Excel download

2005-07-11 Thread Senthilrajan VS

Hi all,

Is there any way in struts to download the page (view part) in Excel format. 

Thanks & Regards,
SenthilRajan VS

Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 7/12/05, Rivka Shisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Craig
> I understand that you did not follow this thread from the beginning.
> As I mentioned before - when working with int, short, byte types - my
> app works fine. I don't get any runtime exception!

If you are not getting an exception in this case (an ActionForm of
type "int", bound to a text field on the input form, and the user
types "1a3"), then you must be doing something other than the simple
description I provided.  Or, you must be violating another important
principle (if the user types "1a3" in an integer field, you should
redisplay the page with an appropriate error message *and* the "1a3"
should be there for the user to fix.

> Is it crucial for the Action Form to have String properties?

Five years of history with Struts (and I should know, since I created
it originally) says "yes" :-)

> Rivka

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Re: upload/download file to/from oracle blob field with struts

2005-07-11 Thread EROL TEZCAN
I found a solution for it.

"Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I had to do this for an application. While the code is fairly lengthy, 
longer than I'd like to post here, if you come up against specific 
problems feel free to ping me.

Although I didn't look at the article Martin referenced for you, it's a 
fairly generic problem, not something that you will write a bunch of 
Oracle-specific code for (I suppose you *could*, but at least when I did 
it I did not, and it was straight JDBC coding).


> Hi, 
> I want to upload/download a file to/from oracle blob field.
> How can I do this ?
> Please give an example code.
> Thanks,
> Erol
> __
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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 7/11/05, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very few had the idea of passing ActionForm as VO to persistence
> layer. This is some kind of backwards MVC. Contrary, the idea was to
> use BOs in ActionForm with session scope, thus making it a stateful
> interactive business object.

Haven't been around the Struts mailing list for five years, have you?  :-)

> I am not sold on the idea that presentation should have state. Why?
> Presentation presents. Business objects have data and state. If I
> aggregate BO into view, I do not break classic MVC design. Instead, I
> gain in terms that I have my data in one place instead of two places.
> This is classic database rule: if you can have data in one place, have
> it there. This saves from discrepancies and is easier to maintain, to
> understand and to follow the relationships.

I'll give you one trivial example where view state matters ... lots of
applications have a way to select the language in which the user
wishes to interact, which should also affect things like date and
currency formats.  It is ridiculous for the application developer to
have to manually set such a property on every request ... that's what
frameworks do (and, to their credit, frameworks like Struts and JSF
deal with this quite nicely).  But it is a *view* tier piece of state,
and has nothing to do with the model tier.

There are other examples (which columns in a table are you sorting on?
 Have you applied any filters?  Is this tree node expanded or
collapsed?) but the point is clear ... there is indeed such a thing as
view tier state that is totally independent of model tier state.

> Treeviews may contain business data, or may not, so I see value of
> having things like treeviews in view layer. Comboboxes are usually not
> a business data, busines data is only one value from this combobox.
> Regular data that comes from database and edited by user, is busines
> data, and it is much easier to pull it from a real BO and to display
> it.

So, are you saying that a tree view should *not* remember which nodes
are opened and closed?

> > The JSF recommended pattern actually lets you do "dispatch action"
> > sorts of things, but a bit more easily :-).
> JSF isolates business data from widgetse even further. Also, JSF is
> not advertised as framework where a resource returns different views.
> Instead, it is advertised as Page Controller, which works well for
> former desktop programmers, but does not fit HTTP ideology. Not that
> it is not possible to emulate Front Controller in JSF, but it takes
> some tricks for that.
> Same goes for ASP.NET - easy to develop, clumsy to use. Of course,
> Microsoft provided option to not use _viewstate, but everybody uses
> it, because it is used in sample code and is considered standard. I am
> glad that JSF stores viewstate on server by default, this is much
> better.

Why should *JSF* be required to play the front controller role you
describe, when the servlet API provides clearly adequate features if
that is what you want to do?  That suggestion reminds me of one of my
first exposures to "frameworks" a couple decades ago ... Microsoft's
MFC framework for writing Windows apps.  If you could craft your
requirements in terms of the APIs that MFC provided, you were going to
be OK ... but woe be you if you wanted to go outside the framework!

Modern frameworks should be fine grained and composable ... combine
the pieces you need in order to accomplish your application
requirements.  You, as an application developer, should *not* be
forced into "my way or the highway" decisions simply because the
developers of your framework did not anticipate your particular use

After all, why would anyone care about formalized "dispatch actions"
in a Struts environment?  You know the answer ... the basic framework
doesn't know how to deal with the complexities of this use case. 
You've found a nice answer, but it's constrained by trying to be
compatible with Struts 1.x.  That's a *perfectly* reasonable goal, if
that is what you are after -- that's just not where I am now.

Where I am, it's a much simpler problem if you remove that constraint.
 The exact same design principles can be expressed much more elegantly
if you don't need to worry about implementing Action or ActionForm.

> Michael.


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion? BeanUtil C onverter

2005-07-11 Thread Borislav Sabev

Nitish Kumar wrote:

"This is a HUGE problem with BeanUtils and why I end up having to 
register custom converters:("

good point, but where do I register my custom converters? I dont want to do
it in my action classes, and writing a plugin just to register my converters
would be a big overhead.


Writing a plugin is quite easy and takes not more than 10 minutes. So 
don't affraid and try it :-) , if you'd like I can share some code here.
I have only one plugin which I use only for this purpose - to init some 
special libraries like BeanUitils converter, Hibernate Session Factory etc.
It's very usefull, becuase I don't like the usual practice to make 
inizializations in static scope of the clases (because the sequence of 
these static initializations can vary run time)

Why cant we have declative registration through struts-config.xml, just like
other components and struts should take care of registering my converters
with ConvertUtil? (If its not already done yet!) 

This would actually give me flexibility to have my custom types as well in
the form bean.

Lets say, for some application I want all java.util.Long types to be
appended with "$" symbol, it becomes much easier with a converter.

what do you say?


this is good point, as I saw Craig McClanahan also likes the idea ... 
probably the development team will embrace it.


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RE: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Rivka Shisman
Hi Craig

I understand that you did not follow this thread from the beginning.
As I mentioned before - when working with int, short, byte types - my
app works fine. I don't get any runtime exception!

Is it crucial for the Action Form to have String properties?


-Original Message-
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 8:06 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

On 7/11/05, Rivka Shisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Borislav - thank you for the time you spent debugging this issue :-)
> So now I wonder - is it o.k. to use typed properties in my Action
> Or is there an important reason why I should Strings only?

To answer this question for yourself, please build a trivial Struts
based application like this:

* Build a form bean that has a property of type "int".

* Build a JSP page with a form that binds this property to a text input

* Deploy the application, and type "1a3" instead of "123" into that

If you like the result (a runtime exception), then by all means go
ahead and make your action form properties be typed.  Otherwise, if
you're going to use Struts you should listen to all the tutorials and
books and articles and mailing list messages that tell you to make
your form bean properties be strings :-).

Craig McClanahan

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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 7/11/05, Borislav Sabev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rick Reumann wrote:
> >
> > You shouldn't want a "default" at all provided by BeanUtils for cases
> > where it can be null! You are using the anomoly of the way Integer is
> > working and wanting to propogate that poor solution. null should be
> > null.. it shouldn't be 0 or some default Date if null is provided.
> >
> Yes, this is the strange point. So null value doesn't have the same
> semantic for Integer, Double etc. and Date, so I find this a bit
> confusing ...this means at least different approach in handling the
> incorrect values in forms.

Blame backwards compatibility.  By the time this issue was raised,
there were huge numbers of applications already dependent on the
previous behavior, which would have been broken by a change.

However, this shouldn't have *any* impact on "incorrect values in
forms".  If you are following the recommended design pattern of using
String fields in your form beans, it shouldn't trouble you.

> > If you want a default Date or some other default than provide that
> > before going to your form...or if after it submits and you see a null,
> > then provide the default. You could of course register your own
> > converter to provide a default for when a Date is null- but I would
> > NOT do this.
> I thought about such variant but I don't find it good as well, but may
> be this is the less harmful or let's say less painful.

Dates and Times and Timestamps were *deliberately* omitted from the
default set of conversions performed by BeanUtils.  The reason is
simple ... such conversions are Locale specific, and BeanUtils has not
concept (in its standard APIs at least) of what a "Locale" is.  You
can use the converters in "org.apache.beanutils.locale" for dealing
with this sort of thing, but that came later than the basic Struts


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think of the state information represented by an ActionForm (in
> Struts 1.x) or potentially as properties of an "action" class (per the
> current discussion) to be part of the *view* tier.  Further, I see the
> role of the execute method on an action as being an Adapter Pattern
> link between the web tier (HTTP-centric) and the model tier
> (HTTP-agnostic).  Therefore, I don't feel any pain at the idea of
> combining the two together.
> The primary mistake to avoid is using an ActionForm as a VO passed to
> your persistence tier.  This seems a little less likely when the same
> object has behavior as well as data, but you still need to watch out
> for this.

Very few had the idea of passing ActionForm as VO to persistence
layer. This is some kind of backwards MVC. Contrary, the idea was to
use BOs in ActionForm with session scope, thus making it a stateful 
interactive business object.

I am not sold on the idea that presentation should have state. Why?
Presentation presents. Business objects have data and state. If I
aggregate BO into view, I do not break classic MVC design. Instead, I
gain in terms that I have my data in one place instead of two places.
This is classic database rule: if you can have data in one place, have
it there. This saves from discrepancies and is easier to maintain, to
understand and to follow the relationships.

Treeviews may contain business data, or may not, so I see value of
having things like treeviews in view layer. Comboboxes are usually not
a business data, busines data is only one value from this combobox.
Regular data that comes from database and edited by user, is busines
data, and it is much easier to pull it from a real BO and to display

> The JSF recommended pattern actually lets you do "dispatch action"
> sorts of things, but a bit more easily :-).  

JSF isolates business data from widgetse even further. Also, JSF is
not advertised as framework where a resource returns different views.
Instead, it is advertised as Page Controller, which works well for
former desktop programmers, but does not fit HTTP ideology. Not that
it is not possible to emulate Front Controller in JSF, but it takes
some tricks for that.

Same goes for ASP.NET - easy to develop, clumsy to use. Of course,
Microsoft provided option to not use _viewstate, but everybody uses
it, because it is used in sample code and is considered standard. I am
glad that JSF stores viewstate on server by default, this is much


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Borislav Sabev

Rick Reumann wrote:

You shouldn't want a "default" at all provided by BeanUtils for cases 
where it can be null! You are using the anomoly of the way Integer is 
working and wanting to propogate that poor solution. null should be 
null.. it shouldn't be 0 or some default Date if null is provided.

Yes, this is the strange point. So null value doesn't have the same 
semantic for Integer, Double etc. and Date, so I find this a bit 
confusing ...this means at least different approach in handling the 
incorrect values in forms.

If you want a default Date or some other default than provide that 
before going to your form...or if after it submits and you see a null, 
then provide the default. You could of course register your own 
converter to provide a default for when a Date is null- but I would 
NOT do this.

I thought about such variant but I don't find it good as well, but may 
be this is the less harmful or let's say less painful.

Actually, in regards to a Date, in case you didn't already realize, 
you'll have to provide your own converter anyway if you plan to use 
java.util.Date since BeanUtils doesn't provide that by default.. it 
only provides conversion for java.sql.Date. If you need help with the 
converters I can post some code or search the struts archives for 
"java.util.Date converter"

I found this as well, which was other surpise. (that java.sql.Date is 
not supported directly).
Other confusing is that if you use ConvertUtils to convert back from 
Date to String (so you can show it in the jsp) it doesn't use the format 
that is loaded by the converter. This problem again force me to have the 
format string at least in 2 places: once in the converter that I 
register in ConvertUtils, and once in my formatter that I use to display 
the date values. Thus, you are encouraged to use the forms primary as 
input forms, not as output (but there is a survey among Struts 
developers how they use the forms, and more than 50% use them for input 
and output)
IMHO this a "inconsistency" and force us to make a lot of additional 
workarounds and tricks...


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 7/11/05, Rivka Shisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Borislav - thank you for the time you spent debugging this issue :-)
> So now I wonder - is it o.k. to use typed properties in my Action Forms?
> Or is there an important reason why I should Strings only?

To answer this question for yourself, please build a trivial Struts
based application like this:

* Build a form bean that has a property of type "int".

* Build a JSP page with a form that binds this property to a text input field.

* Deploy the application, and type "1a3" instead of "123" into that field.

If you like the result (a runtime exception), then by all means go
ahead and make your action form properties be typed.  Otherwise, if
you're going to use Struts you should listen to all the tutorials and
books and articles and mailing list messages that tell you to make
your form bean properties be strings :-).

Craig McClanahan

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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion? BeanUtil C onverter

2005-07-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 7/11/05, Nitish Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "This is a HUGE problem with BeanUtils and why I end up having to
> register custom converters:("
> good point, but where do I register my custom converters? I dont want to do
> it in my action classes, and writing a plugin just to register my converters
> would be a big overhead.

I guess I have a pretty hard time understanding why this is a "big
overhead".  Writing a Struts plugin is about the same amount of effort
as writing a ServletContextListener implementation to do the same
thing (which is the better approach if you're on a Servlet 2.3 or
later container).

But, the key point is that either way it's a pretty simple method
declaration, plus one line of code for each converter you want to

> Why cant we have declative registration through struts-config.xml, just like
> other components and struts should take care of registering my converters
> with ConvertUtil? (If its not already done yet!)
> This would actually give me flexibility to have my custom types as well in
> the form bean.
> Lets say, for some application I want all java.util.Long types to be
> appended with "$" symbol, it becomes much easier with a converter.
> what do you say?

That's certainly possible to implement ... and I'm sure the Struts
developer community would consider an RFE plus a patch to make it
possible.  But, to me personally, this isn't the highest possible
return you can get from using a framework, so it wouldn't surprise me
if the Struts developers focused on different areas first.

In the mean time, if you want to get any attention to this issue, the
starting point would be to file an RFE in the issue tracking system

> Thanks and Regards,
> Nitish Kumar


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 7/11/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Craig McClanahan wrote:
> > There are reasons to have an "application scoped" front controller.
> > There are reasons to have a "view-scoped" front controller.  There is
> > *no* reason I am aware of that requires these controllers to be the
> > same :-).
> Good point.  In fact, I don't think it would take much to convince me
> that it's better if they ARE NOT the same :)
> > In Shale, the application-scoped functions are performed by a Commons
> > Chain pipeline that is configured and processed by Shale's filter.
> > This is the right place to put things like "if the user isn't logged
> > on, redirect to the login page" and "log every request" type
> > functions.  But it is not the right place for "execute this expensive
> > SQL query, but *only* if I am the view that needs it.".
> This sounds very much like the types of things I would typically do in a
>   filter.  I'm a fan of filters because it's one less piece of the
> puzzle that doesn't tie me to a particular framework (I've done some
> converting of apps from one framework to another, so I always keep the
> possibility in mind as much as possible).
> Is there a benefit to the Chain approach over filters?

