Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] US Touch single or dual voltage?

2011-02-15 Thread paulster

The power plates are the same as BlackBerry ones, or Phihong RP series
if that helps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-02-15 Thread Mnyb

Another tidbit if the music reside on an external drive don't remove it
while squeezeboxserver is running it will get cranky and loose the
database it just scanned for you.

If sbs is starting when you booting your PC the external drive should
be conected then to


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD & SqueezePad

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[SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch cannot connect due to invalid mysqueezebox user name/password?!?

2011-02-15 Thread Ocean56

FIRST, the SB Touch kept starting to play, then powering off.

NEXT, it kept trying to connect to, but could not.

NOW, it tells me it cannot connect because my user
name and password are not correct!!!

SB Server is up and running on my PC.  So what's going on??  How do I
fix it???


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clear Library and REscan Everything

2011-02-15 Thread JJZolx

souwalker;611430 Wrote: 
> I can use dba to change the ID tags.
> So, if I go through all my compilations with 2 disk sets, I should
> change those CDs by removing CD 1 and CD 2. By doing this how would
> those CDs be displayed in SBS? What do you mean by 'will never look the
> same'?

Simply that albums with different names will always be treated like
separate albums.  Doesn't matter that you know they're discs from the
same set.  To Squeezebox Server

Best of 70's CD 1
Best of 70's CD 2

are as different as

Best of 70's CD 1
Abbey Road

> Will the 2 CDs, after I remove CD 1 & CD 2, will simply put all files
> into the one album name folder?

What I do with multi-disc sets is place the two CDs into subfolders
under a folder with the album name:

/Various Artists
../Best of 70's
../../Disc 1
../../Disc 2


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clear Library and REscan Everything

2011-02-15 Thread souwalker

JJZolx;611420 Wrote: 
> But the very first requirement for a multi-disc album to appear as one
> album is that the ALBUM name for each track must be identical.  So
> something where you have '... CD 1' and '... CD 2' as the album name
> will never look like the same album to Squeezebox Server.  Start by
> fixing that, do a full clear & rescan and see where you are.

I can use dba to change the ID tags.

So, if I go through all my compilations with 2 disk sets, I should
change those CDs by removing CD 1 and CD 2. By doing this how would
those CDs be displayed in SBS? What do you mean by 'will never look the
same'?  Will the 2 CDs, after I remove CD 1 & CD 2, will simply put all
files into the one album name folder?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-02-15 Thread garym

DaveKen;611408 Wrote: 
> Hi Gary,
> I am a total numptie at the modern audio game so what I am about to say
> may impress you only on my numptieness :). I'm 70 years old and came to
> PC based audio only about 2 years ago  -  electrics was never a strong
> subject of mine, either.
> Yes I am running SQBX Server on my PC, that's where I get the "Scan
> stopped prematurely" error message.
> My set up is Vaio MM PC, free standing USB hard drive and LGTech Touch
> (with a Beresford Caimanised 7520 DAC on the sidelines, connected
> directly to the PC but not the Touch). Output from the Touch is to
> Cyrus pre-amp via phono cables. I have a direct USB connection between
> Touch and USB drive, there is also another firewire direct connection
> between PC and the 1TB USB hard drive, the Touch is patch cable
> connected to network ethernet switch and also wirelessly to the same
> network, the co-ax phono and optical inputs on the Touch are from the
> PC (connected because the connections are available rather than because
> they are needed. Hopefully you will be able to follow this mesh of
> connections.
> My antivirus programme is Norton.
> I use the Touch mainly (but not solely) for playing FLAC files and for
> listening to internet radio.
> Any pointers, advice or guidance would be much appreciated.
> Dave.

Ok Dave. I think I see the issue. And I was just as "numptie" as you on
this stuff just a couple of years ago, so no apologies necessary. What's
happening here is that you're doing a few different things that are
"overlapping" each other.  First, I'm going to give you the "simple"
version of how this stuff works. Then I'll give you some suggestions to
get you going. Actually, you're almost there believe it or not!

The (not so) Simple Explanation of How it Works:

1. Each SP Player (Touch, Boom, Radio, etc.) is a stand alone player.
They are not connected physically to your computer. Only the BOOM and
RADIO have built in speakers/amp. The TOUCH or RECEIVER(Duet) must be
connected to an amp/speakers (think of these like a CD player). Any of
these players must be connected to a music server (and you have 3
options). This connection from SP player to server is via your home
network, and can be either WIFI or ethernet.

