2006-12-26 Thread Bill McCarthy
Hello Markus,

Thanks for updating your plugin.  It's working fine here on
Windows XP, except for one cosmetic problem.

Most of my text files have "DOS" EOLs (CR/LF).  When the
file is decrypted, all lines end with "^M".  If I save the
file, all lines end with CR/CR/LF - the only difference from
simply decrypting with GNUPG.  This can easily be fixed by
the user with ":%s/^M" where all references "^M" are the
graphic representation of a CR.

Another minor cosmetic, perhaps beyond your control, is that
the shell window - that asks for the passphrase - comes up
behind Gvim.

Best regards,

lost menu

2006-12-26 Thread scott
has anyone else lost the ability to get a menu by entering

:set guioptions+=m

nothing happens

i see

  4: /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/menu.vim

in :scriptnames...

no glaring errors on build (7.0.178)

i build with
export CONF_OPT_GUI='--enable-gnome-check'
in SUSE linux 10.0