Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread JeffG

Hey Bruce:  If you are wasting your time with "idiots", why are you
posting?  By the way, I find it hard to believe you spend 4-8 hours
every week defending yourself -- actually, maybe it's not so hard to


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread Bruce B

mortslim;532596 Wrote: 
> Am I missing something here?

Yes... you're missing something... and I'm trying to defend myself
again and wasting time...
The digital output for both the Playback Designs MPS-5 and the EMM Labs
CDSD-SE... of which we both use, is a direct DSD data stream from the
ST-optical output. Unfortunately the reference you linked to doesn't
mention it. 

Puget Sound Studios
Seattle, WA

Bruce B

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch released or not?

2010-04-09 Thread mlsstl

I received my package at work mid Friday afternoon. It had originally
been scheduled for Monday delivery but showed up today. Not a bad
conclusion to the affair. 

Setup took about 10 minutes for the various entries and firmware
update. I'd already upgraded to SBS version 7.5 so the server was ready
to go. 

Everything is working perfectly. I've just finished syncing and volume
matching the SB3/Lavry and the Touch (analog out) to do some serious
comparison. Right out of the box things are very close. I plan to do
some close listening over the weekend and will see if the initial
impression holds up.

However, the good news is that Logitech upheld their end of the bargin
for the people who preordered directly from Logitech. I'll still
scratch my head for quite some time to come over the communication
issues, but at least that episode is now in the past.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread mortslim

Bruce B;532576 Wrote: 
> we take a direct DSD data stream from a Playback Designs MPS-5 into
> either a Sonoma workstation or a Pyramix workstation.

Actually, this seems to suggest that rather than the analog output of
the transport, the digital output is being used (which per the specs of
the transport is 16bits / 44.1kHz)

Am I missing something here?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread mortslim

The issue is not what Bruce does, the issue is how Bruce's product is
marketed by HDTracks.

Here are the specs for the Playback Designs MPS-5 (which is the
transport for the SACD):

Digital outputs:
XLR: AES/EBU formatted for stereo linear PCM data.
If playing from disc the data on this output
will be 16bits / 44.1kHz. 

If you use the digital outputs of the transport, you start with 44.1
and end up with 88.2, that’s upsampling. 

Now this transport also has analog outputs too.  Is Bruce using the
analog output of the transport for the SACD?  

The original master was converted to SACD, then converted again to DAC
(digital to analog converter), then you have analog, then converted
again to the ADC (analog to digital converter) of the computer audio
workstation to get digital again.   Then the SRC (sample rate
conversion) is done in SARACON (software) (to convert again).  I count
four conversions of the original master.

The HDTracks website states generally that 

*Native Formats PCM conversion chart 

176/24= 88/24 
Analog masters=88/24

But for example, the San Francisco symphony albums just say 88/24.  
There are three possible sources per HDTracks.  You are left to guess
as to the source material.  

Since we now independently know that the San Francisco albums were
previously SACD, the conversion chart implies a direct digital to
digital conversion to 88/24.  But now we know that is not what
happened.  It was digital to analog to digital.  (Assuming the
transport’s analog outputs were used).

We can debate all day as to the resulting quality.  Is the quality as
good as material originally recorded at 88/24?

Again, my point is the same: Consumers have a right to know exactly
what they are buying so that they can make an informed buying

By the way, resorting to ad hominems (“idiots”) is a defense mechanism.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch released or not?

2010-04-09 Thread margava

Logitech URL is not working for buying the touch and there is no stock.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread p-cubed

I haven't found any. Please contribute US sites or stores indicating
Touch is available NOW.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Apple Lossless limitations?

2010-04-09 Thread demicco

Hi everyone,

I have two quick questions about the touch:

When playing off a local USB drive, is seeking in ALAC files possible?

When playing ALAC files off a local USB drive, do gapless tracks play
as they should?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBS version and Touch

2010-04-09 Thread aubuti

Welcome to the forums. As per the Touch announcement
( at the top of the
forum, if you want to use an SB Touch running SBS off your NAS, then
yes, you do need to upgrade to 7.5.0.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread Bruce B

mortslim;532566 Wrote: 
> So which machine does the conversion?
> How is the conversion done?
> What is the workflow?
> Is there upsampling or not?
> Bruce has acknowledged on other forums that he does upsampling.

No machine does the conversion... Weiss SARACON does the DSD conversion
to 88.2

The first few months we were doing the transfers, we were using a
modified (by Andreas Koch) EMM Labs ADC8 IV to do the digital
conversion to 88.2
Yes it does 88.2 using the 2fs switch. 
We have never upsampled any transfers, period. 
Now we take a direct DSD data stream from a Playback Designs MPS-5 into
either a Sonoma workstation or a Pyramix workstation. Then we SRC using
SARACON. End of story. 

I don't know why we have to defend ourselves from these idiots!

Puget Sound Studios
Seattle, WA

Bruce B

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread mortslim

Since Bruce has now decided to participate, why doesn't he explain the
conversion process himself, since he is the one who does it.

As HDTracks has represented in post #73:
"EMM Labs CDSD-SE Transport => via DSD ST-optical => EMM Labs ADC8 MkIV

=> via PCM 24/96 AES/EBU => Pyramix DSD/DXD Workstation => Digital
Denmark AX24 for playback monitoring via MADI."

And as HDTracks has represented today: "The EMM Labs converter does not
do the digital conversion, all it does is convert ST-optical data to
SPIDF-3 data."

Seems like HDTracks has contradicted itself: previously it said that
the EMM machine converted to PCM 24/96 but then told us today that the
EMM machine doesn't do the conversion at all.

So which machine does the conversion?
How is the conversion done?
What is the workflow?
Is there upsampling or not?

Bruce has acknowledged on other forums that he does upsampling.

