Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-22 Thread Dave1972

It's really not recommended to use a wireless connection for hi-def
(24-bit) music. Apart from the stuttering, you're going to be getting
numerous streaming errors that introduce artefacts and lower the
effective definition of what you are listening to. This may be less
evident if you don't use an external DAC, as the Touch's internal DAC
doesn't produce an audiophile sound anyway, to be fair (I'd compare the
sound quality to that of a budget CD player).

I have LOTS of hi-def stuff (24/96 stuff from HDTracks and also
PS3-SACD rips at 24/88.2 resolution). I have suffered occasional
stuttering in the past, but now - in the main - playback is faultless.
I have a hard drive directly connected to the Touch's USB input.
I'm running the tiny Squeezebox Server.
I limit the number of songs/albums loaded onto the Touch at any one
time. I move some of my albums into a folder named ".Not on Touchy"
(folder name starts with a full-stop) if it starts to struggle, and it
stops those albums being scanned, putting less strain on resources.
It's a bit of a shame that I cannot have all my albums available at any
one time, but it has solved the stuttering issue for me.

I also understand that using a good quality dedicated 3rd party server
(wired) is the best solution for stability and quality.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-21 Thread Lugbutz

Ii am not sure that the problem is in the hardware ( well other than the
amount of memory or power of the CPU) we are seeing huge loads 2
times what should be the max load. 

My opinion.. It is either the software.. A bug in wpa_upplicant or the
unit is under powered for streaming 24/96 via wifi.

That said no sure I care... I have seemed to have fixed the problem And
I am listening to 24/96 without having to pull my hair out because of
the choppiness


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-21 Thread garym

Lugbutz;685463 Wrote: 
> So I tested using a wired vs wireless connection today and the problem
> does indeed seem to be within the wireless configuration but not in the
> wireless network it self. 
> As soon as I engaged the Wired Nic on the router,  load average on the
> Squeezebox dropped from > 1.9 to .5. All choppiness disappeared. This
> in my opinion is where the problem reside, on the Squeezebox and
> wpa_supplicant wireless software.  
> Let me explain, in order to get a wired connection to the Squeezebox I
> installed a Wireless Bridged router next to my Squeezebox and then ran
> the Cable from the router to the squeeze. Essentially, I still
> streaming wirelessly to the Squuezebox, I have just offloaded the load
> from the SqueezeBox to the router. 
> So the question I have is how do we fix that? Is it a bug in
> wpa_supplican or is the squeezebox under powered? I have not really
> looked but I am wondering if there is a lighterweight wireless software
> package that can be installed to test other options

In my experience, the wifi performance (antenna, etc.) of the SB
players is not nearly as good as things like laptops (or other wifi
bridges). I found the duet receiver to be the worst offender.  This
said, I do use two radios via wifi and get good response even when down
to 50% reported strength.


*Location 1:* VB Appliance 6TB (1.10) > LMS 7.7.1 > Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Location 2:* VB Appliance 3TB (2.0) > LMS 7.7.1 > Touch > Benchmark
DAC I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64) > LMS 7.7.1 > SqueezePlay
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controllers: iPhone (iPeng), iPad (iPengHD & SqueezePad), CONTROLLER,
or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-21 Thread Lugbutz

So I tested using a wired vs wireless connection today and the problem
does indeed seem to be within the wireless configuration but not in the
wireless network it self. 

As soon as I engaged the Wired Nic on the router,  load average on the
Squeezebox dropped from > 1.9 to .5. All choppiness disappeared. This
in my opinion is where the problem reside, on the Squeezebox and
wpa_supplicant wireless software.  

Let me explain, in order to get a wired connection to the Squeezebox I
installed a Wireless Bridged router next to my Squeezebox and then ran
the Cable from the router to the squeeze. Essentially, I still
streaming wirelessly to the Squuezebox, I have just offloaded the load
from the SqueezeBox to the router. 

So the question I have is how do we fix that? Is it a bug in
wpa_supplican or is the squeezebox under powered? I have not really
looked but I am wondering if there is a lighterweight wireless software
package that can be installed to test other options


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-15 Thread Mnyb

Lugbutz;684206 Wrote: 
> Server... Dell Precision 6400 Dual Core 8 Gb running CentOS 6.1
> 2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.x86_64
> Load on the server is minimal ... 
> top - 11:49:05 up 27 days, 19:27,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00,
> 0.00
> Tasks: 128 total,   1 running, 127 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> Cpu(s):  2.3%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 96.7%id,  0.7%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si, 
> 0.0%st
> Mem:   8059528k total,  7887716k used,   171812k free,   142392k
> buffers
> Swap: 10289144k total,0k used, 10289144k free,  6667500k
> cached
> 14618 squeezeb  20   0  7624 1064  704 S  3.3  0.0   0:06.29 flac
> 7249 squeezeb  20   0  648m 453m 5284 S  1.0  5.8   5:41.18
> squeezeboxserve
> 14623 root  20   0 15088 1252  952 R  0.3  0.0   0:00.30 top
> Where I do see the load is on the touch... 
> Mem: 68908K used, 56940K free, 0K shrd, 8628K buff, 18844K cached
> CPU:  11% usr  24% sys   0% nic  44% idle   0% io   7% irq  12% sirq
> Load average: 2.16 2.19 1.94 3/73 854
> 691 1 root S33052  26%  13% /usr/bin/jive
> 642 2 root RW<  0   0%  11% [wlan_main_servi]
> 9 2 root SW<  0   0%  11% [sirq-tasklet/0]
> 740   691 root S 7148   6%   8% jive_alsa -d hw:0,0 -c
> default -b 3400
> ?btw send flac as flac over the wifi do not transcode flac to wav it is
> BS it does not sound better.
> ?? I am sending as flac... at least I think I am ... for File Types...
> Flac->PCM->Flac and Flac->MP3->Flac/lame

Good most that buy into the TT thing also do transcoding.

just for kicks try it wired, note that you have to redo network setup
for it to be wired.

if you have chopiness problems the only way to truly exclude wifi
problems is to not use wifi at all.
You can have problems even if the stregth is chown as 100% thats the
thing with wifi.

Your server is probably 20 times faster than mine...


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-15 Thread Lugbutz

Server... Dell Precision 6400 Dual Core 8 Gb running CentOS 6.1

Load on the server is minimal ... 

top - 11:49:05 up 27 days, 19:27,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00,
Tasks: 128 total,   1 running, 127 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  2.3%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 96.7%id,  0.7%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si, 
Mem:   8059528k total,  7887716k used,   171812k free,   142392k
Swap: 10289144k total,0k used, 10289144k free,  6667500k

14618 squeezeb  20   0  7624 1064  704 S  3.3  0.0   0:06.29 flac
7249 squeezeb  20   0  648m 453m 5284 S  1.0  5.8   5:41.18
14623 root  20   0 15088 1252  952 R  0.3  0.0   0:00.30 top

Where I do see the load is on the touch... 

Mem: 68908K used, 56940K free, 0K shrd, 8628K buff, 18844K cached
CPU:  11% usr  24% sys   0% nic  44% idle   0% io   7% irq  12% sirq
Load average: 2.16 2.19 1.94 3/73 854
691 1 root S33052  26%  13% /usr/bin/jive
642 2 root RW<  0   0%  11% [wlan_main_servi]
9 2 root SW<  0   0%  11% [sirq-tasklet/0]
740   691 root S 7148   6%   8% jive_alsa -d hw:0,0 -c
default -b 3400

?btw send flac as flac over the wifi do not transcode flac to wav it is
BS it does not sound better.

?? I am sending as flac... at least I think I am ... for File Types...

Flac->PCM->Flac and Flac->MP3->Flac/lame


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-15 Thread Mnyb

Lugbutz;684201 Wrote: 
> Re latest Version 
> Gotta tellya... I believe I am at the latest version for my Touch and
> Server
> Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.1 - r33735 
> Touch Firmware: 7.7.1-r9558
> My Wifi Connection is 100%, I have virtually no load on my network and
> I still had the choppy playback... it was unbelieveable! Loads on the
> Touch constantly > 2.0 and I could barely stand the chops. 
> I finally found the fix "analyze" late last night, applied it this
> morning and there is a substantial improvement. Note.. I said
> Improved... I was listening to Mad Men across the Water, and the
> choppiness is back... but I think I tamed it by reinstalling
> Soundchecks 3.0 Toolkit. 
> That said, I think that their may still be an issue... at least for
> Squeezebox Server on CentOS 6.0. In order
> to run the "analyze" command I needed to update sqlite3 version 3.6 to
> version 3.7. If I ran with the default version on Centos... I could not
> connect to the library.db file... I always recieved an "file is not a
> database or is encrypted" error.

