Re: Refactoring

2023-08-21 Thread Chris Olsen
Alonso and All --

  What has helped me immensely to understand this subject is Fowler, M. (2019). 
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd).  

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: "Alonso Del Arte" 
To: "NetBeans Mailing List" 
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 5:47:41 PM
Subject: Re: Refactoring

Refactoring usually involves making multiple changes in multiple files. For
example, in a Java project, say you decide to rename the MoneyAmount class
to just Money. If that class is referenced by a dozen other classes and
interfaces, then the change will impact at least a dozen lines in other
classes and probably several lines in the class being refactored.

Before IDEs like NetBeans, you would have had to hunt down each of those
references and change them one by one, or else try to compile and then
scrutinize the error messages. Now with NetBeans, you can just rename in
one place and have NetBeans take care of the rest.

Another kind of refactoring that might be applicable to your projects is
moving things from one folder to another. Like for example if you
mistakenly put a style sheet in the JavaScript folder.


On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 6:27 PM Owen Thomas 

> Hi Tom.
> Refactoring is simply moving stuff around in your source code without
> making any (major) change to the functionality of your program.
> You may want to do this when for instance you are preparing to implement a
> functional enhancement that makes use of a particular design pattern, and
> your source code cannot implement the functional enhancement in its current
> state.
> HTH.
>   Owen.
> On Tue, 22 Aug 2023 at 07:28, Tom Rushworth  wrote:
>> Newbie question.  I'm working on an HTML project.  When I change a file
>> name, Netbeans wants to know if I want to "refactor" or not. What does
>> it mean to refactor?
>> -
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Netbeans 15 installation hangs

2022-09-18 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone --

   I have successfully installed Netbeans 15 on my office machine (Windows 10) 
but on my home machine (Windows 11) the installation hangs.

   It stops at the 20% point in the "Checking for updates" Progress indicator, 
and if I tell it to not check for updates it stops at the same 20% location of 
the installation progress.  (Is 20 a magic number??)

   I have tried uninstalling the (not completed) installation but have run into 
difficulty there with a "some file (nbi?) is locked" message.  None of the 
different methods I have tried to do the uninstall have worked, though one 
method detected an error of some sort an assured me it could do the 
installation anyway.

   I am not a technical guru, and thus I don't know what other information 
might be helpful to you.  Any suggestions are much appreciated! 

   -- Chris 

Re: Netbeans development on the Mac

2021-11-19 Thread Chris Olsen
Hi, Pieter --

  Thank you!  Will certainly check this out...

  > at least that is how the theory goes.

  Oh, how many times I have uttered this very phrase to me statistics 

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: "Pieter van den Hombergh" 
To: "COlsen" 
Cc: "users" 
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2021 9:01:17 AM
Subject: Re: Netbeans development on the Mac

Hi Chris,

I had some success with a deployable toy project using link and package. I
have created a github repo for this small demo project at
It is derived from a former student exercise.
Details to the zip file: It is a multimodule maven file, and consist of two
submodules: a javafx component called fxtriangulate and a GUI application
using the javafx component called surveyor.
I use linux, but as far as the javafx theory goes, you should be able to
adapt it to your mac osx needs using the information in
I followed (for linux) the guidelines on

To play with it, use the following steps.
1. Download (clone) the project.
2. in the resulting directory do 'mvn compile'
3. go to the app dir with 'cd surveyor'
4 mvn -P fx javafx:jlink to produce a linked version. which results in a
zip file that can be deployed. At this stage you should be able to run the command in the surveyor dir.
5 mvn -P fx jpackage:package Results in a debian package (for the kind of
linux I run on). After you have applied the tweaks described in
it should result in a dmg file for your mac osx, at least that is how the
theory goes.


On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 4:06 PM Chris Olsen  wrote:

> Hello, Everyone --
>   I am a seriously amateur JavaFX programmer and have written a freeware
> statistical package for high school teachers of Advanced Placement
> Statistics.  I have no trouble packaging my program for the PC, but
> commonly teachers run afoul of the Mac Gatekeeper when trying to install
> the program.  (They are not typically comfortable with doing anything on
> the terminal command line.)
>   I am willing (grumble, grumble) to pony up the $99/year to support my
> program in the App Store, but not willing to desert Netbeans. (Old dog, new
> tricks.)
>  The U.S. education system being what it is, teachers have Macs varying in
> age from long in the tooth to the new Macs with the M1 chip. So I have two
> questions:
>   1.  How much of a headache would it be to develop (actually translate)
> and package for a variety of Mac OSs?
>   2.  What are good sources (books, URLs, whatever) where I can learn more
> about how to do this?
>   Thanks in advance!
>   -- Chris
> -
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Pieter Van den Hombergh.
No software documentation is complete with out it's source code.

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Netbeans development on the Mac

2021-11-18 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone --

  I am a seriously amateur JavaFX programmer and have written a freeware 
statistical package for high school teachers of Advanced Placement Statistics.  
I have no trouble packaging my program for the PC, but commonly teachers run 
afoul of the Mac Gatekeeper when trying to install the program.  (They are not 
typically comfortable with doing anything on the terminal command line.)

  I am willing (grumble, grumble) to pony up the $99/year to support my program 
in the App Store, but not willing to desert Netbeans. (Old dog, new tricks.)  
 The U.S. education system being what it is, teachers have Macs varying in age 
from long in the tooth to the new Macs with the M1 chip. So I have two 

  1.  How much of a headache would it be to develop (actually translate) and 
package for a variety of Mac OSs?

  2.  What are good sources (books, URLs, whatever) where I can learn more 
about how to do this?

  Thanks in advance!

  -- Chris


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Re: users Digest 7 Jul 2021 19:24:25 -0000 Issue 1288

2021-07-08 Thread Chris Olsen
Bradley and All --

  Thank you for the lengthy response and pom.  I would like to briefly respond 
to your comment below:

Separately, I don't see any issue with an end-user having to install a 
version of the JRE to run Java applications.  In Windows, it is quite 
easy, isn't it?

  My own efforts at freeware target statistics teachers.  Many school districts 
(rightly or wrongly) have the idea that Java is a huge security risk, and any 
Java program is immediately suspect.  Also, many districts do not have the 
expertise to install FX.  Thus, bundling an app with a JRE slips in "under the 
radar."  (Teachers typically do not have admin privileges on their classroom 
computers, and I typically offer the source code for inspection; however, many 
Districts are bereft of expertise in that area also.)

  -- Chris

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Failing at updating Netbeans to 12.4 on a Mac

2021-06-03 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone --

  I currently am running Netbeans 11.3 on a relatively old Mac.  I tried to 
update ( = "Check for updates) but it failed.

  a)  Should it, in a just world, have worked?

  b)  Should I just not care, uninstall 11.3 and install 12.4?

  I am NOT a Mac person and  messing this up would engender LOTS of 
head-scratching on my part...

  Thanks in advance!

  -- Chris

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Problem with null pointer and stack trace

2020-11-12 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone --

  I am faced with a bit of difficulty tracking down a null pointer.  I am only 
slightly experienced with Exceptions, but thus far I seem to have been 
relatively successful at using them in my code.  However, my new problem is 
that I cannot connect the null pointer exception to any of my code.  I believe 
I have the error surrounded by the try-catch block, but the stack trace seems 
to me to be only telling me about deep down in java code.  I have printed part 
of the stack trace below.  In the actual run, this is repeated, as more than 
one Mouse Dragging event is being detected.  The first three lines are just 
System.outs of my code line numbers.

  I tried using the Netbeans debugger (which I am not at all familiar with) and 
got the same output.

  Any suggestions for how I might approach this error detection are much 

  -- Chris


190 -  DragableAnchorPane, begin resizeViaMouse(MouseEvent event)
195 -=  state = S_RESIZE
243 - DragableAnchorPane, end resizeViaMouse(MouseEvent event)
at java.base/

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Re: Maven deployment plugin for JavaFX

2020-09-04 Thread Chris Olsen
David --

  Thank you!  I will try doing this.

