And to get this thread back on topic, it seems like Radioboy, who performed at the planet e party, is very consciously making his performance a commentary on the negative aspects of the corporate aspects of globalisation. The website that goes with his CD has some very good info on that note.

My question is, are there any other musisicians that formulate their music as a response to what is going on now? Offhand I think cover of the UR Ambush record has some relevance:

"You've been waiting for your adventure vacation all year and now your finally headed up river and your gonna have fun regardless of the poverty, corruption, political unrest, fragile ECO systems and reports of rebel forces in the area. After all it's your god given right to have fun all over the world wherever you please right? ... Finally they appear their war painted faces staring. Didn't the missionaries teach them this is wrong? You feel the power of their God thru their eyes, it is the jungle itself. one of the hostiles wears an old shirt that reads "UR unexploitable". Your imminent destiny calls and as with all pollutants UR consumed by nature as she punishes her children who cannot dance to her drums."

Any other ideas? /dave

Paul Virilio:
"Resistance is always possible! But we must engage in resistance first of all by developing the idea of a technological culture. However, at the present time, this idea is grossly underdeveloped. For example, we have developed an artistic and a literary culture. Nevertheless, the ideals of technological culture remain underdeveloped and therefore outside of popular culture and the practical ideals of democracy. This is also why society as a whole has no control over technological developments. And this is one of the gravest threats to democracy in the near future. "

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