What kind of server ?btw send flac as flac over the wifi do not
transcode flac to wav  it is BS it does not sound better.

and if your server is low spec cpu use can be high during transcoding
making things choppy.

i think your problem is something else, the original db problem is
solved LMS do analyze itself periodicaly when enough new stuff have
been added.
and one should anyway do a clear and rescan everything now and then if
done a lot of changes.

And the simple solution use ethernet wire I wired my setup when I knew
that I would push a lot of 24/96 to it. It takes less time to nail some
wire to the wall than figthing wifi gremlins and wire is much more
than radio so it apeals to me as no nonse engineering done rigth, if
two devices are stationary why use wifi ? i use wifi for my radio and
my iPad and work laptop.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-15 Thread Lugbutz

Re latest Version 

Gotta tellya... I believe I am at the latest version for my Touch and

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.1 - r33735 
Touch Firmware: 7.7.1-r9558

My Wifi Connection is 100%, I have virtually no load on my network and
I still had the choppy playback... it was unbelieveable! Loads on the
Touch constantly > 2.0 and I could barely stand the chops. 

I finally found the fix "analyze" late last night, applied it this
morning and there is a substantial improvement. Note.. I said
Improved... I was listening to Mad Men across the Water, and the
choppiness is back... but I think I tamed it by reinstalling
Soundchecks 3.0 Toolkit. 

That said, I think that their may still be an issue... at least for
Squeezebox Server on CentOS 6.0. In order to run the "analyze" command
I needed to update sqlite3 version 3.6 to version 3.7. If I ran with
the default version on Centos... I could not connect to the library.db
file... I always recieved an "file is not a database or is encrypted"


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-15 Thread Mnyb

Or upgrade to the latest version where this is no problem anymore :)


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2012-01-15 Thread Lugbutz

Mikael Nyberg 2011-01-12 11:23:17 PST 

[root@hal /]# sqlite3 /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/squeezebox.db
SQLite version 3.7.4
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> analyze;

I assume it was the right command :-)

I cued up all my 1472 hirez 24/96 tracks I even dared to shuffle them.

Starting a new album now gives 10% cpu spike instead off 100% !!

I did it rigth after a clear and rescan everything


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2011-01-09 Thread Mnyb

I did some lame amateur hack to one file (as you can see in the bug
And it works better -for me-.
Try yourself but no guarantee at all .


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH and
assorted amps SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4
Contour Center, and Contour 1.3SE rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2011-01-09 Thread guidof

TerryS;600701 Wrote: 
> So I have the problem using the Touch screen interface.  Not always,
> but often enough that I wish it would get fixed someday.  I'd be good
> if the start of the album was just delayed the couple of extra seconds
> it took to get the buffering done.  But the start, stop, re-buffer,
> thing is kind of irritating.
> Terry



I too hope something will be done to fix this infrequent but annoying

Guido F.


*Front End*: Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge;
Cambridge Azur 840C CD Player; Oppo BDP--83 Universal Player; 
Squeezebox Touch Music File Player (digital out to Cambridge Azur 840C
*Preamps*: Conrad Johnson Motif (Phono); Adcom GFP-750 (Line)
*Amps*: Music Reference RM-200 Mk II (Main); Little Tube Mk III
*Subwoofer Equalizer*: DSpeaker Antimode 8033
*Speakers*: Martin Logan SL3s; REL T1 Subwoofer
*Headphones*: AKG K701

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2011-01-07 Thread TerryS

Mnyb;600697 Wrote: 
> Terry you are probably right :-/
> However I found another factor.
> If you use a squeezebox controller to control your squeezebox Touch you
> get this problem ?
> From the touch interface or the ir-remote it sort of works on intel
> like servers.
> So I have no problem using the Touch itself or the ir remote it came
> with.
> There seems to be some unforeseen interaction when you control a
> squeezeplay device with another squeezeplay device (they can all be
> controllers for each other , you could control your Touch with your
> Radio if you like that).

I don't have any Squeezebox controllers except for the IR remote that
came with the Touch.  I never use that (not even sure what it is for)  

So I have the problem using the Touch screen interface.  Not always,
but often enough that I wish it would get fixed someday.  I'd be good
if the start of the album was just delayed the couple of extra seconds
it took to get the buffering done.  But the start, stop, re-buffer,
thing is kind of irritating.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2011-01-07 Thread Mnyb

Terry you are probably right :-/

However I found another factor.

If you use a squeezebox controller to control your squeezebox Touch you
get this problem ?

>From the touch interface or the ir-remote it sort of works on intel
like servers.
So I have no problem using the Touch itself or the ir remote it came

There seems to be some unforeseen interaction when you control a
squeezeplay device with another squeezeplay device (they can all be
controllers for each other , you could control your Touch with your
Radio if you like that).


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH and
assorted amps SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4
Contour Center, and Contour 1.3SE rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2011-01-07 Thread TerryS

Mnyb;600667 Wrote: 
> This is now broken again !! in 7.6 beta
> 24/96 (-5) FLAC files rebuffers at the first track this was fixed for 
> 1/2 year now it's broken again .
> 7.6 will be in beta for a while so this time there is time to fix it
> before it goes into production (hint , hint)

I don't think I agree it was fixed for the past 1/2 year.  I have been
living with occasional re-buffering (stuttering) at the start of
playing 24/96 FLAC files with the Touch connected through Wi-Fi (100%
signal strength) to my wireless router when the SBS is hosted on a NAS.
Happens about 20% of the time when starting a 24/96 FLAC album.  After
the initial re-buffering, the rest of the album plays fine.  16/44 FLAC
never has this problem.  I am running the latest release SBS and
I just read this entire thread from the beginning, and it sure looks
like the combination of wireless (even with good signal strength) along
with FLAC decoding is very marginal at starup.  Even plenty of talk
about problems with a wired connection.  Possibly it was improved
enough for the past 1/2 year to work for some, but not for me.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2011-01-07 Thread Mnyb

This is now broken again !! in 7.6 beta

24/96 (-5) FLAC files rebuffers at the first track this was fixed for 
1/2 year now it's broken again .

7.6 will be in beta for a while so this time there is time to fix it
before it goes into production (hint , hint)


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH and
assorted amps SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4
Contour Center, and Contour 1.3SE rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-06-23 Thread Teus de Jong

PeterLosseSchoenveter;557365 Wrote: 
> Thanks Teus for your reply.
> But isn't there any conversion then? Is flac 'just' compressed pcm?
The right answer as far as I know is yes. From the official FLAC site:
'The encoding of audio (PCM) data incurs no loss of information, and
the decoded audio is bit-for-bit identical to what went into the

Of course there are several ways of compressing/decompressing files;
therefore we have zip, rar, 7zip, etc. In the same way there are
several lossless codecs. But they have one thing in common: if what is
encoded is PCM, the same PCM comes out the decoding process. There is
no conversion of format.


Teus de Jong

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-06-23 Thread PeterLosseSchoenveter

Teus de Jong;557351 Wrote: 
> No. There is no recoding only decoding. When streaming FLAC to the
> Touch, the decoding takes place in the Touch, when streaming PCM it
> takes place on the server. Some people think the latter leads to better
> sound quality.
> Teus
> PS. Walking with loose shoelaces can be dangerous :-)
Thanks Teus for your reply.

But isn't there any conversion then? Is flac 'just' compressed pcm?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-06-23 Thread Teus de Jong

PeterLosseSchoenveter;557331 Wrote: 
> I have a question: When I decide to stream flac-file's as
> pcm to my sb-touch am I losing soundquality due to the 
> recodeprocess??

No. There is no recoding only decoding. When streaming FLAC to the
Touch, the decoding takes place in the Touch, when streaming PCM it
takes place on the server. Some people think the latter leads to better
sound quality.


PS. Walking with loose shoelaces can be dangerous :-)

Teus de Jong

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-06-23 Thread PeterLosseSchoenveter

I have a question: When I decide to stream flac-file's as
pcm to my sb-touch am I losing soundquality due to the 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-06-11 Thread Peter Galbavy

Thanks. Checked all those. I went through the default conversions and
syncing. I even went so far as to turn up logging for a while to see if
I could spot anything obvious (without being familiar with the code base
etc.). All looked normal. The only process using CPU is the main perl
script. I am starting to suspect some sort of string parsing / XML /
whatever. I also have suspicions about album art, but I am reasonably
certain that at least one of the albums I was playing had no artwork.

Once I get some time I am going to try doing some basic profiling but
it's been quite literally years since I hit any 3rd party perl with
DProf and there's this new thing NYTProf (?) that looks interesting...

Peter Galbavy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-06-10 Thread Peter Galbavy

Yup, it's a server performance issue. Just put a copy of Rumours at
24/96 on an SD card and it plays perfectly. No stutters at all.

