Auto Session Creation and memory usage

2008-07-23 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Hi Guys,

I am working on creating some more scalable tomcat applications. I have
addedd a SessionListener and it seems that hitting a jsp page triggers a
session to be created.

If there are 1000 users and only 10 are signed in, I dont think 1000
sessions need to be created yes. How do I turn off auto session 
creation, or is this impossible.

(Google has not been my friend in this regard, do people not think about
this sort of thing?)


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Performance of Native library

2008-02-14 Thread Jacob Rhoden


Are there any web sites that show/compare the performance of a plain 
install vs adding the native libraries for tomcat? How many of you guys 
actually use the native libraries in production, ie is this common or 

Best Regards,

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Re: Deploying on a Remote Tomcat Servers

2008-01-10 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Richard G. Reyes wrote:
May I ask how you guys deploy on a remote tomcat servers? Is there a 
way to automate deployment?
The most common way is to use an ant build file. One task to build the 
war, and another task to deploy it. Its quite simple once you know how.

I don't have time to write how to do it but a quick google search found 

Best Regards,

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Tomcat/Mod_jk on Redhat

2008-01-10 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Hi Guys,

We are trying to introduce Java technology in our workplace (all the staff have 
been recently re-trained in Java). As far as I can tell, our System 
Administrators are really only resourced to be able to install standard Redhat 

I initially thought we could install a clean vanilla tomcat, and then 
install mod_jk or mod_proxy_jk, however I am told by our System 
Administrators there are no packages for mod_jk, or mod_proxy_jk (I 
think they mean, that there are no packages that are supported by Redhat).

I wonder if one of you more experienced people may be able to recommend a 
Redhat package or set of packages that we can ask our System Administrators to 
install? (That you guys are using in production of course).

Best Regards,

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Re: Remote deployment in tomcat

2008-01-01 Thread Jacob Rhoden
How could Cruise Contol possibly allow you to tell tomcat to (remotely) 
clean its work directory from an ant build script? I use hudson for 
continuous integration so maybe I am missing something.

Marcio Camurati wrote:

Maybe CruiseControl can help you to make it, it's a project that for create 
continuous build process scheduled:


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Tomcat Filter Ordering

2007-12-06 Thread Jacob Rhoden


I am trying to separate all work from within one large filter, into two 
smaller filters. One filter for handling authentication/authorisation 
and another to handle url redirecting.

However the authentication filter must run before the rewriting filter. 
Is there a way to specify in tomcat the order the filters must be placed 
in the filter chain.

See web.xml content below.

Thanks for any help or feedback!



Jacob Rhoden

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Tomcat Task Eclipse Mylin Manager

2007-12-04 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Hi Guys,

I am trying to find some simple project task manager to improve my small 
project management. Does anyone know of any tomcat based "task 
repositories" that integrate with Eclipse, and are small and simple. 
There is JIRA but it is large and expensive.

(I would much prefer to have a simple thing to just drop into tomcat and 
go, than try and setup and install bugzilla or something like that. 
Maybe I am going to have to write one myself.)

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Tomcat vs (other container) compatibility

2007-11-17 Thread Jacob Rhoden


Just wondering if there is anyone who has been or is involved in cross 
JEE container work, how compatible are tomcat apps with other commercial 
apps such as OC4J, Websphere, BEA and so on? If you don't use tomcat 
specific things, does it "just work", I ask because the compatibility 
issue might come up at work.

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Re: servlet init error pages

2007-11-14 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Len Popp wrote:

HTTP error 503 is "service unavailable", which means the servlet or
web app is not running. 

Len is correct, this exception is usually thrown by apache httpd, not 
apache tomcat. Do you have an apache front end? If this is true you must 
configure the error page from within your httpd file. I usually do 
something like this in my apache virtual host:

JkMount /* ajp13_worker
JkUnMount /error/* ajp13_worker
ErrorDocument 503 /error/TomcatMissing.html

Note, this error occurs when tomcat is down, so the error page can not 
be returned by tomcat! So this configuration says, display the error 
page from an apache httpd directory instead of trying to display it from 

Hope that helps!

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Re: Strante tomcat warning - WARNING: Parameters: Character decoding failed. Parameter skipped.

2007-10-24 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Hi Mark,

I was aware that mod_jk2 was deprecated I just did not know that our 
provider setup the system using mod_jk2 until you prompted me to 
investigate. Thanks for your help!

Best Regards,

Mark Thomas wrote:

mod_jk2!!! Are you sure. That module has been deprecated for several

mod_jk2 may be manipulating the URI. You should be aware of
CVE-2007-1860 (see In
short mod_jk URI handling created a few security holes. We didn't
check mod_jk2 for this issue.

For further reading, see
particularly the ForwardURIxxx directives.



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Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Re: Strante tomcat warning - WARNING: Parameters: Character decoding failed. Parameter skipped.

2007-10-24 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Mark Thomas wrote:

Jacob Rhoden wrote:

This is as far as I got. Why would the browser be encoding its requests
in anything other than base64.

Are you using mod_jk? There is a config that could cause this.

We did not configure the server, our provider did I just checked and 
eek!! its using mod_jk2! I suspect that would be the reason.

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Re: Strante tomcat warning - WARNING: Parameters: Character decoding failed. Parameter skipped.

2007-10-24 Thread Jacob Rhoden
This is as far as I got. Why would the browser be encoding its requests 
in anything other than base64. I had just wondered if this was a common 
problem with a somewhat simple solution. I don't really have time to go 
digging around in TCP dumps at the moment so I guess the error will have 
to live on for the time being, thanks for your feedback.

Best Regards,

Mark Thomas wrote:

One of the x characters in %xx is not a hex digit (0-9, A-F).

Start looking at your requests (I use TcpMon from the Axis project but
there are plenty of tools that do the same sort of thing) and see
which of the %xx values is invalid.

Are you using mod_jk at all? If so, you'll need to look at browser to
httpd/IIS/etc and httpd/IIS/etc to Tomcat. You can turn up the log
level to look at the mod_jk messages.


Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Re: Strante tomcat warning - WARNING: Parameters: Character decoding failed. Parameter skipped.

2007-10-24 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Martin Gainty wrote:

Please post the encoding attribute located on the top line for you web.xml

I had wondered if that was relevant. To make sure we handle 
international characters properly we are using:

 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" 

And on top of this to make sure the characters are handled properly, we 
have a servlet filter with the following code:


With the following to (i assume) apply it to all servlets and JSP's:


I assume the filter is working as Chinese characters can now go to and 
from tomcat correctly from a html form. Any help much appreciated.

Best Regards,

We are having an elusive issue on one of our production servers using
Tomcat 6.0.14, every few minutes we are getting a request that results
in the following exception:

Oct 25, 2007 12:04:23 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters
WARNING: Parameters: Character decoding failed. Parameter skipped. isHexDigit
at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.convert(
at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.convert(







Has anyone seen anything like this before, and know how to handle it? It
appears Firefox browsers and IE browsers are both passing POST
commands that are resulting in this exception.

A quick search on google reveals a bunch of other people who dont know
what it is, and well, the source code that throws the exception.

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Strante tomcat warning - WARNING: Parameters: Character decoding failed. Parameter skipped.

2007-10-24 Thread Jacob Rhoden


We are having an elusive issue on one of our production servers using 
Tomcat 6.0.14, every few minutes we are getting a request that results 
in the following exception:

Oct 25, 2007 12:04:23 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters 

WARNING: Parameters: Character decoding failed. Parameter skipped. isHexDigit
   at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.convert(
   at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.convert(


Has anyone seen anything like this before, and know how to handle it? It 
appears Firefox browsers and IE browsers are both passing POST 
commands that are resulting in this exception.

A quick search on google reveals a bunch of other people who dont know 
what it is, and well, the source code that throws the exception.

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Re: Help with Tomcat & IIS

2007-10-24 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Propes, Barry L wrote:

there's lots of people who combine the two -- I currently am, because our UNIX 
support group has not made the environment compatible for or with Tomcat!
Sounds like you and I have the same employer (: But seriously, I am 
trying to work out the pro's and cons of standalone mode. I am wondering 
why you put IIS in front of tomcat? Does IIS provide other services 
apart from tomcat, or is there a specific reason?

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Re: Help with Tomcat & IIS

2007-10-24 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Wow, this is the first time I have heard of someone wanting to use 
Tomcat with IIS. Most IIS people would be using .NET. (I am interested 
to hear from people if its possible and why you would do it)

Is there a speciffic reason you need to connect it to IIS? Did you know 
that tomcat can be used without Apache or IIS? Simply edit the 
server.xml file so that it listens on port 80 instead of port 8080. This 
makes configuration much easier. However I understand if you do have a 
specific reason to use IIS.

Best Regards,

Demetris Zavorotnichenko wrote:

I have been banging my head about this for a long time and haven't figured
it out yet.

I have a 64 Bit Machine with Windows Server 2003 (64 bit) 


What version of Tomcat should I install in order to be able to connect it to




What Jakata connector version should I use? Which would be compatible with
all this.



Please help me out on this.


I have been through the tutorials a hundred times and I got confused since
there are SO many Directories with different Jakata Connectors for different


Please if someone could write down this things (in short) -> since I know
the procedure of setting this up


Please help me here.



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Re: Tomcat Manager session list "Gussed user name"

2007-10-22 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Jacob Rhoden wrote:
I have recently discovered the tomcat manager can not only show a list 
of sessions, but the "Gussed username" for that session. This is very 
handy except it seems to read a session variable called "user" and 
just displays it. Our session object called "user" is a class not a 
string, show it displays things like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
I am now going to answer my own question because digging through the 
source code got the answer quicker (: Tomcat searches the session for an 
object of type Principal, and uses the .toString() method to read the 
username. So if you have a session object called "user", make it extend 
"Principal" and add a toString() method so it displays user information 
in a nice format.

Happy session management! (:

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Tomcat Manager session list "Gussed user name"

2007-10-22 Thread Jacob Rhoden


I have recently discovered the tomcat manager can not only show a list 
of sessions, but the "Gussed username" for that session. This is very 
handy except it seems to read a session variable called "user" and just 
displays it. Our session object called "user" is a class not a string, 
show it displays things like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

How do people manage this, do they implement a toString() to handle 
display of the user, or is there another way to teach the manager 
application the session name? (I am trying to find this in the source 
code but am only up to this so far:

public static String guessDisplayUserFromSession(Session in_session) {
   Object user = SessionUtils.guessUserFromSession(in_session);
   return escapeXml(user);


Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Re: Cleanly shutdown tomcat

2007-10-22 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Kevin Jackson wrote:

Has anyone else experienced a problem with tomcat6 not cleanly
shutting down?  I do testing etc on windows too and I notice from time
to time that shutdown.bat will sometimes fail to cleanly shutdown
tomcat, so I think the problem is in bootstrap.jar (Catalina.stop),
and nothing to do with our linux environment

Hi Kevin,

I have occasionally seen this problem, but every time I have seen it is 
due to a poorly written JEE application. For example I have seen in 
Tomcat 5.5 if the JEE application creates a thread but due to some 
problem or exception it does not remove the thread, tomcat will not 
shutdown. What makes you think that the problem is with Tomcat and not 
with one of the applications you are running?

That said, I have had all sorts of similar problems with Redhat and 
Ubuntu pre-packaged installations (ie RPM's and apt-get packages). I 
have since given up on using packages and installing a clean version of 
tomcat/java per server. I have not had any trouble since!

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Resource vs Resource-ref

2007-10-21 Thread Jacob Rhoden


I am having trouble with something google and the docs cant seem to help.