Again, there is nothing wrong in and of itself with upsampling.  The
issue is whether HDTracks has made a full disclosure of the source
material fidelity (bit and sample rate) and the conversion process.

Remember, we're starting with an SACD.  We know that from
representatives of both the Chicago and San Francisco orchestras.  

So tell us Bruce, exactly what do you do with that SACD to get it into
the PCM format that is sold by HDTracks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread Bruce B

johnas;532552 Wrote: 
> I am not sure, I don't know anything about the technology. Maybe
> Mortslim can comment on the information HD Tracks sent me - they seem
> to refute what he is saying but I will leave him to comment.

I'd like to hear his comment as well! 

Puget Sound Studios
Seattle, WA

Bruce B

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Funky new applications for the Touch

2010-04-09 Thread JohnSwenson

Traditionally third party "applications" were implemented as a plugin
for the server and ran on the machine the server was running on. These
are written in perl (the language the server is written in)

The new generation devices (controller, radio and touch) add a new form
called an applet that is written in a language called LUA which runs on
the device itself. There is a fair amount of stuff you can do in LUA.
At this point we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg as far
applets go. We need to wait for more people to get Touchs in their
hands and start playing with applets. 

There IS a third possibility, a native linux app running on the Touch.
Both plugins and applets are written in interpreted languages.(I know,
some plugins run native programs) A native program is compiled down to
the native machine code of the processor, this can produce much faster
programs. This is probably the best bet for any serious number
crunching on the Touch. As long as SBS is not running on the Touch
there should be resources for some fairly serious native programs to

At the moment there is no official loader for such programs, you have
to SSH in and SCP the program over and provide a way to start it etc. 

Besides stuff traditionally done by plugins, a native program can use
standard Linux methods for accessing hardware on the Touch such as the
USB port which opens up a whole new world of possible uses for the

Some of this stuff is bound to happen over time, but its going to take
a while before there is much ground breaking new functionality. 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread johnas

I am not sure, I don't know anything about the technology. Maybe
Mortslim can comment on the information HD Tracks sent me - they seem
to refute what he is saying but I will leave him to comment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread cwp97

Thanks for contacting them and posting their reply johnas.  So I guess
all this talk about switches and things was irrelevant?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread johnas

>From HD Tracks

> Thank you for waiting.  We have gotten in touch with Bruce and we have
> clarified what is going on with these conversions.
> Firstly, the EMM Labs converter can convert DSD to PCM at either 44.1
> or 
> 88.2.  There is a switch on the front for 1fs or 2fs for this.  However
> this is irrelevant since he directly captures the DSD data stream via 
> the SPIDF-3 output.  The EMM Labs converter does not do the digital 
> conversion, all it does is convert ST-optical data to SPIDF-3 data.
> Also note that Bruce does not know or has spoken to the this Mortslim
> on 
> the forum who is making these claims.
> In fact, anyone can check for themselves by downloading the files and 
> then looking at the waveforms on your computer.  You will see that
> there 
> is audio content above 22kHz.
> We hope this answers your question.  Please let us know if we can be of
> any further assistance.
> Sincerely,
> The HDtracks Team


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread pski

Just now, the touch is not even showing on


real stereo doesn't wake neighbors (it enrages them)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How good is the DAC in the touch ?

2010-04-09 Thread badboygolf16v

sturmhardt;532474 Wrote: 
> geithain rl901Cool speakers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread MickeyG

JJZolx;532453 Wrote: 
> Many users _will_ run into this situation.  But Logitech should have
> thought of that during the time that the Touch was in development.  It
> will make sense to few people that a bus-powered USB drive that works
> when attached to virtually any computer or laptop fails to work with
> the Touch.
> But I also think we're getting ahead of ourselves.  Many drives will
> work and I think most people are willing to find one that does.  Nobody
> wants to run a powered USB hub just to hang a drive from the Touch.

I hope people take the time to find one too. A powered USB hub is not
the optimal solution.



Transporter > Classé Audio DR6 > Mark Levinson 23 > Wilson Watt 3/Puppy
1/Martin Logan Dynamo 700

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread cwp97

But that “only 44.1kHz is allowed for DSD outputs and inputs” applies to
the base frequency.  As far as I can tell, isn't that different from the
actual sampling rate?  Looking at the manual:

1FS / 2FS: Selects the sample rate for PCM data. FS is the base
frequency (see 44.1 / 48 switch). 2FS position will mute outputs when
the oversampling ratio is set to 128.

44.1 / 48: Selects the base frequency (only 44.1kHz is allowed for DSD
outputs and inputs).

Now, I don't own this thing nor have I ever used it but it seems like
the 1FS/2FS switch is the actual thing that sets the sample rate.  So
if you select 44.1 as the base frequency and then set it to 2FS for the
sample rate, that would give you 88.2 as the sampling rate, wouldn't it?
Am I understanding this wrong?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread MickeyG

JJZolx;532453 Wrote: 
> Many users _will_ run into this situation.  But Logitech should have
> thought of that during the time that the Touch was in development.  It
> will make sense to few people that a bus-powered USB drive that works
> when attached to virtually any computer or laptop fails to work with
> the Touch.
> But I also think we're getting ahead of ourselves.  Many drives will
> work and I think most people are willing to find one that does.  Nobody
> wants to run a powered USB hub just to hang a drive from the Touch.

I hope people take the time to find one too. A powered USB hub is not
the optimal solution.



Transporter > Classé Audio DR6 > Mark Levinson 23 > Wilson Watt 3/Puppy
1/Martin Logan Dynamo 700

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread johnas

mortslim;532458 Wrote: 
> HDTracks now says: "we have taken the San Francisco Symphony albums off
> of our site while we investigate."
> I have also spoken to Mark Waldrep, owner of a competing company,
> Mark says he has spoken to David Chesky, owner of HDTracks, several
> times about the issues and he says that David is simply unresponsive.