I wonder what has changed from 7.5.1 to 7.6 in the server to make it
eat quite so much more CPU. I'll move my report over to the server

Peter Galbavy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-06-10 Thread Mnyb

Peter Galbavy;553956 Wrote: 
> Yup, it's a server performance issue. Just put a copy of Rumours at
> 24/96 on an SD card and it plays perfectly. No stutters at all.
> I wonder what has changed from 7.5.1 to 7.6 in the server to make it
> eat quite so much more CPU. I'll move my report over to the server
> forum...

Do you stream flac "natively" to the player ? no transcoding to wav/pcm
going on on the server ? in the settings > advanced > filetypes is flac
set to native ?
And no old custom.convert.conf files on the server ? or any weird

And you are not syncing to a non 24/96 capable player at the same time


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J and assorted amps SiriuS,
Classe'Primare and Dynadio speakers (including a pair of Contour 4 )
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-06-09 Thread Peter Galbavy

Just a quick random update of my experience with 24/96 files.

I installed a nightly 7.5.1 when I first got my Touch and while I
experienced stutter at the beginning of playing a 24/96 FLAC album,
once it was playing the whole album would play through fine, gapless
and all. This is on a wired network, ReadyNAS NV+.

After many recent problems with CPU usage and perceived slow
performance (navigating through the 24,000 odd tracks I have) I have
been attempting to upgrade to 7.6 nightlies in the hope that the SQLite
support would help improve matters. After lots of clearing out old
releases and shutting down mysql etc. it all finally worked and the
scan went much quicker than previously. Nice.

However, now, 24/96 FLAC files stutter and rebuffer repeatedly on a
cycle of about 5 seconds. I really don't want to go back to 7.5.1 with
mysql. Suggestions welcomed - and I will keep an eye on the nightlies

I do notice that CPU on the ReadyNAS is pretty much 98%+ so this is the
likely cause rather than the Touch itself but not sure where to look on
the server side:

2910 root  30   5 72656  63m 5488 R 98.0  6.5  26:47.21 perl

Peter Galbavy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-06-06 Thread Rangdo

FWIW I've started having problems today totally out of the blue.  No
changes to the system has been made.

It's wired, SBS running on an Ubuntu 9.10 laptop with SBS 7.50 - tracks
that played fine vefore (except the occasional single hiccup when first
starting an album) were pausing every few seconds.

Rebooted my laptop and it's running fine again now.  I've not tested
any CPU usage on the SBT but I did notice the server and the SBT were
going out of sync before rebooting, the song would be 15-20 seconds
down the road while SBS said 2-3 seconds.

It wasn't an issue with CPU usage ont he laptop, it was sitting there
quietly on <10% most of the time, following the reboot with the CPU at
100% while Twonky recaches SBS is running fine.

So business as usual but in my case it appeared to not be the SBT
causing the problem.



SBT > Benchmark DAC1 > SimAudio Moon i5.3RS > PMC OB1i

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-28 Thread floater

themrock;550907 Wrote: 
> I have the same problem.
> The Touch is not able to play in USB-Mode HR-Flacs.
> Music starts after soms seconds rebuffering  and so on.
> Attached is a WD 2,5 HD with 16474 Files in 1197 Albums.
> 3 Albums in HR-Flacs rest in normal Flacs and 256 VBR mpr
> Playing normal Flacs and 256 VBR mpr no problems.
> Firmware 7.51.8814
> The used memory is 75% when running no music etc.

Same for me. USB 96/24 is totally useless. The same hard drive on an
NSLU2 will stream 96/24 flawlessly across a wireless network to play on
a PC. Blaming USB drives (mains powered) is a complete red herring. The
Touch is the problem. Using an external server it is fine.

After countless re-scans & crashes & weird behaviour I've given up on
the internal server. It is shit and totally frustrating. Music is
supposed to be a pleasure.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-27 Thread themrock

I have the same problem.
The Touch is not able to play in USB-Mode HR-Flacs.
Music starts after soms seconds rebuffering  and so on.

Attached is a WD 2,5 HD with 16474 Files in 1197 Albums.
3 Albums in HR-Flacs rest in normal Flacs and 256 VBR mpr
Playing normal Flacs and 256 VBR mpr no problems.

Firmware 7.51.8814

The used memory is 75% when running no music etc.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-26 Thread rotho

Mnyb;550662 Wrote: 
> Btw is the LaCie powered by USB or does it have it's own PS ?
> A pattern seems to emerge on these forums, USB powered (out of USB
> certified spec! nb) = potential for problems.

No, it's a 3.5" HDD, with its own PS, so that is not the problem here.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-26 Thread Mnyb

rotho;550660 Wrote: 
> Yesterday I installed the latest version of SBS (7.5.1/r30822) and
> updated my Touch (r8810), in order to test the bug 15361 fix
> (, but unfortunately,
> this new version does not solve my problems when using TinySC.
> I have certain 24/96 files which give me constant rebuffering problems
> (sometimes, on the same album, certain files are OK and others aren't),
> when reading them with TinySC from a 1.5Tb LaCie HDD (USB formatted)
> containing 400Gb of Music (1200 albums).
> As I reported before, I have no problem when reading these same files
> with TinySC on the same HDD, when there are only a couple of albums on
> it.
> So it seems that the size of the database influences the CPU usage in
> the Touch when using TinySC (that's also what I noticed by running the
> top program on my computer after having enabled SSH on the Touch).
> Let's hope that other code optimizations will be made in the next
> weeks...

You should report this to the bug i think.

As you had tested the same HDD with same files and the only diff is the
total amount of files, very well defined case.

Someone logitech did test over USB, but i'll bet they just stuck some
files on a stick and tried with that.

Btw is the LaCie powered by USB or does it have it's own PS ?
A pattern seems to emerge on these forums, USB powered (out of USB
certified spec! nb) = potential for problems.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J and assorted amps SiriuS,
Classe'Primare and Dynadio speakers (including a pair of Contour 4 )
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-26 Thread rotho

Yesterday I installed the latest version of SBS (7.5.1/r30822) and
updated my Touch (r8810), in order to test the bug 15361 fix
(, but unfortunately,
this new version does not solve my problems when using TinySC.

I have certain 24/96 files which give me constant rebuffering problems
(sometimes, on the same album, certain files are OK and others aren't),
when reading them with TinySC from a 1.5Tb LaCie HDD (USB formatted)
containing 400Gb of Music (1200 albums).

As I reported before, I have no problem when reading these same files
with TinySC on the same HDD, when there are only a couple of albums on

So it seems that the size of the database influences the CPU usage in
the Touch when using TinySC (that's also what I noticed by running the
top program on my computer after having enabled SSH on the Touch).

Let's hope that other code optimizations will be made in the next


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-12 Thread adamdea

I am using my Touch almost exclusively with a directly-attached USB
drive. I have a number of downloaded 24 bit files from Linn, HDtracks,
Analekta, the Classical shop etc, together with 16 bit flac downloads
and rips. Obviously I get the stuttering problem. But that is not the
end of it: I am getting fed up having to deal with a host of 
interrelated propblems.
1. the Touch sometimes crashes altogether when playing 24 bit tracks,
very occasionally 16 bit flac (doesn't really seem to happen with MP3s
or WMAs). It actually turns off and reboots, rescans, sometimes tells
me it now can't see the usb drive (which probably got as upset as i did
with having its power turned off). 
2. Sometimes it just stops playing without crashing 
3. This probelm seems to happen far more often when using Ipeng, but it
does happen controlling the touch manually. 
3A. It also seem to happen more often if you try to change the album
while its playing rather than stopping it, deltign the playlist and
then satarting again. Especially in Ipeng but manually too.
4 The Touch seems to paicularly dislike my Linn 24 bit download of the
Bach St Matthew Passion from Linn. This has 100 tracks in one album .
It is not particularly fond of the Hyperion complete Schubert Lieder
edition in 16 bit flac which appears as one album too, even though it
consists of 37 cds and 800 odd tracks.
5. The Touch also seems to randomly refuse to recognise the usb drive
from time to time and says it can't read it.
6. I have noticed that using Ipeng and when accessing manually (but to
a lesser extent) it seems to hang while searching sometimes. Even with
my relatively modest 6500 tracks no search = what is the bloody point
of this thing anyway?

The whole thing is beginning to annoy me. I appreciate that my concerns
go slightly beyond the topic of this thread, but is pointing me to the
following conjecture: I am begining to suspect that the Touch is not
really up to to running as a stand-alone player and server at present.
I don't know Whether this is because it is underpowered or because the
resident squeezeserver is too buggy, but I just don;t think it's quite
up to the job. I am guessing that the problem with HD files or big
playlists or finding files on the usb drive or interrupting what its
doing or even Ipeng are probably just aspects of that problem.

