Re: Google's SPAM filters [was Re: Finding the calling code/object/script?]

2013-08-23 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
vaf  't qh ( w

Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 4:07 AM, Kay C Lan 

> I noticed this started at least 2 months ago, but I only get about 1-3 List
> posts a day end up in my Spam folder. I now check the Spam folder every day
> for List posts, I might get 2 or 3 a year that are really Spam, so
> currently all my Spam, isn't.
> Also can't figure out any pattern. in the last 11 hrs I had only 1 post in
> my Spam.
> On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Nicolas Cueto  wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Dr. Hawkins  wrote:
>> Oddly, google flagged Scott's message as spam.  I only found it when
>> > looking after Craig referred to it . . .
>> >
>> Each few hours now for several weeks Google's SMAP filter has been
>> mistakenly categorizing a handful of list messages at a time. Seems like 10
>> to 20 messages a day, with no recognizable pattern to them.
>> Anyone else?
>> --
>> Nicolas Cueto
>> ___
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>> subscription preferences:
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Sprite Kit, Box2D, Performance and LiveCode's Approach to Game Coding

2013-08-21 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
"Even in the article you linked, the author had to give up the convenience of 
Objective-C and drop down to C++ to get that level of optimization."
Touché   :-)

Btw, I'll give a shot to QT Creator; it looks interesting.
And I definitely, definitely have to learn writing externals.

Thank you Mark…

~ Ender Nafi
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Re: Sprite Kit, Box2D, Performance and LiveCode's Approach to Game Coding

2013-08-20 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Yes, I'm aware of Box2D integration and I'm very excited about it.
I can't wait to see the possibilities.

But, I'm not sure how much performance boost it will give us.

I've stumbled on an article tonight about algorithm optimizations.
It's kind of a case study.
*Spots* finds the wifi hotspots nearby showing on a map and should react user's 
pinch&zoom act with a 60fps speed.
{ }
Nikolai managed to achieve a whopping 200x performance increase by optimization.

I tried the unoptimized code in LiveCode.
After seeing the results, I didn't bother to code the binary-search.
Here it is:
- Cocoa & C++ --- LiveCode
iPod Touch---  194ms --- ~2600ms
Mac Pro 4ms - ~ 210ms

These are both unoptimized algorithms  
but even if I'd use the binary-search in LiveCode,  
I wonder that I could achieve 0.883ms on my iPod Touch or 0.016ms on my 
brand-new desktop.
So, an app like *Spots* can never be realized in LiveCode. Achieving a speed 
like 60fps seems impossible.
Isn't this kinda frustrating?

I can hear some of you saying:
"Well, get over it pal, LiveCode is a RAD tool.
this is the price you have to pay in exchange of ease-of-use."

Are these features really contradicting?
Can't a coding platform be blazing-fast yet having an excellent IDE, built on 
an event-driven foundation and supporting multiple platforms?

I'm not ungrateful, here. Just questioning…
After all, LiveCode's paying my rent for nearly 2 years now.


~ Ender Nafi
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Re: Sprite Kit, Box2D, Performance and LiveCode's Approach to Game Coding

2013-08-20 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Lynn Fredricks: "This is something that they should stay away from. … An 
investment that cannot work on all supported platforms and not leverage
the natural productivity of LiveCode isn't a good investment for Runtime."

Well put, indeed.
I'm quite convinced about this.
Taking a platform-specific road is a danger.

I'm still concerned about performance issues, though.
Maybe it's me, being too fastidious :)
Still, I wish to see a really cool game or an app with mind-blowing effects 
done via LiveCode.
It would be a great showcase, don't you think?

Scott's parallax-effect example was a nice one, for example.


~ Ender Nafi
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Sprite Kit, Box2D, Performance and LiveCode's Approach to Game Coding

2013-08-16 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Dear LiveCode Gurus, hello all...

As you know, Apple introduced a new framework named Sprite Kit targeting mainly 
game developing, 2D of course.
It's quite promising and not just for games, either.  
Particle systems and physics engine could serve business apps, too, with nice 
little effects and sleek animations.
It probably will do a lot of damage to Cocos2D, Box2D, Sparrow  
and in time maybe a possible threat to gaming consoles {see link #1 at the 
bottom of the post}.

What do you think RunRev's approach will be to this move?
Are we going to continue with Box2D which is merely a physics engine not a full 
gaming framework?
Box2D's wide support for Desktop, Android, etc. is a strong point, though.
But how about accessing that flawless animations of iOS 7 via LiveCode syntax 
and some support for Sprite Kit?
Do RunRev realize the potential of gaming {especially indie games, 2D, 2.5D, 
platform, side-scrolling, top-down etc.}?
I don't have any well-studied statistics under my sleeve  
but huge successes of Cut the Rope, Angry Birds and other games akin is hard to 
Even Apple did realize the importance of gaming.
I'm quoting from Steffen's article here:
"The Biggie: Apple acknowledges games!

Apple finally understands the significance of games for their platforms! Sprite 
Kit is acknowledgement of that fact. Rejoice!"

And one more thing {this could be a separate topic, actually, but anyways}:
What's with the performance issues with LiveCode?
I know it's not a native low-level language but still…
Some research has shown that Javascript is 50-times slower than C++.
I assume that we would see same results if LiveCode's compared to C++.
Yet, Javascript is capable of doing some amazing things like Mozilla's Citadel 
But here we are; not able to even effectively live-resize images on an iPhone.
Try for yourself:

Was this topic too inconsiderate? Sorry, if it is.
I'm not a decent programmer, I know that.
I can't write my own game engine, I don't know even where to start.
And I'm not willing to enter Objective-C's or C++'s obscure environments, again.
I love LiveCode, with it's many unique features.
I love its IDE, its speed, ability to script right into the objects.

However, I had to turn down 4 fairly-big game projects in last couple of months.
We don't have physics engine, particle support, strong animations, 3D, etc.
But most importantly, performance issues are a real deal-breaker.
I couldn't dare to accept them.
Any of them would rotate the wheels of my business for at least a year, 
possibly longer :)
Interestingly, day after day the number of my business-app-demanding customers 
where game projects on my table are increasing.
I assume that I'm not alone here.
It's a global trend, I think.

Don't you wanna see some 10-million sold, fluent and addictive games in the 
LiveCode showcase page?
I know I do :)
It'll make proud all of us.

I need some clarifications or insights of more experienced developers -like 
you- to draw a roadmap for my company.
What do you think about these, I'd love to hear your opinions.

Links related to Sprite Kit:

Kind Regards,

~ Ender Nafi
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[OT] greetings

2013-07-27 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hello Dear LiveCoders, 

We're still on the streets but there are other things to do.
Legal prosecutions, seeking human rights in official echelons, etc.

However, one must pay the rent and the bills ;-)
Time to roll up my sleeves and get back to coding.

I really missed you, guys :-)
The discussions, questions, answers, algorithms, solutions, mental challenges 
and all...
I missed LiveCode, too.

with my kindest regards from istanbul,

~ Ender Nafi
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-20 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
I'm fine so far; thank you very, very much...

I'm following Bulgaria and Brazil.
There's a big difference, though:
Both Plevneliev and Rousseff thanked to the protestors,  
acknowledged that *protesting is a democratic right*
and accepted the demands of the people {well, mostly}.
Erdogan still did not any of them.