In this case, the only purpose of the Shale application filter is to
execute a Chain that is applied to all requests.  So have it your way

Seriously, the reason for that choice was to reduce the amount of
effort needed to add a particular piece of application scope logic. 
It's a lot easier for a newbie to implement a Command, and then add it
to a configured chain, without having to understand the whole
processing flow of a Filter.  The only tricky bit is whether to return
true or false from the execute() method :-).

On the other hand, use of the Shale application filter does *not*
preclude you from using other technologies (like securityfilter) that
are also based on filters.  One of the key lessons I've learned is
that frameworks should be fine grained, not monolithic ... make it
*easy* for your users to incorporate additional capabilities.  Filters
are a huge enabling technology that are free for the taking if you
assume a Servlet 2.3 or later baseline (as Shale does, but as Struts
1.x has not as yet).  So, if you like filters, go for it ... they'll
work fine in a Shale environment.

> > In Struts 1.x, you get around the latter case, typically, by having a
> > setup action before the view, and a process action after the view.
> > Shale simply combines those two bits of code into a single class (and,
> > along the way, combining the form bean too), resulting in a little
> > less code, but a lot fewer classes.
> I think I just realized why I'm not completely excited by this... I've
> never been a fan of DispatchAction, and while I understand it isn't
> exactly analogous, it is along the same lines.
> You couldn't know just how ironic me saying that is, but trust me, it is
> :)  Probably 6 or 7 years back I had some rather heated debates with
> some coworkers where I was trying to convince them it was better to have
> a single class with a switch block than a couple of individual classes
> (this was before frameworks were en vogue, so we were talking servlet
> design).  I've done a complete 180 on that, to the point where I,
> generally, won't use DispatchAction.
> It was, until now when I realized it, giving me a subconscious dislike
> of anything along those lines :)

The JSF recommended pattern actually lets you do "dispatch action"
sorts of things, but a bit more easily :-).  The key is that you can
bind different submit buttons to different execution methods ("action"
methods in JSF terminology) -- and those methods can either be in the
same class or in different classes.  Both have nice advantages:

* If you have a search widget on every page of your app, you can
  bind all of them to a single common action that performs the search.
  Coupled with outcome-based navigation, the developer implementing
  the search functionality doesn't have to care anything about navigation --
  his or her only job is to report back on what happened (for a search
  widget, typical results would be "no matches", "one match", or "multiple
  matches" ... which the application architect can map to a single view,
  two views, or three views at his or her whim -- *without* changing any code.

* If you have, say, an "Update" button at both the top and the bottom
  of a long table, you can bind them to the same action, since you want
  exactly the same behavior -- you are only providing two ways to invoke
  it as a convenience to the user (GMail users will instantly recognize this
  as the paradigm that is used for the "Newer" and "Older" buttons in the
  index view).

> > People do that with form beans already, so we clearly haven't
> > succeeded in communicating the correct pattern :-).
> Agreed.  And I for one cannot claim to have always gotten it right either :)
> > 

RE: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Rivka Shisman
Hi guys,

Borislav - thank you for the time you spent debugging this issue :-)

So now I wonder - is it o.k. to use typed properties in my Action Forms?
Or is there an important reason why I should Strings only?

I don't add my Action Form properties to the Struts config file. Is it
o.k. - or am I missing something here?

-Original Message-
From: Borislav Sabev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 7:38 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

Nitish Kumar wrote:

>I think raghavendra is right.
>Rivka, your code is working because you are using primitive type int
and not
>the wrapper type Integer.
>In case of primitive type in case of any exception, it gives you a
>Thanks and Regards, 
>Nitish Kumar 
So after small debugging session I found why it works for Integers and 
not for dates (at least in my case)
all classes  that implment Convertors interface in BeanUtils, have 
something like this as implementation of convert() method:
public Object convert(Class type, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
if (useDefault) {
return (defaultValue);
} else {
throw new ConversionException("No value specified");

if (value instanceof Date) {
return (value);

try {
return (Date.valueOf(value.toString()));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (useDefault) {
return (defaultValue);
} else {
throw new ConversionException(e);


In case of the Integer there is pre-load default value and EVEN if 
conversion fails during the population phase, it just use is the dafault

value (and you think it's parsed correctly). In the previous example its

a coincidence that Rivka have 0 as default value (it's just the same 
value as init value of IntegerConverter).
The strange point is that I didn't find how can I set a default date 
value ... if someone knows it, please share this knowledge here.

For sure this is not a big discovery, but I spent a lot of hours to 
udnerstand it and I though that this should be described somewhere at 
some public place ... that's why I was a bit bitter in my previuos posts

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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion? BeanUtil C onverter

2005-07-11 Thread Nitish Kumar

"This is a HUGE problem with BeanUtils and why I end up having to 
register custom converters:("

good point, but where do I register my custom converters? I dont want to do
it in my action classes, and writing a plugin just to register my converters
would be a big overhead.

Why cant we have declative registration through struts-config.xml, just like
other components and struts should take care of registering my converters
with ConvertUtil? (If its not already done yet!) 

This would actually give me flexibility to have my custom types as well in
the form bean.

Lets say, for some application I want all java.util.Long types to be
appended with "$" symbol, it becomes much easier with a converter.

what do you say?

Thanks and Regards, 
Nitish Kumar 

-Original Message-
From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 11:17 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

Borislav Sabev wrote the following on 7/11/2005 1:37 PM:

> In case of the Integer there is pre-load default value and EVEN if 
> conversion fails during the population phase, it just use is the dafault 
> value (and you think it's parsed correctly). In the previous example its 
> a coincidence that Rivka have 0 as default value (it's just the same 
> value as init value of IntegerConverter).

Bingo:) Sorry saw this thread late and could have helped out much 
sooner. This is a HUGE problem with BeanUtils and why I end up having to 
register custom converters:(

BeanUtils (at least it always has done this, maybe in a recent version 
it's hopefully changed?), will end up converting null values to 0!! 
Stupid, stupid if you ask me (null means null not 0!) Goes the same for 
the other numeric wrappers as well. (I think their argument was for 
backwards compatibility with apps that expect that behavior).

In regard to you point...

> The strange point is that I didn't find how can I set a default date
> value ... if someone knows it, please share this knowledge here.

You shouldn't want a "default" at all provided by BeanUtils for cases 
where it can be null! You are using the anomoly of the way Integer is 
working and wanting to propogate that poor solution. null should be 
null.. it shouldn't be 0 or some default Date if null is provided.

If you want a default Date or some other default than provide that 
before going to your form...or if after it submits and you see a null, 
then provide the default. You could of course register your own 
converter to provide a default for when a Date is null- but I would NOT 
do this.

Actually, in regards to a Date, in case you didn't already realize, 
you'll have to provide your own converter anyway if you plan to use 
java.util.Date since BeanUtils doesn't provide that by default.. it only 
provides conversion for java.sql.Date. If you need help with the 
converters I can post some code or search the struts archives for 
"java.util.Date converter"


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Craig McClanahan wrote:
There are reasons to have an "application scoped" front controller. 
There are reasons to have a "view-scoped" front controller.  There is

*no* reason I am aware of that requires these controllers to be the
same :-).

Good point.  In fact, I don't think it would take much to convince me 
that it's better if they ARE NOT the same :)

In Shale, the application-scoped functions are performed by a Commons
Chain pipeline that is configured and processed by Shale's filter. 
This is the right place to put things like "if the user isn't logged

on, redirect to the login page" and "log every request" type
functions.  But it is not the right place for "execute this expensive
SQL query, but *only* if I am the view that needs it.".

This sounds very much like the types of things I would typically do in a 
 filter.  I'm a fan of filters because it's one less piece of the 
puzzle that doesn't tie me to a particular framework (I've done some 
converting of apps from one framework to another, so I always keep the 
possibility in mind as much as possible).

Is there a benefit to the Chain approach over filters?

In Struts 1.x, you get around the latter case, typically, by having a
setup action before the view, and a process action after the view. 
Shale simply combines those two bits of code into a single class (and,

along the way, combining the form bean too), resulting in a little
less code, but a lot fewer classes.

I think I just realized why I'm not completely excited by this... I've 
never been a fan of DispatchAction, and while I understand it isn't 
exactly analogous, it is along the same lines.

You couldn't know just how ironic me saying that is, but trust me, it is 
:)  Probably 6 or 7 years back I had some rather heated debates with 
some coworkers where I was trying to convince them it was better to have 
a single class with a switch block than a couple of individual classes 
(this was before frameworks were en vogue, so we were talking servlet 
design).  I've done a complete 180 on that, to the point where I, 
generally, won't use DispatchAction.

It was, until now when I realized it, giving me a subconscious dislike 
of anything along those lines :)

People do that with form beans already, so we clearly haven't
succeeded in communicating the correct pattern :-).  

Agreed.  And I for one cannot claim to have always gotten it right either :)

It's not about mixing layers.  It is about mixing all the parts of the
*same* tier (view) related to a particular page into a single class,
instead of three classes (setup action, form bean, and process
action).  The adapter has to be somewhere no matter what; co-hosting
it in a single class turns out to have benefits in terms of simplicity
and unit testability.

While I agree on the unit testability point, I'm not completely sold on 
the simplicity argument... there's always a fine line between how much 
actual code there is and how big the object hierarchy is.  Go too far 
either way and its complex, just in different ways.  Again, I've changed 
my opinion on this, but I now feel that a larger number of classes, 
assuming each has a clearly defined role to play, is easier to digest 
than a single class with all the code, or perhaps even a little more 
code, in it.  Again, there is a bit of a fine line there because if 
there are too many classes, no matter how simple, it becomes difficult 
to see how they all fit together.

In 1.1 and 1.2 JDKs (i.e. when Struts was invented), this mattered a
*lot*.  In 1.4 JDKs, it basically doesn't matter unless you have
*huge* request volumes.  Thus, the reasons for most people to not put
their adapters in request scope is basically gone.

That's good info, thanks! :)

I wonder, and I'm not the first one I'm sure, what would it take to make 
Struts work that way now?  More importantly, what would the consequences 
be?  It seems like it could be done in a completely backwards-compatible 
way, at least at first pass through my brain.

Just remember ... the lifetime of Struts 1.x (five years since initial
conception, four years since 1.0) is basically a geologic era in terms
of Internet time :-).

Absolutely!  You must have gotten *something* right for Struts to have 
this kind of staying power :)  I can think of many things that seemed 
like the greatest thing since sliced bread at the time that wound up 
fading into obscurity in half that time.


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 7/11/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Craig McClanahan wrote:
> > I think of the state information represented by an ActionForm (in
> > Struts 1.x) or potentially as properties of an "action" class (per the
> > current discussion) to be part of the *view* tier.  Further, I see the
> > role of the execute method on an action as being an Adapter Pattern
> > link between the web tier (HTTP-centric) and the model tier
> > (HTTP-agnostic).  Therefore, I don't feel any pain at the idea of
> > combining the two together.
> It sounds like what your saying is that there really is no need for a
> control layer, we're coming down to view-adapter-model now.  Am I
> understanding that correctly?

Not completely, but amost.

There are reasons to have an "application scoped" front controller. 
There are reasons to have a "view-scoped" front controller.  There is
*no* reason I am aware of that requires these controllers to be the
same :-).

In Shale, the application-scoped functions are performed by a Commons
Chain pipeline that is configured and processed by Shale's filter. 
This is the right place to put things like "if the user isn't logged
on, redirect to the login page" and "log every request" type
functions.  But it is not the right place for "execute this expensive
SQL query, but *only* if I am the view that needs it.".

In Struts 1.x, you get around the latter case, typically, by having a
setup action before the view, and a process action after the view. 
Shale simply combines those two bits of code into a single class (and,
along the way, combining the form bean too), resulting in a little
less code, but a lot fewer classes.

> I absolutely agree that the ActionForm, or properties of Action, is
> indeed part of the view.  And, as per your next paragraph, I absolutely
> agree we shouldn't be passing that state information, in either form,
> directly to the model.
> So, in my mind, if we are talking about a single class that has
> properties of the view layer, as well as an adapter to the model in
> execute() (which we may or may not still call the control layer I
> suppose), that feels like co-mingling two tiers, something we have
> always convinced ourselves is a bad idea.

See above.

> Further, what would stop something from stretching a bit further and
> saying that DTOs from the control to the model should be in the form of
> maybe an inner class in the Action, further co-mingling in the model
> tier, arguably?

People do that with form beans already, so we clearly haven't
succeeded in communicating the correct pattern :-).  But, if you do
the right thing in Struts 1.x, you already have zero model tier code,
or business logic, in your actions -- they are already performing the
adapter role.

> I'd be very interested to understand why, assuming my interpretation is
> correct to begin with, we should start to think differently now about
> the mixing of parts of various layers in a single entity.  I don't ask
> to be confrontational at all by the way, but its an interesting
> discussion to me.

It's not about mixing layers.  It is about mixing all the parts of the
*same* tier (view) related to a particular page into a single class,
instead of three classes (setup action, form bean, and process
action).  The adapter has to be somewhere no matter what; co-hosting
it in a single class turns out to have benefits in terms of simplicity
and unit testability.

WebWork and JSF got this one right.

> > The primary mistake to avoid is using an ActionForm as a VO passed to
> > your persistence tier.  This seems a little less likely when the same
> > object has behavior as well as data, but you still need to watch out
> > for this.
> Agreed, that is indeed the real problem to avoid in the end.  How best
> to accomplish it might be debatable, but I think we all agree this is
> the gotcha to avoid :)
> > That (combined "action form" and "action" concept) is indeed the
> > recommended design pattern when using JSF, as well as with WebWork,
> > which uses the same idea.  Although it does reduce the total line
> > count slightly, this is outweighed, IMHO, by other advantages:
> >
> > * The input values are available as instance variables in your
> >   "action" class, which makes coding accesses to those values
> >   a little simpler (foo instead of formBean.getFoo()).
> That is one benefit I definitely like as well.  Although it has never
> caused me personally any major heartache that you can't do this with
> Struts, I have seen instances where it would have made life a little
> simpler.
> > * Because of that, there's a little less per-request object creation
> >   going on (although you trade that off for the "action" class being
> >   instantiated per request, so it is almost a push).
> I've always wondered about how big a help it is to not be instantiating
> Actions per-request (although I suppose I haven't wondered it enough to
> do any benchmarks myself :) ).  It always

Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Craig McClanahan wrote:

I think of the state information represented by an ActionForm (in
Struts 1.x) or potentially as properties of an "action" class (per the
current discussion) to be part of the *view* tier.  Further, I see the
role of the execute method on an action as being an Adapter Pattern
link between the web tier (HTTP-centric) and the model tier
(HTTP-agnostic).  Therefore, I don't feel any pain at the idea of
combining the two together.