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: "David Gradwell" 
To: "COlsen" 
Cc: "users" 
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 8:21:33 AM
Subject: Re: Maven deployment plugin for JavaFX


Hopefully some of the following will help.  We too did not want to use XCode 
(much!).  You have to install it and use certain upload/notarise tools, but 
that works.

So, my steps list is:

1.Set up an Apple developer ID, pay fee etc.  using an email – we 
use a@b.c<mailto:a@b.c> in the following.

2.Create and download a DeveloperID signing cert  to your 
development Mac's  login keychain from

3.Create and download a Developer ID profile to System 

4.Build your project with Ant since Ant puts all the library files 
in a folder called lib in dist.  If Maven is your primary environment, just 
build the top level of the project with Ant.  If you know how to make Maven put 
all the dependencies in one place ready for jpackage please tell me !

5.Local test the Ant project and if it behaves proceed.

6.Make a Mac icon.

7.Using the pre-release Java 15 (you will have to download it) then 
run jpackage with something like the following script.  I’ve hacked it a bit 
for confidentiality reasons.  There may be some space characters that need 

export JAVA_HOME="/Users/myuser/Java Downloads/jdk-15.jdk/Contents/Home"

export PATH=" 

echo $PATH

rm -r /Users/myuser/NetBeansDev/MYAPPNAMEAnt/jpackageappimagetemp

rm -r /Users/myuser/NetBeansDev/MYAPPNAMEAnt/jpackageappimageoutput

jpackage --type app-image --app-version 0.0.1 --copyright "My company 2020" 
--name MYAPPNAME --dest 
/Users/myuser/NetBeansDev/MYAPPNAMEAnt/jpackageappimageoutput --temp 
/Users/myuser/NetBeansDev/MYAPPNAMEAnt/jpackageappimagetemp --vendor "My 
Company" --icon /Users/myuser/NetBeansDev/MYAPPNAMEAnt/MYAPPNAME.icns --input 
/Users/myuser/NetBeansDev/MYAPPNAMEAnt/dist --main-jar MYAPPNAMEAnt.jar 
--main-class MYAPPNAME.SomeClass --java-options " 
-Xdock:name=MYAPPNAME" --mac-package-identifier MYAPPNAME --mac-sign 
--mac-signing-keychain "/Users/myuser/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db" 

8.Check that the signing worked and that the app has appeared at 
/Users/myuser/NetBeansDev/MYAPPNAMEAnt/jpackageappimageoutput/ and 
that it is double clickable and passes basic testing.  Make a backup of what 
you have created.

9.Zip the .app using Finder compress.

10.  Upload

 section on “Upload Your App to the Notarization Service”.

Create an application password using the Apple Developer site..

xcrun altool --notarize-app  --primary-bundle-id "MyAppNotarisation4Sept2020" 
--username a@b.c<mailto:a@b.c>  --password "Apple generated app password" 

Look at the output carefully and hope you get an email.

11.  Check the notarization history

xcrun altool --notarization-history 0 --username a@b.c<mailto:a@b.c>   
--password "Apple generated app password"

12.  Staple the .app

xcrun stapler staple 

13.  Test:  You can now put the .app on your web site, down load it, 
copy it /Applications on any machine and then double click it.

We have also succeeded in making an installer and a .dmg.  The .dmg has to be 
made from the stapled .app.  This process is less tested.  Let me know if you 
get the above to work and I will share.

As mentioned, I’m working on a Java app to do all the above with one click – 
not finished yet !!



On 04/09/2020, 13:32, "Chris Olsen"  wrote:

David --

  I am much interested in your statement...

  > We have also mastered the issues around Apple notarization needed to 
distribute an .app or .dmg.

  Can elaborate on this?  Or better yet provide some code or script to make 
this happen?   I do NOT want to mess with XCode!!

  -- Chris

- Original Message -

From: "David Gradwell" 

To: "HRH" , "users" 

Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 5:24:18 AM

Subject: Re: Maven deployment plugin for JavaFX

I have exactly the same ques

Re: Maven deployment plugin for JavaFX

2020-09-04 Thread Chris Olsen
David --

  I am much interested in your statement...

  > We have also mastered the issues around Apple notarization needed to 
distribute an .app or .dmg.

  Can elaborate on this?  Or better yet provide some code or script to make 
this happen?   I do NOT want to mess with XCode!!

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: "David Gradwell" 
To: "HRH" , "users" 
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 5:24:18 AM
Subject: Re: Maven deployment plugin for JavaFX

I have exactly the same question for any standard Java application.  In 
previous versions of NetBeans an Ant project used to provide this capability 
but Ant package as seems to be broken in NetBeans 12.  For example, using:

Product Version: Apache NetBeans IDE 12.0

Java: 14.0.1; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 14.0.1+7

Runtime: OpenJDK Runtime Environment 14.0.1+7
We get  /AntProject/nbproject/build-native.xml:519: typedef class cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[].

In order to use Maven which as you say appears not to support we now use 
jpackage successfully.  We have also mastered the issues around Apple 
notarization needed to distribute an .app or .dmg.

So now we are working on a Java app that will do all the steps in one click for 
any application !

I agree it would be nice to find a NetBeans plugin for Maven to do all the 
packaging.  If one needs writing then I am happy to contribute the logic and 
worked examples.

David Gradwell

Re: Native packaging

2020-05-28 Thread Chris Olsen
David and All --

  Having recently struggled through jpackage on both PCs and Macs, Netbeans 
support would be (IMHO) fantastic!  If I were a developer, rather than a 
statistician writing software for my students' use, I would most certainly 
offer to assist. Now, however, I have an amateur's question.  I make very heavy 
use of JavaFX, and I am uncertain what you mean by...

> It would remove the problematic dependency on JavaFX

  Could you amplify a bit the "problematic dependency" phrase?

  Thank you in advance.

  -- Chris


2020-05-19 Thread Chris Olsen
Brain Rebooting --

  Advice from a fellow "Just a Learner":  Grab the book, "Learn JavaX 8" by 
Kishori Sharan.  It has been my bible for many years and is wonderful!

  -- Chris Olsen

- Original Message -
From: "Brain Rebooting" 
To: "users" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 9:11:39 PM
Subject: Re:

I am not a developer. I am just a learner. After completing Fundamental and
OOP in java, now I am thinking about to learn javaFX. But after writing a
basic program in javaFX, when try to run, I saw that jdk-11 by default
doesn't run javaFX program.
And I installed ubuntu approximately 1 months ago by thinking about to
learn command. But still I can't start learning command. That's not so
important for me right now.

On Wed, May 20, 2020, 2:04 AM Emilian Bold  wrote:

> Maybe he doesn't have root on that machine?
> --emi
> On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 10:01 PM Juan Algaba  wrote:
> >
> > > Please give me idea that include no command.
> > Also, you're on linux and a developer, Why such a strange requirement?
> > I think "sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk" is easier than actually
> > hunting down and setting up a jdk manually.
> >
> >
> > On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 11:05 AM Laszlo Kishalmi
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > What do you mean no command?
> > >
> > > Do you have Java 8 already installed on Ubuntu?
> > >
> > > Or You just need to add Java 8 to the list of Java Platforms in
> NetBeans?
> > >
> > > On 5/19/20 9:58 AM, Brain Rebooting wrote:
> > > > HI all,
> > > >
> > > > How to install jdk 8 into netbeans 11.3 in ubuntu 18?
> > > > Please give me idea that include no command.
> > > >
> > > > Samiul alom sium
> > >
> > > -
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> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Juan Algaba
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
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> >
> >
> -
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Re: Netbeans, JavaFX, and Maven

2020-04-16 Thread Chris Olsen
Ty and All --

   I am afraid I am very much a beginner, and new to Maven, but if it would 
help to compare a complete pom that (Shock!) works, here is one.  In my 
ignorance I pretty much had to take what Netbeans generated, with perhaps a 
very small amount of fiddling.