First of all, I don't think that there will be a huge change when / if Erdogan 
would be overthrown.
Erdogan, Obama, Clinton, etc. are just pawns.
It's not governments who drive nations of human kind.
I'm not trying to discuss if illuminati exists or  
talk about rothschild's or any other conspiracy theories :)
But it's a fact that there's a bigger game.

Erdogan did good things for Turkey, many successes.
Also, he gave serious harms, too.
It's never black or white, we know.

We don't want him to resign,  
just be a little more understanding, modest, humble, respectful to the rights 
of us.

After all,
the whole violence, brutality of police, agitating and provocating statements 
of Erdogan may be intentional.
Maybe, he has another political end-game in his mind.
Maybe, he is giving some messages to some power elites.
Or some other collateral purposes exist.
We don't know for sure.

As an obvious move,
he ordered to plant 100 trees and thousands of beautiful flowers to Gezi Park.
He wants to give "protestors destroyed, government fixed, government is the 
real environmentalist" message to the world.

All in all, politics is a complicated game.

I'm fine so far, Simon, thank you very much.

A word-to-word translation ->  jenixbibergazi'com = jenixpeppergas'com

About that tumblr site;
The top pictures are from today and last night from several cities of Turkey.
That site seems to be pretty up-to-date.

You may have noticed that some guys & girls standing still; starting with the 
blonde girl's pictures and below.
That was our last method to protest.
We don't march anymore.
Just standing still.
*standing* and *stopping* are homonyms in Turkish.
So, there is an irony there.
police officer: sir, there are some guys stopping (*) here, over! {read as 
police chief: stop them, over!
police officer: they're already stopping (*), over! { again, read as *standing*}
police chief: wtf?!

But, police water-cannoned and then arrested them, too :)))
We were not doing anything.
Just, standing silently.
It's like a joke, right, arresting people who just stand?

We continue to stand, though, at different places, thousands of us.
Whenever police see someone stands still more than a couple of minutes, they 

And of course, we build forums in many parks in many cities.
We gather and discuss what we can do, it's like agoras of ancient greeks.
There is music, dance and chat, too, of course :)
They emptied Gezi Park and protect with heavy police force
but we created hundreds of Gezi, now ;-)

It's like a prolonged chess game.
We'll wait and see.
It's their move, now :)

Be well, my dear friends…

cheers from istanbul

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-11 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hey guys,

It's pretty bad in here,
police attacked taksim, many wounded, some very serious.
They also entered the biggest courthouse of Istanbul and gathered many lawyers 
{50+} forcefully  
without a court order which is illegal as you know.

I'll post later a more detailed message about what happened today  
and the background & true reasons of these events 'cause it's revealing slowly 

You may have seen some resisters throwing molotov cocktails to the police.
Don't believe!
It's not true, they are civil police officers, we have photo proof.

I'm in hurry now, sorry…

With warmest regards from Turkey,

~ Ender Nafi
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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-08 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
This time; a little less information, a little more propaganda; sorry :)
At least 100 thousand gathered in Taksim this evening,
it's spectacular; words hardly describe this scene!  


To all my hobbit brothers out there…
Uruk-hai's may have giant swords, Goblins may be 4 times bigger than you;
but it was little Frodo who brought the ring to Mount Doom and liberate the 
Middle World!

Song of the Lonely Mountain, Hobbits in Taksim :

With warmest and kindest regards from Turkey,
Cheers brothers & sisters…

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-07 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Simon, thank you for your advice
but the police already hydrates us well, with high-pressure water canons :))

About the media…
You know, all newspapers and all tv's belong to some companies, holdings.
And that particular companies do business with government.
They are wired to government.
Thus, they feel obliged to make proponent news.

We, protesters, don't need common media.
We have twitter, we have facebook, we have mail.
I, for one, don't own even a tv!
Unfortunately the public still watch tv and buy newspapers.
And they - the majority of our society -  learn and follow  
the ongoing situation from these proponent news of common media.
My whole family rejected me, yes, it happened. { that was the first days of the 
protests, now we're good, somewhat :) }
They said: "If you're with that communist, anarchist mad dogs who burn cars and 
plunder shops, then you're not our son!"
Because they don't know that we don't burn cars or plunder shops.
We built libraries and grow orchards.
No, but one, shop is plundered in Taksim.
And last night, thanks to an outstanding turkish hacker group - the RedHack -,  
some documents were revealed which prove undoubtedly that provocateur 
government agents burnt that cars `_´

And about the trees to save…
Our fight is for freedom.
Freedom of gypsies, armenians, rums {greeks of turkish nationality}, gays, 
cats, dogs, prostitutes, trees, kurds, caterpillars.
We don't want the alevis {an islamic sect, a main division actually; alevi - 
sunni is like orthodox - catholic} pretend like they're sunnis.
They should have the freedom to be themselves.
I'm not alevi nor kurdish, btw.
My ethnicity belong to the majority of turkey, sunni turkish.
That doesn't change anything.
Their cause is my cause.

I was a soldier until recent years.
I spent 16 year of my life in the army, I was a captain when I resigned.
I fought at many places, many regions.
When I was a young lieutenant, I put 4 of my soldiers to a forest road as guard.
I ordered them not to allow any car to pass from that dirt road.
I didn't tell the reason but apparently they soon found out and rumor spread.
Then every other officers in my battalion mocked with me for months as 
Caterpillar Guardian.
Yes, there was a caterpillar convoy at that road and I didn't want them get 
smashed by a damn jeep or truck.
They had the right to live.

Being powerful shouldn't give people the right to smash the weaker whether it's 
an animal or grass or another ethnicity.


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-07 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hello again,

"While the initial protest may have been about some trees this seems to have 
got beyond that."  - Richmond
Did you see the Firefly movie 'Serenity' ?
In the opening scene, a student asks the teacher: "Why the independents didn't 
like us, why didn't they want to get more civilized?"
Then child River Tam whispers: "We meddle!"

Erdogan meddles!

He decides how much children we should get,
he decides when and where we eat or drink,
he decides whether we should go to war,
he decides our home decorations,
he decides what we should read,

People don't like meddled with.

For long years, religious people suffered in Turkey.
They couldn't get dressed {turban, etc.} like they want,
they couldn't pray in public places,
they couldn't get jobs in government offices, military, etc.,
they couldn't read Quran freely.
We fought for them, for their independence.

But now, they have the power and doing the same thing they suffered.
It's a sad scenario repeating itself.

However, we're grateful for one thing to Erdogan.
He brought all that distinct and hating-each-other fractions of our society 
In Gezi Park muslims and atheists are together, sunnis and alevis, turks and 
kurds, gays and straights, rightists and leftists,  …
Then he poured this most apolitic {non-political?} generation of the history to 
the streets.
Way to go Mr. Erdogan, job well done :)

From a street writing:
"A tree died, a nation awakened!"

Here is a short documentary regarding the last 10 days {8min.}:

What will happen, how will this end?
I don't know.
But I know one thing, I won't allow that trees to be cut off; no, sir!

Be well my friends,

With kindest regards from Turkey.

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-07 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hello all,

First, I can't tell how much glad I am to see your support.
Thanks for on-list and many, many off-list replies and good wishes.

I'd like to give you an update about the situation.