You have a TOUCH. Since you have a way of connecting it via ethernet
back to your router via a switch, I think you should do this. The TOUCH
will connect either via ethernet or WIFI (but not both). So you may need
to do a factory reset and then choose only the ethernet connection at
that point. So at this point you'd have the TOUCH talking to your local
area network (LAN), i.e, talking back to your router.

Next you need a Server to provide the music to your TOUCH.

2. Music Server. Three options.
a. server in the "cloud" - this is connecting to "".
You don't need your own local computer running. However, you can't
generally play your own music collection (there are some options to
upload your mp3 files to a database in the cloud, but I'll ignore that
for now). Instead you can play internet radio, pandora, etc.  You'll
likely NOT want just this, as you have your own music. So move on to
option b. below.

b. your own computer running SqueezeboxServer (SbS). Here you have a
computer on that runs this software. SbS points to a library of your
own music. So with this option you can play your own music AND get
internet radio, pandora, etc. I suspect this is what you want to use.

So make sure your PC is connected to your LAN (preferably back to your
router (via a switch is OK) with ETHERNET. Then you will install
SqueezeBoxServer (SbS) software on your PC. I think you've done this.

Next, you should have your USB drive containing your music connected to
your PC. Do NOT also connect the USB drive to your TOUCH.  With the USB
drive connected to your PC, you'll open SbS, go to SeTTINGS, Basic
Settings tab and tell it where your music library is located. For
example, on your USB drive, the top music directory might be:

(and under this is e:\music\artist\album\tracks

So you'd put:  e:\music in the "music library" section of the settings.

c. In the case of the TOUCH, there is a "tinySbS" built into the touch.
You can connect a USB drive to the Touch containing your music, and the
TOUCH will scan this and create a music library. You can also connect
to internet radio, pandora, etc. This can work just fine, but it is not
a "full service" SbS. 

Since you have the PC connected, etc. I'd NOT use this option. 

In the case of running your own computer with SbS (option B and the
best in my opinion), you can put the computer anywhere you want
(basement, back closet, etc.). The key is that you are best if you can
connect this computer to your router with ethernet, which I think
you've done. 

3. I terms of controlling the players you can control with:
a. the web GUI (you can access this from any computer on your network
with a network browser). On your computer running SbS, you can

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clear Library and REscan Everything

2011-02-15 Thread JJZolx

I'm not familiar with dbpa, or what software you're using to make
tagging changes after you've ripped an album.

But the very first requirement for a multi-disc album to appear as one
album is that the ALBUM name for each track must be identical.  So
something where you have '... CD 1' and '... CD 2' as the album name
will never look like the same album to Squeezebox Server.  Start by
fixing that, do a full clear & rescan and see where you are.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-02-15 Thread rayman1701

DaveKen;611408 Wrote: 
> Yes I am running SQBX Server on my PC, that's where I get the "Scan
> stopped prematurely" error message.
> I have a direct USB connection between Touch and USB drive, there is
> also another firewire direct connection between PC and the 1TB USB hard
> drive, the Touch is patch cable connected to network ethernet switch and
> also wirelessly to the same network, the co-ax phono and optical inputs
> on the Touch are from the PC (connected because the connections are
> available rather than because they are needed. Hopefully you will be
> able to follow this mesh of connections.
> My antivirus programme is Norton.
> Any pointers, advice or guidance would be much appreciated.
> Dave.

Wow!!  Just because there are all kinds of connections doesn't mean you
have to plug them all in!! :)

First If you're running the Server on the Computer, which you said you
are, then you DON'T want to also connect the Xternal Hard Drive to the
Touch at the same time!  That's probably gonna cause some kind of
conflict!  Just do One or The Other, not both.

Then unless you are listening to the Touch thru the computer speakers
there is absolutely no need to have it hooked up with the optical or
coax.  That just seems to complicate things a bit.  Generally you would
use one or the other to plug into a DAC which is then plugged into the

I know everyone use things a little differently, and whatever works for
you is fine as far as hooking the audio outs, but usually the simplest
works the best.

There are others that are better with the whole anti-virus stopping the
scan error, but you need to make sure that ALL Squeezebox entries has
permissions set to on with the Norton.  Hopefully someone with a little
more programming chops can explain that to you a little better.

