
we are using UTF-8 in out jsp-sites. We have put our texts into the
package.properties which is encoded in ISO-8859-1, because properties
files should be encoded in the ISO charset as referred in the java api
("The load(InputStream) /  store(OutputStream, String)  methods work
the same way as the load(Reader)/store(Writer, String) pair, except
the input/output stream is encoded in ISO 8859-1 character encoding").

So we use everywhere UTF-8 except for the properties file.

But when we print our texts with s:text tags in our jsp sites we get
problems with special chars.

I think there is something wrong in my chain of ideas?!? I thought
that s:text should format it to the encoding charset of the jsp??

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

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