the main problem here is that while there is a linear relationship between
pitch (tone) and speed (tempo) for a single frequency (e.g. the fundamental
tone), it isn't quite so well-mannered when you pitch shift an entire voice
because of the harmonics (esp. with crazy detroit strings, etc).

if you do a linear pitch shift (e.g. using the fader on your 1200s), you
shift the entire spectral structure which transposes the formants and
changes the size of the resonant body of the sound which can make stuff
sound really funny (esp. in tracks whose sense of funk comes from the tibre
of the voices).

to avoid this, you can use a re-pitcher with harmonic correction such as the
"time & pitch machine" in logic, which analyzes the formants to maintain the
original timbre of the voice.

you could do this to digitized files for use in final skratch or cd decks
and rock it at +16 like dave angel without losing the nuances of your sound.


> On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Bulger, Tim wrote:
>> This would work, but why couldn't you dynamically correct the key based
>> on the amount of pitch?  There should be a mathematical function for
>> determining the amount of skew and correcting it.  That way, you could
>> record everything and the original speed and speed it up/slow it down
>> without affecting the pitch in real time.
> it's a linear relation, pitch to speed.  most not-lame programs i've ever
> used for audio editing allow you to adjust pitch, speed, or pitch+speed,
> each seperate.  i was using the term pitch as a synonym for speed/tempo,
> as is the convention with techno and/or dj types, but with something like
> FS you could do anything you want to any digital file beforehand in an
> audio editor... timestretch, timecompress, pitchshift, offline effects,
> rearrange, whatever.  maybe if they add realtime digital effects to
> finalscratch sometime in the future things like realtime pitch-matching
> (either manual arbitrary control or automatic compensation) in addition to
> beat-matching will be more prevalent.
> -j
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Jeffrey Paul      -datavibe-      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> aim: x736e65616b   phone: 130*21*16749 or 877-748-3467
> --------------------------------------------------------
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