It is unfortunate you didn't contact HD Tracks to verify what
said, they are a competitor with HD Tracks are they not? Making
allegations on hearsay isn't cool. I think taking the tracks offline
shows they are willing to do the right thing, good on them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread mortslim

As cited above, the EMM manual is quite clear:

“only 44.1kHz is allowed for DSD outputs and inputs” on page 2 and page


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread mortslim

The EMM Labs machine is a swiss army knife.  It can do many different
types of projects and its capabilities vary depending on the project. 
The issue for this discussion is DSD to PCM conversion of a ripped
SACD.  So the specs on other types of conversions by the same machine
are not relevant.  The machine has built-in limitations for the DSD to
PCM conversion of ripped SACDs to be in compliance with Sony
intellectual property rights.  

Sony marketed SACD to record companies as a way to offer higher
fidelity (debatable) than regular “red book” CDs and at the same time
offered a copy protection scheme which was lacking in regular CDs.   It
is this copy protection scheme which is implemented in the machine used
by HDTracks’ studio for the conversions.  In essence, the machine is
merely ripping the red book layer of the CD rather than the SACD

If the source material was the original studio DSD file, then a higher
fidelity conversion could have been done.  But since the source
material used by HDTracks, at least in these cited examples, was an
SACD, the conversion is limited by legal constraints.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread cwp97

Thanks for reposting that info.

So I read the instruction manual and yes, the base frequency can only
be set to 44.1 for DSD, but, there is another switch listed above that
in the manual that sets the sample rate.  Wouldn't setting that switch
to 2fs give you 88.2 (2 x the base frequency)?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread iPhone

JJZolx;532453 Wrote: 
> Many users _will_ run into this situation.  But Logitech should have
> thought of that during the time that the Touch was in development.  It
> will make sense to few people that a bus-powered USB drive that works
> when attached to virtually any computer or laptop fails to work with
> the Touch.

Just exactly why is it Logitech's issue and why should they have
thought or cared about it?!

There is an industry agreed upon and certified USB port power spec. How
is it Logitech's fault if 1) people buy drives that don't comply with
the USB port spec and 2) that they didn't think and plan for that? I
will tell you, its NOT.

Is it Honda's fault if some idiot puts a set of rims on his Honda with
the wrong hub offset just because he wants his wheels sticking way
outside the finders because he thinks it looks cool and he wears out
his wheel bearings then wants Honda to cover it under warranty. It is
not Honda's fault. Honda has a hub offset spec as well as a spec for
what size rims will function properly on what model car.

All USB drives and devices are not created equally or to spec or
certified. One gets what one pays for. And one should buy and use a
Certified USB drive with Touch if one wants to try and limit possible
issues. As there might even be some Certified USB drives that don't
work with Touch, how could Logitech plan to cover every drive? During
Beta, we were asked to plug in any USB devices that we owned to see
what worked and what didn't. Some devices that we thought would never
work did just fine as well as devices we thought wouldn't be an issue
ended up not being compatible.

USB drives will be just like WiFi Routers, some work with Squeezebox
some don't.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How good is the DAC in the touch ?

2010-04-09 Thread Sturmhardt

@Phil: You´re right, I forgot the clock matters!! 

V-DAC: I tried using V-DAC instead of internal ONKYO PR-SC886 DAC
(20bit). Definitely no difference. Speakers were active Pro-Equipment
(Geithain RL901).

@Dibou: Thanks for answering. VERY interesting link!!!


2 x SBReceiver, 1 x SBClassic, 1 x SBController
SBServer on WIN XP PC
Soft: 7.4.2

Former user of Logitech Wireless DJ with 3 Receivers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread mortslim

HDTracks now says: "we have taken the San Francisco Symphony albums off
of our site while we investigate."

If it reads the earlier posts in this thread, it may want to also take
off the albums from Resound, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s record
label, because the same upsampling is happening there too.

HDTracks is not some giant corporation where one hand doesn't know what
the other is doing.  It is a very small group.  It has been informed of
these issues before and previously just decided to ignore it.

I have also spoken to Mark Waldrep, owner of a competing company,
Mark says he has spoken to David Chesky, owner of HDTracks, several
times about the issues and he says that David is simply unresponsive.

I see the bigger issue as why prestigious orchestras around the world
allow their works to be marketed in such a misleading way.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread Kevin Haskins

johnas;532442 Wrote: 
> I contacted HD Tracks, here's what they said:

Wow I bet he is going to learn to keep his mouth shut.

Kevin Haskins

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[SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-09 Thread glenw


Posting this as it may help others enjoy their Touch

I have been lucky enough to get a Touch quickly last Wednesday here in
NZ.  It worked without any real problems with the exception of some
glitches and stutters playing SOME hi-res FLAC files, not all as some
were fine.

This was sounding like a wireless bandwidth problem but I had a good
signal strength (70-80%) and couldn’t work it out.  I tried a Belkin
Wireless N router but this was slightly worse in terms of signal
performance than my Linksys 802.11G device.  I tried a copper Cat-5
cable and this worked fine!  Somehow it must be a wireless issue I
thought, but no...

I stumbled across another post that pointed me in the direction of FLAC
compression rates.  Luckily I had a consistent song that ‘stuttered’ and
I re-encoded this at FLAC level 0 and it was perfect.  I experimented
briefly with level 5 (stuttered!), Level 3 (still no good), and then
decided to just leave my Hi-Res FLACS at Level 0 and it sounds fine.

With my Duet the transcoded Hi-Res songs were always playing correctly.
I assume the ‘problem’ with Hi-Res at full rate is at the Touch in
terms of processing power to decode FLACs with higher compression
rates.  This of course doesn’t explain why it works perfectly well with
a hard-wired Ethernet connection???