I am having problems with my PC at present so I can't compare very
effectively running the software ion a separate server. I am getting a
QNAP TS 239 NAS in the hope that the touch will work properly with it.
If not I am likely to lose patience with it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-06 Thread rotho

I will make more tests this evening (I have just finished the
restoration of the initial contents of my FAT32 formatted HDD from its
twin HFS+ HDD : I didn't want to spend too much time with no backup of
my 400 Gb of FLAC files !).

In my initial tests, I had carefully waited that the scan process
(which lasted around 2 hours, for 1200 albums / 16000 songs) was
finished, but then I hadn't rebooted the Touch before listening to
music. After having read your posts, I did other tests where I rebooted
the Touch, then connected the HDD, then waited for the rescan to finish,
and I had the same problem as before.

Anyway, as I said, I will make very careful tests this evening.

On a french forum, I read that someone had certain compatibility
problems with a HDD which had been FAT32 formatted on an Imac. And
that's exactly the case of my HDD : I have formatted it in FAT32 by
using the Disk Utility. I did not encounted any "compatibility
problems" (on the contrary : the Touch mounts my HDD a lot faster than
my Mac, which is more accustomed to the HFS+ filesystem), but perhaps
it could be an explanation of my problem. Perhaps I should reformat my
HDD with another method. What do you think ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-06 Thread JohnSwenson

I don't have that big a library, only about 15000 songs and I don't see
that behavior at all. In may case the server gets up to about 10% max
when playing files (even 24/96 flac -8)

The only time I see it going high is when the scanner is running. Is
there a chance the scanner is still running? Are you booting the Touch
then plugging in the drive and watching the scan to see when it
finishes? (there will always be a scan when you plug a drive in).

The only other thing I can think of is if a bunch of retries are
happening. There could be issues with a large database when skipping
ahead in a playlist, but once a song is playing I don't see how the
number of songs can cause a problem other than normal things like

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-06 Thread rotho

After having reported my problems of reading 24/96 files with Tiny SC on
a 1.5 Tb HDD containing 1200 albums
whereas I had no problem when reading these files from a 4Gb USB stick,
I decided to make the following test :

I erased the contents of my HDD and copied on it the contents of the
USB stick. And now, on the HDD, the reading of the 24/96 files is
perfect (even when using  the other "now playing" screens : large
cover, vu-meters, ...).

So my conclusion is the following : TinySC uses far more CPU when
playing music files from a huge database.

What could be the explanation ?
Can we expect an optimization of the CPU usage in a future release of
SBS or is the hardware of the Touch too limited, anyway ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-06 Thread ncpl

Phil Leigh;543279 Wrote: 
> I did read it - it didn't mention the flac compession rate. I thought
> you just wanted to get it working!
> I don't disagree that it should work with flac @ at any rate. 
> I don't see how streaming as PCM (in the meantime) would impact your
> other players as the server only serves up one stream no matter how
> many players there are (if synched). You should have plenty of
> bandwidth even for 5 different unsynched pcm streams...
> Of course, I'm assuming your router is wired to your server... :-)
> Did you try it? - did it not work?

Hi Phil, yes it's wired to the router but I don't sync the players
(Boom, SB3, SB+ and SBT).  They're in different rooms doing different
things.  Not sure about bandwidth if the kids are doing iPlayer type
stuff at the same time hence why I'd prefer to keep to flac if

Glad we agree however that a proper fix would be best.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-04 Thread Phil Leigh

ncpl;543232 Wrote: 
> Hi Phil,
> You did read my post didn't you ;)?  It works if I impact the streaming
> to all of my devices.  My flac are all at -5 and I have many of them so
> I don't really want to re-encode them if HQ here are working on a more
> robust fix/solution.
> If a non-teckie user (like my Dad who is at the limit of web use and
> playback via SB) buys some 96/24 flac online and has to then re-encode
> them to get them to play is hardly a desirable solution is it ?
> SBT should play 96k flac at any level of compression.
> Cheers

I did read it - it didn't mention the flac compession rate. I thought
you just wanted to get it working!
I don't disagree that it should work with flac @ at any rate. 

I don't see how streaming as PCM (in the meantime) would impact your
other players as the server only serves up one stream no matter how
many players there are (if synched). You should have plenty of
bandwidth even for 5 different unsynched pcm streams...
Of course, I'm assuming your router is wired to your server... :-)

Did you try it? - did it not work?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-04 Thread rotho

MCG555: I don't know the compression rate of my 24/96 flac files,
because I did not generate them myself.

Most of them have been generated by a friend of mine, from 24/96
Digital Audio Discs of the Classic Records and Chesky labels. I am
pretty sure he did not use any fancy compression level, but I will ask
him anyway.

I also bought a couple of these files from the Gimell Records label
(, and I don't know their compression rate.

Next week-end, I will test my HDD with only a couple of files (and hope
that my backup HDD will not fail at this very moment !!). 

Steve: The 1.5 To HDD used with TinySC is FAT32 formatted (the Touch
does not support a HFS formatted disc directly connected to it). I
formatted my drive by using the Disk Utility on my Mac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-04 Thread SteveEast

rotho;543088 Wrote: 
> Hi John,
> I have made more tests this evening and here are the successive values
> of the CPU usage of the perl process :
> 1) When using the HDD :
> 1.1) With a 24/96 file :
> 32%/46%/43%/45%/52%/30%/42%/51%/47%/44%/32%/51%/36%/35%/57%/31%/37%/48%/24%/54%/38%/31%/56%/32%/37%/50%/27%/48%/38%/30%/...
> And so on... The server process does never go under 20% and the Touch
> is constantly rebuffering
> 1.2) With a 16/44.1 file :
> 29%/50%/56%/28%/2%/2%/1%/1%/1%/1%/2%/2%/1%/...
> 2) When using the USB stick :
> 2.1) With a 24/96 file :
> 17%/12%/5%/4%/5%/4%/4%/...
> And no rebuffering problem ...
> 2.2) With a 16/44.1 file :
> 23%/4%/2%/1%/2%/1%/...
> A little precision : for tests 1.1) and 2.1), I was always starting
> from scratch (Touch unplugged, USB device unplugged), and then I waited
> until the re-analysis of the files on the USB device was completed.
> Tests 1.2) and 2.2) were done immediately after tests 1.1) and 2.1),
> without turning off the Touch.
> Do you think that the problem could come from the great number of files
> on the HDD ? If you think it would be useful, I could make a test where
> I erase the contents of the HDD (I have a complete backup on its HFS
> formatted twin), and try the HDD with only the same couple of files as
> on the USB stick. What do you think ?
> Anyway, thank you very much for your time.

What file-system and block size are you using on the HDD? I see that
the twin is HFS formatted, but you don't explicitly say the one you
used is HFS. I think this is probably more relevant than the number of
files. Same questions for the USB stick.



Home: 3*SB3, 1*Boom, 4*Radio running 7.4.1 on Acer Aspire easyStore H340
Cabin: 1*Touch running 7.5.0 on itself.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-04 Thread MCG555

@Rotho: me again: What compression rate do you use for your FLACs?
(sorry if you have posted it already I do not see it and did not went
through all 17 pages of the thread)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-04 Thread MCG555

rotho;543088 Wrote: 
> Hi John,
> I have made more tests this evening and here are the successive values
> of the CPU usage of the perl process :
> 1) When using the HDD :
> 1.1) With a 24/96 file :
> 32%/46%/43%/45%/52%/30%/42%/51%/47%/44%/32%/51%/36%/35%/57%/31%/37%/48%/24%/54%/38%/31%/56%/32%/37%/50%/27%/48%/38%/30%/...
> And so on... The server process does never go under 20% and the Touch
> is constantly rebuffering
> 1.2) With a 16/44.1 file :
> 29%/50%/56%/28%/2%/2%/1%/1%/1%/1%/2%/2%/1%/...
> 2) When using the USB stick :
> 2.1) With a 24/96 file :
> 17%/12%/5%/4%/5%/4%/4%/...
> And no rebuffering problem ...
> 2.2) With a 16/44.1 file :
> 23%/4%/2%/1%/2%/1%/...
> A little precision : for tests 1.1) and 2.1), I was always starting
> from scratch (Touch unplugged, USB device unplugged), and then I waited
> until the re-analysis of the files on the USB device was completed.
> Tests 1.2) and 2.2) were done immediately after tests 1.1) and 2.1),
> without turning off the Touch.
> Do you think that the problem could come from the great number of files
> on the HDD ? If you think it would be useful, I could make a test where
> I erase the contents of the HDD (I have a complete backup on its HFS
> formatted twin), and try the HDD with only the same couple of files as
> on the USB stick. What do you think ?
> Anyway, thank you very much for your time.

Thanks a lot for testing!
I guess it would make sense to check also if there is a relation to
many files on the HD, although I do not see it! If we have checked it
we know there is or there isn't. But I mean you have to do the effort,
so it's easy for me to say...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-04 Thread ncpl

Phil Leigh;542889 Wrote: 
> And it works - as you have seen!
> What level of FLAC compression are these flacs? - if at -8, reflac them
> to -5 or less...