It sounds like what your saying is that there really is no need for a 
control layer, we're coming down to view-adapter-model now.  Am I 
understanding that correctly?

I absolutely agree that the ActionForm, or properties of Action, is 
indeed part of the view.  And, as per your next paragraph, I absolutely 
agree we shouldn't be passing that state information, in either form, 
directly to the model.

So, in my mind, if we are talking about a single class that has 
properties of the view layer, as well as an adapter to the model in 
execute() (which we may or may not still call the control layer I 
suppose), that feels like co-mingling two tiers, something we have 
always convinced ourselves is a bad idea.

Further, what would stop something from stretching a bit further and 
saying that DTOs from the control to the model should be in the form of 
maybe an inner class in the Action, further co-mingling in the model 
tier, arguably?

I'd be very interested to understand why, assuming my interpretation is 
correct to begin with, we should start to think differently now about 
the mixing of parts of various layers in a single entity.  I don't ask 
to be confrontational at all by the way, but its an interesting 
discussion to me.

The primary mistake to avoid is using an ActionForm as a VO passed to
your persistence tier.  This seems a little less likely when the same
object has behavior as well as data, but you still need to watch out
for this.

Agreed, that is indeed the real problem to avoid in the end.  How best 
to accomplish it might be debatable, but I think we all agree this is 
the gotcha to avoid :)

That (combined "action form" and "action" concept) is indeed the
recommended design pattern when using JSF, as well as with WebWork,
which uses the same idea.  Although it does reduce the total line
count slightly, this is outweighed, IMHO, by other advantages:

* The input values are available as instance variables in your
  "action" class, which makes coding accesses to those values
  a little simpler (foo instead of formBean.getFoo()).

That is one benefit I definitely like as well.  Although it has never 
caused me personally any major heartache that you can't do this with 
Struts, I have seen instances where it would have made life a little 

* Because of that, there's a little less per-request object creation
  going on (although you trade that off for the "action" class being
  instantiated per request, so it is almost a push).

I've always wondered about how big a help it is to not be instantiating 
Actions per-request (although I suppose I haven't wondered it enough to 
do any benchmarks myself :) ).  It always seemed perfectly reasonable 
that it was a benefit, I've never doubted it was, but I've always 
wondered if it was truly worth the trade-offs.

* The code becomes easier to unit test because your test case
  simply has to instantiate your "action" class, set the appropriate
  properties, and call the execute() method.  Lots less to do
  setting up mock objects that simulate a servlet container.

Indeed, that is a nice benefit.

As I've said publicly on more than one occasion, if I'd thought of
this approach (action class with properties for the request variables,
instantiated per request) early enough, this is what Struts 1.0 would
have done.  Alas, by the time the value of this pattern became clear,
backwards compatibility was an important issue, and we couldn't

Eh, live and learn.  No one gets it right every time out :)  And it 
isn't like you got anything *wrong* per se anyway, you figured out 
something better later on.  The developer that has never had a 
revelation after the fact is a better developer than any of us for sure!


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 7/11/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most of my validation is handled by the Validator framework right now
> which, admitedly, ties things to Struts to some extent (though there's no
> reason I couldn't pull Validator 'down' a level and use it under some other
> presentation technology if it didn't provide an equivalent.

Indeed, making this possible was a primary reason for separating
validator out of Struts and moving it to Jakarta Commons in the first
place.  This has enabled lots of folks to use Commons Validator for
enforcing rules in the business tier (as opposed to the view tier) --
to say nothing of allowing Shale to leverage the client side
validation capabilities without depending on Struts 1.x code.

> L.


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 7/11/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> By combining Actions and ActionForms, you are breaking the separation.
> There *IS* clearly benefit to doing so... cutting down class count is
> something I'm always in favor of, so long as line count doesn't increase
> as a result.  But is it worth it?

I think of the state information represented by an ActionForm (in
Struts 1.x) or potentially as properties of an "action" class (per the
current discussion) to be part of the *view* tier.  Further, I see the
role of the execute method on an action as being an Adapter Pattern
link between the web tier (HTTP-centric) and the model tier
(HTTP-agnostic).  Therefore, I don't feel any pain at the idea of
combining the two together.

The primary mistake to avoid is using an ActionForm as a VO passed to
your persistence tier.  This seems a little less likely when the same
object has behavior as well as data, but you still need to watch out
for this.

> Clearly some now believe it is... as I understand it, that's one of the
> important concepts in JSF and ASP.Net, among others.

> I wonder, would you think there is benefit to combining the two over a
> declarative approach like DynaActionForm?  Using them you cut the class
> count down similarly, and in fact *REDUCE* overall line count as well,
> and you gain a declarative approach to things, which is definitely nice
> (I seem to remember that's how JSF approaches things, but it has been a
> while since I looked, my memory may be fooling me).

That (combined "action form" and "action" concept) is indeed the
recommended design pattern when using JSF, as well as with WebWork,
which uses the same idea.  Although it does reduce the total line
count slightly, this is outweighed, IMHO, by other advantages:

* The input values are available as instance variables in your
  "action" class, which makes coding accesses to those values
  a little simpler (foo instead of formBean.getFoo()).

* Because of that, there's a little less per-request object creation
  going on (although you trade that off for the "action" class being
  instantiated per request, so it is almost a push).

* At least in the JSF case, the component handles conversions
  for you, so "foo" can be an int if the value is supposed to be
  an integer.  No more BeanUtils.copyProperties() calls.

* The code becomes easier to unit test because your test case
  simply has to instantiate your "action" class, set the appropriate
  properties, and call the execute() method.  Lots less to do
  setting up mock objects that simulate a servlet container.

As I've said publicly on more than one occasion, if I'd thought of
this approach (action class with properties for the request variables,
instantiated per request) early enough, this is what Struts 1.0 would
have done.  Alas, by the time the value of this pattern became clear,
backwards compatibility was an important issue, and we couldn't


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Re: tiles and multipart messages

2005-07-11 Thread Kostas Flokos
No, I don't have this problem for the moment! But, I might come across it as 
the project progresses. Is there anything changing then?
In any case, thanks a lot for your help.

On 7/11/05, Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE <
> > I suspect my error is that instead of sending the request directly to
> > the *Action and then forward - in case of success - to a page
> > definition, I tried to send the request to a page definition
> > (containing the *Action) and from the *Action forwarding to a
> > tile definition.
> >
> > Do you agree?
> Yes. Are you doing some kind of multi-step process where users upload a
> file, then select some menu option, and then complete the process?
> - Dave
> -
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Re: Validation problem

2005-07-11 Thread Rafael Taboada
Thanks, I got it!...
 I needed to save the errors :)
 Rick Thanks for ur advice about using another class to manage JDBC... I'll 
review that... Do u know any samples about how to do that?..
 Thanks again

Rafael Taboada
Software Engineer

Cell : +511-97753290

"No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida"

Re: Validation problem

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Rafael Taboada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi. When I turned off validation yn mi struts-config.xml, validation isn't
> called. And when I turned off validation and call validate manually inside a
> method of my ActionClass, validation isn't called.
>  I calle validate method in:
>  public ActionForward buscarColor(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
> form,HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
> ...
> colorForm.validate(mapping,request);
> ...
> }
>  Maybe I'm calling this validate method in an incorrect way??

Hmm... It should be called. Are you sure that your validate in the
form overrides validate(ActionMapping mapping,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) and not this one
ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
javax.servlet.ServletRequest request) ?

Put some debug output into your validate method as well before and
after your call to colorForm.validate(mapping,request), maybe this one
is not called.


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Re: Validation problem

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Rafael Taboada wrote the following on 7/11/2005 5:55 PM:
Hi. When I turned off validation yn mi struts-config.xml, validation isn't 
called. And when I turned off validation and call validate manually inside a 
method of my ActionClass, validation isn't called.

 I calle validate method in:
 public ActionForward buscarColor(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm 
form,HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

 Maybe I'm calling this validate method in an incorrect way??

Are you 'sure' it's not being called?
You need get the Errors back that are returned and put them in scope.

Here's an example from my code...

//in your Action ...

ActionErrors errors = colorForm.validate( mapping, request );
if ( errors != null && !errors.isEmpty ) {
   saveErrors(request, errors);
   setUp(request); //puts some things back in scope that I need
   return (mapping.findForward(UIconstants.FAILURE));
return (mapping.findForward(UIconstants.SUCCESS));

if ( errors != null && !errors.isEmpty ) <-- this part can probably be 
shortened, I was too lazy to figure out what really gets returned if 
validation passes.. a null or empty ActionErrors?


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Laurie Harper

Michael Jouravlev wrote:

On 7/7/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is not it easier to have one nested VO/BO with string properties, than
to copy properties back and forth from action form to VO? I use web
framework only to expose my real objects to the outer world.

If you don't mind your VOs/BOs being untyped then sure, I guess it's 
easier. Personally I'd rather use strongly typed interfaces as far as possible.

2) value objects should use typed interfaces to ensure marshaling to and
from presentation format (string types) is pushed as far up the application
stack as possible. This also enables other, potentially type-aware,
presentation / client tiers to be built on top of the same value objects
(e.g. for a web-services interface).

I think I do not agree with this one. Let's take it as a design
requirement that application that we build is a webapp. It potentially
can have different interfaces. This would mean, that:
* input data is stingified because of HTTP
* Struts is not the only front end

Just because the transport protocol is HTTP doesn't mean you're only 
dealing with string data though. If I add a web services layer, I'll want 
ot talk in terms of domain types. If I want to add some other RPC mechanism 
the same will be true.

Therefore, it is much easier to create BO/VO with dual string/typed
interface or with string interface only. It would do validation and
conversion to native datatype internally instead of doing it in
validate() method. I believen that this is more flexible approach.
What are you going to do with your validation code, if you are told to
move from Struts to WebWork or Tapestry?

I don't see the difference between having dual string/typed properites and 
having the same thing split between two classes, other than making the one 
class more confusing and error prone to use.

Most of my validation is handled by the Validator framework right now 
which, admitedly, ties things to Struts to some extent (though there's no 
reason I couldn't pull Validator 'down' a level and use it under some other 
presentation technology if it didn't provide an equivalent.


On 7/8/05, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Form beans are part of the *view* tier, not the model ... their
purpose in life is to represent the server side state of the HTML
elements on a form, even if that state is invalid (i.e. not currently
passing all the validations).  That way, you can reproduce what the
user typed so he or she can fix it, rather than presenting them with a
completely blank screen.  (This is why you generally use string fields
in a form bean).

This is one way to look at things. Another way is to use VO/BO for
input/output directly. When I use existing data, I load it into BO and
display it. When I modify it, I update BO using its string properties.
If I decide to cancel updates, I siply remove the BO from memory, no
database changes needed. If I create a new object, I create a new BO
and fill it in. Until I persist it, it hangs in the session. If I
decide to cancel, then I remove it, and database would not even know
that I was about to insert an object.

In a component oriented framework like JSF or Tapestry, you don't need
to worry about keeping track of this state information ... the
components do it for you.

JSF still differentiates "real" object (whatever it might be, a real
business object or a VO) from visual component data, which I don't
like. From my point of view, it is much easier to have an object with
an ID, to view/edit it, or to delete it. Therefore, I do not need
viewstate for UI components. I only need to store my object somewhere
like in session while I work with it. I want my widgets and my view to
be as dumb as possible. All data and state that I need is in real
objects, I do not need artificial viewstate to duplicate it.

I can understand why JSF or ASP.NET went this route with UI objects
and viewstate: to abstract from the model/business layer. They do not
want to establish a firm contract with business/persistence layer.
They do not want to require a certain BO lifecycle or the datatype
limitations. But I as a developer find this inconvenient. Web
frameworks designers focus on their framework, while I as an
application designer, focus on business data, business process and
business state.

Take ActiveX. There is a contract, there are interfaces, methods and
datatypes defined. Just build an object according to the protocol, and
you will be able to have design-time interface, runtime interface,
everything. Web frameworks do not want to have strict contracts with
data layer probabaly to be more flexible. I would take contract over
flexibily anytime. Presuming that this is a flexible contract ;-)


Laurie, Open Source advocate, Java geek and novice blogger:

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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Schaub, Stephen wrote:

What I'm wanting is an explanation of why I should keep the ActionForm class 
_separate_ from the Action class. It seems to me that this unnecessarily 
complicates the application design.

When a Struts-based app is "properly" architected, the Actions are 
nothing more than traffic cops... they move data sent from the client 
along to some "business delegate" where the real work of the application 
happens.  That is their only purpose in life, theoretically.

The design that many people follow is that an ActionForm receives input 
from the client.  The Action receives the form and uses BeanUtils (or 
similar) to copy the properties of the ActionForm into some other type 
of bean (DTO) that the business delegate knows how to handle.  This is 
generally done with a single line of code (the copy I mean).  Then the 
appropriate delgate is called, passed that bean, does its thing, and 
returns the bean (or a different one in some cases).  The Action then 
copies that bean into the ActionForm, again with a single line of code, 
and forwards as appropriate.  There might be some branching based on 
exceptions the delegate may throw, but in general this is how it flows.

So we're talking about three lines of code per Action, in an ideal 
situation.  But that's not the pertinent fact... the pertinent fact is 
that the Action doesn't know anything about what actually is in the 
ActionForm, and therefore what is in the view, nor does it know what the 
delegate does or anything about the bean it uses, or in other words, the 

So, let's imagine a situation where you want to add some fields that a 
user can enter on a given screen.  No problem... you alter only your 
ActionForm (or just struts-config if your using DynaActionForm), and 
presumably the bean that gets passed to the delagate class as well.  But 
the important point is that the Action is unchanged because it's only 
playing its role as a traffic cop and nothing else.

By combining Actions and ActionForms, you are breaking the separation. 
There *IS* clearly benefit to doing so... cutting down class count is 
something I'm always in favor of, so long as line count doesn't increase 
as a result.  But is it worth it?

Clearly some now believe it is... as I understand it, that's one of the 
important concepts in JSF and ASP.Net, among others.

I wonder, would you think there is benefit to combining the two over a 
declarative approach like DynaActionForm?  Using them you cut the class 
count down similarly, and in fact *REDUCE* overall line count as well, 
and you gain a declarative approach to things, which is definitely nice 
(I seem to remember that's how JSF approaches things, but it has been a 
while since I looked, my memory may be fooling me).