If anyone can help explain what is going on it would be interesting.
In any case I am completely happy with the Touch and am running it
without issue on Squeeze Server 7.6.  I hope this information is useful
to others.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread JJZolx

MickeyG;532316 Wrote: 
> I was worried that a lot of users would have throw on a old drive and
> possibly run into this situation too.

Many users _will_ run into this situation.  But Logitech should have
thought of that during the time that the Touch was in development.  It
will make sense to few people that a bus-powered USB drive that works
when attached to virtually any computer or laptop fails to work with
the Touch.

But I also think we're getting ahead of ourselves.  Many drives will
work and I think most people are willing to find one that does.  Nobody
wants to run a powered USB hub just to hang a drive from the Touch.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread johnas

I contacted HD Tracks, here's what they said:
> Thank you for your interest in HDtracks.  All of our high resolution 
> files are provided to us from the label and are not upsampled.  We do 
> not convert them to 44.1 and then back up to 88.2.  We read the post 
> that you provided a link for as well.  We take the integrity of our 
> store and the quality of our products very seriously.  We are currently
> in the process of contacting Bruce, who "admitted" that he upsamples
> for 
> us, to clarify what exactly he did or did not do.  In the meantime, we
> have taken the San Francisco Symphony albums off of our site while we 
> investigate.
> As soon as we have clarification on the matter, we will let you know.
> We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.  Please let us know
> if we can be of any further assistance.
> Sincerely,
> The HDtracks Team


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[SlimDevices: Touch] SBS version and Touch

2010-04-09 Thread laimjar

Ready for ordering Touch, but have a question.
My flac's are on NAS (D-Link DNS343) with SBS Version: 7.4.1 - r28947
I do not plan to use USB drives and built-in server software.
So, will  Squeezebox Touch work with my current setup, or it's
absolutely necessary to upgrade to 7.5.0. (on NAS)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch have Wireless Bridge Functionality?

2010-04-09 Thread bigbwb

So what is the consensus, does the Touch offer the bridge functunality
like the SB3?  I use this feature on my SB3 for my Directv HDDVR box
and hope the touch has it too.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread bigbwb

MadCityGeoff;532404 Wrote: 
> I, too, have had a Touch on pre-order from Amazon since last December.
> I'm very displeased to see the product available elsewhere and
> "unavailable" on Amazon.

I know amazon gives you the option to cancel the order anytime, you
might want to try ordering one through logitech also?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread MadCityGeoff

I, too, have had a Touch on pre-order from Amazon since last December.
I'm very displeased to see the product available elsewhere and
"unavailable" on Amazon.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread mortslim

Quad;532369 Wrote: 
> this is a misunderstanding. Maybe the subcontracting studio knows a way
> to preserve 24/96 while converting DSD to PCM. I mean hey, it's David
> Chesky from Chesky Records who owns and runs HDtracks! He sure knows
> how to deal with sampling rates. (That's what one hopes.)

There is no misunderstanding.  

I personally spoke to the studio owner who does the conversions.  He
admits he upsampling.  

The audio starts in a totally different digital format, it is apples to
oranges.  It is a format called DSD.  It ends up as PCM.  The machine
that does the conversions can't do it better than as described because
of legal restrictions imposed by Sony.

Read this entire thread for all the gory details.

HDTracks doesn’t admit this.  

However if you read the prior posts in this thread on the subject, it
has been making several inconsistent statements and statements that are
contradicted by other sources, including their own subcontracted studio

“Of course you don't tell your wife the truth...
(hypothetical)...nobody does, do they? I've known men like this...their
gentlemen's agreement. It's cool to lie to their wives or girlfriends,
but you can share those lies with other guys...and, it's an unwritten
rule - you never tell the truth to the ladies. And, if one of the guys
slips up and his wife finds out the truth... he's supposed to deny,
deny, deny.” Donald J. Trump


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread mortslim

mortslim;518719 Wrote: 
> The studio that does the SACD conversions for HDtracks told me that it
> uses the EMM Labs ADC8 MKIV converter for these conversions.  And
> HDtracks confirmed in an email to another poster in post #73 that this
> is indeed the machine that is used for the conversions.
> Well, to understand this process better, I read the manual for this
> machine.  And lo and behold, there it is:
> “from DSD to PCM (44.1kHz - 16/24 bits selectable)” on page 1.
> And 
> “only 44.1kHz is allowed for DSD outputs and inputs” on page 2 and page
> 8.
> Here is the product page for the machine:
> Thus the 24/88.2 downloads available on HDtracks that came from these
> SACD conversions started as 44.1 and then upsampled to 88.2. 
> This explains why the studio owner and engineer for HDtracks stated:
> “…DSD has a base freq of 44.1 and is clocked at 44.1 We do all the
> SACD/DSD/DVD-A transfers for HDtracks and other sites…
> Regards,
> __ 
> Bruce A. Brown
> Puget Sound Studios
> Seattle, Washington”
> Even though HDtracks claims in an email as quoted in post #70 that it
> doesn’t upsample, it is clear that there is upsampling.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

And I guess some people are too lazy to read earlier posts that covers
the issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread Quad

mortslim Wrote: 
> HDtracks subcontracts with a studio to do the rip of the SACD’s using a
> machine called the EMM Labs ADC8 MKIV converter.  This machine converts
> the SACD’s DSD format to a PCM format of 24/44.1.  That is a technical
> restriction of the machine whose specifications are limited by the
> intellectual property rights of Sony, which invented the SACD
> technology.  This resulting file is then upsampled from 44.1 to 88.2 by
> HDtracks’ studio before being sold to the public at 24/88.2.

Thanks for bringing this up and for investigating!

johnas Wrote: 
> Have you contacted HD Tracks to confirm that they upsample in the
> examples you have given?

I'm not in the US and officially I'm not allowed to buy from HDtracks.
(It is possible though with a PayPal workaround explained in this
forum.) Maybe someone else could place an inquery?

