Sir Ethilrist wrote:

> BTW, also on the i.t.p. sampler is one track called "stronghold" by "B.C.",
> sounds like B(asic) C(hannel) and is also on the Dave Angel Dj-kicks, but
> there's no word about this track on the Basic Channel webpages I know.
> Does somebody know who did this?

Don't know who did this, but I have a hard time believeing that the
Basic Channel crew, are behind this one. Although, 'stronghold' does
have some B.C. type sounds in it, the flip side (Weird Vibrations) is
more on the Tech-Acid-Trance tip - which definitely sounds nothing like
B.C.! The single was released in '94 on i.t.p. records - out of Belgium,
and has absolutely no info on it.


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