   -- Chris"; 

















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Re: Java 14 / Netbeans download problem

2020-03-19 Thread Chris Olsen
Emilian and All --

   > Then again, the installer could perhaps *detect* JDK 14 and give the users 
a nicer message?  

   Part of my problem is that not being a developer I am not always able to 
understand the significance of what I'm reading.   Perhaps a message including 
a workaround would work.  I was able to download Java 14 and then point 
Netbeans to it using the Platform manager.  It had never occurred to me as an 
amateur that one might want to (or could) have more than one version of Java at 
a time on one's computer.

   Perhaps a message with that workaround would be helpful to "entry level" 

   -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Emilian Bold 
To: Chris Olsen 
Cc: Geertjan Wielenga , Patrik Karlström 
, users 
Sent: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 01:59:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Java 14 / Netbeans download problem

Then again, the installer could perhaps *detect* JDK 14 and give the
users a nicer message?


On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 11:21 PM Chris Olsen  wrote:
> Geertjan and All --
>>  Or don’t use JDK 14 when installing as explicitly stated on the 
> download page.
>I have GOT to learn to read the fine print...
>   -- Chris

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Re: Java 14 / Netbeans download problem

2020-03-18 Thread Chris Olsen
Geertjan and All --

   >  Or don’t use JDK 14 when installing as explicitly stated on the download 

   I have GOT to learn to read the fine print...

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Geertjan Wielenga 
To: Patrik Karlström 
Cc: users 
Sent: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 15:14:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Java 14 / Netbeans download problem

Or don’t use JDK 14 when installing as explicitly stated on the download


On Wed, 18 Mar 2020 at 20:11, Patrik Karlström  wrote:

> Pack200 was removed in Java 14.
> Try the zip version of NetBeans and see if it works.
> Den ons 18 mars 2020 kl 19:58 skrev Chris Olsen :
>> Hello, Everyone --
>>I just downloaded the AdoptOpenJDK, and installed it via the  .msi
>> file.  Then I attempted to download Netbeans 11.3.
>>The Netbeans installation reached an "unexpected exception," to wit:
>>   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>   java/util/jar/Pack200
>>Has anyone else encountered this problem?  Have I messed up
>> somewhere???
>>-- Chris
>> -
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Java 14 / Netbeans download problem

2020-03-18 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone --

   I just downloaded the AdoptOpenJDK, and installed it via the  .msi file.  
Then I attempted to download Netbeans 11.3.

   The Netbeans installation reached an "unexpected exception," to wit:


   Has anyone else encountered this problem?  Have I messed up somewhere???  

   -- Chris

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Re: Statement of disappointment

2020-03-13 Thread Chris Olsen
Geertjan and All --

Not a problem!  To whom and where should the check be sent?

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Geertjan Wielenga 
To: Chris Olsen 
Cc: Emilian Bold , John Mc , 
Netbeans Mailing List , Paul Szudzik 
, Robert Erdt , Thomas Wolf 
Sent: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 15:22:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment

Sure! If you’re not willing/able to participate in NetCAT yourself:

...would you be interested in sponsoring others to do so, at say $50 per
person per NetCAT test spec?


On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 20:01, Chris Olsen  wrote:

> Thomas and All --
>Mine is much the same story.  Would there be some way to contribute $$$
> (or, in my case, $$) to the team meaningfully?
>   -- Chris
> - Original Message -
> From: Thomas Wolf 
> To: John Mc 
> Cc: Robert Erdt ,, Geertjan
> Wielenga , Emilian Bold ,
> Paul Szudzik , Netbeans Mailing List <
> Sent: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 14:10:11 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment
> My $.02,
> I’ve been benefitting from NB since I moved over from Visual Cafe in 1999
> (to give you an idea of what a Java dinosaur I am).  And my only
> contributions in 2+ decades have been bug reports (most of which now lie
> forgotten somewhere in the bowels of the old Bugzilla system) and 1-2
> NetCAT participations.   I have always been willing to pay for this
> excellent tool but never had the desire (or time) to improve it myself.
>  In the early days, I once downloaded it with the faint hope of correcting
> a minor bug - but didn’t even succeed in building it.   For me at least,
> the time it takes to get high enough on the learning curve to contribute
> meaningfully is more than I have been willing to invest (maybe that’ll
> change after I retire in a few years).
> But like I said, I’ve always been more than happy to pay for the tool.  I
> wonder if it’s too late for NB to introduce such an alternative/additional
> model?   Just a thought.
> Best regards,
> Tom
> > On Mar 13, 2020, at 9:51 AM, John Mc  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > But instead of looking at this financial payment, why not consider an
> time/effort payment?
> >
> > At present, I cant really talk, I've been busy, and have provided
> anything back to NetBeans in a while but then I don't have any issues that
> are negatively effecting me.  If and when I do I will hopefully try to
> address them, like I have tried to in the past.
> >
> > The way I see it, if we could find out what exactly is blocking people
> from moving to 11.3/12, and then if they can spend even a small amount of
> time/effort into looking at these we can get to an even better NetBeans
> product.
> >
> > John
> >
> >> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 13:34, Robert Erdt  wrote:
> >> Agreed, NetBeans is worth paying for
> >>
> >> I am with Bill, I have not upgraded and I am at 9 similar to 8.
> >>
> >> Rob
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: []
> >> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 9:30 AM
> >> To: Geertjan Wielenga 
> >> Cc: Emilian Bold ; Paul Szudzik <
>>; Netbeans Mailing List  >
> >> Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment
> >>
> >> All:
> >>
> >> Been reading all the emails on the NB migration. I do JAVA on NB 8.0.2
> platform and have not upgraded due to the issues being address. I do okay
> with the NB 8. If this is so critical for getting program done for clients,
> then one should be willing to pay for the platform. See it as a business
> expense and write it off at tax time. Normally, tools are included in the
> cost of a job -so I'm miffed as to the expectations placing the onus on NB
> development to resolve things at no cost. NB is a great platform and this
> is merely a transitional period for it, so I stay with my current platform
> and wait until the dust settles --or pay for the upgrade with support if my
> situation changes. While NB has many issues, it will eventually resolve the
> main ones or become a dust covered relic with passing memories.
> >>
> >>
> >> Bill
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > Indeed, I think the approach Emilian suggests is the way to go. And,
> >> > indeed, if you don't want to or have the time to move to Maven of
> >> > Gradle, then a lot of modern options start closing off to you.
> >> >
> >> > But, o

Re: Statement of disappointment

2020-03-13 Thread Chris Olsen

- Original Message -
From: Geertjan Wielenga 
To: Chris Olsen 
Cc: Emilian Bold , John Mc , 
Netbeans Mailing List , Paul Szudzik 
, Robert Erdt , Thomas Wolf 
Sent: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 15:22:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment

Sure! If you’re not willing/able to participate in NetCAT yourself:

...would you be interested in sponsoring others to do so, at say $50 per
person per NetCAT test spec?


