(313) The first 'international' Techno festival, 1983

2011-10-27 Thread Greg Earle
Courtesy of Mike Taylor, who re-shared this on Facebook ... http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/300866_10150452851664225_599969224_10791961_1406468609_n.jpg "IT'S IN THE BAG... It's Cleary Auditorium 201 Riverside Dr. Windsor, Ontario Memorial Day

(313) Support TP

2011-10-27 Thread Patrick Wacher
Just saw this on the FaceBooks... UR is summoning THE HIVE: FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS as per UR-043 CHAOS is NECESSARY Support T. P. "ATTENTION: Many of you know my classic recording "Love's Got Me High" (soon to be re-released with fantastic remixes by Marc Romboy & Jimpster). I have recently discover