Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman trying to derail Linux adoption once again

2012-07-31 Thread tegskywalker
The issue with Stallman speaking out against Valve games and non-free games  
in general is that he is considered a celebrity within the computer world and  
can get the attention of a tech writer. He knows this and in his head he  
thinks that if he speaks out and whines enough, that he can tell Valve where  
to stick it.

Reality is that Valve is going to do what they want to do and will probably  
make a decent chunk of change with a huge percentage of Ubuntu users starving  
for games on the OS. The Humble Indie Bundles were proof of that with the  
Linux users paying more than Mac and Windows ones.

This is considered a test with Valve putting their feet in the water first.  
If they are successful, then more developers and publishers will consider  
porting their AAA titles to Linux as well. I don't see how fighting all of  
this is bad considering it brings more commerical support for the OS. Not  
only will it bring more software, these game companies may lend some help in  
fixing issues with the open source video drivers.

Nothing bad can come from this. Stallman's view is actually limiting freedom  
by him telling you to stay away. True freedom is knowing about free software  
and having the choice to stay away from certain types of software even if you  
may miss out in awesome entertainment.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman trying to derail Linux adoption once again

2012-07-31 Thread clem11388
I have to agree with the others here. If all you want is fun games, and free  
(as in price) software. Then that has nothing to do with Free Software or its  
"movement". Its gratis, and that really helps no one.

But to be fair, I first started using GNU/Linux back when when all I knew was  
I needed to fix my Windows computer and didn't want to spend any money. I  
found Ubuntu, installed it. It fixed my problem. Then fell in love with the  
customizablity of Gnome 2.x (ironic how that's dissappeared now) and  
eventually after almost 3 years, I learned of the importance of Free software  
and Freedom as a whole. So the free price aspect has its place, but must be  
used and spoken about wisely.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-07-31 Thread clem11388
Sorry for the long delay. Been really busy lol. But I was gonna make the  
plunge and try and setup ownCloud on my CR-48 with Trisquel mini installed.  
The whole "Learn by doing" approach. :-)

But on the first step, It came back saying it was unable to locate 3  
packages: php-xml, php-mbstring and php5-zip.

Are these not included by default in Trisquel?

I tried looking for a PPA to add to satisfy these, and I tried  
"ppa:ubuntu-it-dev/ppa" because there was actually a owncloud package in that  
repo. So was hoping it could also satisfy my missing dependencies. But nope  
:-( Still came back with same missing ones. And 2 new errorrs

Regex compilation error - unmatched [ or [^
Couldn't find any package by regex 'B'

Did you have to add any PPA when doing your setup?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman trying to derail Linux adoption once again

2012-07-31 Thread Rick C. Hodgin
The philosophy of freedom being more important is a correct one.  If we 
want to have free software, we cannot accept non-free software.

It is the freedom to have that community (and move within it) that 
matters. It is about the people and the people's ability to grow and 
expand upon the skills and gifts of others that matters. It is about 
that growth that matters.

See, we're all supposed to be here for one another. We're supposed to 
look to God, who, as the Creator, teaches us everything about ourselves. 
And then we take that knowledge and understanding and we look to our 
fellow man, those He's placed here with us, and each of us, using our 
unique and special gifts, examines how we can contribute to that 
community He created, and to do so that others might receive and build 
upon our offering, our work, to take it and improve upon it by their own 
unique and special gifts, so they ultimately produce something more than 
what could've done by our more limited selves in the first place, so 
that even of our own work, that work which we cast out "unto the waters 
from our shores," that even we might receive something far better back 
from the community.

This is how we're supposed to be. All of us. And if everybody did this 
... everybody would be constantly receiving something better back than 
what they offered.

The unique and special talents we all possess, they are meant to be 
shared, given to others that they might improve, both improve themselves 
through instruction and observation, but also to improve the actual work 
through unique insight and gifts.

We offer what we have, so that others can receive and contribute and add 
back to it, so that when it comes back our way it's more than we sent out.

This is how we're supposed to be to each other. God gives us everything 
and teaches us how to serve others, and in so doing we are wholly served 

None of us are here by accident. We are all part of a plan. And it is 
God, through His Son Jesus Christ, who shows us how to be, how to live, 
how to share, how to give, and yes also how to TRULY receive ... and 
that by giving.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On 07/31/2012 09:40 PM, wrote:

Stallman opens up his big mouth again calling Valve games on Linux 
unethical. Just when most Linux users are getting excited about the OS 
again, here he comes to try to derail it. We all know his viewpoints 
on proprietary software (including games) but he is going after the 
big news sites with this one.

