>> Same label released Denver McCarthy's Rise & Shine album a
>> year or two back: 100% quality techno. A must-check if you missed it.

> Actually Denver McCarthy is a nice combo between deep house, ambient, and
> melodic techno

Anyone who likes Denver's stuff might like to check out his and the other
releases on New Zealand label Nurture (www.nurturerecordings.co.nz). The
first Peak:Shift and son.sine EPs are my picks. There's also a new Nurture
CD compiling tracks from the half dozen 12" releases to date, which you can
probably pick up for dirt cheap from www.smokecds.com (especially
considering how screwed the NZ dollar is currently). You might also still be
able to order from them Denver's previous album Inside A Quiet Mind, which
was released under the name Micronism, and was even better Rise & Shine.
It's unfortunately a CD-only release though.

And speaking of Denver, a friend of mine was telling me just yesterday that
they bought his MPC off him late last year, and he was flogging off all of
his other gear too, so there may not be any more records from him for a
while. Last seen heading for South America to convert the heathens to


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