I know this problem doesn't sound new, but it is new to me and I
thought I could get some of your insight into solving this.

There are some ~1000 points on a plane. We need to find the minimum
radius circle that can hold all these points.

a) What I thought is that, first of all we need to discard points that
do not have a say - "the inner points" - using any algorithm (i know a
vector implementation of the rubber stretching algorithm) to establish
points that affect the radius.

Now we need some algorithm to decide the minimum radius.

I have an idea, but I am not really sure:

as step b,
we can find the average of the points coordinates, and then the radius
would be the distance to the farthest point.
But I cant really convince myself that this will always work.

What do you say?
Am I on the right path? wrong path?

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