1) After setting up a connection to a database in the context.xml file 
using the  tag, do you need the  in the web.xml 
file. I have tried with and without and it doesn't seem to make a 

2) I want to be able to deploy two instances of an application on the 
same installation of tomcat. (using two separate virtual hosts) with two 
separate databases. If I simply deploy the application twice, with two 
different context.xml files, sometimes this works (ie one instance uses 
the database from one context.xml and the other instance uses the 
database from the other context.xml) but sometimes it seems they both 
use the same database!!

How do I fix this? The tomcat documentation seems to imply the 
context.xml file jndi information is local to a single applications 
context. It appears this is not true if that is what the documentation 

Best Regards,

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Re: Tomcat access log question

2007-07-20 Thread Jacob Rhoden

John Hui wrote:
I currently have Tomcat access log enable which will log all the query 
hits my web server.  Some of the information is "confidential".  So is 
a mechanism that I can use to add a interceptor or filter to "encrypt" 

information before it gets log into the access log?

Any suggestion or pointer would be greatly appreciated!


It would be better to alter the application (if you can) to not include 
private information inside url's.

But either way, just make the logs read writeable only by tomcat. That 
way the user has to have access to tomcat before they can read the logs. 
And if the user has access to tomcat, then they will be able to read 
your logs no matter wether your logs are encrypted or not. (ie if the 
user has access to tomcat they can simply monitor all incoming traffic 
via other means, and get much more confidential information than just 
urls and ip addresses)

Best Regards,

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Tomcat Application Read/Write properties (mk2)

2007-07-14 Thread Jacob Rhoden
I am going to re-word the question from the last thread to ask not how 
to do what I think I should do, but what I should do (:

Where I work, ease of configuration and management is an important part 
of the software selection process. I have seen many tomcat applications 
provide an install.jsp or setup.jsp that allows you to configure various 
information including the name of the database. So here is my question. 
What is the correct/standard/java way of doing this? The database 
username/password are usually stored in web.xml, should the 
configuration page write the the web.xml file?  I know what technically 
can be done, but what should be done?

Jacob Rhoden

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Re: Read and write inside WEB-INF

2007-07-14 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Much Appreciated! Thanks.

Edoardo Panfili wrote:

Jacob Rhoden ha scritto:
 what is the correct way to find the location of your WEB-INF 
directory (or your apps directory for that matter).

try with
String x = this.getServletContext().getRealPath("WEB-INF");

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Read and write inside WEB-INF

2007-07-14 Thread Jacob Rhoden


I have seen a few apps do this now and I would like to do it, to have a 
configure page that read and writes a properties file somewhere inside 
the WEB-INF directory. That said, I have been researching and cant find 
out where, what is the correct way to find the location of your WEB-INF 
directory (or your apps directory for that matter).

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Re: Changing tomcat version

2007-07-10 Thread Jacob Rhoden


I am by no means an expert, however generally I too have had problems 
running the latest versions of tomcat using Java < 1.6.0.

I am not sure of the reason but using Java 1.6.0_02 makes most problems 
go away. (I am guessing the tomcat 6 distro is compiled with java 1.6?)

Try this to get a working tomcat 1.6.0 (unix only)
- Make an empty directory (i do "adduser appserver")
- Download and install java 1.6.0 into it
- Download and isntall tomcat 6 into it
- Edit to force it to use java 1.6.0.
- Copy your web apps over.

This usually takes me all of 5 minutes on a linux box, and gets me a 
stable working version of tomcat every time. (Which we have running 
production).  When it comes time to upgrade I just repeat above steps 
with newer versions in a new directory. The beauty if this is that if 
there is a problem you can always go back.

And not only this but I find that ubuntu and some other distros make 
some strange changes that cause me problems. (ie, like Ubuntu's 
predilections to not use Suns Java. I agree with the philosophy, but in 
reality causes much grief).

Best Regards,

Deepa Paranjpe wrote:

Hi all,

I was using tomcat's version of 4.1 for a long time and it was working fine. But then I decided to move to version 6. I kept getting these errors --> 

javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot allocate servlet instance for path 

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Re: PORTLET live site examples?

2007-07-09 Thread Jacob Rhoden
I just thought of a very speciffic example that might make what i was 
saying clearer. Using the educational field again:

Just say you have a central student enrollment online system. Faculty A 
just wants the student to fill out all forms, say Form 1, form 2 and 
form 3. However Faculty B says, we want Form 1, Form 2, Our funny form 
not in your system, form 3. And Faculty C says We just want Form 1, and 
form 3.

Simply make all the forms Portlets, and put them in a portal. That way 
depending on the student they can be shown different portlets.

This way no matter what strange and wacky way each of the clients in the 
company want the students to enroll, we can accommodate it by having 
everything turned into Portlets.

(Sorry I cant give you a live example, ours is very secure)

Best Regards,

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Re: PORTLET live site examples?

2007-07-09 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Johnny Kewl wrote:

Hi Jacob. thanks
There is tons of literature on it, but boy its like looking for a 
needle in a hay stack actually finding one that clearly uses all this 

Portal Architecture is heavily used by teaching institutions to solve a 
number of speciffic problems (not always successfully i might add).

When a company has 10 different web sites all with different styles and 
layouts for various legacy reasons and they cant be change, a portal can 
bring all sites into it, one site per tab, with a consistent corporate 

When workflow of your staff involves interacting with multiple different 
systems, (ie logging in and out of different systems). A portal can wrap 
the systems, provide single sign on (using a number of different 
mechanisms) and present each step of the workflow on a single page, or 
over a series of pages.

In a big company, When workflow of your staff crosses software/websites 
from different departments (who do their own programming and want to do 
things "their way" and dont work together for political reasons) you can 
make them simply write portlets, and let the portal team control how the 
departments applications look and feel and work.

I could go on for quite some time but I don't have time to write an 
essay, these are probably some of the most important benefits. If you 
are a small company the concept of a portlet is still helpful but not as 
useful as to a big company with a large number of sites.


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Re: PORTLET live site examples?

2007-07-09 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Where I work, we run a fairly simple Oracle based portal, there are a 
large number of people who do this, mainly universities:,5339000&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL


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Re: What is Tomcat 6 status?