"I do wonder what happened last night when the PM arrived back in the country…" 
- Alan
We were wondering that too, but he didn't surprise us.
He repeated the same statements before the trip, during the trip and after the 
trip {a trip to Morocco & Tunisia}.
He insists not to calm things down.
Stubborn and arrogant, drunken with power.
He says :
*We won't get permission from a couple of fascist looters to make the mall.*
Yeah baby, we're the fascists, sure :))
{if you see words in blogs as "chapul, chapulling, tschapul, chapullier" that's 
the turkish word for *looter*}
And ok, don't get permission from us.
But, there's a court order, I mean, COURT ORDER AGAINST THE CONSTRUCTION.
I still can't comprehend how he can ignore this.
We just can't understand his mind.
It's a dangerous road, dangerous indeed.
Abdullah Gul, the president of the republic, and the other high-ranked party 
members made calming statements when Erdogan was in trip.
But he came against them too and got angry for their statements.
They're trying to calm down the nation and Erdogan is still stubborn.
He's like a bully from 6th grade, nothing more!
Childish sentences, anger and hatred.
His followers are alike.
He said that Monday 10th July, police will enter into Taksim to get us out.
Well, we're waiting, come to papa :)
It's like a giant vaudeville, like a Chaplin movie.

With kindest regards from Turkey.

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-06 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
I'm also happy to see that *remarkable* people and to be with them.
As I said, there is still hope for Homo Sapiens :)

I'm an anarchist since I've read *The Dispossessed* of Ursula Le Guin when I 
was a child.
But it was hard to believe that it can be realized.
Seeing that I was wrong, is liberating.

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-06 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Thank you, your moral support {I mean all of you wise people out there} is 
important to us, thank you.

I saw many tourists who defended Gezi Park with us against all that tear gas 
and police brutality.
That wasn't their cause, that wasn't their country, that wasn't their trees.
A couple of them, even, caught by police and likely to be deported; 
They were real heroes.
Coming to Turkey just for sight-seeing but eventually defending the nature with 
us, arm-to-arm, hand-to-hand.
They are heroes, indeed.

*Anarchy* is suffered from a deliberate semantic shift.
It's perceived as a bad word, like a *post-apocalyptic hell*.
In fact, it's not.
Gezi Park is the proof of it.
{check the pictures at the link in my last post, again}

Leaders and strong people are mostly not humanitarians {I exclude Chavez, he's 
Because leading people or gaining power {economic, politic, etc.} needs an 
endless, greedy ambition.
Most humanitarians lack this greed.
We're like smurfs or hobbits.
We love trees.
Raising trees don't bring money; rising skyscrapers and malls does :/

We don't want to fight.
Hobbits don't have much chance to the orcs or uruk-hai's.
But then again, it was Frodo who has brought the ring to the mount doom and 
thrown it into the fire :)

A little hope bushed out in me after this incident in Turkey.
A hope for my children and grandchildren.
Maybe they can live in a carbon-free world, where skyscrapers and sequoia's 
rise to the sky together...

With warmest regards from Turkey,

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-06 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
A little update to the situation:  

As of now, the police is forced to retract from Taksim - Istanbul and Gezi Park 
is like the Smurf Village :)
I mean, everybody brings food and other goods; and whoever need something get 
whatever he/she needs.
Money is not allowed.
We built our library, our infirmary, our movie theatre, our restaurant(s); we 
even have a small orchard :)  
It's a dreamland ;-)

This is what humanity can achieve without authority.
Here's a clear view of who we, the protesters, are:

other cities of Turkey are struggling with police and religious fanatics who 
act with the police and supported by police.
There are 3 murders by them and 4000+ wounded.

May God be with them…

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-06 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
* here is part 2 *

I don't want any help whatsoever from you, 'cause this is our case, I know.
To stand up for our nature, for our cultural heritages, for our rights…
This post is just to inform you and for sharing my feelings.

But please, please remember:
This is not a political movement;  
we, protesters, are hundreds of thousands as of now and we don't have any 
leaders, any organizations, think-tank's, parties, etc.
this is a civil and humane movement to protect our trees and parks and woods!
By the way, you can't imagine how much proud and happy I feel to see my people 
to rise up like this for such an innocent reason.
Girls and boys, gays and straights, youngs and elders, all together!
There's still hope for Homo Sapiens, after all :)

Ok, that's it, I'm too tired and too beaten up by police to write any other 
sentences :)

Here is BBC's news 3min. {same video, both youtube and facebook links, try 
facebook first} :

This is from CNN 11min. {same video, both youtube and facebook links, try 
facebook first} :

And please read this letter, too, as it's written with a better English than 
mine and it's explaining the situation more accurately:

With my kindest and warmest regards from Turkey,

Ender Nafi

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[OT] What's happening here in Turkey...

2013-06-06 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu

* This mail was posted by me last sunday but it's rejected because of length; 
so, trying again in 2 parts *

Dear Friends,

As I'm the one and only active LiveCode user in Turkey, I feel that the duty to 
inform you is on my shoulders.

I was in the very center of the protests for several days & nights, severely 
beaten by police and injured because of their toxic gas

and therefore I was away from the internet and forums and this user-list.

It's early in the morning here in Istanbul, I'm dead tired but I feel obliged 
to write these sentences.

This was the one and single biggest uprising in my country since 40 years.

A protest without a leader, without an organization, without a politic 
movement, without vandalism!

This was a civil protest to protect our trees {yes, just a couple of trees in a 
small park in the center square of Istanbul}…

The authorities decided to cut down 600 trees which are 40 to 80 years old to 
build a mall despite the court order not-to.

We went there and hugged the trees.

Lied under their shadows.

Read books to the police officers.

Offered them our water and snacks.

But after 3 days {on May 31st, Friday}, they {police ordered by government} 
decided to water cannon and pepper spray us  

and burned our tents without prior warning and without any reason!!!

Our baby children was with us; they didn't care.

We didn't throw them stones, we didn't swear or curse; they didn't care.

We were hundreds but after the incident, thousands came by to support us.

Police's reaction to that {crowd gathering to support} was brutal, absolutely 
brutal and merciless, all night.

But we were not alone.

Next morning {Jun 1st, Saturday}, nearly 50 thousand came from all over 

Police's reaction got harsher, few words exist to describe their hatred to us 
and I'm not that good in English, sorry :/

But then, in all cities of Turkey, uprisings begun.

Police's reaction got more and more and more harsh.

I don't know how this will end up.

But, we won't leave our trees and our rights alone.

No, it's not a *Turkish Spring(!)*.

Because, this is not a political movement.

This is a total civil protest.

Yes, there are 3 or 4 cars damaged and one shop glass broken.

Cars were police vehicles left alone and the shop belonged to the mayor of city 
of Istanbul.

There are a couple lumpens & hooligans among us who don't belong to this 

We tried and mostly succeed to prevent them doing such things.

I, for one, extinguished two fires and prevent a big painting getting stolen 
from France Consulate's outer wall.

Thus, I think I can say there wasn't any vandalism for such a big uprising 
spread among many cities...

The government is still stubborn and our media {all, I mean, all TV's and 
newspapers} is dead silent.

There were beauty pageants and *the most weird cat in the world* documentaries 
and cheap soap operas in the TV channels

because of their fear from government.

Please think,

what would your media's reaction if hundreds of thousands of people were 
attacked by police for days and nights, in Times Square?

Well, I leave it to your imagination.

