No country for disabled people.....Rema Nagarajan Of the 70 million
Indians with disabilities,95 per cent have no access to education or
problem lies with the welfare-based approach of the government Of the
conservatively estimated 70 million people with disabilities (PWD) in
95 per cent have no access to education or employment
opportunities,says a survey done by the Commonwealth Foundation along
with other NGOs.Thats the equivalent
of denying education or employment to the entire population of the UK
or France.A World Bank report released last year stated that over 52
per cent of
the disabled over 36 million are illiterate.Thats like keeping the
entire population of Canada illiterate.So who pays for the
dependent,uneducated and
unemployed PWD At an unrealistic estimate of just Rs 1,000 spent per
disabled person per month on half the PWD population,it works out to a
whopping Rs
3,500 crore every month.And this is paid by society,by the families of
PWD,and not by the government,whose entire annual budget for the
disabled would
not exceed Rs 1,000 crore,if that.The annual budget of the nodal
ministry for the disabled in this case the Ministry for Social Justice
and Empowerment
(MSJE) is just about Rs 400 crore.Despite a 1995 legislation that
secures the rights of the disabled,India is accused of having a
welfare-based approach
rather than a rightsbased approach to the whole problem.The latter
would have ensured that the disabled had the right to education and
access as citizens
of the nation,and that these rights were not offered as charity.Every
discussion on disability talks of empowering PWD to make them
members of the society.But empowerment seems a distant dream without
employment,which cannot happen without education.And both employment
and education
cannot happen without accessibility,a casualty in a country where most
public spaces including schools,colleges and universities are
inaccessible to children
with disability (CWD).Despite the 15-year-old legislation and several
policy initiatives,by the HRD ministrys own admission less than 1.8
per cent of CWD
are in schools.Well over a third of all children who are not in
schools are disabled.A limited survey of 89 schools by the National
Centre for Promotion
of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP) showed that a mere 0.5 per
cent of the total number of students were those with some disability.A
similar survey
in 96 colleges also came up with the same percentage.Of the 322
universities surveyed,118 responded: the number of PWD in the total
student population
was just 0.1 per cent.One of the most common reasons for CWD remaining
unschooled is the lack of access.A majority of schools in the
the 3,000-odd special schools,have no accessibility features such as
ramps or disabled-friendly toilets.Even a top institution like Delhi
University is
not accessible to students with disabilities.DU got down to doing
access audits on all its colleges only after a public interest
litigation was filed in
a court.The access audit showed that not a single institution was
fully accessible.A recent report on accessibility prepared by
Samarthyam,the research
wing of the National Centre for Accessible Environments,found that
Shastri Bhavan,which houses several Union ministries,is inaccessible
to the disabled.It
also happens to house the MSJE,the nodal ministry for PWDs.Not only
educational institutions but most public spaces too are inaccessible
to the disabled:
shopping malls,parks,roads and pavements.While developed countries are
still working on improving accessibility in all spheres of life,some
basic features
such as making all places wheelchair accessible,tactile paving for the
visually impaired,designated parking spaces at shopping centers and
low- floor buses
have become common enough.However,these are hardly visible anywhere in
India.Where they are available,the facilities are flawed: the ramps
are built too
steep for anyone to use and the low-floor buses do not have the
standard kerb height.There are building byelaws in about 16 states
that make accessibility
a criteria for obtaining approval.But it is not clear what design
standards or design detailing constitute accessibility.Accessibility
is not even part
of the curriculum in any of the architecture schools in the
country.Then how can you expect buildings designed by these architects
to be accessible asks
Shivani Gupta,director,AccessAbility.The urban development ministry
recently constituted a committee to draw up universal design standards
that would be
applicable to the whole country.Its anyones guess when the assignment
will be completed.The law on employment for PWD it provides for 3 per
cent reservation
in identified posts in the government remains ineffective.Many states
have not even completed the process of identifying these posts in
their services.The
NCPEDPs survey on the employment of PWD among the top 100 companies in
India showed up some abysmal figures: 0.54 per cent in public sector
per cent in the private sector and a shocking 0.05 per cent in the
multinationals.In the 2007 budget,the then finance minister P
Chidambaram claimed that
one lakh PWD would find employment within a year through an incentive
scheme.However,in October 2008,he admitted the scheme had bombed as
not a single
employer had applied for the scheme.In place of the promised one
lakh,a mere 465 became the beneficiaries of the incentive scheme in
the financial year
2009-10.The scheme failed because the incentive was not attractive
enough.The government knows how to design an effective incentive
scheme when it wants
to.Several successful incentive schemes exist such as tax free
zones,tax holidays and land at concessional rates, says Javed Abidi of
who disregard PWD employment laws here would not dare do so where such
laws exist and are enforced strongly.Here is how serious the
government is about
implementing the PWD law: the post of the Chief Commissioner of
Persons with Disability (CCPD) who is supposed to address the
grievances of PWD across
the country,including complaints against the MSJE and other
ministries,has been vacant for over a year.It is now just an
additional charge held by an additional
secretary in the MSJE.Hardly a surprise then that the PWD in India
remain cheated of their fundamental rights.* Most schools in the
country,including the
3,000-odd special schools,have no accessibility features such as ramps
or disabled-friendly toilets URL:

With Regards
Pradeep T.S
Mobile: 9845925188
Skype: pradeepsocialwork

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