But having both the computer hooked up to a firewire jack on the hard
drive and the Touch hooked up to the usb jack on the SAME hard drive is
just asking for troubles!  So that's the first thing I'd do.  Choose
one, with the hard drive hooked to computer alone as the best option.

Hope that I have helped at least a little.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clear Library and REscan Everything

2011-02-15 Thread souwalker

JJZolx;611214 Wrote: 
> To summarize: Add a COMPILATION=1 tag to all compilation albums and do
> not include an ALBUMARTIST tag.

Where do I do this and how will this affect my already ripped FLAC
files in the Various Artists folder? I would still like all
compilations in the own album name in the Various Artists folder.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clear Library and REscan Everything

2011-02-15 Thread souwalker

JJZolx;611214 Wrote: 
> One thing to know: To get multi-disc compilation albums to group
> together (assuming you're using the Group Discs setting of 'Group
> multi-disc sets as a single album') you _must_ add a COMPILATION=1 tag.
> It's a bug in the server, although it may not be related to your
> problem.  For simplicity I just add a COMPILATION=1 tag to all
> compilations, regardless of the number of discs.
> I'm betting the albums are there, you just can't find them.  Try doing
> searches for the album titles.
> Are you setting ALBUMARTIST to 'Various Artists'?  If so, and there's
> no COMPILATION=1 field, the album will be classified as a
> non-compilation and will be found under an artist called 'Various
> Artists', sorted under 'V'.  This isn't quite the same as the 'Various
> Artists' pseudo-artist that you find at the beginning of your artist
> list.  Generally speaking, you shouldn't set an ALBUMARTIST on
> compilation albums.
> To summarize: Add a COMPILATION=1 tag to all compilation albums and do
> not include an ALBUMARTIST tag.


You lost me there. I am still new to all of this and I am struggling to
understand the tags.

I rip using dbpowerAmp and with compilations (2 Disc sets), I type in
the 'Artist' field the text 'Various Artists'. In the 'Album' field, I
type in the album name, for example 'Best of 70's CD 1' for the first
disc, and then when I rip the second CD, in the Album field, I type in
'Best of 70's CD 2'. In the Artist field on the right side, I type in
Various Artists as well.

By doing this, all of my compilations will be auto saved in a Various
Artists folder in my NAS, so in my Various Artists folder, all my
compilation CDs are in there.

Funny this only happens to 2 of my compilations. I've got a few more,
some with 3 CD sets and I have no issues.

I do not touch any of the tags details in SB Server software.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-02-15 Thread DaveKen

garym;611374 Wrote: 
> are you running SqueezeBoxServer on your computer? I thought you were
> connecting the USB drive to the touch and using the "tiny SBS" within
> the touch. but it sounds like you are running SbS on your PC. That's
> fine, but if so, you'd be connecting the USB drive to your PC right???
> If the error is on SbS on your PC, it sounds like the typical error one
> gets when there is some sort of virus scanner problem. What virus
> program are you running?

Hi Gary,
I am a total numptie at the modern audio game so what I am about to say
may impress you only on my numptieness :). I'm 70 years old and came to
PC based audio only about 2 years ago  -  electrics was never a strong
subject of mine, either.
Yes I am running SQBX Server on my PC, that's where I get the "Scan
stopped prematurely" error message.
My set up is Vaio MM PC, free standing USB hard drive and LGTech Touch
(with a Beresford Caimanised 7520 DAC on the sidelines, connected
directly to the PC but not the Touch). Output from the Touch is to
Cyrus pre-amp via phono cables. I have a direct USB connection between
Touch and USB drive, there is also another firewire direct connection
between PC and the 1TB USB hard drive, the Touch is patch cable
connected to network ethernet switch and also wirelessly to the same
network, the co-ax phono and optical inputs on the Touch are from the
PC (connected because the connections are available rather than because
they are needed. Hopefully you will be able to follow this mesh of
My antivirus programme is Norton.
I use the Touch mainly (but not solely) for playing FLAC files and for
listening to internet radio.
Any pointers, advice or guidance would be much appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Haven't had this much fun since . . .

2011-02-15 Thread garym

magiccarpetride;611290 Wrote: 
> I disagree. Amazon is a big business, and they can't afford to be lax
> with losing client's data. Read their S3 service level agreement -- it
> is rock solid.