Honestly, I'm still positive that this is a misunderstanding. Maybe the
subcontracting studio knows a way to preserve 24/96 while converting DSD
to PCM. I mean hey, it's David Chesky from Chesky Records who owns and
runs HDtracks! He sure knows how to deal with sampling rates.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread cwp97

ummm...the EMM Labs ADC8 MKIV converter doesn't appear to be limited to
44.1/24 ( and the sampling
rate for an SACD is 2.8MHz?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch have Wireless Bridge Functionality?

2010-04-09 Thread andynormancx

Bridges normally work by keeping a list of MAC addresses, so that they
know which devices are on the local side of the bridge. No default
gateway involved for devices on the same subnet.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Funky new applications for the Touch

2010-04-09 Thread MickeyG

Mr_Sukebe;532218 Wrote: 
> Oh, I hadn't realised that resources were so marginal.  Scrub that idea
> then.

Squeezebox Server isn't running if you don't connect a USB drive or SD
card. It's not on all the time, so any CPU-intensive app would be OK
under specific circumstances.



Transporter > Classé Audio DR6 > Mark Levinson 23 > Wilson Watt 3/Puppy
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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch have Wireless Bridge Functionality?

2010-04-09 Thread alfista

andynormancx;532333 Wrote: 
> Erm no. His server is plugged into his SB3, so from a Squeezebox point
> of view he actually has zero wireless hops.
Well, perhaps the networking of the SB3 is more competent than I give
it credit for. My assumption was that both SB3 and server would have
the wireless router as default gateway in a setup like this and thus
the traffic would pass through the router. Sadly, it's been quite a
while since I worked with networks so the details about stuff like this
are no longer in the cache...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread johnas

Have you contacted HD Tracks to confirm that they upsample in the
examples you have given?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread mortslim

I have been informed by the Electronc Media Coordinator for the San
Francisco Symphony that the San Francisco Symphony also sends their
SACDs to HD Tracks.

And this employee of the Symphony admits that HD Tracks rips their
SACDs to create the digital downloads.

HDtracks subcontracts with a studio to do the rip of the SACD’s using a
machine called the EMM Labs ADC8 MKIV converter.  This machine converts
the SACD’s DSD format to a PCM format of 24/44.1.  That is a technical
restriction of the machine whose specifications are limited by the
intellectual property rights of Sony, which invented the SACD
technology.  This resulting file is then upsampled from 44.1 to 88.2 by
HDtracks’ studio before being sold to the public at 24/88.2.

The problem with upsampling is that the fidelity will not be as good as
material originally recorded at 24/88.2.  Thus in my opinion, HDtracks
is giving the public the impression that the fidelity is better than it
actually is.

Hdtracks can sell music in whatever resolution it wants. The issue is
whether Hdtracks has made a full disclosure of the source of the master
and the conversion process for the downloadable file that it does sell.

I don’t believe there has been full disclosure.

In addition, when I pointed this out the San Francisco Symphony, the
Electronc Media Coordinator at the Symphony stated: “This is an issue
for HD Tracks customer service”.

Apparently the San Francisco Symphony (or at least its Electronc Media
Coordinator) doesn’t care about the issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread bigbwb

posted in another thread
Well, I ordered one through the logitech site and also have one on
pre-order through Amazon. I figure I can cancel the one which ships

I imagine from the looks of things, amazons will not ship for a while
considering they pulled them off the stie altogether. MickeyG from
Logitech seems to believe orders directly through Logitech will ship
next week possibly.

The waiting begins!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread bigbwb

posted in another thread
Well, I ordered one through the logitech site and also have one on
pre-order through Amazon. I figure I can cancel the one which ships

I imagine from the looks of things, amazons will not ship for a while
considering they pulled them off the stie altogether. MickeyG from
Logitech seems to believe orders directly through Logitech will ship
next week possibly.

The waiting begins!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch released or not?

2010-04-09 Thread bigbwb

Well, I ordered one through the logitech site and also have one on
pre-order through Amazon.  I figure I can cancel the one which ships

I imagine from the looks of things, amazons will not ship for a while
considering they pulled them off the stie altogether.  MickeyG from
Logitech seems to believe orders directly through Logitech will ship
next week possibly.

The waiting begins!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch have Wireless Bridge Functionality?

2010-04-09 Thread andynormancx

Erm no. His server is plugged into his SB3, so from a Squeezebox point
of view he actually has zero wireless hops.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Pricing (Canada/International)

2010-04-09 Thread aubuti

As bluegaspode already pointed out, this is price discrimination in
segmented markets, straight out of any first-year undergraduate
economics text. Demand for SBs in Canada is apparently more inelastic
than in the US because of a host of factors, including size of market,
cost of substitutes (considered broadly, including CD players, etc).
Retail regulations matter too, but probably not very much in this case.
As long as Logitech can segment the market, which they do via their
distribution chain, it makes sense for them to charge more in Canada
than in the US. That is not "subsidizing" US consumers -- it's charging
what the Canadian market, and the US market, will bear. As you pointed
out yourself, that is norm for many products in Canada.

Also, I confess to knowing nothing about commercial law in Canada, but
I strongly doubt that Logitech distribution can tell Canadian retailers
what they must charge for the product. MSRP is one thing, but street
price is another. If Canadian retailers have no flexibility to discount
prices, that's part of your problem right there.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread gregorcy

I haven't got an email from Amazon but I preordered mine in the middle
of March so maybe I am farther down on the list.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch have Wireless Bridge Functionality?

2010-04-09 Thread alfista

Swimmerbird123;532292 Wrote: 
> I think you misunderstand.  There is only one wireless hop - from the
> router to the SB3.
Yes, that I understand, but from a streaming perspective there are two
wireless hops as far as I can see. First data from the server to the
router (via the SB) and then from the router back to the SB. Exactly
the same as if you had used the wireless on the computer.