* end of part 1 *

Ender Nafi
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Re: Import Snapshot in iOS

2013-05-14 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Yepp :)  
*import from * works fine.
The problem is *import from rect* notation.

for now the only solution seems this piece of code:
_set the acceleratedRendering of this stack to false
_import snapshot from rect tRect
_set the acceleratedRendering of this stack to true

My sample stack in the forum post works without a glitch with this update.
So, the code in that stack does 3 things:
* Prohibits the black snapshot {turning off the a-R temporarily}
* Prohibits the transparent blank snapshot {excluding the iPhone status bar}
* Places the final snapshot into the visible portion of the screen


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: Message Box spurious messages

2013-05-14 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Same problem here.  
It's happening whenever I open the *dictionary*, started a couple of hours ago.
LiveCode 5.5.4 - Mountain Lion

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: iOS Audio/Video

2013-05-14 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Dan, you're right.  
I didn't notice the *iOS Player Control* thing, sorry.

Theoretically, setting the *useApplicationAudioSession* of the player should 
give the control to the programmer
via creating a sound channel for the playing movie.
{ }
But I played with it for a while and couldn't make it work, it doesn't have any 
Although, it seems that it deprecated in iOS 6, I don't know if this is the 

So, it seems that the only option is an ugly work-around  
to load a mute video into iOS Player and playing its sound via 
It's an ugly work-around, indeed.

However, using mergAV external and fiddling with its settings may help.
{ }
They're somewhat complicated, so I can't help there, sorry.


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: Import Snapshot in iOS

2013-05-14 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Roger's right.  
It's an odd thing but setting the a-R to true prohibits importing snapshots.
Commenting it out fixes the issue.
Not tested in LiveCode 6.0.1, though…

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: iOS Audio/Video

2013-05-14 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi Dan,  

> (1) Is it possible to determine if headphones are inserted (or otherwise 
> connected) to a iPhone/iPad?
Probably, you'll need an external for that.

> (2) Can the volume of a iOS Player Control be set? If not, can the 
> Application Instance volume be set? If not, can the device volume be set?

Check the *mobileSetSoundChannelVolume* and *mobileSoundChannelVolume* from 


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: Shifting the Controls out of the Card

2013-04-22 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi Geoff,  

Setting the loc of templateButton didn't work, either.
I mean, it didn't work in development environment;
all work in standalones; like Thierry said, it's weird.

The reason why I didn't set the loc of templateButton in first place,
is that I have different kinds of buttons.
Some need to be outside of card, some doesn't.

About the random locations,
these buttons fly through the card, from left to right.
Of course their icons were set to id's of some images.
It's a simple jigsaw game :)
While they're flying, the user should catch them  
and place into the right spot in the blurred full-picture which is at the 
bottom of the card.

I want them fly at random heights so set their y-locations to random values.


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: Shifting the Controls out of the Card

2013-04-22 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu

On Monday, April 22, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Thierry Douez wrote:

> ( I'm crashing LC with my tests on my latest work! )

Constant crashes, huh?
Coding is hard, ain't it;  
fun but hard :)

Well, about my problem...
the debugging didn't result anything useful.
BUT, when I've tested it in the iOS Simulator, it worked like a charm.
Just to test, I've built even a windows standalone and it works on desktop, too.

So it seems, there's something about the development environment.

Thanks Thierry, for all your efforts and time.


~ Ender Nafi
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Re: Shifting the Controls out of the Card

2013-04-22 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi Thierry,

Well, your code works for me, too.
But in my own code {the one in the question} replacing comma with , didn't work.
The key point here is, I suspect, putting the *answer* command fixes the issue.
Probably, the engine needs a little pause but, weirdly, *wait* command doesn't 

Maybe posting a little more script will help
but the php code of user list keeps blocking me,
it seems that there's a char limit.
Here's a pseudo-code:
_reset the templateButton and set the templateButton to empty button
_create button
_set its loc to (-240, random(100))

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: Shifting the Controls out of the Card

2013-04-22 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi Thierry,

Well, your code works for me, too.
But in my own code {the one in the question} replacing comma with , didn't work.
The key point here is, I suspect, putting the *answer* command fixes the issue.
Probably, the engine needs a little pause but, weirdly, *wait* command doesn't 

Maybe posting a little more script will help:   
_put "a,b,c,d" into tRows
_put 1 into x
_repeat for each item tRow in tRows
__repeat with y=1 to 8
___put tRow & "_" & y into tName
___put the id of image (tName & ".jpg") of card "images2" into tIcon
___create button tName
___put the long id of button tName into tButton
___set the icon of tButton to tIcon
___set the loc of tButton to (-240 & comma & randomInRange(40, 96))
___set the lockLoc of tButton to true
___set the layerMode of tButton to "dynamic"
__end repeat
__add 1 to x
_end repeat

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: Shifting the Controls out of the Card

2013-04-22 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
The random function works ok,  
the locs of buttons are like this:

If I put the *answer* dialog then like this:

~ Ender Nafi

~… together, we're smarter …~  

On Monday, April 22, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Thierry Douez wrote:

> Ok, then I would check the result of your random..
> Thierry
> Thierry Douez -
> Maker of sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage
> 2013/4/22 Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu  (>
> > Hi Thierry,
> >  
> > Sorry, it's a typo :/
> > The actual code has *comma* :)
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > ~ Ender Nafi
> >  
> > ~… together, we're smarter …~
> >  
> > On Monday, April 22, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Thierry Douez wrote:
> >  
> > > Hi,
> > >  
> > > What about the comma as a separator
> > > between the x and y location ?
> > >  
> > > set the loc of button x of me to (-240 &comma& randomInRange(40,108))
> > >  
> > > Thierry
> > >  
> > >  
> > > 
> > > Thierry Douez -
> > > Maker of sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage
> > >  
> > >  
> > > 2013/4/22 Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu  > > ( (mailto:
> > (>
> > >  
> > > > Hi all,
> > > >  
> > > >  
> > > > I create a number of buttons on-the-fly.
> > > > Their locs are being set out of the card:
> > > > _set the loc of tButton to (-240 & randomInRange(40,108))
> > > > Yet, it doesn't work and the left of all buttons are set to 0 {the
> > > >  
> > >  
> > >  
> >  
> > left of
> > > > card}.
> > > >  
> > > > I wrote another handler to position the buttons and call it after
> > creating
> > > > the buttons,
> > > > it doesn't work either:
> > > > _on hideTheShapes
> > > > __repeat with x=1 to sButtonCount
> > > > ___set the loc of button x of me to (-240 & randomInRange(40,108))
> > > > __end repeat
> > > > _end hideTheShapes
> > > >  
> > > >  
> > > > However, if I add an *answer* dialog in between then it magically
> > works:
> > > > _on hideTheShapes
> > > > __answer "wait!"
> > > > __repeat with x=1 to sButtonCount
> > > > ___set the loc of button x of me to (-240 & randomInRange(40,108))
> > > > __end repeat
> > > > _end hideTheShapes
> > > >  
> > > >  
> > > >  
> > > > I replaced the *answer* dialog with *wait x milliseconds* command, but
> > it
> > > > didn't work.
> > > >  
> > > >  
> > > > What's going on here and how can I solve this issue?
> > > >  
> > > > Any help much appreciated, thank you…
> > > >  
> > > >  
> > > >  
> > > > Best,
> > > >  
> > > > ~ Ender Nafi
> > > >  
> > > > ~… together, we're smarter …~
> > > >  
> > > > ~ · Keehuna Studio
> > > > ~ · Sorcerers of Design
> > > >  
> > > > ___
> > > > use-livecode mailing list
> > > > (
> > > > Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> > > > subscription preferences:
> > > >
> > > >  
> > >  
> > >  
> > > ___
> > > use-livecode mailing list
> > > (
> > > Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> > >  
> >  
> > subscription preferences:
> > >
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > ___
> > use-livecode mailing list
> > (
> > Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> > subscription preferences:
> >
> >  
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Re: Shifting the Controls out of the Card

