So...I ventured out to AUX 88 in Philly. Break it

Venue: Shady neighborhood. It reminded me of Detroit,
just from the way it looked; loft building, narrow
streets, empty. I even heard some gun shots down the
street (a bunch of cop cars followed shortly after). I
think I've seen better bathrooms...well...anywhere.

Music: The event was thrown by the local techno heads.
Same people brought in Shawn Rudiman, Scan 7 (james
pennington for Oct.) I was shocked when they let
this guy who played nothing but progressive and big
breaks open for AUX 88. Blech.

It was so nice to hear some Electro- esp. in Philly. I
wasn't expecting a huge reaction from the crowd-
Philly is mostly a house/techno/jungle town. For the
most part people didn't get it. My friend even said 'I
like the beats but the melody wasn't there' to which I
replied- it's AUX 88...there is no 'melody'. AUX 88
killed it though- I was so happy when I heard that
'A-U-X is in the place...' ah like chicken soup!

They played new tracks as well and it was interesting
to see their set up-really basic software it seemed.
Full on desktop monitor- no laptops here. It shows
it's not what you have but really who you are that
makes the production difference. At one point this kid
said 'I could of made this at home in my bedroom' and
I wanted to retort SOOO bad 'but you didn't, and you
don't and you'd be twelve years too late'

I left after AUX, by then it was 4am. All the disco
naps in the world can't keep me up that late/early.

picture day tomorrow!

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