Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2010-01-06 Thread Gildahl

Wow, I just showed up here after a couple months to check on the status
of the Touch (no, I don't have one pre-ordered...just curious).  I was
surprised how heated things have become.  Anyway, maybe we should all be
thankful for the delay.  I purchased one of Logitech's new
high-end/expensive game controllers (the G940) back in October, and both
myself and the community have been raging ever since about how such
quality hardware was release with such incredibly poor
software--seriously crippling the device in many respects.  I'm
convinced it was released way too early and without sufficient testing. 
So maybe we can hope that what's really going on here with the Touch is
that Logitech as a company is getting the message about quality.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread dave77

erland;496229 Wrote: 
> I can agree with this, if I had pre-ordered the product I'd also like an
> answer when it was supposed to be released. If an earlier promised date
> changes I'd expect to get information about a new estimated date.
> I don't think anyone from Logitech has given a 100% promise of a
> release date, but the press release contained information that most
> buyers would interpret as the Touch was going to be released in December
> this year.

That's the main reason I started this thread, never expected so much
Logitech hatred! The pre-order page did say December though but to be
honest, as long as they honour the pre-order price I paid I'll be happy
getting it in Feb/March considering some retailers are taking orders for
almost £300!


Boom - Classic - Controller - Touch (on order)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread SilverRS8

Actually I'm tired of this thread. 

We all like to have the touch as soon as possible but we also like it
to be fully functional even more. Stop whining. There are much more
important thing to worry about. Enjoy the (longer) journey towards the
official release (that is also part of the joy).



Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' ( for
SqueezeCenter '_' ( SlimServer.
2xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SC, Denon PMA-1500AE +
DacMagic + Monitor Audio Silver RS8 = :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread maggior

Is anybody else tired of seeing the overuse of the "thumbs-down" icon? 
I most certainly am.

I'm ignoring this thread from now on - I can't take it any more.

Stop feeding this troll.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 3 Booms, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.3.3, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 30,015 songs, 2,448 albums, 451 artists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread Phil Leigh

DaveKen;496269 Wrote: 
> Really, how interesting, how relevant!
> As said earlier, you seem to make a point of deliberately
> misunderstanding what I post  -  sure you're not a politician?  -  they
> are also good at answering the question they wanted you to ask, rather
> than the one you actually asked. Nobody posted anything about movies
> being delayed  -  sure, shit happens in any business. What I posted
> concerned the 'launch' of the Premier, not the movie, but I wouldn't
> expect you to appreciate the difference, given your obvious mindset.
> Again you misunderstand and misquote me  -  no one posted that your
> name was 'stupid', I just suggested that it was appropriate. I didn't do
> it to wound you, you appear to be impervious to criticism of yourself,
> or Logitech, for that matter.
> It's up to you whether you respond to this  -  I'll give you the last
> word on the subject so that you can believe that your point of view
> prevailed.
> Good Night.

If only it was "goodnight" I wouldn't have to emit more carbon and
waste more seconds of my life reading all of this drivel.

Products get delayed. Get over it. Would you rather have one that
worked or not?

The hardware is (and has been) finished for many months now. The
software is what the user will really experience and there are so many
radical changes that the first release NEEDS to be good enough. There is
going to be massive noise on these forums and on the support desks when
the Tocuh is finally released, simply because it is a different beast to
that which has gone before.

All this incessant whining and unfounded, ill-informed "opinion" is
just leaves in the wind.

Let it go...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB Touch Beta (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W -
MF Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread DaveKen

snarlydwarf;496247 Wrote: 
> Considering I am actually credited in a couple of movies,
Really, how interesting, how relevant!

snarlydwarf;496247 Wrote: 
>  yes, movies are routinely delayed.  They have months and sometimes
> -years- of delays.  We have one here that has been in post production
> for months.  Despite all the planning and location scheduling and
> shots... the detail work is very difficult to schedule.  Can you say,
> "ok, this scene needs better audio, it will be perfect in an hour... or
> two... or three..."  Setting such numbers is not possible with any sort
> of reliability.
As said earlier, you seem to make a point of deliberately
misunderstanding what I post  -  sure you're not a politician?  -  they
are also good at answering the question they wanted you to ask, rather
than the one you actually asked. Nobody posted anything about movies
being delayed  -  sure, shit happens in any business. What I posted
concerned the 'launch' of the Premier, not the movie, but I wouldn't
expect you to appreciate the difference, given your obvious mindset.

snarlydwarf;496247 Wrote: 
> Gotta love the obligatory ad hominem.
> "And your name is stupid, too!"
> Wooo that hurts so much, you have such a sharp wit, I am wounded to the
> core.

Again you misunderstand and misquote me  -  no one posted that your
name was 'stupid', I just suggested that it was appropriate. I didn't do
it to wound you, you appear to be impervious to criticism of yourself,
or Logitech, for that matter.
It's up to you whether you respond to this  -  I'll give you the last
word on the subject so that you can believe that your point of view
Good Night.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread MrRalph

Just got this per e-mail from my Dutch supplier my translation 10 mins

"Yesterday we heard officially from Logitech that the Touch will be
available not earlier than April. All back orders will be shipped at
that time immediately. The Touch has not been available because they are
not satisfied with the software yet. Logitech plans to ship only when
the device is 100% stable"

My translation of the original Dutch message:

Gisteren hebben wij officieel te horen gekregen van Logitech dat de
Squeezebox Touch pas vanaf april pas leverbaar zal zijn en zullen alle
backorders naar klanten dan ook gelijk uitgeleverd worden. De Touch is
nog niet uit omdat men nog niet tevredenis over de software. Logitech is
van plan de speler pas uit te brengen op het moment dat het apparaat
helemaal 100% stabiel functioneert.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread testmatch

erland;496229 Wrote: 
> if I had pre-ordered the product I'd also like an answer when it was
> supposed to be released. If an earlier promised date changes I'd expect
> to get information about a new estimated date.

As someone who has pre-ordered, I see that the information on my order
is just as it was back in October. That is that I have an invoice and no
anticipated (or promised) delivery date. That's fine by me as I don't
see any promise has been broken. An Amazon-style "we're sorry your order
still has no delivery date, but we will keep you informed" message would
be good, but I can wait. I also keep looking at the comments to
which do mention a delay to the Touch. Hopefully the February Andy has
mentioned is a worldwide release date, and the April one a dealer in
Europe has mentioned is a mistake. 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

DaveKen;496238 Wrote: 
> I can't believe that is a serious question. Any producer of any
> product needs to advise it's customer base when the product is going to
> be available.

they do?  how far in advance?  a week? a month? a year?

Some companies (including Slim until recently) do not announce products
until they are ready to ship.  Apple routinely does this (though they
have leaks and rumors, for sure).

> To use your movie analogy, imagine a West End preview being constantly
> put back because the movie isn't yet fit for release, and the press and
> public being repeatedly told that it will be ready when it's ready.
> I can see why you chose your username  -  you seem to make a point of
> misunderstanding the legitimate complaint and getting upset with people
> who hold make such complaint  -  snarlydwarf indeed

Considering I am actually credited in a couple of movies, yes, movies
are routinely delayed.  They have months and sometimes -years- of
delays.  We have one here that has been in post production for months. 
Despite all the planning and location scheduling and shots... the detail
work is very difficult to schedule.  Can you say, "ok, this scene needs
better audio, it will be perfect in an hour... or two... or three..." 
Setting such numbers is not possible with any sort of reliability.

This is why trailers often do not have anything more than "Coming
Summer 2010"... because as much as they may want to release it for
Memorial Day weekend, they realize that may not be doable for production
reasons as well as for marketing reasons.  (Movies are often delayed
because "we want a good weekend and don't want to compete with certain
other movies for opening weekend..")

There has not been a specific release date of the Touch ever announced.
There was an expected delivery date in December 2009... but, then, lots
of movies (since you like the movie example) have expected release dates
that are not met.  Then they have the Official Release Date that they
-are- expected to live up to.