On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 20:01, Chris Olsen  wrote:

> Thomas and All --
>Mine is much the same story.  Would there be some way to contribute $$$
> (or, in my case, $$) to the team meaningfully?
>   -- Chris
> - Original Message -
> From: Thomas Wolf 
> To: John Mc 
> Cc: Robert Erdt ,, Geertjan
> Wielenga , Emilian Bold ,
> Paul Szudzik , Netbeans Mailing List <
> Sent: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 14:10:11 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment
> My $.02,
> I’ve been benefitting from NB since I moved over from Visual Cafe in 1999
> (to give you an idea of what a Java dinosaur I am).  And my only
> contributions in 2+ decades have been bug reports (most of which now lie
> forgotten somewhere in the bowels of the old Bugzilla system) and 1-2
> NetCAT participations.   I have always been willing to pay for this
> excellent tool but never had the desire (or time) to improve it myself.
>  In the early days, I once downloaded it with the faint hope of correcting
> a minor bug - but didn’t even succeed in building it.   For me at least,
> the time it takes to get high enough on the learning curve to contribute
> meaningfully is more than I have been willing to invest (maybe that’ll
> change after I retire in a few years).
> But like I said, I’ve always been more than happy to pay for the tool.  I
> wonder if it’s too late for NB to introduce such an alternative/additional
> model?   Just a thought.
> Best regards,
> Tom
> > On Mar 13, 2020, at 9:51 AM, John Mc  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > But instead of looking at this financial payment, why not consider an
> time/effort payment?
> >
> > At present, I cant really talk, I've been busy, and have provided
> anything back to NetBeans in a while but then I don't have any issues that
> are negatively effecting me.  If and when I do I will hopefully try to
> address them, like I have tried to in the past.
> >
> > The way I see it, if we could find out what exactly is blocking people
> from moving to 11.3/12, and then if they can spend even a small amount of
> time/effort into looking at these we can get to an even better NetBeans
> product.
> >
> > John
> >
> >> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 13:34, Robert Erdt  wrote:
> >> Agreed, NetBeans is worth paying for
> >>
> >> I am with Bill, I have not upgraded and I am at 9 similar to 8.
> >>
> >> Rob
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: []
> >> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 9:30 AM
> >> To: Geertjan Wielenga 
> >> Cc: Emilian Bold ; Paul Szudzik <
>>; Netbeans Mailing List  >
> >> Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment
> >>
> >> All:
> >>
> >> Been reading all the emails on the NB migration. I do JAVA on NB 8.0.2
> platform and have not upgraded due to the issues being address. I do okay
> with the NB 8. If this is so critical for getting program done for clients,
> then one should be willing to pay for the platform. See it as a business
> expense and write it off at tax time. Normally, tools are included in the
> cost of a job -so I'm miffed as to the expectations placing the onus on NB
> development to resolve things at no cost. NB is a great platform and this
> is merely a transitional period for it, so I stay with my current platform
> and wait until the dust settles --or pay for the upgrade with support if my
> situation changes. While NB has many issues, it will eventually resolve the
> main ones or become a dust covered relic with passing memories.
> >>
> >>
> >> Bill
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > Indeed, I think the approach Emilian suggests is the way to go. And,
> >> > indeed, if you don't want to or have the time to move to Maven of
> >> > Gradle, then a lot of modern options start closing off to you.
> >> >
> >> > But, on a different level, for a lot of users of NetBeans, the
> >> > chickens have come ho

Re: Statement of disappointment

2020-03-13 Thread Chris Olsen
Thomas and All --

   Mine is much the same story.  Would there be some way to contribute $$$ (or, 
in my case, $$) to the team meaningfully?

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Wolf 
To: John Mc 
Cc: Robert Erdt ,, Geertjan 
Wielenga , Emilian Bold , Paul 
Szudzik , Netbeans Mailing List 

Sent: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 14:10:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment

My $.02,
I’ve been benefitting from NB since I moved over from Visual Cafe in 1999 (to 
give you an idea of what a Java dinosaur I am).  And my only contributions in 
2+ decades have been bug reports (most of which now lie forgotten somewhere in 
the bowels of the old Bugzilla system) and 1-2 NetCAT participations.   I have 
always been willing to pay for this excellent tool but never had the desire (or 
time) to improve it myself.   In the early days, I once downloaded it with the 
faint hope of correcting a minor bug - but didn’t even succeed in building it.  
 For me at least, the time it takes to get high enough on the learning curve to 
contribute meaningfully is more than I have been willing to invest (maybe 
that’ll change after I retire in a few years).

But like I said, I’ve always been more than happy to pay for the tool.  I 
wonder if it’s too late for NB to introduce such an alternative/additional 
model?   Just a thought.

Best regards,

> On Mar 13, 2020, at 9:51 AM, John Mc  wrote:
> But instead of looking at this financial payment, why not consider an 
> time/effort payment?
> At present, I cant really talk, I've been busy, and have provided anything 
> back to NetBeans in a while but then I don't have any issues that are 
> negatively effecting me.  If and when I do I will hopefully try to address 
> them, like I have tried to in the past.
> The way I see it, if we could find out what exactly is blocking people from 
> moving to 11.3/12, and then if they can spend even a small amount of 
> time/effort into looking at these we can get to an even better NetBeans 
> product.
> John
>> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 13:34, Robert Erdt  wrote:
>> Agreed, NetBeans is worth paying for
>> I am with Bill, I have not upgraded and I am at 9 similar to 8.
>> Rob
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] 
>> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 9:30 AM
>> To: Geertjan Wielenga 
>> Cc: Emilian Bold ; Paul Szudzik 
>> ; Netbeans Mailing List 
>> Subject: Re: Statement of disappointment
>> All:
>> Been reading all the emails on the NB migration. I do JAVA on NB 8.0.2 
>> platform and have not upgraded due to the issues being address. I do okay 
>> with the NB 8. If this is so critical for getting program done for clients, 
>> then one should be willing to pay for the platform. See it as a business 
>> expense and write it off at tax time. Normally, tools are included in the 
>> cost of a job -so I'm miffed as to the expectations placing the onus on NB 
>> development to resolve things at no cost. NB is a great platform and this is 
>> merely a transitional period for it, so I stay with my current platform and 
>> wait until the dust settles --or pay for the upgrade with support if my 
>> situation changes. While NB has many issues, it will eventually resolve the 
>> main ones or become a dust covered relic with passing memories.
>> Bill
>> > Indeed, I think the approach Emilian suggests is the way to go. And, 
>> > indeed, if you don't want to or have the time to move to Maven of 
>> > Gradle, then a lot of modern options start closing off to you.
>> >
>> > But, on a different level, for a lot of users of NetBeans, the 
>> > chickens have come home to roost: a free and open source project, such 
>> > as NetBeans, should never simply have been 'used', it should always 
>> > have been invested in. For example, simply filing a bug and hoping 
>> > someone will turn up to fix it has never been the way open source is 
>> > meant to work.
>> >
>> > Nothing is ever free -- either you spend time (in understanding how 
>> > NetBeans works, for example) or money (in paying JetBrains, for 
>> > example, and then you have engineers creating IntelliJ IDEA for you). 
>> > Not spending anything at all and hoping things will work out for you 
>> > has never been a sustainable approach.
>> >
>> > Gjj
>> >
>> > On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 4:24 PM Emilian Bold 
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Go and pick Azul Zulu' JDK FX package which comes bundles with JavaFX:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> it&package=jdk-fx
>> >>
>> >> I used it for an older Platform app where I don't feel like 
>> >> configuring the FX mumbo jumbo.
>> >>
>> >> I doubt anybody can make a magic transition tools since there's too 
>> >> much people can customize...
>> >>
>> >> Given the resources available, things are as they are. They could 
>> >> always be better.
>> >>
>> >> --emi
>> >>
>> >> On M

Re: 11.3 - Can't use "Package As" with Ant project any more

2020-03-10 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, All --

   Regarding the Java 14 packaging tool, I see a phrase something like 
"FX-specific" things will not be supported.  I am not sure what this means.  
Does it mean that no FX features are supported, or only a few and we're not 
saying which, or ???

   And if FX is not supported in this packaging tool, where would people 
suggest going for a (low budged!) packaging tool that does support FX?

   Thanks again to all those who have worked so hard and so well on the new 

   -- Chris


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Re: Statement of disappointment

2020-03-09 Thread Chris Olsen
Paul (and All) --

   As they say, "I feel your pain!"   The removal of FX was a pain in the 
behind for me also, and I am also moving over to Maven from Ant.   I am a 
complete amateur (though experienced, Java is about my 5th language.)   Much of 
the more technical discussions among Java developers go way over my head.

