thanks for all comments!

i appreciate the positive ones above the others,
but all communication appreciated.

i always already wanted to set up a list for forcefield updates as well, long time ago, but never had the technical possibilties. . as also not wanting use a egroups/yahoo kind of thing - but with 'dan the man', we'll be setting up a list soon to post nortroute, twoplayer, madvision, forcefield, and mayeb ore updates, playlists etc. .

so it's not because of the one mail, but he reminded me of things i actually already had thought about lots of times.

so more soon. about subscribtion ways etc
and i'll hope a lot of people will join. .


At 24-2-01 -0800 15:55, you wrote:
Only because it seems like I see a posting about every other day
or so, telling us he's on the air now and then another posting his
playlists.  it gets quite repetitive to me.  On a list like this, silence
is tacit approval, and I just needed to express my opinions on it.
Nothing against Marsel directly, just communicating.

.. . ::

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