If Logitech had announced "this will ship on December 3rd!" you would
have a point... but they didn't.

See if you believe movies are
released on time.

Shit Happens.  Heath Ledger dies.  Things get delayed.  Such is life.

Gotta love the obligatory ad hominem.

"And your name is stupid, too!"

Wooo that hurts so much, you have such a sharp wit, I am wounded to the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread aubuti

snarlydwarf;496235 Wrote: 
> If you don't like the ship date of "when it is ready", then cancel the
> preorder.  It's not like you have to pay a restocking fee for unshipped
> and unbilled items.
Exactly. Vote with your wallet. Going through with the purchase would
be like condoning this utter shambles of product management and customer


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread DaveKen

snarlydwarf;496191 Wrote: 
> And you posting over and over about how unfair life is because you can
> not get the release date is helpful how.
And just where and when did I ever post that life is unfair?

snarlydwarf;496191 Wrote: 
> WHY does Logitech have to give you an official release date? I can't believe 
> that is a serious question. Any producer of any product
needs to advise it's customer base when the product is going to be
available. To use your movie analogy, imagine a West End preview being
constantly put back because the movie isn't yet fit for release, and the
press and public being repeatedly told that it will be ready when it's
I can see why you chose your username  -  you seem to make a point of
misunderstanding the legitimate complaint and getting upset with people
who hold make such complaint  -  snarlydwarf indeed


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

mlsstl;496216 Wrote: 
> Snarlydwarf wrote:
> Pretty tough to take a middle-ground position around these parts. It
> seems to be either "Saint Slim" or the devil incarnate. ;-)

I am quite able to say Logitech has made mistakes...  Go back and look.
I think accepting preorders was a mistake, but given the other issues
on their site, I don't think it's a mistake of "bad planning" but a
totally mismanaged product listing that doesn't have a complete listing
of current products, accessories, etc, and even has broken SQL queries
that return strange errors.  The Logitech Store even renders poorly on
Firefox.  A wholly different level of incompetence at work there.

I'm just disgusted that some people think some magical "we design,
build, test, and release" is easy to schedule.  It's not.  Shit happens,
code complexities arise, timetables get behind This is nothing new
nor specific to Logitech.  It happens all the time.  Hell, ask Microsoft
about the Vista release timeline... or XP  I wonder what sort of
world these folks live in where things are so easy to predict.

Getting upset about it is pointless.  Complaining that "the right
person" didn't give the information wanted is pointless.  If you don't
like the ship date of "when it is ready", then cancel the preorder. 
It's not like you have to pay a restocking fee for unshipped and
unbilled items.

If it's about "I sent $$$ off to someone and don't have my Touch!" then
talk to whoever took your money or your bank.  Taking money for items
not yet shipped is almost always against Visa merchant rules.

(There are exceptions for pre-auth charges to verify the card is good,
and probably exceptions for 'custom' items such as shirts with Your Logo
Here... if Visa ever allows such a thing on mass produced items, I would
be surprised.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread erland

DaveKen;496179 Wrote: 
> Is the launch delayed or is it not, and why is it that no one from
> Logitech can OFFICIALLY be arsed to confirm what the current position
> is. Surely I, as a customer who has forwarded payment for a product, am
> entitled to an answer to my enquiries about likely delivery date??
I can agree with this, if I had pre-ordered the product I'd also like
an answer when it was supposed to be released. If an earlier promised
date changes I'd expect to get information about a new estimated date.

I don't think anyone from Logitech has given a 100% promise of a
release date, but the press release contained information that most
buyers would interpret as the Touch was going to be released in December
this year.

However, I'm pretty sure you are not going to get an official answer
from the marketing division on these forums. This is a community forum
and even though announcements sometimes are posted here they are mostly
posted as regular press releases or through information channels
directly with the customer. 

The first mistake, as already mentioned, was that the product was
leaked earlier than intended. Due to this Logitech had to confirm it
existed before they would have liked to do so. The second mistake was to
actually allow pre-orders before they were 100% sure they would be able
to reach the release date. The third mistake was that no one seems to
have informed the customers that pre-ordered the product that they
wouldn't get it at the date initially indicated.

Sure, one solution would be that we get someone we can blame for all
these mistakes but would that really solve the problem ? Would it really
make you any happier ? What you really want is that Logitech focus on
actually deliver a working Touch to your doorstep as soon as possible,
right ?

You have got direct information from a lead developer. I can say that
my experience in the software business tells me that it's very rare that
a product is released earlier compared to when a developer indicates
it's going to be released. So even though this forum/developer isn't the
optimal channel for information, I'm pretty sure you can base your
decision on that the Touch won't be released before late January. It
might be later but I'm pretty sure it won't be any earlier than that.
Unless Logitech does some major mistakes I'm also pretty sure it will be
released before summer 2010. 

While you are waiting, Logitech still has the top streaming music
players on the market available for purchase in Squeezebox Classic, Boom
and Radio. I have them all and I'm very satisfied with them all. I'm
also a beta tester of the Touch and I can say that it has huge potential
to be a great success, so it's worth waiting for if you select to not
get a Classic, Boom or Radio. I can also say that the experience is
greatly enhanced when you have several of them, I didn't realize the
advantage of getting access to the music in several rooms before I got
my second one.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread DaveWr

Well many in the forum still have to work out that Mt View is over, and
will be closed soon.  Mr Adams and his senior team no longer manage the
business, so life is very different.  Culture and processes are

Once the Touch is released we might see some more friendly and stable



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread mlsstl

Snarlydwarf wrote:> A total waste of hot air. No wonder we have global warming. 

Pretty tough to take a middle-ground position around these parts. It
seems to be either "Saint Slim" or the devil incarnate. ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

alfista;496190 Wrote: 
> I'd like to turn things around, rather than complaining about the delay
> it seems like the actual fault may have been to make it available for
> pre-order. I do agree that those who have ordered and paid should be
> notified about any changes in deliver plans that occur after placing the
> order.

If anyone has actually been charged and not received product they
should talk to their bank.

(Pre-auth/reversed charges don't count.  Even gas stations often probe
your account with a preauth charge, banks should drop those quickly,
though some like leaving them sitting around for 2 days, but that's the
bank sucking..)

As for the Logitech Store site... well, that needs serious work in
general.  Missing products, broken links, broken HTML, "REPLACE THIS
IMAGE" images, etc  Alas, no one reading this forum can do much
about that except complain to corporate.  It's broken beyond
pre-ordering.  (Heck, they may not have even intended to make it
pre-orderable... as I recalls someone here got an apology almost
immediately after attempting to preorder that they had made a mistake
and didn't mean that.)

That sites so broken, I don't even know where to place the blame
(though, again, no one in Mt View has a thing to do with that mess..)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread DaveWr

First customers who have pre-ordered and paid deserve some indications
as to completion of the contractual arrangement.  If the answer is "we
don't know yet" that should be provided.

Second, any professionally run organization should have a managed
schedule for a product design, test and release cycle.  Currently with
no comment, it looks as though we are entering the "it will be ready
when its ready".  Not a very comfortable/credible position.

In fairness to Logitech they will be losing significant sales, as they
have effectively killed the SB3 but there is no Touch.  I am sure they
are focussed on resolving the situation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

mlsstl;496207 Wrote: 
> I can't think of any movies where I bought a ticket months before it
> came out. 

I've never purchased a ticket more than an hour in advance...

> I think that's the one true mistake Logitech made. When they took
> pre-release orders for the product, they created an obligation for
> themselves to keep those people apprised. Even though in most cases they
> didn't charge credit cards immediately, it is important to some people
> to have a reasonable idea when a charge will hit their card. 

They shouldn't have charges on any cards (they may pre-auth, but
they're not allowed to charge until shipping time).  This is standard
Visa/MC rules...