   HOWEVER, I have been able to move easily from before to now.  My programs 
are almost exclusively statistical, and not really pushing the limits of Java, 
which situation may not apply to many.   I found the transition from 8  to Java 
13 (AdoptOpenJDK) to be unexpectedly painless and the transition to Maven 
relatively easy (for the most part just copying over packages and trying to 
figure out where to put resources.)

   And I am anticipating 14 soon.

   -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Paul Szudzik 
To: Netbeans Mailing List 
Sent: Mon, 09 Mar 2020 11:15:49 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Statement of disappointment

I have been a NetBeans user since inception.  I am retired now, but when I 
worked, I was one of the few people in my company that was an advocate of 
NetBeans, and used it instead of the company line, Eclipse product.

Retired now for 10+ years, I used NetBeans to develop my products, and 
really getting involved in JavaFX big time. I love the cross platform 
capability, and use it on both Ubuntu and Windows.  Raspberry Pi, no problem.  
Windows, no problem.  I loved it. Then boom, Oracle takes JavaFX out of the 
mix, and NetBeans and I start having major problems. It gets harder and harder 
to use NetBeans with it’s incompatibility with JavaFX without going through 
hoops every single time we upgrade.  I have a ton of projects that are a major 
pain to go back to without having to dance on a high wire to get to work.  And 
I am still not sure I can do this anymore.  

I have been a computer programmer, designer and architect for well over 53+ 
years.  I have see many systems come and go, many IDE rise and fall, many 
languages surface and crash.  The move to Maven is beyond my scope now.  I want 
to program, not to have to regenerate and rehash my build system every release. 
 I have tried to move over to 11, and mostly failed.  I have too many modules 
and programs in play to hack this out.

It would have been great if NetBeans had a seamless transition , built in 
conversions for old projects to current format.  Seriously, I would love to be 
on that train.  But nope, it seems too much handholding and dancing.  I 
currently have a half dozen active Beta’s  that are stuck in a NetBeans 8.1.x / 
Java 8 scenario, that I want to port into NetBeans 11.3 / Java 13+ area, but 
really don’t believe that it is 1: Easy, 2: Lasting, 3: Enduring more than 
another release.

I still have reported bugs > 5 years old that are not resolved.

I see streams of notes that are asking questions about compatibility.  ( 
The latest straw is the Ant image ... )  I see how once the major players in 
NetBeans get on a wagon, the trail off is almost impossible.  If you’re new to 
NetBeans, perhaps this is a good trend.  If you have dealt with NetBeans as 
long as I have.. it becomes more than just an annoyance.  It almost easier to 
find another IDE to settle in on, as the amount of work to transfer 100+ 
projects, probably more, from old NetBeans to new NetBeans is formidable.

Maybe a 3rd party can produce a product that 100% transfer old projects to 
Maven..  I’d rather develop and code than mess around with trying to make 
things move up the NetBeans chain anymore..  Coding is fun, transitioning is 
not. I am 100% committed to JavaFX, I like the layouts, I like what Gluon has 
done, I like the look and feel.

NetBeans 8 –> NetBeans 11+ –> convert ...

I would normally apologize for my rant, but nope. I feel that I am now 
progressing backwards...

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Re: No /src/main/resources generated

2020-03-07 Thread Chris Olsen
Geertjan --

   Ah!  That was helpful.  I have not yet solved the problem but this gives me 
a new lead.  

   -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Geertjan Wielenga 
To: NetBeans Mailing List 
Sent: Sat, 07 Mar 2020 11:48:22 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: No /src/main/resources generated

Maybe take a look in the Favorites window to see what your folder structure
looks like on disk.


On Sat, 7 Mar 2020 at 17:47, Chris Olsen  wrote:

> Geertjan --
>Thank you very much for your lightning reply!
>I am a veteran (but amateur) FX person, and thus am ashamed to admit
> that I tried to do that in Netbeans and was not able to make it happen.
>  The default starting point gives me packages "Source Packages" and
> ".  I tried to create both a new folder and a new package
> under each of these, and the response in the "Created Folder" textfield is
> "...[ProjectName]\src\main\java\[new name].
>This leads me to believe that somewhere there actually is a \src\main\
> somewhere, but it seems to be out of my reach.  I think there must be
> something obvious that I am missing.
>    -- Chris
> - Original Message -
> From: Geertjan Wielenga 
> To: Chris Olsen 
> Cc:
> Sent: Sat, 07 Mar 2020 11:23:44 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: Re: No /src/main/resources generated
> Just create it manually if the Gluon archetype doesn’t create that folder
> automatically.
> Gj
> On Sat, 7 Mar 2020 at 17:21, Chris Olsen  wrote:
> > Hello, Everyone --
> >
> >   In anticipation of impending Java 14 I have downloaded AdoptOpen
> version
> > of Java 13, Netbeans 11.3 (Thank you for all your work!!),  and the FX
> > stuff at  I am also starting out moving from Ant to Maven.
> > (All this together is a big step for me, but I have two weeks of spring
> > break to focus on learning how to do this.)
> >
> >   When I create a JavaFX project and select "Simple Java FX Maven
> > Archetype (Gluon)," I am not getting a default "Other Resources" folder
> or
> > a "/src/main/resources," anywhere; I am expecting to see something along
> > these lines based on what I have found online.
> >
> > Thus, my attempt at migrating an old FX program compiles but fails b/c it
> > is not finding my resources, formerly and currently in a package named
> > css.
> >
> >I have tried editing the POM file based on what I found online, but
> > have not been successful with that attempt either.
> >
> >   I am thinking that I may not be choosing the correct options in
> > Netbeans.  I have tried three or four different chains of Netbeans
> options,
> > but to no avail.  I am not using FXML.
> >
> >   Can anyone offer a clue about what I might be doing or not doing, or a
> > URL that is authoritative?
> >
> >   Thanks in advance!
> >
> >   -- Chris
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> > For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, visit:
> >
> >
> >
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail:
> For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, visit:

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Re: No /src/main/resources generated

2020-03-07 Thread Chris Olsen
Geertjan --

   Thank you very much for your lightning reply!

   I am a veteran (but amateur) FX person, and thus am ashamed to admit that I 
tried to do that in Netbeans and was not able to make it happen.   The default 
starting point gives me packages "Source Packages" and  ".  I 
tried to create both a new folder and a new package under each of these, and 
the response in the "Created Folder" textfield is 
"...[ProjectName]\src\main\java\[new name].  

   This leads me to believe that somewhere there actually is a \src\main\ 
somewhere, but it seems to be out of my reach.  I think there must be something 
obvious that I am missing.

   -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Geertjan Wielenga 
To: Chris Olsen 
Sent: Sat, 07 Mar 2020 11:23:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: No /src/main/resources generated

Just create it manually if the Gluon archetype doesn’t create that folder


On Sat, 7 Mar 2020 at 17:21, Chris Olsen  wrote:

> Hello, Everyone --
>   In anticipation of impending Java 14 I have downloaded AdoptOpen version
> of Java 13, Netbeans 11.3 (Thank you for all your work!!),  and the FX
> stuff at  I am also starting out moving from Ant to Maven.
> (All this together is a big step for me, but I have two weeks of spring
> break to focus on learning how to do this.)
>   When I create a JavaFX project and select "Simple Java FX Maven
> Archetype (Gluon)," I am not getting a default "Other Resources" folder or
> a "/src/main/resources," anywhere; I am expecting to see something along
> these lines based on what I have found online.
> Thus, my attempt at migrating an old FX program compiles but fails b/c it
> is not finding my resources, formerly and currently in a package named
> css.
>I have tried editing the POM file based on what I found online, but
> have not been successful with that attempt either.
>   I am thinking that I may not be choosing the correct options in
> Netbeans.  I have tried three or four different chains of Netbeans options,
> but to no avail.  I am not using FXML.
>   Can anyone offer a clue about what I might be doing or not doing, or a
> URL that is authoritative?
>   Thanks in advance!
>   -- Chris
> -
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No /src/main/resources generated

2020-03-07 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone --

  In anticipation of impending Java 14 I have downloaded AdoptOpen version of 
Java 13, Netbeans 11.3 (Thank you for all your work!!),  and the FX stuff at  I am also starting out moving from Ant to Maven.  (All this 
together is a big step for me, but I have two weeks of spring break to focus on 
learning how to do this.)