Nothing wrong about that, just that it's not as "wired" as you seem to
think. And nothing wrong with having your server next to your stereo
and TV, just that I think it's more common for people to consider it a
convenience not having to have the server in the listening/viewing


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread MickeyG

JJZolx;532016 Wrote: 
> "Covering our ass" verbiage.  Logitech is good at that.

Hey! I wrote that! :-(

But seriously ... a lot of USB drives don't have the USB certified
logo. (Note that the box for a lot of drives lately have a logo that
only resembles USB but aren't USB certified) These drives appear to be
much more likely to exceed USB specs when spinning up. I have tested a
lot of drives like that, and when that happens the drive goes into a
constant spin-up/spin-down cycle. The only way to solve that is to
supply more current, since Touch will only supply what's specified by

I was worried that a lot of users would have throw on a old drive and
possibly run into this situation too.



Transporter > Classé Audio DR6 > Mark Levinson 23 > Wilson Watt 3/Puppy
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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread MickeyG

Hofstede;532279 Wrote: 
> I have a Samsung S1 mini 250Gb disk attached that is even smaller than a
> 2.5" drive (it has an 1.8" drive) and hardly consumes any power. It
> works great with the Touch
> Marc

I tested a bunch of drives, but not one of those. I went to Fry's and
bought a bunch of USB drives from WD, Seagate, Hitachi ... not from
Samsung. All worked fine, but I used a USB hub for all drives without
an external power supply.

Please post back after you've tried it for awhile and let others know!



Transporter > Classé Audio DR6 > Mark Levinson 23 > Wilson Watt 3/Puppy
1/Martin Logan Dynamo 700

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread bigbwb

I also have a touch on preorder with amazon and wondering if I would get
it sooner by cancelling this order and ordering directly through
Logitech, or are they sold out also?




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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Pricing (Canada/International)

2010-04-09 Thread dmg

iPhone;529997 Wrote: 
> Hello and Welcome to the Forum.
> I think that you are attempting to put the blame in the wrong place. It
> is not Logitech, they are going to sell the unit first at what the
> market will bear (which is called Capitalism IE good business) and the
> second dynamic is that countries outside the States have requirements
> that force an artificial price increase above and beyond the US MSRP
> that is outside the issue of currency value differences. So it is up to
> the citizens of each country to get the laws changed as to taxes,
> duties, VAT, and other stupid requirements that make the cost of
> business higher in those countries through over regulation.
> As an example, if a business is forced to warranty a product that they
> don't even make only sale, above and beyond the manufactures warranty
> that is going to cause the price to be above the US MSRP.

Respectfully, I do think I am placing the blame in the correct place.
It is Logitech that sets the price. Unfortunately, the local retailers
are caught in the middle: retailers  do not have the option, in the
case of Logitech, to import directly from the US and pass the savings
to CDN consumers. They must purchase the units from the CDN distributor
and sell for whatever price the distributor/Logitech demands. 

Not all manufacturers impose these requirements--recently, I was able
to purchase an HDMI switch from a CDN distributor for close to price
parity with the US price because the manufacturer allowed the CDN
reseller to match the US price in CDN currency, after factoring in the
cost of converting from US to CDN currency.

Yes, Canada has regulations that will cause the price of imported goods
to be higher. As an example, all software and packaging has to be
available in both French and English. This adds some costs to the
units. But, I should stress again that there is no duty under NAFTA for
the importation of these units. So, while I never expect to see exact
price parity when the CDN dollar is at par with the US dollar, I do
think that a 25-30% mark up of the price is out of line. A more
reasonable markup is somewhere in the 5-15% range. 

I realize that prices are often set well in advance of product
availability, but the CDN dollar has been close to the US dollar in
value for some time. Even given the respective values of the currencies
6-12 months ago, the differential is still discriminatory.

As for capitalism, last time I checked it was somewhat broken, but
still functioning. Manufacturers who price their products too high in
other countries relative to the US prices will face a backlash from
consumers who are tired of subsidizing the low prices the US consumers
currently enjoy. Something has to give at some point--either prices
will have to come down in other countries to provide closer price
parity and/or prices for US consumers will have to rise as a result of
a devalued dollar and inflationary pressures. 

I do want to buy local if I can and will do so if I feel the
differntial mark up in price is fair. In the case of pricing of
Logitech units in Canada, the price differential appears to be unfair
and discriminatory. 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch have Wireless Bridge Functionality?

2010-04-09 Thread Swimmerbird123

I think you misunderstand.  There is only one wireless hop - from the
router to the SB3.  The SB3 acts as a wireless access point.  In fact,
I needed to turn off the wireless connection on the computer for it to
show up properly on the network map.  The computer can still use the
SB3's bridge for internet access.  I can even stream movies from amazon
and other sites over the SB3 into the computer and then via HDMI onto a
plasma screen, although for HD it is usually better to let the whole
movie download before streaming. So, yes, it is a big convenience for
me to have this server (a small quiet Dell Zino) near the stereo &
plasma TV.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread crazyj

I just got this reply from Amazon:

"Looking into your order, I see that Logitech Squeezebox Touch is
back-ordered. I'm sorry about this delay--we certainly didn't expect
that this would happen.

Sometimes unexpected fluctuations in supply can add time to our
original availability estimate. We have learned that item is now back-
ordered, and our supplier has not been able to let us know exactly when
they expect to have more in stock."

This has been pre-ordered since december.  Are they quite serious that
Logitech is out of stock?  I'm thinking that someone at Logitech hasn't
flipped the switch on telling online retailers that they can start
shipping yet.  Either that, or there's some discrimination directed at
the online retailers, and they won't get stock until Logitech decides
that they "deserve" it.

Any thoughts MickeyG?


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon shipping yet?