As for keeping people notified, I would assume "your Touch is about to
be shipped!" mail would go out when things are clear.

> Yes, it is just a consumer product and it'll get here when it gets
> here, but I think it is safe to suggest this whole thing could have been
> handled better. 

Lots of things could be handled better: complaining over and over about
not getting any feedback, and then when the person Most Likely To Be
Able to Estimate current status and how much more is needed states, to
the best of his knowledge, when he expects to be able to say "go" on the
product... people complain because it should come from some Official
Logitech Product Release Coordination Manager or some such  is just

Why on earth anyone would rather hear from some marketing weasel
instead of a developer is beyond me.  Why they would then dismiss
totally the feedback they asked for because it wasn't from someone in
Marketing, I don't know...

> Now that the soap opera "As The World Turns" is going off the air, this
> has certainly made an interesting replacement. ;-)

More like The Sound and the Fury... 

A tale told by..

Well, look up the rest of the citation.

A total waste of hot air.  No wonder we have global warming.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread mlsstl

snarlydwarf wrote: > WHY does Logitech have to give you an official release 
date? Should I
> demand movie companies tell me the release dates of movies in final
> production?

I can't think of any movies where I bought a ticket months before it
came out. 

I think that's the one true mistake Logitech made. When they took
pre-release orders for the product, they created an obligation for
themselves to keep those people apprised. Even though in most cases they
didn't charge credit cards immediately, it is important to some people
to have a reasonable idea when a charge will hit their card. 

I'm not a pre-order customer, but it seems pretty clear to me that
Logitech hasn't done a very good job of keeping those people informed.

Everything else is just a public relations issue. There is always a
danger in having a "buzz" about a product that fails to meet an
anticipated schedule. And, to be honest, Logitech created that
anticipated schedule themselves when they "expected" release this

It is just like poker. You think you have a pretty good hand and bet
accordingly. And then sometimes you lose. 

So I think it is pretty honest appraisal to state that things haven't
gone the way Logitech originally planned. My opinion is they complicated
the situation when they procrastinated in publicly acknowledging the
delay. That just hasn't been handled well. There's been a post or two in
these forums from a Logitech employee stating it is now a February 2010
release but you still don't see any info on their main web page for the
Touch and - I may be wrong - it still doesn't sound like they've
officially notified the individual pre-order buyers. 

Yes, it is just a consumer product and it'll get here when it gets
here, but I think it is safe to suggest this whole thing could have been
handled better. 

Now that the soap opera "As The World Turns" is going off the air, this
has certainly made an interesting replacement. ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread snarlydwarf

DaveKen;496179 Wrote: 
> It IS a matter of a business treating it's customers with the respect
> that they deserve. Forget about me and my problems, get back on topic
> and comment on the lack of an OFFICIAL release date for the Touch. If
> you have no comments to make on THAT subject then say nothing.

And you posting over and over about how unfair life is because you can
not get the release date is helpful how.

Life is not fair.

WHY does Logitech have to give you an official release date?  Should I
demand movie companies tell me the release dates of movies in final

Would you rather have a release date and forced deadline where a
product ships that isn't ready?  Or would you want a release date of
"when we feel it is stable enough"?

Seems to me that the -second- shows more respect to the customer, more
of an attempt to meet the customers needs.

If I worked for Logitech, I would tell you the release date of the
touch is December 19th, 2230, although that may be pushed up if it was
ready sooner.

It would give the the date you think is meaningful, though for some
reason I don't think you'd be satisified.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread alfista

DaveKen;496179 Wrote: 
> I give up !!! No one needs to have "first hand information" to reach the
> conclusion that the Touch 'team', if it can be called a team, is
> disfunctional  -  the fact is self evident. Please stop attacking me for
> stating an obvious truth, IMHO, it is not me that this thread is about.
> it is the delay in the launch of the Touch.
Well, if you (like I) don't know what their objective is and don't know
if they're on track or how the work progresses, then I don't know how
you can determine whether they are dysfunctional or not.

DaveKen;496179 Wrote: 
> Incidentally, if no one from Logitech has issued a launch date, then
> there is no delay and this whole thread is pointless.No official launch date 
> that I'm aware of, so

DaveKen;496179 Wrote: 
> Is the launch delayed or is it not, and why is it that no one from
> Logitech can OFFICIALLY be arsed to confirm what the current position
> is. Surely I, as a customer who has forwarded payment for a product, am
> entitled to an answer to my enquiries about likely delivery date??I'd like to 
> turn things around, rather than complaining about the delay
it seems like the actual fault may have been to make it available for
pre-order. I do agree that those who have ordered and paid should be
notified about any changes in deliver plans that occur after placing the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread DaveKen

alfista;496171 Wrote: 
> Maybe you're right, unlike you I don't have that kind of first hand
> information about the situation within Logitech.

I give up !!! No one needs to have "first hand information" to reach
the conclusion that the Touch 'team', if it can be called a team, is
disfunctional  -  the fact is self evident. Please stop attacking me for
stating an obvious truth, IMHO, it is not me that this thread is about.
it is the delay in the launch of the Touch. Incidentally, if no one from
Logitech has issued a launch date, then there is no delay and this whole
thread is pointless.
Is the launch delayed or is it not, and why is it that no one from
Logitech can OFFICIALLY be arsed to confirm what the current position
is. Surely I, as a customer who has forwarded payment for a product, am
entitled to an answer to my enquiries about likely delivery date??
It is not a matter of life or death, my life will, hopefully proceed
unaffected by if and when my Touch is delivered. It IS a matter of a
business treating it's customers with the respect that they deserve.
Forget about me and my problems, get back on topic and comment on the
lack of an OFFICIAL release date for the Touch. If you have no comments
to make on THAT subject then say nothing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread aubuti

DaveKen;496129 Wrote: 
> ...otherwise the company can continue to do exactly what Logitech are
> doing, namely hide behind the statement that they have not missed any
> launch date because they've never officially issued one.
Show me one place where a Logitech employee has said that. Maybe it's
out there, but I haven't seen it. I know that I have pointed the lack of
date-certain for the release. But that's not as an employee (because I
don't work for them), but as a consumer who is used to reading between
the lines and not betting my happiness on a music player that is
"expected in December."


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread alfista

DaveKen;496129 Wrote: 
> I have spent 50 years working in the manufacturing industry,in fairly
> high level positions, picking up ideas on how they function on the way.
> Basically, the management board devise the strategy, make someone
> responsible for making it happen and allocate the resources (financial,
> physical and personnel) to facilitate this.
> The normal way this functions is that Developers get on with
> developing, not with stopping developing to respond to forum questions 
> -  no wonder everything is running later and later. The person
> responsible for executing the strategy creates a team with the aim of 
> everything coming together at an agreed date. The Sales and Marketing
> guys then do their bit with the aim of getting the market poised to
> respond on the agreed date (possibly plus a contingency period).
A thorough description of a development procedure under which there
never would have been a Slim Device to begin with.

DaveKen;496129 Wrote: 
> It's all about creating a team that works and what Logitech have created
> for the Touch is a disfunctional 'team' and a complete shambles.
Maybe you're right, unlike you I don't have that kind of first hand
information about the situation within Logitech.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread DaveKen

AudioFrog;496135 Wrote: 
> People! The complaints here show just how materialistic and impatient
> our society is. It's just a music player. Do you not have an MP3 player
> or a CD player already? Is your life at a point where your biggest worry
> is when you can get your Touch? Do you not have other hobbies or
> interests? Do you think the Touch would be important to you if you lost
> your job tomorrow or if a family member became sick? Grow up and get
> your priorities straight. It's just a plastic box with a screen, nothing
> magical. 

Hi AudioFrog,
We're not discussing my problems here, several though there may be :-).
If you want to do that, start another thread :-), and I'll do my best to
contribute constructively  -  I may even benefit from it, who knows?