  When I create a JavaFX project and select "Simple Java FX Maven Archetype 
(Gluon)," I am not getting a default "Other Resources" folder or a 
"/src/main/resources," anywhere; I am expecting to see something along these 
lines based on what I have found online.   

Thus, my attempt at migrating an old FX program compiles but fails b/c it is 
not finding my resources, formerly and currently in a package named css.  

   I have tried editing the POM file based on what I found online, but have not 
been successful with that attempt either.

  I am thinking that I may not be choosing the correct options in Netbeans.  I 
have tried three or four different chains of Netbeans options, but to no avail. 
 I am not using FXML.

  Can anyone offer a clue about what I might be doing or not doing, or a URL 
that is authoritative?

  Thanks in advance!

  -- Chris

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Re: Newbie to Netbeans/Maven -- best solution?

2020-01-04 Thread Chris Olsen
Zahid and All --

   Works like a charm!   Thank you yet again...

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: zahid 
To: Chris Olsen , users 
Sent: Sat, 04 Jan 2020 12:09:33 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Newbie to Netbeans/Maven -- best solution?

There are three tabs you should  see on the left immediately below top 
menu bar.

tab:Projects  tab:Files  tab:Services

select > tab:Files

Traverse down the tree branches  to   -> src -> main

while main highlighted  {in select mode}.

! left click but the other one right click

select new -> folder

folder name:  resources {lower case}

  observe and confirm  parent folder:  src/main

->  finish
Marry loose with tight
coupling = healthy applications

On 03/01/2020 15:22, Chris Olsen wrote:
> Good morning, All --
> Thanks to Geertjan and Zahid for assistance in re my missing JavaFX 
> runtime
> I have solved that problem, and in my later thrashing about uncovered a 
> solution to a different problem that I'm not sure is the best solution.
> In my (migrating from Java 8) program I have resources, and along the way 
> discovered that the default location for such is in src/main/resources.  In 
> order to create this folder I finally resorted to the command line.  I also 
> added:
> to the pom file.
> My colleague, also learning Maven, did not do this -- Netbeans created 
> this capability automatically.  He used the Gluon FXML archetype and I used 
> the non-FXML.  It strikes me as odd that the "Other Sources" was not done for 
> me, but was for him, if it is the default location for resources.
> Is there a Netbeans-without-command-line procedure that I am just missing?
> -- Chris
> -
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Marry loose with tight
= healthy applications

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Newbie to Netbeans/Maven -- best solution?

2020-01-03 Thread Chris Olsen
Good morning, All --

   Thanks to Geertjan and Zahid for assistance in re my missing JavaFX runtime

   I have solved that problem, and in my later thrashing about uncovered a 
solution to a different problem that I'm not sure is the best solution.

   In my (migrating from Java 8) program I have resources, and along the way 
discovered that the default location for such is in src/main/resources.  In 
order to create this folder I finally resorted to the command line.  I also 


   to the pom file.

   My colleague, also learning Maven, did not do this -- Netbeans created this 
capability automatically.  He used the Gluon FXML archetype and I used the 
non-FXML.  It strikes me as odd that the "Other Sources" was not done for me, 
but was for him, if it is the default location for resources.  

   Is there a Netbeans-without-command-line procedure that I am just missing?  

   -- Chris 


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Re: Newbie to Maven problem -- JavaFX runtime components missing

2020-01-01 Thread Chris Olsen
Zahid and All --

Thank you!   I now have had some success, and things are looking up.  I think I 
need to study some existing working pom files, and this will be very helpful!

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: zahid 
To: Geertjan Wielenga , Chris Olsen 
Cc: users 
Sent: Wed, 01 Jan 2020 18:48:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Newbie to Maven problem -- JavaFX runtime components missing

if you want to run the example at

Below is the complete pom.xml file I just made it.
I have tested it.

you also need to create the directory structure maven expects.
with windows same directory structure.
your pom.xml file in the top directory. i.e C:\helloapp.

You run the command  mvn clean javafx:run from C:\helloapp











On 01/01/2020 21:26, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> Gj
> On Wed, 1 Jan 2020 at 18:24, Geertjan Wielenga  <>> wrote:
> There’s a colon in there, at least.
> javafx:run
> If I remember correctly. Really take a look at that YouTube clip
> again.
> Gj
> On Wed, 1 Jan 2020 at 18:23, Geertjan Wielenga
>>> wrote:
> Is that what you see in that YouTube clip? Can you take
> another look at it?
> Gj
> On Wed, 1 Jan 2020 at 18:17, Chris Olsen  <>> wrote:
> Hi, again  (and thanks again for lightning!) --
>   >
>   I did that (and remembered that I had watched this
> previously with the same result as follows).  I am now
> getting a message,...
>   Unknown lifecycle phase "javafx"..  You must...or a goal
> in the format or...
>   The immediate neighborhood  of concern (so far as I can
> tell) in the nbactions.xml file is:
>          clean
>          javafx
>          run
>    -- Chris
> -
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> <>
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> <>
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> visit:
♡۶ Lynx text browser
recover crashed ms-word .doc with ms-debug.

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Re: Newbie to Maven problem -- JavaFX runtime components missing

2020-01-01 Thread Chris Olsen
Hi, Geertjan--

   > There’s a colon in there, at least.

   Hah!  Got it!  I had not seen the colon (ancient eyes), and I also noticed 
in your Youtube , properties (exec.args, exec.executable) that Netbeans had not 
generated for me .(Should it have?)  

   Thank you once again!I think I'm on the way now...(but we shall see!)

  -- Chris

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Re: Newbie to Maven problem -- JavaFX runtime components missing

2020-01-01 Thread Chris Olsen
Hi, again  (and thanks again for lightning!) --


  I did that (and remembered that I had watched this previously with the same 
result as follows).  I am now getting a message,...

  Unknown lifecycle phase "javafx"..  You must...or a goal in the format 

  The immediate neighborhood  of concern (so far as I can tell) in the 
nbactions.xml file is:


   -- Chris

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Re: Newbie to Maven problem -- JavaFX runtime components missing

2020-01-01 Thread Chris Olsen
Geertjan --

   Thank you very much for your lightning reply!

   I had previously tried both of those, but tried once again.   Same messages 
on both Gluons (with an without fxml), and my Maven buddy's program runs as 

   Just to make sure we are on the same wavelength, these were "FXML JavaFX 
Maven Archetype (Gluon)  and same w/o the FXML.

   -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Geertjan Wielenga 
To: Chris Olsen 
Cc: users 
Sent: Wed, 01 Jan 2020 15:35:48 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Newbie to Maven problem -- JavaFX runtime components missing

Go to the “Java with Maven” category in the New Project dialog and use the
two Gluon OpenJFX samples that you see there.


On Wed, 1 Jan 2020 at 17:29, Chris Olsen  wrote:

> Hello, Everyone and Happy New Year --
>   I am trying to write a simple starter HelloFX program, and running into
> an odd problem.
>   I am running with Netbeans 11.2,  jdk-13.0.1, javafx-sdk-11,
> apache-maven-3.6.3 on a Windows 10 machine, and have not altered anything
> that Netbeans gives me
>   At "run" I am getting a "JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are
> required to run this application", and further down, a "Failed to execute
> goal org.codehaus.mojo.exec-mavenplugin:1.5:exec (default-cli) on project"
> message.  I have searched the internet for these errors and found some
> enlightenment but no solution.
>   Now, here is the odd thing.   My learning Maven buddy colleague from
> another state sent me his FX program, and it runs fine!  I have tried
> force-fitting his pom file into my program, and that has not worked so
> far.   I am at a loss to understand how Netbeans can find what it needs for
> his program, but not mine.
>   Does anyone have any clues?
>   Thanks in advance!
>   -- Chris
> -
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Newbie to Maven problem -- JavaFX runtime components missing

2020-01-01 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone and Happy New Year --

  I am trying to write a simple starter HelloFX program, and running into an 
odd problem.