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Re: Validation problem

2005-07-11 Thread Rafael Taboada
Hi. When I turned off validation yn mi struts-config.xml, validation isn't 
called. And when I turned off validation and call validate manually inside a 
method of my ActionClass, validation isn't called.
 I calle validate method in:
 public ActionForward buscarColor(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm 
form,HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
 Maybe I'm calling this validate method in an incorrect way??

Rafael Taboada
Software Engineer

Cell : +511-97753290

"No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida"

Re: Validation problem

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Rafael Taboada wrote the following on 7/11/2005 5:34 PM:

Michael, it didn't work..

What didn't work? You still got validation when it was set to false?

(Also just a side note, it's good practice to move all the JDBC 
Connection stuff to another class other than your Action. You might be 
intending to do that later, so not meaning to critique too soon.)

 My Action class is:
 public class ColorAction extends DispatchAction {
 public ActionForward buscarColor(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, 
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

throws Exception {
ColorForm colorForm = (ColorForm) form;
MySQLDAOFactory factory = new MySQLDAOFactory();
DataSource ds = getDataSource(request,Constantes.DATASOURCEKEY);
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
Collection collResultado;

try {
ColorDAO colorDAO = factory.getColorDAO(conn);
collResultado = colorDAO.findColorByDescripcion(
finally {


return mapping.getInputForward();
 ... //There are other methods

  So, what is wrong
I tried to use ValidatorActionForm instead of ValidatorForm... And of course 
in my validator call my actionmapping like: "/Colores", 
"/Colores?method=buscarColor"... But it doesn't work too...

 How can I do???... THanks in advance...
 When I turned off validate attribute... It doesn't validate anything... I'm 
calling validate method in my action class but it doesn't work...

Where are you calling validate manually? I don't see you doing that in 
the Action class you provided.


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RE: [OT] Re: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath

2005-07-11 Thread Mark Benussi
Or a duck?

-Original Message-
From: Dave Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 July 2005 21:34
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] Re: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath

Dakota Jack wrote:

>You know what a "canard" is Newton?
Front control surface on an airplane?

Really, these questions are too easy.


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
I don't see how enabling BO/VO to read stringified data makes them
dependant on Struts packages.

On 7/8/05, Bill Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well put.  To expand on #2, it's good to confine dependencies on the
> org.apache.struts packages to the presentation layer, and not build a
> Struts dependency into business logic.
> > Personally I prefer to keep form beans and value objects seperate, for
> > two key reasons:
> >
> > 1) form beans generally should consist of String data to facilitate
> > round-tripping of invalid inputs. I like to constrain them to a clearly
> > defined role of marshaling data 'into' and 'out of' the presentation
> > layer, i.e. across the boundary between presentation and application.
> >
> > 2) value objects should use typed interfaces to ensure marshaling to and
> > from presentation format (string types) is pushed as far up the
> > application stack as possible. This also enables other, potentially
> > type-aware, presentation / client tiers to be built on top of the same
> > value objects (e.g. for a web-services interface).

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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Yeah, that's a fair point, it is a bit more documenting than it probably 
could be... then again, all modern IDEs will do it for you, right?  And 
I even have my UltraEdit macros to do it.  Still, fair point.

Having not looked into it very much, does annotations in 1.5 help at all 
in this regard I wonder?


Michael Jouravlev wrote:

On 7/11/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A bean is self-documenting in that you can immediately tell what its
attributes are and what types they are.  I'm not even talking about
generating javadoc from the source either, but that's certainly a very
nice by-product.

If I could have a property in Delphi or C# style... Or if I could at
least write something like that:

 * Flag that demo mode is on
private boolean isDemo;
public boolean getIsDemo() { ... }
public setIsDemo(boolean isDemo) { ... }

... and my methods *would be commented in javadoc* too, it would be
much better than current approach with lots of lines and comments for
each getter/setter. Three properties commented in current approved
Java style, and you already lost in the code. This sucks.


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Re: Validation problem

2005-07-11 Thread Rafael Taboada
Michael, it didn't work..
 My ActionMapping is:
 My ActionForm is:
 public class ColorForm extends ValidatorForm {
private String strFiltroDescripcion;
private List lstResultado;
private String idColor;
private String strDescripcion;
private String[] chkColores;
 ... // Each attribute has its getter and setter
 My Action class is:
 public class ColorAction extends DispatchAction {
 public ActionForward buscarColor(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, 
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
ColorForm colorForm = (ColorForm) form;
MySQLDAOFactory factory = new MySQLDAOFactory();
DataSource ds = getDataSource(request,Constantes.DATASOURCEKEY);
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
Collection collResultado;

try {
ColorDAO colorDAO = factory.getColorDAO(conn);
collResultado = colorDAO.findColorByDescripcion(
finally {


return mapping.getInputForward();
 ... //There are other methods
 My jsp is:


  then it has logic:iterate in order to show search result..
 And my validator is:

  So, what is wrong
I tried to use ValidatorActionForm instead of ValidatorForm... And of course 
in my validator call my actionmapping like: "/Colores", 
"/Colores?method=buscarColor"... But it doesn't work too...
 How can I do???... THanks in advance...
 When I turned off validate attribute... It doesn't validate anything... I'm 
calling validate method in my action class but it doesn't work...
 Qny suggestion???

Rafael Taboada
Software Engineer

Cell : +511-97753290

"No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida"

Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Schaub, Stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Jouravlev wrote:
> > On the other hand, Stephen, why do you want to have one class per
> > page?
> Because I don't want to have to have two classes per page. :)

you got me :) I wanted to ask, why would you want to have one *set of
classes* for one page, but seems that is not what you want. You just
want to combine Action and ActionForm which was my idea too.

> Let me clarify that I'm not arguing for one class per page: 
> in fact, I don't mind having one class backing multiple pages.
> Just as Struts allows for one ActionForm that backs multiple JSP's,
> my approach allows for one SimpleActionForm that backs multiple
> JSP's. I've been working this afternoon on just such a use case.
> What I'm wanting is an explanation of why I should keep the
> ActionForm class _separate_ from the Action class. It seems to me
> that this unnecessarily complicates the application design.

I wanted to combine these two classes as well, but I am not so sure
now. Action class is stateless and can serve several requests, whereas
action form either is instantiated for every request, or is stateful
within a session, and has only one instance per session. Also, Struts
is based on idea of subclassing, thus if you already subclassing
something like ValidateForm, you cannot subclass another form, which
you would want to because it has needed event handlers.

So, these differences allow to mix and match and to combine. For
example, I have a component which provides CRUD functionality (is it
OK that I use my library as an example?).

In this case the interface with browser is pretty much stable, it has
create(), edit(), view(), delete() and of course render() methods. So,
each particular project can reuse not only the protocol, but the
implementation too. It is quite standard, it processes button events,
it handles error messages, and it returns different mappings for
different state of the ActionForm. This Action is totally reusable.

On the other hand, every application has its own data which I don't
know how to handle. So I have an interface for an action form, which I
use from my standard action class. This interface defines what should
be done with data for each input event, but it does not define how it
should be done. You implement this interface in your ActionForm and go
crazy with your data. I don't care what you do, just return back an
error message and set status accordingly.

What if it were a solid dispatching ActionForm as you suggest? In this
case you would not be able to subclass other class like ValidateForm,
because multiple inheritance does not exist in Java. At the same time
your base ActionForm most likely would not have any functionality,
because it depends on actual data. For UI interface, if you decide to
add one event, it probably does not really matter, to use a separate
action class for that, or to override all form classes... No firm
opinion on that.

Anyway, I agree that combining Action and ActionForm can be
beneficial, but I would not want to *replace* current Struts
Action/ActionForm combination with a solid ActionForm.

> > Page is not what you load by browser. You load a resource, which
> > can potentially generate many different pages.
> I'm not sure I follow. Can you explain further with an example?
> I do want to understand.

Never mind, I wrote this because I thought that you wanted to "go to
login.htm", "then go to homepage.htm" instead of "go to login
location, which will display whatever page is proper for current
application state". Because if you have stateful objects on the
server, and you load a resource, you do not know what exact content
you receive. It all depends on server state. But seems that this
concept is clear to you, sorry for hitting into the open door ;)


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RE: Redirecting to input when validation fails

2005-07-11 Thread Abdullah Jibaly
>From this link, what I understood is that the only real solution is to 
>manually call the validate method and push the errors in and out of the 
>session. There is no way to automate it, correct?


-Original Message-
From: Michael Jouravlev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 3:11 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Redirecting to input when validation fails

On 7/11/05, Abdullah Jibaly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have two action: Display.do and Process.do.
> Display.do forwards to a jsp page. Upon submit, Process.do is invoked. The 
> action mapping for Process.do specifies Display.do as the input, however, 
> when form validation for Process.do fails (validate is set to true), the url 
> still shows Process.do in the browser. Is there a way to make struts do a 
> redirect to Display.do without losing error messages, etc?



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Re: Graceful way to handle quotation marks in forms

2005-07-11 Thread Domingo A. Rodriguez S.

String value1= request.getParameter("value1").replace('\'','`');

Just replace the quotation mark for a backtick. Users will not usually
notice the change :)

 --- "Walter, Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> I was wondering if there was a tried and true method to handle form
> input that had been pasted from Microsoft Word which might contain
> "fancy" quotation marks (U+201C & U+201D aka left and right double
> quotation marks... see
> http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/201c/index.htm). Currently,
> if we get a form that has them in it, we store the data, and then when
> we display it back to the user, it renders as a question mark in the
> browser.
> Thanks.

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RE: tiles and multipart messages

2005-07-11 Thread Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
> I suspect my error is that instead of sending the request directly to 
> the *Action and then forward - in case of success - to a page 
> definition, I tried to send the request to a page definition 
> (containing the *Action) and from the *Action forwarding to a 
> tile definition.
> Do you agree?

Yes.  Are you doing some kind of multi-step process where users upload a
file, then select some menu option, and then complete the process?

- Dave

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RE: Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
> W/ a Map:
> - you don't have VO/DTO classes, but still have layer, 0 code, 0 bugs
> - It's dynamic, when DAO SQL string changes... so does your
> jxTable/Displaytag.
> I removed an entire layer and still have the layer.
> Developers are so pasionate... that's what makes them good.

I'm with you on this one.  I see DTO's being misused in the Struts
world.  The pattern originally solved the overhead associated with
invoking getters/setters over a network.  In the world of web browser
sends/requests data from a single application server, where does the DTO
fit in?  I don't see it.  

That said, a form object is kind of like a DTO in that it serves as a
staging area for the users data and generally has a more fine grained
view of the data (not a 1 to 1 mapping with business domain objects).
Jumping right in, my Actions pass DynaBeans to a service layer.  The
service layer processes the DynaBean.  Here's an example from a service

public interface PersonnelService {

 * Stores an employee. 
 *  id - Long - required for update, null or 0 for create
 *  first - String
 *  middle - String (optional)
 *  last - String
 *  email - String
 *  phone - String (optional)
 * @param employeeBean the bean containing the employee properties
 * @return the resultant employee
public Employee storeEmployee(DynaBean employeeBean);

 * Gets the employee with the given id.
 * @param id id of employee
 * @return the employee
public Employee findEmployeeById(long id);


Here's an Action that serves as a client for this service:

public class EmployeeAction extends BaseMappingAction {

public ActionForward save(ActionMapping mapping, 
  ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest
  HttpServletResponse response) 
  throws Exception {

DynaBean employeeBean = (DynaBean) form;
try {
} catch (...) {
 // handle various errors

return mapping.findForward("personnel");


Here's a unit test that serves as a client for this service:

public void testAddEmployee() throws Exception {
DynaBean employeeBean = new LazyDynaBean();
employeeBean.set("first", "Sam");
employeeBean.set("middle", "G");
employeeBean.set("last", "Kroner");
employeeBean.set("email", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
employeeBean.set("phone", "(210) 555-7632");

Employee employee = service.storeEmployee(employeeBean);



Here's an abbreviated implementation of the PersonnelService
storeEmployee method:

public Employee storeEmployee(DynaBean employeeBean) {

  Employee employee = new Employee();
// do the work of creating an Employee object based on the bean

return employee;

I'm guessing that the coupling police will start screaming...  Yes,
there is some documentation overhead in the PersonnelService interface,
but I don't want Actions doing any business logic.  Actions simply pass
the data from client, put things in the various scopes, and direct to
the proper view.

The Map camp would probably say that no Employee class is needed at all,
putting me somewhere in between the Map camp and the Bean camp.  I use
Hibernate, so beans are the best option on the backend.  Apparently
iBatis works very well with maps.

- Dave

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Re: Validation problem

2005-07-11 Thread erikweber
I usually map multiple actions to the same form. Some have validate = true (for 
example, doAdd), some have validate = false (for example, viewAdd). Slightly 
different URL distinguishes them.

Does that help?


-Original Message-
From: Rafael Taboada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jul 11, 2005 4:49 PM
To: Struts List 
Subject: Validation problem

Hi folks, I'm doing my validation for my form fields...
 I use validation framework, so I don't use validate method in my form bean.
 The problem I have is the validate is called when I use for first time the 
module. I mean, when I see for frst ime the HTML form, validation is 
called... Why???
 When I set validate attribute to false in my action mapping, validation is 
not called...
 I want the validation is called only when the user click on submit button.
 Did u have the same problem???
 My Action extend DispatchAction class.
 Thanks in advance.

Rafael Taboada
Software Engineer

Cell : +511-97753290

"No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida"

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RE: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Schaub, Stephen

Michael Jouravlev wrote:
> First of all, to get it over with, Struts Dialogs has plans to combine
> Action and ActionForm but it is not there yet :)
> Second, the concept of Struts Dialogs is different. Stephen wants to
> have one class -> one page relation. JSF or ASP.NET is the way to go
> in this case. My library DOES NOT maintain one-to-one relations of
> Java class to a page. Quite contrary, the whole idea is to serve
> *different* pages from *one* location. And, if no other hi-tech stuff
> like mod-rewrite is used, it means to serve different pages from one
> action. This is NOT what Stephen wants.
> On the other hand, Stephen, why do you want to have one class per
> page? 

Because I don't want to have to have two classes per page. :)

Let me clarify that I'm not arguing for one class per page: in fact, I don't 
mind having one class backing multiple pages. Just as Struts allows for one 
ActionForm that backs multiple JSP's, my approach allows for one 
SimpleActionForm that backs multiple JSP's. I've been working this afternoon on 
just such a use case.

What I'm wanting is an explanation of why I should keep the ActionForm class 
_separate_ from the Action class. It seems to me that this unnecessarily 
complicates the application design.

> Page is not what you load by browser. You load a resource, which
> can potentially generate many different pages. 

I'm not sure I follow. Can you explain further with an example? I do want to 

Thanks for your understanding and thoughtful response, Michael.


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Re: Validation problem

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
Rafael, turn validation off and call form.validate() manually from
your event handler method.