Logitech have a problem with the release of the Touch, that is an
undeniable fact, to try to pretend otherwise is crazy, so let's get back
on topic. IMHO it's doing neither Logitech or their customer base any
favours by ignoring the problem. In the absence of reliable OFFICIAL
information the rumour mongers will flourish and none of the rumours
will be helpful to either. The answer is simple: - Logitech should come
out and come clean, OFFICIALLY, and announce a release date that
customers can make a buying decision on, even if that is Christmas 2010
or 2011. The fact that they can't and/or won't suggests that events are
controlling them rather than the other way round.
Shambles I call it, shambles.
Bah humbug!!!
Disgruntled of Sheffield.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread AudioFrog

People! The complaints here show just how materialistic and impatient
our society is. It's just a music player. Do you not have an MP3 player
or a CD player already? Is your life at a point where your biggest worry
is when you can get your Touch? Do you not have other hobbies or
interests? Do you think the Touch would be important to you if you lost
your job tomorrow or if a family member became sick? Grow up and get
your priorities straight. It's just a plastic box with a screen, nothing


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread DaveKen

mherger;496100 Wrote: 
> > 
> Get over it, lay back and enjoy the music.
> Michael

That's exactly what I would like to do, if only I could get my Touch.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread DaveKen

erland;496041 Wrote: 
> Have you tried calling your retailer where you pre-ordered the product
> ?
> That would be the logical place for Logitech to make official
> information available. This is just a community forum where some members
> of the Logitech team happens to be moderators and members in.
> If you want a accurate date, you can't get a better one than from one
> of the lead developers who really knows what's left to do. 
> If you want an official date, you really need to contact the retailer
> that let you pre-order the product. I suppose this would be some
> Logitech sales person of some kind. This sales person would also be the
> logical place to forward your complaints to, but I suppose you have
> already done this ?

Hi Erland,
First, my order was placed DIRECTLY with Logitech  -  you should try
contacting them as a customer and see what response you get  -  believe
me it isn't a very enlightening experience. But that is missing the
point  -  as a customer who has ordered a product and forwarded payment
for it, is owed, at the very least, reliable information on it's
delivery, and this information should be supplied automatically and not
have to be begged for.
I have spent 50 years working in the manufacturing industry,in fairly
high level positions, picking up ideas on how they function on the way.
Basically, the management board devise the strategy, make someone
responsible for making it happen and allocate the resources (financial,
physical and personnel) to facilitate this.
The normal way this functions is that Developers get on with
developing, not with stopping developing to respond to forum questions 
-  no wonder everything is running later and later. The person
responsible for executing the strategy creates a team with the aim of 
everything coming together at an agreed date. The Sales and Marketing
guys then do their bit with the aim of getting the market poised to
respond on the agreed date (possibly plus a contingency period).
Apparently there is no problem with the hardware so the Production guys
have done what they should. It's all about creating a team that works
and what Logitech have created for the Touch is a disfunctional 'team'
and a complete shambles.
It is not the job of a developer, no matter how senior or 'in the
know', to provide product release dates. That is the job of an official
'public face' of the company, otherwise the company can continue to do
exactly what Logitech are doing, namely hide behind the statement that
they have not missed any launch date because they've never officially
issued one.
The release of the Touch has been a complete and utter shambles and for
anyone to try and protest otherwise is ridiculous, IMHO.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread verypsb

aubuti;496043 Wrote: 
> If that's not enough for you, contact the place where you ordered the
> Touch.

Which some people did and received an April date from their reseller,
with an option to cancel, because when they pre-ordered neither the
customer nor the reseller were expecting an April release date. (which
has been told to the reseller by someone from Logitech)


2x Duet, 1x Boom, 1x Classic

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread Michael Herger
> as much as I like andy for telling us dates. It shouldn't be his task

That's a nice one... everybody's asking for information. If somebody is giving 
it, then it's either

- bad information
- wrong information
- wrong person to give the information

Get over it, lay back and enjoy the music.


Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread kdf

On 2009-12-15, at 6:31 PM, snarlydwarf wrote:

> kdf;496046 Wrote: 
>> Complaints will always be.  If it's a non-leaked immediate release,
>> recent
>> buyers are livid that they weren't warned.  If there is no talk of
>> release, posters start complaining that the product line isn't active
>> enough.  If devs are spending their time posting, people complain code
>> isn't moving fast enough, etc.  In nearly all cases, there will be one
>> or
>> two who will take it to extreme hyperbole.
> If it comes out late, people complain that development/qa is too slow.
> If it comes out early, people complain that not enough development or
> qa was done.

heh.  I tend to think of it as "until it comes out..." and "when it comes 
out..." respectively :)

Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread snarlydwarf

kdf;496046 Wrote: 
> Complaints will always be.  If it's a non-leaked immediate release,
> recent
> buyers are livid that they weren't warned.  If there is no talk of
> release, posters start complaining that the product line isn't active
> enough.  If devs are spending their time posting, people complain code
> isn't moving fast enough, etc.  In nearly all cases, there will be one
> or
> two who will take it to extreme hyperbole.

If it comes out late, people complain that development/qa is too slow.

If it comes out early, people complain that not enough development or
qa was done.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread kdf
> kdf wrote:

> Right, as if a VP of Marketing or some such title actually knows more
> about when the software will be done than Andyg.

I think things are in a pretty good state myself, but it is also clear
that whatever has been specified as required by the management isn't there
yet and that is a major reason for the delay.

> The only way that the Marketing folks know that software is done is when
> the QA/QC folks tell them that it is done now. And the QA/QC folks don't
> make projections about the future.

That matches my thinking.  There are certainly more steps from finished
code changes to the release than there used to be during more fly-by-night
days of slimserver.

Complaints will always be.  If it's a non-leaked immediate release, recent
buyers are livid that they weren't warned.  If there is no talk of
release, posters start complaining that the product line isn't active
enough.  If devs are spending their time posting, people complain code
isn't moving fast enough, etc.  In nearly all cases, there will be one or
two who will take it to extreme hyperbole.

As an interesting aside, I saw an article about the Boeing 787.  You know,
it's over two years late and I bet that one bit of info could be used as
fodder for either side of the complaints (I'm kinda liking that they are
taking their time making sure the wings actually stay attached :)


Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread aubuti

DaveKen;496034 Wrote: 
> First aubuti,
> I had no idea of the identity or position of kesey  -  as far as I knew
> he was just another fragment of the information/misinformation supply
> chain,
> Second, if Logitech really have re-organised the unit working on SBs,
> (I wouldn't know and don't really care 'cos it doesn't change anything
> from a disappointed potential customers viewpoint), it is confirmation
> that they recognise and accept that things weren't going well. Again,
> from a disappointed potential customers viewpoint, the reorganisation
> doesn't appear to have changed anything for the better, as far as I can
> see. What does that fact itself tell you about Logitech upper
> management?
> Third, nothing of what you say alters the basic underlying problem: -
> why won't someone from Logitech come forward and make some sort of
> helpful statement  -  surely bad news is much better than no news at
> all. The company, as represented by the shower in charge of this
> shambles, is showing noithing but absolute content for the most
> important part of their organisation, namely their customer base.
> I can readily accept and understand that things don't always go to plan
> -  shit happens  -  but what I can't understand or accept is that
> everyone is being left clutching at unofficial or semi official snippets
> of so called information, the only benefit of which is that it allows
> Logitech to keep claiming (see many other threads and posts here) that
> they Logitech, have not let anybody down because they have never
> officially announced a firm release date  -  they may be happy with that
> defence but I (and I suspect many other people) certainly am not.
> The whole situation is an utter shambles and continues to be made worse
> by Logitech apologists trying to pretend otherwise, IMHO.
> and with that,
> Goodnight :-)
First, kesey doesn't matter. He was quoting andyg, a Logitech employee.
andyg's sig even says "Slim Devices Developer" or something like that. 

