... no matter what you think. to me juan is the shit. especially his old 
stuff. no matter how other people judge it. i don`t care how many percentage 
out of a crowd
judges carola over m500 at all. these two individuals just aren`t 
compareable.it`s almost redicilous to name them in one sentence. Those 
remarks about "low budget" studios is almost a slap in these person`s face. 
it´s like saying you need to have
money (= good expensive gear) in order to create good music. I bet i don´t 
to point out, how i judge this, as other people stated this clear before. 
Good, deep music is about soul, style and about learning to be original, 
which has nuthing to do
with the equipment used at all. the most expensive gear won`t sound soulfull, 
the person playing the gear lack`s it. very often things just turn in the 
quite opposit direction. most lo-fi productions sound much more well designed 
& round, because people behind the gear get deep with the gear, knowing 
exactly how to use simple equipment to make it sound full & maximum to the 
point. take terrence dixon for example, his lo-fi recordings are just so well 
done, one wouldn`t believe that his recent full lenght album on tresor was 
completly done on a groovebox. i could go on with this forever, but what´s 
the point.... some people understand, some people don`t, it`s a damn shame 
when they try to steal your soul ...... 

And phred, i don`t need you to tell me how to "behave" or which words i have 
to use.
so, please .... okay?

background records 

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