2013-04-22 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi Thierry,

Sorry, it's a typo :/
The actual code has *comma* :)

~ Ender Nafi

~… together, we're smarter …~  

On Monday, April 22, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Thierry Douez wrote:

> Hi,
> What about the comma as a separator
> between the x and y location ?
> set the loc of button x of me to (-240 &comma& randomInRange(40,108))
> Thierry
> Thierry Douez -
> Maker of sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage
> 2013/4/22 Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu  (>
> > Hi all,
> >  
> >  
> > I create a number of buttons on-the-fly.
> > Their locs are being set out of the card:
> > _set the loc of tButton to (-240 & randomInRange(40,108))
> > Yet, it doesn't work and the left of all buttons are set to 0 {the left of
> > card}.
> >  
> > I wrote another handler to position the buttons and call it after creating
> > the buttons,
> > it doesn't work either:
> > _on hideTheShapes
> > __repeat with x=1 to sButtonCount
> > ___set the loc of button x of me to (-240 & randomInRange(40,108))
> > __end repeat
> > _end hideTheShapes
> >  
> >  
> > However, if I add an *answer* dialog in between then it magically works:
> > _on hideTheShapes
> > __answer "wait!"
> > __repeat with x=1 to sButtonCount
> > ___set the loc of button x of me to (-240 & randomInRange(40,108))
> > __end repeat
> > _end hideTheShapes
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > I replaced the *answer* dialog with *wait x milliseconds* command, but it
> > didn't work.
> >  
> >  
> > What's going on here and how can I solve this issue?
> >  
> > Any help much appreciated, thank you…
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > Best,
> >  
> > ~ Ender Nafi
> >  
> > ~… together, we're smarter …~
> >  
> > ~ · Keehuna Studio
> > ~ · Sorcerers of Design
> >  
> > ___
> > use-livecode mailing list
> > (
> > Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> > subscription preferences:
> >
> >  
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> (
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> preferences:

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Shifting the Controls out of the Card

2013-04-22 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi all,  

I create a number of buttons on-the-fly.
Their locs are being set out of the card:
_set the loc of tButton to (-240 & randomInRange(40,108))
Yet, it doesn't work and the left of all buttons are set to 0 {the left of 

I wrote another handler to position the buttons and call it after creating the 
it doesn't work either:
_on hideTheShapes
__repeat with x=1 to sButtonCount
___set the loc of button x of me to (-240 & randomInRange(40,108))
__end repeat
_end hideTheShapes

However, if I add an *answer* dialog in between then it magically works:
_on hideTheShapes
__answer "wait!"
__repeat with x=1 to sButtonCount
___set the loc of button x of me to (-240 & randomInRange(40,108))
__end repeat
_end hideTheShapes

I replaced the *answer* dialog with *wait x milliseconds* command, but it 
didn't work.

What's going on here and how can I solve this issue?

Any help much appreciated, thank you…


~ Ender Nafi

~… together, we're smarter …~

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

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Re: [OT] Clarify on Macheist

2013-04-18 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Deleting Time Machine Local Snapshots and turning it off saved me ~30gb:

~ Ender Nafi

On Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 7:59 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

> Photoshop alone can eat up a lot of gigabytes. Also, there's browser caches 
> and various other temporary things that can be cleared.
> On Apr 18, 2013, at 12:52 PM, Richard Gaskin  (> wrote:
> > > What happened to OS X that everyone's able to easily drop tens of 
> > > gigabytes without issue?
> > 
> > > Sounds like the OS X installer could use at least one or two optional 
> > > settings.
> ___
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Re: [OT] Clarify on Macheist

2013-04-18 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
omg, i'm messy; 283.01 gb…
{ long time cleanMyMac user ;-) }

~ Ender Nafi
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Re: Best Practice: Login Session on iOS

2013-04-12 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Thanks for all replies.  
I'll go with my login algorithm
and convince my customer that their own licensing system is not suitable.


~ Ender Nafi

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Best Practice: Login Session on iOS

2013-04-10 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hello all,  

Within all the hassle about the password problems of Community Edition 6.0,
I'm not sure if anyone has time to answer this; but I'd be glad to get some 
insights :)

As mentioned in the subject,
what's the best practice to create a login-required iOS app?
Is the below algorithm appropriate?

* get the username & password from the native input boxes

* encrypt them with *md5Digest*  
{is md5Digest secure enough or is there any other encryption options for iOS?}

* post them to a php script in the server

* php script checks the md5'ed username & password against the members table in 
a mySql database  

* get the answer of php script

* if it is ok, continue to the mainstack of app,
if it isn't then show the input screen again.  
{should I count the login attempts to prevent a possible brute-force attack
or let the php script do the check counts of login attempts?}

Is there any possible issues which I should be careful about, considering 
Apple's reviewing policies?
I read a post of Jacque (Jacqueline L.G.) in the forums as:
"I would also wonder about Apple's response. They do not allow custom licensing 
schemes, …"
What's a custom licensing scheme?
There's something as "we should be able to load a license to devices" in my 
customer's notes.
May I reply to my customer that Apple strictly forbids this?


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] A Fine Morning - Release of Community Edition

2013-04-09 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Morning was fine but the evening not so much :/ 
My LiveCode 5.5.4 still informs me about 6.0.0 rc 7;
it doesn't look like they're gonna be able to release today, huh?

> Ha, I sometimes dream about that myself ...

Monte, your contributions to this community is beyond words,
not a compliment, just facts... 


~ Ender Nafi
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[OT] A Fine Morning - Release of Community Edition

2013-04-08 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Good morning Dear LiveCoders,

Well, it's 6am here in Turkey
and this is definitely a fine morning.

I wasn't aware until this very moment how much I'm eagerly waiting the release 
of new version.
I've dreamed about LiveCode Community Edition this night.
They announced that Scott Rossi and Monte Goulding were actually hired.
Interestingly, its version was 7, not 6
and the interface was looking much like CleanMyMac 2.
It was a happy dream :)

I hope that the release won't delay any more
and I hope that today be the beginning of a new era of possibilities for all of 


~ Ender Nafi
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Re: [OT] Mobile App - Should it be Paid or Free?

2013-04-04 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hello all,

I came to a decision, I'll choose Scenario #1.
This one and several succeeding ones will be free.
Not freemium, not ad-supported, absolutely free.
They're for little pre-school children,
it wouldn't be cool to distract them with ads
or cutting off the story in the middle to force their parents to buy its full 
I think the genre isn't suitable any of these.

If I build sleek & quality apps { time will tell :) }, I'm sure money will 

Dear Colin & Scott, thanks for your replies, they've been much helpful.


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: UniCode with iOS mobilePick

2013-04-04 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Unfortunately, it does not.  
Fortunately, there is a workaround.