On 7/11/05, Rafael Taboada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks, I'm doing my validation for my form fields...
>  I use validation framework, so I don't use validate method in my form bean.
>  The problem I have is the validate is called when I use for first time the
> module. I mean, when I see for frst ime the HTML form, validation is
> called... Why???
>  When I set validate attribute to false in my action mapping, validation is
> not called...
>  I want the validation is called only when the user click on submit button.
>  Did u have the same problem???
>  My Action extend DispatchAction class.
>  Thanks in advance.

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Validation problem

2005-07-11 Thread Rafael Taboada
Hi folks, I'm doing my validation for my form fields...
 I use validation framework, so I don't use validate method in my form bean.
 The problem I have is the validate is called when I use for first time the 
module. I mean, when I see for frst ime the HTML form, validation is 
called... Why???
 When I set validate attribute to false in my action mapping, validation is 
not called...
 I want the validation is called only when the user click on submit button.
 Did u have the same problem???
 My Action extend DispatchAction class.
 Thanks in advance.

Rafael Taboada
Software Engineer

Cell : +511-97753290

"No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida"

Re: tiles and multipart messages

2005-07-11 Thread Kostas Flokos
To be short:
>From a tile1.jsp similar to the following:

control is passed to the page defined as:

SubmitOffer is mapped to the SubmitOfferAction that does the handling of the 

When I do that, the form is always reset before it arrives to the Action. If 
instead of setting the action to "/MenuSubmitOffer.do", I set it directly to 
/SubmitOffer.do then everything works fine.

I suspect my error is that instead of sending the request directly to the 
*Action and then forward - in case of success - to a page definition, I 
tried to send the request to a page definition (containing the *Action) and 
from the *Action forwarding to a tile definition.

Do you agree?



On 7/11/05, Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE <
> > What is the recommended way of working with multipart messages and
> > tiles at the same time?
> SFAIK, Tiles and multipart encoding have nothing to do with each other.
> You're going to have to post some more info about your problem in order
> to get help.
> Try posting the relevant Struts config items, the Action code that
> handles uploading, and whatever else you think is related. Maybe
> someone will be able to spot the problem(s).
> - Dave
> -
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Re: PASSWORD DIGESTION...RealmBase import problem...help please!

2005-07-11 Thread Martin Gainty


Did you read the "How to configure realm" how to doc and follow the 
instructions ?

Take a look at

Its been my experience 8.3 folder are identified coorectly where as NTFS 
file names sometimes identified correctly

D:\apps\Apache\Tomcat\tomcat-5.5.9\common\lib\servlet-api.jar become

Good Luck,

- Original Message - 
From: "O. Oke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 3:42 PM
Subject: PASSWORD DIGESTION...RealmBase import problem...help please!

Help please!

I want to store the digested version of user's
password in the database.  Therefore, I imported
org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase so that I can use
the static DIGEST method in the class for the
digestion of the password

I am using Eclipse 3.0.2, tomcat-5.5.9 and JDK 1.5

After importing org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase
class, I keep getting error msg: "The import
org.apache.catalina cannot be resolved".  I do not
expect to get this error because I have followed the
instructions on how to achieve my objective correctly.
The instructions are here:

In line with the instructions, I added catalina.jar to
my classpath; please see classpath below:


In DOS the RealmBase class was found, it is only in
the action class that it is not found - cannot be

Everything to do with password/login is working,
except for digestion.  As I have pointed out it has
not been possible to enable digestion because of the
problem with importing the class.

Can anyone please tell me what I need to do to get
round the import problem?  I hasten to point out, I
even restarted my machine after adding catalina.jar to
my classpath.

Thank you.

Ola'dele Oke

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with 
voicemail http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com

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Graceful way to handle quotation marks in forms

2005-07-11 Thread Walter, Matt
I was wondering if there was a tried and true method to handle form
input that had been pasted from Microsoft Word which might contain
"fancy" quotation marks (U+201C & U+201D aka left and right double
quotation marks... see
http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/201c/index.htm). Currently,
if we get a form that has them in it, we store the data, and then when
we display it back to the user, it renders as a question mark in the



Re: [OT] Re: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath

2005-07-11 Thread Dave Newton

Dakota Jack wrote:

You know what a "canard" is Newton?

Front control surface on an airplane?

Really, these questions are too easy.


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RE: Displaying data from a form bean

2005-07-11 Thread Abdullah Jibaly
There is no such tag, however, in your action do:

request.setAttribute("myformbean", form)

and your jsp below will work...


-Original Message-
From: Schaub, Stephen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 3:08 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail)
Subject: Displaying data from a form bean 

Newbie question:

Struts lets me bind ActionForm properties to HTML form components like this:

 Enter customer name: 

I don't have to name the form bean, because Struts will look it up in the 
struts-config file for me. 

I'm trying to get Struts to output the contents of an ActionForm property, 
without binding it to an input control. Currently, I'm using  to render 
the display-only info. However, this requires me to name the form bean 
explicitly, which I would like to avoid:


 Enter customer name: 

I looked through the struts  tags looking for one that simply emits the 
data in the specified form bean, but I can't find one. What am I missing? 


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Re: Redirecting to input when validation fails

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael, don't worry we like your stuff:) You don't have to create posts
> from fake email addresses and names like Abdullah Jibaly and Stephen Schaub.

Rick, I hope you are kidding (is it Friday already?), because these
posts are real. At least, they are not sent by me ;-)


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread netsql

Rick Reumann wrote:
 Call me stupid but I don't

even know what p-langs are (languages I can urinate on?:)


PHP (Friendster tried J2EE, went to PHP). Part of LAMP stack, conisdered 
most effective. Try Tiki-Wiki or Drupal when you get a project, you are 
80% done.

Python (used by Google)
Plone (use on Spring home page)


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, yes they'd have to extend that in order to utilize your processing
> in the ActionForm functionality. Bottom line is I think all you've done
> is move where you do the processing... you moved it from the Actions to
> the ActionForms. If you like this approach definitely check out
> StrutsDialog. (Sorry Michael, not trying to oversimplify all that your
> stuff does, I realize it's much more than processing in the ActionForm,
> but if he's going to do this he might as well stand on the shoulders of
> someone who has done all the work already:)

On 7/11/05, Schaub, Stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I took a brief look, but I don't see how StrutsDialogs corresponds to what 
> I'm suggesting. It appears to maintain a separation of Action and ActionForm, 
> which I am proposing to combine.

First of all, to get it over with, Struts Dialogs has plans to combine
Action and ActionForm but it is not there yet :)

Second, the concept of Struts Dialogs is different. Stephen wants to
have one class -> one page relation. JSF or ASP.NET is the way to go
in this case. My library DOES NOT maintain one-to-one relations of
Java class to a page. Quite contrary, the whole idea is to serve
*different* pages from *one* location. And, if no other hi-tech stuff
like mod-rewrite is used, it means to serve different pages from one
action. This is NOT what Stephen wants.

On the other hand, Stephen, why do you want to have one class per
page? Page is not what you load by browser. You load a resource, which
can potentially generate many different pages. This is much more
flexible. Even MS is adding Front Controller to ASP.NET 2.0, realising
limitations of Page Controller architecture, which it uses in current

Think again, why exactly you want to address to a *page* istead of
addressing to a *resource*.

P.S. As Craig M. explained, one of the reasons of having one-to-one
class->page relationship in JSF is the simplicity of this concept to
[current and former] desktop app developers. But it does not
necessarily mean that this concept is better, than Front Controller
used in Struts.


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

netsql wrote the following on 7/11/2005 4:20 PM:

Realy Rick, please try Groovy... it's the answer that's looking for you. 
I am sure you have read some of the Rails press.

Actually, Groovy is one of the things I do want to take a look at. 
Hopefully one of these days I'll get to it:)


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Re: Redirecting to input when validation fails

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Michael Jouravlev wrote the following on 7/11/2005 4:11 PM:

On 7/11/05, Abdullah Jibaly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I have two action: Display.do and Process.do.

Display.do forwards to a jsp page. Upon submit, Process.do is invoked. The 
action mapping for Process.do specifies Display.do as the input, however, when 
form validation for Process.do fails (validate is set to true), the url still 
shows Process.do in the browser. Is there a way to make struts do a redirect to 
Display.do without losing error messages, etc?


Michael, don't worry we like your stuff:) You don't have to create posts 
from fake email addresses and names like Abdullah Jibaly and Stephen Schaub.


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread netsql

Rick Reumann wrote:
They have to look at a database model in order to figure 
out how to get back a dateOfBirth field? 

Yup. Each develolper has a 24" poster of the data model. DBA is in 
charge, Model Driven. Just like client server days.

they want to iterate over this list and display some properties. 

I use JXTable that needs a tableModel.
I wrote a class that extends tableModel that takes init(List)

In Struts, you can pass the List to DisplayTag, but you know that.

 they'll have to look up the database model.

Yup. Each develolper has a 24" poster of the data model. DBA is in 
charge, Model Driven. Just like client server days. Did you bring that 
up again?

 I'm just glad I don't have to 
work on projects where I have to go to the datamodel to figure out the 
names of my properties to use as a key in order to get out a property 
from a Map. 

what if you had...
if ( someCondition ) {
  Integer age = (Integer)employee.get("DOB");
  //other stuff

We almost never see class cast exception in practice.

> How does the developer know what "type"

was used for the value? I can look at a bean and see...

No type. Look, lots of developers are using dynamic langs.
I suggest you try Groovy one time, just play w/ it. Its 
Better/Faster/Ligher J2EE.
Realy Rick, please try Groovy... it's the answer that's looking for you. 
I am sure you have read some of the Rails press.

Double price;  but I have not idea what type of value 
shippingOrder.get("price") is. The developer just has to guess or where 
does he look? The datamodel?

OK... I see your main point is that one has to memorize the data model. 
In order to write good fast scalaeable querries you have to know the 
DBA is resposible for the data model. They tend to be VERY experienced 
w/ production issues. So I leverage their experience over java 
developers, most Java people tend to have less than 10 years prof. exp.

> Sure
if only one person has to deal with the code, it 'might' be faster since 
he might simply remember all the types etc, but what happens when the 
code is inherited? Pity on that developer.

Good theory that I used to beleive.
In practice, that is why I went from Beans to Maps. 10% of get/sets on a 
project tend to be deprecated either becuase of model changes or becuase 
of view changes.

W/ a Map:
- you don't have VO/DTO classes, but still have layer, 0 code, 0 bugs
- It's dynamic, when DAO SQL string changes... so does your 

I removed an entire layer and still have the layer.

Developers are so pasionate... that's what makes them good.


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Schaub, Stephen wrote the following on 7/11/2005 3:56 PM:

Yes -- it is supposed to be abstract -- each ActionForm subclass must
define an execute() method to perform the processing for that form.

(Right but in your example you were showing LoginAction as the 
implementing class and you still kept it abstract in the example- 
probaby just cut and paste errror no big deal)

If you like this approach definitely check out  StrutsDialog.

Thanks for the tip. I took a brief look, but I don't see how
StrutsDialogs corresponds to what I'm suggesting. It appears to
maintain a separation of Action and ActionForm, which I am proposing
to combine.

Actually you might want to get with Michael, he has been talking about 
combining the ActionForm and Action together, and I too think that's the 
best approach to take if you plan to push the business logic into the 


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Schaub, Stephen wrote the following on 7/11/2005 2:07 PM:
> > With this approach, most JSP pages could have a single Java class --
> > a SimpleActionForm subclass that handles both validation and
> > processing for the page:
> Michael, is this guy a plant from your StrutsDialog camp?:)

I wanted to post something like "Rick, Ted and other orthodox guys,
check out this guy's suggestion", but then I decided not to ;-)


Oh, almost forgot the plug: Struts Dialogs,


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Re: I can't initialize de Serlvet Action :(

2005-07-11 Thread Martin Gainty

Can you show us the StackTrace from display or your logs???
Buena Suerte,
- Original Message - 
From: "Zarar Siddiqi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: I can't initialize de Serlvet Action :(

The trouble is that you're not saying much.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mariano Petrakovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Lista de correo de Struts" 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 2:26 PM
Subject: I can't initialize de Serlvet Action :(

Throw an exception ServletAction can't load...

In my .jsp say me same (I'm using eclipe)... what should be the troubble?

Mariano G. Petrakovsky
Programmer · Software Factory
AXG Tecnonexo -  www.tecnonexo.com

Development facilities:Av. Maipú 1252 8º (C1006ACT) · Buenos Aires ·
Tel.: (54-11) 4878-0005 - Fax: (54-11) 4878-0065.

Headquarters: 1604 Spring Hill Road, Suite 160 Vienna · VA 22182 · USA.
Tel.: (202) 986-7541 - Fax: (202) 787-3891.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 

· · · ·

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Re: Redirecting to input when validation fails

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Abdullah Jibaly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have two action: Display.do and Process.do.
> Display.do forwards to a jsp page. Upon submit, Process.do is invoked. The 
> action mapping for Process.do specifies Display.do as the input, however, 
> when form validation for Process.do fails (validate is set to true), the url 
> still shows Process.do in the browser. Is there a way to make struts do a 
> redirect to Display.do without losing error messages, etc?



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RE: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Schaub, Stephen
Zarar Siddiqi wrote:

> I think the ideal that you're searching for is "one class per 
> view". Take a look at JSF.

That's correct. And I'm familiar with JSF -- but it's way too complicated for 
my needs. Plus Struts is dictated for this project...


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Re: Vignette V6 Struts-based web application

2005-07-11 Thread Martin Gainty
For that specific capability I would contact Vignette directly at 

Good Luck,

- Original Message - 
From: "Rick Reumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: Vignette V6 Struts-based web application

Kareem Hassan wrote the following on 7/7/2005 5:59 AM:

I am new to Vignette CMS and was wandering that if someone could help me
out how a Struts-based web application can fit into Vignette CM model ?
I'm working on a Strut-based project and am told that I have to let
Vignette JSP controller to handle all JSPs rendering/forwarding and
throw away existing Struts framework, which uses its own action
controller to handle all JSP presentation. Is this true? Any
workarounds? or Can Vignette just manage Struts actions url pattern
/do/MyAction instead of /pages/MyPage.jsp?

Vingnette - run away, run far away:) In all seriousness, though, some 
people have worked with vingnette stuff before here and it has been 
nothing but headaches.


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Zarar Siddiqi
I think the ideal that you're searching for is "one class per view".  Take a 
look at JSF.

- Original Message - 
From: "Schaub, Stephen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 3:56 PM
Subject: RE: Putting execute() in ActionForm

Rick Reumann wrote:

> With this approach, most JSP pages could have a single Java class --
> a SimpleActionForm subclass that handles both validation and
> processing for the page:

Well they certainly wouldn't have a 'single' java class, you
would have
a LOT of them.

