The Hindu News Update Service
Russia sets up council for nano-technology

Moscow, June 15 (PTI): The government of Russia has set up a state council for 
nano-technology to boost the development of knowledge-based industry.

The nano-technology state council would to be chaired by Russian First Deputy 
Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, the government press office said.

Under the orders signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov the newly-created 
state council will ensure interaction between government, business and 
in the implementation of the state policy in the spheres of nano-technology and 

According to the newly-appointed chairman of the nano-technology council, 
Ivanov, at the initial stage the government would spend over USD one billion for
the upgradation of facilities involved in nano-technology research and its 

Earlier, president Vladimir Putin had asked the government to provide priority 
funding for nanotechnology research in advanced medicine, space exploration,
telecommunications and weapons production.

In a parallel move, the state Duma (lower house), yesterday approved a bill on 
the formation of the Russian nano-technology corporation, which will pool
the efforts of public and private sector in the industry.

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