The Option Menu Button trigger the native mobilePick control.
So, here is the recipe {pseudo-code}:


on createMobilepickTrigger
_create a button
_set its type to option menu
_set its rect to 0,0,1,1
_set its text to tUniencodedText

on mouseUp
_if the clicked object is your actual button which should open the mobilePick 
control then
__click at the loc of button mobilePickTrigger

on menuPick pItem
_if the clicked object is the mobilePickTrigger then
__do your thing


I've used this method in several apps of mine.
Hope it helps…


~ Ender Nafi

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[OT] Mobile App - Should it be Paid or Free?

2013-04-03 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hello all,

I marked the question as [OT] since it's not a technical one.
Recently, we've finished an app, it's ready to be published  
but we're uncertain to sell or give it for free.
Up to now, we were building business apps for corporates,
so it wasn't an issue for us to sell or give free.

So, this ground is new to us.

A little detail:
Two months ago we published an app for pre-school children much like an 
pages with static pictures were flipping while a voice-over's speaking the 
And it was free.

It's downloaded ~2000 copies in 7 weeks.  
{I know that this is low but our market is very small for now, as our app is in 
Soon, we'll publish it in English, too.}

Now, we finished the second one in this genre.
This one has two significant enhancements compared to first one.
* The eyes and mouths of the shapes {it's a birthday party for the geometrical 
shapes like circle, square, etc.}
are blinking and opening / closing while they're talking.
At the party, there are flying notes by the music and swinging stars on the 
branches of trees.
So, it's more live, kinda like a cartoon.
* It has a color book for the children to color the shapes which they've met in 
the story.
You can find the base and not-fancy version of this drawing page here 
(, if you want.

Scenario 1 as an answer:
Don't sell it, give this one and succeeding 3 ~ 4 apps for free.
Build a trust-relationship between you and your customers.
Get experience with animations and stories and sounds etc.
Maybe after a year or so and a couple of apps, you can start to sell the new 


Scenario 2 as an answer:
Time is money, sell this one; it's a cool app and worth a buck.
Otherwise, people will get used to obtain them free;
then they won't want to pay for new ones.
Besides, there's a saying as *I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things*.
People value expensive things.
Giving it free will depreciate this app.
Sell this one, then give another one or two free, then sell another one, keep 
going like that...

Which way seems right to you, could you give any advice?
Any insights much appreciated…


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: Maskdata of Image

2013-04-01 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
So simple :))  
Thanks a bunch, Colin, it works like a charm…
Now it's time for me to start coding to round up that ugly square corners.


~ Ender Nafi

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Maskdata of Image

2013-04-01 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi all,  

I'm trying to cut off the corners of any given image programmatically.
I understand that the tool to do this is the *maskData* property.
But I couldn't figure out how to use it.

I tried a couple of ways.
{I know that below code doesn't work, I added different commands for you to 

__put the imageData of image "Image" into tImage
__put the maskData of image "Image" into tImage -- if I use this instead of 
imageData, nothing changes with the image
__put the width of image "Image" into tWidth -- 300px
__put the height of image "Image" into tHeight -- 300px
__repeat with tY = 0 to tHeight - 1
repeat with tX = 0 to tWidth - 1
__put (tX + tY * tWidth) * 4 into tPixel
if (tY < 50 and tX < 50) or \ -- top left corner
__(tY < 50 and tX > 250) or \ -- top right corner
__(tY > 250 and tX < 50) or \ -- bottom left corner
__(tY > 250 and tX > 250) then -- bottom right corner
put numToChar(0) into char(tPixel + 1) of tImage -- no effect at all, 
isn't this the alpha channel?
put numToChar(255) into char(tPixel + 2) of tImage
put numToChar(255) into char(tPixel + 3) of tImage
put numToChar(255) into char(tPixel + 4) of tImage
__end if
end repeat
__end repeat
__set the imageData of image "Image" to tImage -- it works, whitens the corners 
because of numToChar(255)

__set the maskData of image "Image" to tImage -- scramble the image with random 
white spots

Can someone direct me to the right way?
Any help much appreciated…


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] Domain & Hosting Service Advice

2013-03-28 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
another alternative?
my head hurts :))

~ Ender Nafi
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Re: [OT] Domain & Hosting Service Advice

2013-03-28 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Ok, Amazon EC2 is way over my head :)  
I didn't understand even the concept, not much a web guy I am, huh?
Hourly prices, cluster gpu instances, high-memory micro reserves…  :-o

I need hosting for our simple business-card website and it will be a 
test-ground for my iOS apps.
Thanks to my current hosting service, all our websites are down `_´
They didn't bother to inform me that my subscription is due to renewal.
Why the others are down, I don't know and I won't ask.
I'll just cut the strings.

So, I'm going to transfer my domains to name'com
and for hosting there are 3 choices:
I'm waiting reply from Mark {economy-x-talk},
if their service doesn't suit to my needs then either dreamhost'com or 

As always, posting my question to this list was the right decision;
you all have been so much helpful.


~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] Domain & Hosting Service Advice

2013-03-28 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
There are so many options :)  
Richard's advice of interserver'com seems good too,
especially replies for support in under an hour…

Mark, I'll have a couple of questions for you;
sending an off-list email shortly.

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: [OT] Domain & Hosting Service Advice

2013-03-27 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Thanks, all of you...

On-rev is a bit expensive to me and I don't need livecode server right now.
I'll think Dreamhost for hosting & Name'com for dns is what I need.
Working with funny people is important to me, too :)
And 10 years without a problem?
Man, that's promising…


~ Ender Nafi

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[OT] Domain & Hosting Service Advice

2013-03-27 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu

Does RunRev offer a Domain & Hosting service?
I vaguely recall a post in this list with a lot of praise to such a service of 
If there is, do you recommend it?

Or, could you advise any other services?
The main factor for me is reliability.

Do you suggest keeping the domains and hostings in different companies?
For example, hostings on the godaddy'com and domains on the register'com?

Thank you…

~ Ender Nafi

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Re: Unicode Issues

2013-03-23 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi Mark,  

Thank you very, very much.
As you pointed out, the problem was related to Ask Dialogue.
I made my own window and that solved the problem.

Yet, another workaround with LiveCode...  
{ sorry my grumpiness today :)  
but I'm right, so much workarounds with LiveCode. }

Well, thanks again Mark.


~ Ender Nafi

On Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Ender Nafi,
> Reading your script, I think that the problem is in the Ask dialog  
> window. If you make your own dialog window, you´ll be able to retrieve  
> the unicodeText of your own field and use that in your script.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> Homepage:
> Twitter:
> KvK: 50277553
> Use Color Converter to convert CMYK, RGB, RAL, XYZ, H.Lab and other  
> colour spaces.
> We have time for new software development projects. Contact me for a quote.
> On 3/23/2013 17:56, Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu wrote:
> > Hello,
> >  
> > I've developed 17 apps with LiveCode and the unicode has been always an 
> > issue.
> > I wonder why RunRev doesn't bring a total solution for this.
> > There are so many developers around there whose native language is not 
> > english,
> > thus developing localized apps via LiveCode.
> > There are germans, spanish, french, chinese, japanese, korean, russian, …….
> > Isn't this a pre-historic issue, I mean which modern development platform 
> > doesn't support utf-8 natively?
> > Which one does need continuous conversions?
> >  
> > I could solve all the unicode related problems in my iOS apps, but at my 
> > current project I'm stuck.
> > The app's intended for windows platform.
> >  
> > I have a bunch of option menu buttons which consist different categories.
> > The user should be able to add or remove categories selecting the 
> > appropriate item in the button.
> > Here is a sample stack:
> >
> >  
> ___
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Unicode Issues

2013-03-23 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu

I've developed 17 apps with LiveCode and the unicode has been always an issue.
I wonder why RunRev doesn't bring a total solution for this.
There are so many developers around there whose native language is not english,
thus developing localized apps via LiveCode.
There are germans, spanish, french, chinese, japanese, korean, russian, …….
Isn't this a pre-historic issue, I mean which modern development platform 
doesn't support utf-8 natively?
Which one does need continuous conversions?