  I am running with Netbeans 11.2,  jdk-13.0.1, javafx-sdk-11, 
apache-maven-3.6.3 on a Windows 10 machine, and have not altered anything that 
Netbeans gives me 

  At "run" I am getting a "JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are 
required to run this application", and further down, a "Failed to execute goal 
org.codehaus.mojo.exec-mavenplugin:1.5:exec (default-cli) on project" message.  
I have searched the internet for these errors and found some enlightenment but 
no solution.

  Now, here is the odd thing.   My learning Maven buddy colleague from another 
state sent me his FX program, and it runs fine!  I have tried force-fitting his 
pom file into my program, and that has not worked so far.   I am at a loss to 
understand how Netbeans can find what it needs for his program, but not mine.

  Does anyone have any clues?   

  Thanks in advance!

  -- Chris 

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Re: deployable javafx app

2019-12-02 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone --

  I have a (possibly) related question.  I am also writing JavaFX programs and 
I am thinking of moving from Ant to Maven (and Java 8 to Java ??).   Is there a 
good resource about Maven that non-developers would benefit from?  Java is 
about my 5th language so I'm OK with reading technical stuff, but I' would want 
something that holds my hand in the beginning.

   Thanks in advance! 

  -- Chris

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Re: A Bad Thing has happened to the promise of platform independence

2019-09-28 Thread Chris Olsen
Jack and All --

  I fear that my jpackage question of a few days ago unintentionally ignited 
something of a contentious discussion, for which I must apologize!  I beat Jack 
by 5 years having been in this game (as a hobby mostly) for about 45 years.  I 
agree with Jack's sentiments below -- programming IS a pain in the butt -- but 
also brings the excitement of the hunt and pride of problem solved. (Easy for 
me to say -- I work in an academic environment without the real-world time 
pressure most of you probably work under.)

  As I try to move from 8 to 11 I, too, wish it were easier -- but until it is 
I (mostly) enjoy the hunt and (totally) appreciate the assistance and wisdom of 
the people on this list.

  -- Chris


- Original Message -
From: Jack Woehr 
To: Neil C Smith 
Cc: Walter Oney , NetBeans Mailing List 

Sent: Sat, 28 Sep 2019 12:14:35 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: A Bad Thing has happened to the promise of platform independence

I apologize if my comment was unclear. I was trying to be light. I think
Mosca and Oney pretty much got what I was saying.

I've been in this game for about 40 years.

Stuff comes and goes.

Programming is always a pain in the butt. If it wasn't, everyone would do
it and it would be a minimum wage job.

You learn something and then it's gone and you learn something else.

You wrestle with other people's code.

The late Stan Kelly-Bootle was joking about this decades ago in his *Devil's
DP Dictionary*.

I feel everyone's pain because it's my pain, too. Still wrestling with it.
Such is the life of the programmer!

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Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-27 Thread Chris Olsen
Scott and All --

  > The target should be 11 not 1.11. 

  Thanks to Scott!  I'm not sure where the 1.11 came from -- I think it was 
generated somewhere out of my control.  (Yes, passing the buck.)

  In any case, one step forward has gotten me to another problem, which I 
believe is with something called javafxpackager:

  Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec 
(unpack-dependencies) on project Splat_Maven: Command execution failed. Cannot 
run program "C:\Program 
Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\..\bin\javafxpackager" (in directory 
"C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat_Maven"): CreateProcess 
error=2, The system cannot find the file specified -> [Help 1]

  In searching the web I found a great deal of only partially helpful 
information, much related to Java 6 and 7.  Some places, in discussing Java 11, 
seemed to suggest there was no longer in existence a javafxpackager, and would 
there not be one until Java 14.  This is distressing, as my app is replete with 
FX.  I wonder if someone could give me an authoritative answer about what 
javafxpackager -- if it exists -- actually does.  I believe would like to be 
able to deploy my app bundled with Java 11 in Windows and Mac versions because 
of my target audience (high school teachers with even less computer savvy that 
I have).  I'm beginning to think I should just return to Java 8. I have solved 
many problems in migrating to Java 11, but I am getting a bit discouraged when 
I contemplate the possibility of many problems still to come, problems that 
suggest I should change professions from statistician to Java developer -- not 
something I want to contemplate at this stage in my career.

  Any advice for the harried and distraught _amateur_ programmer?

  Thank you in advance!

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Scott Palmer 
To: Chris Olsen 
Sent: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:29:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

The target should be 11 not 1.11. 


> On Sep 24, 2019, at 8:49 PM, Chris Olsen  wrote:
> Hello, Everyone --
>   I have downloaded AdoptOpenJDK, JavaFX 11, and Maven (or so I believe).  I 
> have waded through getting to zero FX compile errors, and with the clarion 
> call of "Excelcior!" I told Apache Netbeans 11.1 to run.  This is what I got:
> Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) 
> on project Splat_Maven: Fatal error compiling: error: invalid target release: 
> 1.11 -> [Help 1] 
>   I did my due diligence and looked for solutions on line, but nothing I 
> found seemed to work.  What I'm thinking is that SOMEwhere I must have told 
> some file or other that there is another Java 11 in town, but I don't really 
> know where I would have said this.  (I blew away all my old Java 8 JDKs.
>   In hopes that this might give someone might have greater than zero clues, I 
> am appending some System output below.  Any ideas of what and where to look 
> for solutions and/or suggestions for how to proceed are very welcome!  I'm 
> running this on Windows 7, but my Windows 10 laptop gives the same "invalid 
> target release" message.
>   Thanks in advance...
>   -- Chris Olsen
> Echo %JAVA_HOME%:
> C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\
> Echo %MAVEN_HOME%:
> c:\Program Files\Maven\apache-maven-3.6.2-bin\apache-maven-3.6.2\bin
> Path:
> C:\Program 
> Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program
>  Files 
> (x86)\CambridgeSoft\ChemOffice2015\ChemScript\Lib;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Anaconda3;C:\Anaconda3\Scripts;C:\Program
>  Files\MATLAB\R2015a\bin;c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL 
> Server\100\Tools\Binn\;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL 
> Server\100\Tools\Binn\;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL 
> Files\SASHome\Secure\ccme4;C:\Program 
> Files\SASHome\x86\Secure\ccme4;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\; 
> c:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5;C:\Program Files 
> (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files (x86)\SMLNJ\bin\;%JAVA_HOME%\bin; 
> C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin;c:\Program 
> Files\Maven\apache-maven-3.6.2-bin\apache-maven-3.6.2\bin
> -
> -

Hopefully close to the finish line with Java 11 & FX

2019-09-24 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone --

   I have downloaded AdoptOpenJDK, JavaFX 11, and Maven (or so I believe).  I 
have waded through getting to zero FX compile errors, and with the clarion call 
of "Excelcior!" I told Apache Netbeans 11.1 to run.  This is what I got:

Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on 
project Splat_Maven: Fatal error compiling: error: invalid target release: 1.11 
-> [Help 1] 

   I did my due diligence and looked for solutions on line, but nothing I found 
seemed to work.  What I'm thinking is that SOMEwhere I must have told some file 
or other that there is another Java 11 in town, but I don't really know where I 
would have said this.  (I blew away all my old Java 8 JDKs.

   In hopes that this might give someone might have greater than zero clues, I 
am appending some System output below.  Any ideas of what and where to look for 
solutions and/or suggestions for how to proceed are very welcome!  I'm running 
this on Windows 7, but my Windows 10 laptop gives the same "invalid target 
release" message.

