spinal cord injuries – and  
particularly TM – to help educate others about our dreaded  
condition. Check out the following: 

(in Northern California)

From: []
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM
Cc: transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS

Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it 

From: "James Berg" 
To: "transverse myelitis" 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM
Subject: [TMIC] CBS

Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving?  another  


2011-10-28 Thread Elizabeth Clark
Wasn't that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of
race car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to the
fight against spinal cord injuries - and particularly TM - to help educate
others about our dreaded condition. Check out the following:




(in Northern California)




From: [] 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM
Cc: transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS


Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it


From: "James Berg" 
To: "transverse myelitis" 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM
Subject: [TMIC] CBS

Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving?  another


2011-10-28 Thread kimharrison325

Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it

- Original Message -

From: "James Berg"  
To: "transverse myelitis"  
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM 
Subject: [TMIC] CBS 

Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving?  another possibility.