Right now, there seems to be some hype and interest from not only 
Valve, but other developers like Blizzard who are strongly considering 
Linux. They are considering because they believe that Windows 8 will 
not only piss off the average consumer, but the Windows 8 App Store 
may close off developers from releasing independent software of their 
app store.

So with computing moving away from the traditional PC toward 
smartphones and tablets and with those still hanging on to their 
desktop PC now being locked into Apple and Microsoft app stores, it is 
a slap in the face that there are people out there like Stallman who 
are vindictive in trying to keep Linux a running joke.

[Trisquel-users] Re : New documentation: Connect to FreeNode IRC anonymously with tor

2012-07-31 Thread magicbanana
Nobody in San Francisco will be "held accountable for" what happens through  
her TOR node. Judges are not stupid. Yet, the USA may become the new Syria  
within 10 years. Who knows? Actually, I believe any activist/journalist (and  
any other people governments love to watch) should take care right now of  
communicating in an anonymous way. For instance I definitely recommend you to  
use TOR to "stand by your views" if any powerful entity, say a government,  
may dislike those views.

And, again, I am not only talking about China (where many political activists  
are in jail) and Russia (where journalists are murdered). The CIA, for  
instance, can know far too much about anybody. Beyond their own means, they  
can ask Amazon what books people read, they can ask Facebook what are their  
friends, they can ask Google what they are searching for, they can ask  
Microsoft to remotely spy their on computing activities, etc. There will be  
abuses... if this is not already the case. You do not have to worry about the  
governments being powerless. Quite the contrary: anonymous communications  
must be easy to get. @SirGrant: thank you.

Watching the BBC through TOR (what you consider acceptable) saturates the  
nodes and worsen the bitrate of those who really need it.

[Trisquel-users] Stallman trying to derail Linux adoption once again

2012-07-31 Thread tegskywalker

Stallman opens up his big mouth again calling Valve games on Linux unethical.  
Just when most Linux users are getting excited about the OS again, here he  
comes to try to derail it. We all know his viewpoints on proprietary software  
(including games) but he is going after the big news sites with this one.

Right now, there seems to be some hype and interest from not only Valve, but  
other developers like Blizzard who are strongly considering Linux. They are  
considering because they believe that Windows 8 will not only piss off the  
average consumer, but the Windows 8 App Store may close off developers from  
releasing independent software of their app store.

So with computing moving away from the traditional PC toward smartphones and  
tablets and with those still hanging on to their desktop PC now being locked  
into Apple and Microsoft app stores, it is a slap in the face that there are  
people out there like Stallman who are vindictive in trying to keep Linux a  
running joke.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel & Trusted Computing

2012-07-31 Thread nodrm . ever
I  think I have maybe found a way to use Trisquel as my OS, yet avoid the  
ordeal of teaching myself how to recompile/reconfigure the kernel, but being  
a newbie, I would like feedback from experienced users before I pursue a  
possible dead-end.

Google searches indicate that INTEL_TXT.TXT, CONFIG_INTEL_TXT, etc., did not  
port into Linux until kernel version 2.6.32, so I am thinking that if I use  
Trisquel 3.5 or 3.0.1, the Intel code will not be present (Distrowatch lists  
Trisquel 3.5 as having kernel version 2.6.31, and Trisquel 3.0.1 using kernel  
2.6.28). What do you all think of this? Advice welcomed!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel & Trusted Computing

2012-07-31 Thread nodrm . ever
You did not lose me. Having done much research on DRM and Trusted Computing,  
I am quite aware my custom-build cannot avoid all hardware-based DRM. What a  
custom-build can do is avoid majority of it, and through erasing all  
software-based DRM that one can, most of the unavoidable hardware-based DRM  
can be disabled, or at least mitigated. What DRM survives this process I can  
live least until some Megamind cracker discovers a fix. You do what  
you can with what you have to work with...sometimes there is no perfect  
solution (yet). I focus on what I can do. For example, I may not be able to  
eliminate DRM code in the XP Pro 'kernel', but I have found out how to  
eliminate most of the rest, and that is a lot of DRM crud! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] New documentation: Connect to FreeNode IRC anonymously with tor

2012-07-31 Thread tegskywalker
I see the benefit of getting and viewing information like reading a blocked  
website (like if you are in China) or viewing the BBC iPlayer outside of the  
UK because it is pure consumption. No one should be denied information and  
even if they did track the IP, they would assume the UK user was watching  
content within the UK. No problem.

