Okay, everyone got a chance to express annoyance with Dave Clarke and his electro no-show on his electro boogie tour. I happened to have not learned from my first mistake w/K7 sponsoring DJ's to promote their wares, and went and saw Andrea Parker too. Her track selection was okay if you love late 80's early 90's hip-hop (which I do), but i have heard DJ's after a couple days of owning decks absolutely BURY Ms, Parker in terms of skill. It's weird when people get high profile DJ cd's when they obviously have never learned to mix. I wish I had an ego that allowed me to walk in front of a crowd of strangers who paid to see me and then not beatmatch or scratch a single tune all night. K7's mix tapes (especially the electro series which has been impeccable) are at the top of the heap, but their tours thus far have been extremely disappointing.
   Last night's listening:

    Andrea Parker Dj Kicks
        incl. Depeche Mode, Dr Octagon, Piece & 69, C.O.D. (In the bottle)
drexiya, Juan Atkins, dopplereffekt, and more.  Pretty sweet stuff.



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