2007-06-28 Thread Jacob Rhoden
It is not as simple as Michael implies, It is my understanding that 
tomcat 6 makes many improvements over tomcat 5. If this is correct then 
it makes choosing between 5 and 6 more complicated than you suggest. 
(And to someone who does not know what the JSP/servlet specs are, this 
is even more unclear). My guess at the best answer is to use 6 even if 
you dont need all of the features of 6, as 5 is bound to become 
unsupported long before 6.

Bryan Rood wrote:


I don't understand where the confusion lies in the first question.

At, you see that under "production quality releases",
version 6.0.13 is listed as well as 5.5.23. If you don't need JSP Spec
2.1, then you can use 5.5.23, if that factor doesn't matter, than just
deploy 6.0.13. We are currently using 6.0 in production and it is stable
for our company. There is documentation available as well that describes
what to do for tomcat servers running in production. Those
recommendations should be followed as well.


Jacobs Blog --

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Re: .Net

2007-06-27 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Tolou Taherinia wrote:

I have found mod_aspdotnet  a loadable Apache 2 module for serving  ASP.NET 
content using the Microsoft ASP.NET hosting and Microsoft .NET runtime within 
the Apache HTTP Server process. Is mono a better solution?
The first hit on a google search says mod_aspdotnet is discontinued and 
no longer supported.

Microsoft products such as ASP.NET only run on Windows. This 
information is stated in the second hit in a google search for 

If you want to run on linux use mono.

Jacobs Blog --

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Re: Exchange Language

2007-06-20 Thread Jacob Rhoden
What a great idea, why didn't I think of that?

Sam Klin wrote:
> Can this witty exchange continue in private email?
> - Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jacob Rhoden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" 
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:27 AM
> Subject: Re: Exchange Language
>> Oops, I did not mean to send this to the mailing list. Sorry. We should
>> take the conversation off the tomcat mailing list.
>> _
>> Jacobs Blog --
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Jacobs Blog --

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Re: Exchange Language

2007-06-20 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Oops, I did not mean to send this to the mailing list. Sorry. We should
take the conversation off the tomcat mailing list.

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Re: Exchange Language

2007-06-20 Thread Jacob Rhoden
我也学习中问。但是我的中问不好!I like learning chinese, however I am
not very advanced. I am interested in learning, however I dont know how
this would work over email?

Best Regards,

吴熊敏 wrote:
> Dear All,
>   I'm learning English,is there anyone want to lean Chinese.
>   I wish to find one who can exchange language with me.
> -
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Re: SOS thanks

2007-06-20 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Sorry, I need to correct myself. I just checked with my Chinese
colleague to make sure I was getting my Chinese right, and he says 比如
is a better translation than 比喻。

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Re: SOS thanks

2007-06-20 Thread Jacob Rhoden
吴熊敏 wrote:
> Thanks very much.
> I have another question,what does "ie" here means? Is it the same as "it"?
> I have seen this word "ie" in many mails,but i don't understand its
> meaning.
"ie" means "For example". It is similar in usage to "比喻说". (I think they are 
the characters, not sure).

Best Regards,

Jacobs Blog --

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Re: SOS thanks

2007-06-20 Thread Jacob Rhoden

The closest manderin sound would be "nv2 bi4" , ie sounds a bit like
characters "女毕".

Best Regards,

吴熊敏 wrote:
> I don't know the pronounciation of this word "newbie".
> [nju:bai] or [nju:bie] or ..?
> who can tell me!
> Thanks in advance!!

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Tomcat keepalive mysql connection.

2007-06-06 Thread Jacob Rhoden


Under tomcat 5.5, I would prevent the database connections from timing 
out by having a Cron job that accesses the website every 10 minute. 
(Because I couldn't work out a better way). This no longer works under 
tomcat 6. Are there any better ways than I am not aware of.? I don't 
think increasing the timeout length in Mysql is a much better solution.

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[OT] Avoiding spam

2007-06-06 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Hi Guys,

Slightly off topic, I notice when I post, my email address ends up on 
hundreds of websites on google. How do people get around this? Fake 
email addresses?

Best Regards,

Jacobs Blog --

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Re: Track down which app has memory leak.

2007-06-04 Thread Jacob Rhoden

David Delbecq wrote:

Java comes with a profiling tools available that dump information on a
text file upon exist. Look at sun web site for docs about profiling. You
jun then have to set the appropriate parameters to your CATALINA_OPTS
Hi, Thanks for your reply however I cant find anything useful on the Sun 
site. Only a few things that reveal you have to type a kill -QUITE 
, however that doesnt seem to do anything (maybe it is 
putting a heap file somewhere I dont know about).

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Track down which app has memory leak.

2007-06-04 Thread Jacob Rhoden


In a tomcat instance (6.0.13) with multiple apps, how do can I easily 
track down which app has a memory leak. For example, can I just get a 
dump of all objects and grep the output (i relize there are a lot but I 
am not afraid of that!), or do I have to resort to installing and 
learning how to use one of the many profiling tools? So I guess I am 
asking how do you actually get a stack/heap dump of some sort out of 

I am new to this sort of thing and Google doesn't tell me much except 
use some fancy gui tool.

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

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Tomcat 6 manager application bug

2007-06-02 Thread Jacob Rhoden
I finally upgraded everything to java 6/tomcat 6. Its all nice! There 
does seem to be a bug in the manager app. The application list comes out 
formatted strangely. (See attached picture if it works). I think it 
might be a bug.


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Re: Tomcat Security - Disable the http connector

2007-06-02 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Pid wrote:

Jacob Rhoden wrote:
If I only allow connections to tomcat through apache (mod_jk), is it 
ok then to turn off the the  http connector...

Yes, just comment it out and restart.
I have already done it. Thanks! I was just worried there would be some 
un-intended repercussions.

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Re: Upgrade to TC6 is breaking the app

2007-06-02 Thread Jacob Rhoden
No idea, just a thought though: Tomcat 6 seems to require all your add 
on jar libraries to go in /lib instead of /common/lib Are you sure you 
do not have any special jar libraries that must go in there?