Hi Phil,

You did read my post didn't you ;)?  It works if I impact the streaming
to all of my devices.  My flac are all at -5 and I have many of them so
I don't really want to re-encode them if HQ here are working on a more
robust fix/solution.

If a non-teckie user (like my Dad who is at the limit of web use and
playback via SB) buys some 96/24 flac online and has to then re-encode
them to get them to play is hardly a desirable solution is it ?

SBT should play 96k flac at any level of compression.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-03 Thread rotho

JohnSwenson;543054 Wrote: 
> Its very interesting that the server is running so much higher cpu with
> the HDD as opposed to the USB stick. Does the server stay at around this
> number all the time or does it only occasionally get that high?

Hi John,

I have made more tests this evening and here are the successive values
of the CPU usage of the perl process :

1) When using the HDD :
1.1) With a 24/96 file :
And so on... The server process does never go under 20% and the Touch
is constantly rebuffering

1.2) With a 16/44.1 file :

2) When using the USB stick :
2.1) With a 24/96 file :
And no rebuffering problem ...

2.2) With a 16/44.1 file :

A little precision : for tests 1.1) and 2.1), I was always starting
from scratch (Touch unplugged, USB device unplugged), and then I waited
until the re-analysis of the files on the USB device was completed.
Tests 1.2) and 2.2) were done immediately after tests 1.1) and 2.1),
without turning off the Touch.

Do you think that the problem could come from the great number of files
on the HDD ? If you think it would be useful, I could make a test where
I erase the contents of the HDD (I have a complete backup on its HFS
formatted twin), and try the HDD with only the same couple of files as
on the USB stick. What do you think ?

Anyway, thank you very much for your time.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-03 Thread JohnSwenson

Hi rotho,
thanks for the detailed info.

The perl line is the actual server, its written in perl so the process
is actually the perl interpreter running the server code. Jive is the
player (now known as squeezeplay). The Server reads the files and sends
the data to the player which decodes it and sends the raw data to the
jive_alsa process which sends it to the hardware. All three have to be
up and running and getting their share of CPU cycles to make the
process work.

Its very interesting that the server is running so much higher cpu with
the HDD as opposed to the USB stick. Does the server stay at around this
number all the time or does it only occasionally get that high?

If its running that high most of the time, I would think the next step
would be to run some profiling on the perl code to see where its
spending its time. I've never done that so someone else who is more
familiar with perl profiling will have to help with that.

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-03 Thread JohnSwenson

Hi rotho,
thanks for the detailed info.

The perl line is the actual server, its written in perl so the process
is actually the perl interpreter running the server code. Jive is the
player (now known as squeezeplay). The Server reads the files and sends
the data to the player which decodes it and sends the raw data to the
jive_alsa process which sends it to the hardware. All three have to be
up and running and getting their share of CPU cycles to make the
process work.

Its very interesting that the server is running so much higher cpu with
the HDD as opposed to the USB stick. Does the server stay at around this
number all the time or does it only occasionally get that high?

If its running that high most of the time, I would think the next step
would be to run some profiling on the perl code to see where its
spending its time. I've never done that so someone else who is more
familiar with perl profiling will have to help with that.

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-03 Thread Phil Leigh

ncpl;542862 Wrote: 
> 96/24 playback was the defining feature of the Touch for me so I do
> hope it is given some attention at HQ.

And it works - as you have seen!
What level of FLAC compression are these flacs? - if at -8, reflac them
to -5 or less...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-03 Thread mkt

JohnSwenson;542795 Wrote: 
> Its definitely NOT downsampling. Yes you did it right. So if that fixes
> it, are you working well now?
> John S.

Yep, PCM streaming with not skips. Thanks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-03 Thread Phil Leigh

mkt;542785 Wrote: 
> Is this the correct way to go to PCM streaming?
> Server settings -> Advanced -> File types
> > 

  >   > 
  > File Format Stream Format   Decoder
  > FLACFLACDisabled
  > MP3 flac/lame
  > PCM flac

> > 
> I did this but it seems to be down-converting. Via iPeng "More Info",
> it says file format FLAC, bitrate 2725kbps VBR (Converted to
> 1411.2kpbs ABR).
> A little more searching in the forums gives that the "converted" info
> is bogus. Can anyone confirm that? Also the converted bitrate is
> always "(Converted to 1411.2kbps ABR)" regardless of the input.
> In any case, the above seems to get rid of the skips, be it by
> reducing CPU load or down-sampling.
Ignore the bitrates - they are a complete red herring.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-03 Thread ncpl

John S

I, like many others above, are actually wired with the issue not
wireless.  I resolve with streaming PCM.  So, wouldn't it suggest a
decoding /cpu issue?

Whilst streaming pcm to the wired Touch is OK, it does mean that I have
to stream pcm to the other SB's in my house which then takes up more
That's not often an issue but it does mean that a proper technical
solution for this issue would be better to have.

96/24 playback was the defining feature of the Touch for me so I do
hope it is given some attention at HQ.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-03 Thread rotho

I have been following this thread very carefully, because I was very
interested in the Touch abilities to read 24/96 files and to go without
a PC (by using Tiny SC), and unfortunately, I am experiencing serious
problems with that configuration, when using an external HDD (but not
when using a USB stick).

Here are my findings (when using Tiny SC to read 24/96 files) :

1) The configuration with constant rebuffering problems (so completely
unusable) is when connecting my LaCie d2 quadra 1.5 To HDD, which is
FAT32 formatted, and which contains for the moment 1200 albums
(approximately 16000 flac files, 400 GB used).

Here is an extract of the top command results in that configuration :

Mem: 123516K used, 2308K free, 0K shrd, 84K buff, 36144K cached
CPU:  59% usr   4% sys  33% nic   0% idle   0% io   1% irq   0% sirq
Load average: 1.91 1.61 1.13 2/83 2543
696 1 root S36420  29%  49% /usr/bin/jive 
840 1 root R N  54932  44%  25% /usr/bin/perl
/usr/squeezecenter/ --charset utf8 --noweb --notranscoding
--nosb1slimp3sync --nostatistics --noinfolog --nodebuglog --log
716   696 root S 7040   6%  11% jive_alsa -d default -c
default -b 2 -p 2 -s 24 -f 1 
9 2 root SW<  0   0%   5% [sirq-tasklet/0]
715   696 root S 7104   6%   4% jive_alsa -d plughw:2,0 -b
2 -p 2 -s 16 -f 2 
742 2 root SW<  0   0%   1% [usb-storage]
2214  2213 root R 2724   2%   1% top 
49 2 root SW<  0   0%   1% [IRQ-34]
2210   639 root S 2528   2%   0% dropbear -i 
5 2 root SW<  0   0%   0% [sirq-timer/0]
7 2 root SW<  0   0%   0% [sirq-net-rx/0]

2) I then tried another configuration, by using a 4GB USB stick
(containing of course only a couple of albums...), with the same
problematic 24/96 files, and I had absolutely no problem when reading
those files (apart from the very beginning of the first track).

Here is an extract of the top command results in that configuration :

Mem: 123528K used, 2296K free, 0K shrd, 200K buff, 43900K cached
CPU:  56% usr   7% sys   0% nic  29% idle   5% io   0% irq   0% sirq
Load average: 1.41 1.27 0.66 2/83 1053
689 1 root S35500  28%  40% /usr/bin/jive 
716   689 root S 7040   6%  10% jive_alsa -d default -c
default -b 2 -p 2 -s 24 -f 1 
715   689 root S 7104   6%   4% jive_alsa -d plughw:2,0 -b
2 -p 2 -s 16 -f 2 
9 2 root SW<  0   0%   4% [sirq-tasklet/0]
952 1 root S N  49088  39%   4% /usr/bin/perl
/usr/squeezecenter/ --charset utf8 --noweb --notranscoding
--nosb1slimp3sync -
825 2 root SW<  0   0%   1% [usb-storage]
49 2 root SW<  0   0%   1% [IRQ-34]
816   815 root R 2724   2%   1% top 
812   639 root S 2528   2%   0% dropbear -i 
5 2 root SW<  0   0%   0% [sirq-timer/0]
7 2 root SW<  0   0%   0% [sirq-net-rx/0]

So, I would like to find where is the problem when reading the files
from my 1.5 To HDD. Is it the amount of files ? Is the HDD not fast
enough (it is a recent 7200 rpm model) ? Should I change my USB cable
(It is a standard 1.5 m cable) ?

I must add that I have no problem when reading these 24/96 files from a
similar 1.5 To HDD formatted in HFS+, with the external server running
on a Mac (in a wired configuration).