2010-04-09 Thread crazyj

I've got a pre-order waiting on Amazon to get with it.  It's listed as

Has anyone ordered through Amazon and actually had it ship yet?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread Hofstede

I have a Samsung S1 mini 250Gb disk attached that is even smaller than a
2.5" drive and hardly consumes any power. It works great with the touch



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch have Wireless Bridge Functionality?

2010-04-09 Thread alfista

Swimmerbird123;532266 Wrote: 
> I have my SB3 connecting wirelessly to my network in bridge mode, and
> then a music server wired directly into the SB3 with a crossover cable.
> It is a great way to combine the reliability of a wired interface for
> streaming my music library with the convenience of placing the computer
> and SB3 near my stereo, not near my router.
Well I wouldn't necessarily consider placing the computer near the
stereo a convenience, and if I understand correctly your setup is no
more wired than if you had used a wireless connection straight from
your computer. It still involves two wireless hops even if they use the
same endpoints for both.

Swimmerbird123;532266 Wrote: 
> But with the Touch, if i understand it right, I should be able just to
> connect the Touch to my network in the normal (non-bridged) wireless
> way, and then simply plug a large USB drive with my music library on it
> into the Touch, and thus have the same streaming reliability as before.
Well, there are less networking involved so from that perspective it
should definitely be more reliable.

Anyhow, I don't think this in any way negates the niftiness nor the
need for the wireless bridge function. While the setup you're running
today apparently works, I think it's pretty unique. My guess is that
people mostly use the bridge for puposes other than providing the SBS
with network access.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch have Wireless Bridge Functionality?

2010-04-09 Thread alfista

Swimmerbird123;532266 Wrote: 
> I have my SB3 connecting wirelessly to my network in bridge mode, and
> then a music server wired directly into the SB3 with a crossover cable.
> It is a great way to combine the reliability of a wired interface for
> streaming my music library with the convenience of placing the computer
> and SB3 near my stereo, not near my router.
Well I wouldn't necessarily consider placing the computer near the
stereo a convenience, and if I understand correctly your setup is no
more wired than if you had used a wireless connection straight from
your computer. It still involves two wireless hops even if they use the
same endpoints for both.

Swimmerbird123;532266 Wrote: 
> But with the Touch, if i understand it right, I should be able just to
> connect the Touch to my network in the normal (non-bridged) wireless
> way, and then simply plug a large USB drive with my music library on it
> into the Touch, and thus have the same streaming reliability as before.
Well, there are less networking involved so from that perspective it
should definitely be more reliable.

Anyhow, I don't think this in any way negates the niftiness nor the
need for the wireless bridge function. While the setup you're running
today apparently works, I think it's pretty unique. My guess is that
people mostly use the bridge for puposes other than providing the SBS
with network access.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch released or not?

2010-04-09 Thread Hofstede

Mine arrived 4 hours ago and is now playing along.

First impressions are good. Beautiful screen.

It is now scanning an USB disk (Samsung S1) for files. Then I can try
out it's internal Squeezeserver



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] US Logitech Preorder Shipped

2010-04-09 Thread dsdreamer

Yep, mine is on its way.


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch have Wireless Bridge Functionality?

2010-04-09 Thread Swimmerbird123

Am I right, though, that the Touch's ability to connect directly to a
USB drive may eliminate the need for bridging in some cases?

I have my SB3 connecting wirelessly to my network in bridge mode, and
then a music server wired directly into the SB3 with a crossover cable.
It is a great way to combine the reliability of a wired interface for
streaming my music library with the convenience of placing the computer
and SB3 near my stereo, not near my router.

But with the Touch, if i understand it right, I should be able just to
connect the Touch to my network in the normal (non-bridged) wireless
way, and then simply plug a large USB drive with my music library on it
into the Touch, and thus have the same streaming reliability as before.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] US Logitech Preorder Shipped

2010-04-09 Thread ckknox

Me too!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/192

2010-04-09 Thread Quad

R Johnson;532013 Wrote: 
> The latest newsletter from HD Tracks promotes some new 96/24 material
> from the New York Philharmonic.  Perhaps these recordings follow a
> simpler path than the SACD conversion for the Chicago Symphony...

I recently bought "Tenor Madness" and "Bags meets Wes!", two recordings
out of the Concord Music Group catalogue which is now available in 24/96
at HDtracks.

Until now I thought that HDtracks has access to the studio masters
offered by the labels they are working with. But after reading this
thread I got a bit confused.

Both titles have been previously released as SACDs and the booklet
included with the download shows SACD logos on it. I really hope that
the music I'm listening to right now is not limited to 44.1kHz by EMM
Labs' DSD to PCM conversion.

BTW. It sounds great! ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Funky new applications for the Touch

2010-04-09 Thread Mr_Sukebe

aubuti;532212 Wrote: 
> I'm not a developer, but I was one of the Touch beta testers and I don't
> see any way it could run something like Inguz DRC. Look at it this way:
> hardware resources are so limited that to run SBS on the Touch they had
> to disable the web ui and transcoding. AFAIK Inguz DRC is much more
> demanding than either of those tasks.

Oh, I hadn't realised that resources were so marginal.  Scrub that idea


SB3, Meridian 568.2, Bel Canto Evo2i, Impulse Ta'us, Coherent system,
audio-technica and Zanash cables, Stillpoints

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch released or not?

2010-04-09 Thread Sakkerju

Neat looking, fine touch.
Typing this while listening to Radio Paradise on my freshly arrived

Patience IS a virtue :-)


Squeezebox Server-7.5.1 SSODS *** Squeezebox Radio *** Squeezebox Touch
*** WD TV Live Media Player
Synology DS209+II - DSM 2.3-1141 - WD Caviar WD20EARS 2TB (RAID1) ***
Linksys WRT320N 1Gb

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Funky new applications for the Touch

2010-04-09 Thread Mr_Sukebe

Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have worded my opening post in quite that way. 
I certainly wouldn't expect some weird and wonderful Iphone style apps. 
Some audio related apps might be interesting though.


