Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Strange display when viewing albums

2013-10-12 Thread CharlieG

The Touch displays a larger font when you use the remote.  If you're
using the remote, you are not close to the touch, so the font gets
This function can be defeated >settings>screen>select skin>remote skin.
Then select small text skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBT - Ethernet Connector

2012-12-08 Thread CharlieG

Mr_Mxlptlk wrote: 
> Hi forum,
> I’m new to this forum (and new to SBT either). Not sure if a product was
> a good choice, when I need to contact the forum one day after the
> product was unboxed - anyway:
> there seems to be a problem with the Ethernet jack. I'm using cables
> with shielded connectors that formerly worked very well with a bunch of
> hubs and computers. But the jack of my SBT seems to be a bit
> waggly/loose. When trying to connect to network via cable, SBT says that
> there is no cable connected. When I'm pressing the connector a bit
> up/down, the control LED on my switch always confirmes this manipulation
> by flashing. I tried different cables with the same result.
> Is this normal behavior by SBT?
> Thanks in advance, Tom

No, I would say this is not normal.  I have two Touches and the Ethernet
connection feels just like any other device I have.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Play List Options

2012-12-07 Thread CharlieG

johnreid wrote: 
> I have made a play list in LMS but it is in two pages. I would like to
> add to it, but am unable to add anything to the first page. All of my
> additions go to the bottom of the second page and I can organize them
> there and only there. I apparently cannot move additions to the play
> list from the second page to the first page. Is there a way around this
> problem?
> johnreid

You may be able to get the playlist on one page by playing with the
"Items Per Page" setting.


|Filename: Items Per Page.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Question from an old newbie

2012-12-07 Thread CharlieG

agentsmith wrote: 
> One thing I don't understand is after finished scanning, access to the
> database which is local should not be slow.  Especially considering that
> the system is quite capable of playing even 24/192 files over the LAN
> very smoothly.  Or is the database stored on the NAS drive?  If so, is
> there anyway to set the DB to local?

agentsmith (The Matrix?),

Could you please comfirm this is your setup.
You have LMS running on a Macbook Pro, your music files are located on a
NAS, you access the NAS over your home network, and your Mac Mini has
nothing to do with Squeezebox or LMS.

I think if you had the music files on an external hard drive plugged
into the Macbook Pro, the performance would be faster.  Is there any way
you could test this.  This test would the eleminate the posibility of
slow network access between LMS and the music files as the cause of the

Please don't tell Neo we are trying to help you :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Question from an old newbie

2012-12-06 Thread CharlieG

agentsmith wrote: 
> - Is Vortexbox a software only solution?  I see a lot of Vortexox based
> hardware boxes.

It can be either.  An old computer can be converter to Vortexbox or you
can purchase a Vortexbox Appliance (a small computer running Votexbox). 
I have an old PC (2004) running Vortexbox, other forum members have the
Vortexbox Appliance. 

agentsmith wrote: 
> - If I just want to use a dedicated PC with gobs of storage just to
> serve as a LMS or may be as a file server for my MacMini/Pure Music
> player, could I just download VortexBox and be in business within
> minutes? 

Maybe not minutes but not hours.  The software has to be downloaded and
burned to a CD (using ISO burning software).  The target computer is
then booted up using the ISO CD which wipes the hard drive and loads up
the Vortexbox operating systen.  This sounds more complicated than it
actually was for me.  I hung out on the Vortexbox Fourm, reading, before
attemping this.

agentsmith wrote: 
> - Is Vortexbox free?  Do I have to buy anything else?

No.  I bought and installed a larger hard drive on my old PC because the
original was tiny.  I also bought an external hard drive to backup to. 
BTW backing up using Vortexbox works really slick. 

agentsmith wrote: 
> - After the Vortexbox software is installed, can the PC be left running
> headless and be accessed 100% from a web client?

Yes.  I access mine from a Windows 7 PC on my network (I think this is
what you're asking).  

agentsmith wrote: 
> - Can a Unix/Linux dummy like me live happily with Vortexbox?  Will I
> get stuck at some point if I am not a Linux person?
> Sorry about all the questions.

Yes.  I can't even spell LInex :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Question from an old newbie

2012-12-06 Thread CharlieG

agentsmith wrote: 
> One more question on Vortexbox if I may.
> Someone mentioned that my slowness is due to slow NAS.  If I my
> Vortexbox has no internal storage and access the same NAS through the
> LAN, would I still experience the dramatic speed improvement?

I think Mnyb was saying LMS works smoother if the music files are
locally attached rather than network attached.  For example having the
music files stored on your Mac’s hard drive, or on an external
hard drive attached to the Mac, might be faster than running LMS on the
Mac and accessing the files over your network.