When examining the traces of the top command, I noticed that the perl command was using a great memory amount, and a great CPU
amount in the problematic configuration. When reading the others posts
in this thread, I saw mentions of the jive command, but not of this
perl command. Could that be the problem ?

Again, any help would be greatly appreciated...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-02 Thread JohnSwenson

one other thing, you should have the MP3 disabled in that list just to
make sure it doesn't decide to send MP3 instead of PCM. 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-02 Thread JohnSwenson

Its definitely NOT downsampling. Yes you did it right. So if that fixes
it, are you working well now?

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-02 Thread mkt

JohnSwenson;542750 Wrote: 
> Thanks, that helps.
> At this point it looks like there are two possibilities, either
> connectivity issues (WiFi interference) or flac decompression issues.
> The easiest thing to test now is go to streaming PCM rather than flac.
> If its a flac decoding issue that should clear it up. If its a WiFi
> issue it might get worse. 
> Many people have wifi interference issues even though they have a
> strong signal. The strong signal does not preclude interference, it
> just makes it less likely. 
> If its a WiFi issue you night have to go wired to the server. 
> John S.

Is this the correct way to go to PCM streaming?

Server settings -> Advanced -> File types


  File Format   Stream Format   Decoder
  MP3 flac/lame
  PCM flac

I did this but it seems to be down-converting. Via iPeng "More Info",
it says file format FLAC, bitrate 2725kbps VBR (Converted to 1411.3kpbs


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-02 Thread JohnSwenson

Thanks, that helps.

At this point it looks like there are two possibilities, either
connectivity issues (WiFi interference) or flac decompression issues.

The easiest thing to test now is go to streaming PCM rather than flac.
If its a flac decoding issue that should clear it up. If its a WiFi
issue it might get worse. 

Many people have wifi interference issues even though they have a
strong signal. The strong signal does not preclude interference, it
just makes it less likely. 

If its a WiFi issue you night have to go wired to the server. 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-02 Thread mkt

@John S. Thanks!

Lets get the specifics of your system:

are you running external server or internal server?

If external server, how are you connecting, wired or wireless?
Wireless. WPA.

If external server what format are you streaming?

Do you knopw what compression level the files are at?
No. Is there a linux command to tell that? I have the same Claire
Martin Linn recording as the poster above. Mine is 113 MB.

Are you displaying artworK? Is the artwork changing when you hear a
Seems to skip whether art work is displayed or not.

Are you running any animated visualizer (VU meters, spectrum analyzer)

Is the now playing screen scrolling text? 

are you viewing pictures at the same time?

Does the problem happen only at the beginning of tracks or in other
Only at the beginning. 

There are many things that can use up CPU cycles that can cause audio
problems with high sample rate files. We need to figure out which one
it is in your case and come up with a way to get around it.

I get the following in /var/log/messsages on the touch when I skip to
the next track of  24/96 album


  May  2 14:50:39 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - Playback.lua:436 connect GET /stream.mp3?player=00:04:20:22:12:58 HTTP/1.0^M
  May  2 14:50:39 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - decode_start_handler:275 
init decoder flc
  May  2 14:50:40 squeezeplay: playback_callback:332 Audio underrun: used 768 
frames, requested 960 frames. elapsed samples 11520
  May  2 14:50:40 squeezeplay: playback_callback:332 Audio underrun: used 256 
frames, requested 960 frames. elapsed samples 16128
  May  2 14:50:40 squeezeplay: playback_callback:332 Audio underrun: used 256 
frames, requested 960 frames. elapsed samples 20224
  May  2 14:50:40 squeezeplay: playback_callback:332 Audio underrun: used 256 
frames, requested 960 frames. elapsed samples 24320
  May  2 14:50:40 squeezeplay: playback_callback:332 Audio underrun: used 256 
frames, requested 960 frames. elapsed samples 28416
  May  2 14:50:40 squeezeplay: playback_callback:332 Audio underrun: used 256 
frames, requested 960 frames. elapsed samples 32512
  May  2 14:50:40 squeezeplay: INFO   audio.decode - Playback.lua:314 output 
  May  2 14:50:41 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.NowPlaying - 
NowPlayingApplet.lua:877 repeat button style changed to: repeatOff
  May  2 14:50:41 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.NowPlaying - 
NowPlayingApplet.lua:853 shuffle button style changed to: shuffleOff
  May  2 14:50:44 squeezeplay: playback_callback:332 Audio underrun: used 512 
frames, requested 960 frames. elapsed samples 224768
  May  2 14:50:44 squeezeplay: playback_callback:332 Audio underrun: used 256 
frames, requested 960 frames. elapsed samples 229120
  May  2 14:50:44 squeezeplay: playback_callback:332 Audio underrun: used 512 
frames, requested 960 frames. elapsed samples 237056


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-01 Thread JohnSwenson

mkt;542267 Wrote: 
> I did change something. When I synchronize with a SBR, 26/96 is
> downsampled and there are no skips. When I don't synchronize, there is
> a skip or two at the beginning of all 24/96 or 24/88.2 flacs.
> Very disappointing.

Lets get the specifics of your system:

are you running external server or internal server?
If external server, how are you connecting, wired or wireless?
If external server what format are you streaming?
Do you knopw what compression level the files are at?
Are you displaying artworK? Is the artwork changing when you hear a
Are you running any animated visualizer (VU meters, spectrum analyzer)
Is the now playing screen scrolling text? 
are you viewing pictures at the same time?
Does the problem happen only at the beginning of tracks or in other

There are many things that can use up CPU cycles that can cause audio
problems with high sample rate files. We need to figure out which one
it is in your case and come up with a way to get around it.

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-05-01 Thread mkt

mkt;539351 Wrote: 
> I got my touch yesterday. When I tried out some 24/96 and 24/88.2 Linn
> flacs, I got skips when they started. 
> This morning no skips, not one. Go figure. 
> The only changes I made were to turn off the navigation sound effect
> and enable ssh.

I did change something. When I synchronize with a SBR, 26/96 is
downsampled and there are no skips. When I don't synchronize, there is
a skip or two at the beginning of all 24/96 or 24/88.2 flacs.

Very disappointing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-28 Thread Phil Leigh

ratso;541431 Wrote: 
> i have tried to set compression to zero on my HD Tracks flac file, but i
> get an error message (i am using NCH's 'switch' for mac). i also get an
> error message when i try to change the flac's to wav's with audacity.
> is this because of DRM/copyright protection?

what is the error message?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-28 Thread ratso

i have tried to set compression to zero on my HD Tracks flac file, but i
get an error message (i am using NCH's 'switch' for mac). i also get an
error message when i try to change the flac's to wav's with audacity.
is this because of DRM/copyright protection?


Emerald Physics CS2.3's - Odyssey Stratos/Khartago amps (coming soon) -
Supratek Chardonnay Preamp - Slim Devices Touch - Panamax M4300PM power
conditioner - KRK Ergo room correction - Cables by Me!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-26 Thread Soundman

pounce;540485 Wrote: 
> Perhaps some process crashed on you ;)
> Give it a factory reset to see if you get get it to stutter again
> ...heh.

you bet... :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-26 Thread pounce

Perhaps some process crashed on you ;)

Give it a factory reset to see if you get get it to stutter again


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-26 Thread Soundman

pippin;540474 Wrote: 
> Touch keeps a permanent connection to MySB. Given the fact that MySB
> tends to still have performance issues on weekends, could this be a
> scheduling issue or something related to that?
> SqueezePlay runs all server communication links in the same thread in a
> kind of cooperative-multitasking scheduler. If one of these connections
> blocks, could it theoretically lock up others or at least consume
> enough time to cause trouble with decoding even though I believe the
> actual streaming happens on a different thread?

Could be an explanation, but I doubt it, because I had the big
stuttering-problems on weekdays as well. What also speaks against this
theory is the fact that my HR-Flacs stutterd last saturday when played
from USB, but I had no problem playing the same files from the SD-card.
And today, as I said before, no more problems at all, no matter what
device I use fo playback :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-26 Thread pippin

Touch keeps a permanent connection to MySB. Given the fact that MySB
tends to still have performance issues on weekends, could this be a
scheduling issue or something related to that?

SqueezePlay runs all server communication links in the same thread in a
kind of cooperative-multitasking scheduler. If one of these connections
blocks, could it theoretically lock up others or at least consume
enough time to cause trouble with decoding even though I believe the
actual streaming happens on a different thread?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-26 Thread Soundman

...but since today even 96/24 Flacs play from my USB-drive smoothly
without any stuttering/rebuffering. No idea what happened, but as you
can imagine I'm really happy now! Can someone explain this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-25 Thread Daverz

Well, now I'm not having any trouble with 24/96 or 24/88 flacs.  I tried
encoding some flacs with -8 and --best.  No problem.  But wav playback
stutters (not an issue for me).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-25 Thread Leigh

Let me preface this post by saying the only - and I mean only - reason I
bought a Touch was for the 24/96 and 24/88.1 streaming. All of its other
capabilities are unimportant to me, other than that fact that it
integrates with all my other Logitech squeezeboxen.