   Thanks in advance...
   -- Chris Olsen


C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\


c:\Program Files\Maven\apache-maven-3.6.2-bin\apache-maven-3.6.2\bin


 Files\MATLAB\R2015a\bin;c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL 
Server\100\Tools\Binn\;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL 
Server\100\Tools\Binn\;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL 
Files\SASHome\Secure\ccme4;C:\Program Files\SASHome\x86\Secure\ccme4;C:\Program 
Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\; c:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5;C:\Program Files 
(x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files (x86)\SMLNJ\bin\;%JAVA_HOME%\bin; 
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin;c:\Program 


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Re: JavaFX deployment library not found in active JDK

2019-09-19 Thread Chris Olsen
Hi, Chris --

  Thank you!  

  I will try to follow this model as I move into Maven.

  -- Chris

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Re: JavaFX deployment library not found in active JDK

2019-09-17 Thread Chris Olsen
Hi, Bernd --

  Thank you very much for your wisdom!  Geertjan suggested using Maven, and I 
am trying that.  I also stumbled around and fixed the conflict you mention. I 
created a new Maven project (in Java 8 at home) and copied over all my files.  
Everything was fine except this line:

  > String css = 

  Still scratching my head trying to figure out the problem.  I'm guessing it 
has something to do with some difference in the package organization between 
Ant and Maven.  Ah, well, that's what makes programming an exciting endeavor!

  When I get to the office tomorrow I am going to try to duplicate my success, 
this time with Java 11. I'll dragoon one of my former statistics students to 

  Thanks again for your wisdom -- have a great day...

  -- Chris

- Original Message -
From: Bernd Michaely 
Sent: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 12:29:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: JavaFX deployment library not found in active JDK


| warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with 
-source 8

it seems you are using JDK 11 (which needs a separate OpenJavaFX), but 
with target Java version 8 (which contains its own JavaFX8), so there is 
a conflict ...

(so e.g. inside NetBeans see:

Project Properties > Sources > Source/Binary Format

and try to use JDK11 as target)


On 17.09.19 00:39, Chris Olsen wrote:
> Hello, Everyone --
> "Trigger" warning -- I am not a developer, just an amateur programmer 
> with a large FX project.
> I am not sure what information would be helpful, but here is my story:
> I am running with two PCs, Windows 7 and 10, and have arrived at the 
> same problem. I have installed (I believe successfully) AdoptOpenJDK 
> 11.0.2 and Apache Netbeans 11.1 and javafx. I am getting no compile 
> errors (i.e. the javafx library seems to be found successfully.) 
> However, I am getting the output below. I am not sure which of it is 
> relevant, so I copied all of it. I am not Ant-proficient at all, so I 
> have fewer clues than one what the jfx-impl.xml lines are trying to 
> tell me. I was not able to discern from StackOverflow what to do about 
> "JavaFX deployment library not found in active JDK." It was claimed I 
> might still be able to run the program from the command line, but 
> since my Unix/Linux/DOS looms small in my rear view mirrow, I want 
> Apache Netbeans to do all this for me.
> Might someone unravel what the problem might be, and where I might go 
> to seek a solution?
> Thank you in advance!
> -- Chris Olsen
> ---
> ant -f C:\\Users\\olsenc\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\Splat jfx-rebuild
> jfx-rebuild:
> init:
> deps-clean:
> Updating property file: 
> C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build\
> Deleting directory C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build
> clean:
> init:
> deps-jar:
> Created dir: C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build
> Updating property file: 
> C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build\
> Created dir: 
> C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build\classes
> Created dir: C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build\empty
> Created dir: 
> C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build\generated-sources\ap-source-output
> Compiling 356 source files to 
> C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build\classes
> warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with 
> -source 8
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> 1 warning
> Copying 18 files to 
> C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build\classes
> compile:
> Created dir: C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\dist
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
> Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be remo

JavaFX deployment library not found in active JDK

2019-09-16 Thread Chris Olsen
Hello, Everyone --

  "Trigger" warning -- I am not a developer, just an amateur programmer with a 
large FX project.

  I am not sure what information would be helpful, but here is my story:

  I am running with two PCs, Windows 7 and 10, and have arrived at the same 
problem.  I have installed (I believe successfully) AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.2 and 
Apache Netbeans 11.1 and javafx.  I am getting no compile errors (i.e. the 
javafx library seems to be found successfully.)  However, I am getting the 
output below.  I am not sure which of it is relevant, so I copied all of it.  I 
am not Ant-proficient at all, so I have fewer clues than one what the 
jfx-impl.xml lines are trying to tell me.  I was not able to discern from 
StackOverflow what to do about "JavaFX deployment library not found in active 
JDK." It was claimed I might still be able to run the program from the command 
line, but since my Unix/Linux/DOS looms small in my rear view mirrow, I want 
Apache Netbeans to do all this for me.

  Might someone unravel what the problem might be, and where I might go to seek 
a solution?

  Thank you in advance!

  -- Chris Olsen


ant -f C:\\Users\\olsenc\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\Splat jfx-rebuild
Updating property file: 
Deleting directory C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build
Created dir: C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build
Updating property file: 
Created dir: C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build\classes
Created dir: C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\build\empty
Created dir: 
Compiling 356 source files to 
warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 warning
Copying 18 files to 
Created dir: C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\dist
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
Copying 8 files to C:\Users\olsenc\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Splat\dist\lib
Detected JavaFX Ant API version 1.0
The following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
JavaFX deployment library not found in active JDK.
Please check that the JDK is correctly installed and its version is at least 
7u4 on Mac or 7u6 on other systems.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 7 seconds)


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Re: Are installers planned for Netbeans 10+

2019-02-27 Thread Chris Olsen
Mr. Wielenga --

> Personally though I don’t get why a developer, even a complete newbie,
> can’t unzip a zip file and create a shortcut. That said, yes, installer is
> in the works.

  I actually might be able to respond to your thoughts, and I am far from a 
complete newbie.  I have been programming both as a hobby and in my profession 
(teacher and now professor) of statistics.  When I began teaching statistics in 
1976 there was no such thing as statistical software for me to use in my 
classes.  Through those years of Basic, of C++, and now Java, I have been 
writing statistics programs to support my teaching.  When I accidentally read 
about the Java FX and its capabilities I began a project that I now have been 
working on for 5 years or so.  The easy installation of Java and Netbeans was 
wonderful for me -- my old Linux and DOS skills were severely atrophied!

  Now, I see Netbeans moving to Apache, FX separated from Java, a "new" (since 
Java 8) module orientation (?) that I need to learn about, and -- to my 
frustration -- no installation wizard.

  My lifeline to productivity in my day job, and I am involved with continuing 
projects which require an online presence; thus I approach with trepidation any 
task which would require my traveling back down to the system level.  If I were 
to in some way err and create problems with my system, I cannot easily or 
quickly recover.

  The directions (E.g. YouTube) I have seen online concerning installation (and 
presumably updating) of OpenJDK, FX, and Apache Netbeans are (a) not in 
complete agreement, and (b) do not seem to stop at simply unzipping a zip file 
and creating a shortcut.  Having said that, I must tip a hat to those who have 
offered up the directions; they are very clear and very helpful!!  And the 
discussion here since my very recent joining have been very illuminating and 

  But my forte is mathematics and statistics, not my C: drive.  I suspect my 
situation is somewhat unique, but it is at least an existence proof (as we say 
in mathematics) that an installation wizard is a wonderful thing to have 

  Apologies for the length -- thank you and the rest of the Community for all 
the given and future help.

  -- Chris Olsen
 Grinnell College


- Original Message -
From: Geertjan Wielenga 
To: Gary Greenberg 
Sent: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 13:15:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Are installers planned for Netbeans 10+

Yes, there’s a PR for that.

No JDK will be included and no JRE, since these are GPL licensed.

Personally though I don’t get why a developer, even a complete newbie,
can’t unzip a zip file and create a shortcut. That said, yes, installer is
in the works.


On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, Greenberg, Gary  wrote:

> Is there are any plans to add installers for Mac (.dmg) and Windows (.msi)
> into Netbeans distribution?

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