Gmail User wrote:

I am trying to migrate my app from TC5.5.15 to TC6.0.13 under Linux with
JRE1.6.0_01. I basically started with a fresh copy of TC and copied a
virtual host definition to the new version.

All pages use the same JSTL libraries and all work under TC5.5.15. Under
TC6.0.13, All pages under the root of the virtual host are OK; all in
directories below fail when accessed directly. A typical error I get is:

Type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the 
jar files deployed with this application










note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
Tomcat/6.0.13 logs.

On subsequent request, this error changes to:

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to 
load class for JSP



root cause 

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to load class for JSP




root cause 

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jsp.top_005ffavorites_jsp$ Method)




note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the

Tomcat 6 Manager App question (Memory usage)

2007-06-02 Thread Jacob Rhoden


The manager application status page reports the following regarding 
memory usage:

Free memory: 0.86 MB Total memory: 9.35 MB Max memory: 63.56 MB

I am confused about what this means. What is the difference between 
total memory and max memory. Is the free memory what is left of total 
memory, or maximum memory?

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Tomcat Security - Disable the http connector

2007-06-01 Thread Jacob Rhoden


If I only allow connections to tomcat through apache (mod_jk), is it ok 
then to turn off the the  http connector, ie (for example in tomcat 6)



So that tomcat only listens on the AJP port? Thanks.

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Re: UserDatabase & security

2007-05-18 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Jerome Benezech wrote:

As far as I am aware you cannot resolve this problem
except by switching 
to LDAP for your authentication. (Although I would
be happy to be 

In this case, which user would be authenticated in
LDAP ? If th user connecting to LDAP is 'tomcat', the
issue remains no ?
Not quite. You reconfigure tomcat to use LDAP to lookup passwords, 
instead of reading a text file. LDAP is a server that listens on a port 
on a server. So the passwords are no longer stored and owned by the 
tomcat user, but by the LDAP server, which can have its own file 
permissions and so on.

Make sense? Lookup "Tomcat LDAP" in google. (:

Jacob Rhoden  -

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Re: UserDatabase & security

2007-05-17 Thread Jacob Rhoden
As far as I am aware you cannot resolve this problem except by switching 
to LDAP for your authentication. (Although I would be happy to be 

For any larger scale hosting, LDAP provides a more secure solution. 
(However it does add an extra point of failure). Any hosting solution 
where users share the same instance of tomcat is dubious because anyone 
can read anyones files!

Which gets me thinking, what is to stop anyone writing an application 
that simply deletes the tomcat installation?

Best Regards,

Jerome Benezech wrote:

I have a question regarding Tomcat server UserDatabase
on Linux. 
When choosing a MemoryUserDatabase, tomcat users and

passwords are declared in a tomcat-users.xml file. The
tomcat user running the server must have read
permission on this file.
At the same time, all webapps running in tomcat are
running under the same Linux user ('tomcat'). So any
webapp can access this file and display its content.

My app is hosted on a shared Linux server. With the
present configuration, I can retrieve this file and
display every user login/password, then if I wanted
to, I could go into somebody else' webapp manager and
undeploy it.
I am a bit worried that somebody would do that to

Is there a way to ensure that only the root user can
read this file ?



Jerome Benezech

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mod_jk selective forwarding?

2007-05-15 Thread Jacob Rhoden


I would like to be able to configure an apache virtual host, where all 
requests ending in .pl are served by apache, and everything else falls 
through to tomcat. I have no idea where to start. (I normally just copy 
and paste something into httpd.conf to setup my connector) Are there any 
good websites on how to do this?


Jacob Rhoden -

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Re: Tomcat Eclipse Integration

2007-03-27 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Venky Vasant wrote:

Some one please point me to a good link for setting up Eclipse 3.2.1 with 
tomcat 5.5
i am having hard time here 
After a hours of trying to get eclipse and tomcat to work together 
nicely, i gave up and just installed netbeans (: Some people have great 
success with eclipse, I kept on getting strange log error messages with 
plain vanilla install on Home Windows XP (although admittedly the hong 
kong edition of xp). I have nothing against eclips, but Netbeans "just 

Jacob Rhoden -

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Re: tomcat-users.xml config in tomcat 6

2007-03-12 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Sorry I should have mentioned, yes I did restart. There are no reported 
errors with parsing or anything like that. The users file is now currently:


Parsons Technical Services wrote:


Did you restart Tomcat?

Can you post your tomcat-users.xml?


- Original Message - From: "Jacob Rhoden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 11:12 PM
Subject: tomcat-users.xml config in tomcat 6

This is probably something very dumb on my part (: but, when I try to 
use the manager app in a fresh tomcat 6 install, i get the following 

"You are not authorized to view this page. If you have not changed 
any configuration files, please examine the file 
conf/tomcat-users.xml in your installation. That file will contain 
the credentials to let you use this webapp."

It then tells me to put:

In tomcat-users.xml (I had already put something in there). And it 
didn't really fix it. There are no errors in the logs directory. I 
cannot work out the problem and google was no help on this one. Any 

Thanks, Jacob

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tomcat-users.xml config in tomcat 6

2007-03-12 Thread Jacob Rhoden
This is probably something very dumb on my part (: but, when I try to 
use the manager app in a fresh tomcat 6 install, i get the following 

"You are not authorized to view this page. If you have not changed any 
configuration files, please examine the file conf/tomcat-users.xml in 
your installation. That file will contain the credentials to let you use 
this webapp."

It then tells me to put:

In tomcat-users.xml (I had already put something in there). And it 
didn't really fix it. There are no errors in the logs directory. I 
cannot work out the problem and google was no help on this one. Any 

Thanks, Jacob

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Re: tomcat connector through cgi-bin?

2007-03-07 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Pid wrote:
I'd suggest getting a new webserver then: 1) hosting is cheap, 2) you 
can configure the server to do what you really need it to do.

There's little point in trying to force a cgi environment to forward 
requests into Tomcat, if your server doesn't support it.