Am I reading this properly. 1TB of data would cost me $140 per month?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-02-15 Thread garym

DaveKen;611371 Wrote: 
> Thanks Gary, that's helped a bit (but I also had to shutdown and restart
> the PC to get it to action). I've now got the Touch and the USB drive
> talking to each other (and FWIW the ethernet and wireless network
> seemed to connect much easier) but on both attempts to rescan the
> library I get an error message "Scan terminated prematurely(or similar)
> - merge various artists" . So it gives me no track or album numbers  - 
> any ideas how to overcoime that one?
> I love the Touch, the SQ and diversity it provides but, for me at
> least, it seems a little flakey and unstable sometimes.
> Thanks again,
> Dave.

are you running SqueezeBoxServer on your computer? I thought you were
connecting the USB drive to the touch and using the "tiny SBS" within
the touch. but it sounds like you are running SbS on your PC. That's
fine, but if so, you'd be connecting the USB drive to your PC right???
If the error is on SbS on your PC, it sounds like the typical error one
gets when there is some sort of virus scanner problem. What virus
program are you running?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-02-15 Thread DaveKen

garym;611347 Wrote: 
> I'd start with doing a factory reset on the TOUCH. (there's a button
> just above the power cord on the back). And then once I connected the
> USB drive again, I'd let it fully scan the library before I tried to
> browse, play, etc.

Thanks Gary, that's helped a bit (but I also had to shutdown and
restart the PC to get it to action). I've now got the Touch and the USB
drive talking to each other (and FWIW the ethernet and wireless network
seemed to connect much easier) but on both attempts to rescan the
library I get an error message "Scan terminated prematurely(or similar)
- merge various artists" . So it gives me no track or album numbers  - 
any ideas how to overcoime that one?
I love the Touch, the SQ and diversity it provides but, for me at
least, it seems a little flakey and unstable sometimes.
Thanks again,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-02-15 Thread garym

tmauceri;611360 Wrote: 
> The Unknown Hinton cd was back on my VBA after I deleated it on Saturday
> night. I don't know if I'm picking this up using freeDB on mp3tag or if
> it's from where ever the VBA pulls CD data.

is there any sort of recycle bin on a VBA? Not sure, but I recall that
in a windows machine stuff in your Recycle Bin could get pulled in on a
clear and rescan depending on the how the music directory is defined.

p.s. still a very odd issue!!  I use mp3tag and have never had this


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-02-15 Thread tmauceri

The Unknown Hinton cd was back on my VBA after I deleated it on Saturday
night. I don't know if I'm picking this up using freeDB on mp3tag or if
it's from where ever the VBA pulls CD data.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-02-15 Thread tmauceri

aubuti;611234 Wrote: 
> EAC might do it. EAC is primarily a ripping tool, ripping CDs to wav,
> and then using flac.exe to transcode wav to flac. I'm not sure how you
> would set up EAC to start from wav files, but since you have to use the
> exact same flac.exe package to do the transcoding I personally don't
> really see the benefit of bringing EAC into the equation.

Downloaded flac frontend, works great. Ripped a disk in wave and
converted to flac without any problems.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-02-15 Thread garym

I'd start with doing a factory reset on the TOUCH. (there's a button
just above the power cord on the back). And then once I connected the
USB drive again, I'd let it fully scan the library before I tried to
browse, play, etc.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-02-15 Thread DaveKen

I've had more than a little trouble setting up my Touch and getting it
to recognise the fact that there is a 1TB USB drive attached. When I
first got it it seemed to do this OK but for various reasons I had to
keep shutting the Touch and the USB drive down and I admit that, after
a while, I began to ignore the screen message about ejecting the USB
drive before disconnecting it. I suspect that I may now be paying the
price for this idleness. Although all other programmes on my PC auot
recognise the USB drive when connected or powered up my Touch now
refuses to see it and tells me that there is no USB device attached. Is
there anyway to restore the Touch's ability to recognise and co-operate
with the USB drive?
FWIW all resets have no impact on this problem.
Any response would be appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] US Touch single or dual voltage?

2011-02-15 Thread gjglenn

Thanks aubuti - Chile has its own plugs, 3 in-line round pins, but
adaptors are easy to find. I'll cancel my UK order and try Amazon


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Haven't had this much fun since . . .