Sorry -- I meant a single Java class per JSP page, instead of _two_ Java 
classes (an Action and an ActionForm) per JSP page.

I don't think you meant for that to be abstract. But notice you know
have an execute in all your ActionForms? How is that different than
simply the processing done in different Actions as Struts is now? All
you've done is pushed down the processing to a different place..
ActionForm vs Action.

Yes -- it is supposed to be abstract -- each ActionForm subclass must 
define an execute() method to perform the processing for that form. You're 
right in saying that All I've done is push the processing to a different 
place -- but it's for the purpose of combining the Action and the 
ActionForm to reduce the number of separate Java classes needed for a 
typical Struts app, hopefully reducing complexity.

If you like this approach definitely check out  StrutsDialog.

Thanks for the tip. I took a brief look, but I don't see how StrutsDialogs 
corresponds to what I'm suggesting. It appears to maintain a separation of 
Action and ActionForm, which I am proposing to combine.


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Displaying data from a form bean

2005-07-11 Thread Schaub, Stephen
Newbie question:

Struts lets me bind ActionForm properties to HTML form components like this:

 Enter customer name: 

I don't have to name the form bean, because Struts will look it up in the 
struts-config file for me. 

I'm trying to get Struts to output the contents of an ActionForm property, 
without binding it to an input control. Currently, I'm using  to render 
the display-only info. However, this requires me to name the form bean 
explicitly, which I would like to avoid:


 Enter customer name: 

I looked through the struts  tags looking for one that simply emits the 
data in the specified form bean, but I can't find one. What am I missing? 


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[FRIDAY] Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Frank W. Zammetti wrote the following on 7/11/2005 4:00 PM:

Ditto :)

(That's my Patrick Swayze moment for the day)

awhhh shucks, I thought you were a Rush Ditto-head for a moment:)

See I labeled this thread [FRIDAY] - I didn't want the sruts-list users 
police showing up

(just messin around guys, point taken on cutting down on OT 
posts..yada.. yada.. yada:)


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A bean is self-documenting in that you can immediately tell what its
> attributes are and what types they are.  I'm not even talking about
> generating javadoc from the source either, but that's certainly a very
> nice by-product.

If I could have a property in Delphi or C# style... Or if I could at
least write something like that:

 * Flag that demo mode is on
private boolean isDemo;
public boolean getIsDemo() { ... }
public setIsDemo(boolean isDemo) { ... }

... and my methods *would be commented in javadoc* too, it would be
much better than current approach with lots of lines and comments for
each getter/setter. Three properties commented in current approved
Java style, and you already lost in the code. This sucks.


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

netsql wrote the following on 7/11/2005 3:36 PM:

Most of the sucessfull p-langs are dynamic. In flash, array and map are 
same class even. I envy their sucess. For example, the home page of 
Spring is done in Plone.

Vic, I love you man, but coming back with what Flash or some other 
language does isn't germane to the situation. Call me stupid but I don't 
even know what p-langs are (languages I can urinate on?:)


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Rick Reumann wrote:
But also remember it's not just about how nice it is to find out the 
types and names of the properties. Using Maps can introduce a lot of 
hidden bugs that are difficult to track down (mentioned just a few in 
last e-mail)

Ditto :)

(That's my Patrick Swayze moment for the day)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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RE: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Schaub, Stephen
Rick Reumann wrote:

> > With this approach, most JSP pages could have a single Java class --
> > a SimpleActionForm subclass that handles both validation and
> > processing for the page:
> Well they certainly wouldn't have a 'single' java class, you 
> would have 
> a LOT of them.

Sorry -- I meant a single Java class per JSP page, instead of _two_ Java 
classes (an Action and an ActionForm) per JSP page.

> I don't think you meant for that to be abstract. But notice you know 
> have an execute in all your ActionForms? How is that different than 
> simply the processing done in different Actions as Struts is now? All 
> you've done is pushed down the processing to a different place.. 
> ActionForm vs Action.

Yes -- it is supposed to be abstract -- each ActionForm subclass must define an 
execute() method to perform the processing for that form. You're right in 
saying that All I've done is push the processing to a different place -- but 
it's for the purpose of combining the Action and the ActionForm to reduce the 
number of separate Java classes needed for a typical Struts app, hopefully 
reducing complexity.

> If you like this approach definitely check out  StrutsDialog. 

Thanks for the tip. I took a brief look, but I don't see how StrutsDialogs 
corresponds to what I'm suggesting. It appears to maintain a separation of 
Action and ActionForm, which I am proposing to combine.


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Martin Gainty

-1 for maps after how strongly typed is an object???
+1 for Value Objects If you follow the axiom from Floyd Marinescu
Design custom value objects that wrap arbitrary sets of data as needed by 
the client, completely decoupled from the layout of the domain model on the 
serverDesign custom value objects that wrap arbitrary sets of data as needed 
by the client, completely decoupled from the layout of the domain model on 
the serverDesign custom value objects that wrap arbitrary sets of data as 
needed by the client, completely decoupled from the layout of the domain 
model on the serverDesign custom value objects that wrap arbitrary sets of 
data as needed by the client

completely decouple from the layout of the domain model of the server
excerpted from this analysis of ValueObjects,VO Factory available from the 
birthplace of HAL at University of Illinois Urbana
Design custom value objects that wrap arbitrary sets of data as needed by 
the client, completely decoupled from the layout of the domain model on the 
server- Original Message - 
From: "Rick Reumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

netsql wrote the following on 7/11/2005 2:15 PM:

I think it vastly simplifies to use Maps in places where I used to use 
beans. (I even got rid of baseBeans domain how much I loved maps)

Vic I think you sleep with the Map API under your pillow at night or use 
it as a Teddy Bear when you sleep:)

I agree Maps will work fine for rapid development, but I like the type 
safety of using typed properties in my VOs.

Just as an example, I know we both use iBATIS, under your Map idea, you 
could end up with the crap out occuring at the DB level whereas if you use 
a typed POJO you'll find the error much sooner. What if in your scenario 
you pass in some mangled up String represntation of a Date as your value 
in your map and the backend then needs to process that as Date in the DB? 
You'll end up with a DB exception. Using normally typed POJOs you won't 
have this problem since you'll catch it much sooner when trying to do the 
conversion of your String to Date.

The other aspect is just the pure functionality of using a typed VO vs a 
Map. For example if you are using a Map to represent an Employee how do 
you know what to name the keys? Someone can put in map.put("firstName", 
name ).. someone else might put map.put("fName", name ) ? even using 
Constants is messy (map.put(Constants.NAME, name).. granted that's better 
but now you have to maintain a constants class as well as you Map in place 
of a standard POJO?

How do you deal with these issues? How does a developer working on your 
code know how to even get the properties out of your Map? I guess he has 
to look at some API contract saying put date of birth in the Map as "dob" 
not "dateOfBirth."  Also, the rapid development using Maps will sure end 
up being a drawback when you end up having to work with the Maps. In my 
IDE I can get dot completion to work easily but that's not gonig to work 
with your Map approach. If I need firstName from employee I can just do 
employee(dot)=[pop up of methods]... you're going to get ..   employee. 
[ get, put, etc Map methods !]

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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Frank W. Zammetti wrote the following on 7/11/2005 3:48 PM:

A bean is self-documenting in that you can immediately tell what its 
attributes are and what types they are.  I'm not even talking about 
generating javadoc from the source either, but that's certainly a very 
nice by-product.


But also remember it's not just about how nice it is to find out the 
types and names of the properties. Using Maps can introduce a lot of 
hidden bugs that are difficult to track down (mentioned just a few in 
last e-mail)


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

netsql wrote the following on 7/11/2005 3:25 PM:

Rick Reumann wrote:
How does a developer working on your

code know how to even get the properties out of your Map? I guess he 
has to look at some API contract saying put date of birth in the Map 
as "dob" not "dateOfBirth." 

As in iBatis, name of the map property is in my case the field name in 
the table, and I do not have to map it, it compes that way.

But my point is users using your API, how do they know what they are 
getting back? They have to look at a database model in order to figure 
out how to get back a dateOfBirth field? That's crazy imo. Someone is 
coding and they call   List employees = mapHappyVic.getEmpoyees();  Now 
they want to iterate over this list and display some properties. Tell me 
how they figure out what the fields are to pull from the Map? Using 
regular POJOS and an IDE or even the java docs (for the vi users:) 
they'll be able to figure out what to call, for your List of Maps of 
employees they'll have to look up the database model.

Some people don't get dynamic langs yet... just like some people took a 
long time to get OO. It's much less code.

Come on! what kind of comparison is that - comparing the use of Maps to 
coming around to understanding OO? Anyway, use your Maps, I'm not saying 
they are a poor choice in all cases, but I think it's an unwise decision 
in most cases for model layer objects. I'm just glad I don't have to 
work on projects where I have to go to the datamodel to figure out the 
names of my properties to use as a key in order to get out a property 
from a Map. Not only that, you have no type safety plus think of all the 
stupid time wasted debugging because using that approach you'll no 
compile time checks. I can type employee.getDOB() if it's 
employee.getDateOfBirth, but you certainly won't have a compilation 
problem with employee.get("DOB") Also, think of the potential for bugs 
to not creep up until odd times... what if you had...

if ( someCondition ) {
  Integer age = (Integer)employee.get("DOB");
  //other stuff

if DOB should be dateOfBirth you might not even find about the error 
until "somceCondition" is met. On top of that, look at the other 
situation, math operations How does the developer know what "type" 
was used for the value? I can look at a bean and see...

Double price;  but I have not idea what type of value 
shippingOrder.get("price") is. The developer just has to guess or where 
does he look? The datamodel? Some other docs? Pain in the butt if you 
ask me. I swear using Maps will cost a lot of time in the long run. Sure 
if only one person has to deal with the code, it 'might' be faster since 
he might simply remember all the types etc, but what happens when the 
code is inherited? Pity on that developer.


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
It's ironic to me that I had this same discussion with someone at work 
just last week :)

I *was* in the "Maps are better" camp until a few months back when I 
changed my mind, and it comes down to one thing:

Self-documenting code is better.

A bean is self-documenting in that you can immediately tell what its 
attributes are and what types they are.  I'm not even talking about 
generating javadoc from the source either, but that's certainly a very 
nice by-product.

Developers HATE documenting.  I'm sure there are exceptions, but by and 
large that is a very fair generalization in my experience.  If you trust 
a developer to document what is going into a Map, your asking for 
trouble, generally-speaking.

I don't personally use an IDE, but I think Rick's point about 
auto-completion and the like is important because many people *DO* use 
IDEs, and if you give them a bean they can be more effective faster than 
if you give them a map with some documentation on what they may find in 
it at various points in time, and that's even assuming the documentation 
is accurate :)

Especially in a team environment, I would always go with a real bean now 
over a Map-based design, even though I agree with may of the points made 
on why Maps are good.  But in this world of trade-offs, I think you gain 
more by using a bean than you do by using a Map, again, generally-speaking.


netsql wrote:

Larry Meadors wrote:

Hmm, of course, who needs things like refactoring, and compile time
name and type checking? That's why you have users, eh? They'll find
the bugs eventually. ;-)


Get/Set, Get/Set Half the time I have no idea what the db date will 
come back as.
Look, I think some of you will belive me that I know well the benefits 
of beans and that I have done at least several deployed projects w/ 
beans. It was a best aproach for the time. Now I have an alternative.

It does not change jUnit testing in anyway, I fire a populate/CRUDs and 
assert. So using maps does not make me insane.  :-P

Compile time type checking? Like in dynamic langs?
Most of the sucessfull p-langs are dynamic. In flash, array and map are 
same class even. I envy their sucess. For example, the home page of 
Spring is done in Plone.

So I just duplicate their aproach to get their Cost of Operation.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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PASSWORD DIGESTION...RealmBase import problem...help please!

2005-07-11 Thread O. Oke
Help please!

I want to store the digested version of user's
password in the database.  Therefore, I imported
org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase so that I can use
the static DIGEST method in the class for the
digestion of the password

I am using Eclipse 3.0.2, tomcat-5.5.9 and JDK 1.5

After importing org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase
class, I keep getting error msg: "The import
org.apache.catalina cannot be resolved".  I do not
expect to get this error because I have followed the
instructions on how to achieve my objective correctly.
 The instructions are here:

In line with the instructions, I added catalina.jar to
my classpath; please see classpath below:


In DOS the RealmBase class was found, it is only in
the action class that it is not found - cannot be

Everything to do with password/login is working,
except for digestion.  As I have pointed out it has
not been possible to enable digestion because of the
problem with importing the class.

Can anyone please tell me what I need to do to get
round the import problem?  I hasten to point out, I
even restarted my machine after adding catalina.jar to
my classpath.

Thank you.

Ola'dele Oke

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 

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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread netsql

Larry Meadors wrote:

Hmm, of course, who needs things like refactoring, and compile time
name and type checking? That's why you have users, eh? They'll find
the bugs eventually. ;-)


Get/Set, Get/Set Half the time I have no idea what the db date will 
come back as.
Look, I think some of you will belive me that I know well the benefits 
of beans and that I have done at least several deployed projects w/ 
beans. It was a best aproach for the time. Now I have an alternative.

It does not change jUnit testing in anyway, I fire a populate/CRUDs and 
assert. So using maps does not make me insane.  :-P

Compile time type checking? Like in dynamic langs?
Most of the sucessfull p-langs are dynamic. In flash, array and map are 
same class even. I envy their sucess. For example, the home page of 
Spring is done in Plone.

So I just duplicate their aproach to get their Cost of Operation.


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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Schaub, Stephen wrote the following on 7/11/2005 2:07 PM:

public class SimpleAction extends Action { public ActionForward
execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest
request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {  
SimpleActionForm bean = (SimpleActionForm)form; return

bean.execute(mapping, request, response); } }

You can do that, although I still like my business logic done higher up 
in the Action (Servlet) that I submit to rather than having it be done 
in the Object that is backing the view (your ActionForm subclass). 
Michael Jouravlev on this list does this and his stuff looks very nice 
if you want to take this approach.

With this approach, most JSP pages could have a single Java class --
a SimpleActionForm subclass that handles both validation and
processing for the page:

Well they certainly wouldn't have a 'single' java class, you would have 
a LOT of them. I can have one ActionForm (if I wanted) for my entire 
application but you will definitely have many of them to process the 
business logic. You mean you'll have 'one' java class that is extended. 
I don't see the big deal of that since Struts has the same concept.. 
your ActionForms extend a flavor of the ActionForm base class.

public class LoginForm extends SimpleActionForm {  private String
username; private String password;  ... getter and setter methods ...

public abstract ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, 
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws

Exception { ... Login processing ... }   public ActionErrors
validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest req) { ...
validation code ... }


I don't think you meant for that to be abstract. But notice you know 
have an execute in all your ActionForms? How is that different than 
simply the processing done in different Actions as Struts is now? All 
you've done is pushed down the processing to a different place.. 
ActionForm vs Action.