I could solve all the unicode related problems in my iOS apps, but at my 
current project I'm stuck.
The app's intended for windows platform.

I have a bunch of option menu buttons which consist different categories.
The user should be able to add or remove categories selecting the appropriate 
item in the button.
Here is a sample stack:

It works fine with english but when I tried to enter non-ascii chars like 
it got all messed up.
And I couldn't figure out how  :/

I tried to use a different approach as writing my own converter functions using 
*numToChar()* and *charToNum()*;
but they don't produce consistent results.
For example;
__set the useUnicode to true
__put numToChar(112) into url("file:" & specialFolderPath("desktop") & 
puts "p" into the file
__set the useUnicode to true
__put numToChar(351) into url("file:" & specialFolderPath("desktop") & 
puts only an underscore where it should put "ş" into the file.

What should I do; change my clients' native language?
Sorry to talk angry but come on; unicode issues in 2013?

I don't get pissed off about the lack of powerful animation options  
or poor performance of image editing
or no 3d support or anything else…
It's just basic, simple text editing.
Is this too much to ask?

Well ok, back to my question;
what am I doing wrong,
what should I do to fix my app?

Any insights much appreciated, thank you...

Kind Regards,

~ Ender Nafi
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Alternative To A Specific Switch Statement

2013-03-15 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi all,

Well, I like shorter codes.
Maybe it's an illusion of "the shorter, the faster" ?

Nevertheless, I seek a level of sophistication balanced with readability in my 
A very, very simple example:

__put random(2) into tRandomNumber
__if tRandomNumber is 1 then
put "L" into tLeftOrRight
put "R" into tLeftOrRight
__end if


__put any item of "L,R" into tLeftOrRight

Isn't this much more elegant programming?
That was my intention by posting the question.

@Alex, Kee, Peter, David
I followed your advice,
did the calc once and used *sinCalc/abs(sinCalc)*

You're right, *if* would do just fine :)

@Jim Hurley
*atan2* function looks very promising, I'll dig deep; thanks...

Thanks, all of you…
I'm at the very beginning of that learning curve, you {all the gurus in lists 
and forums} helped a lot.


~ Ender Nafi

~ ·  … together, we're smarter … · ~
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Alternative To A Specific Switch Statement

2013-03-14 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hello Dear LiveCode Gurus,  

Here is a little code snippet:

case sin(pAngleInRadians) > 0
__put 1 into tX
case sin(pAngleInRadians) = 0
__put 0 into tX
case sin(pAngleInRadians) < 0
__put -1 into tX
__end switch

It's for a complex rotation command.
Is there a more elegant way to achieve the same result with built-in functions?
I mean, something like a combination of abs(), max() and/or round()?
Just an intellectual curiosity :)

Thanks for any insights...


~ Ender Nafi

~ ·   together, we're smarter  · ~

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

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Re: [OT] "MacMini" 7-8 years later

2013-03-03 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu

On Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Richmond wrote:

> This makes me think of cheap inkjet printers: I bought an all-in-one,
> and my EFL school now spends twice
> the price of the thing on ink cartridges each month.


That's the ruthless trick of all printer manufacturers...

~ Ender Nafi  

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

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Re: [OT] "MacMini" 7-8 years later

2013-03-03 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
There are some pre-installed packages around;  
Gigabyte's i7 version or Velocity's simpler model.

Not so cheap with its $600 tag, but nearly ¼th of mac mini {in size}.
Looks promising…

~ Ender Nafi  

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

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Re: [OT] "MacMini" 7-8 years later

2013-03-03 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu

On Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Richmond wrote:

> I want one!

In fact, I want one right now :)  

~ Ender Nafi  

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

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Re: Layering Mobile Controls

2013-03-02 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Thanks Pierre,

Your code is excellent.
But as I said, I'm trying to avoid to inject any code/script into the html 
It's too risky with online webpages.
One has to save the page and resources first,
then alter the html file,
then set the url of browser to this saved & altered html file.
It's easy to mess things up.

By the way, a partial & not useful answer to my question:
I figured out that actually you can layer the mobile controls.
The one created lastly is the topmost control.
So, I moved the *mobileControlCreate "scroller"* after the *mobileControlCreate 
now the touch events are being caught by the scroller.
But, it's still blocking; thus, the user can't interact with the webpage.

Any hints?
Any workaround, you can think of, to pass the touch events to the bottom 


~ Ender Nafi  

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

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Layering Mobile Controls

2013-03-02 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hi all,  

Is there any workaround to use two different mobile controls whose "rect" 
properties are same?
Here is the case:
I have three fullscreen browser controls {created by *mobileControlCreate 
"browser"* command},
the left and right controls are outside of the screen {something like this:}

And I want to switch between them via a native scroller {created by 
*mobileControlCreate "scroller"* command},
my code is something like this:

on scrollerDidScroll pX, pY
__switch mobileControlTarget()
case "theScroller"
/* you should reverse the direction and get rid of static values */
__put (pX - 960) & comma & 40 & comma & (pX - 480) & comma & 280 into tRectL
__put (pX - 480) & comma & 40 & comma & pX & comma & 280 into tRectC
__put pX & comma & 40 & comma & (pX + 480) & comma & 280 into tRectR
__set the text of field "scrollValues" to pX & " - " & pY & return & tRectL 
&& tRectC && tRectR
__mobileControlSet "theBrowserL", "rect", tRectL
__mobileControlSet "theBrowserC", "rect", tRectC
__mobileControlSet "theBrowserR", "rect", tRectR
__end switch
end scrollerDidScroll

Well, of course it doesn't work because the browser control is blocking the 
scroller control.
The touch events can't pass through the browser and reach to the scroller.

I can always squeeze the browser control's height and leave some space at the 
bottom to the scroller.
But it's a very bad design both from a visual and functional perspective.

Another method is not to use the scroller control
and inject jqueryMobile and an appropriate swipe command into the html file via 
But this method works only on local html files not with online webpages.

Any insights & thoughts about this?


~ Ender Nafi

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

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Re: compositor……. Properties for Mobile Performance

2013-02-26 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
First real world implementation...
The results are spectacular  
A 16.000 px high group of news does scroll flawlessly in my low-end test device 
iPod Touch.
Before this retouch, it was scrolling bumpy.
Btw, each news group contains a 128*128 px picture, two text fields and a 

Here is a snippet of my code:
on scrollerBeginDrag
__set the layerMode of group "theNews" to "scrolling"
__set the acceleratedRendering of this stack to true
end scrollerBeginDrag

on scrollerDidScroll pX, pY
__switch mobileControlTarget()
case "theNewsScroller"
__set the vScroll of group "theNews" to pY
__end switch
end scrollerDidScroll

on scrollerEndDecelerate
__set the layerMode of group "theNews" to "static"
__set the acceleratedRendering of this stack to false
end scrollerEndDecelerate

Thanks everyone, especially Jacque & Thomas McGrath...


