Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch and 88.2 files

2009-11-07 Thread Keymaster

buelligan;482889 Wrote: 
> the Touch outputs 88.2/92 kHz / 24 bit from its digital outputs.  Is
> this right?

Almost.  Was probably a typo, but it should handle 88.2/24 and 96/24 on
the digital outs (as opposed to 92/24).

Good times :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch and 88.2 files

2009-11-07 Thread buelligan

that the Touch outputs 88.2/92 kHz / 24 bit from its digital outputs. 
Is this right?

Thanks, buelligan


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] NTFS Support Needed for Touch

2009-11-07 Thread ModelCitizen

H.. much as I'd like to edit the directory TinySC scans my Linux
command line skills are not up to that. I can start the scanner as you
suggest though and will do next time. BTW. I attach my USB drive via
SataII cable to my main Windows machine (hmm I woinder if this means I
can have it attached to both the TOuch and my main machine at the same
time?) and there is not way to detatch it elegantly (as there might be
with USB) so I have to either pull out the cable or power the drive
down. I guess this means that the TinySC code will always report:

"The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing."

I atempted to use the Touch whilst the scanner was operating and the
device crashed and restarted by itself. Then I couldn't get it to see my
main music library. It kept trying to find my Touch library even though
I'd turned TinySC off.

This is probably not the right forum for this.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] NTFS Support Needed for Touch

2009-11-07 Thread andyg

TinySC is configured to scan the entire drive, you can edit
/etc/squeezecenter/prefs/server.prefs and change the audiodir pref if
you want.

I would recommend running the scanner like this to see how it's doing
and what kind of scan performance you're getting.

/usr/squeezecenter/ --wipe --rescan --progress --nostatistics


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What format does a Network HD need to be to run Touch (or other Squeezebox devices)

2009-11-07 Thread usch

JJZolx;482594 Wrote: 
> If folks really are going to be using this standalone with a USB disk
> attached, it should have had two USB ports to facilitate backups of the
> music library disk.  Yeah, you can add a USB hub, but...

You have to get new files onto the USB drive somehow anyway. A
reasonable workflow would be to rip, organize and tag on your PC, then
either attach the USB drive, synchronize it, and attach it back to the
Touch, or synchronize directly over the network. That way you always
have two copies of your library and can even include your local copy in
the normal backup plan of your PC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] NTFS Support Needed for Touch

2009-11-07 Thread ModelCitizen

andyg;482614 Wrote: 
> Let me know how it works out.

I think the repetition is due to my attempts to copy and past the
screen. I've added my 1tb backup USB disk and started TinySC. It sounds
like it's scanning the disk now although I could not find any way to
point TinySC at the music files so it must be happily rummaging through
all mine and my wifes documents too.

I guess it will take a few hours to complete although I'd be stunned
(and over the moon) if it does. My touch utilises 33% of it's available
memory when it is running without TinySC so I just can't see how this
scan could  work. But anyway, thanks Andy. If my disk corrupts I know
it's my own fault. :-)

# mkdir /media/sda1
# ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1
The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing.
# mkdir /media/sda1
# ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1
The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing.
# # mkdir /media/sda1
# # ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1
# The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
-sh: syntax error: "(" unexpected
# The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing.
> Enjoy!
> # mkdir /media/sda1
> # ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1
> The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
> The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing.
-sh: The: not found
# # mkdir /media/sda1
# # ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1
# The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
-sh: syntax error: "(" unexpected
# The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing.
> # # mkdir /media/sda1
> # # ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1
> # The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
> -sh: syntax error: "(" unexpected
> # The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing.
-sh: The: not found



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