Then, in my struts-config.xml file, most form beans would extend the
SimpleActionForm, and most actions would use the SimpleAction type:


Ok, yes they'd have to extend that in order to utilize your processing 
in the ActionForm functionality. Bottom line is I think all you've done 
is move where you do the processing... you moved it from the Actions to 
the ActionForms. If you like this approach definitely check out 
StrutsDialog. (Sorry Michael, not trying to oversimplify all that your 
stuff does, I realize it's much more than processing in the ActionForm, 
but if he's going to do this he might as well stand on the shoulders of 
someone who has done all the work already:)


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Redirecting to input when validation fails

2005-07-11 Thread Abdullah Jibaly
Hi all,

I have two action: Display.do and Process.do.

Display.do forwards to a jsp page. Upon submit, Process.do is invoked. The 
action mapping for Process.do specifies Display.do as the input, however, when 
form validation for Process.do fails (validate is set to true), the url still 
shows Process.do in the browser. Is there a way to make struts do a redirect to 
Display.do without losing error messages, etc?


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread netsql

Rick Reumann wrote:
How does a developer working on your
code know how to even get the properties out of your Map? I guess he has 
to look at some API contract saying put date of birth in the Map as 
"dob" not "dateOfBirth." 

As in iBatis, name of the map property is in my case the field name in 
the table, and I do not have to map it, it compes that way.

Think how rarely you get class cast exceptions! Very rare. Forget you CS 

> In my IDE I can get dot completion to work easily but that's not
gonig to work with your Map approach. If I need firstName from employee 
I can just do employee(dot)=[pop up of methods]... you're going to get 
..   employee. [ get, put, etc Map methods !]

I have been using Flash, CoR and Groovy and got used to the dynamic 
nature and maps (CoR Context is a map too, I use it as a sort of a 
vararg). Also, w/ XML. Imagine a XML used for SoA you knid of have 
to  know what you are getting so you can show a jTable.
I just have a XML DAO (ibatis) and a model that only has a populate/crud 
methods, no gets/sets.

On a large project, the fact that there are thousands of classes not in 
a project is a huge maitanace improvment. Anytime my developer would 
think bean use a map instead.

See post by Jeff Butler on "Map over Bean" in iBatis list.

Before that multiple developers develop a similar "CutomerBean" and as 
the front end or back end would change, they had CRUFT geters/setters. 
(on 1up.com project) With a Map... there are 0 such clases.
Some people don't get dynamic langs yet... just like some people took a 
long time to get OO. It's much less code.

You can use validator w/ map, DynaMaps...
It's diferent. Anywho... that what my team does on this JDNC project.

ps/ot: Did you say IDE dot completion? ;-) I don't need no stinking badges.

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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Larry Meadors
Hmm, of course, who needs things like refactoring, and compile time
name and type checking? That's why you have users, eh? They'll find
the bugs eventually. ;-)


On 7/11/05, netsql <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> of course... I use Collections (Maps and Lists) as VO/DTO.
> You can wrap them w/ DynaMaps, you can validate a map, you don't have to
> maintain deprecated gets/sets, it reduces duplication... your dao
> can return a map/collection/list...
> I think it vastly simplifies to use Maps in places where I used to use
> beans. (I even got rid of baseBeans domain how much I loved maps)
> .V
> -
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Re: Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Schaub, Stephen wrote the following on 7/11/2005 2:07 PM:

With this approach, most JSP pages could have a single Java class --
a SimpleActionForm subclass that handles both validation and
processing for the page:

Michael, is this guy a plant from your StrutsDialog camp?:)


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Re: Vignette V6 Struts-based web application

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Kareem Hassan wrote the following on 7/7/2005 5:59 AM:

I am new to Vignette CMS and was wandering that if someone could help me
out how a Struts-based web application can fit into Vignette CM model ?
I'm working on a Strut-based project and am told that I have to let
Vignette JSP controller to handle all JSPs rendering/forwarding and
throw away existing Struts framework, which uses its own action
controller to handle all JSP presentation. Is this true? Any
workarounds? or Can Vignette just manage Struts actions url pattern
/do/MyAction instead of /pages/MyPage.jsp?

Vingnette - run away, run far away:) In all seriousness, though, some 
people have worked with vingnette stuff before here and it has been 
nothing but headaches.


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

netsql wrote the following on 7/11/2005 2:15 PM:

I think it vastly simplifies to use Maps in places where I used to use 
beans. (I even got rid of baseBeans domain how much I loved maps)

Vic I think you sleep with the Map API under your pillow at night or use 
it as a Teddy Bear when you sleep:)

I agree Maps will work fine for rapid development, but I like the type 
safety of using typed properties in my VOs.

Just as an example, I know we both use iBATIS, under your Map idea, you 
could end up with the crap out occuring at the DB level whereas if you 
use a typed POJO you'll find the error much sooner. What if in your 
scenario you pass in some mangled up String represntation of a Date as 
your value in your map and the backend then needs to process that as 
Date in the DB? You'll end up with a DB exception. Using normally typed 
POJOs you won't have this problem since you'll catch it much sooner when 
trying to do the conversion of your String to Date.

The other aspect is just the pure functionality of using a typed VO vs a 
Map. For example if you are using a Map to represent an Employee how do 
you know what to name the keys? Someone can put in map.put("firstName", 
name ).. someone else might put map.put("fName", name ) ? even using 
Constants is messy (map.put(Constants.NAME, name).. granted that's 
better but now you have to maintain a constants class as well as you Map 
in place of a standard POJO?

How do you deal with these issues? How does a developer working on your 
code know how to even get the properties out of your Map? I guess he has 
to look at some API contract saying put date of birth in the Map as 
"dob" not "dateOfBirth."  Also, the rapid development using Maps will 
sure end up being a drawback when you end up having to work with the 
Maps. In my IDE I can get dot completion to work easily but that's not 
gonig to work with your Map approach. If I need firstName from employee 
I can just do employee(dot)=[pop up of methods]... you're going to get 
..   employee. [ get, put, etc Map methods !]

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Re: Changing Form Target in Action?

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I've had to do something like this in the past, I didn't
> actually change the target, but rather caused the response page to
> use the new target as part of its page loading.  That is, the
> response page would have an onload handler which would load the
> necessary content in a new target.

This looks easier than to call validate() from already opened popup. I
like this one.


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Re: Changing Form Target in Action?

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

David Johnson wrote the following on 7/11/2005 2:23 PM:

 Oh this one sounds good. I'm not sure how I'd actually DO that though.. can 
you provide more info? All my pages are tiles definitions right now. How 
would I cause the response page to use the new target (conditionally)?

what about something like... one JSP page for form.

//bottom of JSP .. although probably will work fine up top


Your dispatch Action:

validateMe(...) {
  //if ok ...
  //else if failed...save errors
  //forward to same JSP

pdfProcess(..) {
  //normal proces of form data to create your PDF or whatever
  //forward page to display PDF

Key is to call validate manually in your action.

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Re: I can't initialize de Serlvet Action :(

2005-07-11 Thread Zarar Siddiqi

The trouble is that you're not saying much.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mariano Petrakovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Lista de correo de Struts" 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 2:26 PM
Subject: I can't initialize de Serlvet Action :(

Throw an exception ServletAction can't load...

In my .jsp say me same (I'm using eclipe)... what should be the troubble?

Mariano G. Petrakovsky
Programmer · Software Factory
AXG Tecnonexo -  www.tecnonexo.com

Development facilities:Av. Maipú 1252 8º (C1006ACT) · Buenos Aires ·
Tel.: (54-11) 4878-0005 - Fax: (54-11) 4878-0065.

Headquarters: 1604 Spring Hill Road, Suite 160 Vienna · VA 22182 · USA.
Tel.: (202) 986-7541 - Fax: (202) 787-3891.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 

· · · ·

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PASSWORD DIGESTION...RealmBase import problem...help please!

2005-07-11 Thread O. Oke
Help please!

I want to store the digested version of user's
password in the database.  Therefore, I imported
org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase so that I can use
the static DIGEST method in the class for the
digestion of the password

I am using Eclipse 3.0.2, tomcat-5.5.9 and JDK 1.5

After importing org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase
class, I keep getting error msg: "The import
org.apache.catalina cannot be resolved".  I do not
expect to get this error because I have followed the
instructions on how to achieve my objective correctly.
 The instructions are here:

In line with the instructions, I added catalina.jar to
my classpath; please see classpath below:


In DOS the RealmBase class was found, it is only in
the action class that it is not found - cannot be

Everything to do with password/login is working,
except for digestion.  As I have pointed out it has
not been possible to enable digestion because of the
problem with importing the class.

Can anyone please tell me what I need to do to get
round the import problem?  I hasten to point out, I
even restarted my machine after adding catalina.jar to
my classpath.

Thank you.

Ola'dele Oke

How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos http://uk.photos.yahoo.com

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I can't initialize de Serlvet Action :(

2005-07-11 Thread Mariano Petrakovsky

Throw an exception ServletAction can't load...

In my .jsp say me same (I'm using eclipe)... what should be the troubble?

Mariano G. Petrakovsky
Programmer · Software Factory
AXG Tecnonexo -  www.tecnonexo.com

Development facilities:Av. Maipú 1252 8º (C1006ACT) · Buenos Aires ·
Tel.: (54-11) 4878-0005 - Fax: (54-11) 4878-0065.

Headquarters: 1604 Spring Hill Road, Suite 160 Vienna · VA 22182 · USA.
Tel.: (202) 986-7541 - Fax: (202) 787-3891.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
· · · ·

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Re: Changing Form Target in Action?

2005-07-11 Thread David Johnson
 Oh this one sounds good. I'm not sure how I'd actually DO that though.. can 
you provide more info? All my pages are tiles definitions right now. How 
would I cause the response page to use the new target (conditionally)?

 On 7/11/05, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> When I've had to do something like this in the past, I didn't
> actually change the target, but rather caused the response page to
> use the new target as part of its page loading. That is, the
> response page would have an onload handler which would load the
> necessary content in a new target.
> If your new target is a new window, pop-up blockers may foil this,
> and of course, you'll have to make sure to preserve any relevant
> state, since the onload handler will initiate a separate request.
> Can you make that work?
> Joe
> At 1:49 PM -0400 7/11/05, David Johnson wrote:
> >Hi all
> > I have the following problem:
> > I have a button on my form that uses javascript to change to form target
> >before submitting because I'm exporting an RTF generated in my action to 
> the
> >new browser, as follows
> >
> > >onclick="set('export');setFormTarget('_export')"
> >disabled="false">Create Graph (Popup)
> >
> >function setFormTarget(newTarget){
> >document.forms[0].target=newTarget;
> >}
> >
> >The thing is I want to be able to use the validate() method in my Form
> >object and return to the ORIGINAL browser if an error is encountered...
> >
> >so is there anything I can do within the action to affect that?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >--
> >-Dave
> --
> Joe Germuska
> http://blog.germuska.com
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex
> -
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Re: Changing Form Target in Action?

2005-07-11 Thread David Johnson
 I suppose it would be easier to just do the validation in JavaScript... but 
I **really** dont want to. It just seems inconsistent.
 So there's no way to change what browser the validate() returns to once 
I've submitted the form and I'm in the validate() method? Some attribute on 
the request perhaps? I mean the request has to know where it's forwarding 
to, right?
 On 7/11/05, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> When I've had to do something like this in the past, I didn't
> actually change the target, but rather caused the response page to
> use the new target as part of its page loading. That is, the
> response page would have an onload handler which would load the
> necessary content in a new target.
> If your new target is a new window, pop-up blockers may foil this,
> and of course, you'll have to make sure to preserve any relevant
> state, since the onload handler will initiate a separate request.
> Can you make that work?
> Joe
> At 1:49 PM -0400 7/11/05, David Johnson wrote:
> >Hi all
> > I have the following problem:
> > I have a button on my form that uses javascript to change to form target
> >before submitting because I'm exporting an RTF generated in my action to 
> the
> >new browser, as follows
> >
> > >onclick="set('export');setFormTarget('_export')"
> >disabled="false">Create Graph (Popup)
> >
> >function setFormTarget(newTarget){
> >document.forms[0].target=newTarget;
> >}
> >
> >The thing is I want to be able to use the validate() method in my Form
> >object and return to the ORIGINAL browser if an error is encountered...
> >
> >so is there anything I can do within the action to affect that?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >--
> >-Dave
> --
> Joe Germuska
> http://blog.germuska.com
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex
> -
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Re: Changing Form Target in Action?

2005-07-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Hi David,

If I'm understanding your goal correctly, then you won't be able to do 
this without some sort of scripting because the form target is a purely 
client-side attribute, you won't be able to change it from the 
server-side, which is really what you'd want to do.

If scripting is OK with you, there are some approaches...

(1) Use Ajax... submit the form and render the response.  When you get 
it back, examine it... if it's an error response (you'll have to figure 
out how to determine this based on what your app does), then your still 
on the page and can do whatever you like (i.e., show errors, whatever). 
 If it's not an error response, open a popup at that point, or perhaps 
just display what was sent back in a , what is appropriate.

(2) Along the lines of 1, use frames... target your form to a hidden 
frame (set rows or cols, depending on the layour, to 0).  When the 
response comes back, include in it some simple Javascript that either 
opens the popup and copies the HTML over to it, or display error 
responses, in response to onLoad.

(3) As Michael suggested, target the new window as your doing now, and 
simply return some Javascript that either closes the popup, and probably 
pass the error information back to the parent before that, or continue 
as usual.  This happens in response to the onLoad event of course.

#1 is probably the approach that gives the best UI experience, but #3 is 
probably the simplest to implement.  All require scripting though.  If 
you decide to go with #1, the AjaxTags component of my Java Web Parts 
project may save you a lot of time 
(http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net).  If you go with either of the 
other suggestions, feel free to ping me if you have specific questions 
about them.


Michael Jouravlev wrote:

On 7/11/05, David Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all
I have the following problem:
I have a button on my form that uses javascript to change to form target
before submitting because I'm exporting an RTF generated in my action to the
new browser, as follows

Create Graph (Popup)

function setFormTarget(newTarget){

The thing is I want to be able to use the validate() method in my Form
object and return to the ORIGINAL browser if an error is encountered...

so is there anything I can do within the action to affect that?


I never done stuff with popup windows, but I would consider trying
something like this:

* you open a new window and submit to action which validates input
(automatic validation is turned off);
* you manually call validate() from action class, and if input is
incorrect, you return a small html with javascript, which would close
current window (which is a popup), and would redirect to main window.
The downside: would not work without javascript. The location of main
window should be set either in struts-config.xml or maybe passed as
parameter or maybe found out via referer... Also, to show errors after
redirect you would have to stick them into session beforehand. Or to
append to redirected request.
* if data is ok, you respond with pdf to popup window directly or
to action which responds with pdf.

