Wow. I've had something of a bumper week with the promos alright. Here's a
list of some very cool-looking items I've received recently which may be of
interest to 313ers (all are albums/CDs/compilations with release dates given
as stated):

Robert Hood: Nighttime World Vol 2 (M Plant) out Oct
Jolly Music: Jolly Bar (Nature) Oct
Blake Baxter: Dream Sequence (Tresor) Oct
Carl Craig: Designer Music (Planet E) 11 September
Percy X: Gain (Soma) 25 September
Le Car: Auto-Biography (Ersatz Audio) 18 September
Aphelion: Zugzwang (deFocus) late Aug
Alton Miller: Rhythm Exposed (Distance) 11 September
Collectivism (Raya) Sept - interesting comp. feat. trax by CiM and Tom
Abstract Fusion II (Track Mode/Music Is.) Sept

 I got a bunch of nice twelves, too, but don't have a list to hand right
now. But my good friend at a leading UK promotions company sent me a list of
some releases they will be mailing in the next couple of weeks. Sorry, no
release dates for these as yet:

The Soul of Science - comp by Kirk De Giorgio / Ian O'Brien feat. unreleased
Herbie Hancock track.
Subhead - Neon Rocka LP (Tresor)
Tobias Schmidt LP (Tresor)
Herbert mix cd - Globus series (Tresor)
Patrick Forge Excursions compilation (Obsessive)
Jeff Mills LP (Tresor)

Quite a selection I think you'll agree! At some point I'll try and get a
list together of all the 313-related material and decent techno/house I've
had recently with some reactions and comments, then post it to the list. In
the meantime, y'all start saving!


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