Just putting a quick word on the record about our 04 see-in :

Many thanks to all who attended - and thanks for coming to virtually
everything we did last year too, most of you!

Have to single out Hazell and Max for extra dankes for pulling out all the
stops as usual and contributing to the severe messiness of the night (I'm
still hearing scandalous stories about what some of you got up to! ;-)

Emile put together his rocking, electro-hip-hop-techno live set in a just
one day and more than one industry-related bod mentioned that it was the
kind thing that they'd heard was being signed up left right and centre. Now
that's talent. I'll be hearing AC/DC and The Stone Roses for many weeks to
come in my head after Toby's seminal wrap-up and clever midnight trick!

Watch this (and other spaces, including the website) for what bleep43.com is
up to this year and thanks to everyone for all your support in 03.


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