Second, I have no idea whether the shake up will make things better or
worse. It certainly made things worse in the short-term to the extent
that people in the trenches spent too much of their time getting
re-organized instead of testing, coding, and re-testing. But even if the
re-org was a stroke of management genius, it wasn't going to finish the
software in one month's time.

Third, someone did. See first point above. I agree that there should be
something more official, especially emails to those who pre-ordered (see
my earlier posts in this thread). But now you have a revised estimate
about a release date, from a Logitech employee who knows what is going
on. If that's not enough for you, contact the place where you ordered
the Touch.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread erland

DaveKen;496034 Wrote: 
> Third, nothing of what you say alters the basic underlying problem: -
> why won't someone from Logitech come forward and make some sort of
> helpful statement  -  surely bad news is much better than no news at
> all. The company, as represented by the shower in charge of this
> shambles, is showing noithing but absolute content for the most
> important part of their organisation, namely their customer base.
> I can readily accept and understand that things don't always go to plan
> -  shit happens  -  but what I can't understand or accept is that
> everyone is being left clutching at unofficial or semi official snippets
> of so called information, the only benefit of which is that it allows
> Logitech to keep claiming (see many other threads and posts here) that
> they Logitech, have not let anybody down because they have never
> officially announced a firm release date  -  they may be happy with that
> defence but I (and I suspect many other people) certainly am not.
> The whole situation is an utter shambles and continues to be made worse
> by Logitech apologists trying to pretend otherwise, IMHO.
> and with that,
> Goodnight :-)
Have you tried calling your retailer where you pre-ordered the product
That would be the logical place for Logitech to make official
information available. This is just a community forum where some members
of the Logitech team happens to be moderators and members in.

If you want a accurate date, you can't get a better one than from one
of the lead developers who really knows what's left to do. 

If you want an official date, you really need to contact the retailer
that let you pre-order the product. I suppose this would be some
Logitech sales person of some kind. This sales person would also be the
logical place to forward your complaints to, but I suppose you have
already done this ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread Pat Farrell
kdf wrote:
> as with many cases, the complaint probably has more to do with the message
> than who is delivering it. Blaming a person is an easier way of making it
> seem like the message is something that could actually change in the hands
> of a more important person.

Right, as if a VP of Marketing or some such title actually knows more
about when the software will be done than Andyg.

The only way that the Marketing folks know that software is done is when
the QA/QC folks tell them that it is done now. And the QA/QC folks don't
make projections about the future.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread kdf

> You want blood or something?

as with many cases, the complaint probably has more to do with the message
than who is delivering it. Blaming a person is an easier way of making it
seem like the message is something that could actually change in the hands
of a more important person.


Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread aubuti

bluegaspode;496033 Wrote: 
> come on aubuti.
> as much as I like andy for telling us dates. It shouldn't be his task
> !
> I think all people having preordered deserve a direct information,
> shouldn't they ?  
> I mean - people ordering at other stores get faster information then
> people having ordered directly with logitech ?
> Good management (and this also includes marketing) stands in front of
> its developers and doesn't use them as cannon fodder
Yes, I agree, and I've said as much before (see 'post #101 in this very
same thread'
( If
the objective is to get information about release dates, there's the
information. If you want to discount it because andyg is a developer
then go ahead, but he has a better idea of where things stand than some
retailer in Amsterdam. On the other hand, if the objective is to whip
Logitech for bungling this, then go ahead.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread Pat Farrell
DaveKen wrote:
> Third, nothing of what you say alters the basic underlying problem: -
> why won't someone from Logitech come forward and make some sort of
> helpful statement  -  surely bad news is much better than no news at
> all. 

I don't understand you guys.
AndyG is "someone from Logitech", specifically from the Streaming Media
Division of Logitech that makes, designs, and sells the SqueezeBoxen
including the Touch.

You want blood or something?

You don't know that Andy works for Logitech and when he says "looks like
Feb" it means Logitech is saying "Feb"?

I know these forums have a lot of new folks lately, but please, get a clue.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread DaveKen

First aubuti,
I had no idea of the identity or position of kesey  -  as far as I knew
he was just another fragment of the information/misinformation supply
Second, if Logitech really have re-organised the unit working on SBs,
(I wouldn't know and don't really care 'cos it doesn't change anything
from a disappointed potential customers viewpoint), it is confirmation
that they recognise and accept that things weren't going well. Again,
from a disappointed potential customers viewpoint, the reorganisation
doesn't appear to have changed anything for the better, as far as I can
see. What does that fact itself tell you about Logitech upper
Third, nothing of what you say alters the basic underlying problem: -
why won't someone from Logitech come forward and make some sort of
helpful statement  -  surely bad news is much better than no news at
all. The company, as represented by the shower in charge of this
shambles, is showing noithing but absolute content for the most
important part of their organisation, namely their customer base.
I can readily accept and understand that things don't always go to plan
-  shit happens  -  but what I can't understand or accept is that
everyone is being left clutching at unofficial or semi official snippets
of so called information, the only benefit of which is that it allows
Logitech to keep claiming (see many other threads and posts here) that
they Logitech, have not let anybody down because they have never
officially announced a firm release date  -  they may be happy with that
defence but I (and I suspect many other people) certainly am not.
The whole situation is an utter shambles and continues to be made worse
by Logitech apologists trying to pretend otherwise, IMHO.
and with that,
Goodnight :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread bluegaspode

come on aubuti.

as much as I like andy for telling us dates. It shouldn't be his task

I think all people having preordered deserve a direct information,
shouldn't they ?  
I mean - people ordering at other stores get faster information then
people having ordered directly with logitech ?

Good management (and this also includes marketing) stands in front of
its developers and doesn't use them as cannon fodder


1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 1xSB-Radio
Server (7.4.1) running on SheevaPlug (Ubuntu) with attached Western
Digital MyBook Essential.
Secondary 7.4 Server on Debianized Buffalo Linkstation LS-CHL.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread aubuti

What exactly do you want? Here's a Logitech employee, one of the main
SBT developers, saying February. Would you feel better if it were
someone from marketing saying it? And andyg was careful to qualify his
statement with "-_as_of_now_ Touch will not ship until sometime in
February- [emphasis added]. They might not get the software finished by
February, just like they didn't meet the earlier the targets. I'm sure
Logitech doesn't want to get beaten up for being late _and_ having major
bugs. It's too late to do anything about the former, but they are doing
something about the latter. It takes time and they will release it when
the software is ready. If you can't accept that level of uncertainty --
and I can see why some people can't -- then maybe you should look

Btw, you may have read that a couple months ago Logitech completely
reorganized the unit working on SBs. So something is being done about
the situation, though we'll have to wait for the B-school case studies
to see if it was the right things.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread DaveKen

Hi kesey,
This is exactly what I was complaining about  -  which bit of leaked
information/rumour/disinformation should we chose to believe. Somebody
has got to crawl out of the long grass at Logitech and say something
official that we can all rely on and look forward to with confidence. It
leads me to the inevitable conclusion that nobody is really in charge
and therefore nobody really knows what is going on  -  how else could
such a situation be allowed to deteriorate to such a depth.
And "No" I don't feel better and I won't until I get a Touch in my
hand, or get fed up of being treated like an irrelevance by Logitech and
give my money to someone more appreciative of the hand that feeds them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread kesey

andyg;495829 Wrote: 
> Maybe we only said this in the beta tester forum, but yes, as of now
> Touch will not ship until sometime in February.

DaveKen, there you go. 

Logitech obviously want to wait until they have the software for the
Touch as right as possible. While I'd be perfectly happy to take the
Touch as is and play with it, I can see what they are about. 

I absolutely believe as you do that no other company since the dawn of
history has got embroiled in a vapourware situation. In fact each and
every Logitech manager should be taken out each morning before breakfast
and horse-whipped with gusto.

Do you feel better now?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread DaveKen

MrRalph;495869 Wrote: 
> I just received an order update from my Dutch shop that the
> Touch is delayed until April (2010).