It's a false economy if you spend more than the equivalent hosting 
cost in your time trying to resolve this - not a really a good idea at 

I agree, that is the best option, and that is the most logical thing! 
However there are external issues which prevent this from happening 
right now *sigh*! I would like to work in a place where the 
cheapest/best thing is the thing that can be done!

Anyway, In case anyone is interested, I have now written a perl script 
which does exactly that. So if anyone needs a "perl tomcat connector" 
send me an email. (:

Best Regards,


Jacob Rhoden -

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Re: How to set global variable in Tomcat 5.5.17

2007-03-06 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Instead of attaching information to a session context you can attach 
information to an application context, whats more, instead of loading 
the config each time a session is created, you can create what is called 
a "Lifecycle listener" which will load the configuraiton file once, when 
the application is loaded into the web server! Look up lifecycle 
listener in google. I can send sample code if you need it.

Best Regards,

Kathy Lo wrote:


I setup Tomcat 5.5.17 in Linux Fedora Core 4 and develop a Web
Application under /webapps directory.

I have so many configuration files that need to be loaded into my web
application. These configuration files are in a self-defined format
and I wrote some Java classes to parse these configuration files and
save the parsing result in a linked list (java.util.List or
java.util.Map). These configuration files are static (not change).

In my web application, when a user session created, I call these Java
classes to parse these configuration files and save the linked lists
into the session. So, every user sessions contain the same set of
linked list and, as a result, it reads these files every time when
session created (so many I/O access, if many session created as the
same time, it will slow down the server).

Now, I want to save these linked lists as a global variables in Tomcat
so that each JSP and Servlet can access these global variables and
reduce I/O access and memory usage.

So, would you please tell me how to set global variables in Tomcat and
initialize them using the Java classes that I wrote.


Jacob Rhoden -

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Re: tomcat connector through cgi-bin?

2007-03-06 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


Jacob Rhoden wrote:
Hi, Has anyone here ever had to use a cgi-bin directory to try and 
connect to tomcat? ie, some script that when run under cgi-bin,

connects and forwards the info to tomcat?

Ugh. This sounds miserable. ;)


I cant find much on it, but it would be really handy. (Have a web
server that i cant install a connector in!).

Do you mean that you can't install something like mod_jk? Or, that you
can't use a Tomcat  with a port number?

You might be able to use proxying (possibly?) already available in your
web server to simply proxy requests to an HTTP connector running in
Tomcat. I think this would be cleaner than a cgi-bin->Tomcat hack.

What is your environment? Perhaps we can come up with a better solution.
Its a system where we have no permission on any files except user home 
directories and the cgi-bin directory. So we can run tomcat as a 
non-unprivileged user on a high port, but we need the ability to allow 
files to be served through the apache web server on port 80.

So it has to be something we can install in the cgi-bin directory. In 
the past we have had a perl script to simply make a connection to an app 
server and pass the data through.

There is a very large set of Perl scripts (that have grown to the point 
where its inefficient and unmanageable) that I would like to start 
rationalizing/organizing into a simpler Java app.

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden -

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tomcat connector through cgi-bin?

2007-03-06 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Hi, Has anyone here ever had to use a cgi-bin directory to try and 
connect to tomcat? ie, some script that when run under cgi-bin, connects 
and forwards the info to tomcat? I cant find much on it, but it would be 
really handy. (Have a web server that i cant install a connector in!).

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Re: Mysql timouts...

2007-02-22 Thread Jacob Rhoden

David Smith wrote:

I think I see what's happening here.  You've told the database pool to
continually test connections every hour.  The validation query itself

 validationQuery="select 1"  testWhileIdle="true"

This is why I am confused, isnt 6=60 seconds? It is certinaly not 
doing an idle test every 60 seconds, why does it say Millis?

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Re: Mysql timouts...

2007-02-22 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Thanks for your reply, I have read through that document and the one on 
the mysql website, and discovered these other parameters, so I added 
this as well. It didnt make any difference. The mysqladmin program still 
reports the connections going untouched for hours.

 validationQuery="select 1"  testWhileIdle="true"

David Smith wrote:
As a side note, drop the autoReconnect=true from your database url. 
It's not recommended and actually does not prevent SQLExceptions on

connections that go stale.  It just restores the connection for the next
request after the exception.  The MySQL website has further information
regarding what autoReconnect actually does.  One of these days, the
tomcat docs should be updated to remove that.
I will have to read the documents to find out why having the connection 
automatically reconnected if there was a problem is bad thing, it is not 
clear from first reading.

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden -

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Re: Mysql timouts...

2007-02-22 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Jacob Rhoden wrote:
I am having the seemingly common "Broken pipe" to mysql problem with 


I have installed a most up to date version of tomcat 5.5.20/mysql5.0.4 
connector on Redhat Enterprise WS 4, and according to the mysqladmin 
tool, the connections are not used (remain in sleep mode for way more 
than the idleConnectionTestPeriod variable), which makes me think this 
configuration is invalid. Is there anyway to ensure tomcat 
tests/refreshes its database connections?

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Mysql timouts...

2007-02-21 Thread Jacob Rhoden
I am having the seemingly common "Broken pipe" to mysql problem with 

All i could find was some info about a "maxideltime" setting and 
"idleconnectiontestperiod" where can I find out info about tuning to 
make sure tomcat doesn't serve out stale database connections? The 
following settings don't seem to be doing the trick:


Thanks guys.

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Re: how to make a scheduled event on tomcat

2007-02-01 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Gaurav Kushwaha wrote:

I would like to have a method that will run every-so-often. Lets say
once in 2 weeks. How do I do that in Tomcat?

You're better off not using Tomcat for this kind of thing. That's what
cron and other system software packages are for.
I am curious, I find that moving the cron activities into the war file, 
simplifies greatly the task of deployment and maintenance, why would you 
not  do  it this way?

