thought some of you might be interested, plus we have a detroiter playing

-it's about 3.5 hours away from detroit, if you need area info, let me know, I will see you are treated well in my city...

four rooms, one out door area, 187 cabinets of turbo sound flown in the air and supplyed by the same company thar ritchie hawtin requests...

The Jungle Brothers [LIVE] -
Mephisto Odyssey [LIVE w/firedancers]- Warner Brothers - San Francisco
Steve Stoll [LIVE] - Music Man, Sm:)e - NYC
Twenty Twelve [LIVE w/saxophonist] - LA
Scott Lawrence - Ft. Lauderdale
darwin - Sphere - Cleveland
Barry Weaver - Funky Techno Tribe - LA
Jordan - Dimentianal Transfer, Sphere - Fresno
DeepBlue - Breakology, Sphere - Cleveland
Usual Suspects - Renegade Hardware - UK
DJ Loxy - Renegade Hardware - UK
Mystical Influence - Vinyl Syndicate - Toronto
Sniper - Vinyl Syndicate - Toronto
Kevin Cunningham - Sphere - Chicago
Alaska - Sphere - Pittsburgh
Release - Sphere - Cleveland
MC Caddy Cad - VS - Toronto
MC Jamalski - BDP - San Francisco
Venom - Volume - Rhode Island
Sean Michaels - Rush - Rochester
Diggabeatz - - Utah
SIGNAL : Ian Mariano & darwin with drum machines - Sphere - Cleveland
Zona - Collective Intell. - Columbus
Tigger - Sphere - Cleveland
Fuzz - Sphere - Cleveland
Eagle Scout - Sphere - Detroit
Art Penndragon - FTM - Morgantown
Zone - Sapphire Skies - Pittsburgh
Elysium - Element Squad - Cleveland
Mattie - Sphere - Cleveland
G-13 - Purple Headed Warrior - Kent
Zeb - Superdank - Cleveland

free out door pre-party feat...

stephen "sleepC" cinch
ian mariano

all playing 95 and earlier records (can we say kevin saunderson's "we got it!")

also 2 official afterhours, one at metropolis and a more upscale classy afterhours at NV nightclub...

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