I think garym was referring to running LMS on a slow NAS as compared to
running LMS on a Vortexbox Appliance (the hardware solution of

Guys, please correct me if I have misread your replies.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Now that the SBT has been discontinued, will the SONOS make a good alternative?

2012-09-09 Thread CharlieG

stop-spinning wrote: 
> .. and include the fact that I would be using wireless which "is"
> superior on the Sonos - would not that make the Sonos the better choice
> right now?

I'm just curious, why is "wireless superior on the Sonos"?
I run one of my Touches wired and one of them wireless.  I have no
problems with either.

Not trying to argue, just to understand your point of view.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Unsupported Sample Rate

2012-01-06 Thread CharlieG

My understanding is the Touch does not support anything above 24/96.
When using LMS/SbS on your PC, the software coverts 24/192 to 24/96 and
sends to your Touch.  The Touch is not seeing the 24/192.   

The server in the Touch itself does not have enough computing power to
make this conversion, hense the unsupported sample rate message.

In your setup do you really do have both coax and RCA cables from the
Touch to the DAC?  If so, you would be listening to the Integra's DAC
if you select the coax input on the AVR.

If you select the RCA input on the Integra, the Touch DAC is sending an
analog signal to the AVR.  If the Integra has a "direct" or "pure"
setting it might bypass any internal processing (you would have to
check the Integra's manual) and you would be listening to the Touch


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] wont play next song

2011-09-22 Thread CharlieG

Do you have this setting?

|Filename: play next.jpg|


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-05-02 Thread CharlieG

Phil Leigh;623699 Wrote: 
> Norton AV IS A VIRUS - use MSE instead. It's free.
When I read this I thought "what is Phil talking about"?  I have had
Squeezebox and Norton 360 peacefully co-existing since August of 2009.

Then you go and put this curse on my system.  I started having drop
outs.  Then last week my computer would lock up just about every time I
used it.  Have you spent any time in New Orleans studying Voodoo?

Turns out there was a runaway process in Norton using 100% of my CPU. 
I have un-installed Norton and am now using MSE. The computer runs much
faster now.  I didn’t realize how big a footprint Norton had on my 7
year old PC.

At least you proposed a solution to my problem when you presented it to

P.S.  I know “tongue in cheek” doesn’t translate well over the
internet, so I am stating here this was exactly that.  Well, except for
the Norton part.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-03-21 Thread CharlieG

tmauceri;619667 Wrote: 
> We have some favorites in common. You are more into the country than I,
> or what I call alt country, real country or country blues. I am
> familiar with half of the artists you listed. I will give some of the
> others a listen. One band you didn't list that I really like is The
> Avett Brothers. They have quite a few CDs, Try Emotionalism or I and
> Love and You.

+1 on the Avett Brothers recomendation. I enjoy "I And Love And You"
the most but can also recommend "Emotionalism" and "Second Gleam".


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Replacment OEM power supply

2011-03-18 Thread CharlieG

Blazer;619027 Wrote: 
> southern Louisiana

Laissez le bon temps rouler :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Weird Thumbnails

2010-09-24 Thread CharlieG

Although the “clean cache folder” worked for the moment, the next time I
added an album to my library the problem came back.  It would take
multiple tries of cache clean-up and clear library and rescans to get
the thumbnails to display correctly on my Touch.  Now remember this
problem was just on my Touch not on my Controller.

Today I was about to rip 5 albums into my library and was complaining
about this problem when my wife said “if the artwork is only wonky
(that’s a technical term) on the Touch, why don’t you reset the

I used the small button on the back to reset the Touch and now the
artwork is correct even when I just rescan for new and changed music.

Since this worked it suggests there is an artwork cache in the Touch
and not just on the server.  Does anyone know if this is correct?

It also suggest my wife is smarter than me:-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Weird Thumbnails

2010-09-06 Thread CharlieG

garym;574765 Wrote: 
> right click SbS icon in your tray, select CONTROL PANEL, then advanced
> tab, then down at bottom "click" the "clean cache folder" box, then
> select "run cleanup. You won't get any sort of message telling you this
> is done, but should take less than a minute.  I think it just deletes a
> cache file.  Then do the clear and rescan of your music library.
> p.s. you might consider upgrading to 7.5.1.  This has been the stable
> version for a long time.

I have cleaned the cache and rescanned.  All looks good. Thanks!

I thought I remembered the upgrades in 7.5.1 having to do with iTunes
intergration or ALAC files.  That wasn't a compelling reason to upgrade
to 7.5.1 for me. I haven't had any problems with 7.5.0 (other than the
thumbnails, which look to be fixed). Am I wrong about the improvements
in 7.5.1?


