Today I was reading about 350 million year old fish and I remembered a
video that still fascinates me. The subject of the video is the
formation of the human face in the womb, but what really made me wonder
was the transformation of the face from fish to rodent to human. It's as
if evolution, like the shell of a snail, spirals outwards from the egg.

It was the thought that we are all Drexciyan, of and from the sea. It's
interesting along with other science subjects that inspire some of the
music so maybe you might find this interesting.

One of the faces looks like the kind of fish you find in the deep ocean.

There was some news I read today about Placodermi (prehistoric fish with
skulls and arms) and that species including our own might have evolved
from them. It seems that that those were considered evolutionary dead
ends, but perhaps not. Maybe we can see what our ancestors looked like.

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