2011-02-15 Thread magiccarpetride

jean2;611283 Wrote: 
> I never lost data on my set of HDD, but I'm careful (RAID + rsync). On
> the other hand, "the cloud" (a very popular photo sharing site) has
> already lost some of my data, and calling them was totally useless (we
> will check the backup), fortunately it was still on my HDD.
> There are also stories of people loosing e-mail. I believe those
> incidents are under-reported, because most people don't even have the
> tools to realise data loss unless it's totally catastrophic. If one of
> your unpopular album would be missing from your collection, I bet most
> people would not notice or would assume it was never there.
> If you check, you will realise that "the cloud" makes absolutely no
> promises about the safety and reliability of the storage of your data.
> It's all about convenience.
> Jean

I disagree. Amazon is a big business, and they can't afford to be lax
with losing client's data. Read their S3 service level agreement -- it
is rock solid.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2011-02-15 Thread jean2

pwengland;610925 Wrote: 
> I am the owner of 2 older Squeezebox's and am thinking of buying 1 new
> SB touch very much for the same reasons as Jean, I.e. Not wanting to
> leave PCs or NAS running in the house.

I now have two SB, the Touch with HDD and the Radio. When only the
Radio is playing, it's great. If both are playing, you feel things
becoming more slugish. And I've never managed to make them sync without

The hard drive is not very fast, and having to feed multiple SB force
it to seek in various places constantly, which reduce performance.
Don't expect miracles with multiple SB streaming from the Touch.

pwengland;610925 Wrote: 
>  The only thing I was wondering is whether a powered USB enclosure maybe
> a better call in the long term.
> I appreciate it means one more adaptor in the wall, and maybe a touch
> more power use, but I have been through 2 standard power adaptors on my
> old SB's and just wonder whether SB Touch adaptor and circuitry is up to
> powering a USB drive in the longer term.
> Any views ?

My setup has gone over 10 months without any issues. I personally would
think that the most damaging to the power supply would be surge and
spikes on the mains, rather than the relatively minor load of the
drive. The problem you had with your power adaptors was clearly not
related to any HDD.

A separate enclosure would enable you to put a higher performance drive
(7200 rpm), but I'm not sure if that would make a difference.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Haven't had this much fun since . . .

2011-02-15 Thread jean2

magiccarpetride;611108 Wrote: 
> If the latter, the question becomes: am I going to keep that digitized
> music on my crash-prone HD, or in the cloud?

I never lost data on my set of HDD, but I'm careful (RAID + rsync). On
the other hand, "the cloud" (a very popular photo sharing site) has
already lost some of my data, and calling them was totally useless (we
will check the backup), fortunately it was still on my HDD.

There are also stories of people loosing e-mail. I believe those
incidents are under-reported, because most people don't even have the
tools to realise data loss unless it's totally catastrophic. If one of
your unpopular album would be missing from your collection, I bet most
people would blame themselves.

If you check, you will realise that the "cloud" makes absolutely no
promises about the safety and reliability of the storage of your data.
It's all about convenience.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Haven't had this much fun since . . .

2011-02-15 Thread Rick58

guidof;611278 Wrote: 
> Hi Rick:
> Thanks for the additional information.
> The evidence seems to be that this is just, as you put it, a "cosmetic"
> issue. 
> On 24/96 material, the Touch's digital output sounds better than
> anything I heard on my system. Even on 16/44.1, it tends to improve
> over the sound of CDs played on the CA 840C.
> Guido F.I was amazed how things sounded the other night, I agree, best I have
heard. I was going to do a comparison with the CD, but then said the
heck with it and continued to enjoy ...


Bits: Azur 840C, Oppo 980H, SB Touch; Squiggles: Thorens TD-145 + Denon
DL160; Pre-Heater: McIntosh C220; Heaters: Bottlehead Paramount 300B;
Wavemakers: Triangle Titus, NHT SubOne

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Haven't had this much fun since . . .

2011-02-15 Thread guidof

Rick58;611192 Wrote: 
> Guido, thanks for the reply. Good to know things are 'as they should (or
> in this case not) be'.  The Oppo will put out various bit depth/sample
> rates depending on the disc. Some have copy protection (I think most
> commercial DVDs and DVD-As) where it is limited. The one case where I
> saw 24/96 was with one I got from a friend of his own recordings,
> burned to disc himself. These were DVD-V files, I think ... (??? all
> this is confusing to me).
> I have seen everything from ("<=" sometimes) 20/96, 24/48, 16/96, and
> even 16/192 out of the Oppo on various discs.
> Anyway,
> discusses the 840C (which supposedly only displays what the device
> 'reports') and
> is about the Touch
> 'bug'. 
> Doesn't sound like Logitech is going to put any effort into fixing it,
> since it's "only cosmetic". Oh well.
> I think we can be assured that the Touch is actually putting out 24/96
> (or whatever is being streamed, if less). Stereophile and Computer
> Audiophile have both published measurements verifying the 24 bit output
> on the SPDIF optical/RCA connections.
> Check out
> (scroll down into the comments section for someone posting
> measurements).