~ Ender Nafi  

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 11:53 PM, Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu wrote:

> Thank you Jacque,  
> You've been helpful, as always.
> I understand that there's no need to mess around with the compositor 
> properties.
> Leaving the defaults as is and using the acceleratedRendering is enough.
> But the tricky part is I should use it only when I need it.
> Well, that's a good advice.
> I'll read the old posts about the acceleratedRendering further.
> Thank you very much.
> Regards,
> ~ Ender Nafi
> ~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
> ~ ·  Sorcerers of Design
> On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 11:37 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> > On 2/19/13 2:36 PM, Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu wrote:
> >  
> > > Asking in the forums is easy,
> > > however asking a question in the mail-list is a bit intimidating, I must 
> > > confess.
> > >  
> >  
> >  
> > We're mostly the same people, only there are a few more on this list.  
> > Don't worry, we're mostly friendly. Ask us anything. That's what we're  
> > here for.
> >  
> > > -> Does the order of these commands make a difference?
> > > Setting the acceleratedRendering first or last;
> > > or setting the compositorTileSize before the compositorCacheLimit, etc.
> > >  
> >  
> >  
> > The usual place to do the settings is on preOpenCard, so I don't think  
> > the order matters. Nothing happens until an object moves, and they won't  
> > move before the card is drawn. The only exception is the  
> > acceleratedRendering property itself. Turn it on before things are about  
> > to move, and turn it off when the move is finished. Leaving it on when  
> > no objects are moving can slow performance.
> >  
> > >  
> > > -> What's the best way to determine the values of these properties?
> >  
> > Good question, and I used to have a message from RR about that but I  
> > can't find it now. There was a sort of formula, but it was generic and  
> > not always reliable because devices vary so much. Eventually RR just  
> > provided defaults and I always use those, because calculating an exact  
> > setting isn't reliable anyway. I've found the defaults work pretty well.
> >  
> > >  
> > > -> In which scenarios do these commands create a performance boost?
> > > For example, in a game which consists hundreds of buttons and
> > > thousands of sprite png's or ?
> > >  
> >  
> >  
> > You need acceleratedRendering when objects move quickly and often. The  
> > game example is a good case for it. You'll have to use some judgement.  
> > If things on a card are constantly moving then turning it on on  
> > preOpenCard and turning it off on closeCard is fine. If the only thing  
> > that moves is a scrolling group or field, then turn it on when the user  
> > starts to scroll and turn it off when they're done.
> >  
> > There is a lot of info in the list archives, which you can see on either  
> > Nabble or Gmane. This link is a start:
> > <>
> >  
> > Also, if you search Nabble for "acceleratedRendering" you'll get more hits.
> >  
> > --  
> > Jacqueline Landman Gay | 
> > (
> > HyperActive Software |
> >  
> >  
> > ___
> > use-livecode mailing list
> > (
> > Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your 
> > subscription preferences:
> >
> >  
> >  
> >  

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Kickstarter Quadruple

2013-02-26 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Not to brag, but maybe to spark some of you guys…  
I've just quadrupled my pledge and hit £2500.
Well, I'm proud; broke and penniless but proud :))
Please guys, add a couple of dollars to your pledge.
Let's make this happen…

~ Ender Nafi

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: compositor……. Properties for Mobile Performance

2013-02-19 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Thank you Jacque,  
You've been helpful, as always.

I understand that there's no need to mess around with the compositor properties.
Leaving the defaults as is and using the acceleratedRendering is enough.
But the tricky part is I should use it only when I need it.
Well, that's a good advice.

I'll read the old posts about the acceleratedRendering further.

Thank you very much.


~ Ender Nafi

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 11:37 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> On 2/19/13 2:36 PM, Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu wrote:
> > Asking in the forums is easy,
> > however asking a question in the mail-list is a bit intimidating, I must 
> > confess.
> >  
> We're mostly the same people, only there are a few more on this list.  
> Don't worry, we're mostly friendly. Ask us anything. That's what we're  
> here for.
> > -> Does the order of these commands make a difference?
> > Setting the acceleratedRendering first or last;
> > or setting the compositorTileSize before the compositorCacheLimit, etc.
> >  
> The usual place to do the settings is on preOpenCard, so I don't think  
> the order matters. Nothing happens until an object moves, and they won't  
> move before the card is drawn. The only exception is the  
> acceleratedRendering property itself. Turn it on before things are about  
> to move, and turn it off when the move is finished. Leaving it on when  
> no objects are moving can slow performance.
> >  
> > -> What's the best way to determine the values of these properties?
> Good question, and I used to have a message from RR about that but I  
> can't find it now. There was a sort of formula, but it was generic and  
> not always reliable because devices vary so much. Eventually RR just  
> provided defaults and I always use those, because calculating an exact  
> setting isn't reliable anyway. I've found the defaults work pretty well.
> >  
> > -> In which scenarios do these commands create a performance boost?
> > For example, in a game which consists hundreds of buttons and
> > thousands of sprite png's or ?
> >  
> You need acceleratedRendering when objects move quickly and often. The  
> game example is a good case for it. You'll have to use some judgement.  
> If things on a card are constantly moving then turning it on on  
> preOpenCard and turning it off on closeCard is fine. If the only thing  
> that moves is a scrolling group or field, then turn it on when the user  
> starts to scroll and turn it off when they're done.
> There is a lot of info in the list archives, which you can see on either  
> Nabble or Gmane. This link is a start:
> <>
> Also, if you search Nabble for "acceleratedRendering" you'll get more hits.
> --  
> Jacqueline Landman Gay | 
> (
> HyperActive Software |
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> (
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

compositor……. Properties for Mobile Performance

2013-02-19 Thread Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu
Hello Dear LiveCode Gurus,

I content myself only with reading your conversations for a long time.
I've learned much.
Thanks, all of you.

Well, this is my first message / question in this mail list.
Asking in the forums is easy,  
however asking a question in the mail-list is a bit intimidating, I must 

Ok, let me get down to brass tacks :)
Here is my problem:
I'm fiddling around with the compositor properties for a while now.
* compositorCacheLimit, compositorTileSize, compositorType *
But I couldn't see any performance benefits.

Here is a sample code:
on preOpenStack
__if the environment is "mobile" then
iphoneUseDeviceResolution true, true
start using stack "animationEngine"
start using stack "kafes"
set the compositorCacheLimit of this stack to 4 * 9 * (4 * (item 1 of the 
screenLoc) * (item 2 of the screenLoc))
/*  9 is the number of controls of this single-card stack. */
set the compositorTileSize of this stack to 128
switch the platform
__case "iphone"
set the compositorType of this stack to "opengl"
__case "android"
set the compositorType of this stack to "software"
end switch
set the acceleratedRendering of this stack to true
__end if
end preOpenStack

A couple of questions:

-> Does the order of these commands make a difference?
Setting the acceleratedRendering first or last;
or setting the compositorTileSize before the compositorCacheLimit, etc.

-> What's the best way to determine the values of these properties?

-> In which scenarios do these commands create a performance boost?
For example, in a game which consists hundreds of buttons and thousands of 
sprite png's or ?

Any hints and info much appreciated.


~ Ender Nafi  

~ ·  Keehuna Studio  
~ ·  Sorcerers of Design

use-livecode mailing list
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