>Matrix numbers from UR recirds are not chronological. >UR50 was released
>year but, shorly followed by i thnik UR021. Just listen to >the music
>look at the numbers...This is the UR way to keep the fun >in the music.

well put ;-)
but that's not the kinda answer I was looking for, since even UR does
release their records chronologically.
for instanc, #21 "piranha" was deleted since the plate broke, only to be
plater replaced by "crime report". the same happened to #18 "fury", which
later was replaced by "M.I.A:", for what reason I do not know (maybe
because it was so bad =D).
so ask myself, if that happened to more releases during the years (#16,
anyone?), and I would hate to know, that there was some UR ep, I did not
even listened to...., that's why I was asking

>>>The scene was all changed like the change in his face...<<<

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