As a side note, I personally don't like apps which open windows
themselves. I prefer to use "Open in a new window" option if I need it
in a new window.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread netsql

of course... I use Collections (Maps and Lists) as VO/DTO.
You can wrap them w/ DynaMaps, you can validate a map, you don't have to 
maintain deprecated gets/sets, it reduces duplication... your dao 
can return a map/collection/list...

I think it vastly simplifies to use Maps in places where I used to use 
beans. (I even got rid of baseBeans domain how much I loved maps)


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Re: Changing Form Target in Action?

2005-07-11 Thread Joe Germuska
When I've had to do something like this in the past, I didn't 
actually change the target, but rather caused the response page to 
use the new target as part of its page loading.  That is, the 
response page would have an onload handler which would load the 
necessary content in a new target.

If your new target is a new window, pop-up blockers may foil this, 
and of course, you'll have to make sure to preserve any relevant 
state, since the onload handler will initiate a separate request.

Can you make that work?


At 1:49 PM -0400 7/11/05, David Johnson wrote:

Hi all
 I have the following problem:
 I have a button on my form that uses javascript to change to form target
before submitting because I'm exporting an RTF generated in my action to the
new browser, as follows

Create Graph (Popup)

function setFormTarget(newTarget){

The thing is I want to be able to use the validate() method in my Form
object and return to the ORIGINAL browser if an error is encountered...

so is there anything I can do within the action to affect that?



Joe Germuska
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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RE: tiles definition versus global forward issue

2005-07-11 Thread Faber, Szczepan
Got it.

Forward must be replaced by an action:

Instead of global forward:

-Original Message-
From: Faber, Szczepan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 4:13 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: tiles definition versus global forward issue


def.createItineraries is configured in tiles-defs.xml:


-Original Message-
From: Faber, Szczepan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 4:08 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: tiles definition versus global forward issue


Struts 1.2.7 - tile definition use problem.

I cannot use tile definition within the global forward (output is http

Rule tester

def.createItineraries is configured in tiles-defs.xml:

and works properly if I use it from Action class:

return mapping.findForward("index")

Did anyone have similar problems?

Thanks for any help.

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Putting execute() in ActionForm

2005-07-11 Thread Schaub, Stephen
I'm interested in some feedback on the following:

I prefer to develop web applications using a page-centric model. I like the 
simplicity of one JSP <-> one Java class for the view layer (not the model). 
Struts, with its separate Action and ActionForm classes, tends toward at least 
two Java classes for a JSP: an Action, and an ActionForm. This tends toward a 
multiplicity of Java classes. (I know it's possible to share a single 
ActionForm and Action for multiple JSP's, but I'm looking for a simpler 

I would like to create a generic Action class that delegates request processing 
to a SimpleActionForm, like this:

public abstract class SimpleActionForm extends ActionForm {
public abstract ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception;

public class SimpleAction extends Action {
public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {

SimpleActionForm bean = (SimpleActionForm)form;
return bean.execute(mapping, request, response);

With this approach, most JSP pages could have a single Java class -- a 
SimpleActionForm subclass that handles both validation and processing for the 

public class LoginForm extends SimpleActionForm {

private String username;
private String password;

  ... getter and setter methods ...

  public abstract ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
 ... Login processing ...

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest 
req) {
  ... validation code ...


Then, in my struts-config.xml file, most form beans would extend the 
SimpleActionForm, and most actions would use the SimpleAction type:



I don't have a lot of experience with Struts, so I'm interested on feedback 
about this approach. Is it a good/bad idea? If bad, why? 

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Changing Form Target in Action?

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, David Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
>  I have the following problem:
>  I have a button on my form that uses javascript to change to form target
> before submitting because I'm exporting an RTF generated in my action to the
> new browser, as follows
>  onclick="set('export');setFormTarget('_export')"
> disabled="false">Create Graph (Popup)
> function setFormTarget(newTarget){
> document.forms[0].target=newTarget;
> }
> The thing is I want to be able to use the validate() method in my Form
> object and return to the ORIGINAL browser if an error is encountered...
> so is there anything I can do within the action to affect that?
> Thanks

I never done stuff with popup windows, but I would consider trying
something like this:

* you open a new window and submit to action which validates input
(automatic validation is turned off);
* you manually call validate() from action class, and if input is
incorrect, you return a small html with javascript, which would close
current window (which is a popup), and would redirect to main window.
The downside: would not work without javascript. The location of main
window should be set either in struts-config.xml or maybe passed as
parameter or maybe found out via referer... Also, to show errors after
redirect you would have to stick them into session beforehand. Or to
append to redirected request.
* if data is ok, you respond with pdf to popup window directly or
to action which responds with pdf.

As a side note, I personally don't like apps which open windows
themselves. I prefer to use "Open in a new window" option if I need it
in a new window.


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Re: Changing Form Target in Action?

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

David Johnson wrote the following on 7/11/2005 1:49 PM:

The thing is I want to be able to use the validate() method in my Form 
object and return to the ORIGINAL browser if an error is encountered...

Hmmm, not sure about this, this sounds tricky but I bet someone more 
knowledgeable knows the answer.

I think most of the work will have to have to be on the client side. In 
other words, at a first stab at this, on the resulting page you'll need 
a test for the errors present and if so, then force a reload of the 
other window you came from and close this new window that you spawned. 
In order to make sure the errors you want show up on the original page 
when it refreshes you'll have to probably store the errors initially in 
the Session so that the other page will see them or pass the error 
message(s) in the url/action that you call from the new window which is 
used to refresh the old. Haven't done this myself, so I could be wrong 
or there may be an easier way.


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Changing Form Target in Action?

2005-07-11 Thread David Johnson
Hi all
 I have the following problem:
 I have a button on my form that uses javascript to change to form target 
before submitting because I'm exporting an RTF generated in my action to the 
new browser, as follows
Create Graph (Popup)
function setFormTarget(newTarget){

The thing is I want to be able to use the validate() method in my Form 
object and return to the ORIGINAL browser if an error is encountered...

so is there anything I can do within the action to affect that?



Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Rick Reumann

Borislav Sabev wrote the following on 7/11/2005 1:37 PM:

In case of the Integer there is pre-load default value and EVEN if 
conversion fails during the population phase, it just use is the dafault 
value (and you think it's parsed correctly). In the previous example its 
a coincidence that Rivka have 0 as default value (it's just the same 
value as init value of IntegerConverter).

Bingo:) Sorry saw this thread late and could have helped out much 
sooner. This is a HUGE problem with BeanUtils and why I end up having to 
register custom converters:(

BeanUtils (at least it always has done this, maybe in a recent version 
it's hopefully changed?), will end up converting null values to 0!! 
Stupid, stupid if you ask me (null means null not 0!) Goes the same for 
the other numeric wrappers as well. (I think their argument was for 
backwards compatibility with apps that expect that behavior).

In regard to you point...

The strange point is that I didn't find how can I set a default date
value ... if someone knows it, please share this knowledge here.

You shouldn't want a "default" at all provided by BeanUtils for cases 
where it can be null! You are using the anomoly of the way Integer is 
working and wanting to propogate that poor solution. null should be 
null.. it shouldn't be 0 or some default Date if null is provided.

If you want a default Date or some other default than provide that 
before going to your form...or if after it submits and you see a null, 
then provide the default. You could of course register your own 
converter to provide a default for when a Date is null- but I would NOT 
do this.

Actually, in regards to a Date, in case you didn't already realize, 
you'll have to provide your own converter anyway if you plan to use 
java.util.Date since BeanUtils doesn't provide that by default.. it only 
provides conversion for java.sql.Date. If you need help with the 
converters I can post some code or search the struts archives for 
"java.util.Date converter"


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Re: upload/download file to/from oracle blob field with struts

2005-07-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
I had to do this for an application.  While the code is fairly lengthy, 
longer than I'd like to post here, if you come up against specific 
problems feel free to ping me.

Although I didn't look at the article Martin referenced for you, it's a 
fairly generic problem, not something that you will write a bunch of 
Oracle-specific code for (I suppose you *could*, but at least when I did 
it I did not, and it was straight JDBC coding).


I want to upload/download a file to/from oracle blob field.
How can I do this ?
Please give an example code.

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Frank W. Zammetti
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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Borislav Sabev

Nitish Kumar wrote:

I think raghavendra is right.
Rivka, your code is working because you are using primitive type int and not
the wrapper type Integer.
In case of primitive type in case of any exception, it gives you a default

Thanks and Regards, 
Nitish Kumar 


So after small debugging session I found why it works for Integers and 
not for dates (at least in my case)
all classes  that implment Convertors interface in BeanUtils, have 
something like this as implementation of convert() method:

   public Object convert(Class type, Object value) {
   if (value == null) {
   if (useDefault) {
   return (defaultValue);
   } else {
   throw new ConversionException("No value specified");

   if (value instanceof Date) {
   return (value);

   try {
   return (Date.valueOf(value.toString()));
   } catch (Exception e) {
   if (useDefault) {
   return (defaultValue);
   } else {
   throw new ConversionException(e);


In case of the Integer there is pre-load default value and EVEN if 
conversion fails during the population phase, it just use is the dafault 
value (and you think it's parsed correctly). In the previous example its 
a coincidence that Rivka have 0 as default value (it's just the same 
value as init value of IntegerConverter).
The strange point is that I didn't find how can I set a default date 
value ... if someone knows it, please share this knowledge here.

For sure this is not a big discovery, but I spent a lot of hours to 
udnerstand it and I though that this should be described somewhere at 
some public place ... that's why I was a bit bitter in my previuos posts


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Re: [OT] UML class diagrams

2005-07-11 Thread Nick Heudecker
ArgoUML will do it.  

On 7/11/05, David Whipple <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone have any suggestions for an opensource/freeware tool for reverse
> engineering java code to class diagrams?
> Thanks,
> Dave
> -
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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/11/05, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> JSF still differentiates "real" object (whatever it might be, a real
> business object or a VO) from visual component data, which I don't
> like. From my point of view, it is much easier to have an object with
> an ID, to view/edit it, or to delete it. Therefore, I do not need
> viewstate for UI components. I only need to store my object somewhere
> like in session while I work with it. I want my widgets and my view to
> be as dumb as possible. All data and state that I need is in real
> objects, I do not need artificial viewstate to duplicate it.

Before anyone corrects me, I want to say that I went a little
overboard ;) There are selection lists, treeviews and other objects
which do not have direct representation in the domain model. These
objects should be maintained by web framework.

I was talking primarily about input/output panels and about item
lists. Well, item list may be also considered as pure view object,
consisting of business objects... Whatever. In this case I was talking
about input/output panels only ;-)


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[OT] UML class diagrams

2005-07-11 Thread David Whipple
Anyone have any suggestions for an opensource/freeware tool for reverse
engineering java code to class diagrams?


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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Ted Husted
There's probably something to that, Leon.

Of course, there's nothing new here, except maybe the metaphor. Using
the layers pattern in enteprise applications is well known. I believe
Bushman describes it in POSA. Here's another online treatment:

* http://www.stevenblack.com/PTN-Layers.asp


On 7/11/05, Leon Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some time ago I tried to postulate an enterprise application  as a
> row of mvc patterns each using the previous one as the model, and everyone
> laughed at me :-)
> Now this is the same, with a nicer metaphor :-)
> Leon

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Re: Using struts forms as Value Objects: your opinion?

2005-07-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 7/7/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally I prefer to keep form beans and value objects seperate, for two
> key reasons:
> 1) form beans generally should consist of String data to facilitate
> round-tripping of invalid inputs. I like to constrain them to a clearly
> defined role of marshaling data 'into' and 'out of' the presentation layer,
> i.e. across the boundary between presentation and application.

Is not it easier to have one nested VO/BO with string properties, than
to copy properties back and forth from action form to VO? I use web
framework only to expose my real objects to the outer world.

> 2) value objects should use typed interfaces to ensure marshaling to and
> from presentation format (string types) is pushed as far up the application
> stack as possible. This also enables other, potentially type-aware,
> presentation / client tiers to be built on top of the same value objects
> (e.g. for a web-services interface).

I think I do not agree with this one. Let's take it as a design
requirement that application that we build is a webapp. It potentially
can have different interfaces. This would mean, that:
* input data is stingified because of HTTP
* Struts is not the only front end

Therefore, it is much easier to create BO/VO with dual string/typed
interface or with string interface only. It would do validation and
conversion to native datatype internally instead of doing it in
validate() method. I believen that this is more flexible approach.
What are you going to do with your validation code, if you are told to
move from Struts to WebWork or Tapestry?

On 7/8/05, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Form beans are part of the *view* tier, not the model ... their
> purpose in life is to represent the server side state of the HTML
> elements on a form, even if that state is invalid (i.e. not currently
> passing all the validations).  That way, you can reproduce what the
> user typed so he or she can fix it, rather than presenting them with a
> completely blank screen.  (This is why you generally use string fields
> in a form bean).

This is one way to look at things. Another way is to use VO/BO for
input/output directly. When I use existing data, I load it into BO and
display it. When I modify it, I update BO using its string properties.
If I decide to cancel updates, I siply remove the BO from memory, no
database changes needed. If I create a new object, I create a new BO
and fill it in. Until I persist it, it hangs in the session. If I
decide to cancel, then I remove it, and database would not even know
that I was about to insert an object.

> In a component oriented framework like JSF or Tapestry, you don't need
> to worry about keeping track of this state information ... the
> components do it for you.

JSF still differentiates "real" object (whatever it might be, a real
business object or a VO) from visual component data, which I don't
like. From my point of view, it is much easier to have an object with
an ID, to view/edit it, or to delete it. Therefore, I do not need
viewstate for UI components. I only need to store my object somewhere
like in session while I work with it. I want my widgets and my view to
be as dumb as possible. All data and state that I need is in real
objects, I do not need artificial viewstate to duplicate it.

I can understand why JSF or ASP.NET went this route with UI objects
and viewstate: to abstract from the model/business layer. They do not
want to establish a firm contract with business/persistence layer.
They do not want to require a certain BO lifecycle or the datatype
limitations. But I as a developer find this inconvenient. Web
frameworks designers focus on their framework, while I as an
application designer, focus on business data, business process and
business state.

Take ActiveX. There is a contract, there are interfaces, methods and
datatypes defined. Just build an object according to the protocol, and
you will be able to have design-time interface, runtime interface,
everything. Web frameworks do not want to have strict contracts with
data layer probabaly to be more flexible. I would take contract over
flexibily anytime. Presuming that this is a flexible contract ;-)


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