SB3, Meridian 568.2, Bel Canto Evo2i, Impulse Ta'us, Coherent system,
audio-technica and Zanash cables, Stillpoints

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch & HFS+ Journaled

2010-04-09 Thread andyg

No, HFS is not supported due to the lack of RW support for journaled


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Funky new applications for the Touch

2010-04-09 Thread aubuti

Mr_Sukebe;532165 Wrote: 
> Personally I'd love to see an update to the Inguz room correction
> software.  Do the developers of the Touch believe that it has the
> processing power for that type of work?
I'm not a developer, but I was one of the Touch beta testers and I
don't see any way it could run something like Inguz DRC. Look at it
this way: hardware resources are so limited that to run SBS on the
Touch they had to disable the web ui and transcoding. AFAIK Inguz DRC
is much more demanding than either of those tasks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch has no fixed volume setting

2010-04-09 Thread ziggyb63

Phil Leigh;532099 Wrote: 
> +1 - categorically bit-perfect when vol=100 (DTS and HDCD prove this).
> The Touch doesn't need the -63dB setting for the analogue outs that was
> useful on the SB3).
> There is no additional "analogue" level control on the Touch.

Many thanks for the info...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch released or not?

2010-04-09 Thread Kevint

MickeyG;532008 Wrote: 
> I was wrong. I have now been straightened out. Here's what I know:
> >   >   > 
  -  US -- Shipping pre-orders. Taking orders now even though it says
  > Out of Stock. Start shipping new orders Monday April 12.
  -  EU -- Pre-orders have shipped. Taking orders now even though it
  > says Out of Stock. Already shipping new orders.
  > > > 
> If you want a Squeezebox Touch, just order it on the web
> site. Don't worry -- it will ship in a couple of days.
> I don't have an update on Canada.
> Mickey

EU Update
I ordered on the UK (EU) site yesterday, it showed out of stock
yesterday but just received shipping confirmation today.  I have
checked today and it is showing as in-stock on the web-site.



SB3, Boom, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch released or not?

2010-04-09 Thread nonnoroger

nonnoroger;531772 Wrote: 
> Ordered on-line to Logitech UK on 03/29 - express delivery.
> Now shipping from the Netherlands.
> On schedule for delivery tomorrow, Friday 04/09.
> In process has changed to completed.
> I am at home tomorrow and really looking forward to playing my 24/96
> vinyl rips.
> Thanks for all the hard work - have fun everyone.

Arrived half an hour ago and already happily playing! Using wired
connection and digital output to a Naim Uniti. No more UPnP for me!

Sounds great.

Thanks guys


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Funky new applications for the Touch

2010-04-09 Thread erland

Mr_Sukebe;532165 Wrote: 
> One thing I did notice recently were comments about the design of the
> Touch, implying that it was far more capable that the usual embedded
> software unit, and could accept new applications, almost like a
> Logitech version of an Iphone.
> Assuming that to be the case, does anyone know of any planned
> applications?
If you like hints, look in the "3rd party plugins" section and in the
"Developers" section of the forum. Besides what could be seen there I
haven't seen any official announcements of applications.

In the foreseeable future I personally just expect to see a few screen
savers and other simple but useful third party applets.

It won't be anywhere close to the iPhone and Android devices, the
Squeezebox is a musicplayer not a internet browser or gaming device,
I'm pretty sure Logitech don't have any plans to compete with
iPhone/iPad/Android in this area.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Funky new applications for the Touch

2010-04-09 Thread Mr_Sukebe

After waiting since ordering my Touch back in October, I'm rubbing my
hands in antipication of receiving it this coming Monday.  Big thumbs
up for that.

One thing I did notice recently were comments about the design of the
Touch, implying that it was far more capable that the usual embedded
software unit, and could accept new applications, almost like a
Logitech version of an Iphone.
Assuming that to be the case, does anyone know of any planned

Personally I'd love to see an update to the Inguz room correction
software.  Do the developers of the Touch believe that it has the
processing power for that type of work?


SB3, Meridian 568.2, Bel Canto Evo2i, Impulse Ta'us, Coherent system,
audio-technica and Zanash cables, Stillpoints

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch & HFS+ Journaled

2010-04-09 Thread Nikhil

I'm guessing that the touch does not support plain old HFS+ (let alone
the journaled variety) at this point in time. I know that linux support
for Read+Write on HFS+ is not the greatest, so I understand this.
Nevertheless, how hard will it be to get the Touch to mount an HFS+
Journaled USB portable drive in Read-only mode and write the database
to a flash card? Does this require major work, or can it be done by an
end user with basic unix skills?

The reason I ask is that i currently have about 600GB of music (mostly
FLAC) on a 880GB Seagate USB drive which is formatted as HFS+
Journaled, and there are several reasons why I don't want to reformat
this as either FAT32, NTFS or EXT3.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch released or not?

2010-04-09 Thread Sakkerju

My Touch order has shipped and is now inside an UPS van on its way to my
home, scheduled for today.

So I am having home arrest untill delivery...

Status: In transit
Deliverydate: 09/04/2010
Type: Pakket
Weight: 1,50 Kg


Squeezebox Server-7.5.1 SSODS *** Squeezebox Radio *** Squeezebox Touch
*** WD TV Live Media Player
Synology DS209+II - DSM 2.3-1141 - WD Caviar WD20EARS 2TB (RAID1) ***
Linksys WRT320N 1Gb

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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread Phil Leigh

tank121;532127 Wrote: 
> Will the touch work work with any file format on the external hd e.g.
> NTFS/fat32 ?

yes and ext32

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB Touch Beta (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W -
MF Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread tank121

Will the external drive work with any file format e.g. NTFS/fat32 ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Help Buying 2.5" External Drive

2010-04-09 Thread tank121

Something like this should work fine then ?


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