I submitted a bug on the maven-ear-plugin:

I think that in the comments I'm being told that dependency management works
in a particular way that I don't see any (documentation) evidence for.  I am
happy to admit I am wrong, if indeed I am wrong.

I would like to educate myself on how dependency management really works so
that either I can close the bug or figure out what the root cause is.

My reference material is
please let me know in this discussion if this is outdated or wrong.

There is a section in that document that begins with "A second, and very
important...".  In what follows I'll refer to that section's projects A and
B, and will excerpt from them.

In that section, you will see that project A has a <dependencyManagement>
section that--among other things--defines an artifact, c, as having scope

<!-- In A's pom.xml; condensed for brevity -->
    <scope>compile</scope> <!-- look: compile scope -->

Then you will see a pom.xml for project B that (a) inherits from project A
(thus inheriting its dependencyManagement section) and (b) establishes a
dependency on artifact c, without having to specify its version.  You will
also notice that the dependency on project c overrides the scope of c to be
runtime, not compile:

<!-- In B's pom.xml, whose parent is A's pom.xml (above); condensed for
brevity -->
    <scope>runtime</scope> <!-- look: runtime scope -->

Again, you'll note that there is no <version> element, but there is a
<scope>runtime</scope> element.

My interpretation of this is that when all is said and done, *B will depend
on version 1.0 of artifact c in runtime scope, not compile scope.*

Is that correct? My maven-ear-plugin bug rests on the fact that this is the
expected behavior.

Next, if that's correct, I would also expect that if artifact c had any
transitive runtime dependencies they would be available in B's runtime
classpath (as defined by the somewhat baffling table in
Is that correct?

Thank you for the education.



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