Here are my preliminary results. Note, the only thing I've done to this
thing is add VU meters, so I decided to turn those off, so all of my
results are with a static image of the album art.

Wireless setup: WPA2/AES, wireless G, awesome signal/bandwidth based
upon bandwidth test

Wired setup (groan) - straight to gigabit router which his hooked via
gigabit to the server.

All tests with "The Pizza Tapes" from HDtracks (Garcia/Grisman/Rice,

Wireless: stutters with native flac encoding for first few seconds.
Gaps between tracks.

Wireless: no stuttering with streaming wav files from server (disable
native flac in server settings) but still gap between tracks.

Wired: no stuttering no matter what I do but gaps between tracks.

Logging in and running top indicates for the stuttering setup, there
are extended periods (several seconds) where the CPU state is 0% idle,
meaning it's maxed out. This is bad. I also saw a several second period
where the CPU state was 100% sirq.

CPU load is still pretty high with other settings but I don't care so
long as it plays hirez flac files just like redbook flac files.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-25 Thread Soundman

ncpl;540106 Wrote: 
> Soundman
> Out of interest, can you try a few 96/24 tracks saved as .wav instead
> of .flac?
> If it presents no stuttering from any of the USB drives you mentioned
> then it's not drive speed as the primary factor.
> cheers

No problems whatsoever wirh 96/24 wav-files, no matter from which
device they are played. Nevertheless there must be some connection to
the used USB-harddrive because the difference in performance with 96/24
flac clearly shows that. But I cannot explain what it is. Maybe John
knows the answer.

BTW, the WD-Elements which I used in the beginning was brand new
(bought it together with the Touch), because I read in the Wiki that
old drives should not be used.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-25 Thread ncpl


Out of interest, can you try a few 96/24 tracks saved as .wav instead
of .flac?

If it presents no stuttering from any of the USB drives you mentioned
then it's not drive speed as the primary factor.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-24 Thread Soundman

Hi all

To clarify: I run the latest Software and play the music from a
USB-drive directly from the Touch.

I have the same problem with 96/24 files. First I used a WD elements
and the stuttering/rebuffering was very bad. Impossible to listen to
these tracks (Linn Studio Masters). Then I changed to a better, faster
WD-drive (Elite Edition) and there were less problems, but still
stuttering/rebuffering. Finally I tested the same files using a fast
SD-card. Et voila... no more problems at all!

Maybe this helps to debug the Touch, because it can obviously handle
the 96/24 files and the problems are caused either by the USB-drive or
- for those streaming from an exterior server - from the network.

For the moment my workaround is playing the "normal" Flacs (up to
48/24) from the USB-drive, while using the SD-card to play the high
resolution Flacs.

The sound of the Touch is really superb considering it's comparingly
low price! Once the USB/network problems are sorted out, I will be 100%
happy with it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-23 Thread mkt

I got my touch yesterday. When I tried out some 24/96 and 24/88.2 Linn
flacs, I got skips when they started. 

This morning no skips, not one. Go figure. 

The only changes I made were to turn off the navigation sound effect
and enable ssh.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-23 Thread mkt

I got my touch yesterday. When I tried out some 24/96 and 24/88.2 Linn
flacs, I got skips when they started. 

This morning no skips, not one. Go figure. 

The only changes I made were to turn off the navigation sound effect
and enable ssh.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-23 Thread ncpl

I'm streaming as wav not flac and that gets around the issue.  So, it's
unlikely to be bandwidth of network.  Would prefer to stream as flac if
only because that's what I always did with SB+.

Sound level also seems lower than playing same track via a DVDA in a

So, I wonder what is going on in the decoding/streaming/processing at
96/24? Usually playback volume is identical.  It is so when playing
regular 44.1 flac.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-23 Thread ncpl

I'm streaming as wav not flac and that gets around the issue.  So, it's
unlikely to be bandwidth of network.  Would prefer to stream as flac if
only because that's what I always did with SB+.

Sound level also seems lower than playing same track via a DVDA in a

So, I wonder what is going on in the decoding/streaming/processing at
96/24? Usually playback volume is identical.  It is so when playing
regular 44.1 flac.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread JohnSwenson

JohnSwenson;539218 Wrote: 
> WEP 128. I have an old laptop in the house that doesn't support WPA. 
> I suppose I could try WPA for a while and see what happens.
> John S.

I just tried WPA2 and had no difference in performance, CPU utilization
was essentially the save, still no dropouts at all. 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread JohnSwenson

mkt;539198 Wrote: 
> What WiFi security are you using? WPA?

WEP 128. I have an old laptop in the house that doesn't support WPA. 

I suppose I could try WPA for a while and see what happens.

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread JohnSwenson

pounce;539014 Wrote: 
> What version are you running?

7.5.0 r8673

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread mkt

JohnSwenson;538770 Wrote: 
> Tonight I tried and tried to get it to stutter or do anything wrong and
> nothing worked, it played flawlessly no matter what. 24/96 -8 flac,
> over WiFi to the server with spectrum analyzer or VU meters, long name
> so text scrolling in the now playing screen. I tried slideshow over
> WiFi as well. It just sat there and worked.
> Its hard to debug something when when you can't make it happen. 
> The worst average CPU was about 50% which was when using VU meters.
> Once every several minutes the CPU utilization would go up to 95% for a
> very short time, but still no interruption to the music. The spikes
> didn't seem to have any relation to the music, it wasn't at the
> beginning or end of a track, just somewhere in the middle.
> The VU meters were interesting, when playing a 16/44,1 wav file turning
> on the VU meters increased the CPU usage a lot, but when playing a 24/96
> -8 flac turning on the VU meters made hardly any difference. 
> John S.

What WiFi security are you using? WPA?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread pounce

JohnSwenson;539000 Wrote: 
> I'm running the official firmware that everybody else should be using. 

What version are you running?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread JohnSwenson

pounce;538874 Wrote: 
> What firmware version are you running?
> I think you mentioned you were a beta customer. Do you know if the
> hardware you have is production spec?
> Out of curiosity, what 24/96 tracks are you using and are these
> available to the public somewhere? Wondering if we can start you taking
> a methodical approach to testing that can be repeated by others.

I'm running the official firmware that everybody else should be using.
Yes the Touch I have is identical to the ones you can buy. The only
difference is the labels on the remote control. 

The 24/96 files I'm using are some recordings I made myself and some
upsampled 44.1 files. I don't see any particular differnce between
these two groups. Currently I don't have any commercial 24/96 files. 

For those having problems with wireless connection to an external
server have you tried streaming PCM instead of flac? I get no dropouts
either way. 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread pounce

JohnSwenson;538756 Wrote: 
> Given the lack of problems that I've had I'm wondering what I'm doing
> differently. 

What firmware version are you running?

I think you mentioned you were a beta customer. Do you know if the
hardware you have is production spec?

Out of curiosity, what 24/96 tracks are you using and are these
available to the public somewhere? Wondering if we can start you taking
a methodical approach to testing that can be repeated by others.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread ziggyb63

JohnSwenson;538770 Wrote: 
> The worst average CPU was about 50% which was when using VU meters. 

It's weird that things are so different in my environment!! During the
stuttering on my Touch, looks like the CPU is maxed out..

72% /usr/bin/jive
10% jive_alsa -d default -c default -b 200
8% jive-alsa -d plughw:2,0 -b 2 -p2
4% [sirq-tasklet/0]
2% [sirq-net-rx/0]
2% [IRQ-57]
2% [IRQ-34]


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread ncpl

Hi John,
dumb question but you are definitely streaming as flac not wav ?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-22 Thread JohnSwenson

Tonight I tried and tried to get it to stutter or do anything wrong and
nothing worked, it played flawlessly no matter what. 24/96 -8 flac,
over WiFi to the server with spectrum analyzer or VU meters, long name
so text scrolling in the now playing screen. I tried slideshow over
WiFi as well. It just sat there and worked.

Its hard to debug something when when you can't make it happen. 

The worst average CPU was about 50% which was when using VU meters.
Once every several minutes the CPU utilization would go up to 95% for a
very short time, but still no interruption to the music. The spikes
didn't seem to have any relation to the music, it wasn't at the
beginning or end of a track, just somewhere in the middle.

The VU meters were interesting, when playing a 16/44,1 wav file turning
on the VU meters increased the CPU usage a lot, but when playing a 24/96
-8 flac turning on the VU meters made hardly any difference. 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-21 Thread Rangdo

JohnSwenson;538756 Wrote: 
> I tested it quite a bit and never had a problem with an external server.
> The only time I ever had any problem with with the builtin server and
> that wasn't very often. 
> Given the lack of problems that I've had I'm wondering what I'm doing
> differently. 
> The only thing I can think of is that I don't have album art so I
> normally run with the artless now playing screen. 
> Are others hearing the problems when artwork is changing? 
> John S.