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Weird Thumbnails

2010-09-06 Thread CharlieG

I have recently noticed a bit of weird behavior viewing thumbnails of
album art when browsing albums on my Touch.  Last week I noticed the
album art for one album was missing.  I looked at the file on my PC and
saw the art there.  I performed a “clear library and rescan everything”
and then I had album art on that album, but it was the wrong artwork
(it was artwork for another album in my library). 

I performed another “clear library and rescan everything” and
everything looked correct.

This weekend I added three albums to my library, performed a “look for
new and changed music” and two of the three new albums had the wrong
album art on the thumbnails when browsing albums on my Touch.  I got my
Controller (I have a duet in another part of my house) and all of the
thumbnails were correct on it when browsing albums.  Then, on the
Touch, I drilled down into the album (actually both albums with
incorrect artwork), selected a song, displayed the artwork for that
song, and it was correct.  I played that song (on the Touch) and the
“now playing” screen was also correct.  

I performed a “clear library and rescan everything” and the three new
alums all had the correct thumbnails, but several others (albums that
have been in my library for months) were wrong.  Again this was just
the thumbnail view and just on the Touch.  

I performed another “clear library and rescan everything” and
everything is correct.

I don’t understand how the thumbnail view would be different from the
now playing view, and how the Controller would be different from the
Touch.  It is working properly now but I am just trying to understand
this. I welcome any comments or questions.

Just to be clear, I'm selecting "My Music" - "Albums" and looking at
the thumbnails of album art on the left of the screen.

I am running SBS 7.5.0 on an XP machine, FLAC files ripped with
dBpoweramp, the Touch and Receiver are wired, and of course the
Controller is wifi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Onkyo TX-RS606 and Squeezebox Touch

2010-08-14 Thread CharlieG

rpnc;568959 Wrote: 
> I have my Touch hooked up to my Onkyo receiver via optical cable but am
> only getting sound from 2 speakers and at very low level.  Not
> satisfactory.  If I use the same setup on my Yamaha, it's fabulous. 
> What am I doing wrong?
> Somebody HELP!!!

I'm wondering if the volume has gotten turned down on the Touch.  I
have a Squeezebox Receiver (with the volume locked at 100%) playing
into an Onkyo TX-SR806 and have no problem with volume.  The Squeezebox
is actually louder than my Blueray player and the cable box. 
I also have a Touch in another system.  Its fairly easy to accidentally
turn down the volume on the Touch.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] how to open up the squeezebox touch?

2010-05-17 Thread CharlieG

JIJ3;548229 Wrote: 
> Pounce, I like the term headless Touch, but NOT neutered, thank you. It
> may be ghostly, but still a beast!
> Jack

Wouldn't a Touch without the touch screen be "Touchless"?

Or maybe "Untouch(able)"

Maybe it's a Receiver:-)

Actually I would have bought a touchless Touch (Receiver II?) had it
been available when I bought my Touch (at a cheaper price of course).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Does Touch support Apple Lossless or not

2010-05-12 Thread CharlieG

I got my ALAC files to work using the following settings in 7.5.0:
Apple Lossless  FLAC faad/sox
MP3  disabled
PCM  faad

MPEG-4  AAC  disabled
FLAC  faad/sox
MP3   disabled
PCM   faad
With these settings I was able to play all of my Apple lossless files.

I have since re-ripped all of my music to FLAC and gotten away from
iTunes.  I have been wanting to do this for a while, this issue just
made me act on it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I Just Ordered A Touch...So There!

2010-04-30 Thread CharlieG

CharlieG;541131 Wrote: 
> I’ve wanted to set up a two channel stereo in my home office for quite a
> while now.

I’m really excited so I just had to share.  
My Touch is playing now and it sounds real good.  I just couldn’t be
more pleased with the way my stereo turned out.  It’s a simple system
(Touch, Peachtree Nova, and PSB Imagine Towers), but the sound is


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I Just Ordered A Touch...So There!

2010-04-29 Thread CharlieG

FredFredrickson;541530 Wrote: 

Oh, I don't have a problem.  I can stop Squeezebox at any time.  I just
don't choose to right now.  But I could if I wanted...


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[SlimDevices: Touch] I Just Ordered A Touch...So There!

2010-04-27 Thread CharlieG

I have a Squeezebox Duet in my den which plays through my AV receiver. 
This sounds good but I’ve wanted to set up a two channel stereo, with
an additional Squeezebox Receiver, in my home office for quite a while

So I worked really hard the whole first quarter, put in lots of hours
at work, saved all my nickels and dimes, did my stereo research and
decided which components to buy.  I now have all of the pieces set up
in my office save one: an additional Squeezebox Receiver.  

I have waited and waited while news of stand alone Receivers trickle
out of Logitech.
My patience has worn thin Logitech!
I can’t wait any longer Logitech!

Wait a minute...what just happened here?


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