If this turns out to be true someone(s) at Logitech should be fired.
This must be the worst ever product launch in commercial history, IMHO,
and will be used in management colleges as an example of how it should
NOT be done for decades to come  -  what a shambles, made worse by no
one at Logitech prepared to put their head above the barricade and say
something official. It's as if no one at Logitech wants to be associated
with such a farce and all are hoping that if they ignore it maybe
someone else will get involved. With this total lack of leadership on
the programme maybe it's no wonder that the launch date seems to be
slipping two months every month. One wonders if it will ever get to
When is Logitech going to announce some real information instead of the
non-information that has been issued thus far.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread verypsb

MrRalph;495869 Wrote: 
> I just received an order update from my Dutch shop that the
> Touch is delayed until April (2010).

In the order update they said they received this info from Logitech.


2x Duet, 1x Boom, 1x Classic

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread MrRalph

I just received an order update from my Dutch shop that the
Touch is delayed until April (2010).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread elziko

As I understand it if you are invoiced before VAT increases back to
17.5% then you pay the lower 15% rate.

It is the invoice date that is important, not the payment date.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread Kevint

dave77;495802 Wrote: 
> I wonder if those that pre-ordered in the UK will have to pay 17.5% VAT
> now, invoice says 15% so hopefully not

I guess if they haven't taken your money yet then you have not entered
into a contract yet and the vatman will be after 17.5%.  if that is true
then hopefully Logitech will see sense for those with pre-orders and
adjust the pre-VAT price or throw in some freebies.


SB3, Boom, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-15 Thread dave77

I wonder if those that pre-ordered in the UK will have to pay 17.5% VAT
now, invoice says 15% so hopefully not


Boom - Classic - Controller - Touch (on order)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-14 Thread Ikabob

I think that I may have been the 1st to pre-order. I had been checking
routinely and then suddenly there it was...available for pre- ordering
and I ordered it immediately. Therefore, I might just be número uno! No
way am I going to withdraw from that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-14 Thread iPhone

Ken;495583 Wrote: 
> The cancellation email turned up this afternoon!!
> Ken

Remember, no bitching when others start receiving their Touch and you
have to wait in line again because you just have to have one. You have
given up your spot at the head of the line!


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-14 Thread Ken

The cancellation email turned up this afternoon!!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-14 Thread Ken

shevans;495443 Wrote: 
> I telephoned Logitech on the e-commerce number +44 (0)203 024 81 60,
> received a incident number and told that I would then receive an email
> to confirm the cancellation of my order. The e-mail did arrive but took
> over a week!
> I had ordered mine with the 20% discount, but just could not be
> bothered with tracking the order. I bought another SB3 (new old stock in
> white) so happy for the moment.

Thanks for that. Looks like I followed the correct process and am just
being impatient about the email confirming the cancellation.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-13 Thread Mnyb

Hmm the Swedish logitech does not communicate either ?

I got a suggestion , send me the hardware now and I'll enroll in the
beta testing . I would gladly enjoy one of those large lindt chocolate
boxes as compensation ;)

Seriously , it shares software with the controller so it can not even
in it's beta stage be more broken than the controller already is ?
I'm already conditioned to this level of malfunctionness  ;)

I already have server so the not complete "tiny SC" would not bother me


Main hifi: SB3 (soon to replaced by a Touch :) It is on preorder)
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Receiver (soon to be replaced by my SB3 and the SBRto be
stuffed in a box in the attic )
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
controll this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-13 Thread shevans

Ken;495371 Wrote: 
> Shevans,
> How did you cancel your order? I have grown tired of waiting and along
> with other issues with my system decided to cancel. 2 phone calls to the
> European E-Commerce section have left the order apparently still being
> processed. Whilst the people I talk to attempt to be helpful I am not
> entirely convinced that English is their first language which is
> hampering communication.
> I suppose if I fail to cancel the order at least with a 20% discount it
> should be easy to sell on at no loss, but I'd rather avoid this hassle.
> This re-inforces to me that customer service outside of the US is not
> all it should be with squeezebox products.
> Ken

I telephoned Logitech on the e-commerce number +44 (0)203 024 81 60,
received a incident number and told that I would then receive an email
to confirm the cancellation of my order. The e-mail did arrive but took
over a week!

I had ordered mine with the 20% discount, but just could not be
bothered with tracking the order. I bought another SB3 (new old stock in
white) so happy for the moment.


SB 3, NVA P90sa passive pre-amp, NVA A40 monoblock's, Fostex FE206E
based big purple people eaters!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-13 Thread Ken


How did you cancel your order? I have grown tired of waiting and along
with other issues with my system decided to cancel. 2 phone calls to the
European E-Commerce section have left the order apparently still being
processed. Whilst the people I talk to attempt to be helpful I am not
entirely convinced that English is their first language which is
hampering communication.

I suppose if I fail to cancel the order at least with a 20% discount it
should be easy to sell on at no loss, but I'd rather avoid this hassle.

This re-inforces to me that customer service outside of the US is not
all it should be with squeezebox products.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread Ikabob

Yes, I definitely agree that buying Squeezes does become habit- forming.
My home is becoming totally surrounded with beautiful music. There are
more Squeezes to come and I can eventually imagine me having the
compelling need to put one in the crawl-space. Of course that will be
when the wife sets up
my bed in that space. But, then again, I just might be happy there...
Just me and my main Squeeze.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread kesey

Tripmaster, while awaiting the Touch, you could consider buying a
Squeezebox Classic. Amazon Germany appear to have the best price at the
moment: EUR 129.97

The interesting thing about the Squeezebox family is that once you
start using one, esp. the Classic and hopefully in due turn the Touch,
you get hungry for another. I bought a Boom a couple of weeks are from for £149.95. That is in the Kitchen, while the Squeezebox
is in my home cinema/music room (former kids playroom). I tend to listen
to music via the Squeezebox more than to watch movies,, concerts etc. 

P.S. The Squeezebox Classic at that price is well worth the investment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread aubuti

Tripmaster;494565 Wrote: 
> That's not not my point, this kind of information should be
> automatically sent to those who have pre-ordered. Its just a simple case
> of managing the customers expectation.
I agree that a simple email acknowledging delays should have been sent
to people who pre-ordered. Like Tripmaster says, it's just basic
customer relations. Just leaving them hanging out there with zero
communication is poor form.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread iPhone

Tripmaster;494565 Wrote: 
> Number 4 :)
> -
> That's not not my point, this kind of information should be
> automatically sent to those who have pre-ordered. Its just a simple case
> of managing the customers expectation.

I agree that would be nice, but at the same time what impression is
made if one keeps getting Email after Email and no unit.

"Hi, we hope to ship last week of November"

"Hi, looks like we will ship first week of December"

"Hello, looks like we will ship Christmas week"

"Thanks for waiting, we plan to ship second week of January"

And on and on, at some point the Emails then become pointless and more
of salt being rubbed in an open wound. A single Email to all pre-orders
of, "Hey, we have run into a delay and want the Touch to be all you
except it to be and it will ship as soon as the firmware/software is
consumer ready" I agree might have been nice.

I feel you guys pain. I want to order a bunch of the Touch myself
because I know what it can do and how it is going to be a main part of a
whole house audio system.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread Tripmaster

Number 4 :)


That's not not my point, this kind of information should be
automatically sent to those who have pre-ordered. It just a simple case
of managing the customers expectation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread kesey

Tripmaster;494560 Wrote: 
> Why was this not sent to me?

Pick your favourite reason:

1: 42
2: It was only sent to Irish contributors to Engadget
3: Only sent to friends of Ali G.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread Tripmaster

"Statement from Logitech Public Relations:
Due to an unexpected product delay, this product will not be available
(for review or sale) until February 2010. I apologize for any
inconvenience this delay may have caused you."

