The Annals of Tristan Watkins' Night Time Misadventures encompass many
an intriguing tale, and fill many volumes. One can barely believe one
man could get into so many scrapes in one night! But I think it's only
fair to spare his blushes on 313, Anya (so he can give the edited
version in his blog!) 



-----Original Message-----
From: Anya K Stang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 24 March 2005 10:29
To: Tristan Watkins
Cc: Stewart Caig; 313
Subject: Re: (313) Carl Craig '

you've come a long way from refusing to get on the bus,
then sitting on the bench at the bus stop in Camberwell
in the early hours of the morning - with a camera round
your neck like a sign saying "mug me"
; )

On Monday, Mar 14, 2005, at 11:00 Europe/London, Tristan Watkins wrote:

> Erm... well I remember some of it somehow. :/ Most discrediting post  
> ever!
> And all of the below was nothing compared to the  
> waking-up-at-Farringdon-running-across-the-platform-and-falling-in- 
> the-gap-near-death-experience later that (next) day. Carl Craig, we  
> salute you!

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