Standard now playing screen with titles and artwork.  No SSH or inbuilt
server enabled.  The only app I've added is the weather screensaver for
standby mode.



SBT > Benchmark DAC1 > Bel Canto S300iu > MA GR20

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-21 Thread JohnSwenson

Daverz;538716 Wrote: 
> You guys didn't test 24/96 flacs over a wireless network?

I tested it quite a bit and never had a problem with an external
server. The only time I ever had any problem with with the builtin
server and that wasn't very often. 

Given the lack of problems that I've had I'm wondering what I'm doing

The only thing I can think of is that I don't have album art so I
normally run with the artless now playing screen. 

Are others hearing the problems when artwork is changing? 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-21 Thread Daverz

andyg;538713 Wrote: 
> Interesting, especially since I just noticed that the output_threshold
> code seems to be commented out in SqueezePlay... will need some more
> investigation.

I spoke too soon.  I was probably testing wrong when I thought there
wasn't a stutter.  That setting doesn't effect the stutter at all.

You guys didn't test 24/96 flacs over a wireless network?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-21 Thread andyg

Interesting, especially since I just noticed that the output_threshold
code seems to be commented out in SqueezePlay... will need some more


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-21 Thread Daverz

andyg;538006 Wrote: 
> Yes the main area that is a problem is the initial startup of a 24/96
> track.
> If anyone wants to experiment, try adjusting the $outputThreshold value
> in Slim::Player::Squeezebox:
> > 

  >   > 
  > # Threshold the output buffer for high sample-rate flac.
  > if ( $track ) {
  > if ( $track->samplerate() && $track->samplerate() >= 
88200 ) {
  > $outputThreshold = 20;
  > }
  > }

> > 

Magic numbers in code, tut, tut, tut.  Do I need to restart the server
for the change to take effect?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread andyg

Yes the main area that is a problem is the initial startup of a 24/96

If anyone wants to experiment, try adjusting the $outputThreshold value
in Slim::Player::Squeezebox:


# Threshold the output buffer for high sample-rate flac.
if ( $track ) {
if ( $track->samplerate() && $track->samplerate() >= 
88200 ) {
$outputThreshold = 20;


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread ziggyb63

May have stumbled on how to do reproduce this...

Happens to me when I *start *a track with the Analog VU meters as the
Now Playing display. i get stuttering.

If I start the track with the normal Album art and text now playing,
all plays well, and I can change to the VU display, and the track keeps
on playing. If I restart the track, stuttering again!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread ziggyb63

So I was just prompted to download this firmware to the Touch, which I

I set up SSH and was doing a top on the files that previously
stuttered... and now all is OK! /usr/bin/jive is at like 60%...

Was this firmware release to address this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread ziggyb63

Phil Leigh;537978 Wrote: 
> Where did you get yours from? - that's not an officially released
> version (20070917 is...)

Sheesh, so long ago I have no idea! It's under my EAC subdirectories,
so maybe from there? I have just used FooBar2000 to convert using the
20070917 version, and the filesizes are still different. But I don't
think I am comparing apples-to-apples -


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread Phil Leigh

ziggyb63;537954 Wrote: 
> Yes, they are different...
> The original was flac-ed in and I have on
> my PC...

Where did you get yours from? - that's not an officially released
version (20070917 is...)

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread ziggyb63

Phil Leigh;537908 Wrote: 
> ...but, but, that's impossible! - unless different versions of the flac
> encoder library were involved... hmmm...

Yes, they are different...

The original was flac-ed in and I have on
my PC...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread Phil Leigh

Phil Leigh;537863 Wrote: 
> John,
> I've just connected a USB drive with 7 24/96 -8 files to my Touch.
> Shortly after the scan completed, playback of all 7 tracks was started.
> Some minutes into the first track I got a stutter. At that time, top via
> ssh showed me that usr/bin/jive was using 45% cpu, Jive_alsa was using
> 12% and 
> squeezecenter/gdres was using 27%.
> I had one or two more stutters then it seemed to settle down. From what
> I could tell, the stuttering SEEMED to correspond to a burst of activity
> from squeezecenter/gdres...
> Also I noticed jive_alsa occasionally leaping up over 25%, whereas jive
> was varying between 38-45%

As a follow-up, I left the same tracks on endless repeating playback
and no stuttering at all - rock solid. Squeezecenter/gdres has not
burst into life again and is running @ 0%
Jive is 39-45% and jive_alsa @ 7%.

What is gdres?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread Rangdo

ziggyb63;537896 Wrote: 
> S'interesting, that's the one that gives me problems too - Spanish
> Harlem was the one in particular, but there are others.

Just going on a tangent, it couldn't be anything to do with the FLAC
version used to encode could it?

I was playing Holst Planets yesterday from HDTracks, I tend to
re-encode everything to 1.2.1 if it's an older version (not sure why,
just a habit I got into) so I was playing a freshly encoded version. 
The HDTracks version was 1.1.0 I think.



SBT > Benchmark DAC1 > Bel Canto S300iu > MA GR20

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread Phil Leigh

ziggyb63;537895 Wrote: 
> Hi John,
> I don't knwo what the compression level was I am afraid - is there a
> way to find out? It's not stored in the tags anywhere. What I do know
> is that if I convert the original to wav, then flac at -8, the
> resulting file is larger in size than the original!
> regards,
> Ziggy
...but, but, that's impossible! - unless different versions of the flac
encoder library were involved... hmmm...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread ziggyb63

Peter314;537859 Wrote: 
> Curious. I removed the thumb drive from the USB port and changed an
> HDTracks album (World's Greatest Audiophile Vocal...) from -0 to -8.
> This is the one that stuttered before. It all played fine on the wired
> Touch, no stuttering.
> Peter

S'interesting, that's the one that gives me problems too - Spanish
Harlem was the one in particular, but there are others.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread ziggyb63

JohnSwenson;537854 Wrote: 
> Do you happen to know what the compression level was to begin with?
> Did you have anything plugged into the USB or SD connectors when you
> experienced the stuttering? If not then this is very important info. 
> Would you be willing to ssh into the Touch and run some tests while the
> stuttering is happening?
> Thanks,
> John S.

Hi John,
Nope, nothing in USB or SD connectors - this was brand new, out of the
box from Logitech configured. As well as coax I did have RCA analog
connections to it, but that was it. I was "running" the spectrum
analyzer "now playing", but it happens on all of them. yes, absolutely
willing to ssh into it and run some tests. Just talk me through what
you need me to do and I will follow.

I don't knwo what the compression level was I am afraid - is there a
way to find out? It's not stored in the tags anywhere. What I do know
is that if I convert the original to wav, then flac at -8, the
resulting file is larger in size than the original!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread ziggyb63

JohnSwenson;537854 Wrote: 
> Do you happen to know what the compression level was to begin with?
> Did you have anything plugged into the USB or SD connectors when you
> experienced the stuttering? If not then this is very important info. 
> Would you be willing to ssh into the Touch and run some tests while the
> stuttering is happening?
> Thanks,
> John S.

Hi John,
Nope, nothing in USB or SD connectors - this was brand new, out of the
box from Logitech configured. As well as coax I did have RCA analog
connections to it, but that was it. I was "running" the spectrum
analyzer "now playing", but it happens on all of them. yes, absolutely
willing to ssh into it and run some tests. Just talk me through what
you need me to do and I will follow.

I don't knwo what the compression level was I am afraid - is there a
way to find out? It's not stored in the tags anywhere. What I do know
is that if I convert the original to wav, then flac at -8, the
resulting file is larger in size than the original!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 24/96 Perfromance Issue (& Solution!)

2010-04-20 Thread Phil Leigh

JohnSwenson;537854 Wrote: 
> Do you happen to know what the compression level was to begin with?
> Did you have anything plugged into the USB or SD connectors when you
> experienced the stuttering? If not then this is very important info. 
> Would you be willing to ssh into the Touch and run some tests while the
> stuttering is happening?
> Thanks,
> John S.

I've just connected a USB drive with 7 24/96 -8 files to my Touch.
Shortly after the scan completed, playback of all 7 tracks was started.
Some minutes into the first track I got a stutter. At that time, top via
ssh showed me that usr/bin/jive was using 45% cpu, Jive_alsa was using
12% and 

squeezecenter/gdres was using 27%.

I had one or two more stutters then it seemed to settle down. From what
I could tell, the stuttering SEEMED to correspond to a burst of activity
from squeezecenter/gdres...
Also I noticed jive_alsa occasionally leaping up over 25%, whereas jive
was varying between 38-45%

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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