Why was this not sent to me?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread Tripmaster

iPhone;494550 Wrote: 
> In a way they already have, it will ship when the Firmware and
> Serverware are finished. There are ways to estimate this, but its
> software, so all bets are off on picking or setting an exact date until
> said software is very very close to being where they want it.
> As a Beta Tester, trust me when I say the wait will be well worth the
> released product.

Hi iPhone

I hope its worth the wait. The information on this forum only goes so
far, and it relies on those who have pre-ordered to check this forum
regularly. There are bound to be customers who don't view the forum and
are wondering what's going on. Logitech have email addresses of those
who have pre-ordered and surely it would make sense to send an official
update once or twice a month. 

It just comes down to good customer relations, it certainly doesn't
cost anything.

Best wishes

Richard :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread kesey

Engadget comment: "Despite being proudly introduced to the world in
early September, it seems as if Logitech's Squeezebox Touch is still
fighting the good fight on its way to mass production. Originally, the
device was slated to go on sale this month in order to get wrapped and
tucked beneath a-many Christmas tree, but now we've heard directly from
the company that it won't be shipping out until February 2010."

"Statement from Logitech Public Relations:
Due to an unexpected product delay, this product will not be available
(for review or sale) until February 2010. I apologize for any
inconvenience this delay may have caused you."

That is on Engadget "dated by Darren Murph Dec 10th 2009 at 12:52PM"


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread iPhone

Tripmaster;494521 Wrote: 
> I ordered mine from Logitech in October and I haven't been told
> anything. It would be nice to have an update every once in a while...
> I wish Logitech would set the record straight and put a stop to all
> this speculation.

In a way they already have, it will ship when the Firmware and
Serverware are finished. There are ways to estimate this, but its
software, so all bets are off on picking or setting an exact date until
said software is very very close to being where they want it.

As a Beta Tester, trust me when I say the wait will be well worth the
released product.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread Tripmaster

I ordered mine from Logitech in October and I haven't been told
anything. It would be nice to have an update every once in a while...

I wish Logitech would set the record straight and put a stop to all
this speculation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread dave77

Ikabob;494511 Wrote: 
> I was notified by email from Logitech that mine would be ready on
> January 15, 2010. 

When was that and where? UK?


Boom - Classic - Controller - Touch (on order)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread Ikabob

I was notified by email from Logitech that mine would be ready on
January 15, 2010. I have not been informed of any change to this by
Logitech. I don't think I can wait any longer.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-11 Thread dave77

dpmark;494272 Wrote: 
> Engadget is reporting that Logitech now says February 2010 for
> availability.

Cheers, not too long to wait :) There's sales dept (UK) is poor though,
they should tell us that have pre-ordered via email at least


Boom - Classic - Controller - Touch (on order)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-10 Thread dpmark

Engadget is reporting that Logitech now says February 2010 for


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-10 Thread jeffstake

That's too bad. I would have pre-ordered if given a decent incentive to
do so.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-10 Thread DaveKen

jeffstake;494131 Wrote: 
> What do I do to get the 20% pre-order discount? What is the price after
> discount?
> thanks!

'Fraid it'a bit bit late now I fear. There was a link on Logitech's
Touch web page briefly but it wasn't there long.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-10 Thread Muele

jeffstake;494131 Wrote: 
> What do I do to get the 20% pre-order discount? What is the price after
> discount?
> thanks!

It was a general logitech discount code that expired october 31.


BR Mogens

1 Radio, 2 Controllers, 2 Receivers, 1 Squeezeplay. Running off old 800
mhz IBM T21 Thinkpad.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-09 Thread jeffstake

DaveKen;488447 Wrote: 
> Hi aubuti,
> No, I can assure you of the following FACTS: -
> 1)  my order was placed DIRECT with Logitech to take advantage of the
> 20% pre-order discount,
> 2)   my debit card was debited within 24 hours, but 24 hours later the
> sum was credited back into the account.
> I also believe that at least one other person has posted here saying
> that the same thing happened to them.

What do I do to get the 20% pre-order discount? What is the price after


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-28 Thread SilverRS8

On the release date has been changed from November/December
to late December/early 2010. They are often right ( as proven in the
past). I'm afraid the Touch won't be the Christmas present under the
tree for a lot of us ;-(


Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' ( for
SqueezeCenter '_' ( SlimServer.
2xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SC, Denon PMA-1500AE +
DacMagic + Monitor Audio Silver RS8 = :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-24 Thread local . bin

DaveKen;488743 Wrote: 
> Hi local bin,
> Please keep us posted with any response from them  -  I'm sure you
> would anyway. I sincerely hope that this is an indication that release
> is imminent rather than the more likely (IMHO) indication that Logitech
> really are totally disorganised.

It appears that the payment was a correction for my previous order of
the squeezebox radio, so the payment was correct when it was explained
to me.

No payment has been taken for the touch and indeed the helpful support
person explained that their was a delay on the touch and general release
was due Feb 2010.

I was told though that as I pre ordered I would receive the touch in
Dec/Jan prior to the general release.

There was no guarantee and I got the general feeling that it wouldn't
be here for my Christmas stocking! but heres to hoping! :)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-24 Thread DaveKen

local.bin;488737 Wrote: 
> I am just about to call Logitech as they have indeed taken payment for
> my pre order touch.
> Granted it is not for the right amount, but payment has been taken.
> Regards

Hi local bin,
Please keep us posted with any response from them  -  I'm sure you
would anyway. I sincerely hope that this is an indication that release
is imminent rather than the more likely (IMHO) indication that Logitech
really are totally disorganised.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-24 Thread local . bin

I am just about to call Logitech as they have indeed taken payment for
my pre order touch.

Granted it is not for the right amount, but payment has been taken.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread DaveKen

aubuti;488517 Wrote: 
> Maybe you're thinking of the other day when one of the other SB Touch
> beta testers mentioned on these forums that there had been talk of
> releasing the SBT as early as May 2009.

Hi, Thanks for that  -  I think that may have been what I was thinking
about. My first thought on this was to suggest that the first 'release'
date was (very) early in the year but drew back from that because it
seemed so unlikely in the current circumstances.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread aubuti

DaveKen;488472 Wrote: 
> Sorry, I'm new to forum posting also and I forgot that upper case is the
> equivalent of shouting  -  I looked for 'bold' text and couldn't find it
> -  apologies.
no problem, no foul

DaveKen;488472 Wrote: 
> If that is the case, (and I ain't doubting you), I stand corrected but I
> am sure that I have seen it written somewhere that the originally
> announced release date was much earlier  -  maybe I am confusing the
> statement made in September with a September release date.
Maybe you're thinking of the other day when one of the other SB Touch
beta testers mentioned on these forums that there had been talk of
releasing the SBT as early as May 2009. But that was never a public
statement, and Logitech never admitted to the existence of the SB Touch
until early September, despite lots of leaks in the online press, and
the famous case of a reseller who sold a unit long before he should


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread DaveKen

aubuti Wrote: 
> Thanks for clarifying with facts about the debiting and near-instant
> refund (but no need to shout). 
Sorry, I'm new to forum posting also and I forgot that upper case is
the equivalent of shouting  -  I looked for 'bold' text and couldn't
find it  -  apologies.

aubuti Wrote: 
> As for the announced release date (your reply to dave77), the only
> announcement that Logitech ever made was in September at the consumer
> electronics show in Berlin (I forget the name), when they said "[I]The
> Logitech Squeezebox Touch Wi-Fi music player is expected to be available
> in the U.S. and Europe beginning in December. 
If that is the case, (and I ain't doubting you), I stand corrected but
I am sure that I have seen it written somewhere that the originally
announced release date was much earlier  -  maybe I am confusing the
statement made in September with a September release date.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread aubuti

DaveKen;488447 Wrote: 
> Hi aubuti,
> No, I can assure you of the following FACTS: -
> 1)  my order was placed DIRECT with Logitech to take advantage of the
> 20% pre-order discount,
> 2)   my debit card was debited within 24 hours, but 24 hours later the
> sum was credited back into the account.
> I also believe that at least one other person has posted here saying
> that the same thing happened to them.
Thanks for clarifying with facts about the debiting and near-instant
refund (but no need to shout). 