Hi Rick:

Thanks for the additional information.

The evidence seems to be that this is just, as you put it, a "cosmetic"

On 24/96 material, the Touch's digital output sounds better than
anything I heard on my system. Even on 16/44.1, it tends to improve
over the sound of CDs played on the CA 840C.

Guido F.


*Front End*: Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge;
Cambridge Azur 840C CD Player; Oppo BDP--83 Universal Player; 
Squeezebox Touch Music File Player (digital out to Cambridge Azur 840C
*Preamps*: Conrad Johnson Motif (Phono); Adcom GFP-750 (Line)
*Amps*: Music Reference RM-200 Mk II (Main); Little Tube Mk III
*Subwoofer Equalizer*: DSpeaker Antimode 8033
*Speakers*: Martin Logan SL3s; REL T1 Subwoofer
*Headphones*: AKG K701

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] dbPowerAmp/Classical Music & SB Touch

2011-02-15 Thread slackhead

You might also want to check out a program called Muso (available here which is essentially a replacement for
the Web Interface.  This has a special mode for dealing with Classical
music and allows for exploring your library by tags such as Composer,
Performer, etc.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-15 Thread cocamegadose

indypants;611213 Wrote: 
> This is exactly what I get each and every time I use the new asound.conf
> file. I get about 30 seconds where SSH is still working, and I have to
> get in quick and restore the original file to get it to boot properly.

Same for me, have to be quick to restore asound.conf :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2011-02-15 Thread carib

FYI: Be sure to read the post on how to organize your music folders and
album art so as to not overload TinySB. BTW - welcome to the squeezebox


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] US Touch single or dual voltage?

2011-02-15 Thread aubuti

The Touch's power supply is universal voltage, 110-240 volts. What does
differ is the interchangeable "plug plates" that they ship. For
shipments in the US they include the US-style plug with two flat
prongs. If Chile has different outlets you will need a simple plug
adapter, but the voltage will be fine.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] US Touch single or dual voltage?

2011-02-15 Thread gjglenn

Does anyone know if the Touch version sold by is 120V and

I have had a Touch on order from the UK for 2 months but AdvanceMP3
still haven't shipped. As I live in Chile (nominally 240V)finding
anyone prepared to ship internationally is a problem. I see
have them in stock but don't want to end up with a 120V version.

Many thanks in advance



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Very confused about

2011-02-15 Thread Davidg1

I've discovered the problem with missing libraries and it seems IMO to
be a bug, or at least a significant feature deficiency!

If you are connected to mysqueezebox and go to my music it will tell
you that you have to change servers and that will stop the current
music playing, but it only offers you one library to choose from - the
library you were last connected to. It does not offer you the full list
of available servers and there is no way from that screen to access the
"Switch Library" option. However, if you add "Switch library" to your
home screen that will show you ALL available libraries.

So really I'd say the screen displayed when attempting to access My
Music after connecting to mysqueezebox should rediscover all libraries
and not offer you only the one last connected to. Or, at least, there
should be another option to "Choose a different library".

Also, I feel that switch to mysqueezebox should be on the switch
library screen and not buried in "settings/advanced/network". If you do
not add it to the home screen it is a pain to get to. If you do, you
need to add two items to your home screen - "Switch Library" (because
of the first issue) and "Switch to". Although I
realise that, strictly, mysqueezebox may not be a library I do think
the "Switch Library" area is the logical place to go for it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Very confused about

2011-02-15 Thread Davidg1

Thanks for trying to help. First, all does work sometimes. I think if I
reboot the SBs they will correctly discover all the libraries. The
problem seems to be if a PC is turned off and turned on again the SB
will remember it, if it was the one it was previously connected to, but
will not rediscover others, if that makes sense.