But to answer the original question,  you need to  design your 
application to start a thread when the application starts up, this 
thread does something every two weeks, and make sure when the 
application is shut down the thread is also shut down or you will have 
lots of grief.

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden
Application Architect
Systems Development and Integration
University of Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 8344 2884

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Re: Session timeout during method execution

2007-01-31 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Christopher Schultz wrote:

This was already pointed out (by me, in fact). Sometimes, you can trick
the browser into keeping the connection open by sending data back little
by little. For instance, I think you might be able to keep the
connection open by sending HTML comments like "" every so often. I've never tried it, but it might work.

This does work, but there is a limit to how long you can keep the 
connection open. I have a report which outputs a line in the html table 
every 5 seconds, from the users perspective it seems more responsive 
because they start seeing things straight away, but after about 30 
seconds the browser closes the connection. (I don't know the exact times 
but IE keeps the connection open shorter than firefox).

The best strategy for long-running requests is to have the
background-processing occur in a separate thread and have the user's
browser make regular requests to see if processing is complete. This
solves the session timeout problem (just have the browser re-request the
"update" page every 60 seconds or so and the session won't time out) and
the browser timeout problem (since you aren't waiting for 10 minutes for
data to come back).

Yes this is the best way!

Best Regards,

Jacob Rhoden --

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Re: Tomcat Production Date processing

2007-01-29 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Jacob Rhoden wrote:
  Sql problem: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot convert value '2007-01-28 

  from column 5(2007-01-28 01:19:15 ) to DATE.
For future reference, If you receive this error in your servlet, it can 
be resolved by upgrading the mysql connector to the latest version.

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Re: Can't startup Tomcat properly, help!

2007-01-29 Thread Jacob Rhoden
You can only run two versions of tomcat if they are configured to use 
different network ports. Make sore both versions are using a different port.

Best Regards,

ICT Department wrote:

New problem, although the one from the other day still exists about the IE
issues with starting JSPWiki - just can't even attempt to sort this as now
Tomcat won't start correctly!

Basically, we installed SonicWall ViewPoint (Firewall software for creating
reports of Internet usage etc) on Friday, and ever since then when I've
attempted to "Start Service" (Tomcat), it seems to go through the blue bar
loading but it hasn't started properly..and the "Start Service" option is
still available!!

However it looks to me that ViewPoint does use Tomcat to run it's
application on..C:\ViewPoint4\Tomcat\ is a separate installation to the one
I have for JSPWiki! Any ideas how to resolve this issue?

Thanks for reading!


Chris Tamburro
ICT Department
St. Edward's School
Cheltenham, UK

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Tomcat Production Date processing

2007-01-29 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Hi Guys,

I am getting a very strange problem I have no idea where to start and I 
thought you guys might know, its possible its not may not  be a tomcat 

I am running netbeans 5.5(tomcat 5.5.17)/java 1.5/mysql connector 3.1.13
The production server has java 1.6/mysql connecter 3.1.13/tomcat 5.5.17

My most recent version of my app is returnning the following sql error 
in response to a ResultSet.getDate(xx);

  Sql problem: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot convert value '2007-01-28 

  from column 5(2007-01-28 01:19:15 ) to DATE.

I cant find any info about this anywhere!


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Re: User-specified log class 'com.sun.idm.logging.trace.TraceLogger' cannot be found or is not useable.

2007-01-23 Thread Jacob Rhoden
You raise a question I have been wondering about for quite some time, 
why is it that some libraries need to go in different places, I tend to 
just copy them to different places until it works (: How does one learn 
these things?

Christopher Schultz wrote:

If you are putting it into your webapp's WEB-INF/lib directory, that
might not work. I see in the stack trace that this code is executing:


   at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.applicationConfig(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.start(
   at org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.lifecycleEvent(
   at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleSupport.fireLifecycleEvent(
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(

This suggests to me that Tomcat might need your log class in the
server's lib directory in order to use it. Try putting your custom
logger's JAR file into TOMCAT_HOME/server/lib and try again.

Hope that helps,
- -chris

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Jacob Rhoden -

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Re: run service in jdk 6

2007-01-13 Thread Jacob Rhoden
I have been using that configuration for a while with a medium traffic 
site no troubles so far. (:

Kobe wrote:

Hi -

Are you using Tomcat5.x with JDK6 in production?
Are there any problems to be concerned about?



Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: kkus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: How to run tomcat service in JDK6?

Double-posting won't improve your chances of getting an answer, but it
will annoy people.

Has anyone used JDK 6 for 5.5.20? Any idea?

I'm using it right now, with no problems.  However, the JDK is installed
in C:\jdk1.6.0, rather than a directory with spaces embedded in the name
(another brilliant Microsoft innovation).

 - Chuck

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Re: Deploying to / using context.xml

2007-01-05 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Thanks! That makes it all clear (:  So it means if you have 5 hosts you 
need to have 5 applications in netbeans all called ROOT (:

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Jacob Rhoden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: Deploying to / using context.xml

Thanks, let me change my question then (: Given a  entry with a 
directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps3, and the 
/usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/hostname/manager.xml in 
place. How do I 
easily deploy/redeploy war files for the root directory?

If by "root directory" you mean the default app for the , it must
be named ROOT (case sensitive).  If you want it under webapps3, the app
should go in either the webapps3/ROOT subdirectory, or
webapps3/ROOT.war.  If your app is deployed outside of the appBase, then
place a ROOT.xml file in conf/Catalina/hostname containing a 
element with the appropriate docBase attribute, and delete any ROOT
directory under webapps3.

If you really, really want to call your default app something other than
ROOT, the simplest solution is to have a dummy app in ROOT that does
nothing but redirect or forward to the desired default.

 - Chuck

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Re: Deploying to / using context.xml

2007-01-05 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Thanks, let me change my question then (: Given a  entry with a 
directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps3, and the 
/usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/hostname/manager.xml in place. How do I 
easily deploy/redeploy war files for the root directory?

