yes. You should be able to convert any recursive function/method to a
non-recursive one by just simulating what the language does to do the
This usually involves using stack (recursion stack) to store function
local variables before doing another call.
Haven't looked at this closely but the procedures looks similar.

Note also, after conversion, you should revise the code to see if you
can get rid of some variables/stacks. For example for a Fibonacci
recursive function, you should end up the non-recursive one by having
only for loop without the need of any stack.


On Jun 6, 8:40 pm, "zee 99" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> learnt that a tail recursive algorithm can be converted to a non recursive
> one by merely using a while and a goto
> is it true for all class of recursive algorithms or just the tail recursive
> ones ...
> if all recursive ones can be converted , then do we have a general procedure
> ???
> thanks
> zee
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