As for the announced release date (your reply to dave77), the only
announcement that Logitech ever made was in September at the consumer
electronics show in Berlin (I forget the name), when they said "-The
Logitech Squeezebox Touch Wi-Fi music player is expected to be available
in the U.S. and Europe beginning in December-" (see:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread DaveKen

aubuti;488442 Wrote: 
> Likewise, I could be mistaken, but I don't believe Logitech has charged
> any credit cards for the pre-orders either. As well as separating out
> the techs from the marketing folks, it's also a good idea to distinguish
> Logitech from the resellers.

Hi aubuti,
No, I can assure you of the following FACTS: -
1)  my order was placed DIRECT with Logitech to take advantage of the
20% pre-order discount,
2)   my debit card was debited within 24 hours, but 24 hours later the
sum was credited back into the account.
I also believe that at least one other person has posted here saying
that the same thing happened to them.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread DaveKen

dave77;488423 Wrote: 
> I don't think Logitech has made any announcement about putting back the
> release date since it's original press statement saying December and the
> cancellation was Amazon, not Logitech.

Hi Dave,
I've only recently got involved interested in the Touch but I thought
that Logitech had previously announced a release date for MUCH earlier
in the year but if this is incorrect I'll apologise and withdraw the
However, if that's the only non-fact in my statement it doesn't really
change much does it?
If there is any one person with responsibility for Marketing the Touch
(rather than a collection of uncoordinated individuals), it would be
nice to hear what he has to say  -  I still say it's a debacle!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread aubuti

dave77;488423 Wrote: 
> I don't think Logitech has made any announcement about putting back the
> release date since it's original press statement saying December and the
> cancellation was Amazon, not Logitech.
Likewise, I could be mistaken, but I don't believe Logitech has charged
any credit cards for the pre-orders either. As well as separating out
the techs from the marketing folks, it's also a good idea to distinguish
Logitech from the resellers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread dave77

DaveKen;488416 Wrote: 
>  but the ongoing backwards revisions of the release date, then the
> soliciting of pre-orders, (normally taken as an indication that release
> is imminent and KNOWN), then the acknowledgement of these pre-orders and
> in some cases the taking of payment and it's subsequent refunding, and
> now these apparent order cancellations  -  what a debacle !!!

I don't think Logitech has made any announcement about putting back the
release date since it's original press statement saying December and the
cancellation was Amazon, not Logitech.


Boom - Classic - Controller - Touch (on order)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread DaveKen

kesey;488400 Wrote: 
> DaveKen, while we'd all like a bit of clarity on the situation regarding
> the Touch release, let's not overstate the case. 
> Many of us have Squeezeboxes, Transporters, Duets, Booms etc with which
> we are more than happy. In a perfect world, we'd be able to buy
> everything when we want it. The Logitech/Slim team have hard work going
> on trying to maintain compatibility with legacy machines and the newer
> stuff. While I would be more than happy to take a Touch as is, and play
> along while its evolution occurs, many potential owners would have major
> hissy fits if they were supplied with equipment which hiccuped now and
> then.

Hi Kesey
I still don't think I've overstated ANYTHING, sorry. I agree with
pretty much everything in the second paragraph above but that doesn't
change the facts of the situation. I spent the last 35 years of my
working life largely involved in Sales and Marketing and in all that
time I've never seen a new product launch so badly handled. Letting it
out early was bad enough (all right, not all their fault but surely some
blame can be laid at their door), but the ongoing backwards revisions of
the release date, then the soliciting of pre-orders, (normally taken as
an indication that release is imminent and KNOWN), then the
acknowledgement of these pre-orders and in some cases the taking of
payment and it's subsequent refunding, and now these apparent order
cancellations  -  what a debacle !!!
I exclude the Technical guys from this criticism (unless of course they
were consulted about the launch date announcement, as would normally be
the case in any organisation), but even they appear to be operating in
an uncoordinated manner.
It may well turn out to be a wonderful product but when are we ever
going to know when we shall see one  -  surely not too much to ask of
any new product.
All IMHO of course  -  anybody else agree?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread kesey

DaveKen;488375 Wrote: 
> What a shambles  -  thank God the Technical side seems to be a little
> better at their job than the Sales side, even if they appear to be no
> better organised, IMHO.

DaveKen, while we'd all like a bit of clarity on the situation
regarding the Touch release, let's not overstate the case. 

Many of us have Squeezeboxes, Transporters, Duets, Booms etc with which
we are more than happy. In a perfect world, we'd be able to buy
everything when we want it. The Logitech/Slim team have hard work going
on trying to maintain compatibility with legacy machines and the newer
stuff. While I would be more than happy to take a Touch as is, and play
along while its evolution occurs, many potential owners would have major
hissy fits if they were supplied with equipment which hiccuped now and


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread shevans

OK, I voted with my wallet and cancelled my Touch order, I'll review it
again at some point next year


SB 3, NVA P90sa passive pre-amp, NVA A40 monoblock's, Fostex FE206E
based big purple people eaters!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-23 Thread DaveKen

themrock;488348 Wrote: 
> Yesterday i got a message from Amazon (Germany) that my Touch will be
> delivered to me between 10 and 20 December. 
> Unfortunately today i got a message that the touch cant get delivered
> and that my order is cancelled

I posted some time ago that Logitech Sales & Marketing had not covered
themselves in glory with the way they had managed (or rather, not
managed) the launch of the touch, and I got a gentle ear-bashing. Does
anyone want to disagree now, in the light of the above quote?
What a shambles  -  thank God the Technical side seems to be a little
better at their job than the Sales side, even if they appear to be no
better organised, IMHO.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-22 Thread themrock

themrock;486704 Wrote: 
> Yesterday i got a message from Amazon (Germany) that my Touch will be
> delivered to me between 10 and 20 December.

Unfortunately today i got a message that the touch cant get delivered
and that my order is canceld


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-21 Thread shevans

Ken;487779 Wrote: 
> My order from logitech has clearly moved on, at least administratively
> (is that a word?) in that the option to cancel is no longer available
> and I can now view my invoice. But there are no dates on the invoice.  
> All very tantalising.
> Ken

The bad news I'm afraid is that I'm also in the UK and never had an
option to cancel and have since the 21st October been able to view my
invoice! I'm still hopeful...


SB 3, NVA P90sa passive pre-amp, NVA A40 monoblock's, Fostex FE206E
based big purple people eaters!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-21 Thread Ken

My order from logitech has clearly moved on, at least administratively
(is that a word?) in that the option to cancel is no longer available
and I can now view my invoice. But there are no dates on the invoice.  

All very tantalising.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-20 Thread Tripmaster

dave77;487417 Wrote: 
> Excellent, not heard anything myself but hopefully UK should be the same
> :)

My fingers and toes are crossed! :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-20 Thread dave77

themrock;486704 Wrote: 
> Yesterday i got a message from Amazon (Germany) that my Touch will be
> delivered to me between 10 and 20 December.

Excellent, not heard anything myself but hopefully UK should be the
same :)


Boom - Classic - Controller - Touch (on order)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-18 Thread Listener

> "Instant gratification takes too long."

After I read through post after post of whining and assertions of
entitlements, your title made my day. Thanks.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-18 Thread themrock

Yesterday i got a message from Amazon (Germany) that my Touch will be
delivered to me between 10 and 20 December.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-11-16 Thread Muele

amcluesent;485578 Wrote: 
>  Is the "Grandad" market segment so attractive?

Well, judging by this excellent thread it is just about the right
segment to go for. That is not "grandad", but anyone who were listening
to music when Freddy was still alive.


BR Mogens

2 Controllers, 2 Receivers, 1 Squeezeplay. Running off old 800 mhz IBM
T21 Thinkpad.

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