The issue I have is when there is interaction or communication like with  
email SMTP servers, BitTorrent, IRC, and message board comments. Like I was  
saying above with IP addresses being logged and associated with that  
communication, it can be used for evil and can be used for it.

I do understand that some of you have good intentions and are what the ideals  
of the project are trying to fulfil. As with Banana's example, if someone in  
Syria wants to read American news or use the American version of Google, I  
have zero problem with that. When they use it as an anonymous way to attack  
people, the complications can get bigger.

Tor is still used by a small group of people that use it for a purpose. Human  
nature tends to have it lean in the nefarious dimension with using it to  
steal content and not get caught. We cannot moderate those people and those  
few bad eggs can ruin it for others.

I use Tor and know what it does. I am also aware that when I connect to a US  
node with someone in San Francisco, I try not to do bad things because that  
person may be held accountable for my actions. Would I ever use it for IRC or  
a communication where I stand by my views? Nope. That is what I meant by  
"manning up" to a viewpoint and not being a "pussy" comments.

[Trisquel-users] Re : New documentation: Connect to FreeNode IRC anonymously with tor

2012-07-31 Thread magicbanana
quidam is right: you do not understand the issue. Any idea how Syrian  
opponents communicate to groups such as Telecomix? Of course, from the point  
of view of the Bachar al-Assad, this is highly unethical...

Re: [Trisquel-users] New documentation: Connect to FreeNode IRC anonymously with tor

2012-07-31 Thread tegskywalker
Who said I didn't understand the issue? I understand completely what Tor is  
and have used the browser bundle in the past so there is no need for you to  
attempt to talk down to me. If Tor was a better method and didn't need you to  
piggy back on someone else's IP, then we would have a true "private" method  
of browsing the web.

I do understand that some of you like it when you are visting hardcore porn  
sites or something else sketchy and want to keep that secret. That exact site  
is recording the IP of that visitor and if there needs to be an  
investigation, they target the innoncent party. Of course that is fine to you  
because you are getting your "privacy" and doing something that is unethical.

In the long run, people like you don't care because you only protect yourself  
and that is what really matters. So for being a project lead on a project  
that is under financed and begging for free money every month, does it ever  
annoy you that the Stallmanites at the FSF don't throw some your way becuase  
of your cause?

Of course not, because in the bigger picture they don't care about you or  
your project and they want all that money to themselves and with you being a  
FSF approved distro, it is free advertising for them and your distro is just  
a bullet point to see that people support their wish-washy and uncomprimising  

Ever wonder why bigger corporations would rather support the OSI and Linux  
Foundation? Because they won't get badmouthed for making a buck on their  

Re: [Trisquel-users] New documentation: Connect to FreeNode IRC anonymously with tor

2012-07-31 Thread ruben
As I said, if you don't understand an issue you should at least be polite  
when discussing it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New documentation: Connect to FreeNode IRC anonymously with tor

2012-07-31 Thread tegskywalker
There he is! I know you say it is a privacy thing but you are still using  
someone else's IP address so if you do something bad, it traces back to an  
innocent person who takes the fall for you. I guess that makes it "private"  
for the person using Tor at the expense of someone else. Classy.

Hey bro, any idea when 6.0 is coming out? There have been no announcements or  
even a name picked for it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New documentation: Connect to FreeNode IRC anonymously with tor

2012-07-31 Thread ruben

"Hope it is useful to those who want to protect their privacy"

t3g: if you are not in that group, or don't understand that some users may  
need this tools, then shut up. Also, you should give your opinion without  
calling names.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are these patents that MS owns in Linux? More and more people are paying.

2012-07-31 Thread jason

I think that this pretty much sums up which patents they are:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help in customization

2012-07-31 Thread Rick Hodgin

Try MATE. It is a GNOME2 fork. Just awesome.

Best regards,
Rick C. Hodgin

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:39 AM EDT wrote:

>Trisquel 5.5 uses GNOME's fallback mode by default, which uses Metacity as a 
>window manager. Mutter isn't even installed by default.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help in customization

2012-07-31 Thread mampir
Trisquel 5.5 uses GNOME's fallback mode by default, which uses Metacity as a  
window manager. Mutter isn't even installed by default.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel stickers

2012-07-31 Thread mauroserenello

Thanks Chris for your help.
I strongly agree that uniform is the best thing.
Could you kindly send me the raw original file  "Powered by Trisquel"?
thanks again for your valuable advice.