- All devices are on the same subnet
- One PC is wired into by router
- The 2 SBs are wirelessly connected to the same router
- One PC is wired to an "Ethernet Converter" - a 4 port wired hub that
brides wirelessly to the main router. This PC has an IP on the same
subnet as all the others.
- All Ports appear to report as "OK"


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] dbPowerAmp/Classical Music & SB Touch

2011-02-15 Thread aubuti

souwalker;611146 Wrote: 
> I use dbpoweramp to rip my CDs. There is an Artist field then an album
> field righ underneath. There is also another Artist field on the far
> right on the top. What do I do using dbpoweramp?
The Artist field above the Album title is for the track artist. The
field to the far right is labeled "Album Artist" and is used for the
Album Artist. What you do with those fields depends a lot on how you
want your classical tracks to look in SBS -- there is no categorical
right or wrong answer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-02-15 Thread aubuti

EAC might do it. EAC is primarily a ripping tool, ripping CDs to wav,
and then using flac.exe to transcode wav to flac. I'm not sure how you
would set up EAC to start from wav files, but since you have to use the
exact same flac.exe package to do the transcoding I personally don't
really see the benefit of bringing EAC into the equation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Very confused about

2011-02-15 Thread Mnyb

Hmm is port 3483 tcp and udp open in both machines that have a server
installed ? it's the "server discovery" function that needs that port.

Also I think thing should be on the same network and subnet for server
discovery to work properly ?

Can you describe your network in greater detail it might be easier  to
understand your problem then .

2 pc and 2 squeezeboxes are they wired or wireless? what routers and
switches are involved ?

You can see thier ip addresses and info about open ports somewhere in
the advanced settings of the touch or radio, sorry cant be specific
right now I'm at work.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD & SqueezePad

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Very confused about

2011-02-15 Thread Davidg1

A while a go we had only a Squeezebox Radio and one Squeezebox server
running on a PC. We also use napster.

All seemed to work well in the main - if the PC was turned on then "My
Music" would play the music on the PC and whether the PC was turned on
or not Napster would play. It seemed to automatically fall back to when the local Squeezebox server that it had
previously been connected to was unavailable.

Just got a Squeezebox Touch and also installed another Squeezebox
server on another PC, we have also been playing with sync'ing devices
and I seem to have all sorts of problems (regardless of whether they
are sync'd or not):

- The Touch does not seem to fall back to if the PC it
was previously connected to is unavailable so we have to keep manually
switching to it (adding it to the main menu) in order to use Napster.
Is this right?

- The Squeezeboxes seem to not be discovering the network correctly.
Sometimes the library listed under switch libraries is one that is not
turned on (probably the one previously used) but the PC that is turned
on is not shown and we need to manually connect to it using "Remote

Is this just the way it is, or are we not doing something right here?!
The way the Radio used to work seemed mostly to work very well - easy
to switch to local library, via My Music, but Napster would always play
automatically, via if necessary. Now it all seems hard
and difficult, especially for the non-techy parts of the family!
Putting in IP addresses to find libraries is a nightmare, not least
because currently one of those PCs has a dynamic IP that changes

Any thoughts why this is happening and hopefully tips on what we are
doing wrong is much appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch often goes silent when sync'd

2011-02-15 Thread Davidg1

Yes, as a long term Radio user who has just bought a Touch I have had a
lot of trouble with just this problem. Hopefully it will get fixed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clear Library and REscan Everything

2011-02-15 Thread JJZolx

One thing to know: To get multi-disc compilation albums to group
together (assuming you're using the Group Discs setting of 'Group
multi-disc sets as a single album') you _must_ add a COMPILATION=1 tag.
It's a bug in the server, although it may not be related to your
problem.  For simplicity I just add a COMPILATION=1 tag to all
compilations, regardless of the number of discs.

I'm betting the albums are there, but you just can't find them.  Try
doing searches for the album titles.

Are you setting ALBUMARTIST to 'Various Artists'?  If so, and there's
no COMPILATION=1 field, the album will be classified as a
non-compilation and will be found under an artist called 'Various
Artists', sorted under 'V'.  This isn't quite the same as the 'Various
Artists' pseudo-artist that you find at the beginning of your artist
list.  Generally speaking, you shouldn't set an ALBUMARTIST on
compilation albums.

To summarize: Add a COMPILATION=1 tag to all compilation albums and do
not include an ALBUMARTIST tag.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-02-15 Thread indypants

SHR;611149 Wrote: 
> At one point it even "looped", booted then re-booted and kept on going
> until I cut the power.

This is exactly what I get whan I use the new asound.conf file. I get
about 30 seconds where SSH is still working, and I have to get in quick
and restore the original file to get it to boot properly.


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