Best Regards,

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Jacob Rhoden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Deploying to / using context.xml

I have tried with path="" and path="/", what am i doing 
wrong? They are both tomcat 5.5.x

Unless your  element is in server.xml (strongly discouraged),
there should not be a path attribute at all.  Tomcat determines the URL
path to the app based on the directory (or war file) name of the app if
it's under appBase, or the name of the .xml file if that's placed in
conf/Catalina/[host].  Look at the doc for the path attribute of

"The value of this field must not be set except when statically defining
a Context in server.xml, as it will be infered [sic] from the filenames
used for either the .xml context file or the docBase."

 - Chuck

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Re: timestamp of tomcat startup?

2007-01-05 Thread Jacob Rhoden
I think either a LifecycleListener or ServletContextListener is what you 
want, you can detect tomcat startup/shutdown and/or application 

"Let's write a simple application lifecycle event listener that writes a 
message to the console of the server when the web application is ready 
to accept requests and when it is going to be removed. Listing 1 shows 
the code for a simple application event listener class."

cifroes wrote:

cifroes wrote:


catalina.out hast the time Tomcat took to startup but I need to know 
the timestamp [date of when tomcat started] of when tomcat is ready 
to receive requests.

Let me clarify a bit:
I need this timestamp to measure downtime of a server, I don't need 
exactly precision to the ms but at most 0.5second error margin.

And the timestamp should be made when tomcat server is ready to 
receive requests or at least 0.5second error margin between when 
Tomcat is accepting requests and that timestamp.

I hope it's clear now :)

Thanks for all the help already,

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Deploying to / using context.xml

2007-01-05 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Hi Guys,

I am a bit stuck with something. When I deploy my web app in netbeans 
5.5 it puts my app under / (instead of /Appname/) after changing the 

When I deploy using the tomcat manager manually to the production site, 
it goes under /Appname/, why would this be?

My context.xml file is:

I have tried with path="" and path="/", what am i doing wrong? They are 
both tomcat 5.5.x


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Re: timestamp of tomcat startup?

2007-01-05 Thread Jacob Rhoden
I am no expert, but I thought there was a thing called a 
LifecycleListener where server.xml can be configured to call some java 
code upon startup of tomcat, this would do what you want yes?

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: cifroes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: timestamp of tomcat startup?

Is there a easy way to get this timestamp without modifying tomcat 
source code?

The message is logged by org/apache/catalina/startup/, but
it does not appear to save the time value anywhere.  I suppose you could
scan the log, looking for that particular message, but that's not
exactly an elegant solution.

 - Chuck

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Re: Problem setting server.xml field.

2007-01-03 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Jacob Rhoden wrote:
My question now however is, the manager to manage deployment of war 
files seems only to work for the first  container with directory 
/usr/local/webapps. How do I make it work for both? Do I have to load 
two copies of the manager somehow? (I dont have much memory on this 

ie works but not

Nevermind, I have answered my own question, i misread the tutorial. The 
link to the document on setting up a virtual host is good, it should be 
in the documentation. Well its good if you read it properly (: 

Thanks for your all feedback! Very pleasantly surprising!

Best Regards,

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Re: Problem setting server.xml field.

2007-01-03 Thread Jacob Rhoden

I would like to use virtual hosts so that: maps to maps to

Thanks for your patience, I have one final question I think, Based on 
previous posts, I have created inside  two  containers for 
both and with paths:


Each domain is now successfully serving its own apps in the equivalent 
directory and each app has its own META-INF/Context.xml

My question now however is, the manager to manage deployment of war 
files seems only to work for the first  container with directory 
/usr/local/webapps. How do I make it work for both? Do I have to load 
two copies of the manager somehow? (I dont have much memory on this machine)

ie works but not


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Re: Problem setting server.xml field.

2007-01-03 Thread Jacob Rhoden
Thanks for your reply! I was not aware that mod_jk2 was not the best one 
to use (I assumed 2=apache2).  Rather than fixing my mess, how about I 
ask a different question! I am using the latest version of tomcat, I 
would like to have a single version of tomcat running on one port, which 
I can deploy multiple applications.

I would like to use virtual hosts so that: maps to maps to

Ignoring the mess i have made, how would i do this?  Any help or 
pointers to documents that might help would be much appreciated!

Best Regards,

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Jacob Rhoden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Problem setting server.xml   field.

I have setup a second  entry, to enable mapping of a particuar 
application to a virtual host in apache (via mod_jk2).

You do know that mod_jk2 has been deprecated for almost two years?
Pretty much all the useful stuff has been implemented in mod_jk in the


The following seems to work ok, except or a possible bug:
 directory="logs"  prefix="virtual_log." 
suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/>
debug="0" reloadable="true"/>


You probably don't want the two  entries to use the same appBase,
unless you really want the apps deployed in both of them at the same
time.  You don't say what level of Tomcat you're using, but with current
versions (5.0 and beyond), the above will get the app deployed twice
under, once as the default, once as FishApp.  The doc for
current levels also recommends quite strongly against putting 
elements inside server.xml.

However if i undeploy/redeploy the application within the 
tomcat manager, it no longer works.

You need to have a separate manager app for each .  In current
levels, this would be accomplished by putting a manager.xml file in
conf/Catalina/ as well as the usual conf/Catalina/localhost.
However, unless the overlap of the deployment directories of the two
s is straightened out, I suspect it will never work reliably.

 - Chuck

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Problem setting server.xml field.

2007-01-03 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Hi Guys,

I am new to all this so it could be a stupid question. In my server.xml 
I have setup a second  entry, to enable mapping of a particuar 
application to a virtual host in apache (via mod_jk2). The following 
seems to work ok, except or a possible bug:

   directory="logs"  prefix="virtual_log." suffix=".txt" 
   debug="0" reloadable="true"/>


The docbase is set to the path to the application i wish to see in my 
virtual host container. This works when i startup tomcat. However if i 
undeploy/redeploy the application within the tomcat manager, it no 
longer works. Its as if the Host entry stops working or disapears when 
you undeploy, never to return again. Has anyone had this problem? How do 
you fix it?

Best Regards,

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